We wash windows without streaks using improvised means. How to properly clean windows: quickly, easily and without streaks. Using rubbing alcohol

Knowing these reasons will help you avoid severe contamination and quickly solve the problem of dirty windows.

The main factors influencing glass contamination:

  • weather: rain, hail, snow play an important role, as they greatly affect the outside. Basically, they leave noticeable stains that are quite difficult to remove;
  • dust that accumulates not only from the street, but also from the apartment. It must be wiped regularly and ensure that it does not get into the gaps between the frames and does not accumulate in the corners of the window sill;
  • in the kitchen, due to strong temperature differences, condensation accumulates, which, when dried, forms a blurring effect;
  • repair: we must not forget about the cleanliness of the glass after repair. Try to cover them with film so that paint, glue and other mixtures do not get on them, because if you try to peel off dried paint, for example, you can cause deep scratches;
  • smoking: this is especially true for the balcony or kitchen, where glass surfaces suffer the most from nicotine. With frequent smoking, a nicotine film forms on them.

Rain, hail, snow leave noticeable stains on the window
Dust must be wiped off regularly
Due to strong temperature differences, condensation accumulates

We must not forget about the cleanliness of glass after repair
When smoking, a nicotine film forms on the glass.

The very first step to take is to free the window sill. At the same time, you can clean the bottom of flower pots. Before you properly wash everything without streaks, you shouldn’t forget about the curtains. They are also a source of dust; you will probably notice this during washing. Basically, even on a white curtain, dusty marks are not visible, but it is recommended to wash it every time you wash it. This also applies to blinds. While cleaning, you can spray them with an antistatic agent to prevent dust from accumulating again. You need to pay special attention to mosquito nets: they get dirty very quickly, regardless of the time of year, so cleaning must be carried out as needed. The best way is to simply remove and wash by hand or in the washing machine. The mesh can only be reinstalled when it is completely dry.

You need to pay special attention to mosquito nets: they get dirty very quickly

If you have wooden frames, then due to high humidity, mold may even appear in hard-to-reach places. It must be removed with a bleach solution or a special mold remover. Wipe off dust from both the outside and inside of the window sill with a damp cloth. Cobwebs, insects, dust, and various dirt also accumulate between the frames.

If you have plastic double-glazed windows, then they are easier to wash than wooden ones. But over time, the plastic turns yellow and spots appear. Therefore, the frames and window sill can be cleaned with a mild soda solution in order to return the white color. Before cleaning, it is also advisable to lubricate creaking frames.

So, when starting the washing process, we need to prepare tools that will help us in this matter. For cleaning, wear loose, comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement.

Prepare a bowl of water, glass cleaner (if you prefer to use household chemicals) and a few soft rags to wash the surface and then remove excess water.

Prepare a bowl of water, glass cleaner and a few soft rags

In any cleaning, it is important to follow safety standards and work only with gloves so that chemicals do not come into contact with the skin and cause irritation or allergies. Also carefully read the instructions for cleaning products and follow all the rules specified in them. There is always information on how to wash plastic windows without streaks and achieve better results.

Washing process

Once everything is prepared, it's time to start cleaning. So, let's look at several effective methods on how to wash cleanly and without streaks.

  1. At the first stage, the main task is to rinse the frames well. It is not recommended to use abrasives such as baking soda; it can scratch the plastic and reduce the contrast of paint on wooden surfaces. This can be done with a soap solution (dishwashing gel, washing powder) diluted in water. A sponge and thick, soapy suds will do this best. If you have wooden frames, you can wash them with cooled tea leaves. Each corner must be wiped with special care - there is a lot of dust and dirt there.
  2. After the frames are clean, we proceed directly to washing the windows. Using a sponge with the same soap solution, we rub it over the entire glass with horizontal movements. At the second stage, this is most conveniently done using a tie. From the street side, work very carefully - if the height is large, then it is better to entrust it to a professional and not take risks, or carefully walk through the places you can reach. If you live on the 1st floor, then you can easily go outside and wash the surface with a screed.
  3. Since you can wash plastic windows quickly and without streaks using a screed, you need to know how to work with it. The foam is removed horizontally, after each stroke you need to wipe the mop to avoid soap stains. Apply moderate pressure to ensure the mop moves smoothly and captures all excess water and suds.
  4. The best effect of a sparkling, transparent look can be achieved using a store-bought mirror cleaner. It is widely used for both mirrors and windows. Its main task is not to leave stains. You need to wash it off with a special microfiber cloth, or you can use a paper towel. If such a product is not found, then ammonia, which can be mixed with water and applied with a spray bottle, will add shine.
  5. If the glass is very dirty, it will take time and effort to correct the situation. Since it is difficult to properly wash windows so that there are no streaks in a neglected state, you will need more soap solution and you will need to go over the glass with a sponge more carefully. You may even need a special scraper for glass surfaces to help get rid of dried dirt. Dust in small crevices can be removed with a toothpick or needle.
  6. If you have a car, then you may also find a product for washing car mirrors - they are especially aggressive, but they wash well and work great on very dirty surfaces.
  7. There is also a wide range of special wet wipes on the market. They handle light stains well and are best suited for weekly cleaning to keep things clean.

At the first stage, the main task is to rinse the frames well
Using a sponge with a soapy solution, rub it over the entire glass with horizontal movements.
You can wash plastic windows quickly and without streaks using a screed
You need to wash off the product with a special microfiber cloth.

In a neglected state, you will need to pass the sponge over the glass more carefully.
Car mirror cleaner works great on very dirty surfaces
Wet wipes are more suitable for weekly cleaning


Vinegar is a universal ingredient that is actively used not only for food purposes, but also for household purposes. A couple of tablespoons of 9% table vinegar must be diluted in one liter of water. Perfect for cleaning windows not only during general cleaning, but weekly. It will maintain transparency and even repel insects.


Solution with starch: add a tablespoon to 1 liter of water. There is also a recipe for a solution of starch with ammonia. You need to mix 100 ml. alcohol and vinegar, dissolve in 4 liters of water and add 30 mg. starch.

Do you know what is the best way to clean windows? Potatoes! At first glance, it doesn’t inspire confidence, but in fact, half a raw potato can be used to thoroughly clean even very dirty glass and wipe off the residue with dry microfiber.

It is enough to dilute a few small spoons in water until it turns light pink. You need to use a solution with potassium permanganate with care - do not allow it to get on the glass in an insoluble form.

Good advice: how to wash plastic windows to avoid stains for those who have smoking household members? It is good to use ammonia to wash frames. The nicotine film can be removed with a solution prepared in the following proportions. A glass of ammonia is added to 10 liters of water. To avoid a strong unpleasant odor from it, you need to choose specimens with the addition of flavorings. After using this method, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment well.

If there is chalk on the farm, then it can also be successfully used; our grandmothers also used it. The only thing is that it must be in powder form. You need to prepare the mixture in the proportion of three tablespoons of powder to one glass of water. You should get a thick consistency, which should be applied to the glass and left for a while. Once it dries, wipe off any residue with a dry, soft microfiber or cloth. If necessary, you can use a store-bought product to give a shiny effect. You can also use powdered chalk and vodka. These ingredients need to be dissolved to the consistency of sour cream. This method will help to wash everything without streaks; folk remedies in this case work no worse than special gels and sprays. Vodka also perfectly degreases surfaces.

Onions will effectively help get rid of traces of flies. Use half an onion to treat the stains until they disappear and rinse with water. Then wipe dry with a napkin.

You need to dilute a couple of tablespoons per 250 ml. water and apply the solution with microfiber.

Also, the glycerin method will do a very good job of cleaning windows quickly and without streaks. You will need to take 100 grams of glycerin per 50 grams of water and a little ammonia. After processing, an invisible protective film will remain on the glass, which will reject dust and dirt and protect from damage. This is an excellent option for those who have just recently made renovations and want to preserve new materials for a long time. This film helps make cleaning easier and minimizes scratches and other environmental effects.

In addition, there is another good recipe that prevents the appearance of excessive dust. Add one tablespoon of corn flour per liter of water and wash the surfaces with this mixture.

Knowing how to properly wash plastic windows, you need to remember to extend their service life. Severe frost has a detrimental effect on the safety of the material, and therefore it is better to take care of its protection in advance. Take 10 grams of glycerin and mix it with 200 grams of medical alcohol. This product should be applied to already washed, clean glass. If you don’t have these products at home, you can replace them with 2 tablespoons of rock salt mixed with 250 grams of water. After processing, you need to wipe everything dry. This method is used mainly in the cold season.

We use nylon tights

The answer to the question of what is the best way to wash plastic windows without streaks will be found by women who wear nylon tights. No matter how strange it may sound, if you still have old tights, you can use them for shine if you don’t have microfiber. Now you don’t need to throw them away; it’s better to save them for cleaning. Kerosene is also suitable for the same purpose. 1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water will be enough.

If you want to give a bluish tint to window glass, you can add a little ultramarine blue to the water and wipe the glass with a rag soaked in such water.

Now you can easily decide how to wash your windows at home without streaks and without spending money on expensive products. But if you still prefer ready-made products, then in a household store you will find products of any price category. As for glass cleaning products, the price does not play a big role; they all wash without stains. Don't forget to follow the instructions.

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly clean windows without streaks

Once you have prepared a window glass cleaner or one of the above solutions, you need to apply them correctly to achieve the desired result. To rinse everything well, you must first soften the dirt and dust. It is best to work with a spray bottle, as it is very convenient to wash plastic windows without streaks.

So, let's look at the step-by-step actions:

  • put on rubber gloves;
  • generously spray the detergent onto the window glass;
  • if it is a soap solution, immediately foam the sponge and wipe away stains, various grease drops and other contaminants;
  • take the screed, wash off the foam using top-to-bottom movements;
  • we rinse everything with clean water, go through it again with a screed;
  • We begin to work with paper towels or microfiber: wipe dry, while carefully ensuring that the rag does not leave lint.

Spray the product and wipe the stains with a sponge
Wash off the foam with a screed
Wipe the window dry with microfiber

This is a simple, standard scheme for quickly cleaning windows without streaks, but it is not suitable for general cleaning, which was described above.

Precautionary rules

The main thing you must remember is:

  • when dealing with a decent height, choose a stable stand - it’s better not to take risks and choose a bed, armchair, strong table or chair;
  • when working on the outside of the frames, ask someone to back you up;
  • Don't stand on the windowsill.

Choose a stable stand and have someone support you
Don't stand on the windowsill

As for the best way to wash windows without streaks, under no circumstances choose rough brushes. Glass is a very fragile material and the slightest careless movement can cause a decent scratch. Also forget about knives and dish scrapers that are not designed for this job. It is also not recommended to use aggressive solvents, especially on plastic ones, because they eat away the special protective layer and over time the windows turn noticeably yellow.

In the age of new technologies, manufacturers are making more and more products that require minimal human intervention. Self-cleaning double-glazed windows have appeared on the market - the question of how to wash windows without streaks will disappear by itself. This option is especially good for those who live near the road and whose external windows quickly become clogged. They are covered with a film that dissolves dust, dirt, and under the influence of water the surface remains dry without stains or traces of drops.

Cleaning should be a pleasure, only then will the house truly shine with cleanliness! It is better to clean regularly, but quickly, and not spend all day working with rags. You can prepare something to wash glass without streaks yourself and without spending money. It is best to choose folk remedies, because they do not cause any harm to the budget or family health and do an excellent job of their tasks.

Clean window glass in an apartment is the pride of a zealous housewife. Knowing how to properly clean windows and what to use for this, you can turn this element of spring cleaning into an easy task. Cleaning windows after renovation will also become much easier if you know what to use for this. This information will also be useful to make it easier and better to clean mirrors, cabinet doors and interior doors with glass inserts.

We stock up on everything we need

To quickly and thoroughly wash the windows in your apartment, in your rooms and on your balcony, you only need to prepare a few things:

  • container with water;
  • several sponges;
  • microfiber cloths or a scraper with a rubberized nozzle;
  • cleaning solution.

There are special products for glass that do not leave streaks: Cif, Mister Muscle, Clin and others. Non-aggressive household chemicals without acids and strong alkalis are suitable for the profile. The plastic window sill and profile must be washed with products that say “for plastic” on the label - “Pemolux”, “Sanelit”, Cif.

A convenient windshield wiper is the main factor for easy window cleaning. A model with a long handle will allow you to wash windows of any height without a stepladder. This is especially true in an apartment with high ceilings and on the balcony, where the windows can go up to the ceiling. If you purchase a double-sided model - with a foam sponge and a rubber scraper (a plastic scraper with a rubberized pad) - this will further simplify the washing process.

Cleaning the windows

The method of washing windows depends on the degree of contamination. For minor stains, this can be done quickly: just spray a streak-free detergent and then wipe the glass with a microfiber cloth. The frame and window sill – plastic or wooden – just need to be wiped with a clean damp cloth. In other cases, you will have to spend a little more time.

How to wash streak-free windows in an apartment - step-by-step instructions.

  • Clear the window sill: remove flowerpots and other items.
  • Wash the frame with a cleaning solution and then wipe with a damp, clean sponge.
  • Apply detergent to the glass with a sponge and wait a few minutes until the active ingredients break down the stubborn compounds.
  • After this, wipe the surface with a damp, wet sponge or foam wiper attachment. Both the sponge and the nozzle should be washed periodically in clean water.
  • If a non-specialized glass cleaner was used as a detergent, then it is necessary to spray a solution with ammonia: 10 ml of ammonia per 200 ml of water.
  • Wipe dry with a cloth or rubber scraper.
  • Wipe the frame clean again.
  • Wash the window sill in the same way as the frame.

To avoid streaks, you need to start washing from the bottom up. Another nuance - do not allow the solution with detergent to dry on the window. Dried soap particles, rubbed with a dry cloth, form most of the stains. It is better to bleach a yellowed plastic window sill with a mixture of bleaching gel and hydrogen peroxide, but you should not rub it with abrasive sponges.

When using a window squeegee, the corners of the glass remain poorly wiped. You need to wipe them manually, especially at the bottom where all the water flows, with napkins or a regular cotton rag.

How to clean windows outside?

If the window sashes open inward, then cleaning them is as easy as cleaning the inside, but there is a situation when one of the sashes is blind, that is, does not open at all, or the sashes open outward. This situation occurs especially often in apartments on the balcony. Most often, windows open outwards on the balcony (to save space) and a blind profile is installed there - already in order to save money. In a private house, a stepladder may be the solution, but how to clean windows of this type from the outside in a high-rise apartment? Sponges and napkins are not suitable for washing here; the only solution is a telescopic windshield wiper. It has a long handle that bends at the desired angle and allows you to wash hard-to-reach areas of blind windows.

Another peculiarity of washing glass outside occurs in an apartment on the ground floor, where sand and other contaminants get in. If the sand has dried, you need to wash it carefully: you need to remember that it is an abrasive that can scratch the surface of the glass. As a result, it will become cloudy and transmit less light. Such dried particles should never be cleaned off with hard brushes or abrasive sponges. In this case, it is better to wash it with a washing vacuum cleaner. However, if it is not there, you just need to arm yourself with patience, moisten the stains with a cleaning solution and wait 10–15 minutes until they “soak” (while re-moistening the glass from time to time). The window is then washed in the usual way.

How to clean glass after repair?

The peculiarities of cleaning windows after repair are to select a substance that can dissolve paint, whitewash or wallpaper glue. Questions also arise about how to clean windows in rooms and on the balcony if there is masking tape or dried plaster or putty on them.

Here is a list of things that will help make your windows spotlessly clean after renovating your apartment.

  • Drying oil, vegetable oil, turpentine, solvent R-5 or R-4 will help remove masking tape or adhesive traces from it. Solvent cannot be used to clean the window sill and profile.
  • Regular tape can be removed with isopropyl alcohol (can be used on a plastic frame) or with a special Sticker Remover.
  • Limestone and chalk whitewash that gets on the window is washed off with Cif gel for shiny surfaces. The same product can be used to clean the window sill.
  • Dried water-based acrylic paint (a modern version of whitewash) can be removed with white spirit or gasoline.
  • Acetone and Solvent 646 will help remove enamel and nitro enamel stains.
  • Dried cement-based mortar remaining after renovation in an apartment can be removed using phosphoric acid or Atlas Szop. These substances must not be allowed to come into contact with the profile.
  • Macroflex remover and Solvent 646 will cope with softening the polyurethane foam that gets on the window. First you need to cut off as much of the layer as possible, and then soften the remainder with solvents and remove it using a plastic spatula or scraper.

Grandma's ways

Previously, there were completely different ideas about how to properly wash windows. Window squeegees, rubberized squeegees, and magical streak-removing products didn't exist back then. Everything had to be done with considerable effort and patience; it was impossible to quickly clean the windows. If you imagine how much effort our grandmothers spent to clean the glass throughout the apartment and on the balcony, then the modern arsenal is especially pleasing.

But there are situations when household chemicals and necessary devices are not at hand, then the time comes to remember traditional methods.

  • A mixture of any detergent, vinegar and water will cope with stains on the glass and frame. Ratio: 70 ml of vinegar and 0.5 teaspoons of washing powder per 500 ml of water.
  • Another mixture: 1 teaspoon of borax, ¼ teaspoon of soda, ¼ teaspoon of powder or grated washing soap per 250 ml of hot water.
  • A weak saline solution was used to clean the windows, after which the glass was wiped with newspaper.
  • Ammonia (ammonia) has moved from the arsenal of grandmothers into household chemicals. This is the most effective product for cleaning glass without streaks. It is diluted in a ratio of 10 ml per 200 ml of water.
  • A solution of water and glycerin was used to keep the glasses clean longer. It was especially important to apply it in hard-to-reach places - outside on the balcony and on the glass of blind windows.

What means to choose to make the windows in the apartment sparkle clean - household chemicals or traditional methods - is decided by every housewife. The main thing is that the selected products match the type of dirt and window profile.

Window cleaning It can hardly be called an easy and enjoyable task. But the “eyes of the house” need to be kept clean. It seems that every housewife knows how to wash them. Although useful tips to help you do this quickly and easily, and so that there are no streaks left on the glass, will never be superfluous.

Preparing to wash windows

In fact, if you decide to wash the windows in your house, it is better to familiarize yourself with the weather forecast for the coming days in advance. For what? It is simply recommended to do this when it is cloudy outside and there is no wind. The sun's rays quickly dry out the glass and you will have to make extra efforts to remove stains.

We clear the window sills of flowers in advance and prepare everything necessary so that washing the windows does not take much time.

In the process of cleaning, we will need sponges, moisture-absorbing wipes or rags, containers with water, and detergents (you can use universal or special ones designed for cleaning glass). The main thing is not to use abrasives or hard sponges, so as not to damage the windows.

A very convenient thing is a windshield wiper (many call it a wiper or a screed). Those who used this device appreciated the effect - it helps to wash windows faster.

And if the windshield wiper has a long handle, you won't have to climb on a chair or balance on a windowsill - you can easily reach the top of the window with a slight movement of your hand. There are models that have a sponge on one side, which is used to wash glass, and on the other, a sponge itself (an elastic band that removes moisture).

If everything is neglected and you have to tinker with the windows, then you cannot do without special tools. Just read the instructions carefully - whether the drug is suitable for you, whether it is intended for plastic, whether it will damage wooden frames.

But the popular folk remedy, soda, which is great for cleaning carpets at home, is not suitable for washing windows - stains remain on the glass, and the frames can be damaged.

So, you have decided what to use to clean your windows. It's time to get to work.

Washing windows - simple and quick ways

The main concern of every housewife is how to wash windows without streaks. And here it is important to do everything right.

Method 1

This method is a simple window cleaning if you don't already have a windshield wiper.

  1. Remember the alphabet: “Mom washed the frame”? The whole process begins with the frame. And washing the glass comes later.
  2. It is recommended to clean the outside of the room first, and then the outside.
  3. We wash the glass with water and detergent, then rinse off the solution with clean water.
  4. Wipe dry with a lint-free cloth that absorbs moisture. It’s better, of course, if you have a flannel rag, microfiber or spandex sponge.
  5. And the final stage is to rub the glass until shiny. Proponents of grandma's methods do this quite successfully with the help of ordinary newspaper, you can use old tights or paper towels. For those who do not believe in ancient methods, it is better to use household chemicals - special products are quite well presented on sale.

This is a fairly simple method for cleaning windows without streaks.

Method 2

With a windshield wiper, the cleaning process is simplified.

  1. Let's start again with the frame, then we have to wash the glass.
  2. Using a sponge, moisten the surface of the glass with soapy water and remove dirt from top to bottom. Once again we pass the sponge along the joints of the frame and the glass.
  3. To clean the outside of the glass, you will need a window brush with a long handle.
  4. We wipe the glass with clean water and drive the water from top to bottom with a glass cleaner. Cleaning experts advise doing this with horizontal movements. Don’t forget to wipe the rubber fitting regularly; it must be dry when in contact with the glass, otherwise streaks cannot be avoided.
  5. After wiping with a screed, the glass will already be clean, but for greater effect it is better to go over it with a flannel cloth, especially near the frame, where water could remain.

Features of washing plastic windows

How to wash metal-plastic windows correctly?

Washing such windows requires a delicate approach: we use only soft rags and sponges, both for the glass and for the profile. We do not use aggressive substances under any circumstances (no solvents, alkalis, acids).

To prevent white plastic frames from changing color, it is best to wash them with a regular soap solution; other products may cause an unwanted chemical reaction.

And if you have wooden frames, you do not need to wash them, but simply wipe them with a damp sponge and then wipe them dry with a soft cloth.

Let's not forget about other structural elements: after washing and drying, lubricate the metal fittings with machine oil, and the sealing rubber with glycerin or silicone grease. And another important point is to keep the drainage systems clean so that there are no blockages.

Handy window cleaning products

With all the variety of ready-made products that help make window cleaning high-quality, many housewives prefer to use what is at hand.

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Wet cleaning of windows should be done at least once a season, but residents of the first floor and owners of apartments on busy streets have to deal with large-scale cleaning much more often. Housewives, as a rule, devote almost the whole day to this event, but in fact it is very easy to wash windows without streaks, efficiently and quickly. It is enough to know the secret ingredient of most modern products and use it for your own benefit.

The secret ingredient of modern products

Almost every special detergent that promises to instantly make windows sparkle clean contains ordinary table vinegar. Why use special wipes when you can get by with cheaper but no less effective products? The consumer society demands more and more new solutions from manufacturers, while the most effective and simplest remedies have long been very successful in solving most household problems.

Preparing to clean windows

Before you start cleaning glass, window sills and window frames from dirt, you should pay attention to some points. The window sill should be cleared of indoor plants and trinkets so as to maximize access to the windows. Curtains and curtains should be moved to the side, or better yet, sent to the wash, plastic or fabric blinds should be raised.

You need to place all the tools and devices that may be needed in the process closer. A cleaning solution is prepared in advance, you should also find a porous sponge, several pieces of soft cloth that absorbs moisture well and does not leave lint on the glass (this can be linen, cotton fabric, gauze), newsprint, which allows you to remove excess moisture at the end of the work.

From the outside, it is better to wash the windows with another rag and sponge, since a large amount of dust settles on that surface. It is also advisable to protect the skin of your hands with rubber cleaning gloves.

How to properly wash windows?

In any case, the process of washing window glass and frames has a special order to make the event efficient, fast and as less labor-intensive as possible. So, first you need to “arm yourself” with an ordinary toothpick, a cotton swab or a similar tool and clean all the joints and openings. Window frames are washed with a soft sponge (a porous sponge used for washing dishes is suitable), generously soaked in a warm soapy solution.

Next up is the glass itself. You need to start washing them from the inside. For them, you should prepare a cleaning solution: two tablespoons of vinegar are diluted in one liter of water. Using this mixture and a linen cloth, thoroughly wash the glass on both sides. Then the glass should be wiped again with a dry, soft cloth that does not leave lint, or a sheet of newspaper. After such cleaning, the windows shine and shine.

To avoid streaks on the glass, after finishing work, wipe them first in a vertical, then in a horizontal direction. It is also undesirable to wash windows in hot or windy weather - in this case, the appearance of streaks is practically unavoidable.

What else can you use to clean window glass?

You can cope with the task quite quickly by using a solution of starch, ammonia and vinegar. The complete recipe is as follows:

  • you will need 100 ml of white vinegar and the same amount of ammonia, two tablespoons of starch, a little blue and four liters of some warm water;
  • mix everything in a clean container until smooth (complete dissolution of all starch);
  • Pour the composition into a bottle with a spray bottle and treat the glass, and then wipe with a clean linen cloth until it shines.

You can also wash windows using chalk solution or regular potatoes. Use half a vegetable to wipe the glass, then rinse with a small amount of clean water and shine with a soft cloth. A rag for washing windows should be made of cotton or linen; gauze is suitable, as well as any material that absorbs moisture well and does not leave lint.

To avoid condensation that collects on the windows during cold weather, after washing, you can wipe them with a solution of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of one to ten. The same product will help keep the area clean for a long time and postpone the next wet cleaning.

A special magnetic brush will help you quickly clean windows. The device allows you to simultaneously wipe both the outer and inner surfaces of the windows, which undoubtedly speeds up cleaning, making it easier and more efficient. You can also use special napkins made of microfiber fabric, which perfectly absorbs moisture, polishes the demanding surface well and is initially impregnated with detergent. Regular dishwashing detergent works great for cleaning windows.

Do not use salt or soda to clean windows. Products with grains will leave microscopic damage on the glass and window frames, in which dust and dirt will subsequently accumulate more quickly.

Of course, you can also use window cleaners that are sold in large supermarkets or hardware stores. These cleaners should be used according to the same principle as homemade compounds: apply to the glass with a damp sponge, removing all dirt, and then thoroughly wipe the glass, first with a damp cloth, then with a dry cloth or soft newsprint.

Windows are our view into the world around us, so crystal clear window glass is very important. In order to make them transparent and prevent the appearance of stripes and lines, you need to put in a lot of effort. This is probably why every housewife postpones the washing process until a special occasion. Let's try to figure out how to wash windows without streaks and special difficulties below.

How to wash windows without streaks at home

People living in ecologically clean areas, as a rule, do not have too much trouble washing such surfaces; they just need to wash off a little dust or sand. However, for those living in industrial cities, it is more difficult to achieve clean glass. Largely due to the fact that not only dirt, but also grease from harmful fumes settles on them. Therefore, it is doubly important for them to find the answer to the question of how to wash a window without streaks at home.

The entire course of work can be divided into several stages:

  • You shouldn’t wash all the glass at once; first you need to completely clean one, and only then move on to the next. Moreover, it is best to start washing from its inner surface, which is much cleaner.
  • First you need to dilute a little powder in a bowl of warm water and clean the glass surface using a sponge.
  • It is important to wash not only the glass, but also the frame, handles and other elements.
  • Be sure to wash the cleaning agent with cool, clean water.
  • In order to avoid streaks, you can crumple newspapers and wipe the glass with them.

Washing windows with a special mop is quick and effective.

If part of the glass is dirty, it makes sense to use special wipes used to clean it. When choosing how to wash a window, do not forget about washing it with a special mop, which has a sponge and a rubber scraper at the end. Such a device must be dipped in soapy water, wrung out and carefully walked over the entire surface. In conclusion, you need to carefully wash the glass with the same mop, only you need to replace the water in the basin.

How to properly wash windows

To figure out how to properly wash windows, you need to first prepare some equipment:

  • several types of sponges, differing in hardness;
  • a mop with a foam tip or rubber scraper;
  • dry cotton cloth;
  • synthetic napkin;
  • container with water;
  • any foam-based dishwashing liquid.

It’s easy to clean windows efficiently without streaks if you follow these steps:

  • First you need to remove from the surrounding area all objects that may interfere with cleaning (pots, electrical appliances).
  • Before washing the glass, thoroughly clean the frame.
  • Direct cleaning involves performing the following actions:
  • using a foam sponge, moisten the entire surface, paying special attention to the places where the glass meets the frame;
  • then take a rubber scraper and use it to remove excess water down to the windowsill;
  • now moisten the surface with a sponge a second time;
  • the main contaminants are washed out using a scraper; it must be held at an angle of 30 degrees and carried in a horizontal plane;
  • after the scraper has reached the edge, it must be wiped dry;
  • as a result of several movements of this kind, the glass surface will be completely dry;
  • This method allows you to answer the question of how to quickly wash windows without much effort. Do not forget that in conclusion you need to step back a couple of steps and evaluate the work;
  • if stains or dirt are found, they are carefully washed with a synthetic cloth;
  • When the inside is washed, you need to repeat the procedure on the outside.

How to wash windows on a loggia or balcony on the street side

The first stage is washing the frames. Wooden frames are cleaned using household items. soap

The loggia, located on a high floor, requires extreme caution when cleaning the glass, so here the question of how to wash the window so that there are no streaks comes in second place, after the question regarding the safety of the owner.

Washing such surfaces, especially their outer sides, should be carried out as follows:

  • first open the windows and thoroughly wipe the frames;
  • if they are made of wood, you can use ordinary laundry soap, if they are plastic, then any soap product;
  • wash the windows from top to bottom, rubbing the cleaning composition in a circular motion;
  • if the frame cannot be opened, the answer to the question of how to wash the outside of the window is as follows: wash them using a scraper with a long telescopic handle, this type of brush must be moved from the far side of the window towards you;
  • after all the dirt has accumulated in one place, it needs to be scraped from top to bottom and removed;
  • Now the procedure needs to be repeated, only using clean water for rinsing.

If the apartment is on a high floor, then it is better to entrust the work of washing windows on a balcony or loggia to professionals.

It is worth noting that glass on the balcony is not cleaned very often, so in cases where you live on high floors, it is best to use the help of specialists.

They know how to wash balcony windows effectively and safely, and they don’t charge too much money for the services. Professionals wash glass using various means and methods, leaving it squeaky clean and free of any streaks.

How to make window cleaner at home

Existing liquids do not always help figure out how to wash windows quickly and effectively; many housewives prefer to make their own streak-free window cleaners, which are no less or even more effective than store-bought ones.

  • The simplest recipe is this:
  • mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of any dishwashing liquid;
  • make a solution by adding water, and then pour it into a spray bottle;

After shaking the product, you can wash the window; not only does it perfectly clean the surface and is washed off with water, this substance leaves almost no streaks.

Each housewife has her own window cleaning product in her piggy bank, which was developed independently and tested more than once through personal experience. They are not only absolutely environmentally friendly, but also save the family budget quite well.

How to clean windows with vinegar

Vinegar is most often used, which has good properties for disinfecting and cleaning surfaces. It is absolutely safe when inhaled and it is quite easy to wash glass with it. How to do this?

  • First you need to clean the dirt from the glass.
  • Vinegar diluted with water is a good cleaning composition that needs to be applied using a spray bottle (the proportions don’t really matter here; if there is more vinegar, it will be easier to wash off large stains).
  • Window cleaning is carried out in this way:
  • apply the mixture to the surface;
  • rub the composition over the window using napkins;
  • wash the window with vinegar;
  • wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth.

How to clean windows with ammonia

Ammonia and vinegar are wonderful remedies that are in no way inferior to store-bought ones.

Ammonia is another fairly effective product that removes dirt and stains from the surface of glass well. To clean your windows quickly, you need to do the following:

  • remove the curtains and remove all foreign objects from the windowsill;
  • process the frame and window sill;
  • moisten the sponge in a composition containing ammonia and water, which must be diluted first;
  • Apply the substance to the surface, then thoroughly polish it with a soft cloth.

Having figured out how to wash windows with ammonia, you may not want to use store-bought compounds that will not give the same result, but also have a decent cost. Ammonia washes windows cleanly and does not leave any treacherous streaks at all.

Folk remedies for cleaning windows without streaks

Half a potato will help get rid of stains on windows.

When wondering how to wash windows without streaks, in addition to the above methods, you should know about these fairly popular folk recipes:

  • How to clean windows after renovation? The answer is simple: starch. A tablespoon of this substance should be mixed with water and ammonia should be added. The product will allow you to rub your windows until they are squeaky and mirror clean.
  • Half a raw potato can spot clean dirt stains on glass. Simply wipe the glass with it and polish it with a dry cloth.
  • A light pink solution of manganese can help with the problem of washing glass surfaces; it is only important to make sure that all the grains are sure to dissolve in the water.

  • Three tablespoons of chalk powder should be diluted with water, the resulting paste should be applied to the glass and left until it dries. After this, just rub them with microfiber until shiny.
  • If there are flies on the windows, you can wipe the surface with onion juice.
  • One hundred grams of glycerin, diluted in 50 ml of water, will allow you not only to wash these delicate surfaces, but also to create a special film that will protect them from dust and will allow you to once and for all solve the problem of how to wash the windows on the balcony from the outside.
  • Don’t forget about fabrics that will allow you to polish glass surfaces. For example, you can remove stains using nylon stockings.

What weather is best to wash windows?

When cleaning windows, be sure to wear protective gloves.

When thinking about the best way to wash windows, do not forget about the main thing - the weather, which is ideal for cleaning them.

The bright sun is unlikely to help, because the stains will not be visible, and the liquid on the surface will dry very quickly, making it impossible to wipe it off with a rag. And the rain is unlikely to be a help, because it will not allow you to wipe the glass dry. Therefore, it is best to do this business in cloudy weather, when there is no precipitation.

In addition, it is worth remembering some rules that will make cleaning safe and simple:

  • be sure to wear protective gloves;
  • if products containing ammonia are used, it is important to properly ventilate the room after cleaning;
  • if the windows are high, use a mop with a long handle; it is much safer than a pyramid of chairs and stools.

To summarize, it is worth noting that washing window openings is not the easiest task, which requires a certain skill and experience. It is important to remember to put your own safety first. And the use of folk recipes will ensure the cleanliness of the glass and allow you to wash the windows without streaks.