Can they send a conscript to a hot spot. "hot spot" in the order. After four months of service

I can imagine how this “news” burned with fear the souls of millions of Russian mothers and fathers who have children of military age: “The State Duma supported a document allowing conscripts to be sent to Syria.” This is how it is printed in black and white. Moreover, it is in Syria! Although the bill never mentions this country.

Then it turns out that the green recruits, who also do not really know how to shoot, will be sent to war? Under the bullets of seasoned bandits?

Mass pickets with posters “Fiendish commanders! Don't kill our children!" you haven't seen it anywhere yet? It seems that this is what the "sensation" was designed for.

And now let's figure it out.

There are approximately 330,000 contract soldiers and sergeants in the Russian army today. These guys have already served a lot - many for 5, 10, or even 15 years. They are professionals. They do not need to be taught how to fasten the "magazine" to the machine and which end of the projectile to load the gun with. So, out of these 330 thousand, the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff will not be able to select two or three thousand well-trained fighters in order to send them to a “hot spot” if necessary?

It turns out that someone, either intentionally or out of confusion, thumped into the bell without looking at the holy calendar. And here's what I'm talking about. We were informed that the Russian parliament allowed to send conscripts to Syria (it is strange that it has not been said about Ukraine yet). Pay attention to these two words - "send" and "conscripts".

How about really?

The same news says: “The State Duma supported in the first reading a bill allowing conscripts and reserve employees to conclude short-term, up to a year, military contracts to participate in operations outside the Russian Federation.” Ah, there it is! It turns out that conscript soldiers are "allowed to conclude" contracts. And this is voluntary. If you don't sign a contract, no one will send you abroad. This time. And two. Even if a young soldier who has just put on his uniform wants to voluntarily go abroad, no one has the right to send him there. Because there is an order that strictly forbids it. A young fighter must first go through training. And only then can he be offered six months or a year to serve behind the “hillock” on a short contract (and make good money). Whether he agrees or refuses is his right. Only the best will offer a contract. For what kind of commander in a "hot spot" needs an ignoramus?

The authors of the bill in the explanatory note justify its necessity also by the fact that many sailors-conscripts often end their service during trips on ships. And they have to "reserve" - ​​some for a week, and some for a month or two. How to be? Do not leave on the shore those conscripts who are demobilized during the campaign (submarines are another matter, all the sailors there are contract soldiers). Offering such sailors a contract before the end of the campaign may be a way out. But let's wait for the last word of the State Duma and amendments and additions.


Russian army conscripts can now be sent to war four months after being drafted. According to Interfax, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree and amended the Regulations on the procedure for military service.

The changes relate to the procedure for sending conscripted military personnel (including as part of a subunit, military unit, formation) to perform tasks in armed conflicts (to participate in hostilities).

Previously, conscripts could be sent to perform such tasks "after they have completed military service for at least six months" and after training in military specialties.

A decree dated 11 February 2013 authorized the deployment of conscript soldiers after they had completed their military service for "at least four months".

Gazeta.Ru notes that the Ministry of Defense came up with the initiative to reduce the terms of combat training for conscripts back in October 2012.

The previous version of the regulation on military service, which provided for six months of training for recruits, was adopted even before the reduction of conscript service from two to one year. At the same time, the training period at the training centers remained the same - six months.

The use of inexperienced soldiers during the fighting became the subject of fierce public discussion during the first war in Chechnya, although they were sent there only after "training". Due to heavy military casualties during the first Chechen campaign, President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree in 1998 according to which military personnel could only be sent to the combat zone on a voluntary basis. But a year later, when the second Chechen War, this decree was replaced by a provision on military service, according to which conscripts were again sent to the war zone after six months of training in training centers.

The president's initiative is not supported by the deputy head of the Moscow Association of Organizations of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts, Guards Colonel Alexei Shabashov. “Of course, I object, we need to send contractors, and send young boys who have served four months to a hot spot - these are extra victims, extra losses,” Shabashov explained. “If we want to make an army half consisting of contract soldiers, then it is logical send only contract soldiers to hot spots." From his point of view, a year of service is also not enough, during this time a modern specialist cannot be trained.

The expert recalls the intention of the Ministry of Defense to sharply increase the number of contract servicemen - official representatives of the department spoke about this at the end of 2011. But since then, the number of professional servicemen in the Armed Forces has remained approximately at the same level, about 200 thousand people.

Poor training of conscripts worries and State Duma, but they offer a different recipe. At the end of last autumn, the parliament started talking about the need to once again increase the term of conscription from a year to one and a half. This was expected from the new Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu by the head of the Duma Committee on Defense, Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, the former commander of the Black Sea Fleet. The initiative, however, did not receive further progress.

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense is trying to calm the soldiers' mothers, who are alarmed by the change in the procedure for sending conscripts to "hot spots".

According to the previous standards, conscripts could get there only after 6 months of service and mastering the military specialty. From this week there are new rules that have reduced the "permissive" soldier's experience. The Regulations on the Procedure for Passing Military Service now state: "Conscripted military personnel may be sent (including as part of a subunit, military unit, formation) to perform tasks in armed conflicts (to participate in hostilities) after their military service for at least four months and after training in military registration specialties.

It is clear that this adjustment excited both the children themselves and their parents. However, according to the military, there is no reason to ring the bells.

Now there are no "hot spots" in Russia. Therefore, one should not think that the amendment was made due to some extraordinary circumstances. Everything is much easier. The conscription service time has become shorter, the training of recruits in training centers is carried out more intensively and in less time. Accordingly, the period of bringing a soldier to battle has been reduced, the Ministry of Defense explained to an RG correspondent.

FIGURE: 140,000 recruits left to serve last fall

There is a certain logic in these words. Indeed, the 6-month training of conscripts for war was officially legalized when the guys served for two years, and the course of their army studies was designed for six months. Now recruits are sent to the barracks for only 12 months, and three of them are spent at the army desk. But for skillful actions in battle, it is not enough to master a military specialty. A soldier also needs the skills to act as part of a squad, crew, or crew. Commanders have 30 days to acquire them. Hence - the minimum four months required before the conscript's business trip to the "hot spot".

This is, so to speak, the arithmetic of the new rules. As for their meaning, it is also understandable. Generals are obliged to foresee any development of events. If in a local armed conflict the commanders have the opportunity to replace conscripts with contract soldiers even before the unit is sent to a "hot spot", they will, of course, do this. But in big war such an option is practically excluded. Then there will be no time to rewrite the standards for contract soldiers and change the rules for conscripts. That is why the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff prepare decisions in advance, focusing on the time "H". Apparently, this was also the case in this case.

But here another problem arises. It is probably possible to teach 18-19 year old guys to drive a tank, shoot a machine gun and load a cannon in four months. But to prepare them for a real war is far from always. When bullets whistle overhead, sometimes even adult men can't stand it. Therefore, it is better to send not boys, but military professionals, to "hot spots".

In February, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree allowing conscripted soldiers to be sent to serve in armed conflict already four months after conscription, and not six months, as was previously practiced. In any case, this is how some media interpret the situation. But military experts see this measure differently.

Evgeny Fedorov about the professional army

Although, perhaps, as in any legislative act(what is already there) there are probably some costs here too. It seems that the necessary amendments will be immediately made, taking into account the emerging realities.

In fact, if you look carefully, no one is going to send to battle, say, with experienced illegal armed formations, unfired soldiers who have just studied the Kalashnikov assault rifle and fired at targets a couple of times at the training shooting range.

In fact, if you look at it carefully, then President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that only shortens the period for conscripted military personnel to attend primary training in special training units, the so-called "schools". This measure has been long overdue, at least since the period of active military service for "conscripts" was reduced to a year. And the president, apparently, simply took into account the proposals of high-ranking military men that had been heard for a long time both in the press and at high general staff meetings.

The fact is that if a recruit, even after a three-month or four-month, and not six months, as it was before, being in a "training" gets into a real combat unit, then he will study military affairs better. According to some high-ranking military men with whom the Pravda.Ru correspondent had a chance to communicate, the current semi-annual course, which has remained since the Soviet (even Stalinist) times, in some (though there are fewer of them) educational units is quite possible and even needs to be reduced to much shorter periods, at least up to the same three or four months.

Here is the opinion of a retired captain of the 1st rank (who is still working in one of the training detachments of the Russian Navy as a civilian teacher), Candidate of Military Sciences Nikolai Vasilyevich Zalonsky, which he shared with Pravda.Ru:

“I don’t think that this presidential decree will bring any confusion into the military personnel training system. In fact, many training detachments of the armed forces have long been ready (both morally and financially) for more effective, but shorter in terms of professional training of military personnel. Time has changed a long time ago, military equipment is being improved, and so on, and cadets sometimes have to study on the equipment of ancient years, which sometimes has long since been removed from service.

Of course, and there is no doubt about it, the intensity of the process of training cadets of educational units will increase significantly with a reduction in terms, but this is a requirement of the time. Why, after all, they don’t go to the army to sweep the parade ground or sort out potatoes in the vegetable store, but, as the leader of the proletariat used to say (and correctly used to say), “learn military affairs in a real way.” They go to pay their sacred duty to the Motherland, and not just stomp with boots in the ranks ...

Nobody is going to send untrained soldiers into a real fight. For this you need good preparation. And the sooner the cadet of the "training school", who received the initial military knowledge and skills, gets into the active unit, the more useful it is for him. Moreover, modern military pedagogy already knows many ways to intensify the process of personnel training. Now let the achievements of science be put into practice. Like many of my colleagues, I believe that the changes will not seriously affect the overall combat readiness of the army."

The author of these lines, who served for many years on nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet, at one time was personally involved in the reduction of the training period in the training detachment of the Belomorsk base in Severodvinsk, several sailors. I confess! True, it was back in the days of the USSR, long before the era of Putin.

The submarine was supposed to go to sea in two months after modernization at the famous Sevmash shipyard, and in my survivability division there were not enough as many as four sailors, bilge machinists. And before the next release of specialists in the local training detachment - a few more months ...

The mechanic, that is, the commander of the electromechanical warhead, somehow called me, a young captain of the 3rd rank, into his cabin and handed me two three-liter cans of awl, that is, ship alcohol. And he admonished: they say, go to the training school, and whatever you want, but bring four sailors here. Let's learn here. And what do you think - six liters of alcohol were equivalent to just four half-educated cadets.

This aspect of compulsory military service worries not only military personnel, but also relatives and friends of conscripts. Let's find out if a conscript can be sent to a hot spot to serve? Clause 3 of Article 2 “Performance of military service”, enshrined in Decree No. 1237 of the President, is devoted to explaining this point. Russian Federation dated September 16, 1999 - "Issues of military service."

Conscripted military personnel may be sent (including as part of a subunit, military unit, formation) to perform tasks in armed conflicts (to participate in hostilities) after they have completed military service for at least four months and after training in military specialties.

This amendment was made to the decree due to the fact that the period of military service. Recruits are trained faster than before, mastering a military specialty in a shorter time.For about thirty days, conscripts go through the “young soldier course”, take the oath, then the military personnel master the course of general army and tactical training, learn to handle small arms. In addition, military personnel undergo professional military training in the military registration specialty (VUS). On average, the total training period is 6 months, the remaining 6 months the servicemen serve in the combat unit of the Armed Forces.