Prayer for the gift of a child. Prayer for conceiving a healthy child is the most powerful. What kinds of prayers are there for children?

Not everyone knows about the zealous prayer book for the childless - Saint Roman of Antioch. The Syrian saint lived in the 4th-5th centuries and with his life imitated the hermit Theodosius. He lived for many years in a cramped cell, never left it, did not light lamps, and wore a hair shirt with chains. The saint was very meek, loving, and sympathetic to every misfortune. For his spiritual exploits, the Monk Roman was awarded the gifts of clairvoyance and healing of serious illnesses, including infertility.

We pray to the hermit Roman for the gift of children

A prayer is read to Roman the Venerable for the gift of children for a long time. It is advisable to read it twice a day, morning and evening.

Prayer to Roman the Wonderworker for the gift of children:

Before you start praying, you need to visit Orthodox church. You can find an experienced priest and share your problem. He can tell you what is best to do and who to pray to so that the child will soon appear in the family.

  1. It is desirable that the couple be married. In the Sacrament of Marriage, a special blessing is given for childbirth.
  2. If the spouses have never confessed, they need to do so. It happens that old sins have consequences in the form of infertility.
  3. After confession they begin Communion.
  4. A vow made to God helps in obtaining the hidden. For example: never quarrel with your spouse, raise your child in piety and the Christian faith, etc.

You should not grumble and become despondent in your suffering. The Almighty blesses children at the most opportune time. It is imperative to pray, ask for help from the saints, believe and wait. Many saints of God did not have children until old age, patiently bore their cross and were rewarded for their trust.

Prayer for Conception

If a married couple has taken up the work of prayer, the first thing they do is read a petition to the Lord, and then to a chosen saint or the Mother of God.

Prayer to the Lord for the gift of children:

If you place your sorrow on the Lord and believe in His good Providence for us, the fulfillment of your cherished desire is not far off.

A prayer to Roman the Wonderworker for infertility can be expressed in the following words: “Holy Roman the Wonderworker, ask the Lord for mercy on us. He knows about our desire to have children, intercede for us, and if God pleases, let it be fulfilled.”

Another prayer to Roman for the gift of children:

O sacred head, reverend father, blessed Abvo Roman, do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, Holy Father, for your spiritual children, as you have boldness towards the Heavenly King: do not be silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God, for grace was given to you to pray for us. We do not imagine that you are dead: even though you have passed away from us in body, but remain alive even after death, do not depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of the demonic and the machinations of the devil, to our good shepherd even more than the relics your cancer is always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with the Incorporeal faces, with the Heavenly Powers, standing at the Throne of the Almighty, worthily rejoices, knowing that you are truly alive and living after death, we fall down to you and we pray to you: praying about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may pass from earth to heaven without restraint, and from bitter ordeals, demons of air princes and from eternal torment, may we be delivered from eternal torment, and may we be heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Father without beginning, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Since the ascetic was a great faster, it would be logical to seek his favor by observing fasting and avoiding excesses. In order for any request to please God and be fulfilled, it is important to rethink your lifestyle. God can send offspring at the moment when the parents have changed internally. Godly spouses will give much more to the child than financially secure ones.​

How to read a prayer correctly?

The prayer for the gift of children is read in front of the image of the saint. It is advisable to light a lamp or candle during prayer.

For a deep prayer, you can resort to multiple repetitions, for example, read the petition 3, 12 or 40 times. Repeated reading helps to concentrate better, trains the will, and strengthens faith.

Icon of the hermit Roman:

It is almost impossible to see an icon of the saint in Russian churches. His name is unfairly forgotten, although in Rus' they fervently prayed to him for conception. There is such a belief: the less they know about a saint, the more diligently he fulfills the requests of prayer books. Prayer for infertility will help those who come with a strong faith.

Roman Sladkopevets

The hermit Romanus of Antioch is often confused with another Romanus, the Sweet Singer. This saint became famous for his talents as a singer and poet. From birth, Roman was pious, helped in church and served the Patriarch, but he had neither a voice nor hearing. The saint earnestly prayed to the Mother of God for his grief. One day, the Virgin Mary appeared to him in a vision and ordered him to eat the scroll. After the miraculous phenomenon, Roman’s voice acquired melody, and his poetic gift still makes one touch by the beauty and depth of the lyrics. The authorship of the Sweet Singer belongs to hundreds of prayers and church hymns.

Venerable Roman the Sweet Singer prayer:

This prayer to Saint Roman may be suitable for asking for the gift of children. It is enough to add a request for conception at the end from the bottom of your heart.

The story of a miracle based on prayer to Roman the Wonderworker

A prayer to St. Roman the Wonderworker healed a married couple from infertility. Spouses Igor and Tatyana Rozhkov tried to conceive immediately after the wedding, but nothing worked. Over the course of 15 years, I changed a dozen doctors, but everyone diagnosed me with infertility. No one found any obvious reasons; everyone shrugged their shoulders. The couple had already begun to think about adoption, when suddenly Tatyana accidentally found a note lying at the bottom of the bag. On it was written a prayer to Roman of Antioch for infertility, left by a friend several years ago. Although the couple were not churchgoers, Christian values ​​were close to them. The prayer does not look like a conspiracy, but she prayed to Saint Roman for the gift of children according to this scheme: 3 days in a row at dawn. A month later she became pregnant with triplets. The happy woman promised to name her son in honor of Saint Roman. In December, after the saint's day of remembrance, they had healthy and beautiful children: two girls and a boy.

When a long-awaited pregnancy still does not occur, many women remember that there is a prayer for conceiving a child. Unfortunately, a woman’s mere desire to give birth to a baby is often not enough. Chronic diseases of the reproductive system, previous abortions, bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle - all of this often reduces the likelihood of getting pregnant easily and without difficulty.

Orthodox believers say that in addition to drug treatment, the power of prayer to Saint Matrona or other Saints for conceiving a child is very important. Or maybe sometimes you really need to put your skepticism aside and just believe in a miracle?

It is rare that despair does not lead a person to search for any possible ways to solve the problem. When expensive tests and treatment do not bring results, and pregnancy still does not occur, women and her family members often turn to God in prayer to conceive a healthy child, hoping that this will help them achieve what they want. According to Orthodox believers, the power of words spoken with sincere faith and humility brings great fruit. Often the human mind cannot explain how this happens.

When reading prayers for conception and the safe birth of a healthy child, there is no need to stop treatment with traditional medicine.

There is no significant difference where and how a person will pray. This can be done both in the temple and at home. When turning to God, you should calm down, retire, turn off the TV and other objects that may distract you from prayer. It is believed that when pronouncing her words, you must believe with all your heart and imagine the pregnancy that has taken place.

What prayers are there?

You can make prayers for other problems related to the inability to bear and give birth to a baby to many Saints. It is believed that the prayer before conceiving a child, addressed to the Saints, has great power, since God's righteous men in heaven intercede before the Lord for the person who asks.

Prayer to the Mother of God

The Mother of God is a model of feminine and maternal perfection. It was her who was chosen by the Almighty to carry and give birth to Jesus Christ. It is she, more than anyone else, who is able to understand the grief of a woman who cannot get pregnant. Many believe that praying to the Mother of God for the conception of a child allows a miracle of life to happen and save the baby in the mother’s womb.

“O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, intercessor of all sinful faithful who ask! Look down from the heights of your heavenly throne, turn your gaze to the obscene me who stands before your icon. Hear my humble prayer, and lift it up to the Almighty Lord. Pray to Your only Son to lower his eyes on me, a sinner! May He illuminate the sinful soul with the light of heavenly grace, may He cleanse my mind from worldly burdens and indecent worries. May He forgive all the evil deeds I have done, may He protect me from eternal torment and may He not deprive me of His Heavenly Kingdom!

Blessed Mother of God! You deigned to be baptized in Your image, and commanded me to come to You with every prayer and request. In You, Lord, is all my hope, yes, all my hope. I run under Your Cover, and present myself under Your intercession forever. I praise and thank our Lord, who has granted me the happiness of marriage. I pray to You, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, may the Almighty send me and my husband a child. May He give me the fruit of my womb. Change the sorrow in my soul, and grant me the joy of motherhood. I glorify You all the days of my life! Amen".

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

When it is not possible to get pregnant, many believers advise turning to Matronushka of Moscow and asking her to conceive a child. From childhood, she had the gift of seeing people's sins and healing their illnesses. To this day, when women suffering from infertility turn to Saint Matrona in prayer, healing occurs.

If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to go to a temple under the patronage of this saint, for example, in Moscow, and light a candle in front of her image and read the prayer words about the gift of a child.

“Blessed is Mother Matrona! We resort to Your intercession and tearfully pray to You. Shed a sincere prayer to the sinful servants of the Lord before the Throne of our Almighty Creator. For the Word of God is true: ask and it will be given to you. Hear our groans and bring them to the throne of Heaven, for the prayer of His righteous man can do much before God. May the Master hear our requests, may he have mercy, may he send us the long-awaited child, may he place the fruit in the mother’s womb. Truly, just as the Lord sent descendants to Abraham and Sarah, Elizabeth and Zechariah, Anna and Joachim, so did he send them to us. May the Lord do this according to His mercy and boundless love for mankind. May it be so forever and ever. Amen".

The prayer to Matrona for conceiving a child must be read with complete faith and trust in the power of the Holy Intercessor.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayers for conception and the appearance of a healthy child in the family are offered not only to Matrona. Saint Nicholas is also the patron of families, mothers and small children. He is advised to make prayers if he cannot get pregnant for a long time.

The text of the prayer for conceiving a child, read in front of the icon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Oh, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! Beloved saint of the Lord! Our intercessor before the Heavenly Father and our helper in our earthly sorrows! Hear my weak prayer, and exalt it to the Almighty! Beg the Lord our God to turn His Royal gaze on your sinful servant, to grant forgiveness of all my sins and evil deeds. I have sinned greatly since my youth, in my life in words, deeds, thoughts and feelings. Help me, the accursed one, beg our Heavenly Creator, the Creator of all earthly creatures, that he may hear my prayer. All the days of my life I glorify our Lord Almighty: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, may your merciful representation be present now and ever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Saint Luke

If you can't get pregnant, then don't despair. When following doctors’ prescriptions, you can reinforce your efforts with a prayer to the Matrona of Moscow, the Mother of God and Saint Luke for the granting of a miracle of conceiving a child.

They place a candle in front of the image of the Holy Saint and read the words of the prayer:

“Beloved of the Lord, miraculous Luke, intercede for me before our Heavenly Creator! Exalt my prayer to the throne of our Lord Almighty. May He grant me the happiness of conception. How great is your power, so I need the blessing of the Lord! Amen".

The prayer to Saint Luke for the gift of conceiving a child can be read at home. To do this, you need to light nine candles and fill a container with Holy water. While saying the words of the prayer, they stroke their belly and imagine as if pregnancy has already occurred. After reading, you need to cross yourself and drink water.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia represent a symbol of love and fidelity. They serve as models of marital relations and are protectors of families. Many believe that the prayer for conceiving a child, said to Peter and Fevronia, allows not only the birth of a new life, but also strengthens family ties.

“Holy Pleasants of the Lord, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I come running to you, sinner, and with tears I pray for your gracious mercy! Offer my prayers for (it is necessary to name the spouses), and ask the Most High King to send us various graces: right faith, good hope, sincere love, unshakable piety, and prosperity in good deeds. Do not despise my prayer, but exalt it before the heavenly Throne of our Lord Jesus Christ. May I exalt the immeasurable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit throughout all centuries. Amen".

When saying a prayer not only to Matrona of Moscow, but also to Saints Peter and Fevronia for conceiving a child, you must mentally imagine the pregnancy that has taken place or the future baby.

Why doesn't conception occur?

Many people believe that children are born precisely when the spouses are truly ready to accept them. Sometimes it happens that, according to medical reports, an absolutely healthy woman cannot become pregnant, carry or give birth to a baby. Psychologists advise the expectant mother in this case to look at her life from the outside and think, does she really passionately want children in the family? Is there something or someone that takes up her time and does not allow her to psychologically prepare for the birth of a new life?

Often a woman simply does not want to admit to herself that she is afraid of changing her usual lifestyle, does not want to lose a well-paid and promising job, or the desire to have children is primarily not her own, but that of one of the family members. Many people believe that turning to God with a prayer for the conception and safe birth of a child will help, first of all, to recognize their true desires and thoughts, and will also bring a miracle closer, if this is what should happen. However, if a woman is diagnosed with some kind of illness, due to which she cannot bear and give birth to a baby, then she cannot refuse and rely only on prayers.

Dreaming of having a baby, but again and again encountering failures, a woman can resort to in various ways. Orthodox priests claim that a prayer read before the conception of a child by a truly religious person can help the miracle of the birth of a new life happen. However, if a person does not believe in God, then relying on prayer as a magical method of fulfilling desires is not only pointless, but also sinful.

Useful video with prayer for conceiving a child

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The family is a small Church. And there should be a lot of people in the church. So many couples want several children in their family. However, in modern world Due to economic and environmental difficulties, it can be difficult not only to decide to conceive a child, but also to get pregnant and raise a healthy child. The Church blesses childbearing (childbearing in Church Slavonic). Since ancient times, many prayers about childbearing and traditions associated with childbirth have reached us.

Alas, many families today are infertile. Women have been trying to get pregnant for years, and both spouses are undergoing treatment. Over time, relationships can break down due to disappointment, and resentment toward life and God—the Creator and Almighty—appears. This is a completely wrong direction of worldview. The Lord is our hope. He works miracles. Without abandoning medical treatment, you must definitely resort to the Heavenly Doctor.

Prayer is a cure for infertility

One of the pious Orthodox traditions is a prayer for the gift of children and for a successful release from the burden (easy childbirth). It can be ordered at any temple. There are a number of saints who have special grace in helping pregnant women and those wishing to give birth to a child:

  • righteous godfathers Joachim and Anna (parents of the Most Holy Theotokos);
  • righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth (parents of Saint John, Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord);
  • Blessed Peter and Fevronia of Murom (patrons of marriage);
  • Saints Cyril and Mary (parents of Saint Sergius of Radonezh);
  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

You can always order a prayer service to the Lord Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary. Lord - Chief Assistant and the Patron of everyone, and the Mother of God is the Intercessor before God of the human race. You can order a prayer service for the gift of children in front of any icon of the Mother of God.

How to order a prayer service for the gift of children, childbirth

    • Visit any Orthodox church, in the church shop take a form note “On health” and write it “Prayer for the gift of children (hereinafter - to whom the prayer is: the Mother of God, in front of the icon of the Mother of God..., Saints Peter and Fevronia, etc.).” (You can prepare a sheet of paper with these words at home by dividing the A4 sheet into 4 parts).
    • Write your and your spouse's names given at Baptism. Names must appear in the form genitive case(About the health of whom?). If a woman is pregnant, write “non-idle” in front of her name.

How to pray for pregnancy and relief from infertility

The prayer service you ordered is worth attending for both spouses. The service will take place after the morning Liturgy. Place candles in front of the icons of the saints, the Mother of God and the Lord (address them in your own words, from the heart, sincerely believing in God’s help; cross yourself twice and kiss the image, then cross yourself again).

Pray more often: regularly take medications, attend procedures, and also read prayers regularly.

Eat strong prayer about the gift of children:

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God! May Your grace descend upon us through our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to us, remember Your law about the multiplication of people and be our good Patron, so that with Your help the law established by You will be preserved. By Your power You created everything from nothing, laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world. You created man in His own image and sanctified the union of marriage, calling marriage the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Be merciful to us, your servants, united in marital union and asking for your help: may your mercy be upon us, may we be fruitful and we will see our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, live to old age and enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Αmin

May the Lord Jesus Christ protect you through the prayers of His saints!

For complete happiness and harmony in the house, children have always been and will be needed. Every couple sooner or later comes to the realization of this issue. It happens that such good aspirations are not always successful. Perhaps, with infertility of one of the partners, or perhaps immunological incompatibility affects it. But the desire to have a little blood of yourself with such problems does not go away. Many people turn to faith, where they find solutions to their problems. This is why there are prayers for the gift of children.

What kinds of prayers are there for children?

In order for the word to the holy ascetic to be heard, it is necessary:

  • Get rid of negativity in the soul;
  • Quit bad habits;
  • Take communion;
  • Confess;
  • Start reading prayers.

If, however, prayers for the gift of a healthy child do not help and the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, perhaps the Lord has prepared another path for you - to be the parents of a baby from orphanage. Rejectors also need love and family. Sometimes there are situations that it is after the adoption of someone else’s child that the conception of one’s own child occurs.

Prayers for the gift of a child can be different. Christians most often turn to the Lord God, the Virgin Mary or saints who have a special connection with the Almighty. The most famous is the prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

You can convey your request by saying:

  • Prayer to the holy prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth;
  • Prayer to Blessed Xenia;
  • Righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna;
  • Prayer of spouses for the gift of children;
  • Prayer to the Lord God for the gift of children;
  • Rev. Alexander of Svirsky;
  • Prayer for conceiving a child to the Mother of God “Quick to Hear.”

Texts of prayers for the gift of children

Prayer for conceiving a child to the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”

Most blessed Lady, Ever-Virgin Mother of God, who gave birth to God the Word more than any word for our salvation, and who received His grace more abundantly than all others, who appeared as a sea of ​​Divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who come running to You with faith!

To Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the humane-loving Lord: surprise us with Your rich mercies and our petitions brought to You, Quick to Hear, speed up the fulfillment of everything that is arranged for the benefit of consolation and salvation for everyone.

Visit, O Blessing Thy servants, with Thy grace, grant to the sick healing and perfect health, to those overwhelmed by silence, to those captivated by freedom, and to the afflicted by various images of comfort.

Deliver, O All-Merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and other temporary and eternal punishments, by Your maternal boldness turning away the wrath of God; and spiritual relaxation, overwhelm by passions and falls, free Thy servant, as if, without stumbling in all piety, having lived in this world, and in the future of eternal blessings, we may be made worthy of the grace and love for mankind of Thy Son and God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father and By the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God “Healer”

Oh, Most Holy Lady Queen Theotokos, the highest of all heavenly powers and the holiest of all saints! We fall down and worship You before Your all-honorable and wholesome image, remembering Your wondrous appearance to the sick clergyman Vincent, and earnestly pray to You, the all-powerful intercessor and helper of our family: just as in ancient times you gave healing to that cleric, so now heal our souls and bodies, sick with the wounds of sins and many different passions, deliver us from all misfortunes, troubles, sorrows and eternal condemnation, save us from soul-destroying teachings and unbelief, from the flattering and arrogant attacks of invisible enemies, grant us a Christian death, painless, peaceful, shameless, to partake of the Holy Mysteries and grant us worthy to the impartial judgment of Christ stands at the right hand of the All-Righteous Judge and hear His blessed voice: “Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Amen.

Prayer to St. Alexander of Svirsky

O sacred head, earthly angel and heavenly man, venerable and God-bearing Father Alexandra, great servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercies to those living in your holy monastery and to all who flow to you with faith and love. Ask us everything that is useful for this temporary life, and even more necessary for our eternal salvation. Help with your intercession, servant of God, the ruler of our country, Russia. And may the saint abide in peace deeply Orthodox Church Christ's. Be to all of us, miracle-working saint, a quick helper in every sorrow and situation. Most of all, at the hour of our death, the merciful intercessor appears to us, so that we may not be betrayed in the ordeals of the air by the power of the evil ruler of the world, but may we be honored with a stumbling-free ascension into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our dear prayer book! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayers, but always intercede for us before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, so that together with you and with all the saints, even if we are unworthy, we may be worthy to glorify in the villages of paradise the greatness, grace and mercy of the One God in the Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth, parents of John the Baptist

Oh, blessed saints of God, all the saints who stand before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity and enjoy indescribable bliss! Behold, now, on the day of your common triumph, look mercifully upon us, your lesser brothers, who bring you this song of praise, and through your intercession ask for mercy and remission of sins from the Most Blessed Lord; We know, we truly know, that whatever you desire, you can ask Him for. Therefore, we humbly pray to you, and to the holy prophet Zechariah and the righteous Elizabeth, pray to the Merciful Master, may he give us the spirit of your zeal for keeping His holy commandments, so that, following in your footsteps, we will be able to pursue an earthly career in a virtuous life without blemish, and in By repentance, reach the glorious villages of paradise, and there together with you glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen!

Prayer to the righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna

Oh, blessed righteous women of Christ, holy godfathers Joachim and Anna, standing before the Heavenly Throne of the Great King and having great boldness towards Him, as from your Most Blessed Daughter, the Most Pure Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, who deigned to be incarnate!

We, sinners and unworthy, resort to you, as a powerful intercessor and a zealous prayer book for us. Pray for His goodness, that He may turn away His anger from us, righteously moved against us by our deeds, and may, despising our countless sins, turn us to the path of repentance, and may He establish us on the path of His commandments. Also, with your prayers, preserve our life in peace, and ask for all good haste, all that God gives us for life and piety, from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden deaths through your intercession we are delivered, and we are protected from all enemies, visible and invisible, so that we may live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and having passed this temporary life in the world, we will achieve eternal peace, and through your holy prayer may we be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven Christ our God, to Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord for the gift of children

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Thy grace be sent down through our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your Law about the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. By Your sovereign power You created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world - You created man in Your image and, with a sublime mystery, sanctified the union of marriage and the foreshadowing of the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Look, O Merciful One, on these Thy servants (names), united in a marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the son of their sons even to the third and fourth generation and live to the desired old age and will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due, together with the Holy Spirit, forever.

Prayer of Saint Xenia the Blessed

Oh, holy all-blessed mother Ksenia! She who lived under the shelter of the Most High, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, endured hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and the saints, and rested in the shadow of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you. Standing at the place of your burial, before your holy image, as if you were alive and present with us, we pray to you: accept our petition and bring it to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as you have boldness towards Him, ask for eternal salvation for those who flow to you, for good deeds and beginnings are a generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. Present yourself with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners. Help, Holy Blessed Mother Xenia, illuminate the babies with the light of Holy Baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, educate the boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and grant them success in learning; heal the sick and sick, family love and consent was sent down, worthy of the monastics to fight a good fight and protect them from reproach, strengthen the shepherds in the strength of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and tranquility, pray for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the dying hour. You are our hope and hope, quick hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

The prayer for the gift of children and conception is usually read by spouses who cannot have a child, who ask the Lord Jesus Christ for children in case of infertility. In prayer for a desired pregnancy, the conception of a child, Orthodox believers turn to God asking for mercy. You can read the prayer, for example, at home or in church. Its text is provided on our website.

Prayer of spouses for the gift of children

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Thy grace be sent down through our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your Law about the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. By Your sovereign power You created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world - You created man in Your image and, with a sublime mystery, sanctified the union of marriage and the foreshadowing of the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Look, O Merciful One, on these Thy servants (names), united in a marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the son of their sons even to the third and fourth generation and live to the desired old age and will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due, together with the Holy Spirit, forever.

The prayer for pregnancy (in case of infertility) and for the gift of children (conception of a child) should be read carefully and sincerely with faith in God, in His mercy and good will.

Read also about how to properly
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