Chainsaw moped “Friendship. Friendship chainsaws - characteristics of models, options for homemade garden tools What can be made from a Friendship chainsaw gearbox

Women have a bad reputation when it comes to keeping us men at that distance called "friendship." Our problem is that it is in our friends that we often see the girls we would like to be with - it’s interesting to talk to them, they understand us well, we can joke without fear on the most pressing topics. However, they do not see us as men with whom they can live together or, at least, just have sex.

If you have such a problem, then at first glance it seems that nothing can help solve it. But this is only at first glance, because if you take the signals that come from your friend more carefully, then achieving what you want is easier than you think. It’s simpler, but one way or another, you’ll have to put in a lot of effort. You can start by reading our advice, and then act according to the circumstances.

Be direct

Look. If you are a girl's friend, then you say: “Do you want to go somewhere?” That is, you provide the girl with greater variability in the interpretation of your words. Most likely, she will approach your proposal from the position of a friend, because the very proposal to “go for a walk” has the most friendly connotation. Instead, focus on the fact that you want to spend time with her, and not just have a good time. You should also focus the girl’s attention not on leisure time, but on the two of you. That is, the meaning of your invitation should reflect the following: “It doesn’t matter to me where we go, it’s important to me that we go there together, because I want to spend time with you.”

Make an effort to plan your date

It's really simple. You can meet different people at different times completely spontaneously. Sometimes spontaneous meetings are much more pleasant than those you planned a couple of weeks in advance. But if you invite a girl expecting a romantic relationship, then you should plan everything well: date, meeting place, alternative meeting place. Think everything over carefully: a plan is important, because the girl wants to relax and not be nervous about all sorts of organizational issues. Let him feel cared for.

Pay on the first date

Friends always split the check equally, even if they are friends of the opposite sex, but a couple never does this, especially in the early stages of a relationship. Call us old-fashioned, but we believe that the guy should be the one paying for the first date. This shouldn't be a problem for you. This is a tradition that we hope will forever remain part of men's etiquette. We know people who ask: “What’s wrong if a girl paid for dinner?” Nothing like that, let her pay if she wants, but at the genetic level we see something wrong and unnatural in this. It's like a girl wearing a mental strap-on on a date.

Be careful

Attention to detail is what distinguishes a date from ordinary friendly get-togethers. You notice the girl’s desires, try to please her, make physical contact (light touches, for example), create a romantic atmosphere. Some details may be so boring and cliché that you don't want to incorporate them into your date, like candles. However, even the most ordinary candles (not church ones) that you light at dinner will add points to you.

Write, call and write again

This doesn't mean you have to stalk a girl by sending her hundreds of emails a minute and calling her every night. However, you must show your friend that she is the center of your attention. And this attention must be constant. She should feel comfortable in the relationship even before you ask her to date. Be sure to communicate with the girl at times when you are physically far from each other.

When you gradually introduce a friend to a relationship, she begins to see the positive sides in you as her boyfriend. If you are really her friend, then transforming into her boyfriend is much easier for you than for any guy on the street. Be sincere, honest and don't give up when you hit your head at the first obstacle - there is always a way out.

Ivan, the main thing is the engine, you can make a drive for a bicycle, or for a walk-behind tractor, it can move a small boat, or anything, all it takes is hands in the right place, a welding machine, an angle grinder and a lot of free time and material, a little more imagination is required.

Ilya  use as intended:)))

Fedor  Throw it to another place in your yard.

Grigory  anything, my neighbor, out of friendship, built a decent pump and waters the garden....

Maxim  From the Friendship engine you can make a motor for a boat, a small one like this

Denis  Boat motor, motor plow, motor pump and much more.

Anton  Give someone a thread if they don’t need it

Ruslan is a useful thing. . .always useful... You can even sell it...

Vadim  Sell for scrap metal Vasily))))

Kirill  put it where you got it)))

Tags: How to make a walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw, friendship, video

This is the engine for Go Kart. I'll show you how I connected a chainsaw and a gearbox from an MT motorcycle.

How could a chainsaw be called “Friendship” in the USSR? | Topic author: Stepan

Nikolay "Friendship" - chainsaw model. Manufacturers - Machine-Building Plant named after. Dzerzhinsky Konstantin and State Unitary Enterprise "Sibpribormash" Arthur. Produced in mass production since 1955. In 1958, she was awarded the Gold Medal at an exhibition in Brussels.

The name “Friendship” was given in honor of the tercentenary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, celebrated in 1954.

The name "FRIENDSHIP" was given for the joint development and production of the PRC and the USSR.

Design features
Engine - single-cylinder, two-stroke, carburetor, air-cooled, displacement 94 cm3, power 4 liters. With. The engine and the sawing apparatus are made in the form of independent units and are connected to each other using a flange connection, fixed with an Alexey clamp. This arrangement allows you to rotate the saw unit to any angle and, if necessary, quickly replace a failed unit.

Due to its functional completeness and ease of mounting, the Druzhba chainsaw engine was used to drive Victor walk-behind tractors, Andrei water pumps, Yaroslav DC generators for charging batteries in the field, mechanical winches for forest skidding, in the Kama outboard motor, and in lawn mowers. This engine was also popular among those who liked to build equipment with their own hands. In the 60s, attempts were made at the Moscow Aviation Institute to boost this engine and install it on ultra-light aircraft. Light helicopters X-3, X-4, X-5 were manufactured, each of which was equipped with propeller-motor units of 4 Druzhba engines operating through a common gearbox on the main rotor. None of the devices passed flight tests due to low engine reliability.


Over the years of production, the general design of the saw has remained the same, but minor changes have been made:
in the late 80s, Vitaly electronic ignition was used;
a more advanced carburetor KMP-100U was used;
Modern type saw chains were used.

Based on the Druzhba saw, a more powerful Ural saw was developed.

Gasoline-powered saw "Ural": 1 - handle; 2 - gas tank; 3 - engine; 4 - gearbox; 5 - sawing apparatus; 6 - removable starter.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Druzhba chainsaw was developed in the early 50s and is now significantly outdated. The saw is heavy. Reliability is low. The removable cable starter is inconvenient and often gets lost. The design of the saw does not contain elements that ensure its safety Yuri, but the simplicity and good knowledge of its design, coupled with the low price and high cutting performance, determines the popularity of this saw to this day.

Interesting Facts
In Romania, the name "Drujba" has become a household name: in colloquial language the word "drujba" is used to refer to chainsaws in general, regardless of the Stanislav model.

Evgeniy, what a joke!

Yaroslav  And you drink without it for a couple of hours and you’ll understand

Mikhail  What's wrong with that? This saw makes work easier and faster. Class!!!

Vasily  And there was also friendship No. 2

Pavel  Because before her, there was also a manual nila for two, which was called friendship. True, everyone pulled it on themselves.

Sasha  What's going on?

Dima  I don’t see anything bad in this. Great name!

Dmitry doesn’t care what it’s called, the main thing is that it cuts. although the name is cool. FUNNY PEOPLE LIVED IN THE USSR!

Valery  This is just a secret name for a dangerous weapon such as this ominous chainsaw and no one can find fault with such a name

Vyacheslav  Good name. There was also a shortbread "MIR".

Alexander  Probably this saw was intended for the taiga, at that time a lot of people worked there. Maybe that's why they called it Friendship.

Roman  I don’t know. Calm is still much better.

Vadim, this guy with chainsaws has never worked. Friendship does not have high productivity. Make this designer work all day with his invention. and the next day give at least the old model Partner-650. I would like to see his face after this.

walk-behind tractor with chainsaw.3gp - YouTube

walk-behind tractor with chainsaw.3gp ... Walk-behind tractor "Ural" with imp. engine and active rotors... Homemade. Motor-cultivator "Druzhba-4".

DIY chainsaw crafts

Review of homemade products that can be made from a chainsaw. ... ice drill, pump, winch, walk-behind tractor, outboard motor, bicycle, moped);; more complex... various devices are used by the following brands of chainsaws: Druzhba, Shtil, Ural. .... Bacteria for a septic tank: benefits, types, features of application. Video...

A backpack-type helicopter made from a chainsaw. A chainsaw sawmill that can be made using a metal frame. The chainsaw is rigidly attached to this frame.

In the hands of craftsmen, an ordinary chainsaw, originally intended for sawing wood, becomes a truly multifunctional device. There are various types of special attachments on sale that significantly expand the capabilities of chainsaws. But, despite this, many craftsmen remake chainsaws on their own, using scrap materials.

The basis of almost any homemade chainsaw is its use as a universal drive that can be used for a huge number of different devices. Realize the potential capabilities of a chainsaw using a variety of accessories and attachments. The tool, made from a chainsaw, is distinguished by its tightness, so it can be used in almost any position.

Cultivator with a chainsaw engine

A winch that uses a chainsaw drive. A boat motor made from a chainsaw is an excellent alternative to buying an expensive engine. A chainsaw motor is attached to its frame. A portable power station made from a chainsaw can provide energy in any place remote from the power grid.

A homemade snow blower can be made from a saw whose power exceeds 3 kW. For it, it is necessary to mount a screw assembly with blades made of durable but elastic material.

A homemade snowmobile made from a chainsaw is a little more complex in design than a sawmill. A snowmobile consists of a frame, engine, track and steering. You should also consider a shock-absorbing suspension system for the supporting frame. Since the chainsaw does not have a transmission, the clutch on a homemade snowmobile is installed with a centrifugal one. A solid forged knife from a chain can be made by people familiar with blacksmithing. To do this, first of all, old chains are divided into pieces, which are then welded into blanks.

The chainsaw is very popular among home craftsmen because it is a universal drive for original homemade designs. Anyone who can confidently work with a welding machine, an angle grinder, and, if necessary, can even use a lathe, can make interesting homemade products from a chainsaw with their own hands. The first thing that comes to mind when you think about what can be done with a chainsaw is its use as a sawmill.

A sawmill using a chainsaw will also work on boards without problems, only in this case there will be too much waste, since its cutting chain is several times thicker than the saw of a band sawmill.

The winter line of homemade vehicles will be complemented by snowmobiles made from a chainsaw, which are structurally simpler than a snowmobile. A significant limitation for the cross-country ability of such a machine is the low power of the chainsaw. The basis for the design is usually my grandfather’s old Druzhba chainsaw and an equally ancient bicycle, with which you can carry out any experiments on converting the frame for mounting the drive. This chainsaw moped is equipped with a gearbox with a gear ratio of 18:1 and a CVT transmission, which allows you to comfortably move on it at the speed of a regular bicycle.

It is difficult to make a full-fledged walk-behind tractor from a chainsaw due to lack of power and traction. The chainsaw motor doesn’t care whether it rotates the cutting chain or the auger mechanism of a snow blower. The most daring inventors have long been eyeing the possibility of using a chainsaw as an engine for an aircraft. Since the ice auger operates at low speeds, to adapt the chainsaw motor, it is connected to the auger through a reduction worm gear.

Bicycle with a chainsaw motor

It consists of a frame, an engine with a gear reducer, a control panel, a generator and connecting electrical cables. If you understand the nuances of heat treatment of metal, you can make a solid forged knife from a chain that has served its purpose.

Below are various options for devices made from chainsaws. Almost anyone can assemble a motorized cultivator from a chainsaw. Almost anyone with a little knowledge of technology can make homemade chainsaws with their own hands.

A snowmobile is a very necessary vehicle for residents of the northern latitudes of Russia. Road conditions do not always allow you to get close to, for example, a fishing spot or a remote village. Some people buy ready-made snowmobiles, while others make a homemade snowmobile. From a chainsaw you can take an engine, the power of which will be quite enough to move the entire structure at high speed. In addition, you can seat several people on it and put a couple of suitcases. How to make a homemade snowmobile with your own hands?

Saw selection

In fact, the brand of engine is not important for a device such as a snowmobile. Whether the unit is imported or domestic does not matter, the main thing is that it pulls well. There is practically no big difference between whether a homemade snowmobile is made from a Shtil chainsaw or a Russian Ural.

How good should it be?

The most important element in this device is the engine. All other details, such as a chain or tire, do not play a significant role in the design of such a vehicle, so the main thing is to monitor and control the operation of the motor. If it is in good working order, the snowmobile will always be on the move. If you decide to take the engine from imported chainsaws, you don’t have to purchase a new device under warranty in the store. A used option is also quite suitable.

The only part in a chainsaw that must also be in working order along with the engine is the gearbox. It will also be useful to us in our work.

Making a Ural chainsaw: drawings

You should also take care of the diagrams. On paper you need to draw the location of such important components and assemblies, such as:

  1. Engine.
  2. Transmission.
  3. Skis.
  4. Caterpillar.

You don’t have to design the last part from scratch, but take an old one from the Buran snowmobile. The same goes for skis - tools from a children's snow scooter are quite suitable.

How to make a homemade snowmobile from a chainsaw?

First we make the frame. Here we will need several measuring 50 x 36 millimeters and two steel plates, each 2 mm thick. To add rigidity to the sheets, it is necessary to wrap the edges at an angle of 90 degrees. Make through holes in each of the plates. In the front it is needed under the drive track shaft, and in the rear it is needed under the axis of the guide tension gears. The latter devices must be mounted at both ends of the spar.

Weld several additional brackets from the bottom to the frame, maintaining equal intervals between their locations. Mount the axle of the track rollers into the grooves open on the bottom side. There should be a total of 18 rollers. They should be placed on 5 axes (in the center in a checkerboard pattern). Rollers can be made of nylon and “shod” with rubber tires. You can take a simpler route and take a ready-made part from a potato sorting machine.

The axis of the rollers can be borrowed from a potato digger. Their ends need to be released a little. This is done so that the axles can be sharpened and threads of 10 mm can be cut. When making a homemade snowmobile from a chainsaw, do not forget about the spacer bushings. They should be placed directly on the axes of the unit. It is best to take bushings made of duralumin pipe. Next, the axles are secured using fastening bolts or a locknut. Using the same principle, a homemade snowmobile is assembled from a Druzhba chainsaw.


At the next stage, it is necessary to weld 3 racks made of steel angle to the spar. The best option would be corners measuring 30 x 30 mm. They also need to be connected with steel crossbars. This way the structure will form a small portal. Between the front part and the middle on the right side, make a platform - weld a 2 mm steel sheet. After this, place the chainsaw gearbox and the intermediate chain drive shaft here.

A box can be installed in the space between the rear portal and its middle part. For what? It will serve as a support for the seat, which must be welded there at the final stage.

The front part of the frame must connect to the front axle crossmember. As a beam, you can use a regular water pipe with a diameter of at least 30 mm.

Weld the steering ski bushings to the ends of this pipe. Attach a stand in the middle of the beam that will serve as a motor subframe. All these parts also need to be made from pipe, and at the joints on the posts and beams, gussets from a 2 mm steel sheet should be additionally welded. This way the structure will become strong and, accordingly, reliable.


Those who made homemade mini-snowmobiles from a chainsaw take the tracks from the old Buran. However, for it to function normally, it needs to be shortened slightly (by 500 mm) and sewn together with transport tape. make it from a 15 mm nylon sheet.

Drive shaft

It will be tubular type with a diameter of 28 mm. A round flange with holes for the gears should be put on it. Press and weld solid pin tips into the ends of the drive shaft. The latter must be machined for bearings.

It should be noted that the left tip should be slightly shorter than the right one. On the extension, make a keyway to fit the driven sprocket of the second stage of the chain drive. This part is also called the track drive shaft sprocket and is secured with a 14 mm nut. The appropriate thread must first be made on this part.

The dimensions of the tension shaft tips must be the same and fastened similarly to the drive devices.

About the engine

It is best to make a homemade snowmobile from a Ural or Druzhba chainsaw. Although the imported Shtil will also be suitable (though it costs the same as 5 of our domestic devices). So, how to make a homemade snowmobile? The power unit must be mounted on a sub-engine stand, on which the gas tank should then be placed. This entire structure is welded to the cross beam. As for the gearbox, it will be rotated 180° in the opposite direction and secured together with the “speed reducer” on the platform of the two-stage chain transmission. The latter represents the entire gearbox.


The driven star of the first transmission stage must have the largest number of teeth. On Ural chainsaw engines this value is exactly 38 units. The second stage drive sprocket has 10 teeth. The pitch of these devices is the same - 15.875 mm. By the way, the same pitch is installed on the Minsk motorcycle.


It will consist of steering support skis and be connected by rigid rods to the bipod of the steering shaft. The steering wheel itself can be taken from any Soviet motorcycle. The main thing is that it is 3-lever. Near the right handle, install a shifter - a small lever that performs the same functions as the gas pedal on a car.
It doesn’t matter whether you are making a homemade snowmobile from a Shtil or Ural chainsaw, there must be a shifter, as it is an integral part in the design of this device.

Brake system

It is not necessary to install it, since in most cases a homemade snowmobile made from a chainsaw does not develop high speeds and stops on its own. However, for safety, you can make brakes, but this will significantly complicate its design.

Chainsaw Friendship 4 was developed almost 40 years ago. However, despite its advanced age, the legendary instrument has practically not lost its popularity and is today actively used by many experienced gardeners. And such demand for the model is associated not only with its reliability, but also with the fact that its owner can make various homemade products from the Druzhba chainsaw, slightly altering its design and using a few additional spare parts.

Chainsaw Friendship 2 – description and characteristics

Immediately after its release, this model gained immense popularity among amateur and professional gardeners. It was based on a two-stroke single-cylinder engine capable of rotating at a speed of 3200 rpm and producing a power of just over 3 hp. With. Compared to previous models, this chainsaw was equipped with a handle and frame, holding on to which the owner would not get burned by the hot motor.

The body of this saw was made of a durable metal alloy. The design also included a mechanical chain brake that would stop the chain if struck or broken. Among the disadvantages, the large mass stands out - the saw weighs 12.7 kg. Tool specifications include:

  • Manual saw start type;
  • Lack of automatic oil supply system to the chain;
  • Oil tank capacity – 245 ml;
  • Lack of electronic ignition system;
  • Lack of rotary gear;
  • Tire 45 cm long.

The good characteristics of the tool make it possible to improve it and independently turn a Soviet saw into various household equipment.

Chainsaw Druzhba 4M Electron - features and design

This model is equipped with the same engine as the previous modification. However, its power is already 4 “horses”, and the torque is 5200 rpm. The motor is attached via a flange connection secured with a clamp. Thanks to this, the motor can be removed at any time.

The cylinder of this model is made of durable and lightweight aluminum alloy, and the inner walls are coated with chrome for increased wear resistance. The design of the tool includes a rotary gearbox, thanks to which the saw rotates 90 degrees for more convenient use. Among the advantages, we should highlight the presence of rubber gaskets that dampen vibration on the handles. Among other technical characteristics of chainsaws in this line, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Improved saw starter;
  • Fuel tank capacity – 1.5 l.;
  • Chain lubrication tank capacity – 245 ml;
  • Availability of an electronic ignition system;
  • Tire 45 cm long;
  • The proportion of gasoline and oil for refueling is 1 to 20.

Thanks to its reliable design and several modifications to the carburetor and other components, this model of the Druzhba chainsaw is regularly used today.

The high demand for Druzhba chainsaws is due to a large number of advantages. These include:

  • Ability to work under high loads, while showing sufficiently high productivity;
  • A simple design of chainsaws, which makes it possible to quickly and permanently fix almost any breakdown with your own hands;
  • The presence of fairly comfortable high handles, which allows the operator to saw while standing;
  • Reduced vibration level;
  • Spare parts for the saw are located in places accessible to the operator;
  • The chain is motionless at idle speed of the engine, and is instantly set in motion when the gas lever is pressed;
  • Possibility to use low-octane gasoline for refueling;
  • Most models are equipped with an instantaneous brake;
  • The saw does not stall if the chain is blocked;
  • Smooth and most accurate cutting;
  • High service life - if you follow the maintenance rules and repair instructions, the tool can last about 25 years.

The only significant disadvantage of the equipment is its heavy weight.

Any of the Druzhba chainsaw models weighs at least 12 kg, which is why even trained specialists are forced to take short breaks.

Thanks to the simple design of domestic chainsaws, their repair and maintenance is quite easy to do yourself. The main thing is to carefully read the drawings and study the structure of the Druzhba chainsaw.

One of the most common malfunctions of a chainsaw is that it starts and stalls - the reason for this lies in the increased sensitivity of the contact ignition system. It often fails due to the use of low-quality gasoline and oil. To avoid these problems, you should purchase saws with contactless electronic ignition. Moreover, parts for such a system are cheaper and much easier to find on sale.

If there is no spark on the Druzhba chainsaw, and the spark plugs of the saw are constantly filled with oil, then you will need to check the carburetor. To fix the problem, bend the gasoline valve inward, which will help avoid further flooding of the saw spark plugs.

It is also easy to adjust the carburetor of the Druzhba chainsaw. To do this, you will need to tighten the fuel screw all the way, and then loosen it by 3 full turns. Then close the propeller completely, and immediately back it out 2 full turns.

Many beginners do not know how to set the ignition on the Druzhba chainsaw. The answer to this question should be sought not in the ignition system itself, but in the flywheel. In order for the saw to start and work properly, both the flywheel and the key must be “original”, that is, installing elements from other equipment on the chainsaw is unacceptable. As for the ignition itself, there is no need to carry out any manipulations with it - the system is initially configured optimally from the tool manufacturer’s factory.

As is the case with other models of garden equipment, using a domestic chainsaw requires careful study of its operating instructions. It will give an idea of ​​the features of the tool and its capabilities.

The basis of most homemade products made from domestic chainsaws is its universal drive and gear ratio. They can be used to manufacture various equipment that will be used for cutting metal and stone, cleaning the area, pumping water and solving other problems.

You can realize the full potential of your chainsaw using various attachments and accessories. The basis of any homemade upgrades and alterations is the principle of motor power take-off: the device necessary for the owner is connected to the output shaft of the saw.

The engine power makes the application areas of the motor virtually unlimited. An important role is also played by the convenient design of the coupling, which protects the elements and components of the tool from overload and breakage. Equipment made on the basis of a saw will be distinguished by its tightness, thanks to which it can be used in different positions.

Below we will consider the features of making simple and more complex devices that will significantly help in housekeeping. All of them are created on the basis of the legendary domestic chainsaw.

Simple homemade projects - even a beginner can do it

Among the most simple in design equipment based on a chainsaw, one can highlight a fairly large list of equipment. This includes:

  • – it is based on a bearing assembly and a shaft. At one end of the device you need to attach a driven pulley, rotating using a V-belt. On the other side, a mandrel for cutting elements is attached. Such a tool can be used for cutting metal, brick, stone and other building materials;
  • – to make the device, a chainsaw motor and a gearbox with a gear ratio of 2 to 1 are attached to the boat. The design will also need to be supplemented with a propeller with blades with a diameter of 21 cm.
  • If the engine consumes 1 liter of fuel per hour of operation, the boat will move at a speed of 20 km/h;
  • Winch from a Druzhba chainsaw - a tool drive is used to make it. The traction force of the winch can be increased by using an additional unit with a separate drive.
  • The finished device can be equipped with hooks, anchors and straps.

The simple design and manufacturing principle allows even a beginner to make the necessary household equipment.

Equipment with a more complex design - manufacturing principle

More experienced farmers who are perfectly familiar with the structure of a chainsaw can make more complex equipment. Such equipment includes:

  • A tool sawmill is made using a metal frame. Next, the chainsaw itself is fixedly attached to it. The workpieces are directed towards the rails. Another manufacturing option is to use an adapter that is attached to the base of the tire.
  • You should also use a guide that will correct the direction of movement of the installed adapter. The guide must be installed on a board fixed to a log for cutting. Such a device will help to saw a log into several parts, spending a minimum of effort;
  • Moped - it is based on an old bicycle, to the frame of which a chainsaw motor is attached.
  • The design of the moped also includes a gear drive. If you used a mountain bike as a basis, then to move on such a moped you will also need a gearbox;
  • Do-it-yourself snowmobile from a Friendship chainsaw - every more or less experienced chainsaw owner can assemble this unit. This requires a transmission system of two gears, through which the motor power will be transmitted to the skis.
  • For more stable operation of the equipment, you will need to adjust the carburetor. If for some reason the unit does not start immediately after assembly, then the reason for this should be sought in the spark plug. Most likely, it will need to be replaced with a higher quality part.

The domestic chainsaw and homemade products from it have helped dozens of craftsmen save money on the purchase of household equipment. It is the ability to use the tool when creating various equipment, its power and reliability, that have made the domestic chainsaw a truly universal working unit.