Is it possible to have a suspended ceiling in a bathroom? Stretch ceiling in the bathroom - reviews and opinions. Tips from experts: how to dilute black in the bathroom

Our company cooperates with leading manufacturers of canvases and has at its disposal special equipment that allows us to carry out high-quality and durable printing on most materials.

The installation of suspended ceilings in the bathroom is carried out by qualified specialists. They have extensive work experience and regularly improve their skills.

Installing a ceiling in a bathroom using tiles

Installation of a bathroom ceiling on porcelain stoneware

What kind of suspended ceiling should I install in the bathroom?

The choice of material for a room with high humidity should be treated with special care. It must not only stretch well, but also withstand relatively high temperatures and exposure to moisture. That is why the most popular material for a suspended ceiling in a bathroom is PVC canvas.

The material has a smooth and durable structure that is resistant to mold and pathogens. In addition, PVC fabric has a wide variety of colors and is an excellent material for printing.

What to consider?

  • Due to the high degree of humidity, preference should be given to moisture-resistant materials - PVC film.
  • Give preference to durable and durable structures– harpoon technology, maintenance-free
  • Ceiling structures must be resistant to elevated temperatures - aluminum profile.
  • For this room, you can choose an interesting pattern or color scheme that will delight your eyes when taking a bath.

The bathroom is a room with difficult conditions, which include high humidity, lack of natural light. Therefore, when renovating, you have to take into account all the nuances so that you don’t have to change the finish in a couple of years. Especially when it comes to ceiling surface. There are many ways to decorate ceilings, but not everyone will suit the conditions of this room, and the owners are faced with the question of what to choose. We advise you to install a modern suspended ceiling in the bathroom, the pros and cons, which will be discussed in the article.

Features and types of stretch fabrics

The design of a stretch ceiling includes a metal or plastic baguette and a decorative fabric mounted around the perimeter of the room. To make the coating, two types of materials are used - PVC film or fabric. Despite the differences in decorative and technical specifications, materials have similar positive and negative qualities.

Photo of a fabric ceiling in the bathroom

Fabric sheets are made up to 5.1 m wide, which allows them to be used for finishing ceilings in spacious rooms. The surface of the material is penetrated big amount micropores that ensure normal air circulation, the decorative ceiling “breathes”. Special polyurethane impregnation increases the moisture resistance of the fabric, so this ceiling is suitable for installation in the bathroom. But the coating will not be able to withstand large volumes of water, and after flooding the coating will have to be replaced. Another drawback of this type is the meager range of colors (the palette of fabrics includes about 20 pastel shades).

Film ceilings

PVC film coatings better suit the characteristics of the bathroom. The material is durable, moisture-resistant, mold-resistant, and easy to clean. Vinyl fabric will reliably protect furniture and interiors from leaks, as it can withstand up to 100 liters of water per 1 m². When the cause of the flood has been eliminated and the water has been drained from the decorative canvas, the material is dried and returned to its original place. An additional advantage is the range of colors and textures. The palette of film ceilings includes about 250 shades, matte, glossy, satin textures.

Before choosing a bathroom ceiling, consider which material is best. Professional craftsmen recommend that clients opt for PVC film, which will protect the room from leaks and quickly restore its original appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both types of coatings meet the performance requirements that apply to finishing materials used for bathroom decoration. But, like any other method, stretch ceilings have positive and negative characteristics.


  • installation speed. You can get a smooth surface in a short period of time. Installation of the decorative structure will take a maximum of 2-3 hours;
  • in the ceiling space it will be possible to reliably hide electrical cable and engineering communications. And the air cushion located under the canvas will create additional thermal insulation and protect the base from moisture. Decorative ceiling will remain warm, this will prevent the formation of condensation, and splashes of water that get on the material will dry quickly;
  • the canvases will not require special care, but splashes of water will leave marks on the glossy surface, so try to wipe them off immediately;
  • The service life of suspended ceilings is 15 years and above, while manufacturers provide a guarantee on products for a period of 10-12 years.


  • fear of mechanical damage. This is especially true for canvas made of PVC film. The coating can be easily damaged by a sharp object;
  • when the temperature on the thermometer rises to 45°C, the vinyl coating begins to sag;
  • under the influence of elevated temperatures, PVC film releases bad smell. But, if you purchase the canvas from a reliable manufacturer, this trouble can be avoided;
  • price. Installing a tensile structure will cost more than, for example, painting, applying decorative plaster or installation of a plasterboard ceiling.

Installing suspended ceilings in the bathroom has many advantages. If you carefully choose the material, there is every chance of getting a practical and beautiful ceiling surface.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the bathroom, which will outweigh the video review

The bathroom is a room with a rather aggressive “environment” in relation to finishing materials. High humidity, steam, direct contact with moisture on surfaces, temperature changes, not always good ventilation - all these factors require a thoughtful approach to the issue of decorating a given room. The choice should be made exclusively in favor of reliable, durable, moisture-resistant materials.

The most difficult thing, as a rule, is to decide on the finishing of the ceiling: there are many options, but each of them raises certain doubts in terms of “compatibility” with the room for hygiene procedures. Buyers are most interested in the pros and cons of installing a stretch ceiling in the bathroom, since this particular ceiling structure is considered Lately an example of functionality, aesthetics and practicality.

What is a stretch ceiling? This is a canvas mounted on a metal or plastic profile under the main ceiling. This design can have a different design, shape and number of levels. Depending on the fabric material, fabric and film stretch ceilings are distinguished.

To create the former, durable synthetic fabric is used, evenly impregnated with a polyurethane-based mixture. They do not accumulate dust, do not rot, do not fade, and are distinguished by high strength characteristics (at the level of traditional finishing methods).

Due to the presence of micropores in the fabric fabric, such a ceiling structure “breathes” - this helps maintain an optimal microclimate in the room.

The width of the fabric fabric up to 5 meters allows you to create seamless ceilings. Individual adjustment to the room configuration is not required. The image applied to the fabric can be almost anything.

Stretch ceilings are durable, reliable, hygienic, and have incredible visual appeal. Therefore, their rapidly growing popularity is not at all surprising. Ceilings with photo printing are especially interesting from a design point of view.

Film ceilings are made “on the basis” of vinyl film (PVC), which changes its degree of elasticity under the influence of temperature. To equip such a ceiling structure, heat guns are required.

The units heat the fabric to a temperature of 70 degrees, after which it, having softened, easily stretches to a preset profile. The film is supplied in an incredible variety of colors and textures - to suit every taste and even more.

The material is waterproof. PVC ceilings are made to order.

A modern stretch ceiling is a great opportunity to hide all the defects of the main surface without unnecessary hassle and at the same time decorate the interior. It is quickly installed, if selected correctly, goes well with any environment, and is completely safe.

Is it possible to safely install a suspended ceiling in the bathroom? According to the majority competent specialists, Yes. The only thing is that it is better to choose a film structure for your bathroom.

PVC stretch fabrics are not afraid of moisture and steam, therefore, can be recommended for installation in bathrooms and swimming pools

Advantages and disadvantages of such a solution

Film stretch ceiling has the following advantages:

  1. Moisture resistance. Drops of water that fall on the film or form during condensation of steam either dry out or simply “fall” down. No deformations, marks or streaks.
  2. Durability. With high-quality installation and proper operation, such a ceiling in a bathroom can last about 15 years - without changing color or surprises in the form of strange stains.
  3. Guaranteed flood protection. A “sealed” ceiling in the bathroom of a high-rise building is not a whim, but a vital necessity. Trouble in the form of a flood can occur at any moment: if a pipe inside the house (with a long-exhausted resource) breaks, then the “attentive” neighbors will forget to turn off the tap. Therefore, be on the lookout for reliable protection in the form of a stretch ceiling would not be out of place. It can withstand a load of - just imagine - 100 liters per 1 square meter! How exactly will the film behave under the weight of water? It will just stretch and sag. The main thing is not to start “amateur activities” in such a situation with draining the water, because you can cause irreparable damage to the ceiling structure and your property. Call specialists right away - they will quickly return the ceiling to its original shape and appearance.
  4. Easy to care for. Stretch ceilings are antistatic, making them practically non-contaminated. For perfect cleanliness It is enough to occasionally walk over the surface with a slightly damp cloth or sponge.
  5. Operational installation. All work on installing a suspended ceiling can, in principle, be completed within one working day. A perfectly smooth surface in just a couple of hours - and no primer, putty, paint or construction waste. This design can be installed even when the finishing of the walls and floors has already been completed - the process will in no way spoil the decor.
  6. Hygiene. Bacteria and fungi do not take root on the surface of the stretch ceiling - this helps maintain a healthy and comfortable atmosphere in the bathroom.
  7. Safety. The film is non-flammable and therefore completely fireproof.
  8. Wide opportunities for the implementation of original design projects. Stretch ceiling It can be green or blue, with a beautiful landscape or starry sky, monochromatic or multi-colored, with or without texture, glossy or matte - anything.

A suspended ceiling also allows you to install a spot lighting system.

It is better to avoid complex multi-level designs in a small bathroom. But in a spacious room such a “composition” will look very solid and harmonious

In addition to significant advantages, suspended ceilings also have a number of disadvantages:

  1. Quite a high price. Although, if you divide the final cost of the structure by the expected period of operation, then the costs, in principle, will be comparable to high-quality painting of the ceiling. A separate topic for conversation is multi-level and artistic stretch ceilings. The cost of such compared to the “classical” design increases by 1.5-5 times.
  2. Easy damage under the influence of hard or sharp objects. Have you decided to replace the curtain rod in the bathroom and the end has touched the curtain? Did your children play and shoot arrows at the ceiling? In any of these situations, a hole can easily form on the surface.
  3. Limitation in choice lighting fixtures . Their power should not exceed 60 W.
  4. Inability to install the structure yourself. This requires not only special equipment, but also sufficient experience in performing such work.

In order for the suspended ceiling in the bathroom to look as harmonious as possible, you need to correctly decide on the texture and color scheme of the canvas.

For a room with a small area, it is advisable to choose a glossy stretch ceiling. It will visually increase the space and add a feeling of spaciousness. “Gloss” is the best assistant for creating interesting design effects in the interior.

Matte stretch ceiling will harmoniously fit into any environment. If glare and shine are not for you, it is better to go with this option.

In addition to easy installation, stretch ceilings are also easy to dismantle. You can completely transform the space above your head with such a coating with a minimum of time.

Does your intended bathroom design allow for experimentation? Then you can pay attention to structural canvases that imitate stone, wood, leather, and pebbles.

As for the color scheme, you should focus solely on your taste and common sense. You can never go wrong if you choose a “classic” white ceiling - it goes well with all interior styles.

White stretch ceiling – universal solution for the bathroom, which is equally suitable for both classic and minimalist interiors

Sandy, light orange, light green, pale pink colors are a reasonable solution for a small room with low ceilings.

Very often, in an effort to “pay tribute” to the element of water, the bathroom is decorated in blue-green tones. If you are inclined to this option, then your right choice is a canvas of blue, emerald or turquoise color.

In principle, you can also turn to bright colors, but then the room will definitely no longer be associated with calm and tranquility. This original solution Suitable for dynamic and energetic people who will always prefer a contrast shower to an aromatic bath.

In order for a bright stretch ceiling to fit harmoniously into the bathroom, the design of the room must be thought out to the smallest detail. An excellent option is to make one of the walls rich and keep the rest in soothing colors.

Black stretch ceiling – interesting option For modern interior. It's stylish, uncluttered and bold.

A real decoration original twist The bathroom can be a suspended ceiling with photo printing or a “starry sky” type design.

How to properly care for such a ceiling?

In order for a suspended ceiling to delight you with its pristine beauty for many years, you need to properly care for it.

The first and basic rule is not to use any coarse brushes or hard sponges for cleaning. This is due to the high vulnerability of the canvas to mechanical stress. Can not use detergents based on alkalis and acids; solutions containing abrasive elements.

It is best to use for the care of suspended ceilings special remedy, recommended for these surfaces. You can usually buy it at any hardware store or directly from sellers (suppliers) of suspended ceiling structures.

If you don’t have one at hand at the right time, you can use a regular soap solution. He will do his job perfectly. Glass and mirror cleaners and ammonia solution are also quite suitable.

You can emphasize the beauty of glossy stretched canvas in the bathroom using a suspended plasterboard structure around the perimeter of the ceiling

It is worth noting that stretch ceilings do not need to be washed very often. Usually, simply removing dust from the surface with a dry cloth or cleaning it with plain water is sufficient. This is especially true for matte ceilings.

If repairs are required...

Despite the fact that the reliability of suspended ceilings, in general, is not in doubt, damage to the coating occurs quite often. Careless handling and poor-quality installation are the main reasons for this.

If the damage has small sizes(no more than 15 cm) and is located near the wall, you can handle it on your own. Scotch tape, scraps of fabric, appliqué stickers, accuracy and a little free time - and the defect was gone.

In all other cases, it is better to entrust the issue to professionals.

In addition, it is worth remembering that damage caused by defects during installation or use of the canvas Low quality, are subject to warranty repair. Possible warranty cases include: defective welding seam, tearing of the baguette, excessive tension of the canvas and tearing of the material in the corners as a result.

It happens that the damage to the canvas is quite serious - no glue can be saved. And there is no opportunity to contact a specialist. What to do? You can try to organize additional spot lighting at the rupture site

Question of quality of paintings

The undisputed leaders in the stretch ceilings market are European manufacturers. Products from French, German and Italian companies are distinguished by their reliability, durability and safety. Good average level demonstrated by Russian companies. As for factory Chinese products, they, unfortunately, do not differ in stable quality. The situation with counterfeits is really bad.

Like any other product, stretch ceilings have their strengths and weaknesses. But it is quite obvious that this coating still has more advantages.

When choosing suspended ceilings, always ask the seller all the questions you are interested in and carefully examine the samples offered. A high-quality fabric will be dense, pleasant to the touch, flexible, uniform, with a uniform color - without bright spots or omissions.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

P popularization of the use of suspended ceilings in the arrangement of home interior contributed to the development of repair work in this direction. The process itself is quite simple, but requires certain knowledge and tools. Has a suspended ceiling in the bathroom, pros and cons. Therefore, before installing it, you should take into account a number of important factors: manufacturer, type, type of texture, complexity of work and maintenance, etc.

Types of fabric for suspended ceilings

The structure of a stretch ceiling consists of a frame and a canvas. There are several types of products in this direction, which differ precisely in the tension element: polychlorinated film or fabric. Accordingly, the properties that these materials possess also differ.

Features of fabric-based ceilings

The material is a polyester fabric, usually one-piece without seams. It is treated with polyurethane impregnation, which increases strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

It is possible to make the fabric in one color or with patterns applied to the surface. Samples consisting of individual sewn fragments of fabric are also made, but their cost is much higher.

Overview of products with polychlorinated film (PVC)

With a material thickness of only 0.22 mm, the film has impressive properties: high elasticity, strength and the ability to withstand up to 100 kg of load per 1 m 2. The film is sold in rolls up to 5.6 m wide, so it is suitable for decorating a huge room.

  • Profile fastening

We measure the required length of the profile with a tape measure and cut off the parts with metal scissors. At the intersections, you need to leave corners so that the two boxes fit evenly. We make holes with a hammer drill along the entire length. According to the markings made, we fasten the profile using a screwdriver, dowels and self-tapping screws.

  • Electrical wiring installation

Lighting should be decided in advance. Usually used in suspended ceilings. Calculation of their location - important point work. Installation of the devices themselves is carried out after leveling the PVC. Read about it in a separate article.

  • Preparing the room and canvas

  • PVC fastening

To make it easier to thread the blade into the profile groove, use a spatula. You need to start from the base angle (it is marked on the canvas). Once you secure one corner, move to the opposite one, then finish the remaining two. Next, move from the center of each wall around the perimeter.

  • Surface leveling

Helps smooth out wrinkles construction hair dryer. The air flow should be directed from the center to the wall. After this, the joints are masked (if there were any) and a decorative plug is installed.

Please note that PVC may emit an unpleasant odor, but it will disappear after airing.

Weighing the pros and cons of installing a PVC ceiling

A suspended ceiling in a bathtub, the pros and cons of which should be weighed before installation, is an excellent way to cover construction errors.

When renovating an apartment, an important question arises - what should the ceiling in the bathroom be like? Having looked through a lot of information presented on the Internet on a given topic, it becomes clear that a suspended ceiling is The best decision. We will analyze the nuances that will help determine whether a suspended ceiling is really needed in a given room.

This article will discuss a suspended ceiling in the bathroom, the pros and cons of all the materials needed for it.

Helpful information:

Basic properties

Absolutely every person, when decorating their bathroom, takes into account all the possible positive and negative qualities of such a ceiling. IN in this case only finance can make significant adjustments to the result. However, this issue can be resolved thanks to a large selection of different building materials that will allow the bathroom to look beautiful.

Advantages of a suspended ceiling in the bathroom

  1. There are no connecting seams. When a bathroom renovation is being done, any experienced master will make sure that the seams are not visible. Since these rooms are often small, there are no problems with this. If the quality of the work is high, then even with a critical eye it will be difficult to find the places where the canvases are connected.
  2. There are no difficulties when cleaning. A big plus for most housewives is the ability to simply wipe off the dust with a damp cloth, without spoiling the surface or leaving streaks on it. Suspended ceiling The good thing is that, thanks to its antistatic properties, it is very easy to clean.
  3. Strength. This positive nuance can be very helpful if suddenly the neighbors above flooded. When there is no one at home and water is flowing, the ceiling will not collapse, but will be able to withstand a fairly large amount of it (about 18 buckets).
  4. Quick installation. A quality craftsman will complete the ceiling installation work in just a couple of hours.
  5. Long service life. The advantage of this ceiling is that its service life is quite long. And accordingly, the thought of having to start repairs all over again will not bother you. Throughout the entire period of operation, the ceiling will not become covered with cracks and will not begin to crumble.
  6. There is a large field of activity when choosing the design of the appearance of the ceiling. There is a huge selection of films on the market that can have different colors. The film will immediately transform appearance bathroom. You can also choose an option with a stretch ceiling in several levels when the bathroom is large.
  7. When installing a stretch ceiling, there is no need to level the surface.
  1. The advantage is that it allows air to pass through. Many people believe that since the ceiling can allow air to pass through, it will ventilate the room. But if you look from the other side, the evaporation will rise upward. Accordingly, constant dampness will cause damage to the entire canvas. And therefore its service life will be significantly reduced.
  2. Another negative point is the fact that the covering is fabric. Accordingly, all the vapors that appear during bathing will be absorbed into it. If you leave the ceiling in this condition, a damp smell will appear, which will also affect its service life. In order to prevent this, it is worth addressing the issue of drying the ceiling. To do this, you will need a heater that can cover the entire surface of the ceiling. If the air flow captures only part of the surface, stains will appear that will ruin the entire interior.

The main positive qualities of PVC ceilings

  1. They hold up great a large number of water that may fall on it as a result of a pipe break. This was done so that the renovation would not damage the bathroom. If this happens, it is worth pumping out the water from the sagging ceiling and it will return to its original form. You can also contact the company that previously installed the ceiling for you - they will do the work themselves.
  2. PVC comes in a variety of colors. When it was decided to make the entire bathroom in one color scheme or the interior requires a certain coating color, this can be easily solved. Today there is a large selection various coatings will easily help you find a way out of such situations.

Cons of PVC ceilings

  1. Such ceilings cannot withstand high temperatures. But this remark is also not significant. When a fire starts, you will have no time to think about the safety of the ceiling.

After analyzing all the nuances of suspended ceilings, you can decide for yourself which material to use. When choosing, it is also worth considering that fabric surfaces have a number of disadvantages that will either shorten its service life or spoil its appearance. The surest option would be to use PVC fabric.