Is it possible to drink a lot of water? Why do I drink a lot? Is it possible not to drink a lot of water?

Human body 60% consists of water, it would seem that there can be no question of any harm from water for us, we ourselves are a real “aquatic environment”. Water cleanses our body of toxins and waste, normalizes metabolism and regulates body temperature. Our body needs water all the time; it helps to normalize the functioning of all vital organs and is involved in almost all processes. Without a doubt, water is extremely important for the human body, but why then do some people think that drinking a lot of water is harmful?

Is it possible to drink a lot of water and what is the norm?

The generally accepted daily norm for water consumption is considered to be about 1.5-2 liters, that is, about 6-8 glasses, although the norm is regulated depending on weight, habitat and the amount of physical activity.

Some experts believe that this amount of fluid is needed only by people who are very active, involved in one sport or another, as well as people with various diseases, in order to avoid possible dehydration.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water - real cases

It turns out that there can be too much of a good thing, and excessive water consumption leads to kidney and heart problems. There is even a known case of death in 2007. 28-year-old woman Jennifer Strange drank about seven liters of water and died as a result of water intoxication (!).

That is, the answer to the question why you can’t drink a lot of water is very simple. Having drunk unusually a large number of fluids, you are putting an unbearable burden on the kidneys. That is, excessive and regular consumption of water can lead to kidney disease, and a sharp “thrown march,” as it turns out, can lead to death.

Also, excessive water consumption does not have the best effect on the cardiovascular system. After all, excess water in the body can increase the total volume of blood, and as a result, an unwanted and unexpected load on the heart.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water when losing weight?

Let's consider a very interesting question - do you need to drink a lot of water when losing weight, because we are accustomed to the fact that almost all diets recommend a dose of 2 liters.

There is an opinion that water helps with weight loss and this is true, but again, it all depends on the quantity. And we really should constantly monitor our water balance in order to avoid dehydration.

But... At the same time, you should not forcefully pour another glass of water into yourself in order to reach the expected norm. This is unlikely to bring any benefit, but rather the opposite - it is detrimental to the body.

In addition, we get a considerable dose of water from foods, for example, cucumbers contain about 95%, watermelon, cabbage and tomatoes also contain a lot. The main thing is to listen to your body and then water (in the right quantities) will only benefit you.

Water is the main one chemical element of the human body, it takes part in all metabolic processes. In the absence of fluid, the human body is unable to function: the process of removing metabolic products becomes impossible, and thermal balance cannot be maintained. Vital signs deteriorate sharply even with slight dehydration.

Dehydration of the body negatively affects the higher neuropsychic activity of the individual. The inability to replenish fluid reserves leads a person to a depressed and irritable state, the feeling of fatigue quickly progresses, moral and volitional qualities weaken, and the ability to work sharply decreases.

Water makes up 70% of an adult's body weight. Each cell of the body, regardless of the functions assigned to it, is a microcosm in which countless ordered and complex transformations occur.

Water acts as a carrier of organic and inorganic elements involved in all life processes. Intracellular fluid accounts for 70% of the total water reserves in the body. Intercellular fluid makes up 30% (about 12 l).

The amount of water in the composition of organs and tissues of the human body

  • blood – 83%;
  • skeleton – 22%;
  • vitreous body of the eye – 99%;
  • adipose tissue – 29%.

Water is vital for digestion, absorption useful substances, removal of toxins and blood circulation.

The required amount of fluid to maintain water balance

In hot climates, a person can live without water for no more than 5 days. To maintain water balance, an adult needs to consume from 1.5 to 2.5 liters daily. clean water.

The amount of water required to maintain human life at the proper level directly depends on the ambient temperature. At 32 °C – the daily norm is 3 l; at 21 °C – 1.5 l; for 10 °C – 1.3 l.

During moderate physical work, it is recommended to drink at least 5 liters of water per day; When working outdoors or in the open air, you should increase the rate to 6.5 liters.

The loss of fluid, which accounts for 25% of the total body weight, leads to death. The body's metabolic processes quickly return to normal if fluid loss does not exceed 10% of the total body weight.

  • 1500 ml is excreted in the urine;
  • 600 ml – through the pores of the skin during sweating;
  • 400 ml – during breathing;
  • 100 ml during bowel movements.

The feeling of hunger occurs in a person under the influence reduced level blood glucose. An increase in salt and glucose levels triggers the thirst signal.

What is the cause of excess thirst?

Thirst is a natural reaction of the body to changes in water-salt balance. Thirst intensifies at elevated ambient temperatures, during physical activity, and after eating fatty and salty foods.

The state of chronic thirst, independent of external factors, is an alarming symptom. Polydipsia – unquenchable thirst, acts as a sign of a hidden disease.

Normally (according to WHO), an adult man needs 2.9 liters of fluid per day; adult woman – 2.7 l.

Thirst is a signal that comes from the drinking center of the central nervous system. Responsible for the drinking center are:

  • limbic section of the cerebral hemispheres;
  • areas of the cerebral cortex;
  • nuclei of the posterior lobe of the hypothalamus.

Dysfunction of the drinking center is the main cause of uncontrollable thirst. The center processes signals coming from the fluid structures of the body and compares the level of osmotic pressure and Na+ level. Thyroid and pancreatic hormones are involved in the process.

Taking certain medicines can provoke severe thirst, a feeling of dryness in the mouth and larynx. Among them: antipsychotics, diuretics and antibiotics.

Extreme thirst during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the rate of fluid intake should increase slightly. Doctors recommend that pregnant women consume 300 ml more water than usual daily norm, while the daily norm should not exceed 2 liters of liquid.

Thirst may increase in the last trimester of pregnancy due to the entry into the bloodstream of a specific protein produced by liver cells.

During the period of intrauterine development of the child, the mother's kidneys experience additional stress. The hormone angiotensin provokes additional thirst.

Thirst in a child

The World Health Organization has calculated daily fluid intake for young children based on total body weight.

For a 5 kg child, the daily fluid intake (including breast milk) is 800 ml.

For a 10 kg child, the norm increases to 1 liter per day.

Daily fluid intake for children depending on age

  • 1-3 years – 1.3 liquids (of which 350 ml milk, soups, juices, fruits);
  • 4-8 years – 1.7 l;
  • 9-13 years – 1.8 l;
  • 14-18 years old – (boys: 1.9 l, girls: 1.6 l).

In especially active children and adolescents, increased thirst is normal, but to exclude a pathological process, you should undergo an examination.


To identify the causes of excessive thirst, the therapist must collect an anamnesis and take into account the patient’s daily routine, the number of daily urinations, and the daily diet.

If necessary, laboratory blood tests are performed for:

  • determination of plasma glucose levels;
  • osmotic concentration of potassium, calcium and sodium in the blood;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determination of the level of general indicators and relative density of urine.

Based on the results obtained, the patient with thirst will be referred to the appropriate specialist.

How to cope with increased thirst

In consultation with your doctor, you should determine the optimal and maximum daily fluid intake. Much will depend on the individual characteristics of the body, gender and age.

It should be remembered that alcoholic and carbonated drinks with additives do not weaken thirst, but, on the contrary, increase it. Mineral water saturated with salts is not recommended for quenching thirst. The optimal water temperature for quenching thirst is not lower than 22° C. Cold and excessively cooled water does not The best decision with strong thirst.

Strong thirst is provoked by fried and fatty foods, all kinds of spices and pickles.

The benefits of drinking plenty of fluids

Scientists who conducted research in the 21st century came to the conclusion that consuming excess water is only permissible for:

  • athletes;
  • people involved in heavy physical labor on open air;
  • residents of hot climate zones.

Excessive water consumption leads to sodium leaching from the body. There is no scientific evidence that excess fluid has a positive effect on human systems and organs.

Excess water also does not increase skin turgor, which is what cosmetic manufacturers so persistently convince consumers of.

Harm of drinking too much

Doctors from all countries agree that the daily amount of drinking should be moderate. Modern advertising of excessive consumption of bottled water is aimed only at increasing sales. You should trust the wishes of the body and not go to extremes.

If physical activity during training leads to weight loss, then it is not recommended to replace this weight through excessive fluid intake.

Systems and organs affected by excess water consumption

  • the functioning of the digestive system deteriorates;
  • an additional load is created on the kidneys (the body begins to remove excess fluid through the pores and kidneys, which leads to leaching healthy salts and microelements);
  • the cardiovascular system functions under increased load;
  • muscle tone is impaired;
  • there is a feeling of fatigue, fatigue, and sometimes muscle spasms are observed.

Symptoms and causes of excess water in the body (overhydration)

Hypotonic hyperhydration – a condition otherwise called water poisoning. Excess fluid accumulates in the body cells themselves.

  • one-time intake of more than 10 liters of water (including during gastric lavage);
  • impaired excretory function of the kidneys (renal failure, cirrhosis);
  • heart failure.


  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • apathy, weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • muscle spasms.

Hypertensive dehydration – a condition characterized by dehydration of cells with the simultaneous removal of potassium ions from them. Accumulation of extracellular fluid. The most dangerous condition among all types of water poisoning.

  • sea ​​water was used to quench thirst;
  • intravenous injection of saline solutions;
  • Excessive amounts of the hormone aldosterone.


  • severe thirst (drinking complicates the condition);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased venous pressure;
  • damage to the central nervous system, mental disorder;
  • muscle spasms;
  • Heart failure, pulmonary and cerebral edema rapidly develop.

Isotonic hyperhydration – extracellular fluid increases in volume.

  • heart failure;
  • liver failure;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • protein starvation of the body;
  • disruption of the outflow of fluid into the lymphatic vessels.


  • general swelling of the body;
  • heart failure;
  • arterial hypertension.

Dehydration is a dangerous condition that can lead to death if emergency medical care is not provided. To stabilize the condition, doctors use diuretics and hemodialysis.

How to remove excess fluid

Excess fluid accumulated in certain areas of the body is most easily noticed on the face in the form of swelling under the eyes. The main task is to identify the cause of swelling and only then take appropriate measures to eliminate it. The daily fluid intake should be established taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician.

You need to thoroughly review your diet and minimize the consumption of salt, spices and foods that contain preservatives.

Alcohol and refined sugar, along with salt, are the main foods that cause puffiness.

Plant fiber is involved in the process of fluid removal. You can reduce the amount of fluid you consume and give preference to fiber-rich vegetables and unsweetened fruits. Switch to clean water and eliminate all surrogate drinks.

A lack of B vitamins can cause fluid retention and morning puffiness. On the recommendation of a doctor, you need to choose a vitamin complex.

Cup warm water on an empty stomach – normalizes stool. During physical activity in the gym, it is recommended to drink water large quantities.

Drinking water in the usual amount is vital during a diet. But, you should remember: water will not relieve the feeling of hunger, although it will help you cope with inappropriate snacking.

You should not overuse liquids before bed - swelling may occur in the morning.

Drinking water immediately before meals is strictly contraindicated. The liquid will wash away beneficial enzymes designed to break down food in the stomach. You should drink liquid no earlier than 30 minutes before meals. It is also not recommended to drink food if your goal is to lose weight.

Additional fluid sources

Apples are an alternative for those who are thirsty. Half the weight of an eaten apple enters the body as liquid.

The feeling of thirst in the hot summer months will be perfectly quenched by a chilled decoction of apple peel and green tea. Water with lemon or other fruit should be at room temperature

Excess fluid, as well as its lack, has a detrimental effect on the general condition of the body and disrupts the functioning of internal organs, has a bad effect on the condition of hair and skin.

Important information about what will happen if you drink a lot of water daily is presented in the following video:

To date, there are no scientifically based studies proving the beneficial effects of excessive fluid intake on human health. Do not fall for the inventions of traditional healers, advertising of promoted brands and other unreliable information. Remember: common sense is still your best guide. Follow it and be healthy.

It is known that without food a person can live for quite a long time, but without water he will die after a few days. For the body of any living creature, fluid is not only a “fuel” that launches all vital processes, but also a means of cleansing from toxins. It would seem that you need to drink water often and a lot so that your internal organs work like clockwork. Is this true? And what happens if you regularly drink more water than your body requires?

“Water-dwellers” versus “desert dwellers”

For normal functioning of the body and good health, an ordinary adult needs to consume about 3 liters of fluid per day. These can be soups and compotes, juices and lemonade, but water in pure form should be 1-1.5 liters. With intense physical activity or, conversely, lack thereof, and with changing climatic conditions, these numbers may vary. But doctors, nutritionists and sports trainers tend to convince people to comply with this condition every day.

Calculations regarding the volume of fluid required by the body daily have been carried out by scientists with mathematical precision.

It has been proven that to break down food, activate metabolic processes and remove toxins from the body, along with sweat and urine, you need to drink about 1 liter of ordinary water.

But, as practice shows, every third inhabitant of the planet does not fulfill this condition for various reasons. There is a certain group of people who do not need fluids and feel great without water for hours. They consume no more than 0.5-0.7 liters per day, and an increase in volume causes them discomfort. It is expressed in intense sweating and frequent urge to urinate. Therefore, “hermits,” as specialists often call such people, even in gym refuse to drink.

The second category of people, on the contrary, cannot live without water; their daily fluid consumption reaches 4-5 liters. It’s easy to spot such “water drinkers” in a crowd: they always have a bottle of drinking water in any season. These people, on the contrary, feel comfortable when their stomach is at least a third full of liquid, and often ignore the side effects of profuse sweating. However, the human body is a unique self-regulating system, so soon the signs of its oversaturation with moisture disappear. But it remains open question: to drink or not to drink?

What happens if there is not enough fluid in the body

Imagine that you are constantly thirsty and only partially quenched. At the external level, this leads to drying out of the epidermis and mucous membrane, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing and, often, loss of consciousness. What happens to the body at this moment? It works in abnormal mode, as it is forced to “extract” water from cells and blood, using all available reserves. This is done to ensure uninterrupted and high-quality operation of internal organs and the continuation of important processes, such as:

  • metabolism;
  • supplying cells with useful substances;
  • cleansing the body of toxins.

If there is not enough water in the body, then the processes slow down, which affects both the behavior and well-being of a person. He becomes slow, sleepy, and the brain does not work as productively. Constant stay in the “hermit” mode leads to malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, the process of intoxication begins, as decay products remain in the body and poison it.

What happens if you drink too much water

At first, the body will accept the extra 1-2 liters of fluid with gratitude, because this allows it to increase productivity and speed up vital processes. Imagine a flower when you start watering it every day: it becomes prettier and blooms literally before your eyes. The same thing happens with human body: its internal organs, having received enough moisture, begin to work efficiently.

But one day there comes a point of saturation - a point when moisture is no longer needed to stimulate and perform metabolic processes. It continues to enter the body and gradually turns from a useful component into ballast, since:

  • creates additional stress on the kidneys: they filter water, clearing it of impurities. This leads to both malfunctions in their work and an increase in blood pressure;
  • flushes salts and minerals from the body, which leads to the development of various diseases;
  • leads to swelling of soft tissues.

Water poisoning syndrome

Many fans of a healthy lifestyle, methodically following populist instructions, know from their own experience about the dangerous drinking water poisoning syndrome. Even if you consume purified or boiled liquid, in large quantities it can become poisonous.

To understand how the poisoning mechanism works in this case, you need to remember that water nourishes our body at the cellular level. Now imagine the situation: the kidneys are not able to cope with the huge amount of liquid that adherents of a healthy lifestyle pour into themselves. As a result, it accumulates in the body, and at the cellular level. What ultimately happens to a cell that overflows with water? It swells and becomes deformed, and its shell often bursts.

Foci of damage at the cellular level can be microscopic, or can reach colossal sizes, when we are talking not just about cell deformation, but about damage to internal organs. The process is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, dizziness, disorientation in space and often loss of consciousness.

Recovery of the body after poisoning by drinking water is more difficult than after ordinary food poisoning, and can take several weeks.

Myths about water

Supporters of a strict water regime with an abundance of liquid are convinced that they are leading the right and healthy image life. Explaining why you need to drink a lot of water, they appeal to the advice of nutritionists who claim that this is the most quick way losing weight.

In fact, this is a myth, since the liquid is not capable of breaking down fats.

To verify this, just throw a piece of lard into the water - in a day or a week it will float on the surface in its original form. So what's the catch? Yes, water helps you lose weight by activating metabolic processes in the body. But she is not able to get rid of fat deposits; this will require intense physical activity and adjustments to the diet.

Another myth is that water is a universal cleaning agent. Hence the practice of flushing the intestines with an enema and increased fluid intake during food poisoning. In fact, water is only a transporter that helps remove everything unnecessary from the body. In case of poisoning, it can be used, for example, to induce vomiting and remove dangerous waste products from the stomach. But water itself cannot act as an adsorbent, since it does not have disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Thirst is a natural reaction of the body that lacks fluid. This is a signal to a person that it is time to replenish reserves of life-giving moisture. The urge to drink water appears in the heat, after intense physical activity, or eating salty or spicy foods. But the feeling of dry mouth and the desire to drink water are not always natural reactions. Sometimes a person has to deal with abnormal thirst.

When a person constantly feels the need to drink, and water does not save him from the painful feeling, this is not normal. This symptom may indicate the appearance of dangerous diseases of the blood or internal organs. Therefore, it is very important to understand why you constantly want to drink water; the reasons for this phenomenon are sometimes too serious not to react to them.

The cause of abnormal thirst can be both diseases and harmless situations.

Thirst is one of the main human motivations of a biological nature, which provides the body with a normal existence. This feeling helps a person maintain a balance between the concentration of water and salts in the body.

Severe dryness of the oral mucosa is explained by a decrease in salivary secretion, which occurs due to lack of fluid.

In addition to true (normal) thirst, a person may also encounter false thirst. It occurs due to prolonged active conversation, smoking, or eating too dry food. It is easy to quench it - just moisten the oral cavity. While true thirst, moisturizing the mouth only softens, but does not eliminate.

Dehydration is an extremely dangerous process in the body.

How to get rid of normal thirst

To avoid thirst, it is necessary to regularly replenish fluid reserves. But you need to know your own norm. It is calculated using a simple formula: every day an adult should consume about 30-40 g of liquid for every 1 kg of body weight. But when making such calculations, a number of factors should be taken into account (they increase the body’s need for water):

  • stressful situations;
  • active lifestyle;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • increased ambient temperature;
  • colds, infectious diseases occurring with fever, vomiting and diarrhea.

Doctors say that on average a person should consume at least 1.2-1.5 liters of liquid per day. By the way, this includes not only drinking water, but also liquid contained in food.

Signs of abnormal thirst

When a person experiences constant, unquenchable thirst and wants to drink all the time, this turns into a pathology. Moreover, a person experiences a desire to drink water even after consuming a significant amount of liquid..

Thirst of a pathological nature is called “polydipsia” in the medical environment.

Unfortunately, most citizens completely ignore such alarm bells. But we must remember that some dangerous illnesses begin with just such simple symptoms. Unquenchable thirst is a signal from the body that deviations in its functioning are beginning.

Thirst is the first sign of dehydration

To understand that thirst has become abnormal, remember how much water you drink at a time. If such a quantity is not usual for a particular person, this is a reason to think about it. Moreover, you should pay attention to changes in the water diet, which lasts for a long time, when there are no additional culprits for increasing the daily water intake.

Thirst as a consequence of illness

Sometimes, when looking for an answer to the question of why you want to drink a lot of water, you should look for the reasons in your own health. Sometimes prolonged and unquenchable thirst becomes evidence of the onset of a certain disease. This first symptom of the disease cannot be ignored.


Often abnormal thirst indicates the appearance of such a dangerous pathology. Therefore, if an increased urge to drink has been observed for a long time, and especially if there is a predisposition, you should immediately visit a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

By the way, diabetes is an insidious disease. For a long time, many patients do not even suspect that they have such an illness and do not receive the necessary treatment. Sometimes it happens that a diagnosis is made only after a sharp deterioration in health, when the patient is taken by ambulance to the hospital.

Kinds diabetes mellitus

With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, a person can avoid terrible consequences. And the result of advanced diabetes mellitus is quite serious things:

  • complete blindness;
  • death;
  • gangrene and leg amputation.

Kidney failure

An increased desire to drink water may also indicate that a person has kidney problems. When you often feel thirsty, this means that the kidneys can no longer cope with their work and are not able to retain water in the body. In the presence of such a problem, there is a violation of the water-salt balance, which becomes the cause of dehydration.

Doctors define kidney failure as a pathology that accompanies various diseases. Depending on the intensity of the changes, chronic and acute renal failure are distinguished.

Kidney failure may cause abnormal thirst

According to statistics, acute renal failure is diagnosed annually in 100 people out of 500,000.

Doctors attribute the following factors to the culprits of kidney failure:

  • diabetes;
  • organ injury;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • severe viral infections;
  • illiterate use of medications.

Liver diseases

Sometimes the reasons why your mouth gets dry and you feel thirsty are various liver problems. One of the common culprits of such problems is alcohol abuse. According to WHO experts, today about 200 million people worldwide suffer from various liver diseases. Liver diseases are among the ten most common causes of death.

Thirst also occurs with liver problems

The functioning and condition of this organ should be checked if, along with unquenchable thirst, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • constant nausea;
  • severe dizziness;
  • pain in the hypochondrium.

Night thirst

An insatiable craving to drink that appears at night is a fairly common phenomenon. The causes include both unpleasant factors (diseases and disorders) and completely harmless situations.

Thirst at night as a sign of illness

Some individuals do not react to the strangeness that appears and ignore this symptom, which is unacceptable. Indeed, in most cases, night thirst indicates the presence of ailments. Such as:

  • diabetes;
  • aldosteronism (neoplasms in the adrenal glands);
  • hyperparathyroidism (calcium deficiency), this condition is accompanied by frequent urination;
  • dehydration (a phenomenon observed in infectious pathologies) is accompanied by increased dryness of the mouth and tongue;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system, thirst appears as a result of difficulty in supplying oxygen and blood to internal organs;
  • cholera algid (with this pathology, complete dehydration is observed), additional symptoms include profuse, prolonged diarrhea and vomiting;
  • kidney stones and formations in organs make it difficult to separate urine, which gives rise to severe thirst due to impaired water-salt metabolism; in the presence of stones, the patient will experience painful urination.

Other causes of night thirst

Often the nighttime craving to constantly drink water becomes a consequence of banal overeating. Also, this syndrome can be triggered by high consumption of alcohol, tea and coffee the day before.

The cause of night thirst can be excessive alcohol consumption, which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Ethyl alcohol actively promotes the leaching of fluid, and along with it, beneficial microelements leave the body. This provokes the development of strong thirst.

Some medications are also involved in the appearance of an unpleasant symptom. Diuretics especially contribute to dehydration. The following situations are also considered causes of night thirst:

  • nasal congestion;
  • viral disease;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • oncological processes;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • carrying out radiation therapy in the neck and head area.

How to Avoid Night Thirst

How to return normal and healthy sleep? First of all, you should visit a doctor, conduct a full diagnosis of your own body and take care of your own health. What to drink so you don’t feel like drinking at night? There are some ways to help avoid nighttime torment:

  1. Before going to bed, consume a glass of kefir (preferably low-fat).
  2. An excellent way to quench your thirst is pure water with lemon juice added.
  3. You can drink green tea the day before. But it should not be consumed before going to bed, as this product can cause insomnia.

Tips on how to avoid constantly feeling thirsty

Morning Thirst

Dry mouth and an increased desire to drink water in the morning are as common and widespread as thirst at night. Most often, this sign indicates that a person has some kind of disease (as is the case with night thirst). But there are a number of other reasons that are not dangerous to health. They are as follows:

  1. Intense loads. Dehydration is caused by heavy physical work during the night shift and vigorous exercise in the evening.
  2. Illiterate nutrition. One of the most common reasons explaining this syndrome. It arises due to the individual’s increased love for fatty, heavy and salty foods.
  3. Taking medications. Some of the medications have increased diuretic properties. As a result, large reserves of moisture leave the body. And the body requires its replenishment, especially in the morning, when a person does not drink for a long time.

You can overcome the morning desire to constantly drink water by adjusting your diet. The water-salt balance should be adjusted by adjusting the daily fluid intake. This is especially necessary if a person is being treated with diuretics.

Let's summarize

Having carefully read everything that has been said, we can identify seven main culprits that provoke increased thirst in humans. There is no reason to panic if you want to drink in the heat, after intense physical activity or after consuming salty foods. But the situation changes when thirst arises completely unreasonably.

So, the most common culprits for an increased desire to drink water are the following reasons:

  1. Dehydration. The culprit of the syndrome is an illiterate diet, excessive stress, heat, excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee and tea. Health problems, illnesses that occur against a background of high fever, and indigestion are also causes. To overcome the attack, you should drink the prescribed amount of clean drinking water every day.
  2. Diabetes. In the presence of such a pathology, the body needs an increased amount of drink, and you always want to drink. The main reason is an increase in blood sugar levels. Well, you can get rid of indomitable thirst only with adequate and constant treatment of the underlying disease.
  3. Problems in the functioning of the parathyroid gland. This organ is responsible for the presence of calcium in the body. If it malfunctions, a person faces the problem of constant thirst. In this case, you should seek help from an endocrinologist.
  4. Long-term use of medications. Many medications, especially with a long course of therapy, cause a number of side effects, including increased thirst. Such drugs include diuretics, antibiotics, antihistamines and expectorants. In this case, consulting a doctor and adjusting the course of medication will help.
  5. Kidney diseases. The main task of this paired organ is to regulate the water-salt balance. Problems and disruptions in their normal operation lead to this problem. Plus, in this case, a person experiences pain and difficulty urinating.
  6. Liver pathologies. One of the striking symptoms of the development of a disease of this organ is increased thirst.
  7. Consequences of injury. An increased and constant desire to drink often occurs with a head injury. When cerebral edema develops as a result of severe damage.

It is almost impossible to cope with any of the above problems on your own. If you have to deal with a symptom such as an increased desire to drink, you need to contact a medical specialist and undergo a full examination of your body.

In contact with

Medical studies have shown that a person can live without food for 30 days. Without water it will not last even a week. The only issue that is still controversial is the rate of water consumption. Do you need to fill your body with excess moisture, or, on the contrary, reduce it to the minimum norm? Everything needs to be carefully understood.

How does excess water consumption work?

It is believed that healthy person you need to drink up to 2 liters per day. This norm makes the body quite functional. If we increase water consumption, what are the consequences? Supporters of moderate drinking are against turning your body into an aquarium. The following explanations are given:

  • Water does not dissolve fat in cells and does not remove it. For this reason, you won’t be able to lose weight;
  • water does not satisfy hunger, as it quickly leaves the body.
  • Excess fluid leads to extra stress on the kidneys. They begin to work on the edge of possibility. This causes hypertension.
  • Constant increased drinking helps remove salt from tissues and cells. Because of this, the water-alkaline balance is lost.
  • When kidney function is impaired, excess fluid fills the intercellular space, which leads to internal and external swelling.

You need to drink water - 5 reasons

When analyzing the reasons when it is necessary to consume large amounts of liquid, it is worth thinking about the benefits. Only informed decisions will allow you to maintain health and avoid harmful consequences. What looks affirming and believable:

1. Vital necessity

If you don't drink at all for 4 days, you can lose your life. Water is primary for the functioning of the entire body. It ensures proper functioning of the brain, cardiovascular and excretory systems. Flushes away harmful compounds and toxic substances. Saliva is also moisture and requires the necessary replenishment to produce digestive compounds. Blood also needs water for good circulation.

2. Maintaining a slim figure

There are no calories in water, and for this reason it is popular in getting rid of extra pounds. Essentially, drinking a glass of liquid tricks the brain. Receptors and nerves transmit information from the stomach that it is full. For some time, the feeling of hunger will subside. As a result, the amount of food eaten decreases and the length of time between meals increases. Drink cold water, can speed up metabolic processes. To generate heat for the body, you need to take calories from fat deposits.

3. Skin turgor

The skin is the most voluminous human organ, with a high moisture content. Dehydration is detrimental to the epidermis. The surface layers become dry, flaccid, with many wrinkles. This is especially significant for women. Drinking clean, fresh water guarantees beauty, youth, and healthy skin. In addition, it is necessary to use protective creams to avoid rapid evaporation of liquid from the upper layers of the skin.

4. Keeping muscles toned

Human muscles are tissues that are in dire need of sufficient water supply. This allows them to work at full capacity and avoid various injuries. If there is insufficient supply of fluid to the internal organs, it begins to be compensated from muscle tissue. This situation should concern people involved in sports. They should constantly replenish the water reserves of their organs.

5. Proper bowel function

Another one important reason, why is it necessary to drink raw water - healthy work gastrointestinal tract. Drinking liquid in the morning causes the intestinal walls to contract intensively, promoting the bolus. As a result, constipation, bloating and other problems disappear. You can drink mineral water, after consulting with your doctor. He will help you choose a brand based on its composition and determine the dosage.

Regime of water replenishment in the body

The fact that water is a must for all people to drink is indisputable. But the question is, what volume of fluid intake is considered normal? Incorrect calculation leads to serious disorders in the human body. Performance decreases, mood deteriorates, and health problems arise. Before you develop a drinking regime for yourself, you need to focus on some conditions:

  1. Take into account the total weight;
  2. working conditions;
  3. daily food ration;
  4. climate of the place of residence;
  5. physical workload;
  6. presence of diseases.

Nutritionists and medical specialists have established options for drinking water throughout the day. This may be controversial for some, but nevertheless this situation exists. Any person chooses his own option.

  • 1 glass 30 minutes before meals, 4-5 times a day.
  • A glass after meals, 2 hours later - 4 times a day.

You can drink throughout the day without being tied to a specific regimen. The main thing is not to take long breaks, take small portions. This is exactly what we're talking about clean water, excluding tea, sweet drinks, and other liquids. It is not necessary to force yourself, you need to listen to yourself, then complete harmony will come.