We can cut your interior door correctly! How to properly trim an interior door leaf Trim the door to height

After laying the laminate, the floor rose 2 cm, and one of the doors needed to be sawed down 1-1.5 cm from below.

Interior door, simple laminated, covered with MDF. Corrugated inside.

What could be used to file the door so that:
1) it was smooth
2) there were no chips or “brush” effect on the saw cut.

Cover the cut with masking tape.

Sawing with what? Drag it to any format. (saw for cutting sheet materials) Available in all large construction shopping centers and carpentry industries. Don't even try using a jigsaw or hacksaw. In theory, it can be cut off circular saw"frog", but you need very straight hands.

Do you have any similar experience? I just don’t think that the shopping center will be happy if I bring them a door and say that it would be necessary to cut it off by 1-1.5 cm. I didn’t cut it in the shopping center, but I sawed off a lot of doors at a friendly production facility.

I sawed with an electric jigsaw, having previously wrapped it in masking tape. It doesn’t turn out very nicely, but if you don’t crawl along the floor with a ruler, it won’t be noticeable. How much did you saw off? What's inside at this height?

This is if you cut along a line, but if you run a jigsaw along the guide, then the file will be thin and will lead vertically. I sawed 16 mm as hard as I tried, the line is straight, but the vertical is moving. But the idea with the router is the best idea of ​​all.

Nope, it won't. There will be a “four” on plywood. On a 40 mm door leaf - no. With a circular saw - most likely it will work. Along the guide bar.

At Stroy Arsenal, they will most likely undertake to cut it off, and the price tag will be ridiculous. I brought them 32mm chipboard to cut. They took it at the rate of 35 rubles. for the detail. They can take the same amount out the door.

Usually the canvas is no thicker than 40 mm. That's exactly what the guy who was installing another door said.

Yes, the blade is 40 mm. Just sawing the door is a responsible task :-D And the opening was foamed, covered with platbands and no jambs are visible.

If the block is 5 cm, but you need to saw off 2 cm, then there is no problem - use a jigsaw and go ahead (adhesive tape for the “beard”).
But if you are afraid that you need to saw off more than the width of the bar (you will hit the compartment with the corrugation), then it is better to take it to those who have special equipment!

Moreover, if you cut without a guide bar, the blade will move less vertically. Because it is possible to press the jigsaw slightly left and right and control the blade (do not unfold it, but press horizontally)

With a block, the canvas moves much more precisely, even to the point of breaking if you overdo it.

You've inflated the topic! Normally these doors can be sawed with a hacksaw. and.a jigsaw!!! :-D

After installing new carpet, hardwood or laminate flooring, the door may become difficult to open and close, which means the door will need to be cut to length. This often happens when you buy a new one. beautiful door. If the difference in height is not very large, you can solve the problem by removing some material from the bottom of the door using planing or sanding. But if the difference is large, then it becomes necessary to cut off part of the door.

  1. What you need to know before you start

    If you have a hollow door, you can't cut too much off the bottom. These doors are simply wooden frame with two fiberboards attached to it, and they cannot be cut more than 1 cm; if you have a solid fiberboard or laminated door, you may be able to remove a little more. There are two types of interior doors: a panel (smooth) door and a door with an overlap. The panel door is completely recessed into the door frame and mounted on hinges. A slab door is partially recessed into the door frame, and its edge is on the outside of the door frame. These types of doors are installed on cylindrical hinges, which allow the door to be lifted by removing it from the door frame.

  2. Measurement

    If you want to replace old door, then first of all you need to measure the size of the doorway. To do this, you can easily use a carpenter's ruler, which allows you to accurately measure. First you need to measure the height and then the width at the top and bottom of the frame. If there is a difference in width, take the size of the wider part. Add a 2mm gap at the top between the door and frame. If you are replacing a door, it is best to replace the hinges at the same time.

  3. Trimming to length

    To allow the door to open and close freely, leave a gap of 4 to 8 mm at the top and bottom. Mark with a pencil how much material needs to be removed from the bottom of the door. Then use a punch to knock the pins out of the hinges. Or if you don't have a punch, you can use a large nail.

  4. Straight line

    Next, use a square to draw a straight line across the entire width of the door at right angles to the vertical edges. Place the door on a sturdy workbench or trestle so that it is firmly supported. Remove the marked part at the bottom of the door with a plane or saw and finish the edge, leveling it with sandpaper. If you are using a planer, hold the tool at an angle to the direction you are planing. Then it will be easier to cut the plane.

  5. Belt sander

    When using tape grinding machine, the high rotation speed must be taken into account, so perform the work carefully. Before you begin, check that the sanding belt is properly aligned - turn the tensioner knob so that the belt runs in a straight line over the support surface. Move the machine evenly over the surface. The machine sands very quickly, and if you are not careful, uneven sanding marks will appear on the wood. When sanding the door, it is best to use a 40-grit coarse sanding belt.

  6. Cutting a thin strip

    If you only need to cut a thin strip, it is recommended to press the wood strip against the bottom of the door. This will make cutting much easier. Protect the bottom edge of the door from moisture by covering it with paint or varnish. After this, you can hang the door on its hinges again.

  7. Adjusting the door width

    First check to see if the hinged edge of the door is parallel to the frame. If this is not the case, first of all you need to plane it to fit it. To leave the clearance necessary for the door to move freely in the frame, install wooden slats 6 mm thick inside the frame on the hinge side. Place the door on the rail. You can then mark the thickness of the material that needs to be removed from the edge of the door that will fit into the frame by running a pencil along the door frame.

  8. Completing door processing

    Place the door on the gantry and cut along the line you marked. If you have a door with a built-in window or several small windows and you need to remove more than 5mm, then you need to cut off half of this thickness on each side, otherwise the door will be asymmetrical. To ensure that the door can close evenly, you can, if necessary, use a plane to make a downward bevel with a base 1.5 mm wide and inclined towards the inside of the door.

When carrying out repairs in individual buildings old building, where there are very low ceilings and not quite standard doorways, the question often arises about changing the dimensions of the purchased standard door. The same questions may arise when installing and repairing floors, as well as after laying a new carpet floor.

Most modern stores now have the opportunity to change the size of existing doors for sale, since they take into account the needs of customers and have organized small carpentry workshops directly in their stores, or cooperate with companies that can provide this type of service.

But it is not always possible to find people who will undertake changes to a standard door. And sometimes it is necessary to fit a door that has already been purchased and delivered to your home. And it is impractical to transport it for shortening. Therefore, the issue of changing the size of doors at home remains relevant.

And believe me, it is possible to solve this issue on your own, practically without any costs other than your ingenuity and your own labor.

How to trim a door

To change door standards, first of all, you need to know the design features of your existing door.

Based on the manufacturing method, the designs of interior doors are divided into panel and frame (paneled, framed).

Panel doors consist of: a frame - a frame made of wooden bars (slats), cladding made from sheet material on both sides, and filling in the form of paper honeycombs, polyurethane or spiral shavings. Panel doors can be solid and partially glazed.

Frame doors consist of: frame (main bars), mullions (bars dividing the door leaf into parts) and filler (panels). Glass, fiberboard and particle boards are used as panels.

If shortening the doors yourself, at home, is not difficult, then changing the width of the door is much more difficult, but also quite possible.

But let’s still focus on the shortening. Before starting work, you must remember the old Russian proverb: “Measure seven times and cut once.” Everything needs to be carefully calculated and prepared. necessary tool, necessary materials.

We will need:

  1. hacksaw with fine teeth,
  2. a hand-held electric saw or an angle grinder (in common parlance – a “grinder”),
  3. plane,
  4. wood glue and wooden blocks of suitable size. We use bars - 30x30 mm.

If we use a grinder, then a cutting wheel for metal is best suited for the work. During operation, it will produce a lot of smoke and fumes, but it will allow you to get a cut without delamination and cracks on materials such as fiberboard and MDF.

If we make the shortening with a hand-held circular saw, then for work we take a disk with small teeth and as many of them as possible - 80-112 pieces.

We will take the measurements we need and begin the shortening process itself.

Marking the canvas

And if we make a cut with a circular saw, then we attach a board to the door on the back side in order to get an even, burr-free cut.

If we carry out the work using a grinder, then it is necessary to make wooden structure on both sides of the door. By attaching and securing the boards on both sides. This design will serve to support the circle into it.

We shorten the door

Lower section door leaf consists of a solid wooden block, taking into account the possibility of shortening. But usually, its width is not enough for trimming. Therefore, we will need the 30x30 mm block we prepared to close the cavity that opened after shortening. Using a hacksaw, we prepare the length of the block we need, adjust the thickness with a plane, and mount it with glue.

When cutting the door leaf of a panel door or panel door with glass inserts, you must remember the proportions of all its components (the ratio of the sizes of all parts and the whole to each other). By greatly changing the size of the bottom of the door, we can disrupt its harmony. Both the door itself and the entire interior will be completely different.

Therefore, we need to consider the possibility of cutting the canvas on both sides, both top and bottom.

In the same way as described above, it is possible to change the width of the door.

But I would not recommend doing this, because cutting it to a length of 2 meters using the tool we have available will be very problematic and all the resulting flaws will be very noticeable. It is better to do such work on special machines and entrust it to professionals.

And we can, if necessary, try to change the size of the doorway.

In general, we see that it is quite possible to change the size of the door, if necessary, at home.

Get to work, you will definitely succeed.

How to trim a door video

Over time, swing doors undergo deformation, and then the question arises of how to cut the interior door to height. This need appears as a result of subsidence, swelling (in the case of a wooden door leaf), or a change in floor level. After laying laminate or other new flooring on top of the old one, you also need to shorten the interior doors.

Depending on what exactly the door is made of, the methods vary. The most questions arise with veneered models. This kind of fabric is heterogeneous, and the veneer itself is quite easy to damage when sawing. However, even such doors can be shortened, although it will take more time.

Note that it is important to take into account the device itself: hollow products cannot be cut off by more than 1 centimeter.

What is needed to cut an interior door to height?

The height cutting tools are the same as the standard width cutting tools. For this procedure you will need:

  1. Clamps. With their help, the canvas is fixed. You will have to make sure that it stays stable, since a slight shift will ruin all the work.
  2. Square, ruler. Preferably long ones, since the quality of the cut depends on the evenness of the cut line.
  3. Knife. To remove the veneer you will need a sharp and thin tool. It is recommended to sharpen it before starting work.
  4. Sandpaper. If the veneer is varnished, you will need to clean it.
  5. Planer - router - circular saw. Any of these tools will quickly and accurately shorten the height interior door.
  6. PVA glue. It is needed at the final stage of trimming for attaching veneer or furniture tape.

In addition, you will need to stock up on masking tape and metal guides for the cutting tool. Just in case, it is better to buy a sheet of veneer - it will be needed if it is not possible to maintain the integrity of the original door covering. You can use furniture edging tape of the appropriate color.

Let us clarify that PVA glue must be thick. It is preferable to use special D2 glue for wood.

Trimming interior veneer doors

Before starting cutting work, the canvas is removed from its hinges. All fittings such as hinges, handles and locks are removed from it. After this the door:

  1. Fixed with clamps or any other in an accessible way. The main thing is immobility and reliable fastening of the canvas.
  2. Markings are applied. For these purposes, a square and a ruler are used. If the door has veneer on both sides, then the cut mark is also made on both sides and at the ends.
  3. Guides are attached. The iron guide is fixed to the canvas using masking tape.
  4. Veneer cutting. Using a sharp knife, thin deep cuts are made along the guides. If the door is completely veneered, such cuts are made on all sides.
  5. Veneer removal. At this stage, pay attention to the varnish (if any). If it cracks, you will have to remove the coating using sandpaper before removing the veneer layer.
  6. Removing unnecessary parts of the door leaf with a plane, saw or router.
  7. Cut processing. If necessary, the cut area must be sanded.
  8. Preparing for gluing. The cut area is degreased with alcohol.
  9. Gluing veneer/furniture tape. The cut is covered with PVA glue, after which veneer or furniture tape is attached to it.
  10. The final stage. Excess glue is removed, if necessary, the surface is varnished.

It is worth stopping and considering in detail the question of what is best to use when cutting off an unnecessary part of the canvas.

Removing part of the door leaf: plane, router, saw

The classic tool for cutting a veneered interior door is a plane. You can use both conventional and electric tools. It provides gradual removal and is easy to handle. Disadvantages include possible surface unevenness and inconvenience when used over large areas. There are no special requirements for planes.

A circular saw requires experience working with it for an acceptable result. To trim an interior door, you will need a saw blade with carbide teeth. For a clean cut, it is recommended to choose a disk with as much big amount teeth The advantage of this tool is that even a large area can be processed in a short time. Disadvantage: work on cutting veneered interior doors must be done extremely carefully and slowly, otherwise the veneer may chip.

Manual frezer- the most preferable option, as it allows you to accurately remove layers of the blade, it is easier to control compared to a saw or even a plane. Of course, it is not necessary to buy such a specific tool - you can rent it or borrow it from friends. When cutting, the router gradually approaches the guide, which allows you to efficiently and carefully get rid of the unnecessary part of the door leaf. This tool leaves fewer chips or snags than others. If you take a responsible approach to the matter, after completing the process of shortening the door, sanding may not be necessary.

Gluing veneer to a finished door

Despite its apparent simplicity, this stage has its own subtleties. Is it possible to attach veneer or furniture tape without knowing them? It is possible, but the quality and durability of such work cannot be guaranteed.

Before gluing, be sure to degrease the surface. After this, a layer of PVA for wood is applied to the door. Wait until it dries completely. It is not recommended to attach veneer or tape to fresh glue.

Next, a sheet of veneer or tape is applied to the cut. A hot iron is passed through a sheet of paper over the entire surface (the regulator is set to the middle position). As you go, remove the protruding glue and make sure that no scorch marks appear on the veneer.

Important note: if using a new sheet, it must be cut so that the edges protrude slightly. You can trim them after they have completely dried.

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