Research work "Creating and studying a model of Heron's fountain" is a creative work of students in physics (7th grade) on the topic. Creative work in physics "Fountains" (grade 7) Homemade fountains in physics

Regional open scientific conference for schoolchildren

Section: physics

Job title:Creation and study of a model of Heron's fountain


I. Introduction 3

II. Main part

2.1. History and purpose of fountains 4

2.2. Fountain of Heron 4

2.3. Creating a fountain model, conducting and results of experiments 5

III. Conclusion. Conclusions 7

IV. Bibliography 9


They say there are three things you can look at endlessly - fire, water and stars. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. Probably everyone has noticed how much easier it is to breathe near water, how fatigue and irritation disappear, how invigorating and at the same time peaceful it is to be near the sea, river, lake or pond. And it’s not for nothing that they say that water “cleanses”, “washes” not only the body, but also the soul.

Relevance of the topic

Of course, we cannot always afford to go to the bank of a stream or mountain waterfall. Unfortunately, there is not a single functioning fountain in our village! I have not seen even small decorative fountains in any building, be it an office, a cinema or a palace of culture.

But you can make it yourself " indoor fountain", which will improve the microclimate in the house, will give usjoy, a feeling of coziness and comfort.Moving water that gently splashes or splashes upward will have a calming effect on hearing, vision and the psyche.

The main goal of this project:assemble a model of a fountain and find out on what physical parameters the height of the jet in it depends.

The set goal involves solving the following tasks:

  1. Select, study and process various sources of information on this issue.
  2. Get acquainted with the history and purpose of fountains.
  3. Study the principle of operation of Heron's fountain.
  4. Organize and conduct experiments in which to establish the dependence of the height of the fountain jet on various parameters.
  5. Draw the necessary conclusions.

Hypothesis: I assume that after studying the structure and operating principle of Heron's fountain, I will be able to assemble a model of the fountain.

Object of study: Fountain of Heron.

Research methods:theoretical, experimental, practical, analysis, generalization.

Practical significance:having collected and studied the fountain model, then based on the proposed idea using additional funds it will be possible to make a fountain using summer cottage or in country house. There is a relaxation area in any apartment, and, of course, a fountain can be its decoration. Such a fountain can also decorate the hall of a school, office or hospital.

Fountains are necessary for people because... They:

Economical air humidifiers have a beneficial effect on health, especially in diseases of the respiratory system, have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, and reduce the accumulation of static electricity in carpets associated with computer radiation.


2.1 History and purpose of fountains

A fountain is a natural or artificially caused phenomenon consisting in the flow of liquid (usually water), under the influence of pressure exerted on it, upward or to the side. Or you can also say a fountain - a device in which water flows from a source, falls into a bowl of some kind and, as a rule, is used again. Fountain - from the Latin word “Fons”, which means source, spring, beginning, root cause.

Already in ancient times, people thought about how to create artificial reservoirs, and they were especially interested in the mystery of running water.

The first fountains (VI century BC) arose in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, as evidenced by images on ancient tombstones. Initially, they were used not so much for beauty, but for watering crops and ornamental plants. The Egyptians built fountains in orchards near their homes. The first fountains had a very simple design and were not at all similar to the magnificent fountains of our time. In Rome, fountains were built as springs drinking water and to freshen the air in the heat. The Romans significantly improved the design of fountains. For fountains they made pipes from baked clay or lead. During the heyday of Rome, the fountain became a mandatory attribute of all rich houses. Jets of water came from the mouths of beautiful fish or exotic animals.

Fountains modern world are real masterpieces of engineering and design: these are a wide variety of structures that attract tourists with their beauty and grandeur, height and impressive decor.

2.2 Fountain of Heron

The works of a Greek mechanic have been preserved from ancient times.Heron of Alexandria, who lived in the 1st – 2nd centuries. n.One of the devices described by the scientist was Heron's magic fountain. The main miracle of this fountain was that the water from the fountain flowed out by itself, without the use of any external water source.

Heron's fountain consists of an open bowl and two sealed vessels located under the bowl.Each fountain container serves a specific purpose. The Fountain of Heron begins with a bowl. It is a bowl filled with water.A completely sealed tube runs from the upper bowl to the lower container.This is where the water begins to move.From the upper bowl, water begins to flow through the tube into the lower container, displacing air from there. Since the lower container itself is completely sealed, the air pushed out by the water through the sealed tube transfers air pressure to the middle bowl. The air pressure in the middle container pushes the water out and the fountain starts working.

Heron's fountain can work for a very long time, but the containers have to be swapped. Because the lower one gradually fills with water, and the upper one with air, which means the required pressure ceases to be created.

2.3 Creating a fountain model, conducting and results of experiments

Having studied the theory, I had to assemble a model of Heron's fountain. For this I used 2 droppers, 2 plastic bottles(with a capacity of 1.5 liters), a plastic cake bowl, a pen tip, plasticine to create a tight seal for the installation and paint to tint the water.

Dependence of the jet height on the water level in the middle vessel

(the diameter of the tip hole is the same in all experiments)

Experience no.

Water level height

in the middle vessel

Fountain jet height

25 cm

8 cm

20 cm

6 cm

11 cm

4 cm

Conclusion: The higher the water level in the vessel (water reservoir), the higher the fountain jet hits.

Dependence of the height of the fountain jet on the diameter of the tip hole

(the height of the water in the vessel is the same in all experiments)

Experience no.

Without tip

Pen tip

8 cm

20 cm

4 cm

12 cm

Conclusion: The smaller the diameter of the outlet of the tube, the higher the fountain jet hits.

There is no cost required to operate this fountain! It does not consume electricity and works without a pump. But the running time of my fountain model was only 7 minutes. During this time, the lower vessel (plastic bottle) filled with water, and the upper vessel became almost empty. For long-term operation of such a fountain, you have to swap vessels (plastic bottles) and rearrange the tip from the handle in a bowl of water.


As a result of the work I did, I learned how Heron’s fountain is formed. The basis of its operation contains the principle of operation of communicating vessels, and the rise of water occurs due to the difference in the height of water in communicating vessels. I made a model of Heron's fountain and conducted several experiments to study the properties of the fountain. Having researched what determines the height of the fountain jet, I came to the conclusion:

the fountain jet will be higher if

  • higher water level in the water storage (water tank),
  • smaller diameter of the tube outlet,

The fountain is simple to implement and accessible, although we had to struggle with some difficulties in creating a tight seal for the vessels. Having the extraordinary materials at hand, you can easily create this little “masterpiece” and (with the help of your imagination, of course) turn it into a real work of art. It is good both indoors and outdoors. After all, it works without electricity. It is also convenient as a visual representation of some physical laws, because, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. It works completely silently and does not distract. The Fountain of Heron may still be relevant today, although it was invented two thousand years ago. This is not just a visual representation of some physical laws, it is, if desired, a decorative and useful interior decoration, a “highlight” of your home or site.

My hypothesis is that after studying the theoryabout the structure and operating principle of the Heron Fountain, I can assemble a model of the fountain - it was confirmed.

From the literature I learned that fountains have a positive effect on almost all human senses. Scientists were able to scientifically explain the fact why, being next to a fountain, a person experiences positive emotions, and often real delight. This splash from the fountain introduces negative ions into the air, which have a beneficial effect on our body. Doctors call them health vitamins. Fountains delight us with coolness, the play of their crystal streams, the shine of the sun in every drop of water, the murmur and splashing, a feeling of freshness and purity. In this way, fountains have a beneficial effect on a person’s mood, ensuring people’s psychological health. Fountains, finally, reduce the amount of dust contained in the air, increase humidity and ionization of the air, maintaining the microclimate of nearby areas, preventing the occurrence of a number of respiratory diseases.

I concluded that fountains are an important part of measures to create a comfortable, environmentally friendly human environment, so I really want our village to also have functioning fountains that will not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but will also have a beneficial effect on health and well-being residents and guests of our area!


  1. - history of creating fountains

    To make a fountain at home, you can take a kerosene lamp (glass from or rather) and choose a stopper that will close its narrow end. Next, you will need to make a hole through this plug (drill, with an awl, with a nail). The resulting hole should be such that the U-shaped glass tube fits tightly into it.

    The glass tube can be bent over the flame of a candle or burner. Need to

    The process itself is quite simple compared to preparation. You need to hold the tube (hole) with your finger and pour water into the glass cylinder. That's it, now open the tube and the water will flow like a fountain until the water level is equal to the level of the end of the tube.

    I am not very friendly with technology, so I can only offer a fountain model that will use excess atmospheric pressure and no electrics.

    To do this, you need a larger plastic bottle, a flexible tube from Esmarch's mug, equipped with plastic tap, and some kind of cap that should be equipped with holes for a more beautiful fountain jet. Ideally, an old watering can would do, or rather its diffuser. The diffuser should be disguised with pebbles, decorations, and, if possible, imagination. Insert a flexible tube with a faucet from below, the other end of which is inserted into a container of water. The container should be on a hill behind the fountain and therefore it is better to drape it under rocks or a house. If it is a plastic jar, then it is better to fix it with the neck down so that it is convenient to insert the tube, but in principle the tube can be inserted through the top, as long as the tube reaches the bottom of the jar, pump the air out of the tube so that water flows and close the tap. Now when you open the tap, water will flow into the fountain.

    The principle of such a fountain is shown in the picture:

    I’m also not very strong in physics, but I remember how I managed to make a fountain myself for a school assignment. I found a similar method.

    To complete a physics assignment and make a fountain yourself, I think this method is suitable. Let's make a fountain ourselves using the principle of communicating vessels from materials that are almost always on hand.

    Let's take some container and make a hole closer to the bottom. We insert a cork into the hole (we also first make a hole in the cork), and insert a hose into the cork. Next, we place the container on a hill, and lower the second end of the hose lower and secure it with some kind of tripod. Fill the container with water...

    And an important note:


    This process, how to make a fountain based on the principle of communicating vessels, perfectly shown in the video:

    The simplest fountain operates on water pressure:

    For it you need to have three vessels and a hose.

    At a height of more than half a meter, install a vessel (in Fig. A) in the bottom of which a hose is installed (in Fig. B), which transfers water to the center of the bottom of a smaller but larger vessel (in Fig. B) installed below. The trouble is that you will have to either drain the lower vessel or install a pump that transfers water to the upper vessel.

    Modeling a fountain at home is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to go to a car dismantling shop and buy an electric motor for pennies - a windshield washer pump of absolutely any brand. As a nozzle for the future fountain, you can also use a nozzle from any glass washer, any car. A charging unit from an old one can be used as a power supply. mobile phone. 4 - 5 volts from such a charge is quite enough to obtain the required power of the fountain jet. You need a couple of tubes - hoses can also be taken from a dismantling station and a container in which your structure will be located - a fountain. Water is sucked in through one tube and supplied to the nozzle through the other.

    How to mount the entire complex depends on your imagination. For a short-term demonstration, you can take 2 - 3 batteries of 1.5 volts, or one flat battery of 4.5 volts.

There are so many interesting things around us.

At all times, people decorated their homes with flowers. And we have a lot of flowers in our house, which are placed on window sills, shelves and even on the floor. They require a lot of attention: watering, spraying. Some require a lot of water, others little. One day I noticed that the soil in the flowers dries out very quickly. Mom said that apparently the air in the house is quite dry. I wondered if it was possible to humidify the air in the house and thereby help the plants?

Ways to humidify the air in an apartment.

There are many methods and devices for air humidification. Household appliances that increase the humidity in the air in the house are beautiful and effective, but very expensive. Eat traditional methods humidification of indoor air. Most of them come down to the fact that water should evaporate naturally. These can be open containers of water or a damp cloth. However, for this method of moisturizing to bring noticeable results, you need to regularly wet the fabric and add water to the container. The amount of liquid evaporated will be small, which means it is necessary to hang more than one piece of fabric and place more than one container with water. Should you turn your room into an exhibition of water vessels and wet pieces of fabric? I suggest using a model of Heron's fountain to humidify the air.

Fountain of Heron.

Even the ancient Greeks drew attention to the miracle of nature - springs. They decorated the springs with greenery and flowers, and lined them with stones. The water flowed in a trickle, and it was convenient to fill the dishes with it. IN ancient Rome artificial springs began to be built. This is how the first fountains appeared.

The ancient Greek mechanic Heron of Alexandria created the most ingenious fountain in design. It consists of three vessels: an upper, open one A and two spherical ones B and C, hermetically sealed. The vessels are connected by three tubes.

When there is some water in A, ball B is filled with water, and ball C is filled with air, the fountain begins to operate: water flows through the tube from A to B, displacing air from there into ball B; under the pressure of the incoming air, water from B will rush up the tube and flow like a fountain above vessel A. When ball B is emptied, the fountain stops working.

Assembly and testing of the Heron Fountain model.

I tried to create a simplified design of the Heron fountain at home. Instead of balls, I took two plastic bottles, vessels B and C, from sparkling water with a capacity of 1 liter, with two holes in the lid and bottom. A flat vessel was made from the bottom of a plastic bottle with a larger capacity. Instead of glass tubes I took nylon ones from a medical solution transfusion system. Vessel A was connected to vessel B using a tube, and vessel B was also connected to vessel B using a tube. Vessel B was connected to vessel A, in which a special device was made to produce a jet. I placed all three vessels at different levels above each other. Vessel B is filled with air, water is poured into vessel B, and water is poured into vessel A to the level of the device for generating a jet. Water flows through the tube from A to B, displacing air from there into vessel B; under the pressure of the incoming air, water from B moves up the tube and a fountain jet is formed. When all the water from vessel B flows into vessel C, the fountain stops working.

My fountain will benefit house plants.

By placing the fountain structure next to the flowers, we significantly improve the microclimate, and the flowers respond with abundant flowering. To increase the efficiency of the fountain, you can use bottles of larger capacity and increase the height of the jet. When vessel B is 35 cm lower than vessel B, the flow of water in vessel A decreases. We measured the stream with a ruler - it turned out to be 5 cm. We tried to place all three vessels at the same level, then water from vessel B stopped flowing into vessel A, and there was no stream.

And when vessel B is lowered 60 cm below vessel B, a good stream of water is formed.

Calculation of economic costs for constructing a fountain model.

This fountain design does not require any material costs.

To make my fountain, I used used plastic bottles and a system for pouring solutions:

1. bottles of carbonated drink with a capacity of 1 liter - 3 pieces;
2. medical system for transfusion of solutions – 1 set.

I did not take into account labor costs, since I was making the product not for sale, but as a gift for my mother. For my mother, I think my work will be priceless, and for me I am happy and proud that this layout will delight the eyes of our guests and bring benefits. I will be very proud when my mother tells me that I made this model of a working fountain.

Conclusions and self-assessment.

A fountain can be built at home using available materials.

In order for a fountain to flow, pressure is needed, and for it to appear there must be a difference in water levels.

The fountain model I made turned out great. But the work was not easy. It was difficult to design and manufacture the model itself: to make holes in the bottles and to achieve a good stream of water. It took me a lot of time to work on the project, but I am very pleased with my result. And I am sure that the knowledge, skills and abilities that I acquired will be useful to me in the future.

I believe that I completed the task that I set for myself.

Although the task was difficult, luck came to me!
I answered questions, which means I read a lot.
It is with a calm soul that I send you my report.


1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. – M., 1977. – vol. 27
2. Technique: Encyclopedia/ Design. Series by L. Yakovlev. – M.: OOO “ROSMEN-IZDAT”, 2000. – 399 pp. – (Children’s Encyclopedia).
3. Ya. And Perelman “Entertaining Physics” book 2, TRIAD-LITERA Moscow, 1994 – 117 p.

Chuprova Polina Petrovna,
7th grade student.


Chuprova Natalia Alexandrovna,
Physics teacher.

Municipal educational institution Vosyakhovskaya secondary school
With. Vosyahovo

Already in ancient times, people thought about how to create artificial reservoirs, and they were especially interested in the mystery of running water. The word fountain is of Latin-Italian origin, it comes from the Latin “von tis”, which translates as “source”. In meaning, this means a stream of water shooting upward or flowing out of a pipe under pressure.

From an architectural point of view, a fountain is a structure that serves as a base or fence for streams of water flowing upward and flowing down. Initially, fountains were built as a public source of drinking water. Later, the combination of green spaces, moving water from fountains and architectural compositions became one of the means of implementing unique artistic solutions in modern architecture.

Aivazovsky Ivan. "Great Peterhof Palace."

Poems about fountains. The oppressive sea lurks near the fountain, the light is dawning and the shallows are catching the breeze. Wet sleep in the valleys and on the hills, By the fountain there is an austere cypress tree. The fountain is sunny and clear, The charm and myths of the velvet season, The earthly world is born and extinguished In the spray of jets and the games of midges. Smoky and cloudy camps lead the shadow by the copper stream. At noon I come to the fountain, Where love is like an eternal draw... And drunk and tired from the heat, A savage in the tropical dust I drink the sky with the lips of the pass, And I throw ships to the south. Crimea under the starry dome of the arena, Crimea in the stones licked by the wave, In every departing visitor, with a glance that is related to me. Danilyuk Sergey. I'll stop at the fountain. He will spread his palms, He will scatter joy widely, He will arrange a chase of droplets. The fountain will leave living splashes of happiness on the body with freshness, will give coolness in the midst of bad weather, and will make a rainbow of life. Yana Goncharuk.