Scientific journal “Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University. Rules for submitting manuscripts Electronic scientific and practical journal Vestnik Bashgu

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Bulletin of the Bashkir State Medical University

Electronic scientific and practical journal www.vestnik website

Dear Colleagues! In 2011, the electronic scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of the Bashkir State Medical University” was launched. The decision to create it was made on the initiative of members of the academic council and the administration of our university. The need for such a journal is due to the shortage of periodical regional medical publications and the long time it takes to publish articles in printed publications.

The main objectives of the journal “Bulletin of the Bashkir State Medical University” are the publication of scientifically based research results in various fields of clinical and experimental medicine, scientific and practical recommendations for the prevention, treatment of surgical and therapeutic diseases, and healthcare organization.

Currently, the electronic scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of the Bashkir State Medical University” is being registered as a media outlet. It is planned to make our journal peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission in 2012.

Articles will be published as they become available. Based on the results of the received articles, the next issue of the journal will be formed, available for downloading.

Publication is free.

The Editorial Board invites all colleagues to cooperate and take an active part in publishing the results of their clinical and experimental studies.

The editors will be guided by the provisions of the “Unified Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” - the so-called Vancouver style. In this regard, articles formatted only in accordance with these requirements will be accepted for publication.

A package of the following documents should be sent to the editorial office to the email address vestnik@site:

1. Article
2. Summary and keywords
3. Information about the authors
4. Illustrations (if any in the article).

Documentation requirements

The article must be submitted to the editor (to the email address: vestnik@site) at in electronic format in a winword document of any version.

Original articles should be constructed according to the traditional principle for world scientific periodicals and structured according to plan: relevance, purpose of the work, materials and methods, results and discussion, ending with conclusions.

The title page must contain: in Russian and English the surname, first name, patronymic of the authors, title of the article, name of the organization that submitted the article for publication.

Additionally, it is necessary to separately submit the last name, first name, patronymic (in full) of the authors, indicating the position, academic degree, title, place of work and address of the organization. It is necessary to indicate the author (last name, first name, patronymic), responsible for contacts with the editors, his phone number and email address.

Brief summary, keywords of the article in Russian and English.

Tables, diagrams, drawings and photographs are placed in the text of the article with appropriate titles (inscriptions), numbering and designations. The data presented in the tables should not duplicate the data in the figures and text, and vice versa. Also, drawings must be submitted as separate graphic files in bmp, jpg, tiff formats with an extension of 300 dpi, indicating the name of the drawing and its serial number.

The bibliography should be presented at the end of the article and formatted in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008; the reference number should be indicated in square brackets in numbers in the text itself. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the bibliography. It is not recommended to cite more than 30 sources except for literature reviews.

Send the text of the article in Arial font, 12 point, 1.5 spacing, margins 2.0 without hyphenation. The recommended length of the article, including tables, figures, literature and annotations, is up to 15 pages in A4 format. All pages must be numbered.

The text of the article and all quotations must be carefully verified by the author, checked against primary sources, have links to them indicating the authors, title of the publication, year, number and pages of the publication.

Only generally accepted abbreviations should be used. Abbreviations should not be used in the title of the article. The full term, instead of which the abbreviation is introduced, should be deciphered the first time it is mentioned in the text. No decoding of standard units of measurement and symbols is required.

Tables must have a serial number (Table 1), located in the upper right corner, and the name of the table. It is recommended to present clear, compact tables. All numbers in the tables must be verified and correspond to the numbers in the article.

When using the results of statistical data analysis prerequisite is an indication of the software package used and its version, names statistical methods, providing descriptive statistical methods and precise significance levels when testing statistical hypotheses. It is recommended to calculate confidence intervals for the main study results.

Units of measurement of physical quantities must be presented in International Units metric system units - SI.

Scientific periodical publication - the journal "Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University" was founded at the Bashkir State Agrarian University in 2001. Its pages highlight the results of fundamental and applied research in the agricultural sector, including those of foreign scientists. Certificate of registration of mass media PI No. FS77-42320 dated October 13, 2010, international standard serial number (ISSN 1684-7628).
The magazine is included in the catalog of the Rospechat agency (subscription index 66024) and is distributed throughout Russia and the CIS countries.
Electronic versions of the journal (abstracts of articles, keywords and content in Russian and English, full-text versions of articles in Russian) are freely available on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library (, on the official website of the Bashkir State Agrarian University (www ., on the magazine’s website (, which ensures the information openness of the publication.
The journal is included in the International Information System on Agriculture Agris (Agricultural Research Information System) and in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) - a database of leading scientific publications in Russia.
Since 2010, the only agricultural journal in the Republic of Bashkortostan, “Bulletin of the Bashkir State Agrarian University,” is one of the domestic publications recommended by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science and Candidate of Sciences in the fields of science: biological, veterinary, agricultural , technical and economic.
The journal adheres to strict periodicity and the presence of an institute of review. The magazine is published 4 times a year (1 issue per quarter). The list of requirements and conditions for publications provided to authors (information for authors) is posted in each issue of the journal and on the official website of the Bashkir State Agrarian University (, on the journal’s website (
The magazine is intended for researchers, managers, directors, teachers, graduate students and university students. The magazine allows you to keep abreast of innovative developments, receive the necessary information both in the republic and in Russia, helps improve the quality of training of highly qualified personnel in the agricultural sector, and activates scientific research in scientific and educational institutions.
Chief Editor:
I. I. Gabitov, Dr., Tech. sciences, professor
Editorial team:
U.G. Gusmanov, corresponding member. Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Economics. sciences;
R.M. Bashirov, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Dr. Tech. sciences, professor;
R.R. Ismagilov, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences sciences, professor;
V.M. Shiriev, Doctor of Biology. sciences, professor
V.V. Gimranov, Dr. vet. sciences, professor;
D.D. Lukmanov, Doctor of Economics. Sciences, Associate Professor;
H. Ahrens, prof., Doctor of Economics(Germany);
M. Grings, Prof., Dr. Agriculture(Germany);
K. Kannenberg, Doctor of Economics. Sciences (Poland)
S.G. Mudarisov, Dr. Tech. sciences, professor;
H.H. Tagirov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences sciences, professor.
Thematic headings:
Agriculture and forestry

Science Magazine“Bulletin of the Bashkir University” publishes articles in the following sections of the natural sciences and humanities:

The main requirement for published material is its compliance with high scientific criteria (relevance, scientific novelty, etc.). In the text of articles, preference should be given to references to publications of the last 15 years.

  • Review or review article (up to 16 pages)
  • Original article (up to 8 pages)
  • Brief message (up to 4 pages)

To publish a review, the volume of which exceeds the established norm, the authors should first send to the editor an annotation containing the motivation for the relevance of the proposed topic, approximate data on its content, structure, volume, number of illustrations and references. By agreement with the editors, reviews can be divided into several parts and published in several issues of the journal. A mandatory criterion for a review is the use of links to your own works (at least 5% of the total number of links).

The journal does not publish reviews, as well as abstracts or copies of reports from various conferences.

The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish articles due to the limited volume of the journal.

All articles are peer reviewed. The results of the review and the decision of the editorial board to accept the submitted article for publication in the journal “Bulletin of the Bashkir University” are communicated to the authors by e-mail.

Minor corrections of a stylistic and formal nature are made to the article without the consent of the authors. If more serious corrections are necessary, the edits are agreed upon with the authors or the article is sent to the authors for revision. The corrected manuscript must be returned to the editor no later than two months later, along with the original (previous) version of the article and the electronic version of the final version.

If an article is accepted for publication “with corrections,” the authors, in addition to the electronic version agreed upon during the reviewing and editing process, submit to the editors of the journal an identical hard copy signed by the responsible author.

Articles prepared in violation of these requirements will not be considered by the editors. Copyright materials are not returned.

Procedure for submitting materials

Initially, 3 files should be sent electronically to the editor:

  1. article;
  2. annotation on English language;
  3. information about the authors in Russian and English (according to the form from the website).

Electronic copies of materials must be sent to: [email protected].

After the article is registered (accepted for consideration), the following must be submitted to the editor on paper:

  1. direction from the organization (on letterhead, with a “wet” stamp);
  2. text of the article signed by all authors;
  3. text of the article, without signatures;
  4. abstract in English;
  5. information about the authors of the article on Russian and English languages;
  6. a license agreement signed by the responsible author;
  7. expert opinion on the possibility of publication in the open press.
Articles sent exclusively by email will be accepted for consideration. Accompanying documents should be sent to the editorial office by mail (or submitted through the general department).

Publication structure

The publication form is traditional. The style of presentation of the presented material is not strictly regulated, but must comply with the general requirements of leading scientific periodicals. It is desirable that the article contains an introduction, an analytical review and a discussion of the research results, an experimental part (if necessary) and conclusions. For all parts of the article, continuous numbering of pages, tables, figures, diagrams, literary references, numbers of mathematical formulas and chemical compounds is required.

The publication must contain the following data:

  • UDC index;
  • publication title. If the authors open or continue a thematic direction, then it is necessary to provide the name of the direction and the serial number of the part (for example: Part IV);
  • Full name of the authors;
  • name of the organizations where the work was performed. Postal address of the organization;
  • superscript (1) indicates the correspondence of the authors to scientific organizations;
  • the symbol (*) indicates the author responsible for the correspondence;
  • a summary containing basic information about the purpose and subject of the study, main results and conclusions (600–900 characters, including spaces);
  • keywords (no more than 10);
  • publication text.

Abstract in English

The journal is published in Russian (articles) and English (annotations) languages. The abstract of the publication in English (Abstract) must contain:

  • title;
  • Full name of the authors;
  • name and address of organizations;
  • telephone number of the author's organization responsible for correspondence;
  • email of the author responsible for correspondence;
  • summary ( 1400–1600 characters, including spaces, or 250 words);
  • keywords (no more than 10).

Instructions for preparing the publication text

General requirements

The text of the article is submitted to the editor in the form of a DOCX file with a name corresponding to the surname of the first author of the article in the Ivanov.docx format and must meet the following requirements:

  • page parameters: format – A4; orientation – portrait; margins for all sides – 2 cm;
  • TimesNewRoman font; font size – 14 pt; line spacing – 1;
  • Alignment: headings – centered; main text – in width;
  • specific characters are typed in TimesNewRoman font;
  • if the article uses characters not included in standard font sets (for example, letters of the national alphabet), then you need to use unicode fonts (for example, fonts from the GNU FreeFont family, available at
  • text is typed without hard line endings and breaks

in proper names, the initials and surname are separated by spaces (for example: I. S. Petrov).

the initials in the text of the article are given before the surname (unlike the list of references, where the initials are indicated after the surname).

a dot is used as a decimal sign (for example: 12.87).

You should distinguish between a hyphen (-) and a dash (–).

The hyphen is not separated by spaces, but spaces are placed before and after the dash.

There is no space before the punctuation mark.

quotation marks like “ ” are used in Russian text, in foreign text – quotation marks like „ “.

quotation marks and parentheses are not separated by spaces from the words they contain, for example: (at 300 K).

units of measurement of physical quantities are given in the SI system and are separated from the value by one space (12.87 mm, 58 J/mol, 20 °C, 50 m/s2), with the exception of degrees and percentages (90°, 50%).

names of chemical compounds are given in accordance with IUPAC nomenclature.

all abbreviations must be spelled out.

captions for tables and diagrams must precede the latter. Captions to the figures are located below them and must contain clear explanations, symbols, numbers of curves and diagrams. Tables and figures must be referenced in the text (for example, Fig. 1; Table 1), and duplication of information in tables, figures and diagrams in the text is not allowed. Drawings and photographs must be extremely clear (in color if possible, but without losing their semantic content when converted to black and white) and presented in JPEG and PNG format. It is desirable that the figures and tables be as compact as possible, but without loss of quality. In tables, cell boundaries are indicated only in the header. In tables, notes and footnotes are indicated in Latin letters in italic bold style in the form of superscripts.

It is advisable to provide diagrams, graphs, drawings, complex tables and formulas additionally in the form of a separate file and on a separate sheet.

To create mathematical formulas, you should use standard Microsoft Word tools (versions 2007 and later), but make the most of the fonts. The use of third-party (MathType) or outdated (Microsoft Equation) equation editors is unacceptable.

When preparing chemical formulas and diagrams chemical reactions you should use special chemical editors, for example, such as ChemWindow or ISIS/Draw (it is optimal to use ChemWindow version 6.0). TimesNewRoman fonts are allowed. Formulas of chemical compounds are numbered in bold Arabic numerals (if necessary with a Latin letter). Numbering is continuous in accordance with the order of mention in the text. When a numbered compound is mentioned for the first time in a text, its number should be enclosed in parentheses written in bold “for example: compound (1b).” The numbers of compounds in the text must be accompanied by an explanatory word: “the aldehyde was isolated 9a", but not "highlighted 9a».

The numbering of mathematical formulas is given to the right of the formula in italics in parentheses. "x = a, ( 5 )».

According to the equation ( 2 )...:

References to cited literature are given by numbers enclosed in square brackets, for example, . If it is necessary to indicate a page, its number is given after the link number, separated by a comma: . Link to columns in reference books, dictionaries, etc. denoted as . Transcriptions of surnames and names found in references should, if possible, be presented in the original language (without intentionally Russifying), or a foreign language version of the transcription of the surname should be given in brackets.

The list of references is drawn up in accordance with the examples of literature design.

Numbering in the bibliography in the order in which sources are mentioned in the text or in alphabetical order.

A literary source is indicated once in the bibliography (it is assigned a unique number that is used throughout the text of the publication).

It is not allowed to replace the name of the source with the phrase “Ibid.”

Examples of literature design

If an article in a scientific journal is also published in a translated version of the journal, then the translated version must be indicated in the bibliography.

  • Golitsyn S.P. Principles of pharmacotherapy of ventricular cardiac arrhythmias // Clinical pharmacology and therapy. 1997. T. 6. No. 3. pp. 14–16.
  • Chartrand D., Hanan G. S. Optoelectronic Properties and Structural Effects of the Incremental Addition of Pyridyl Moieties on a Rhodium Dimer // J. Phys. Chem. A. 2014. Vol. 118.No. 45. pp. 10340–10352.
  • Collections of articles:

  • Weekly J. A., Ployhart R. E. An introduction to situational judgment testing // Situational judgment tests: theory, method and application. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. Pp. 1–12.
  • Books:

  • Prigogine I., Stengers I. Order out of chaos. A new dialogue between man and nature. M.: KomKniga, 2005. P. 258.
  • Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language beginning of the XXI century. Current vocabulary / Ed. G. N. Sklyarevskaya. M.: Eksmo, 2007. 1136 p.
  • Sadler P., Ethier N., Woody W. Interpersonal complementarity // Handbook of interpersonal psychology: theory, research, assessment and therapeutic interventions / Ed. L. W. Horowitz, S. Strack. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2011. Pp. 123–143.
  • Horowitz L. W., Strack S. Interpersonal complementarity // Handbook of interpersonal psychology: theory, research, assessment and therapeutic interventions / Comp. R. R. Gaziziva, B. U. Ushatova. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2011. Pp. 123–143.
  • Theses:

  • Nikitina A. G. Transfer agreements exclusive rights on objects of intellectual property in the CIS countries: abstract. dis. ...cand. legal Sci. M., 2011. 24 p.
  • Borodin B.B. The phenomenon of piano transcription: experience comprehensive research: dis. ... Doctor of Art History. M., 2006. 45 p.
  • URL:

  • Economics and life. URL:
  • Abstracts of reports

  • Kurganov S. A., Filaretov V. V. Circuit-algebraic identities of topological functions for linear electrical circuits// Circuit-algebraic models of active electrical circuits: Synthesis, analysis, diagnostics. Tr. international conf. KLIN-2005. Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2005. T. 4. P. 95-106.
  • The journal "Bulletin of BSU" publishes articles of theoretical, methodological and applied nature, containing original material research by the author(s), previously not published anywhere. The research material must contain scientific novelty and/or have practical significance.

    Review articles are not accepted for publication.

    The scientific journal is formed according to the following groups of scientific specialties:
    07.00.00 historical sciences and archaeology;
    08.00.00 – economic sciences;
    12.00.00 – legal sciences.

    Requirements for the structure and design of articles(cm. )

    All specified structural elements of the article are separated from each other by skipping a line.

    1. At the beginning of the article the following is indicated:
    number according to the Universal Decimal Classification - UDC (Times New Roman 14 pt, regular, left aligned);
    author's surname and initials (Times New Roman 14 pt, bold), academic degree, academic title, name of educational organization, country - in Russian (Times New Roman 14 pt, regular, justified, single line spacing);
    title of the article (10-12 words, capital letters, Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, centered, single line spacing);
    abstract in Russian (150-250 words, see sample article format);
    keywords (8-10 words and phrases, Times New Roman 14 pt, “Keywords” inscription - bold, justified, single line spacing).

    2. Text of the article in Russian (Times New Roman 14 pt; regular; justified; single line spacing, paragraph indent – ​​1 cm).

    3. After the text of the article the following are placed:
    list of references in Russian (Times New Roman 14 pt, justified, single line spacing, paragraph indent – ​​1 cm, automatic numbering, see sample article format);
    title of the article in English;
    abstract in English (“Abstract”);
    keywords in English (“Keywords”);
    list of literature in English (References);
    information about the author (last name, first name, patronymic in full; academic degree, academic title; position; name of educational institution, country; email address) in Russian and English.

    Articles are submitted to the editorial board in printed and electronic form, prepared using the Microsoft Word text editor (doc, docx, rtf) and divided into A4 size pages. Page margins: left - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm. Text - Times New Roman font, 14 pt, line spacing - single, red line (paragraph) 1 cm (A-4 format ), width alignment. Pages are not numbered. Manual and automatic transfers are not allowed. If the article was supported by a grant or based on a report given at a conference, then it is necessary to make an appropriate footnote in the title of the article (*). The volume of articles, as a rule, should not be less than 5 A4 pages (14,000 characters with spaces) and not exceed 12 A4 pages (32,000 characters with spaces), including a list of references (10-15 sources). It is advisable to use sources indexed in Scopus. All sources in the text of the article must be cited at least once.

    annotation in Russian should contain 150-250 words (relevance of the research topic, statement of the problem, goals and methods of research, results and key conclusions). After the annotation, keywords (8-10) are placed. The text of the article is placed through the line, which must contain the following mandatory elements:
    introduction (relevance of the topic, literature review, statement of the problem, formulation of the goals and objectives of this study);
    methods (the methods and design of experiments/observations are described in detail, allowing one to reproduce the results using only the text of the article);
    results (the actual results of the study are presented);
    discussion (contains an interpretation of the research results, including: compliance of the results with the research hypothesis; limitations of the study and generalization of its results; proposal for practical application; suggestions for future research directions);
    conclusion (contains brief summaries of sections of the article without repeating the wording given in them).

    On the title page it is drawn up exclusive copyright on the article by listing the surnames and initials of all authors after the Copyright © sign in Russian and English.

    Bibliography. After the text of the article there is a “Bibliography” (14 pt) aligned in width (see example of article design). This list includes only those sources that are referenced in the text of the article. It is formed in alphabetical order (first sources in Russian, then in foreign languages). References to literature in the text of the article must be given in square brackets, separated by a comma, page number. Links are issued in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of compilation." Works of the same author are cited in chronological order, regardless of the presence of co-authors.

    Then placed English block: last name, first name, patronymic of the author, academic degree, academic title, name of organization, country, title of the article, abstract and keywords (Abstract + keywords), list of references (References), see sample article formatting).

    If the article contains tables or figures, there should be references to these elements in the text (see Figure 1 or see Table 1).
    Table design. Please note that the inscription “Table 1” does not have a number sign or a period. There must be a table title (located before the table itself), after which there is also no dot. Font Times New Roman 14 pt, (bold), single spacing.

    Table 1

    Results of a study of the level of volitional self-control

    All drawings and drawings are made clearly, in jpeg format, ensuring a clear understanding of all the details; this especially applies to photocopies and halftone drawings. All illustrative material must be done in black and white (color illustrations will be deleted). The language of the inscriptions in the figures (including units of measurement) must correspond to the language of the article itself. Explanatory notes should, if possible, be replaced with numbers and letter designations, explained in the caption to the figure or in the text. The name of the illustrative material is written exclusively under the picture. Captions for figures – font Times New Roman 14 pt, (regular), single spacing.

    Fig.1. Results of studying student motivation

    Authors who use computer graphics when preparing drawings are asked to adhere to the following recommendations: do the graphics in a frame; direct the strokes on the axes inwards; use Times font whenever possible; the height of numbers and lowercase letters should be within 3-4% of maximum size(height or width) of the drawings, this also applies to the numbers on the insertion axes; designations of units of measurement on the axes of the graphs are given in parentheses. Tables, figures and captions are placed directly in the text. Vector quantities are shown in straight bold font. All somewhat cumbersome formulas are placed on separate lines. The SI and SGSE systems of physical units are allowed in the text of the article.

    To narrow down your results search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

    You can search in several fields at the same time:

    Logical operators

    The default operator is AND.
    Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

    research development

    Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

    study OR development

    Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

    study NOT development

    Search type

    When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
    By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
    To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

    $ study $ development

    To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

    study *

    To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

    " research and development "

    Search by synonyms

    To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
    When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
    When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
    Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

    # study


    In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
    For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

    Approximate word search

    For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

    bromine ~

    When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
    You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

    bromine ~1

    By default, 2 edits are allowed.

    Proximity criterion

    To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

    " research development "~2

    Relevance of expressions

    To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
    The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
    For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

    study ^4 development

    By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

    Search within an interval

    To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
    Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

    Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
    To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.