Sciences for children for good study. Talismans and amulets for good luck in your studies and for successfully passing the exam. The history of the appearance of magic items

You can hardly find a more superstitious person than a student on the eve of taking an exam. This is especially true for those students who do not devote too much time to classes during the academic semester.

The last hope for these people is magic. And it will really help if you use it correctly. How to make an amulet for studying?

Why do you need a study amulet?

The task of this magical object is to tune the student’s consciousness into an academic mood and activate his best qualities.

How to make a talisman for good luck in studies? In principle, such an amulet for a person can be any object that he chooses. A talisman made by a person with his own hands will have the most powerful effect. You need to choose a mascot for your studies based on the energy of the subject. When touching this object, it is desirable that feelings of protection, support, and care are activated in you. To choose an amulet for your studies, you need to have intuition. In this case, you put into the magic amulet exactly those qualities that you will need when passing the exam.

If you don’t feel strong enough to choose or create such a talisman yourself, you can always purchase a ready-made amulet. Any mascot from a gift shop will do. But before you start using it, you will need to establish a connection with it, recharge it from yourself, so that it works exclusively for you.

How to charge a purchased talisman?

So you went to the souvenir shop, there are many different cute items there. First, let's decide how you can choose a school mascot for yourself:

  • This item pleases the eye; when you look at it, a smile appears on your face.
  • You want to hold a talisman for good luck in studies in your hands and stroke it.
  • With this magical item, you feel a surge of strength and feel protected.

If you feel all this when you meet the amulet, then quickly pay the seller and take it home with you. Upon arriving home, you need to carry out such a ritual to recharge.

Be alone with yourself, light a green or purple. These colors symbolize good luck. Take the talisman in your hands. Just look at the candle flame for four to five minutes, this will help relax your mind and free your head from bad thoughts.

Then focus your attention on the object in your hands. Feel the texture of its material, the warmth or coldness of the material. Listen to the energy of the object, what do you think it is telling you? Focus on the feeling this talisman gives you.

If this is a feeling of security, then try to strengthen it in the body. So that you feel even more protected, completely, totally. Then focus on where you feel the feeling most in your body. What part of the body is this? Rib cage, head, throat. This part of the body is your center of success, which you can rely on during the exam.

Then hold the study talisman in your hand and say quickly and energetically the following phrase:

“You are with me, I am with you, together we are strong!”

This completes the ritual of recharging the talisman. Extinguish the candle, and wear the talisman as close to your heart for the first three days.

What are the standard amulets for academic success?

Five kopeck coin

Mothers and grandmothers know that for success in school they can take a five-kopeck coin as an amulet. This is an age-old way to protect yourself academically. A five-kopeck coin is placed under the left foot in the shoe. This sign will help the student pull out the ticket that he has memorized. Accordingly, the points for answering the ticket will be high.
The historical origin of such an amulet is associated with traditions at a wedding in the 19th century. When a girl was married off, a patch was also placed under her left heel. This ritual brought happiness and prosperity into the lives of the young. Students still wonder why this penny tradition applies to them, but many notice that five-kopeck amulets work.

God from India Ganesha

Amulets for success in school do not have to be from our Slavic culture. You can choose a talisman from the opposite culture, if you have a soul for it. Choose Ganesha as an amulet.

This god has the head of an elephant instead of a human head. Instead of two arms, Ganesha has eight arms. Each hand contains a symbolic object: a staff, rosary and other items from the clergy.

Ganesha loves to be worshiped and shown love. Loves treats. For treats, you can offer him all kinds of sweets.

To make Ganesha treat you well, treat him with sweets, tell him good words, earn his favor. And then sincerely ask him to help you succeed in your studies.

The main thing here is to believe that Ganesha will definitely hear and fulfill the requests made to you. You need to whisper your requests and desires directly into God’s ears.

Place a small figurine of Ganesha in a prominent place in your home, for example, on your desktop.

Owl image

Probably everyone knows that the owl symbolizes wisdom. So students can ask the image of the owl for some wisdom that will help them pass the exam.

Any figurine of this bird that you like will do. Choose a figurine or decoration from the material that you like best. To be sure, give preference to a figurine where the owl is located next to the book.
To place this figurine in your apartment, use your knowledge of Feng Shui. This philosophy suggests that it is better to place the owl in the North-East of the room, where it best stimulates mental activity.


Astrology says that one of the planets is responsible for each type of energy and activity. It is believed that the planet Mercury is responsible for intellectual activity. Mercury's task is to make the mind react faster, that is, a person becomes more intelligent. Objects that symbolize mental activity will help develop the energy of Mercury. This could be a ballpoint pen, a pencil, a ruler or other office supplies.

You yourself can assign an item that will be responsible for the energy of Mercury. It is advisable to buy new stationery for this. It is important that no one else uses this accessory except you. Then you will be the sole master of Mercury's energy.

Runic becoming"excellent student" for good luck in studies

A quick talisman that will help you with your studies.

The talisman helps with studies!!!

  1. Fold the cardboard in half.
  2. Draw a tree about five centimeters in size on it.
  3. Then the tree needs to be cut. You will get two trees. Glue them together so that the base is dense.
  4. Then paint the tree with your own hands using colored pencils or paints. Choose a non-standard combination of colors for the tree; let this tree symbolize your wild imagination with its color.
  5. When the tree is painted, its edges need to be stitched with red thread. This way, the edges won’t deteriorate too much, and besides, the red color is a talismanic one. Red color will protect you from failing the exam.
  6. On top, for gloss, you can coat the talisman with clear varnish.
  7. You can make a hole in such a tree and pass a metal ring through it. In this case, you can wear the amulet as a keychain.

In order for the talisman to work at its best, it can also be recharged at home.

For good mental energy, make a Mercury talisman with your own hands. On a piece of paper, draw this planet, do the drawing in yellow shades. Place this image above your desktop.

Studying at school or university is not easy. A proven talisman can help, and you can make it yourself. A simple ritual will activate it, and the rest is up to you. They work, bring good luck, help in difficult cases, and can resolve difficult conflicts. There are no hopeless situations in studying.

Talismans can be made for different purposes - to attract good luck in an exam, to help yourself calm down and concentrate, against ill-wishers, difficult teachers. Create a talisman with your own hands, give it power - this assistant will be with you every day. Don’t forget to charge him with the energy of success in time.

How does the talisman work?

You take an item and fill it with a specific purpose. Usually talismans are created for:

  • Protection;
  • Attracting good luck;
  • Giving a person any additional qualities.

It can be any item, but it is best to choose jewelry, a keychain. You can take it with you to the exam, wear it every day - no one will suspect that you have magical support.

Anyone can help themselves in their studies - believe in yourself, do not lose your talismans, keep them with you. You put strength, intention, energy into an object, and it gradually returns it to you. That's why it's so important to recharge it on time. The deadline is different for each talisman, so keep this in mind. You shouldn’t do several at once, hoping that all the talismans will help you at the same time. This will not happen, the energies will become confused, and nothing will work out for you.

Ritual for activation

There is a universal ritual for activating talismans. It will suit any occasion. You will need:

  • Small container for water.
  • Holy water.
  • Three white candles, one church candle, two blue, three thin red.
  • Your subject, ready to become a talisman in learning.
  • Sandalwood oil.
  • Incense sticks with your favorite scent.
  • Coarse sea salt.

First of all, you need to stay at home completely alone, turn off your phones. You need to make an altar to the forces of nature.

Bow to the four cardinal directions. Take colorful candles, place them around the room and light them. Place clockwise on the table: a church candle, a container of water, a container of salt, an incense stick.

  1. Place the talisman object in the center of the resulting quadrangle.
  2. Light a church candle.
  3. Light the stick.
  4. Call on the four elements to help you: Fire, I call you to become a witness. Water, I call you to be a witness. Earth, I call you to be a witness. Air, I call on you to become a witness.
  5. Wish yourself good luck in this matter.

Spell for a good luck talisman

Good luck can be contained in a talisman. Best in a ring or bracelet. Drop some sandalwood oil on it and start reading the plot:

“Just as it is true that the Lord God gave people five loaves of bread, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, so it is true that the Lord God is merciful. Turn my luck, Lord, from west to east, from north to south. Grant her not three roads, but one - to me. And you, woe betide, follow the road into the snake’s womb. That's where you belong. There you have a life. There you exist. And I’ll dress up in a talisman, tie myself in gold and silver. I can’t count money, I’ll never know grief and misfortune. I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea-ocean. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Attracting good luck is not that difficult. Now we need to hold her. Imagine a huge funnel blue color, which descends from the sky, enters your ring or any other object lying on the table. The longer you can hold this image, the stronger the talisman will be. To achieve this - preparatory stage meditation will help you. Try to hold the image for as long as possible, don't think about anything else.

Let your imagination see an endless stream of blue luck entering the item. This is why we light blue candles - they fulfill our wishes and please Lady Fortune. As soon as you think that the object is sufficiently charged, bow again on four sides, tell the forces of nature that you are letting them go, thanking them in this way:

"Fire! I let you go in peace, thank you for your presence here during my ritual. Bring good luck to my endeavor, may success accompany me in my studies.”

Repeat this formula for water, air and earth. Carry it with you - good luck will accompany you during tests, exams, and important educational events. Be careful, luck always causes envy. Don't tell anyone about your amulet.

Talisman from the stern professor

When a teacher is too harsh towards you, this can become a problem, because such an attitude greatly interferes with you and frightens you. It’s useless to call luck here, but you can create something that will make him reconsider his attitude towards you. This is an amulet of charm. No one can resist him, but you will need to curse him specifically on that stern professor. Earrings or a pendant work well here. Something noticeable at first glance. The text to activate the item is as follows:

“My mother gave birth to me. The bee applied honey. The box has had enough milk. As honey is sweet, so would I be sweet to my dear one. Just as a person cannot live without milk, so my chosen one could not live and be without me. And I would seem to him dearer than father and mother, dearer than the whole clan and tribe, dearer than the red sun, and dearer than all the frequent stars, dearer than grass, dearer than water, dearer than salt, dearer than children, dearer than all earthly things, dearer than dear friends, dearer than the whole free world . Word, lock, key, tongue. Amen".

Say it three times, thinking about the teacher. It could be a man or a woman - it doesn't matter.

It’s good if you have a photo of it, put it under the object at the beginning of the ritual. This time the funnel will be purple - again, imagine how the charm flows into the pendant, completely covering it. This energy is quite sticky, like paste, enveloping. Imagine her like this.

Amulet that gives peace of mind

When a person is very nervous while studying, you can create a talisman of calm. It will bring you harmony and give you self-confidence. It is very useful to use during exams. Everything you need is already in your head, but you can only get to the right compartment of knowledge if you calm your mind. Studying is not easy very often precisely because of nerves. Here you can choose a bracelet or chain.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Water, water, you wash and wash away, Water, water, you are everywhere: In a lake, in a river, in the sea, in a bucket. Calm the servant of God (name), from screaming and anger, from dashing words, from empty tears, from angry thoughts. Let her not suffer or scream. Cool her anger, calm her anger, wash, drain, rinse off her zealous head. My words are strong and molding. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is read three times over an object, which then needs to be sprinkled with holy water. Angels will help you, driving away worries from you with their wings. Such an amulet can become a priceless gift. You can make it for yourself or for another person. Imagine a silvery funnel slowly going inside your talisman. She exudes coolness and confidence. Visualize it, hear how calmly and confidently your heart beats. Let it always be like this.

How to charge talismans

  • For a good luck talisman, the validity period is 1 year.
  • The charm talisman works for 3 months.
  • Amulet of peace - 6 months.

Recharging is easy. It is necessary to arrange the ritual of the elements again, but this time the object must also be placed in a container with holy water. Place it in the middle of the table, and the verse symbols in the corners. Visualize the funnel of energy of the desired color again, directing it inside your talisman.

It is very useful if the jewelry - amulet is decorated with natural stones. They have strong properties that are activated when appealing to the forces of nature. It is very important to choose the stones that are right for you. They are selected according to their zodiac sign. If the stone is present, this means that the effect will be much stronger. Don't miss this great opportunity to create a powerful school talisman for yourself. Everything is easier when you have the strong support of the most powerful forces - the forces of nature. They are on your side - call on them to help, enclose a piece of this power in an amulet, it will serve you for many years, and can be passed on by inheritance.

Magic for successful studies - rituals, spells, talismans.

September 1 is Knowledge Day, the holiday of the beginning of a new school year. Our magical recommendations will help make the process of acquiring knowledge pleasant and easy and achieve excellent results in your studies.
They say that man came into this world to learn. We will try to give you practical magical advice: how to tune yourself into the wave of learning and how to call on the protection of higher powers for better assimilation of information.

First you need to master the basics of the ability to concentrate and meditate. Spiritually, the concepts of concentration and meditation are interrelated. One often flows into the other. Both concepts relate to working with our consciousness.
So how can you focus on one task without getting distracted? The ritual requires silence; it is important that no one disturbs you. Close your eyes and imagine that you are looking at a specific object. By the way, thanks to this method, visualization also develops simultaneously with concentration.
For example, let you watch a peach. You can think about how it looks, about its characteristics. Think about where the fruit came from and what benefits it brings. Extraneous thoughts or memories will begin to invade your consciousness. Maybe some objects that look like a peach will come to your mind, or you will even start thinking about what the ring on your hand looks like (believe me, any associations can arise). The main thing is to try to concentrate on one direction of thoughts about an object and not switch attention. The mind will seem to tempt you to get distracted, but still you should try to persistently think about the peach. This is a workout for your brain.
However, you shouldn’t narrow your perception too much. It’s just that if you’ve already decided to think about the peach for some time, then during this period you perceive and accept exclusively the necessary range of information, observe and realize, so don’t get distracted.
Subsequently, you will be able to train, making the practice more difficult: for example, playing loud music in the background with a text addition.

Now let's talk about such a pleasant process as meditation. Let us give you an example of meditation, during which you can relax with benefit. Meditation “Source of Wisdom and Knowledge” is aimed at improving the ability to accept new knowledge, helping to tune your spiritual body to read information from space and remember it.
The practice of meditation, like the practice of concentration, will help you develop the ability to penetrate into the essence of things, you will become more attentive.
For meditation, you can select special thematic music. Make sure no one distracts you. When alone, close your eyes. Imagine a path. Feel that you know that along it you will reach the source of wisdom and knowledge. By drinking water from there, you will give your body the blessing to accept all the wisdom that you need.
While in a state of meditation, imagine how you take steps along the path, you can even plan exactly how many steps there should be in order for the source of wisdom to appear before your eyes. Follow this path for the required amount of time. Having come to the source of wisdom, mentally ask the power of the source to allow you to drink the sacred water and wash yourself with it to receive a blessing for the development and improvement of your student abilities. It is advisable that you also mentally talk about how you want to develop, realize yourself, discover unknown facets of your own person, and master new horizons of science.
When you feel the right moment, scoop up some water with your palm and drink from the source. Feel how, penetrating into you, the power of the source produces changes, cleanses you of unnecessary things and fills you with skills and blessings for successful learning.
You can spend a little more time in a state of meditation, feeling the bliss of the blessed power of wisdom. Then, having thanked the power with which you interacted, set off along the path back to the world of earthly existence with the clear understanding that now you will always have the blessing of a higher power for success in learning new things. Believe in your capabilities!

After such Vedic-spiritual instructions and actions, we will give more ritualized magical tips for successful study.
For better memorization and better abilities.
Usually this spell is pronounced by the mother, but it can also be modified for a personal ritual. It should be read with tea or other herbal drink, which you then drink.
Heavenly power great power,
you know everything
you know everything,
... (child's name)
You will be filled with wisdom! .
Let... (name)
training is going well,
all knowledge in her/his
memory firmly included!
May wisdom and intelligence
in the world there will be
with common sense
they will come to mind!
I confirm with a strong word,
May it happen as I wish!

It is customary to read the spell once a year, at the beginning of the school season, but if you feel an urgent need for additional magical recharging for successful training, you can perform the ritual more often.

For academic success
You will need a clear quartz crystal, nut scented oil, orange oil, three yellow candles (fully dyed). It is best to carry out the action either on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, or at least on the waxing moon.
Mix orange and walnut oils in equal proportions. Lubricate the candles generously with the resulting mixture - completely, from base to wick. Place them in front of you in the form of an equilateral triangle, with one “corner” pointing directly at you.
Place a clear quartz crystal in the middle of the triangle. Light all the candles and say the magic spell:
The power of wisdom, the power of knowledge,
the power of success, the power of knowledge,
stay close to me
both at night and during the day.
Thirst to learn new things
burns with fire inside me.
Let my mind and mind
everyone remembers
clarity and wisdom
I'm being filled!
Let success in learning new things
will happen to me!
Let what has been studied, learned
I do not forget!
I am accumulating knowledge
and I don’t forget
success with me!
It will be as I wish!

Leave the candles to burn out. When they go out, take the stone and always keep it with you while learning new knowledge. And during the period of preparation for passing important exams and tests, you can put this crystal at night along with notes and notes under your pillow for better memorization of the material.

A good help in achieving success in the field of education is to turn to the highest patrons. Choose one of the ancient deities who are responsible for the sphere of education and the development of new things. For example, it could be: the Vedic goddess Saraswati (wisdom and success in creativity, art, science), Slavic god Veles (sphere of communication, preservation of knowledge), Egyptian god Thoth (preservation of knowledge, knowledge of secrets), Roman god Mercury or Greek god Hermes (messenger, generally responsible for the ability to learn), Greek goddess Athena (goddess of wisdom and knowledge), norse god One (insight, wisdom, ability to learn). Take an interest in information about such deities, read literature on this topic - and maybe your soul will be able to respond to one of the manifestations of a higher power.
Use our recommendations and do not forget to develop yourself, your skills, memory, and show interest and curiosity in every possible way. You just need to put in a little diligence in your desire to learn something new - and you yourself will like the path of comprehension. May wisdom and knowledge fill you and benefit you in life!

Feng Shui Knowledge Sector
According to Chinese teaching Feng Shui, the sector of knowledge and wisdom is located in the northeastern part of the room. Preferred colors for this zone are beige, yellow, terracotta and all shades of brown.
To activate a sector, place any of the following talismans in it:
OWL - a sign of wisdom;
GLOBE - a symbol of extensive knowledge (can be either real or souvenir);
SNAKE - the personification of wisdom and deep knowledge;
PEARL (or shell with a pearl) - represents concentrated knowledge (helps mobilize efforts to achieve goals);
PISCES TAI - means luck and spiritual achievements;
HOURGLASS - associated with the rapid passage of time (protects against wasting time, helps to concentrate);
FUKUROKUJU - the Chinese deity of wisdom, as well as the patron saint of all students;
GANESHA - Indian god of wisdom and prosperity, helps to overcome obstacles;
CRYSTALS of any shape and cut - symbolize the energy of the Earth, the dominant element of the knowledge zone (before use, the crystal must be cleaned - placed in water for at least a day). In addition, it is in this sector that it is best to store books - the main source of wisdom.

We propose to create a talisman for excellent study and successful passing of exams - an amulet, the magical power of which will be strengthened by magic knots (nauzes), and inside it will be a talisman that will help keep the mind clear, giving strength of spirit and self-confidence .

Since ancient times, trees and herbs have been considered the most powerful protectors of people. To enhance their magical effect, our ancestors from time immemorial combined them with other objects and materials. Knitting knots (knots) is also very ancient look magic, which appeared more than two thousand years ago.

As materials for creating a talisman, use several types of herbs and trees used in magic to improve and facilitate the process of cognition, calm the nerves (which is important before exams) and increase memory.

VALERIAN. Incense with valerian root was worn on the chest as a powerful tonic (although in medicine it is known as a sedative). People with such amulets were very resilient and did not get tired, and this is an important quality for graduates and students.

TARIGUE ROOTS. There is a belief that they help a person live actively, withstand any of the most difficult trials with dignity and give self-confidence.

NETTLE And PLAKUN-GRASS(loosestrife). Frankincense with a mixture of nettle and weeping grass removes fear and instills in a person self-confidence.

WHITE WATER LILY(overcome-grass). With this herb, a person is able to overcome any adversity and achieve success.

St. John's wort. Its dried branches bring happiness, health, increase strength and endurance.

THYME. The herb of fearlessness among our ancestors. Warriors often took thyme with them to battle, sewn into the hem of their clothing. It gives fearlessness, calms the nerves, makes the heart cool and the head clear, and also improves the ability to quickly react to what is happening.

ALDER. Neutralizes various negative emotions and calms. Instills the ability to reason sensibly and gives determination.

APPLE TREE. In the Christian tradition, it is the tree of knowledge, so it makes sense to use apple tree branches as a talisman that helps you remember what you need and absorb knowledge.

ELM. Helps you concentrate when memorizing large amounts of information. This is a calm tree that transmits its properties to people. Relieves nervousness, stress, fuss and worry.

NUT. Helps people seeking to gain wisdom and knowledge by connecting with the world of their ancestors.

POPLAR- calms, relieves irritation, gives self-confidence, brings good luck and neutralizes any negativity.

PINE- symbolizes a storehouse of wisdom, helps in creativity, cleanses the aura. It is considered the embodiment of light, dispelling darkness (on an intellectual and spiritual level).

You will need


*Herbs and tree branches


*Silicone glue

*Rock crystal (or citrine)

*Pastel crayons

*Cotton fabric in a light shade

*Red wool thread

1 .Using pruning shears, we chop the prepared small tree branches to make round dies (for the crown) and small pieces of branches (for the trunk).

Cut out the silhouette of a tree from cardboard (up to 5 cm in size). We tint it with colored pastels.

2. We coat the cardboard preparation with glue and lay out the pieces of the tree of your choice so that they form a “trunk” and “crown”.

Z. We glue prepared herbs onto the crown as “leaves”, which help with their magical properties in studying.

4 .Glue a red woolen thread along the contours of the resulting “tree” and make three nuzs on it for good luck.

Nauzs are knots that are knitted, conveying to them a certain message, your energy aimed at fulfilling your plans.

Three nodes mean creativity, productivity, action. They will help you express your thoughts correctly. You can knit a knot of any shape without thinking about its beauty or symmetry; what is important is your energy itself, transmitted to the knot. In this case, you can read a simple conspiracy, out loud or mentally: “As these knots are tied, so would I, (name), the matter (name the matter) soon come together.”

5. In the blank for the future amulet, you can place a stone that has the properties necessary for a student or student - it helps concentration, perseverance, composure, stimulates mental activity, awakens interest in learning and new knowledge.

The stone most suitable for this purpose has long been considered rock crystal, which also gives the ability to the exact sciences. Citrine or yellow zircon may also be suitable.

6. Now let's make the incense itself. Let's take a square piece of cotton fabric. We place our talisman tree in the center of the patch with the thoughts that it should accomplish - help pass the exam, give confidence, improve memory and understanding. Then we lift the corners of the shred to make a pouch and tie it with red woolen thread (preferably three threads twisted together).

For the amulet, you can take a ready-made bag, but it must be made of cotton or woolen fabric - and it must be plain.

Most students are prone to superstitions, but during the session you can’t do without magic! How to achieve excellent results, tune in to easily assimilate knowledge, become more attentive, more active and activate your brain? A talisman will help you in this matter!

Any thing can be used as an amulet, but it is important to feel the positive energy emanating from it. Do you want your lucky item to be strong? Then make it with my own hands! During the manufacturing process, you will endow your amulet with your own energy, thanks to which it will be able to tune in to contact with you.

If you are not yet ripe for such work, then choose a talisman from those made by experienced magicians. The talisman can be purchased in an esoteric store, and it will perform its function provided that you turn on your intuition and purchase a thing that is close in spirit. Opt for a product that immediately caught your attention, liked it, or simply aroused your curiosity.

Five ruble coin

To pass the exam successfully, the best You just can’t find an amulet like money! When you go to take the exam, the coin should be under your left heel. In this case, you can count on getting the right ticket and a higher score.

The history of the appearance of the coin amulet has common roots from past centuries. To ensure that married life would be spent in full prosperity, on the day of the celebration the girl would put a nickel in her left shoe. Nobody knows why students borrowed this tradition, but the main thing is that this amulet works flawlessly.

By the way, the “lucky” coin will need to be saved. It can be used many times, this will only increase the power of the talisman.

Ganesha figurine

Recently, oriental amulets have gained incredible popularity. Let's remember the Indian god Ganesha. He personifies wisdom and is depicted as a man with an elephant's head. In each of his hands, and the Indian god has eight of them, there is a certain object that contains a certain meaning. For example, for success in business there is a staff, and for acquiring new knowledge and spiritual growth- rosary.

You can easily make Ganesha your talisman; it is best suited for people who are creative or involved in scientific activities. According to Hindus, this God accepts all requests that come to him, but fulfills only those that come from people who respect him.

Ganesha loves to have his belly stroked and gifts brought to him. You can use coins, candies and flowers as offerings. When you are sure that the wise god is sufficiently appeased, whisper your deepest desire into his ear. If you do everything right, then on the day of the exam tests you will have incredible luck!


The energy of stones is very strong and they have been used as amulets for a long time. Magic properties crystals can provide invaluable assistance in the learning process. Use crystal as a talisman and you will increase your concentration and develop memory. With sufficient sensitivity, you may develop the ability to clairvoyance.

Everyone knows that a crystal ball is an attribute of a soothsayer or fortune teller. But also ordinary people can successfully use this mineral. A crystal sphere installed next to the workplace promotes concentration and activation creativity. The amount of energy coming from the ball depends on its size.

Not all students can afford to purchase a crystal ball, but it can easily be replaced by a small hexagon made of this mineral. By the way, the hexagon is convenient to carry with you. A crystal amulet helps you find incredible inspiration and develop your imagination. If during the learning process you encounter headache, then a piece of crystal applied to the forehead will help remove it.

Used as an amulet and in the teachings of Feng Shui. A small crystal globe with a diameter of about five centimeters can become a talisman. To achieve the best effect, it is placed in the lower left corner of the table. Do not forget to periodically rotate the globe so that the Chi energy acts.

Figurine in the form of an owl

The owl is a symbol of wisdom; the ancient Greeks knew about this. According to legend, the owl was a companion the goddess Athena, patron of scientists and students. It is no coincidence that an owl could be seen on the reverse side of the coin with the image of this goddess.

This unusual bird is the personification of intelligence and attentiveness. Her watchful eye carefully observes everything that happens on a dark night, and her immobility during daylight hours indicates a deep immersion in her thoughts. Literally from the day the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" the owl became his symbol.

A souvenir in the shape of an owl can be purchased anywhere. This wise bird is extremely popular and can be made from any material. Most often, the owl is depicted sitting on or next to a book. According to Feng Shui, the owl figurine should be located in the northeastern part of the room, which promotes the development of mental activity.

Planet Mercury

According to astrologers, each planet is responsible for a certain vital energy. To develop intellectual abilities, you will need objects that can attract the energy of Mercury. Don’t be surprised, but such items are ordinary office supplies - pencils, pens, etc. Remember, if you choose a pen as a talisman, then no one else should use it.

To attract the power of Mercury, you can use its color. This is a golden or deep yellow shade. Let's say you have to study an impressive amount of information. Place a painting on your desk or wall that has these colors in abundance and look at it for a minute or more from time to time. At the same time, you should think about something pleasant, then the fatigue will pass, and you will not be afraid of any headache.

You can make your own Mercurian amulet. This is done as follows. The planet is depicted symbolically on a sheet of paper - a cross is indicated at the bottom, a circle is in the middle, and a semicircle is at the top. To enhance the effect, the talisman is made in golden yellow tones. The image should always be in front of your eyes.

Learning is work, as they say famous proverb. Studying is really not at all easy if the student strives for knowledge, and not for a document about graduation from an educational institution. The talisman will provide significant assistance in studying. It will help in difficult situations, prevent conflicts, and motivate for excellent results.

Talismans and superstitions in educational process are important

Talismans for good luck in studies are made in several varieties - for exams, for focusing on the material being studied, for conflict-free relationships with teachers and students. You need to make a talisman for good luck in studies with your own hands. It is important to transfer your energy to him in order to receive irreplaceable assistant for all years of study.

Action of talismans

In the vast majority of cases, the action of talismans is based on filling an object with energy with a specific intention. Most often, people want to attract additional forces for protection from something, luck, acquiring certain character traits and similar goals.

Any thing can act as a talisman for good luck - the meaning you put into it is important

Any item can be chosen for a talisman, but it is better to choose something small and something that can be with you almost constantly. Jewelry or keychains are a great example. These are everyday, familiar things, and no one will even think that you are acting under reliable magical protection.

Help yourself, don’t lose your talisman, and you will have the help of magic with you whenever you need it. The energy you put into it will return a hundredfold at the right moment. By the way, this is one of the reasons that talismans must be periodically recharged. The powers of the magical assistant are spent to help you, and he needs fresh energy, and it’s yours. All magic items have different lifespans. Don’t try to cheat by making several talismans for good luck in studies at the same time with the same functions - you will only mix different energies, and the talismans will not work.

Rite of Activation

Activation of talismans of various directions has its own characteristics for each of them, but the predominant features for activating all magical objects are common. You need to stock up on the following things:

  • container for liquid;
  • holy water;
  • candles: church candles (1 pc.), white (3 pcs.), blue (2 pcs.) and red (3 pcs.);
  • a thing intended for a future talisman;
  • sandalwood oil;
  • incense sticks (the aroma should be pleasant to you);
  • sea ​​salt (coarse).

Choose a time when you can be home alone. Remove all distractions: turn off the computer, TV, turn off phones. Make sure in advance that no one comes to you at this time or choose the optimal time of day for this ritual.

You will need to build an altar of elemental forces.

Bow four times - to each cardinal direction. Light colored candles; they should be located throughout the room. On the table in the form of a quadrangle, place (strictly clockwise) a church candle, water in a prepared container, sea salt, and an incense stick. In the center of the resulting figure, place the talisman you made for good luck in your studies. Then light the candle and incense stick. Address the four elements with the words:

“Element of Fire, Element of Water, Element of Earth, Element of Air, please, be witnesses of this ritual!”

Then you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy in accordance with the future function. Conspiracies differ among talismans of different directions, but this preparation can be considered universal.

Spell words for a good luck talisman

The luck contained in the talisman will accompany you during the exam, in the classroom, and when communicating with teachers. Before reading the plot, apply a drop of sandalwood oil to the future talisman. The plot itself has the following text:

“It is true that people received five loaves of bread from the Lord our God, it is true that Jesus is the son of God, it is true that the Lord our God is merciful! Send, Lord, good luck to me from the west and north to the east and south! Give luck many roads, turn one of them towards me! And you, sorrows and illnesses, go your way, into dark pits and rotten holes, there you will have life and existence! My amulet will be my outfit, good luck and joy from it. Money comes to me, and troubles and sorrows are taken away! I lock the padlock and throw the key into the water! Amen!"

Calling luck into your life is not so difficult, it is much more difficult to retain it. At this point you will need to practice visualization. You need to imagine a large sky blue funnel. A funnel descends from heaven and fills your talisman. Its strength will depend on how long you can keep this image in front of your mind's eye. You can practice meditation and visualization in advance - you should hold the image of a blue funnel for as long as you can.

In your imagination there should be an endless stream of blue, symbolizing good luck and filling your talisman. Blue candles represent this process and help visualize. Lady Fortune generally prefers blue out of all shades.
When your visualization ends, thank the powers of each of the four invoked elements by bowing to each cardinal direction. Words of gratitude are given for the element of Fire, you must repeat them for the elements of Water, Earth and Air:

“Element of Fire, accept my gratitude for your presence at this ceremony. Bring good luck to my intentions and success in my studies. I thank you and let you go!”

Be careful - lucky people always have envious people. Don’t share with anyone that you made yourself a talisman for good luck in your studies. Don't show it to anyone.

Talisman from a strict teacher

Everyone has had a strict teacher in their life.

Teachers are people too, and it’s no secret that they can be too harsh. Students in this case may feel fear, and this emotion has never contributed to success. A good luck talisman will not help in this situation; you will need a charm amulet. It is this amulet that will change the teacher’s attitude towards you personally.

Few people can resist such an amulet, but you need to read the spell for a specific person - your teacher. A keychain for making an amulet may not be suitable in this case; you will need an item that is in plain sight of other people. This could be, for example, a pendant or earring. Activate the decoration with the following words:

“My mother gave birth to me, the bee brought me honey, and the cow gave me milk. What is the sweetness in honey, the same sweetness is seen by the darling! Just as a person cannot live without milk, my dear cannot live without me! And I am dearer than everyone to my beloved heart: dearer than my father and mother, dearer than the red sun, dearer than silver stars and green grass, dearer than water, dearer than salt, dearer than my friends, dearer than all things, dearer than the free light itself! Amen!"

The text must be spoken three times, concentrating on the stern teacher, and his gender does not matter.

If you have a photo of the teacher, even better. The photo will need to be placed under the amulet before reading the words of the conspiracy. Only in this case the funnel should be represented as purple. Add stickiness to the shape of the funnel, let it envelop your amulet like a paste.

Amulet for peace of mind

Many students experience unstable emotions, increased nervousness during exams or when performing tests. The amulet for peace will bring your balance nervous system and will allow you to gain self-confidence.

Stress is a constant companion of the educational process

If you are calm, you will remember the necessary knowledge to answer the exam much more easily than when you are nervous. Difficulties in studying often lie precisely in the abundance of stressful situations.

A talisman for peace can be made using a chain or bracelet.

The words of the conspiracy for this amulet are as follows:

“Water, water, dear sister! You are everywhere - in a lake, in a bucket, in the sea and in the river! You will wash away everything, you will calm everything down! Calm me too, the servant of God (servant of God), from empty screams and dashing anger, from blind tears and empty thoughts! Don't let me scream, don't let me suffer! Wash away the anger from my head, and calm my anger! My words are strong, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

These words must be read three times over the thing that will become an amulet. Then it needs to be sprinkled with holy water. The value of this amulet is also that it can be made for yourself or for a loved one. As a gift, such an amulet is simply priceless! Activating this amulet will also require visualization. Imagine the same funnel, but silver. Feel the coolness and peace that it pours into your amulet. Hear the calm beating of your heart and wish from the bottom of your heart that it will always be like this.