Names and varieties of fungicides for plants. Full list of fungicides for plants Preparations Biological fungicides

Fungi are a serious problem, they contribute to the development of various diseases of the striking flowers, garden plants, vegetable and berry crops, soil. In order to protect vegetables and fruits from diseases, as well as prevent re-infection, gardeners use biological fungicides for plants. Below we will spend a list of such drugs with names and description.

Fungicides are called chemicals. They are struggling with pathogens, which are pathogens of various fungal diseases in cultures. This is the dew is powdery, phytoofluorozhtor, gray rot, peronosporosis, fusariosis and others. If you correctly use fungicides, then they actively kill the fungus, without causing harm to cultures.

Depending on their chemical properties Fungicides are divided into two types:

The advantages of organic fungicides are that they are non-toxic, they can be combined with various eradicates, but the chemicals are compatible with a few substances.

Inorganic fungicides

Gardeners and gardeners for the most highly efficient struggle with different pests often change drugs and buy new ones. Participate attention to such funds that are capable of giving the maximum effect with small doses. But not to experiment.

It is better to buy famous, proven preparations that have already been used and have proven themselves well. Processing plants are best before the start of their flowering and after the harvest is assembled.

Organic drugs

There are many different contact effects on the market. They are preparing differently than inorganic fungicides. In organic preparations, the main component is active bacteria, which, during use, can coordinate pathogens of fungal diseases of cultures.

It is preferable to use biological fungicides in the country and vegetable garden, because they are non-toxic, do not harm people, plants, bees, animals, fish, and, more, are highly efficient. Preparations can be used during the growing season. These drugs that can be used during the ripening of fruits and harvest is available.

List of drugs

Fungicides due to its influence have different action on plants, the structure of the cultural culture and the composition of the fungicide is also taken into account. The most common are those drugs:

"Abiga Peak"

It contains composure of copper. Local biological preparation in the form of suspension. It is characterized by what has a wide range of action. His destination is to destruction of fungi, which are formed on the grape vines, on vegetable, technical, fruit, decorative culturesas well as on plants medicinal application and colors.

It has moderate toxicity, if you meet the recommended doses, it is not phytotoxic. Proportions: 40 g / 10 liters of water;


The intrastable fungicide is used for prophylactic spraying, protects cultures from the appearance of fungal diseases. Resistant to heat treatment, well distributed throughout the culture. Proportions: 50g per 8 liters of liquid;

"Acrobat MC" (dimetomorph)

Biological preparation in granules. Intrastable local fungicide for the destruction of phytoofluorosis, dry spottedness on potatoes. On grapes and cucumbers destroys the tormentous dew. Toxic. Spraying needed during growth. You can collect harvest not earlier than 20 or 30 days after spraying. Proportions: 20 g by 5l water;

"Alin B"

Reduces the toxicity in the soil after plants are processed by chemical fungicides, restores them to the microflora. It is recommended to use for plants that grow at home and in the garden can be combined with other biological preparations. Proportions: 2 tablets for 10 liters of water;

"Bordeaux mixture" (copper sulfate, calcium hydroxide)

Powdered preparation, actively protects vegetables and fruit, berry and melting, as well as decorative plants and flowers. Toxic. Proportions: 300 g per 10 liters of water;


Used for the prevention and treatment of plants. Basically penetrates through the leaves. Proportions: 5 g per 8 liters;


Fungicide Biological, powdered and in the form of tablets, serves to exterminate fungi, infecting culture and soil. It can be used for indoor plants And all varieties fruit trees. Proportions: 2 tablets on 10 liters of water;


Preparation with suspension and tablets. This is an organic fungicide that serves to exterminate pathogens fungus in the ground. Used for the prevention and treatment of plants in the garden and in the house. Combined inorganic fungicides. Proportions: 1 tablet for 300 ml;

"Quadris" (Azoxystrobin)

Fungicidal suspension having a large range of impact. It serves protection for the soil, cucumbers, tomato, onions, potatoes and grapes from various types of fungi, frying the buoy and dew milders. Increases yield. Phytotoxic, combined with other fungicides. Proportions: 200 ml per 7 liters of water;


The intrastable drug, which is capable of penetrating the soil, and then in the roots of crops. Heals, protects seeds, has a disinfecting effect. Proportions: 100 ml per 6 liters of water;


The drug is local, it is used to prevent from the possibility of the appearance of fungi on the stems and leaves of plants. Proportions: 1 mg per 1 l;


Local fungicide is used to combat mold and radiance dew. proportions: 6 mg on 10 liters of water;

Copper Summary (copper sulfate)

Contact exposure preparation, powdered, having a wide range of action. Designed to carry out the destruction of fungal diseases and various diseases in berry, fruit and decorative cultures and shrubs. Proportions: 100 g per 10 liters of water;


Systemically local powdered fungicide having a large spectrum of action. Perfectly protects tomatoes and potatoes from macrospriosis and phytoophulas, and cucumbers from pulse dew. Proportions: 20 g per 10 liters of water;

"Raek" (diphenokonazole)

Emulsion fungicide, which serves as protection of plants for a long time, effectively treats from phytoophulas, milder, kokkomicosis and leaf twisting. It has the ability to quickly penetrate the plants. When it goes two hours from the moment of spraying, it does not wash off rain. Proportions: 2 ml on 10 liters of water;

"Staters" (Cresoximmethyl)

The highly efficient drug, granulated, has a large spectrum of exposure, which is aimed at treating diseases of grapes, as well as decorative, vegetable and fruit crops. Helps at spotted black, mildew, ash. Proportions: 4 ml on 8 liters of water;


Powdered intravenous fungicide, having a protection against various fungal infesses of seeds, as well as plant leaves. Functively eliminates the traces of the disease of the radiy, rot, gray and spottedness. Combined with different regulators needed for growth, pesticides and fertilizers. Proportions: 10 g by 0.5 l;

"Horus" (Ciprodinyl)

Granulated drug that perfectly protects pears and apple trees from alternariasis and monilosis. Berries and grapes saves from different rot. Proportions: 2 g per 10 liters.


The most highly efficient and common means to combat various fungi and diseases of crops are fungicides. By choosing the drug, it should be considered that it is as efficient as possible. It is important that the remedy brings plants as much harm as possible. Therefore, preferably low-toxic fungicides. Before the use of fungicides, it is necessary to read the instructions and prepare a solution, exactly respecting the dosages specified in them.

Having a small experience in crop production, the majority of summer residents are lost, coming in the store to the stand with agrochemistry. Such an abundance of names, types of packages, dosages can be headed anyone. However, you should not fall into panic. Going behind the purchases of the garden protection tools, first of all, you need to imagine what this garden is to be protected. As practice shows, the season of preventive measures on the plot opens fungicide treatment.

Fungicides for plants

For the season, the garden and garden come into a huge number of relations in their environment. Plants react not only on weather conditions, watering, feeding, but also on contacts with live organisms: bacteria, fungi, insects and mammals (crots, for example). Most of these relationships are unfavorable. Unfortunately, what is natural for nature, from the dacket looks like an attempt on the harvest. Therefore, an extensive program is carried out to reduce the number of unwanted "guests". The means that use for this purpose make up one large group - pesticides. Each individual subgroup is responsible for its sector. So, insecticides are struggling with insects, herbicides allow you to remove the weed grass from the site. But the treatment of fungicides is carried out in order to destroy fungi, bacteria and prevention or treatment of diseases, they caused.

There are several classifications of fungicides for plants. Any crop, as practicing the active use of agrochemistry, and aspiring to reduce the external impact, will be useful to know the following parameters.

In the origin, inorganic and organic drugs are distinguished. There is a separate list of biological fungicides, but they are worth talking about them separately.

Inorganic fungicides allowed for use in personal subsidiary farms is copper and sulfur-containing drugs. Mercury-containing, but because of toxicity for a person and, often, for plants, the last form is no longer used for plants.

The name of copper-containing fungicides is widely known. The most popular - copper KunerAlso most often used bordeaux mixture and copper blear.

Copper preparations with constant exposure in increased doses are toxic for humans and warm-blooded animals. The element has the property to accumulate in the ground and in the fruits. Therefore, to work with such substances, you must follow the instructions and not exceed the recommended dose and the frequency of use.

Fungicide treatment - danger to man

Preparations containing sulfur is hammer sulfur, collodic sulfur and lime-sulfur decoction. They have proven themselves as preventive funds against the brush, mildew, ash, ash. The drugs and greenhouses and greenhouses are pollinated by drugs.

Also, some degree of fungicidality also have iron preparations (iron vigor), manganese, potassium.

Organic fungicides

Organic fungicides for plants are funds based on various classes of chemical compounds. There are sufficient varieties of them. The compounds affect the fungus in different ways, so the effectiveness of them in the treatment of one and the same disease on the same plant will differ.

Information about which compound is based on the drug is quite specific. Most easers, if reading the instructions, it is not appreciated. However, to ask the class of the compound of the selected tool still, for example, if it turns out to be not effective.

In some cases, fungi and bacteria can become resistive in the active ingredient, that is, to develop stability. Or a crop can tighten with treatment, and the infection will still happen. Then to achieve good results in the fight against plant disease, you need to apply a complex approach. That is, alternate drugs, various and by origin, and according to the active substance, and by the mechanism of impact.

Complex plant treatment approach

On sale you can meet the means of which include nitrogen-containing pyrimidine derivatives, pyrazole, derivatives of phenol (chloro- and nitrophenols), etc. The separate class of fungicides for plants is antibiotics of non-medical values. Fitolavin (phytobacteriomycin) and trichothecin received widespread. They have not only fungicidal properties, but also to some extent immunomodulatory (stimulating growth and development of plants).

Separately, it is worth mentioning relatively new, but biological fungicides have already become popular and very popular. They are in their composition bacteriological or fungal culture. The principle of action of such drugs differs from inorganic and organic compounds. Bacterial cultures and plants with pathogens behave differently. Some strains can be dangerous for pathogenic fungi, because they themselves infect and destroy the pest. Others are a kind of "vaccinating" plant, increase its immunity and make it resistant to the effects of bacteria. Preparations can be used both with preventive and therapeutic purposes, but better act for preventing diseases.

Fungicide treatment

Biological fungicides

Already there are several commercial names: Bactophyt, Phytosporin, Gamiir, etc. At the same time, almost all funds presented in the market are enriched with microelements and, often, humic acids that additionally stimulate the plant and increase its stress resistance and immunity. In addition, in preventive purposes, the use of biological preparations is safe. Such advantages of biological fungicides make them very attractive for organic farming adherents.

Fungicide treatment can be carried out both in preventive purposes and in therapeutic purposes. However, not all means, warning disease, can be actively treated. To avoid infection or minimize the consequences of it, it is worth approaching the processing system: to use a complex of contact and systemic fungicides (about them), as well as pay attention to the active ingredient of the selected drug.

Below are some of the names of fungicides and their active ingredient (class of chemical compounds).

  • iron vigor - iron sulfate;
  • colloid sulfur and hammer sulfur - sulfur (first smaller);
  • copper sulphate is sulfate, respectively, copper;
  • bordeeping mixture contains two active substances - copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide (it is also lime milk or hawed lime);
  • Xom - contains composure of copper;
  • Tyovit Jet - sulfur.

Organic fungicides for plants:

  • amistar Trios, Amistar Extar, Kvadris, SC contain azoxystrobin;
  • fundazol - active substance benzimidazole;
  • vectra preparation - bromouconazole;
  • a number of drugs, among which the famous Rajak, the speed, discor, clean, contain diphenoconazole;
  • Penncoceeb, Ditin 45 - Mankucket;
  • Topaz - active substance Pengoneazole;
  • Agrolecar, the forecast and cleanlore contain one active ingredient - propiconazole;
  • Rusurl - Iprodion;
  • The following group of drugs is a favorite of Ke, Foliant Ke, Forux CE - have a majority of class triazoles, a triadimephone;
  • Equality for the etching of seeds Maxim - Fluudioxonyl;
  • Bravo - chlorotalonyl;
  • Svitch, Chorus - Ciprodinyl.

List of biological fungicides

Separately, it is worth mentioning phytolavin, the active substance of which is the antibiotic group of streptotricins - phytobacteriomycin.

List of biological fungicides for plants:

  1. Alin, Bacotofit, Gamiir and PhytoPorin contain in different proportions of Bacillus subtilis bacteria strain;
  2. Glocladin and Triphodermin - preparations, the active component of which is the fungal culture of Trichoderma Harzianum.
  3. Agat 25 - Pseudomonas aureofaciens bacteriological culture strain.

In the process of gardening, fungicides often have to use. We are talking about special chemical preparations to which they are resorted to the fight against pathogens, which cause the development of fungal diseases, for example, gray rot, mildew and others.

Depending on the method of exposure to pathogenic fungi, several types of fungicides are distinguished: contact and system action.

Actions of contact fungicides

When using these drugs, their penetration is excluded. They cover the outer part of the plant, if there is on the surface of the reproductive and vegetative organs, the fungus occurs their suppression. All drugs operate for various periods, which is determined by the duration of the solution on the surface of the plant. The best results can be achieved if you conduct processing at least 3-5 times at intervals 10-12 days.

A feature of contact fungicides is the local nature of the impact. They are used not for the treatment of affected plants, they are designed to suppress pathogens located on the surface or directly in plant tissues. Due to the fact that these fungicides are unable to spread to other areas of the plant, similar treatment before the formation of fruits eliminates the penetration of them.

Systemic drugs act somewhat differently: as a result of the treatment, they penetrate into the internal organs of the plant, spread over the tissues, making changes to the physiological biochemical processes occurring in plant organs. Over time there are them plant decompositionthat ends with the formation of metabolites. In a similar condition, they begin to have an oppressive effect on a harmful fungus.

It is believed that the decomposition products that are formed inside the plants have greater harm compared to the drug themselves. In order to avoid possible complications, processing at the vegetables and in private farms are best with the help of chemical drugs of the contact action. At the same time, the period of their use is the period when one month will remain before harvest.

Types of fungicides and methods of their use

In stores for gardeners, fungicides are offered in different types: in the shape of powder, suspension, emulsionswell soluble in water.

Depending on the composition, the following types of fungicidal preparations are distinguished:

  • Inorganic. Under this group, drugs 1-4 of the hazard class for humans and warm-blooded beings are distinguished;
  • Organic. The main component in them are active microorganisms that oppress pathogenic mushrooms.

More preferred for use on the dumart sites Biofungicides.Since in addition to high efficiency, they apply minimal harm to plants.

Chemical fungicides

Often, gardeners buy new drugs to effectively combat pests, especially if they provide high efficiency with a small dose of use. However, it is incorrectly acting. You can only count on good results in the case of the use of proven preparations. As part of a group of chemical fungicides, which proved their effectiveness When used to protect during the growing season of various garden crops, the following can be allocated:

  • bordeaux liquid;
  • copper sulphate;
  • aBIGA peak, sun;
  • oxycho;
  • cinb;
  • tiram;
  • manganese-oxid potassium (manganese);
  • soda calcined using an adhesive (soap green).

Biological fungicides

Per last years A lot of biological fungicides of contact action appeared on the market. When they are manufactured, a slightly different approach is used than in the case of chemical preparations. The main component of biofungicides are active bacteriawhose activities have an oppressive impact on the pathogens of mushroom diseases.

The use of contact biofungicides is more preferable because they do not apply or minimal harm to human, warm-blooded animals, fish and bees. Consumers who are going to use biofungicides at home should pay attention to the following types of drugs:

Conduct the processing of chemical fungicides of contact action. before flowing And after harvesting. The advantage of biofungicides is that they can be applied during the entire growing period. At the same time, there are also drugs that can be used at the crop ripening stage. It should be borne in mind that contact processes are effective in order to prevent. If the drug reaches the causative agent of the disease, then this leads to his death. If the plants are already amazed by the disease, they will not be able to save them with the help of these drugs.

Rules for working with contact fungicides

Before using fungicide, you need to take care of your own security: for this you need prepare closed clothesRubber gloves and glasses and headdress. Having finished processing, clothing is sent to washing, and the hands and face must be thoroughly wash with soap.

It is necessary to carry out the processing of plants in advance with a prepared solution. The exceptions are situations when the instructions require the use of fresh composition.

In the process of preparing a plant for processing plants, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, withsting the optimal cost of consumption taking into account the phase of plant development.

Use fungicides in the most favorable for this conditions: Early in the morning or in the evening, provided that it is worth dry windless weather.

For a sprayer, you must select the mode of operation to fine spray. The cloud leaving the cloud should be raised on the plants from below and from above.

It is forbidden to use chemical fungicides against those plants, green parts of the above-ground mass of which are planned to be used. In order to safety, the processing of all cultures should be carried out to the flowering phase and the fetus tying.

You can not clean the dishes in which the solution was prepared, in water bodies. Disposal of used pesticides should be made only in specially designated places.

Place where it is planned to store fungicides and other drugs with chemical compositionmust have limited access. Preparations must be placed in hermetic packaging.

If the investigator listed above the rules for the use of fungicides, then you can not only prevent the appearance dangerous pests On the site, but also do not harm yourself and the environment.

List of fungicides

Due to the high toxicity of most of the fungicides offered today, the gardener should have a good reason for their use at home. Mandatory before applying drugs is familiarization with the safety regulations when using toxic substances.

Oxych. Preparation consisting from chlorokysis copper and oxadixila. Refers to the number of contact system fungicides, is used in preventive purposes and to suppress the diseases of the garden and indoor crops of plants. Recommended for use in the fight against phytofluorosis, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spottedness, septoriasis, etc. Non-toxicity makes this drug safe to use.

Cooking working solutions

Plant treatment is carried out only with freshly prepared solution. Initially, the sprayer tank needs to pour one third of the water volume, then run a mixing device and pour the required amount of the drug. After the remaining part of the required water is poured, the solution is well mixed, after which they are treated with infected plants.

Mandatory condition is the purity of water used for the preparation of the solution.

The recommended flow rate is one package by 2 liters of water. In some cases, it may be necessary to conduct three treatments, but between them it is necessary to withstand a break of 10-14 days. Putting plants can be used only by freshly prepared solution based on the drug by hydroxych. Can be used as a component for the preparation of complex mixtures.

Advantages of the drug:

  • operates on a system and contact principle;
  • the effect after processing is preserved over two weeks;
  • lack of toxicity provided that the processing is carried out in compliance with the recommended doses;
  • cost efficiency when used to prevent prevention.

Triphodermin. It is a group of biological preparations intended to combat fungal and bacterial diseases. The main active component is the controversy of the soil fungus Trichoderma Lignorum and the crushed grain substrate. The drug is effectively fighting with more than 60 types of soil pathogens, which are the cause of the development of many well-known diseases: root and fruit rot, seed infections, macrospory, fusariosis, etc.

The positive effect of the use of the drug is to improve the fertility of the soil, ensuring plant roots with additional nutrients, increasing the germination of seeds.

Application method:


The problem of protecting plants from diseases is relevant for each gardener. For faster and without consequences to cope with them, many are used for this chemical preparations. Fungicides are among the most popular who demonstrate high efficiency. However, when they choose, it is necessary to proceed from the position to apply the minimum damage to the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to those of them that have the smallest toxicity. When choosing fungicidal drugs, it is necessary to focus on their recommendations on the use. This will help avoid unwanted consequences after processing.

The modern agrochemistry market offers a large number of all kinds of drugs for the prevention and treatment of already emerging plant diseases. As they say, for every taste and color. However, to save the garden and the garden from the problems of bacteriological nature is not so simple. It is not enough to choose from the list of the name of fungicides and purchase them. It is necessary to correctly calculate how they will act and how well will work against a certain illness. Consider closer what is contact and systemic fungicides for plants.

The drug Maxim (the commercial name of the fungicide) and it can be purchased independently and process them seeds and bulbs immediately before planting in the ground.

Names of fungicides

Contact fungicides for plants - These are preventive preparations. They protect very well, but usually cannot be treated and showing weak results if the infection occurred. Therefore, they are used as soon as possible, begin at the very beginning of the season, producing a thorough spraying of all fruit and berry crops before the start of the renal dissipation. When flowing, the treatment is not made (this applies primarily with copper-containing drugs, since copper is accumulated in different parts of the plants, and when they get into flowers - both in the strings and fruits, and is removed very slowly).

  • Fungicide treatment of contact action is carried out only in dry weather, carefully, since the effectiveness of drugs directly depends on which area of \u200b\u200bthe plant turned out to be covered. One of the advantages of contact preparations is considered the slow development of resistance (sustainability) to them from pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The effectiveness of contact fungicides strongly depends on weather conditions, the resistance of the drug to the solar effect, the degree of "adultery" to the surface. If certain conditions are degraded, the new processing may be needed after 5-7 days.
Contact and system fungicides

Local action tools can also be applied by the entire season, for example, the processing of planting against phytoophulas, if it is systematically prior to the emergence of the first manifestations of the disease in the district.

System fungicides for plants

The fungicides of the system action penetrate the plant itself and already from the inside act on the pathogen. Funds can be applied at different stages of plant development. Systemic fungicides for plants can be both preventive and attending. They are much less dependent on weather conditions, because they are not washed away with precipitation. However, temperature differences can reduce the immunity of the plant itself and, on the contrary, aggravate its condition.

Duration of action

The validity period of systemic fungicides depends on the susceptibility of the fungus and the rate of development of resistance. Unfortunately, to the means of this group of fungi and bacteria "get used to" faster. Therefore, the effectiveness of drugs can decrease after 4 7 days. The exit from the situation is a change of fungicide on a different active substance, as well as the use of a comprehensive means (system + contact preparation).

In some cases, manufacturers are combined in one product two fungicide or fungicide and insecticide. It turns out the set, the effectiveness of which is usually higher, and the protection time of landing after processing longer. Usually the mixture is made up of one contact fungicide and one system or of two systemic. Such means are called combined (contact-system), complex or mixed fungicides.

Some names of fungicides

We give some Names of fungicides By the nature of the distribution in the plant.

  1. Contact Action Preparations: Abiga Peak, Bravo, Maxim, Ditan M45, Penncocelebe, Profit, Tiovit Jet, Bordeaux Mix, Copper Summary, Iron Couple, Ordan, Hom, Rusurl SP,
  2. System fungicides for plants - This is, for example, Bayleton, discor, impact, raykek, soon, topaz, phytolecar, favorite, phytolavin, Fundazole, Chorus, purestone.
  3. Combined preparations (contact and systemic fungicides) - Amystar Trio, Vectra, Vitaros, Cabrio, Quadris, Consul, Ordan, Oksich, Prestige, Profit Gold, Spirit, Tanos, etc.

Other classifications of fungicides for plants

In addition to the described classification, drugs with fungicidal properties differ in other parameters, for example, by the nature of the action: attending, or fighter; immunizing (elixitors) and prophylactic (protective).

Biological fungicides

Contact fungicides most often have a prophylactic and partially attending effect. Preparations of biological origin in addition to prevention and treatment have a pronounced immunizing effect. Some system fungicides are also in addition to protective and medical properties Immunizing, that is, they affect the growth and development of plants, changing their metabolism.

The classification of origin is divided by drugs on true fungicides, pseudophungsides and natural antagonists. The first group is toxic for fungi and bacteria and outside plants, by itself. The second type of substances interacts with the plant and is not dangerous for the pathogen group. Natural antagonists contain disinflected strains of pathogens and help plants improve immunity.

Another criterion, which is usually not reflected by the names of the fungicides, but explains the instruction - the purpose of the use of the drug. There are seeds (for example, Maxim, Vitaros, Credo), means for disinfection of closed soil (teemite jet), for the processing of perennials that are at rest, as well as for the processing of all plants during the growth period (vegetation).

Biological fungicides are effective when processing landings in order to prevent. They protect the plants from phytoofluorosis, various kinds of rot, mildew.

It is worth keeping in mind:

Names of fungicides

Combined tools show high efficiency against a large list of diseases, however, are often characterized by an increased hazard class. All the necessary information, instructions, including the method of disposal of packaging and unused solution, the manufacturer makes a package. You only need to read it carefully. And last, when processing landings by any type of fungicides, it is necessary to use elementary protection tools and comply with safety techniques.

The cultivation of garden-fruit, garden or decorative plants is the favorite occupation of many gardeners and dachens. However, you need to understand that grow a healthy culture without proper care It is impossible. It is important to provide each flower in advance with reliable protection against various diseases and dangerous pests.

Biological effect of fungicides

When leaving the garden, dachensons often have to use highly efficient drugs - fungicides for plants that are potent chemicals capable of providing effective struggle With pathogenic microorganisms causing the development of fungal diseases, such as:

  • puffy dew;
  • gray rot;
  • root rot and others.

Fungicidal funds are divided into two groups of exposure method:

  • contact;
  • system.

Each gardener should know what fungicides are, how to use preparations in home gardening.

The use of fungicides for plants eliminates the probability of penetration of active substances inside. They manage to cover only the outer part of the culture, where the generative and vegetative organs of fungi are located, causing further progression of infection.

All tools are capable of acting over a different period, which depends on the duration of the stay of chemical compounds on the surface of the culture. A special result is noticed when regular processing every 3-5 days with an interval of 10-12 days.

The key feature of contact fungicides is local action on green plantings. They are not applied to the treatment of signs of lesion, but to destroy pathogenic fungal formations, which are on the surface or in plant tissues. It is important to understand that fungicides are not able to penetrate other areas of the plant, so processing with their help is completely safe.

Act systemic drugs Built on another principle: when processing, they affect all internal systems, moving along the tissues and bring a number of changes in the physiological biochemical processes that proceed inside the plants.

In the future, they decompose in the internal organs of colors, garden or crops, which causes the rapid formation of metabolites. In this state, a strong immunity is produced in a plant, which is capable of cleaning from harmful fungus.

Some gardeners adhere to the opinions that use systemic fungicides are unsafe because decomposition products formed after processing are capable of harm to the plant. To prevent possible complications it is necessary to use chemical preparations of the first type - contact. However, it is important to have all the processing procedures a month before harvesting.

Types and principle of operation

When searching for fungicidal preparations in specialized stores You can find ready solutions In the form of powder, suspension or emulsion with good solubility in water. Depending on the composition, there are several fungicidal preparations:

  • Inorganic. Among them, drugs 1-4 hazard classes for humans and warm-blooded creatures.
  • Organic. The composition of such funds contains active microorganisms that can have an inhibitory effect on pathogenic fungi.

For use in cottage sites, biological fungicides are recommended, since they are characterized by excellent efficiency and at the same time practically harmless, both for garden crops and the human body. However, when conducting processing events, all safety rules must be followed.

Chemical fungicides

Many modern dacms and gardeners are looking for maximum efficient drugs To combat diseases of fungal origin. In search good solutions They pay attention to innovative chemicals that guarantee high efficiency at small doses.

However, it is extremely recommended to get involved in such means, and not always declared in advertising efficiency is a reality. The list is really good fungicides Chemical type that managed to prove their effectiveness after long experiments and research, it is important to allocate:

  • bordeaux liquid;
  • copper sulphate;
  • aBIGA peak, sun;
  • cinb;
  • manganese;
  • soda calcined;

Such funds were tested by experts and earned the right to be called one of the most effective in their own way. However, during the operation of chemicals on the site you need to be extremely careful and carefully study instructions for use. Otherwise, you can harm both yourself and grown cultures.

Biological preparations

The range of fungicides with a highly efficient action is very extensive. In recent years, new solutions have been published on the market, capable of protecting plants from all kinds of diseases. Among them biological fungicides of contact. They are manufactured by a completely different principle than previous, chemical. The basis of such drugs contains active bacteria that localize the pathogens of mushroom diseases and have a destructive impact on them.

Biofungicides make it possible to effectively deal with the problem without damaging green plantings, animals, fish, bees, as well as people. If you wish to acquire good biological drugs, pay attention to the following list:

  • Gamiir P;
  • Triphodermin;
  • Alin-B;
  • Albite;
  • Phytoosporin;
  • Agate;
  • Planzir and others.

It is important to understand what to proceed to plant processing chemicals Contact Action Long before flowering, as well as after harvesting. As for biological solutions, they effectively Work throughout the growing season. In addition, among biofungicides, there are also drugs that can be operated at the stage of ripening fruit. In any case, a novice gardener must understand that all fungicides are only preventive tools. If active substances reaches the pathogens of the problem, it causes their death. However, if the disease progresses, and the culture is strongly amazed, it will not be possible to solve the trouble with such drugs.

How to work with contact fungicides

As mentioned above, the use of fungicides is a rather demanding and painstaking process. Before starting work, you need to carefully treat security issues, having prepared specialized clothes, rubber gloves, glasses and a headdress. After holding processing works, clothing needs to be carefully wrapped, and the hands and face wash with soap.

Before starting the treatment of garden, garden or crops, prepare the finished solution, observing the correct dosage and all the recommendations that are attached in the instructions. Also, do not miss the advice of experienced specialists, guided by their personal experience and skills.

Special efficiency on the use of fungicides is noticed when processing early in the morning or in the evening, in dry weak weather. If the spraying was carried out before the rain or after it, it should not be waiting for a good result. Active substances simply wash themselves with the rain and will not come into effect. As a result, the defeat will progress.

When carrying out spraying, you need to pick up the mode of operation on fine spraying. The resulting cloud of the solution should spread to the lower and upper parts of the plant.

It is important to understand that spraying green parts of crops that will be used in food, it is impossible. To enhance security, it is necessary to have time to handle green plantations before the start of flowering and fetus tying.

Use the container where the solution was for re-work absolutely forbidden. Instead, it needs to be disposed of in specially designated places for pesticides. The storage locations of the fungicides must be limited from the total access, and the drugs should be kept in hermetic packages.

List of drugs

Most of the available fungicidal preparations possess high toxicity. Therefore, before purchasing them and engaged in your plot, you need to find good reasons. It is also necessary to carefully read the instructions for use and make sure that you can conduct processing events yourself. Highlight the list of the most popular and effective fungicides For plants.


The composition of this drug from the contact system group is Copper and Oxadixila. It is most often used for preventive purposes and oppressing all sorts of diseases of garden and indoor crops. Great fights S. phytofluorosis, macrospory, black bacterial spottedness and other hazards. Lack of toxicity increases the safety of the means.

To start processing, it is necessary to pre-prepare a highly efficient solution. To begin with, the device should be pulled out 1/3 of the water, and then launch the mixing mechanism and pour a bit of the drug. In the future, it remains to pour the remaining part and to stir well. The finished mixture is used for a plenty spraying of culture that responded to fungus. In the process, it is important to use solely clean water.

As for the dosage, then optimal indicators It is kept at 1 pack of oxicoma for two liters of fluid. Sometimes you have to spend up to three procedures with a confidence of 10-14 days. For processing, an exceptionally freshly prepared solution is used.

Among sweese advantages funds:

  • highly efficient system-contact action;
  • the ability to continuous conservation effect;
  • minimum toxicity, if the processing is carried out with proper dosage;
  • economical consumption in preventive purposes.


This biological fungicide is different high efficiency When combating pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases. The biofungicide contains the controversy of the soil fungus Trichoderma Lignorum and the crushed grain substrate.

The drug is able to eliminate more than 60 varieties of pathogenic organisms, which cause various diseases, including:

  • root rot;
  • seed infections;
  • fusariosis and other troubles.

Action of active substances causes improving soil fertility, rapid saturation of the root system with additional nutrients, as well as an increase in the germination of the planting material.

To prepare a suspension, where the seeds are clumsy, it is enough to take 10 grams of the drug and dilute it in one liter of water. If the tool is used by watering plants, the optimal dosage will be the same as in the previous case. When watering, it is important to deliver a suspension right under the root using the average portions of water.

A ready-made solution for spraying is created as follows: 10 grams of funds are resolved on 5 liters of water.

Triphodermin has excellent prophylactic action during transfers. In this case, the rate of consumption is determined as follows: on a 25-centimeter (in diameter) a pot is used as the amount of the drug that is placed on the tip of the knife.

By the way, you can handle this means not only adult plants, but also young cuttings, putting it in the water, where they are kept before planting. In this case, the consumption is 5 grams of 5 liters.

In order to effectively deal with all sorts of diseases, it is necessary to prepare such a suspension: 5 grams of substance dilute with 5 liters of water. Then the damaged culture should be removed from the pot and clean from the soil composition.

The affected root elements will have to be removed, and rinse the main rhizome with a suspension. After that, the plant is better to transplant in another pot, where the fresh substrate was previously placed.

The problem of protecting garden, ornamental and crops is interested in many gardeners and dacities. In order to effectively deal with all sorts of diseases, highly efficient chemicals are often used, including fungicides. With their help you can fast and efficient Get rid of the problem and prevent further progression.

However, that the drug is very effective, but at the same time safe, when choosing a suitable solution, it is necessary to give preference to the means that have the smallest toxicity. When choosing the best drug, consider the recommendations of professionals, and also read all the accompanying instructions and recommendations. Such simple actions Allows to prevent unwanted consequences from improper processing.