A short story on the topic of what good is. What is kindness? Argument from the text read

The beautiful word “kindness” is fraught with many definitions. For some, it is a humane attitude towards others, a manifestation of care and an expression of love. For others - a hidden manifestation of feelings.

Essay “What is kindness?" (Var 2)

The beautiful word “kindness” is fraught with many definitions. For some, it is a humane attitude towards others, a manifestation of care and an expression of love. For others - a hidden manifestation of feelings, hypocrisy.
Someone is ready to express their warmth of soul even to a stranger, when another will be hostile and indifferent to express their feelings. Of course, the existence of such people as in the second type is sad, because people show indifference to each other. Therefore, most likely, they will not stop on the street when some person becomes ill.
In the modern world, many people forget what kindness is. Everyone thinks only about themselves now. For a long time, “kindness” implied direct participation in other people’s problems, providing help in difficult times. Behind kindness is the broad soul of a person.
Only a mentally strong person can show kindness. For the weak, kindness is a burden. In society, it is customary to call those who show the kindness of their souls to others as individuals. It is these people who are able to understand the soul of another person, sympathize and support. Nowadays such people are “worth their weight in gold,” since it is now fashionable to adhere to principles and their personal views on the world.
People try in every possible way to deprive themselves of this quality, so they represent absolutely nothing in life. Such people can be called indifferent and stingy people. If a person does not have kindness, then he is alienated from the world. There must be goodness on Earth, it helps us live and believe in the best.
Even animals have a sense of kindness. Many people have probably noticed how dogs and cats treat children kindly, despite the fact that they offend them and play roughly with them. So why are animals kind, but we humans are not?
Everyone in childhood was read fairy tales where good triumphs over evil. Weren't we taught kindness from a young age? So why couldn’t we cultivate in ourselves such a bright quality that is necessary for all humanity? You should probably be ashamed of this. After all, every inhabitant of the Earth must carry kindness with him, in his heart. And then everything will change for the better.

Essay “What is kindness?" (Var 3)

What kindness is cannot be described in two words. This concept contains a lot of the most positive human characteristics. First of all, kindness is a human, humane attitude towards everything that surrounds us. This is a very high and strong feeling. Kindness is love for people and caring for them and it is the basis of all world religions.


People behave towards each other in completely different ways. Some treat others with attention, warmth and understanding, and are always ready to help in difficult times. For others, showing interest in the problems of others is not typical at all. No matter how sorry it is, there are quite a few such indifferent people in our world. And the worst thing is that with such an attitude they set a bad example for those around them. Moreover, they raise their children in this way. As a result, the generation of indifferent people is growing, and this is sad.


But to everyone’s joy, there are also a lot of good people, and our world rests on them. Kindness and responsiveness are among the best and positive qualities of a person. A truly kind person feels happy and makes everyone around him happy. Thanks to such people, faith in goodness and love holds strong.


Kindness and humanity in a person must be cultivated from childhood. Children from an early age need to be taught good deeds, respect for people, responsiveness and mercy. Only in this case will he grow up to be a morally developed and sensitive person. He will show by example how to treat each other.


We shouldn’t wait for our world to become kinder. Everyone, first of all, needs to start with themselves. You don't have to do any great things. You need to forget about your selfishness and just become a little more attentive to everyone around you. This will help you hear and see those moments when someone needs help. Forget about self-interest, because as long as someone thinks about profit, his heart will not be truly open to kindness. When deciding to do a good deed, you should not think about any praise or any reward. True goodness does not require anything in return. Everyone should be kinder and more humane with others. After all, every person who has come to help unselfishly will keep this piece of kindness in himself, and, having multiplied it, will share it with someone else. And so along the chain, there will be more and more kind and happy people.

Goodness should be the most important part of every person's life if they want to live a happy life. You can be a happy person only by bringing goodness into the world around you.

Essay “What is kindness?” was very interesting, wasn't it? then you can also read other essays on the topics

Stalin Lazarev
Essay on the topic: “What is kindness? What is it for?

In life, every person has to meet with good and evil, evaluate the actions and deeds of acquaintances and loved ones, perform different actions: good or not so good.

What so good? What so evil? Throughout its history, humanity has been trying to answer these eternal questions.

Good is something, which contributes to the moral improvement of a person and the salvation of his soul.

Evil is that which contributes to the moral degradation of a person, pushes him to bad deeds and, tempting him to commit sin, destroys the soul. Evil usually appears under the guise of false of good, trying to replace the true good.

When we talk about a person « Kind» , then we mean that he is ready to come to the aid of another, and he does this not for profit, not for show, but selflessly, at the behest of his heart.

A good deed is that that gives joy to another person.

Good must be strong, active. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weaknesses. A strong man shows generosity, he truly Kind, but a weak person can be kind only in words and inactive in actions.

You need to have great fortitude to "live from the heart", wish good to others. The ability to feel, the ability to see good surrounding people is the result of enormous internal work of the spirit.

Truly Kind a person today becomes better than yesterday; kind motives bring true happiness to a person. Good ones, kind desires live in the soul of someone who knows how to give the strength of his soul to other people. good wishes, goodwill- the main antidote to arrogance and selfishness. Peace and tranquility in our soul depend on how we see another person, how we treat him.

L. N. Tolstoy has a wonderful statement: “Of all the sciences that a person should know, the main science is how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much of good".

What can a person turn into who remembers evil and stops doing good to people thinking only about himself? It’s hard to call him a human being. A man for this and a man for doing good, because kind There are many more people on Earth than there are evil ones.

We enjoy being in company good people, but for this we must be ourselves kind people. It is necessary to help people, protect the weak, not envy anyone, forgive the mistakes of others. Isn't it difficult to do this?

Try it and you will immediately you'll see: relationships with people will become calm, warm, the heart will be warmed by amazing, bright feelings.

I would like to finish my reflection with lines from a poem by A. E. Gavryushkin:

What should we do to wrest out evil?

Uproot and forget forever?

So that it never germinates

Is this feeling in a person's character?

I suggest making a day of good

The most ringing holiday on the planet,

So that all day and night until the morning

Joy sang her verses to us.

I believe that good evil will always win, I believe that kind there are a lot of people on the planet. And I really want evil to leave our planet forever, so that our children can live in an atmosphere goodness and love.

What is kindness?

Three versions of essays on the topic of goodness and kindness to prepare for the OGE and more.

The first version of the essay (based on the text by Yu. E. Shim “At the first break, Zheka put it in his briefcase...”)

Definition of the concept

Good is a special concept that defines a person’s desire to make someone at least a little happier, more prosperous, more successful. It is based on the ability to sympathize, sympathize, and put oneself in the place of another. Not everyone is given this. Many people do not understand and do not want to notice the problems of others, let alone treat them kindly. And others simply laugh.

Yu.E. talks about this. Shim in his text. Children are often cruel; they love to laugh at everything that differs from their usual way of life. This is how the boy Zheka, who collected glossy photos of famous actresses, became a victim of ridicule. From a conversation between two girls, it becomes clear that he sent these portraits to Norilsk for a visually impaired classmate who moved there about a year ago. Initially opposed to her classmate, Lisapeta involuntarily felt sorry for him when she learned that Lisa had long since moved from Norilsk, and his efforts were in vain. Goodness awoke in her soul, which was still inexperienced and therefore childishly cruel.

An argument from personal experience

Children often descend to ridicule and cruel jokes, not because they are so callous or cynical, but because they are afraid of appearing to others to be somehow different from them. In fact, if you explain to each such offender the reasons for his actions or words, then many will understand and also stand up for what is right. Good lives in the heart of each of us, only at different depths.


Goodness is one of the main qualities. We all try to live by its laws, but this does not always work out due to various circumstances. It is very important not to be afraid to overcome negative traits in yourself and cultivate positive ones, so that the world around us becomes cleaner and kinder.

Second version of the essay (based on the text by V.K. Zheleznikov “Yura Khlopotov had the largest and most interesting collection of stamps...”)

Definition of the concept

I think goodness is what distinguishes us from other inhabitants of the planet. This is a kind of worldview, which if you follow, then forever. If this feeling has settled in your heart, then kindness will appear towards everything: towards your neighbors, towards strangers, towards our smaller brothers. Nothing can change a person; for him, a sincere attitude towards others is a rule, an axiom that requires neither proof nor refutation.

Argument from the text read

For example, in the text by V.K. Zheleznikov we see two boys who react completely differently to the same circumstance - a dog’s howl. One is used to this and waves his hand, hiding behind his father’s words that the one who tames them is responsible for the animals. But Valerka is not like that. He immediately begins to think about how to help the animal, which every day at the same time whines inconsolably. After talking with the dog's owner, the boy offers to walk the dog every day after school. This shows his kindness.

An argument from personal experience

As life experience shows, in a person’s attitude towards animals one can understand how generous, caring and kind he is. If a person is pure in his thoughts and wishes only the best for everyone, then animals also treat him with affection and gratitude. And vice versa, if someone harbors a grudge, then living creatures will most likely try to avoid him.


Good is like a conductor between a person and the world around him. If you are kind to the universe, it will do the same to you. If you violate its laws, invade where you shouldn’t, trample barely emerging sprouts, then the world will seem merciless.

The third version of the essay (using the example of the text by N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky “Nanny, where is the Bug?” - asks Theme ...)

Definition of the concept

Goodness makes our lives brighter and more multifaceted. I think that it should become the basic rule of a person’s relationship with others like him and the world around him. If we characterize this concept in one word, then it is warmth. This includes care, love, and compassion.

Argument from the text read

The little boy Tyoma from the story by N.G. has all these qualities. Garin-Mikhailovsky. His mental organization is so delicate that he could not sleep peacefully, knowing that his favorite Bug had fallen into the well. Half the night he dreamed of ways to solve the problem, in the end he went to save the dog. Stepping over himself, through his own fear and fatigue, he coped with the task brilliantly - he got out of the well himself and saved his pet. However, so much effort was spent that, once safe, the child simply fainted.

An argument from personal experience

Often people who are able to think more about others than about themselves do not notice their own fatigue, weakness or illness. They are ready to do the impossible to ensure that those who are dear to their hearts are happy and healthy. Mothers who are ready to give their lives for the sake of their children spend the most vital energy for the well-being of another person.


Human warmth, care, sympathy and compassion constitute a single concept - goodness. This is one of the most important human qualities, helping to build correct relationships between people and the natural world.

Humanity, no matter what times and eras it lived in, has always valued the high moral qualities that were cultivated in people, which have been the main provisions of religious commandments from time immemorial. Among them is kindness. What is kindness? What kind of person do we call good? Why is kindness one of the foundations of morality? Let's figure it out.

The meaning of the word "kindness"

  • Kindness is the desire to help people without demanding gratitude for it. This is a property of the soul that allows you not to remain indifferent to the troubles of others, but to be there when a person so needs it. For example: “Kindness and sympathy are the basis of the character of Russians, who always strive to come to the aid not only of their neighbors, but also of a complete stranger.
  • Kindness is also a gentle, caring attitude towards people, all living things on earth. For example: “The kindness of a child is manifested in his affection towards a cat or puppy, in his care for flowers, kindness must be taught from childhood.”

Kindness is a somewhat abstract concept. Much can be put into the meaning of this word. At first glance, it is easy to answer the question: what does kindness mean? But at the same time it’s difficult. After all, kindness is the basis of such concepts as mercy, empathy, sympathy, selflessness and even heroism. It is love for a person, kindness, the desire to save him that becomes the motivation for a heroic act.

What does kindness give to a person? Of course, respect and love from loved ones, good relationships with friends and colleagues. But kindness often manifests itself so unselfishly that the person who committed the good deed even remains unknown. The main thing for him is to help others. For example: “An unknown person transferred a large sum of money for the treatment of a child in trouble.”

Do good, and it will definitely come back to you, even from people who are completely strangers to you!

What is kindness? Who is a kind person? Is it possible to make the world kinder, and can it consist entirely of kind people? Humanity has been asking itself this for thousands of years in a row, but not many have found the answer. Philosophers, poets, writers and other outstanding personalities devote their works to similar topics; They make movies about this, and sometimes it seems that the truth is so close, but... It eludes us again and again. I also often ask myself these eternal questions. And here are my thoughts on this matter.

Let's start with the definition of the word "kindness." In my opinion, this is a character trait of a person that motivates him to do good deeds. That is, a person, if he is kind, sincerely wants to help someone, be useful, lend a hand in a difficult situation, support...

It seems to me that all people are born kind, because I have not yet met small children who would like to deliberately cause harm to others. On the contrary, they take pity on all kinds of little animals, insects, even their toy hares and bears; they carefully put them to bed, dress them, feed them... But then, when a person grows up, this pure kindness disappears somewhere for many. A good attitude may remain towards family and friends, but towards strangers it is no longer there.

Why is this happening? Probably because we encounter a lot of bad, unfair, difficult things on our way... And all of this makes us embittered, we become callous. Our innate goodness hides behind the hard crust that covers the soul; and for many it is not visible even under a microscope.

Is there any way to fix this? Some believe that yes, but only if all people suddenly come to their senses, remember what they were like in childhood, look into their souls, open the cage and release the “bird of kindness.” Only if everyone is together, in an instant! Then things simply won’t get worse, and no one will get embittered.

But we understand that this is fantasy. Not everyone can change at the same time. It turns out that each of us is unable to do anything? Is it really not worth even trying?

When doubts overwhelm me, I remember a cartoon in which everyone gave each other a bouquet “just because.” First, one hero gave it to another. Then the other one wanted to give it to the third one. Third to fourth. And so on... It turned out to be a chain of goodness. You just had to start!

And you shouldn’t think that your good behavior won’t change anything, because others have remained the same... It will! Let it be for one person, but it will change. And he, in turn, will bring happiness to someone else, and there will be even more good. This is the meaning of life for each of us. Material from the site

Can the world ever be completely free of evil? I think no. And this, in my opinion, is not even necessary. After all, if only good people live on earth, then how can you understand that they are good? Everything is relative. There will be no evil, we will never know what good is.

Thus, summing up my thoughts, I want to say that a kind person is a happy person. And each of us can increase the amount of good in the world, making at least one person happier. If you make this the meaning of your life, you will never feel depression and emptiness, because there are opportunities for good deeds at every step. We just need to learn to see and use them. Be kinder, people! Don't lock your magical bird in a dark and cramped cage!

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