Nod kaspersky drweb which is better. Comparison of Kaspersky Anti-Virus and ESET NOD32 antiviruses. Other General Features

Having written a short article about free antiviruses, I received several responses (to my regret, not on the pages of the site), where some readers reproached me for forgetfulness and ingratitude. What does this mean? In their opinion, I forgot to tell you about at least two more antiviruses that I had undeservedly forgotten. We are talking about ESET NOD32 and Dr.Web antiviruses. These two antiviruses really have quite a lot of fans in our country. I partially agree with the readers, and will try to bridge the gap by also talking about these two antiviruses. Although, in my defense, I will note that my article was focused on talking about free antiviruses, and these two antivirus giants do not provide their products for free. Except for the trial versions for home from ESET NOD32 and the free healing utility from Dr.Web.

So, let's start with ESET NOD32. This antivirus package was developed in Slovakia by ESET. The antivirus is truly reliable and has received a lot of awards throughout its history as one of the best in its segment. A special feature of this product is the antivirus code itself, written in assembler (machine language program), which allows for a minimum use of system resources and increases the scanning speed. With all the advantages of this antivirus, I am not aware of the release of free versions of ESET NOD32. If you want to save money and you have four people from your circle who are ready to participate in such an undertaking, then you should take a package with the ability to install this antivirus on five devices. It will be both profitable and practical.

Now a few words about Dr.Web or Doctor Web. The author of this antivirus is our compatriot Igor Danilov. He developed it in 1991, and as Dr.Web, it became known in 1994. A very thoughtful and worthy antivirus. And anyone who wants to encourage domestic producers will not spend their money in vain and will get a good result. This is exactly the case when we should not be ashamed of a product produced in our country. Of the entire line of this manufacturer, I like the Dr.Web Curelt utility the most. Essentially, this is a scanner that can find and neutralize various “infections” that have managed to penetrate our computer. Why do I especially like him? Probably the main reason I like it is that it is absolutely free. The free availability of this scanner is determined by our mutual agreement with the manufacturer. That is, all information collected during scanning of our devices automatically goes to Dr.Web.

In other words, we help each other - in this way we help replenish the anti-virus database of this manufacturer. This is a fair agreement.

What else is remarkable about Dr.Web? In 2015, it released the product Dr.Web Katana, which can be installed as an antivirus, even on devices that already have some kind of antivirus software installed.

And yet, I like this company for its adherence to principles and uncompromisingness in its actions and actions towards all kinds of cyber thieves and cyber fraudsters. I'm talking about that period in the history of this company when they dared to include in their virus databases information about Trojans capable of stealing money from ATMs. This is despite the fact that the company was seriously threatened. She received a warning from criminal structures. Their office in St. Petersburg was attacked and set on fire several times in 2014.

That’s actually all my additions to the first article about free antiviruses.

Today there are many paid and free solutions among antivirus programs. All of them guarantee maximum system protection. This article will review and compare two paid antivirus solutions: Kaspersky Anti-Virus and ESET NOD32.

If we compare Kaspersky and NOD32 in terms of interface convenience, then at first glance it is clear that the main functions of these antiviruses are in a prominent place. If the user needs, for example, to add a folder to antivirus exclusions, he will have to go to additional settings. This situation is observed in Kaspersky and NOD32. The only difference in the interface is the design.

The Kaspersky main menu consists of a list of main tools, buttons "More Tools" and a small settings icon.

The NOD32 main menu consists of several basic functions, and on the side you can find a list of other sections.

And yet in NOD32 the structure of the interface is more obvious.

ESET NOD32 1:0 Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Antivirus protection

The main task of every antivirus is reliable protection. Both antivirus products were scanned by a current archive of 8983 viruses. This method is one of the simplest and is aimed at checking the effectiveness of the anti-virus scanner.

NOD32 completed the task in just 13 seconds, but also showed a not entirely satisfactory result. After scanning 8,573 objects, it identified 2,578 threats. Perhaps this is due to the specifics of the antivirus and it would cope better with active threats.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus scanned the archive for 56 minutes. This is quite long, but the result is better than in NOD32, because it found 8191 threats. This is most of the entire archive.

ESET NOD32 1:1 Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Directions of protection

Antiviruses have similar components. But NOD32 has device control, which allows you to block access to disks, USB drives, etc.

In turn, Kaspersky has an IM antivirus, whose task is to ensure security in Internet chats.

ESET NOD32 1:2 Kaspersky Anti-Virus

In normal mode, NOD32 consumes very few resources.

Kaspersky is much more power hungry.

When scanning a system, NOD32 places a heavy load on the system at the beginning.

But after a few seconds it reduces the load.

Kaspersky consistently loads the device with these parameters.

ESET NOD32 2:2 Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Additional features

Both antiviruses have their own additional features. For Kaspersky, this includes an on-screen keyboard, recovery after infection, cloud protection, etc.

In GOD32, the tools are aimed more at system analysis.

ESET NOD32 2:3 Kaspersky Anti-Virus

In the end, the victory goes to Kaspersky antivirus, because it is largely aimed at ensuring the security of the device. But which antivirus is worth using, each user decides for himself, because both products are worthy of attention.

There are a great variety of software products of this kind and their number continues to grow every year. While preparing this article, I have already weeded out the mediocre options and selected the four most famous antiviruses so that now, having studied their features in detail, I can find the best one.

Which antivirus is better - Kaspersky, Nod32, Avast, Dr. Web?

Degree of protection

The main criterion for selecting an antivirus is its ability to detect malware and then isolate or destroy it. Not every program copes with this task fully, but only shows false activity. What is the best antivirus for this component? Let's get a look:

  1. Kaspersky is far ahead of all its competitors in terms of protection. Its mechanisms allow you to block all external threats at high speeds, in real time, even before they penetrate the computer. Even if the malicious code is archived, the antivirus will detect it and notify the user about it. Of course, you will have to pay a price for extensive opportunities, but more on that later.
  2. Nod32 contains the entire set of tools necessary to prevent virus programs from entering your computer, and if they do manage to penetrate, it will be able to fight them thanks to file removal and disinfection tools. Unfortunately, everything is good only in words, but in reality there are enough security holes for some viruses to get through them. Plus it's very annoying a large number of false protection alarms on absolutely safe files (you have to constantly remove them from quarantine and add them to exceptions).
  3. Avast antivirus, as for free software, copes well with its tasks - it fights various kinds of threats, periodically scans the system and monitors operations with files and folders in real time, which makes it possible to quickly eliminate almost any threat. Even while the Windows screen saver is showing, Avast is already starting to check for malicious code in the system.
  4. Dr. Web perfect solution for those who want to protect their computer from unauthorized intrusion from the outside. The program successfully fights file viruses, Trojans, polymorphic viruses, spyware and a bunch of other unwanted guests. The operating mechanisms are designed in such a way that most of the currently known viruses are not able to interfere with the operation of the algorithm or bypass it.

Easy to install and configure

There shouldn't be any problems installing and configuring security software, because its priority is to start protecting your computer as soon as possible. And it’s best if you don’t need to spend a long time fiddling with options before doing this.

There is nothing special to write about at this point and it is difficult to determine the best one, since most antivirus programs have long since arrived at a certain unified working model. To install each product, you just need to run the executable file and follow the instructions provided. Activation for paid versions occurs by entering a code and username, after which all functions will become available, including automatic update. To fully start using the capabilities of the free product, you will have to go through the registration procedure. All the reviewed antiviruses have all the main services enabled by default - real-time protection, scheduled scanning and others, without which it is impossible to guarantee the security of the system.

Load on computer resources

One of the most important criteria in choosing an antivirus program, especially for owners of low-power computers. If the program is poorly optimized or full of unnecessary services, the user will experience performance problems.

  1. No matter what the experts say who are trying to convince us that Kaspersky Anti-Virus does not load the system, it does not sound convincing, because any user can notice with the naked eye a significant decrease in performance during scanning and slow file opening, which is associated with the anti-virus constantly hanging in the processes monitor. The salvation from all of the above is a truly powerful PC configuration.
  2. Nod32 has no problems with speed. Moreover, this is probably the fastest modern antivirus that is focused on minimal use of computer resources. I myself have long been a fan of this antivirus precisely because of its negligible impact on computer performance. At one time, Nod even ran on a computer with 256 megabytes of RAM.
  3. Avast is famous for its low resource consumption and low requirements for computer resources. Even on low-power systems, scanning is fast enough and has virtually no effect on applications running in parallel by the user, be it a video editor, browser or 3D application. In February 2010, Avast was awarded the award for the fastest antivirus monitor.
  4. Dr. Web shows average results in terms of load on computer resources and is somewhere between Kaspersky and Nod. Copying files, booting the system, browsing the web - all this happens quite quickly. The only thing I can complain about is the compression speed of ZIP archives when the maximum level of protection is enabled. At this point, the load increases significantly.

Additional functionality

Modern antiviruses not only perform the main task assigned to them, but also solve a number of other problems, for example, block users’ access to phishing sites, check the integrity of the registry, and so on (each program has its own characteristics).

  1. In addition to virus protection, Kaspersky fights adware, checks Java and Visual Basic scripts, analyzes and blocks vulnerabilities in the Internet Explorer browser (this, in my opinion, is an unnecessary function, since this browser itself is a walking vulnerability and no one uses it ). Kaspersky Anti-Virus also has a set of tools with which you can create a disk disaster recovery systems.
  2. Nod32 doesn't have much additional features, like its competitors, but what little is provided to users is implemented on high level. For example, an anti-spam module that allows you to filter out suspicious emails, thereby increasing the security of your work, or a personal firewall, which is many times more reliable than the standard solution from Microsoft or other operating system manufacturers.
  3. Additional Avast functionality varies greatly depending on the version you choose. Of the shareware builds, it is best to take Premier, which has an antispam filter, the ability to remotely control a PC, a firewall and many other services. And if you shell out for a paid license, the most functional will be the Endpoint Protection Suite, which incorporates the capabilities of all other versions and has its own unique ones.
  4. Doctor Web also boasts a wide range of additional functionality - here is the ability to backup data and then restore it, and centralized management of corporate network protection, and a behavioral analyzer. In general, the list can be continued for a long time, especially since the company is actively working to improve its product.


Attackers never sit idle and do nothing but invent new ways to harm you and your computer. Therefore, it is very important that the antivirus updates its software in a timely manner. defense mechanisms. Which one is better for this component?

  1. Kaspersky AV updates occur automatically and quite often. The company's employees, in collaboration with users, look for new vulnerabilities and update anti-virus databases and the registry of phishing and other sites with potentially dangerous content. If automatic updating is disabled (in order to improve system performance, for example), you will have to launch it from the main menu of the program.
  2. Nod32 is updated as critical updates to antivirus and other databases are released. If you wish, you can configure the launch of this function according to the task scheduler, at the time you specify. For example, by setting to check for updates only during the first launch operating system and no more than once a day. It makes no sense to disable auto-updates, since they weigh little.
  3. Avast functionality allows you not only to promptly download new anti-virus databases, but also to promptly update the version of the program itself without reinstalling it again. To do this, just go to the appropriate section of the menu and see if there is a newer version available, and then, if necessary, start the update process. This is a rather long procedure if a lot of time has passed since the previous update.
  4. Doktov Web offers us a slightly inconvenient option for updating the program version, in which you should remove old version before installing a new one. If an error occurs during deletion, or “bits” remain in the system, users are advised to use the disaster recovery utility or contact technical support. Everything is fine with updating the anti-virus databases - it happens automatically.

Mobile versions

In this paragraph, we will look at anti-virus software from the reviewed manufacturers, designed for mobile devices - tablets, smartphones, pocket computers. We will briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of these programs, and try to identify the best one.

  1. The mobile version of Kaspersky, called Kaspersky Mobile Security, works with the Symbian, Android and Windows Mobile platforms, providing electronic devices using these operating systems, a full range of protective services. These include antivirus protection, SMS spam protection and much more. Particularly noteworthy is the Anti-Theft function, which allows you to block a stolen/lost smartphone by sending an SMS message with a code.
  2. The solution from ESET (Nod32 Mobile Security) also covers the three mobile platforms listed above and does an excellent job of its main task - protection against viruses and spyware, including the main problem of smartphones - applications that can automatically send SMS messages from your number to any another. Like its older brother, the mobile version is gentle on system resources.
  3. Avast supports work with PDAs running on Android, Palm, and Windows CE systems. Other popular platforms, unfortunately, are not available. It comes in two versions - regular, containing only a basic set of features, and Premium, which has advanced functionality.
  4. Mobile version of Dr. Web is extremely popular among users portable devices. For example, in the Russian-language Android Market this antivirus application ranks second in terms of downloads. As in the Kaspersky program, there is Anti-Theft technology, black and white lists that allow you to filter calls and SMS messages coming from other numbers.

Technical support

Large antivirus companies usually provide their clients with additional online or offline assistance - additional resources, email, phone number. Let's evaluate the effectiveness of the technical support of our four competitors.

  1. The developers of Kaspersky Anti-Virus are actively working to solve technical problems related to the operation of their product - user support is available around the clock, both online and offline. Unfortunately, many will be upset by the fact that older versions of this software (1.5-2 years old) are no longer supported, and for some, updates are not even released.
  2. ESET, which develops Nod32 and other antivirus solutions, has a very advanced system online help. There is even a feature where you give a technical support employee remote access to your computer and he will fix all the problems himself. Alternatively, you can simply express your problem to one of the specialists by calling or sending an email.
  3. Avast has a detailed help guide, translated into more than 40 languages. Therefore, almost any common problem can be solved without even contacting technical support. However, you can always ask your question on the official forum, where not only experts, but also other users will listen to you, or fill out a form on the website.
  4. Technical support The Web allows clients to get an answer to their question in the shortest possible time. If the problem cannot be solved on your own, with the help of a Virtual Engineer, company employees will gain access to your PC and fix the problem (of course, with your consent). In addition, if any file seems suspicious to you, you can immediately send it for analysis.

Let's sum it up

Choosing the best antivirus product is not as easy as it seems at first glance. There is quite powerful protection from Kaspersky, but it does not spare computer resources - if you have a powerful computer and want to protect valuable information, this is for you. There is Nod32, lightweight and fast - an excellent solution for an office or home gaming PC, it does not load the system, and somehow copes with its responsibilities. Well, you shouldn’t also forget about the shareware Avast and Dr.Web - suitable for those who don’t want to spend money on buying an antivirus (we don’t take piracy into account).

In general, each program has obvious advantages on some points and directly opposite indicators on others. Therefore, each user will have to decide for himself what is more important to him - speed, security, price or something else.


Thank you very much for the article. I completely agree with the author of the article, but, however, I cannot help but add about an antivirus such as MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials). It is free, has a constantly updated virus database, works quickly, and is quite flexible in use. I can’t say that he was worse - he never “missed” an extra virus. I also highly recommend the utility from Dr.Web - Cure IT. It is free and is great for one-time or regular PC checks, as well as for treating PCs in critical situations, in safe mode, etc.

I talked about this topic with familiar hacker IT specialists, everyone unanimously believes that buying anti-virus software is a waste of money, because Each of the products on the market can successfully fight some viruses/spyware, but will also easily ignore others, or may do both poorly. Best protection computer - compliance with basic safety rules on the network. The most acceptable way that I found for myself is to install a Linux-based operating system - they either don’t have viruses at all or they do, but they are very unpopular. Plus, the security policy and remote access rights to the machine are implemented differently. True, it is very possible to infect a computer with a virus, but since... viruses are written in 99% of cases under Win, this will not affect the performance of Linux in any way (another thing, it can damage everyone’s favorite “windows”). Accordingly, there is no need to install an antivirus, although they are available.

There is no clear answer to the question of which antivirus is better. I don't like any of the listed antiviruses. I have been using VIPRE for many years now, in my opinion it is the best antivirus. But periodically I also clean it with herdProtect. It seems that God has been merciful so far.

Polina, by the way, I remember when I was using Windows and inadvertently picked up viruses - AVZ was a great help. A lightweight, simple antivirus that operates on the basis of scripts. It helps with a bang against known viruses or exploits, there is a special community that develops scripts for treatment. And if not, then you can scan the system yourself and send the log file for analysis. Virtual healing gurus always help

On Linux there really are no problems with viruses, but this system is not suitable for everyone. Regarding the issue of preventing infection, it is worth noting that the main flow of viruses (about 90%) is usually associated with executable files downloaded from the Internet, or those that are executable, but are disguised as other types, so to speak. For example, a torrent downloaded from an unreliable resource. So, to secure this main source, you can use browser add-ons that check the reliability of the resource, for example, “WOT” for Mozilla Firefox. Of course, you need to keep an eye on it yourself - a suspicious resource will always give itself away with an overly rubbery layout and “strained” comments. There are also special add-ons that allow the browser itself to check a file for a virus and block self-opening windows. If you follow these precautions, the chance of contracting the virus is extremely low.

I used it while using Linux. Either I’m doing something wrong or the sites around me are suspicious. I'm tired of constantly poking the button to close the warning and confirm that I intend to switch to an “unsafe” resource. And still there is no fear that I will catch the virus, a kind of state of surfing freedom. That's why I demolished it. And for Win users, of course, I also recommend installing this add-on.

Sometimes the assessment is not entirely adequate, or the resource is based on a third-party engine. It's quite rare for me to have glitches or misjudgments; perhaps it's gotten better now. There may be better add-ons, but I personally installed it because... it is the most popular and has the highest rating.

I don’t use any of the above antiviruses; I have Mc Affee.

I had it too. Very peculiar, once it missed a virus, another time it displayed unnecessary messages. How is it in your work?

Just great, only sometimes he swears at many sites on the Internet. Moreover, if he misses something, Panda will finish it off)

Yes, it’s hard to say which antivirus is better; Kaspersky is the most popular, that’s for sure. I used to use Windows and catch viruses with all antiviruses - Kakspersky, Nod32, Avast. Then I switched to a Mac and I’m not worried about the best antivirus, I don’t use it at all and everything is fine. But I’m afraid that soon the Mac will become popular and I’ll have to worry about choosing the best antiviruses again.

In general, it is advisable never to install a large number of antiviruses at the same time, because they can “detect” each other as viruses, because keep them in quarantine. In addition, it results in an unjustified load on the RAM.

I use Kaspersky and Avast antiviruses on different computers. There is definitely no need to install more than one antivirus at the same time, what are you guys doing? Which is better is an eternal question, just like in comparing Mercedes and BMW, some prefer one, others prefer the other. It would probably be more correct to ask the question not which antivirus is better in general, but to divide it into criteria:
Which antivirus is the fastest
Which antivirus is the easiest
Compare some settings
But in general, it is impossible to objectively answer the question of which is better: Avast, Doctor Web, Kaspersky, NOD32.

If your computer is weak in hardware, then nod32 is suitable for this case. If you think that your computer is of average health, then Avast and dr.web are suitable for this. Well, for powerful computers, Kasperskyi is suitable, well, this is my opinion, because it overloads the system. And also, never install nod32 and lasperskyi on medium and weak computers in the same place, because it will freeze very much.

I use Avast, well, it constantly says “Threat”, almost every 12 hours “The virus database has been updated.” I’ve been using it for almost a year, there have been no problems with viruses, and if there are any, it’s entirely my fault. I’m skipping them myself once again)

I use Avast and am completely satisfied. Doesn't bother you with notifications and does a great job.

Everyone has their own opinion, but it still seems to me that Kaspersky is better. I used to have Doctor Web and it didn’t really help, in other words, I had to tear down the system and install a new one. And when I installed Kaspersky, initially I didn’t like that it blocked almost everything, but now I’ve been using it for about a year and I don’t complain because not a single infection gets in. My friends told me that Avast is still good. Otherwise, I don’t really know since I’m not a programmer or an expert in this field.

IN modern world, where computer technology is very highly developed, the use of a PC, laptop, tablet is an integral part of our life. But you need to use technology wisely. If you have access to the Internet, then you need to take care of how to protect your PC from numerous harmful viruses and programs. In this case, the most important thing is to get ahead of the virus by installing an antivirus on your computer.

All over the world there are a huge number of programs that combat computer problems and help get rid of worms. But among all this diversity, the main and most popular are Kaspersky, Nod32, Avast, Dr. Web. All these antiviruses have been fighting viruses for many years and are constantly undergoing updates. Below we will make a comparison to determine the leaders.

Before we begin, we need to decide on the basic criteria by which we can determine the significance of each of them.

Degree of protection

This is the most important criterion, since a good antivirus should easily detect malware and viruses that have entered the PC. And he must do this instantly, so that it does not have time to spread throughout the computer and ruin everything on it. But not every antivirus can easily defeat a virus. It all depends on how “developed” the virus is and how long ago it was born. And not everyone is able to detect some viruses due to their backwardness.

Kaspersky is one of the leaders in this regard. This antivirus is capable of detecting almost any virus that appears on your PC, no matter how strongly it is hidden from the user. You won’t even think that some virus wants to harm you, and Kaspersky will already be trying to remove it. The antivirus will even be able to find the virus that is hidden in the archive before it is opened. In addition to detecting viruses, in case it still manages to slip through Kaspersky’s vigilance, it is possible to completely save your credentials on the Internet; backup, has a cloud for storing information up to 2 Gigabytes.

Nod32 not only allows you to detect and promptly counteract viruses, but also has the ability to disinfect files that have been subject to virus attacks, or otherwise, delete the file from the system altogether. But you shouldn’t trust Nod32 so calmly, as there are plenty of glitches. In addition to detecting viruses, Nod32 can also detect safe files as well as malicious ones that interfere with the operation of the PC and waste time. Among other things, messages often appear in the antivirus program: “The maximum degree of protection is not guaranteed.” Such problems can arise out of nowhere, without any prerequisites for this.

One of the leaders in free customer service is Avast antivirus. As for free version, it works perfectly. But he is still very far away from fighting on equal terms with the giants Kaspersky or Nod32. It makes many mistakes in identifying viruses, and it can miss them even before scanning. Besides, Avast is Avast and nothing more. There are no new versions at all, unlike Nod32 or Kaspersky.

Dr.Web is very advanced technologically. His inner work so complex that it is unlikely that any other program can interfere with it. It copes at a high level with various virus programs, removes infected objects, and prevents them from entering the computer. It works great on both legacy models and modern multi-core ones.

Easy to install and configure

Looking at all the variety of PC protection, you also think about which antivirus is better to install. After all, they all work differently with the system and in different proportions take away the performance of the PC.

All possible antivirus programs are not difficult to install. You just need to run the program installation file and simply follow the instructions. No knowledge in this direction is required here. To use the antivirus 100%, you need to register. So it’s not even worth determining who is better or worse here.

All antiviruses create load on your computer in different ways. This, in turn, in some cases, makes the PC less “alive”; programs run everything very slowly. So which antivirus should I download and install for my computer?

Kaspersky will probably be the “leader” here. It puts a lot of load on the PC system. This is noticeable from the first minutes of using this antivirus. During a system scan or when opening any files, this becomes more pronounced, as the computer begins to freeze. If you still prefer Kaspersky, then you need to purchase a personal computer with higher specifications.

Nod32 uses minimal PC resources and works very quickly. It is one of the fastest and does not interfere with work on a PC. That is, practically no changes will occur in the system after installing the antivirus program. Absolutely any computer with minimal requirements is suitable for its use.

Avast also uses minimal computer resources. For its operation you only need minimum requirements and it has virtually no effect on programs, games, or videos running in parallel. The system scan is quick. It’s not for nothing that he was awarded the title for the fastest antivirus monitor, although this was in 2010. Much water has passed under the bridge since then.

Doctor Web has approximately the same characteristics. It works almost unnoticed by the user and has minimal impact on performance. True, it is slightly inferior to the same Nod32 or Avast. But, despite this, the Web has much more functions and capabilities than the free Avast.

Additional functionality

In addition to the main function - protecting your computer from viruses and malware, each of them also has additional ones, which set it apart from third-party antiviruses.

Kaspersky automatically backs up all files on your PC, thereby protecting them from being “eaten” by the virus, and can also restore damaged files. When making payments on the Internet, this antivirus program first checks the authenticity of the sites. You can also prevent children from accessing some sites by using the “Parental Control” service, and also do this on certain days and at a convenient time.

Antivirus Nod32 also has a sufficient number additional functions, among which are:

  • As soon as you turn on your computer, the system begins to be scanned for viruses and other threats;
  • Once the scan is complete, the computer can shut down on its own if you wish;
  • It may automatically switch to energy saving mode, this applies to using the program on a laptop;
  • The antivirus program will also automatically start scanning flash cards and disks inserted into the PC;
  • When any updates appear, Nod32 will automatically install them on your computer.

Doctor Web is constantly improving existing functions and over time there are more and more of them. They are somewhat similar to the capabilities of Kaspersky or Nod32. It also saves your computer's data and helps you recover it if it is eaten by a virus. For quarantine, you can use external storage devices, such as flash cards.


Over time, new viruses, as well as old, but more modified ones, constantly appear on the network. It is for this purpose that there is an update to systems to detect these nasty things.

Kaspersky updates automatically, unless you remove this function yourself to make your PC work faster. Updates happen very often.

Node 32 is also updated automatically, but only when critical updates appear on the network. Here you can configure the frequency of updates yourself. Here you do not have to disable the system update, since the program itself has virtually no effect on the performance of the computer.

With Avast, everything is a little more complicated. The update occurs when you visit the menu, where you can both update and install new version antivirus.

If you want to install a new version of Doctor Web, you will first need to uninstall the existing one, which is not entirely convenient. But the update already occurs automatically and without problems.

Mobile versions

In addition to using an antivirus on a PC, it is also important to install it in Cell phones. But which antivirus is best to use on a mobile device?

A nice feature from Kaspersky on mobile is anti-theft, which allows you to block a stolen or lost phone. And so are the standard functions for protection against viruses and SMS spam.

Nod32 Mobile Security, in addition to protecting against viruses, also fights against applications that can uncontrollably send SMS messages from your phone, and the balance only decreases.

Among the disadvantages of Avast is the inability to work on the Symbian and Windows Mobile platforms. Working versions of the program can have the usual set of functionality, or additional ones (if you purchase the Premium package).

Doctor Web is very popular for protecting mobile devices. It will also help protect your phone in the event of theft or loss, allow you to create black and white lists, and track messages from third-party phones and resources.

Technical support

All antivirus programs have customer support available. But they all work differently.

Kaspersky Lab is working, all day long online and they will give you an answer to any question or problem that arises in the operation of their product. But the disadvantage here is that they practically do not work with older versions of the antivirus.

In addition to regular assistance, Nod32 employees can gain remote access to your PC and do everything right without you. This is very convenient in the case when you are not particularly versed in its work and are not familiar with the sections.

Avast's support is a little behind. There are instructions, take it and figure it out yourself. You can also seek advice on the forum, where both company employees will definitely answer you on all problems that arise, as well as site visitors and users of this antivirus.

When working with Doctor Web, if you have any doubts about the authenticity of a file, you can send it to the company and they will analyze it. Just like Nod32, Web has the ability to gain access to your computer and fix all problems.

Let's sum it up

Having considered 4 antiviruses, only one question remains unresolved: Which is the best? Each program has both its pros and cons. There is no absolute advantage in favor of one or the other. Kaspersky will help protect your PC at a decent level, although it will cost a lot of resources. For ease of work, as well as for those who like to play online on their computer, you should consider installing Nod32 or Dr.Web, as they minimally reduce the performance of the computer. Using Avast, you will receive minimal protection, although you will not have to pay anything for it, it is completely free.

It’s up to you to decide which antivirus is best to use. It all depends on the requirements for the program, the characteristics of your PC, requirements for advanced functionality, as well as the ability to pay for work and constant updates.

It is very rare for vendors to radically change the line of their comprehensive antivirus products, but ESET did it anyway.

is a completely new application that has found its niche between a standalone antivirus and ESET NOD32 Smart Security. The product has all the expected security features, but, unfortunately, some of them do not cope with their direct responsibilities.

An annual license of ESET NOD32 Internet Security to protect three computers will cost 1,950 rubles. For comparison, in the US you will have to pay $79.99 for a similar license. All 5 labs monitored by PCMag include ESET in their testing program. Basically, the product receives good grades

, although it failed two MRG-Effitas tests. However, these tests do not have a gradation of results, so their weighting factor in calculating the aggregate indicator was reduced. The overall ESET score is 8.8 out of 10

ESET blocked 97 percent of malicious samples in PCMag's own test. Some of them were blocked immediately, some after launch. The overall score of 9.5 is good overall, although some products did better. was able to earn the maximum 10 points.

In a test for blocking malicious links, ESET neutralized 89 percent of online threats, which is a good result. Half of the samples were blocked at the network level, and the other half were blocked at the download level.

In the anti-phishing test, the result was disastrous. ESET trailed Norton by 33 percentage points, although it still outperformed all three browsers' built-in filters.

Other General Features

The standalone antivirus includes the HIPS intrusion prevention system. In a test against 30 exploits, ESET detected and blocked more than half of them, which is better than the results of Bitdefender and Kaspersky. Norton blocked two-thirds of the attacks, all of them at the network level.

The sophisticated device monitoring system is more suitable for enterprise environments than for everyday consumers, although the product itself is more aimed at home users. Tech-savvy people can prevent connection external devices, including card readers, Bluetooth and external USB devices. You can create exceptions for trusted devices.

On the “Service” page, the user has access to event log files and a list of files added to quarantine. The remaining tools are intended for technical support agents to troubleshoot problems remotely. Among such utilities are running processes, a graph of file system activity and a tool for creating system snapshots for later comparison.

Basic firewall

During testing, the firewall correctly switched all system ports to hidden mode and successfully resisted web attacks. However, ESET failed a test that used ping requests - meaning a cybercriminal would be able to figure out the computer's real IP address. Quick Heal Internet Security 17 also failed this test.

Another test of a two-way firewall is to test whether it blocks attempts to abuse network connections. ESET software control can operate in several modes. The standard automatic mode allows all outgoing traffic and blocks suspicious incoming traffic.

When switching to interactive mode, ESET behaves like a traditional firewall, i.e. Every time an unknown program attempts to access the network, the product displays a user request for further action. Nevertheless. The control function has several advanced options. The firewall can apply your choice once, create a permanent rule based on it, or remember the choice until the program exits. By default, the selection is not remembered, i.e. the user will have to respond to requests every time.

After clicking on the detailed information link, the user is shown information about the publisher, file reputation and remote computer and ports. When you select advanced settings, you can edit firewall rules using individual IP addresses and port numbers. Regular users will not find these features useful.

Many products, notably Norton and Kaspersky, make software control decisions themselves and do not rely on inexperienced users. ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2017 uses a massive database of known trusted files to process applications and automatically configures software controls. In interactive mode, ESET Firewall needs to manually define rules for all programs and even Windows components - not the best approach.

One way to avoid the endless stream of requests is to use learning mode. In this mode, ESET monitors all programs that access the network and creates rules for allowing access. The training mode will automatically end after two weeks, although this period can be changed. After this, there will be noticeably fewer requests. You might also consider choosing a policy-based mode, which blocks all connections except those allowed by the firewall rules.

Network protection in ESET NOD32 Internet Security is enhanced compared to the capabilities of a standalone antivirus. However, in the exploit test, both products performed identically.

At least ESET's firewall successfully resisted direct targeted attacks. The comprehensive antivirus has two visible processes and one service, but during testing it was not possible to find a way to disable them using malicious techniques.

The ESET firewall was a real disappointment. It was unable to protect against leakage of the real IP address, and software control does not fully cope with its task. In interactive mode, the program floods the user with requests. This is a traditional firewall based on outdated technologies. Many modern products offer more advanced solutions.

Home network protection

When you select the “Home network protection” panel, an image of a network map appears in the main antivirus window. Detected devices are displayed as icons in concentric circles. In this case, the router and local device are shown in the very center. The next circle shows recently connected devices, and the furthest circle shows devices connected in the last month.

If ESET cannot obtain the name, it displays the IP address. The Network Wizard lets you figure out what's behind the IP address and helps you add a clear name. From the detailed view, you can select the troubleshooting link to view traffic blocked by the firewall from this device.

Click the “Scan router” button to have ESET check your router’s security settings. Several penetration tests will be run, targeting the router. If problems are detected, ESET will immediately offer to fix them.

Bank payment protection

ESET is focusing on this feature because one of the three panels on the main screen is dedicated to banking security. Selecting the panel opens the default secure version of your browser with a green border and a “Protected by ESET” banner in the top panel. The browser opens to a page that explains the purpose of this feature and recommends using it only for online banking and financial transactions, and not for regular surfing. After installing the antivirus, you need to restart your computer so that the protection bank payment earned. The function supports work with Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Users of Opera, Vivaldi and other browsers will not be able to use it.

Just like the Safe Money feature in Kaspersky Lab products, bank payment protection is automatically activated when you visit a well-known financial site in a regular, unsecured browser. ESET will prompt you to run secure browser and will ask if you want to remember this choice permanently.

Limited Parental Controls

Access to ESET's parental controls is hidden deep in the settings. In the left navigation menu, you need to select “Settings”, and then you need to go to the “Security Tools” section. Once enabled, you will see a list of Windows accounts. To complete the configuration, you need to specify which accounts belong to adults and which to children.

Depending on the child's age, ESET determines which of three dozen content categories will be blocked. When examining the rules in detail, you can see that each category has age restrictions- for everyone, 12+, 18+ or prohibited. Please note that even adult accounts will be blocked from the Crime and Malware categories. There are only three categories in the scope at a time, so setting up the system causes serious difficulties.

In testing, the content filter worked reliably. The filter works in any browser and is not disabled by simple network commands, which have been successful with some competitors. During the test, it was not possible to detect sites that escaped blocking. When blocked, ESET displays a simple warning in the browser, similar alerts are displayed when a phishing threat or malicious site is detected. A child will not be able to request to view a blocked site, as can be done in Symantec Norton Family Premier.

ESET handles HTTPS protected sites differently. It can't replace the blocked resource with an information page, so an error message appears in the browser and a pop-up notification explains what happened.

In the main ESET app, parents can view a list of blocked sites by date and time of attempt, account and content category.

This is where the parental control options end. Here you will not find the function for managing contacts in instant messengers, analytics social networks or controlling video games based on their ratings. In addition, you cannot manage your Internet and computer usage time. Parental controls are very limited, but work well.

Accurate antispam

ESET standalone antivirus has effective built-in protection Email. The component scans incoming POP3 and IMAP mail and outgoing SMTP mail for malware. ESET supports integration with Outlook, Outlook Express/Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail for enhanced control. When malware is detected, the tool removes the dangerous attachment and adds its name to the subject of the message. The comprehensive antivirus also has a full-fledged spam filter.

To enable antispam, go to Settings > Internet protection and select the gear icon next to the “Antispam” section. There aren't many settings. The user can enable advanced antispam protection, which should improve accuracy. This feature is disabled by default because it seriously reduces mail processing speed. You can change the default label and enable spam scoring.

By default, antispam imports the list of contacts and recipients of your messages into exceptions. Emails that have been manually identified as not spam are also placed there. Manual editing of the white and black list of recipients is available.

IN modern conditions Not everyone needs a spam filter, because many email providers already have this feature. If you still need a separate antispam, then ESET does a great job.

Webcam protection

Reports of webcam surveillance are emerging with alarming regularity. Of course, you can tape your camera, but if you do a lot of web conferencing, the constant taping and unsticking can get tiresome.

ESET's webcam protection is an addition to software control, but easier to use. The user can block any attempts to access the camera and disable protection only while using Skype. If you spend a little time setting it up, you can control which programs can access the camera and enable an alert to display before granting access. It was not possible to test the function in action, but for webcam users it can be really useful.

Minor performance impact

ESET showed a moderate impact on system resources. In a test measuring system boot times, the antivirus slowed boot times by just 11 percent, which is better than average.

A test script that copies a large collection of large files between drives with ESET active took 20 percent longer to complete. Another script that checks the work with archives was executed equally both with and without active protection.

ESET NOD32 Internet Security is a new product and it is not fair to compare it with last year's versions of other ESET products. However, the previous version of ESET NOD32 Smart Security seriously slowed down system performance - 39 percent in three tests versus 11 percent for ESET NOD32 Internet Security.

Components of different quality

Although antivirus protection is undoubtedly the best part of this solution, there are some components that also deserve attention. Webcam protection is extraordinary useful function, Bank Payment Protection reliably protects online transactions, and a router scanner helps identify problems on your home network. On the other hand, the firewall failed basic tests, the parental control system was severely curtailed, and phishing protection was ineffective.

The title of “Editor's Choice” in the comprehensive antivirus category still remains with Bitdefender Internet Security and Kaspersky Internet Security.

ESET NOD32 Internet Security 10 review:


  • very good results in laboratory tests and in our own tests;
  • HIPS blocked many exploits;
  • high scanning speed;
  • useful network map;
  • secure browser for online banking;
  • simple spam filter for POP3 and IMAP processing.


  • The firewall did not pass standard tests;
  • mediocre protection against phishing;
  • limited parental control.

Overall rating

Antivirus protection is the best feature of ESET NOD32 Internet Security 10. Other additions include an outdated firewall that failed standard tests, and a parental control system that can only filter content.