Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy, branch of the National Research Nuclear University "Myfi". Iate mifi file archive. studfiles Obninsk Atomic Institute

Research organizations that are part of Atomenergoprom carry out a wide range of applied research and design and survey work in various fields: the creation of structural materials, technologies, equipment for nuclear energy and other industries, etc.

Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation (NIITFA), JSC
Year founded: 1960

A scientific organization specializing in the development of instruments and equipment for the nuclear industry and energy, metallurgy, geology, mining, ecology, meteorology, chemical and oil and gas industries, medicine and agriculture.

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology (VNIIHT), JSC
Year founded: 1951
Share ownership percentage: 100%
A research institute that carries out a full cycle of research and development work in the field of technologies for producing uranium and nuclear-pure metals for nuclear and other industries. The main activities of the institute are related to the creation and development of chemical technologies for processing uranium and rare metal ores, the production of basic structural materials for the nuclear complex, and the production of high-purity gases for microelectronics and alternative energy. Research is being carried out to create technologies for the synthesis of new generation ion-exchange and mineral sorbents, technologies for the production of fluorine and its compounds for the manufacture of special glasses, fiber optics and devices based on them, technological schemes neutralization of emissions and discharges.

State Scientific Center - Research Institute nuclear reactors(JSC "SSC RIAR"), JSC
Dimitrovgrad-10, Ulyanovsk region.
Year founded: 1956

One of the largest scientific centers in Russia, which has a unique experimental base for solving problems of reactor materials science and closed fuel cycle nuclear reactors. RIAR conducts comprehensive research in the field of reactor materials science and testing methods for materials and elements of nuclear power plants, studying the physical and technical problems of nuclear reactors and safety issues, developing advanced technologies for the fuel cycle of nuclear reactors. Produces radionuclides for medical, industrial and special purposes.

State Research Institute of Structural Materials Based on Graphite (NIIgrafit), JSC
Year founded: 1960
Percentage of share ownership: it is planned to transfer 100% of the shares of JSC Atomenergoprom

A scientific organization specializing in the development of technologies and organization of production of graphite-based materials. The Institute is developing lubricants and sealing materials based on polycrystalline graphites, raw materials for synthetic diamonds, glassy carbon, carbon fiber materials (tape, fabric, mesh, felt), artificial graphite. Over the years of operation of the institute, more than 200 materials and products have been created and mastered, some of which have no analogues in the world; 2 factories and more than 150 production sites were designed and built. With the participation of the institute, the main production facilities of the electrode industry in Russia and the CIS were created. Currently the institute is busy developing carbon materials new generation.

OJSC State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry "Giredmet"
Year founded: 1931
Share ownership percentage: 100%
JSC "Giredmet" State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation is the leading and coordinating research and design organization of materials science, specializing in the development of new materials based on rare metals, their compounds and alloys, high-purity substances, semiconductor materials, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.

Institute of Reactor Materials, JSC (JSC "IRM")
Zarechny, Sverdlovsk region
Year founded: 1966
Atomic center of the Urals for materials science. The institute began its activities in 1966 - in April of this year the physical start-up of the IVV-2 reactor was carried out. The institute is located in the Urals, 50 km east of Yekaterinburg.

Science and Innovation, JSC
Year founded: 2011
Share ownership percentage: 100%
The managing organization JSC Science and Innovation was created to coordinate the research activities of institutes and research centers included in the perimeter of the Innovation Management Block of the State Corporation Rosatom. The main goal of creating the company is to enhance the innovative development of Rosatom, increase the competitiveness of products and services in the nuclear energy market and in the radiation technology market through the modernization of existing technologies and technical re-equipment of production facilities. This is planned to be achieved by increasing the efficiency of ongoing scientific research and development and commercialization of research results. In total, “Science and Innovation” coordinates the activities of 13 research organizations: JSC “SSC RF - IPPE named after. A.I. Leypunsky", JSC "SSC RF TRINITY", FSUE "NII NPO "Luch", FSUE "NIIP", JSC "NIFHI im. L.Ya. Karpov", JSC "SSC RIAR", JSC "IRM", JSC "VNIIHT", JSC "Giredmet", JSC "NIITFA", JSC "Russian Superconductor", JSC "NTC "YaPI", JSC "NIIgrafit". Three thematic blocks have been formed within the company: chemical-technological, electrophysical and physical-energetic. Management is carried out on the basis of agreements on the transfer of powers of the sole executive body; the heads of enterprises are employees of JSC Science and Innovation and manage organizations on the basis of powers of attorney, which fully reflect the powers recorded in the Charter of enterprises. JSC Science and Innovation has all the necessary licenses and permits that allow it to fully carry out the coordination function assigned to it.

Research and Design Institute of Energy Engineering named after N.A. Dollezhal (NIKIET), JSC
Year founded: 1952
Share ownership percentage: 100%
One of the largest nuclear research centers in Russia, specializing in reactor technology. Develops reactors for nuclear power plants, ship and other nuclear power and propulsion systems, research reactors, creating complex automated control systems. Conducts research on reactor physics, thermal physics, hydrodynamics, materials science, nuclear, radiation and environmental safety of nuclear reactors, optimization of nuclear reactor cores, service life management and decommissioning of nuclear installations.

Scientific and Technical Center "Nuclear Physics Research" (STC "YaPI"), JSC
Saint Petersburg
Year founded: 1995
Share ownership percentage: 100%
A research and production organization specializing in the development and production of radiation monitoring instruments and detectors, instruments for accounting and monitoring of radioactive substances, including nuclear materials, spectrometers and spectrometric units for detecting gamma-neutron radiation, specialized analyzers and other related electronics for systems collection, processing and presentation of data, specialized software and mathematics for calculating response functions of various detectors and visualization of processed information.

United Innovation Corporation (OIC), LLC
Year founded: 2011
Share ownership percentage: 100%
Website - under development
Management company of the Radiation Technologies division of the Rosatom State Corporation. Manages federal target programs and production projects within the framework of the activities of the “Radiation Technologies” program, it carries out work on the design of infrastructure facilities using radiation technologies. Coordinates the marketing and trading activities of Rosatom enterprises in markets using radiation technologies, and participates in the formation of joint ventures. Supervises the creation of a regulatory framework and legislative acts in the field of radiation technologies.

Attention future applicants!

The time of days begins in universities open doors! If you have decided to connect your future with the nuclear industry, but have not decided which educational institution you will be in, we hope this list will help you.

Here are the main specialized universities, contacts and dates for open days.

By the way, you can also learn about atomic formation

1. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (state university)

  • February 8, 2009, 10:00- Faculty of Physics and Technology (tel. 324-84-41).
  • February 15, 2009, 10:00- Faculty of Automation and Electronics (tel. 324-84-42).
  • March 1, 2009, 10:00- Faculty of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (tel. 324-84-40).
  • March 15, 2009, 10:00- Institutes of the Faculty of Humanities:
    Institute international relations, tel. 323-95-83;
    Economic-analytical institute, tel. 324-84-22;
    Financial Institute, tel. 323-92-20, 323-92-21;
    Institute of Innovation Management, tel. 323-90-88, 323-91-33;
    Institute of Financial and Economic Security, tel. 323-95-27.
  • March 22, 2009, 10:00- Faculty of Cybernetics (tel. 324-84-46).
  • March 29, 2009, 10:00- Faculty of Information Security (tel. 323-94-61).
  • April 11, 2009, 10:00- Faculty of part-time (evening) studies (tel. 324-71-04).
  • April 18, 2009, 2:00 pm- Faculty of Humanities (repeatedly).
2. Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Energy

3. Ural State Technical University

4. Tomsk Polytechnic University

5. St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

University-wide Open Day - January 18, 2009 year in the Assembly Hall of the main building. Starts at 11:00.

Faculty Open Days:

  • January 31, 2009, 4:00 pm- Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Physics and Mechanics.
  • February 7, 2009, 4:00 pm- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technical Cybernetics, Faculty of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, Institute of International Educational Programs.
  • February 14, 2009, 16:00- Electromechanical Faculty, Faculty of Technology and Materials Research, Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Physics and Technology, International Higher School of Management, Faculty of the Central Research Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, Faculty of Law.
  • February 21, 2009, 16.00- Faculty of Radiophysics, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Integrated Security, Faculty of Management and Information Technologies.
  • February 28, 2009, 4:00 pm- Faculty of Power Engineering, Faculty of Innovation, Faculty of Foreign Languages.
6. Institute nuclear power(branch of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University)
  • 31,000 sq.m of educational and laboratory buildings
  • 172 PhDs
  • 59 Doctors of Science
  • 13 sports sections
  • 5 faculties
  • 4 student dormitories
  • 1 technical school

Training format

The IATE NRNU MEPhI operates a standard system of sessions - twice a year. At the beginning of the year, they study theoretical and practical disciplines, and at the end of the six months they take tests and exams based on the material covered. In addition to the required disciplines, students of TI NRNU MEPhI can attend electives and electives

Educational Opportunities

  • There are International programs
  • No Double Degree

Military training

  • There is a Military Department
  • There is a deferment from the army

Extracurricular activities Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy (branch) MEPhI (IATE NRNU MEPhI)

There is an active student life at IATE NRNU MEPhI. There are many different organizations and clubs operating on the basis of the branch. One of these is the IATE Student Club, whose goal is to organize cultural leisure for students and develop their creative potential. The club includes the following divisions: student theater, pop vocal studio, ballroom dance studio, literary association “IATE Poetry Evenings” and the KVN team. Student spring is one of the main events in the life of the student club. Creative teams from all five faculties of the institute participate in it. Today, the IATE NRNU MEPhI operates the following sports sections: powerlifting, women's basketball, men's basketball, futsal, women's and men's volleyball, athletics, table tennis, armwrestling and kettlebell lifting, tourism and rock climbing, fitness aerobics, chess and rugby. Also in the branch there is a surgical community of the medical faculty of the IATE NRNU MEPhI, which was organized on the basis of the department of surgical diseases together with the center for accreditation of doctors in 2016. Practical and theoretical activities take place in various buildings of the student campus, on the territory of Clinical Hospital No. 8 in Obninsk, in the Medical Radiological Research Center named after A.F. Tsyba. The main areas of work include all areas of surgery. Students can receive and develop their practical skills and abilities, theoretical knowledge, and also engage in scientific work. The equipment of the circle allows you to master new techniques for performing various manipulations and surgical techniques. Classes are conducted under the guidance of practicing doctors, residents and senior students. Also, members of the circle regularly pass standards and undergo control of their acquired knowledge, which allows them to prepare for exams more fully and diversified. For classes, a full range of tools and suture material, scientific manuals, cover material and anatomical models necessary for full-fledged work are provided. At the end of the year, the best students are selected to participate in all-Russian, institute and regional competitions, showing decent results there.


  • There is a Dorm
  • 497 - 577 ₽ According to budget (month)
  • 990 - 1,148 ₽ Under contract (monthly)


  • 2 600 - 3 200 ₽ State scholarship(months)
  • 10,800 ₽ For special academic achievements (month)
  • 10,000 ₽ For social benefits (month)

Famous graduates

  • Pyotr Alexandrovich Androsenko Mathematician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Information and Computer Sciences, IATE
  • Konstantinov Nikita Igorevich Former acting president of SE NNEGC Energoatom
  • Shapsha Vladislav Valerievich Head of the Administration of the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region
Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy is a branch of the federal state autonomous educational institution higher vocational education"National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Former name Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Energy (IATE)
Head organization National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" ..
Year of foundation 1953
Students over 2.7 thousand people are studying full-time, about 250 people are studying in the evening department and about 1000 people are studying part-time.
The doctors 94
Teachers 473
Location Russia Russia, Obninsk, Kaluga region
Legal address 249040, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Studgorodok, 1
Website http://www.iate.obninsk.ru/

(IATE) is a higher educational institution in Obninsk, founded in 1985 on the basis of the Obninsk branch. Until 2002 it was called Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy. In 2002 it received the status of a state technical university and was renamed Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Energy. On April 29, 2009, by order Federal agency on education No. 491 Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Energy was reorganized by joining the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI with the name Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy - a branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".

IATE is the only higher educational institution in Russia that trains specialists in the field of high technologies for nuclear energy, science and technology organizations.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    IATE organizes and conducts international conferences on safety and personnel training for nuclear energy, materials science, etc.


    Obninsk branch of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (1953-1985)

    Laboratory “B” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR - enterprise post office box 276 (hereinafter) of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of the USSR needed specialists in nuclear energy. In 1950, the director of the IPPE, D. I. Blokhintsev, signed an order to establish at the enterprise a post office box 276 correspondence departments of the Moscow Mechanical Institute (later transformed into a branch of MEPhI) and Moscow State University. The organization of these departments was entrusted to the head of the laboratory, post office box 276, V. N. Glazanov.

    The new educational institution did not have full-time teachers and teaching facilities, but educational work was carried out satisfactorily. In 1952, the educational institution was transformed by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR (order of October 24, 1952) into the evening department No. 5 of MEPhI. This order was issued almost two years later, in August 1954, without staffing table and financing.

    The problem of missing classrooms was solved by using part of the school building named after Shatsky and the basements of the dormitories and premises of the IPPE personnel department. Laboratory works were carried out in the corresponding IPPE laboratories with the participation of employees of these laboratories. Formally, the educational institution was a branch of MEPhI, but in fact it was a branch of the IPPE.

    In order for the educational institution to receive its own building, V.N. Glazanov, being the IPPE Deputy Director for Science, committed a forgery by building a new building with an area of ​​400 square meters. m according to documents for the IPPE division and transferring it in 1959 to the MEPhI branch.

    By the beginning of the 1960s, a team of teachers, educational and support staff was formed, and educational and research laboratories, workshops, and offices were created, fully equipped with modern equipment and instruments. The laboratory was headed by the first employees: L. M. Miroshnichenko, T. E. Prokurat, M. V. Borisov, G. M. Nazarova, Yu. A. Fedorov.

    In 1962, 50 people began studying full-time in the first year. In 1963, the institute of curators working on a voluntary basis was introduced. Also, an educational commission headed by students began to work on a voluntary basis, whose responsibility was to monitor the progress of students.

    The organization of training included educational and research work for two days a week, starting from the 4th year, on the basis of IPPE, then pre-diploma practice and, finally, a diploma as the final stage of the two previous types of training. The diplomas as a result were mostly high level.

    Over the twenty years of the existence of the MEPhI branch, the number of full-time teachers increased from three in 1954 to one hundred and four in 1974. Graduates of the Obninsk branch of MEPhI were already highly regarded in the early 1960s, and the teaching staff arose the idea of ​​creating an independent institute on the basis of the branch for training physicists in the fields of biology, radiology, geology, and meteorology. The curricula developed by the institute were agreed upon with the relevant ministries. In 1963, an order was issued by the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education to organize an independent institute on the basis of the branch with admission of 275 people, with funding from the USSR Ministry of Medium Engineering for the construction of an educational building and a dormitory for students. A project for an educational building was developed, the construction of which was completed in 1964 to the 1st floor. However, in the same year, after the death of sixty-six-year-old V.N. Glazanov, the general contractor IPPE transferred the building to the Central Institute for Advanced Studies (CIPK). The very existence of the branch was called into question. In 1966, an order was issued by the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR V.P. Elyutin and the Minister of Medium Engineering of the USSR E.P. Slavsky to close the full-time department due to the inexpediency of parallelism in the training of physics engineers in the Obninsk branch and MEPhI itself.

    The team of teachers managed to convince the leadership of the Ministry of Medium Engineering not to disperse the unique educational institution that had been formed. For three years (1968, 1969, 1970) the institute existed semi-legally. There was a day department, which was liquidated according to the order. In 1969-1970, the teaching staff, with the support of all scientific institutes in Obninsk, sought to open a branch. In 1970, an order was issued to open a branch of MEPhI in Obninsk to train specialists in automated control systems (ACS) and computer technology.

    In 1970, the branch was headed by G. A. Sereda, under whom an educational building was built, the departments were partially equipped with modern equipment and instruments, the new institute received well-trained teaching and educational support staff. In 1985, on the basis of the MEPhI branch, a new Institute of Atomic Energy (IATE) was created, which headed