Annual phloxes are cold-resistant or not. Annual phloxes: growing from seeds, when to plant in open ground. Autumn care

Drummond's annual phloxes (see photo) are favorite plants among many gardeners who garden their garden plot. Their varietal diversity has brought them great popularity, making it possible to choose specimens of an amazing color and flower shape for the flowerbed.

With all its beauty annual phlox They do not require complex care or significant effort to grow, so even a novice summer resident can plant them in a flowerbed.

All bred varieties of annual phlox are obtained from one single plant - Drummond, named after its discoverer, a British botanist. It was he who brought this amazing flower to Europe, marking the beginning of a new branch of breeding work.

Flower growers are most fond of several varieties of annual phlox, and they are the ones most often found in flower beds:

  • "Shimmering Star" It is a miniature bush, the maximum height of which reaches only 25 cm. The shape of the petals is unusual, pointed, while the buds themselves form into small inflorescences. This is an ideal crop not only for growing in the garden, but also on the balcony;
  • "Star Rain". The height of the bush of this variety is approximately 50 cm; the stems can be either erect or branching. The annual phlox received its name for the original shape of its star-like flowers, which are collected in racemes. The variety does not tolerate shade and is characterized by a pronounced aroma;
  • "Promise pink" - short, compact variety(up to 20 cm in height). A characteristic feature of the plant is its abundant and fairly long flowering, due to which it is often used for decorative design rocky hills. The flowers are double, large, bright pink;
  • “Constellation” - this variety of annual phlox looks very impressive not only in the photo. It is often used in group plantings and for cutting. The flowers amaze with a variety of bright and delicate shades from white to red, while the size of the buds does not exceed 3 cm. The plant is highly branched, and its inflorescences in the form of scutes exude a pleasant aroma.

Depending on the desired decorative effect, annual phlox can be planted either individually or by mixing different varieties. Low-growing ones are suitable for decorating borders and alpine slides. In addition, the flower feels great in large buckets, pots or tubs, which allows you to create original compositions for landscaping a yard or terrace.

How to grow annual phlox from seeds

Most often, annual phloxes are grown as seedlings - this allows for longer and higher-quality flowering. If you want to sow seeds directly into the ground, do it before winter so that the plants bloom faster in the spring. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the end of summer for buds - this is due to the long period of germination.

Features of sowing directly into the ground

For successful cultivation For annual phlox from seeds in open ground, follow several recommendations:

  • Start sowing seeds in the fall, in October or November. If snow has already fallen during the specified period, it must be removed from the garden bed and the seeds scattered directly on the ground, keeping a distance of 4-5 cm;
  • To prevent damage to the seed when frost sets in, the beds need to be covered with earth, hidden under a small layer of snow, and then covered with straw or leaves;
  • When in early spring The first shoots will appear; it is important to pick them out after growing a pair of true leaves. The distance between plants should be at least 20 cm.

In the future, the plants require standard care, which consists of watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and weeding.

Features of growing seedlings

You can sow seeds of annual phlox for seedlings at home throughout March - it all depends on the weather conditions of a particular region. For areas where the last frost ends earlier, sowing is carried out in the first days of the month, and for colder regions it is shifted to the last week.

For sowing, loose, nutritious soil is used (a mixture of peat, rotted humus, sand, large quantity mineral fertilizers for flowering plants, lime). You can use any convenient container as a container, but seedling boxes are most often used.

The sowing scheme is as follows:

  1. The soil in the box should be moderately moistened and the seed should be scattered over its surface without pressing.
  2. The seeds are sprinkled a small amount soil and sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle.
  3. The box is covered with a transparent plastic bag or glass and placed in a warm (at least +23), well-lit place.
  4. Crops must be ventilated daily to avoid the formation of strong condensation.
  5. After the first shoots appear, the glass or film is removed, but it is necessary to maintain constant soil moisture.

When the seedlings have grown 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are picked into separate pots or into one large box, maintaining a distance of 15 cm. In the first days after transplantation, protect the seedlings from direct sun rays using opaque film or newspaper.

You can pinch the seedlings to form lush bushes after 5-6 true leaves appear. Also, do not forget about mineral supplements, which must include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Hardening of seedlings is carried out before planting in the ground, in April - for this plant it is enough to take it out to open balcony or into the garden, leaving it for a couple of hours.

Planting and care in open ground

Planting annual phloxes in open ground is carried out in May, when the threat of night frosts has probably passed. For seedlings, beds with light, fertile soil containing compost and vermicompost are suitable. If the soil is loamy and heavy, it is necessary to add peat, sand and organic fertilizers.

The ideal place for seedlings is a well-lit area of ​​the flower bed, but without access to direct sunlight. It is best to plant phlox in partial shade - in such conditions they will retain the rich colors of the buds for a long time.

To plant annual phlox, dig shallow holes, sprinkling the bottom with ash (up to 150 g) and a small amount of compost. It is important to spread the roots horizontally so that they can develop normally and the plant will quickly take root in the garden bed. The voids in the hole are filled with earth, moderate watering and mulching are carried out.

In order for the phlox on your site to be as beautiful as in the photo from nurseries, do not forget to care for the plants after planting in open ground:

  • Be sure to water with the onset of heat (morning and evening) directly at the root so that the flowers do not wither from overheating of the root system. There must be water room temperature, not cold, since the roots may be damaged when the soil dries out;
  • Regularly loosen the soil to increase its breathability, and also mulch the beds with peat, humus, compost or leaves - this is necessary to prevent the soil from drying out;
  • Pinch the tops of young plants for better branching and the formation of compact bushes;
  • Remove faded or faded inflorescences - this will help extend the budding period of annual phlox.

It is also necessary to feed phlox - nutrients, minerals, micro- and macroelements contribute to their full development and high-quality flowering. For this, organic and mineral compounds are used:

  • 25-30 g of liquid manure per 1 bucket of water at the end of May;
  • The same amount of manure with the addition of potassium salt and superphosphate is applied in early June, and at the end of the same month only organic matter is used;
  • 30 g of superphosphate and potassium salt per 1 bucket of water is used as fertilizer in the last days of July.

Caring for annual phloxes is simple - a few agrotechnical techniques are enough to decorate your garden with bright inflorescences.

Herbaceous annuals and perennials with bright, burning flowers of various shades - these are phloxes. These plants have been known for more than 300 years. From their homeland, North America, phlox spread throughout the world and became popular due to the variety of varieties. In this article you will learn how to grow phlox from seeds and when to plant. Annual flowers will become a real decoration of your flowerbed and entire landscape design.

Varieties and types of phlox

Today, botanists and amateur flower growers talk about more than 300 varieties of phlox. Phlox are predominantly perennial plants. Annuals are represented by phlox drummond. Among the most characteristic varieties of annual phlox are:

  1. Phlox variety "Star Rain" sun-loving, unpretentious to moisture and resistant to temperature changes. They grow in the form of shrubs up to half a meter high, the flowers have a shape similar to stars, which is why they got their name.
  2. "Shimmering Star"- low-growing bushes that bloom in the period June-September. The flowers have pointed edges. Thanks to their miniature size, Twinkling Star phlox can be grown on balconies.
  3. Terry phloxes. Small bushes, up to 30 centimeters high, when flowering, produce flowers of various shades with many petals.
  4. Phlox "Promise pink" It has small sizes and flowers with double petals of various shades Pink colour. Used for growing in flower beds and alpine roller coaster.
  5. Phloxes are low growing. Strongly branching shrubs, reaching a maximum height of no more than 20 cm. Suitable for growing on balconies.

How to grow phlox in the country

Phlox is bred in two ways:

  1. By cuttings. To propagate perennial phlox shrubs, the cutting method is used. In May - June, a young side shoot with 2-3 formed leaves is planted in well-moistened soil. The plant is shaded and provided with abundant watering daily. With this care, in a month the young plant will take root and subsequently, after 2-2.5 months, it will sprout.
  2. Seeds. This method is used for breeding annual phlox. You can sow phlox in open ground before frost sets in. In the spring, after the soil has thawed, seeds moistened with meltwater will begin to germinate.

When to plant phlox? Some gardeners sow phlox in the spring, after the threat has passed. spring frosts. Phloxes have time to take root, but they will delight you with flowers only in the fall. If we decide to start growing phlox in the spring, we need to grow seedlings from seeds, which are subsequently transplanted into the ground.

Growing phlox from seeds

To grow phlox from seeds you need to take a few simple steps:

Step 1. Work begins in mid-March. Small boxes are filled with loose peat soil, watered well and the seeds are sown.
Step 2. The box is placed on the windowsill and periodically turned with different sides towards the sunlight.
Step 3. It is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room to 20 degrees, and after the first shoots appear, lower it to 15 degrees to harden the plant.
Step 4. You need to water the sprouts as the soil dries out. The plant does not like stagnant water, the roots may die. You can use a spray bottle.
Step 5. After three weeks, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into separate pots, where they continue to grow and strengthen before being planted on the site.

Planting annual phlox in the ground and care

Towards the end of May, the grown seedlings are transferred to open ground. The soil for phlox requires light, loose and moist. Plants are placed 15-20 centimeters apart. Caring for phlox is simple, it includes several basic tasks. Water as needed, but do not over-wet the roots.

Phloxes should be well lit, but not in direct sunlight. To ensure that the soil is saturated with oxygen, it is loosened every 3-4 days. Phloxes require fertilizing four times per season with nitrogen-based liquid organic fertilizers. The fourth feeding, which is carried out at the end of July, should include phosphorus fertilizers. To make the bush lush and bloom faster, the side shoots are pinched. The bush is periodically inspected, flowers that have bloomed and diseased shoots and leaves are removed.

When flowers or leaves appear infected with fungal diseases, which appear in the form of plaque or black spots, such bushes are immediately dug up and destroyed; the soil and remaining bushes of the plant are treated with sulfur. If phlox is damaged by nematode worms, the plant is treated with insecticides. Seed collection is carried out in late autumn. The stem is cut off along with the seed pod, the pods are left on paper until ripening. Then the boxes are opened and the seeds are stored in a dry, dark place.

Phloxes annual cultivation from seeds Any summer resident can do this, the main thing is to know when to plant and how to care for these flowers. or at summer cottage with phlox, then you can add bright notes to your landscape design.

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It is difficult to find a personal plot without bright colors. Most flower lovers every summer season They are trying to replenish their flower collections with new specimens. Information about annual phlox, growing from seeds, when to plant, will help everyone who wants to place these wonderful annuals in their garden.

Annual phlox flowers description, photo

Phloxes are herbaceous, unpretentious plants of the cyanaceae family. The genus of phlox includes almost 85 species, approximately 40 are cultivated. They bloom very beautifully and have a pleasant aroma. Almost all phlox are perennials. Only one species is annual - Drummond's phlox.

It grows up to 60 cm tall and has a branched, erect stem. Leaves are oval-lanceolate, rich Green colour, are located opposite on the stem.

The flowers are not too large, 2–4 cm in diameter, five-petaled, the petals are arranged funnel-shaped. Very fragrant, brightly colored, collected in inflorescences of up to several dozen each. Blooms from June until frost. A ripe plant produces a fruit-box full of seeds. Thanks to selective breeding, today there is a wide variety of Drummond varieties.

On a note! Despite the diversity color range, plants of salmon or pastel color are more common.

Types, varieties of plants

The main characteristics that significantly distinguish Drummond varieties:

  1. Flower shape. It can be star-shaped, wheel-shaped, terry.
  2. Plant size. There are tall ones - 50 cm and dwarf ones - less than 20 cm.

Star varieties of plants come in different heights from 12 cm to 40 cm, their distinguishing feature is dissected petals resembling a star. Popular representatives:

  • “Star Rain” - the bush grows 50 cm high, is drought-resistant, blooms for a long time;
  • "Shimmering Star" - low growing plant, less than 25 cm, very miniature, can be grown in an apartment;

Terry varieties that grow up to 30 cm in height are very popular. Dense inflorescences consist of double flowers of various shades. Most popular variety"Promise Pink."

There are tetraploid forms, the flowers of which are much larger than usual (more than 4 cm in diameter). Large-flowered representatives grow up to 30 centimeters. The inflorescences in red shades are especially attractive. Some representatives of large-flowered forms: “Tall bright red”, “Tall white”.

Popular low-growing varieties: “Defiance”, “ Snowball", "Salmona", "Leukantenum".

Notice! All Drummond varieties, except large-flowered ones, give good self-sowing, germinating the following summer.

Features of growing annual phlox from seeds

Annual phloxes are grown by sowing seeds directly into the ground or through seedlings.

The seedless sowing method is used in spring (late April - early May). Planting material is laid out on the ground, maintaining a distance of 4 centimeters. Then, carefully moisten and cover with film. The crops are ventilated daily, monitor the condensation on the film, and shake off the excess. After emergence of shoots, the film is removed.

The seedling method is used in early spring (early March, late February can be taken), taking into account the slow germination of Drummond seeds. After sowing, seedlings appear within 10-15 days, the main condition for their appearance is warmth (+22C). The appearance of the first two leaves on the sprouts is a signal for picking. They are planted outside at the end of May.

Attention! When sown directly in open ground, phlox will bloom in August.

Necessary conditions for growing seeds

Annual phlox seeds are difficult to germinate. They are covered with a dense shell. Therefore, they are not buried in the ground, they are laid out on top of the ground, moistened well, then covered with film or glass. Periodically remove the cover, ventilate the seed material, and carefully monitor the moisture content of the soil mixture. From time to time, the contents of the seedling container are moistened with a spray bottle. In approximately two weeks, shoots will begin to appear.

Timing of sowing seeds

Phlox Drummond seeds are frost-resistant, which makes it possible to sow it before winter. Crops can germinate during thaw periods. Therefore, they are either covered for the winter or sown in early December in the snow, sprinkled with dry soil and a thick layer of snow. This method is not very reliable.

Sowing seedlings in early spring will help avoid the risk of losing planting material. If this is not possible, then the seed material is planted directly in the flowerbed in April, three seeds per hole. Plants planted in this way bloom late, but bloom until frost.

On a note! If you use both planting methods, you can achieve phlox flowering all summer until late autumn.

Preparing seeds for sowing

For the seedling method of germination, the seeds are specially prepared. They are soaked for a day in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soft water. Then they dry it and warm it in the sun. After a couple of hours, the seed can be used. The seeds are laid out on the moistened surface of the soil mixture and covered with film.

What containers are needed for sowing?

You can germinate Drummond in a bowl at least 10 centimeters high, since the root system of the plant is well developed. Wooden boxes, peat cups, special greenhouses or plastic containers. The latter are covered with lids, so it is more convenient. Containers must have drainage holes. It is better to use small containers so that they can fit freely on the windowsill.

Important! Annual phlox seeds germinate only when they are on the soil surface. They should not be buried.

Soil (composition, characteristics)

Land for seedlings can be purchased at a garden store. It is called “Soil for seedlings of garden and vegetable crops.” Requirements for the composition of the substrate - loose, fertile, light, with neutral acidity.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself. Take equal parts garden soil, humus, compost and mixed. The mixture is heated in the oven to disinfect it. On the eve of sowing, the soil mixture is spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, further disinfecting it.

Seed sowing technology

Seedlings can be sown throughout March; by the beginning of summer, the seedlings will begin to bloom. A specially prepared nutrient soil mixture is poured into a container (box) in a layer of 6–8 centimeters. Three days before sowing, the soil begins to be watered so that it is moderately moist. On the eve of planting the seeds, watering is stopped.

The seeds prepared in the above manner are laid out on the surface of the ground, maintaining a distance of 3 centimeters. If picking is not provided, the distance is increased to 8 cm. The container is covered with a lid and placed in a warm place.

Lighting is not needed yet, the main thing is warmth. While the seeds are germinating, the room temperature should be 22 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the process may slow down. The seedling material is ventilated daily to prevent the formation of rot, and soil moisture is monitored.

On a note! Drummond seeds sprout in the dark.

Seedling care

When the first shoots appear, this is in about 10-15 days, the film or other covering is removed, and the container is exposed to the light. Carefully monitor soil moisture. At this stage, crops can be ruined by root rot if the soil is waterlogged. The soil should also not be allowed to dry out. While the sprouts are small, it is better to water them with a spray bottle.

Small seedlings begin to reach for the sun. To prevent them from stretching, the container with the sprouts is periodically turned on different sides towards bright light. Constantly monitor the uniform lighting of the plantings.

Young seedlings can begin to be hardened off. The air temperature in the room where it is located is reduced to 19 degrees. Carefully monitor soil moisture. Water as the top layer dries.

Caring for seedlings (hardening, picking)

Hardening of seedlings continues until the temperature conditions for its development approach those outside. Plantings will do well on a balcony or loggia if they are grown in an apartment. At first, while the weather is cold, the sprouts are brought out onto the balcony only during the day. It is preferable that the balcony be south-facing, otherwise it should be glazed. Plantings should not be placed in a draft.

Too bright sun is dangerous for young sprouts; they need light partial shade. Gradually the seedlings are accustomed to fresh air. While they are not peaked, the temperature on the balcony is maintained at about 18 degrees Celsius. Watering the seedlings is done as the soil dries.

After two true leaves appear, the sprouts are ready for transplanting (picking). There is no point in delaying the procedure; large seedlings are less resistant to picking. They dive into separate containers filled with fertile soil mixture, trying to keep the roots intact. Newly picked seedlings are shaded for two to three days. The rooted sprouts continue to be hardened off, leaving them on the balcony at night.

After a week, the picked seedlings begin to be fed with complex flower fertilizer diluted with water. The frequency of fertilizing is once every two weeks before planting in the flowerbed.

Advice! Densely sown seedlings need picking. If the sprouts in the planting container are located at a sufficient distance from each other (about 10 cm), then picking can be omitted.

Choosing a site for planting, soil

The flower prefers sunny areas with fertile soil. It will grow in a shaded place, but the quality of the inflorescences will become worse. But the flowering period will increase. Wet planting sites should be avoided. High groundwater and lack of drainage will destroy the seedling.

Although it seems undemanding to the soil, Drummond will not be able to grow on acidic or heavy, soaking soils. Light loam works well. To heavy loams add sand, compost, leaf soil, organic fertilizers. The flowerbed is prepared in the fall. Digging is carried out to achieve a crumbly soil structure. All necessary additives are added.

Remember! All annuals bloom much more brightly in the sun than under trees, and feel better in partial shade.

When and how to plant seedlings in the ground

With the appearance of buds, towards the end of May, the seedlings are planted in a flower bed. First, the seedlings are well watered so that they can be easily removed from the container. They dig holes. The distance between them is 15 or more centimeters, depending on the seedling.

The size of the planting hole should be comfortable for the root system of the sprout. The hole is filled with nutritious soil mixture and the seedling is placed there along with a lump of earth. If necessary, add more soil mixture, compact it gently with your palms, and water it with water. Then mulch with dry soil. For the next two weeks, the seedlings are watered moderately every two days. warm water, avoiding waterlogging of the soil.

On a note! If you pinch the main shoot of the seedling, the phlox bush will be lush.

Caring for annual phloxes (watering, fertilizing, tying)

After the plantings are “moved” to their permanent place of residence, the most labor-intensive part of the work of growing Drummond ends. Further care not much different from caring for any flower crop. Necessary actions:

  1. Regularly, moderately water the bush in the morning or evening, a bucket of water per 1 m2 of planting.
  2. Loosen the soil around the bush 8 times per season.
  3. In July, they hill up to form the root system, and pinch the shoots to create a bushy bush and speed up the start of flowering.
  4. Regular feeding is carried out, three times during the summer. The end of May - with manure and superphosphate, the end of June - with fertilizer for flowering plants, liquid manure, the end of July - with ammonium nitrate.
  5. Constantly mulch the ground around the bushes. Mulch prevents the soil from drying out.
  6. They tie it up. Tall varieties need a garter, which protects them from damage by the wind. Tied to a peg or fence.

Important! Fresh manure should not be applied to phlox; various rots may occur.

Possible problems during cultivation

Drummond is considered an unpretentious flower crop, but it also has difficulties in growing:

  • prefers well-lit places;
  • the roots should not be allowed to overheat;
  • stops blooming with insufficient or excessive watering;
  • high air humidity inhibits growth;
  • Without fertilizing it blooms poorly.

Solving these problems is not difficult if you want to decorate your garden with a bright specimen.

Diseases and pests (treatment)

All plants are susceptible to disease and are affected by various pests. Annual phlox is no exception.


Fungal diseases: phomosis - leaves dry out, stems become brittle. For prevention, bushes are sprayed with colloidal sulfur in warm weather; Septoria - dark spots appear on the leaves, gradually growing. Treat by spraying the plantings and soil with Bordeaux mixture, repeat the treatment after 15 days; powdery mildew– a coating similar to flour appears on the bushes. Such a plant is dug up and burned; it is impossible to cure it.

Variegation. Petals and stems are covered with an ugly pattern. Cannot be treated. Sick specimens are dug up and burned to prevent infection of other plantings.

Verticillium wilt. The disease destroys the root system. The disease is typical for specimens growing in acidic soils.


Nematode. A thread-like, very small worm that sucks sap from stems and leaves. Diseased seedlings have thinner stems and smaller inflorescences. Such a bush is burned. The soil is treated with nematicides three times with an interval of twenty days.

Naked slugs. IN dark time day they eat the lower part of the stem, inflorescences, and leaves. Dusting the soil with ash, tobacco dust, and fluff lime serves as a preventive measure and fights slugs. Systematic loosening of the soil and weeding will also help in the fight against them.

Butterfly caterpillars. Caterpillars are removed by collecting them by hand, and the plantings are treated with special preparations against leaf-eating pests.

Important! Many diseases are acquired along with planting material. Seedlings purchased at the market may be infected with the virus.

Flower care during and after flowering

The main care for Drummond during the flowering period consists of timely feeding. The abundance and varietal color of the grown specimen depend on them. This period can be divided into three phases:

  1. Budding. Starts from the first days of June. Buds are actively appearing on the bushes. The use of fertilizers containing nitrogen is stopped. They can cause the stems to crack. Potash fertilizers with wood ash are used. Dilute a glass of ash and 10 grams of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. This cocktail brightens the color of the inflorescences and prolongs the flowering period. After ten days, feed with superphosphate at the rate of 15 grams per 10 liters of water. Both feedings are done at the root.
  2. Bloom. It occurs at the end of June - July, depending on the sowing method. If planting was done in open ground, then everything shifts by about a month. Fertilizing is carried out in order to improve the quality of inflorescences, increase the duration of flowering and prevent fungal diseases. It is carried out with special fertilizers with microelements, purchased in garden stores. To preserve the beauty of the bush, faded inflorescences are removed.
  3. The post-flowering phase is the time for the formation of seed pods. This ends the life cycle of the annual phlox. The bushes can be left to overwinter under cover. They can overwinter and bloom. But these will no longer be the same beauties that were planted in the flowerbed the previous spring. Therefore, it is better to collect the seeds, remove the dried flowers and dig up the bed.

Remember! Any feeding is carried out in the evening hours. Liquid - after abundant watering. Dry (granulated) - before watering or before rain.

How to collect seeds

Preparations for harvesting begin when the plants are still blooming profusely. Select and mark the ones you like best by tying a string to the stem. Hybrid varieties marked F1 are not accepted. They do not retain varietal characteristics.

At the time of ripening, the seed pods begin to turn yellow; then, in dry and windless weather, in the afternoon, they are cut off along with the stem. For ripening, they are laid out in paper bags, on which the variety and color of the plant are indicated. They are stored in the same bags until the next season, placed in a dry, dark place.


By following all the instructions for growing annual phlox from seeds, and knowing when to plant them, gardeners will receive a wonderful decoration for their plot, as well as admiring glances and remarks from everyone who sees this miracle.

Video tips: rules for growing annual phlox from seeds

Here we will talk about the annual phlox, Drummond's phlox (Phlox drummondii), which differs from its perennial counterparts, which bloom in the fall. Joyful and elegant annual phloxes for Lately were somewhat replaced by other flowers for summer cottages and garden plots. However, in my opinion, being so joyful and elegant, they deserve much more popularity.

Everyone who has ever tried to grow it on their plot or balcony falls in love with this bright relative of the perennial phlox. In addition to the lush and long flowering period, the unpretentious annual phlox is very decorative and has an amazing aroma, a rich selection of flowers and colors. Most often it is used to create borders around flower beds, along paths, and for group plantings in prefabricated flower beds.

Phlox is an annual plant that branches strongly from the very base of the stem. The height of the plant is from 20 to 40 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, each small phlox flower is about 1 cm in diameter, collected in a corymbose inflorescence. The shape of the flower itself is different different varieties phloxes: they are simple, double, spicate, star-shaped or dissected. The color of the flower is violet, lilac, blue, red, pink, white, maybe with an eye in the middle.

Annual phloxes come in peach, chocolate, beige, whipped cream and coffee shades, while perennials come in pink or crimson colors. Annual phloxes attract attention with the unusual structure of the flower - similar to a snowflake.

Annual phloxes come in peach, chocolate, beige, whipped cream and coffee shades, while perennials come in pink or crimson colors.
The name of the plant comes from the Latin - Phlox drummondii.

Growing method: seedlings/in the ground.

Family: cyanaceae.

Homeland: North America, Texas.

Height: 35-40 cm.

Flowering: long and abundant from late June until frost.

Flower color: varied (white, pink, red, cream, lilac, purple with or without an eye in the center of the flower).

Required location, soil: sunny place, requires fertilized soil, grows especially well with regular watering. Caring for phlox

Phloxes are light-loving, cold-resistant and relatively drought-resistant plants. They don't like the soil to overheat.

Phlox blooms from June until frost. They plant him in different types flower beds. Tall varieties of phlox are cut for bouquets.

Phlox is propagated by seeds. Seeds for seedlings are sown in March. After 5-7 days, shoots appear. Flowers are planted in the ground in May; depending on the height of the variety, 12-15 cm are left between plants. When the weather is hot and dry, young phlox need to be watered. In order for them to bloom well, they need to be fed. Phlox seedlings are fed 2-3 times after picking with nitrogen fertilizers at intervals of 7-10 days.

Then, when the plants are planted in the ground, they are fed at intervals of one and a half to two weeks with full mineral fertilizers. Plant feeding is carried out until August. U low-growing varieties Phlox needs to be trimmed off faded inflorescences. On sale, phlox seeds are most often offered in mixed colors.

Phlox develops more successfully not only on fertile soils with good aeration, but also necessarily require sufficiently moist areas. Therefore, for abundant flowering, phlox needs both regular feeding and abundant watering in the first half of the growing season.

Phlox wakes up very early in the spring, as soon as the ground thaws. Root system in these plants it consists of a mass of rather thin, highly branching roots located in the upper layer of soil (3 - 15 cm deep) and not penetrating deeper than 25 cm inside. Therefore, it is useful not to loosen the soil around the phlox bushes, but to mulch it (with peat, humus, wood chips, leaf litter, etc.).

This mulch helps retain moisture, which phlox needs no less than fertilizer. Mineral fertilizers are scattered under the mulch at the rate of 1 sq.m: 15-20 g of potassium chloride, 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate and 15-20 g of superphosphate, or the spring version of a complete mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.
Phosphorus and potassium are necessary for phlox in the spring, as they contribute to the development of the root system and an increase in the number of new roots growing at the base of each young phlox stem.

In the second ten days of May, liquid feeding of phlox is carried out by diluting 1 liter of mullein infusion per ten liters of water or 0.5 liters of chicken manure or 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate, and also adding 15-20 g of potassium and phosphate fertilizers. The approximate consumption of the solution is half a bucket of fertilizers per square meter landing The same fertilizing of phlox should be done in late May - early June, the proportion of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is increased (up to 30 g of each is added).

From mid-June, nitrogen is limited in fertilizing for phlox, and if a large amount of organic fertilizer is applied when preparing the site or regular mulching, it is not given at all. More phosphorus is added, dissolving 70-80 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers per ten liters of water. When the weather is dry, the area should be well watered before fertilizing and also after it.

Among summer residents and amateur flower growers, phlox flowers enjoy well-deserved fame. The plant, which is native to North America, has spread throughout Europe. Annuals have the greatest variety of varieties, shapes and shades, compared to perennial phloxes. Terry, star-shaped, cream, white, blue, different shades of red - here small list floral variety. By the way, the flowering period of perennials is longer - from June to October. Flowers can withstand light night frosts in autumn, pleasing the eye with lush blooms and a unique aroma.

Phlox annual refers to unpretentious plants, not picky about soil and watering. But it prefers to grow on fertile soil, in a well-lit area. In the sun, the color becomes brighter, the green mass becomes denser. You can notice how the flowers fade in cloudy weather.

Growing seedlings

Phlox annual is grown seedlings to achieve longer flowering. Plants grown from seedlings bloom from June to September, and those sown in the ground in May take a long time to germinate and bloom in late August - September. Phlox seeds can be sown in the ground in October, but the bed must be covered with straw and leaves for the winter to protect the seeds from frost.

Sowing seeds for seedlings held in March. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, slightly pressed into the ground, and covered with film. The main thing is that the air temperature in the room with seedlings does not fall below 23 °C. Water the seeds by spraying from a spray bottle, ventilate daily, shaking off moisture condensation from the film. After about ten days, shoots appear.

When two true leaves appear on the seedlings, perform picking seedlings and replanting into separate pots. After picking, the sprouts must be protected from direct sunlight for two to three days. The sprouts easily tolerate picking. Seedlings need to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers two to three times before planting in open ground.


In May, with the onset of stable warmth, annual phlox seedlings are planted in a permanent place. The plant loves space and grows, so the interval between sprouts should be at least 15 cm. Phloxes look good in flower beds, along borders, their height ranges from 15 to 50 cm. When combined with other flowers, phloxes are combined with snapdragon, bells and others.

Caring for a flower garden with phlox

To ensure abundant flowering, the plant needs regular loosening of the soil, watering and fertilizing. For fertilizers Phlox is diluted with nitrophoska - 20 g per bucket of water. Plants are watered with this solution two to three times per season. You just have to remember that these flowers do not like waterlogged soil.

To develop side shoots, pinch the tops of young plants. It is recommended to remove faded flowers to maintain the attractive appearance of the flower garden.

Annual phloxes look good as an addition to flower beds and alpine slides. They can be planted in containers (old buckets, boxes) and placed near the house. Thanks to the large green mass and the development of side shoots, you will get a flowering ball that decorates the yard or porch.

Collecting seeds

Ripe seeds fall out of the boxes onto the ground, so in order to select the flowers you like for propagation, you must follow these steps.