Office sleeping pillow. Pillows for sleeping while sitting – a review of original solutions. A convenient way to combat sleep deprivation

A working person may experience lack of sleep, and if it becomes chronic, it will lead to health problems. But you can relax and get some sleep outside the home. For a short rest, a pillow for comfortable sleep at the workplace is suitable. Find out what this accessory can be and what benefits it will bring.

Sleep is necessary to restore the body and should last at least eight hours a day. But not everyone has the opportunity to rest for so long: many do not get enough sleep and are forced to spend a lot of time at work. Chronic lack of sleep threatens health and leads to problems. Consequences of sleep deficiency:

  • Decreased immunity. Lack of sleep is a serious burden that exhausts the body, weakens defenses and leads to frequent colds and poor health.
  • Mental disorders. Nervous system rest is needed, and if it is not enough, problems arise various problems: neuroses, depression, neurasthenia, increased nervous excitability.
  • Decreased concentration, memory deterioration, problems with logical thinking, decreased brain activity.
  • Premature aging. With a lack of sleep, the body is exhausted, all systems and organs work for wear. During rest, cell regeneration occurs, and with prolonged wakefulness, the tissues do not have time to recover. Hormones responsible for preserving youth, such as melatonin, are also not produced.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. The body tries to compensate for the effects of lack of sleep by increasing levels blood pressure which leads to the development of hypertension.
  • Increased risk of developing cancer. Due to a decrease in the amount of the hormone melatonin, it increases Negative influence free radicals that provoke degeneration and mutation of healthy cells.
  • If you have to sit at a computer for a long time, the eye muscles become very tense and vision deteriorates. Lack of sleep aggravates the situation, but if the eyes are closed for at least half an hour, they relax and recover from stress.
  • Metabolic disorders. An imbalance between rest and wakefulness disrupts metabolism, and as it slows down, body weight increases. Some hormones are produced only during sleep, and a decrease in their levels leads to disruptions. Lack of sleep negatively affects the breakdown of glucose, which over time provokes the development of diabetes mellitus. Also, lack of sleep causes the synthesis of stress hormones, causing a feeling of hunger.

Sleep deficiency negatively affects all areas of life. Lack of sleep interferes with career growth, reduces productivity and causes common mistakes in work activity. Lack of rest leads to problems in the family and personal relationships. Constant lack of sleep significantly reduces the quality of life and causes the body to experience stress.

Types of pillows

A pillow designed for sleeping outside the home allows you to rest comfortably at your workplace without being distracted from the process or embarrassing your colleagues. It helps create a comfortable place to rest your head on a soft surface, minimizing discomfort and neck strain. All such accessories perform the same functions, but the configuration and design differ. The varieties are discussed below.

Ostrich pillow

The Ostrich Pillow was developed by specialists from the Kawamura-Ganjavian company. It is a hybrid of bedding and a voluminous hat. The accessory is made of breathable, pleasant materials and has an elastic soft filler that provides comfort while resting.

The pillow looks like a cap or helmet from a spacesuit, put on the head and having holes for the face (or its individual parts - mouth and nose) and hands. The accessory is comfortable for sleeping while sitting at the table: the head is completely covered, the ears are protected from extraneous sounds, and the hands are inside. This creates a small personal space and a calm, secluded atmosphere, even when working in a room where other people are. The sleeping person's face is hidden from prying eyes and bright daylight, he cannot hear conversations and can breathe freely thanks to the holes.

An ostrich pillow can be used for sleeping at a desk in the office, for relaxing when flying on an airplane or traveling on a train, or while staying in the waiting room. The accessory has a cool design and attracts attention, but if the owner is ready for surprised looks and jokes, then he will be able to relax and get a good night's sleep. You can buy the device for 60-75 dollars.

"Manual" pillow

A “manual” pillow is suitable for sleeping on a table. The accessory is filled with soft elastic material and has slots. You can place your palm in the small hole to rest your chin and rest peacefully. The entire arm is passed through two large slits; as a result, the pillow ends up in the elbow area and turns into a comfortable place to sleep if you place the part inside under your head.

The accessory has small sizes and fits on a shelf or in a desk drawer. It is suitable for relaxing during lunch break or at other times. A device called “Ostrich Pillow Mini” was developed in the “Banana Things” studio for office and other workers who are forced to spend a lot of time at the workplace and suffer from chronic lack of sleep. Cost – 20-30 dollars.

Tie pillow

A tie pillow is an accessory for men that not only complements a business look, but also allows you to get a good night's sleep in the office. The fabric cover, identical in appearance to a classic tie, has an inflatable part that is filled with air through a valve and increases in size, providing a soft surface for the head.

Having inflated the accessory, you can take a nap in a sitting position, resting your head on a table, shoulder or the back of a chair in public transport. When deflated, the pillow is no different from a tie, so it will go unnoticed. The device can withstand loads of up to 11 kilograms. Manufacturer ( American company) offers sixty color variations, so choosing a tie to match your business suit will be easy. The price is approximately $20.


Another variety is a device in the form of a chair. The pillow is used for reading while sitting in bed, but is also suitable for sleeping in an office chair. It can have a chair design with a back and headrest, but there are models in the form of soft triangular supports for the back and bolsters for the head.

Typically, the device is placed on the bed for comfortable placement while reading or watching TV, which reduces the load on the spine, minimizes curvature and prevents overstrain of the neck muscles. The pillow will also fit into an office chair and is suitable for relaxing at work.

The benefits of short naps in the workplace

Pillow for sleeping at work – useful device. Firstly, it will allow you to relax and relieve tension. Secondly, a twenty-minute nap will increase performance by 30%, and scientists have proven this. With a little sleep, you will continue to work more productively and actively. Thirdly, rest will help you put your thoughts in order and make the right decision. Fourthly, you will protect yourself from stress and overwork.

A pillow for sleeping at work is a way to quickly restore strength and avoid the consequences of chronic lack of sleep. All people who spend a lot of time at work and experience sleep deprivation should purchase this device.

Let's start with the fact that the Ostrich Pillow doesn't look like an ostrich at all. They called her an ostrich because she helps, if not to bury her head in the sand, then to isolate herself from the outside world and get some sleep. Moreover, in comfort.

So, pillow. It is put on the head. Covers the head from all sides. It closes so softly and comfortably. You can rest your head against something hard, like a window on a bus, and you will still feel soft and comfortable. Now you can sleep at work, on a trip, in the park - in general, wherever the embrace of Morpheus (not to be confused with Morpheus) overtakes you, sleep there. There is a slot on the front of the pillow for the mouth and nose. Eyes closed - you will sleep in complete darkness. The ears are also closed, so that outside noise will not disturb you. There are two more holes in the pillow just above ear level - for air circulation and so that there is somewhere to put your hands (if you sleep with your head on the table). Here it is, Pillow Ostrich. A true product of the 21st century...

Oh, and it's also a two-tone pillow. It's gray on the outside. Turn it inside out - blue.


  • material: textile;
  • filler: synthetic winterizer;
  • size: 45*28*15 cm;
  • weight: 462 g;
  • color: gray outside, blue inside.

We all get lonely sometimes. Even when we are having relatively fun time on the Internet. Even when we are having relatively fun time on the Internet in the office, surrounded by colleagues. Of course you can go to social media and start distracting someone you know from work. Or make a special cute friend to work at the computer, who will not only keep you company, but also protect you from overexertion. In any case, that's what the Japanese do.

The Japanese with their high level corporate culture and even a certain cult of the office know firsthand the consequences of working for many hours at a computer. In particular, high percent workers face carpal tunnel syndrome caused by uneven distribution of load on the tendons and small joints of the fingers. But the Japanese would not be Japanese if they had not figured out how to solve this problem in a non-standard way. Kawaii and the cutest plush ones stand up for health pillows for working at the computer.

Huge soft pillows- a new hit in Japanese offices. They are not intended for sleeping at all (although you can try), but to reduce the stress on your hands while working at the computer. Each pillow consists of two parts: oblong, reminiscent of a keyboard (it creates additional support for the wrists), and a cute character who holds it.

You just need to put a huge plush capybara, cat, bear or other kawaii character on your lap and enjoy more comfortable working conditions. After all, the pillow will provide the necessary wrist support, and a soft friend will unobtrusively force sit up straight and maintain the correct distance from the monitor to your eyes.

Kawaii animals for working on the computer can replenish with dignity.

In the old Soviet film “Circus” there are the words: “People should all sleep, but not at work.” And it was impossible to even imagine that such a device as a pillow for sleeping at work would appear. It was believed that a good worker and sleeping at work are incompatible things. But at the same time, people were sleeping at work, and everyone knew this very well. Modern realities are leading to a change in this cliché.

The importance of sleep

Employers have never been happy to see workers sleeping during working hours. And the same attitude was projected onto the lunch break. But a person who really wants to sleep still finds every opportunity to take a short nap.

A pillow for sleeping in the workplace, as a completely designated thing, appeared relatively recently, and before that, everything possible was used instead of it: a stack of books and manuals, a folded sweater, your own elbow.

In the enlightened 21st century, bosses already understand that a sleep-deprived subordinate cannot work effectively, and therefore sleeping during the lunch break right at the table does not cause any complaints.

It is believed that in order for the body to recover, you need about 8 hours of sleep. But it’s not always possible to get enough sleep. The reasons can be very different, from noisy neighbors and illness to a banal lack of time (work and study, etc.). But the consequences of constant lack of sleep are the same. A person who sleeps less than expected risks:

  • grow old before your time;
  • gain excess weight;
  • weaken the body's defenses.

Premature aging is caused by the fact that sleep in fits and starts does not allow the tired body to properly recover. As a result, metabolism is disrupted and hormones are produced that increase the feeling of hunger: a person eats a lot and gains excess weight. Weakening of the immune system results in frequent colds and general weakness. If lack of sleep becomes a way of life, serious diseases can develop (diabetes, hypertension, blurred vision and even oncology).

But even if we don’t exaggerate, a sleep-deprived person has a slow reaction and poor memory, and these are not the best working qualities.

Why do you need a pillow?

Healthy sleep is only possible when it is comfortable. It’s difficult to feel rested if, after waking up, you have a stiff body and a rumpled face, on which the pattern of a tabletop or a button is imprinted.

The office sleeping pillow is made taking into account human anatomy and physiology and ensures the comfort of short-term sleep. In this case, pillows are made taking into account the fact that a person can sleep either sitting upright or with his head on the table. Both modifications are designed to ensure normal blood circulation, free breathing and no damage to the spine during sleep.

Place to sleep

Taking a horizontal position for office sleep is a rare success. Therefore, most often the place to sleep is a table. A pillow is placed on it for sleeping on the table (or your head is in it - depending on the chosen model) and you can sleep. This position is chosen because a person is more accustomed to sleeping lying down, and if he cannot lie down completely, then at least let his head rest. This is necessary in order to relieve tension from the neck muscles and stress from the cervical spine.

You can sleep using only a chair, provided that the back is high. A chair is also suitable for this. For such cases, orthopedic or travel pillows are used, which are a high collar that supports the head and allows you to relax the neck.

Criteria for choosing an office pillow

The pillow you sleep on in the office must have several qualities:

  • not be too voluminous;
  • easy to wash;
  • quickly settle down for sleep and quickly clean up.

Office pillows are divided into two types: some are placed on the table, others are put on the body. The first variety has been known since Soviet times, these are the so-called “dumochki” - tiny, easily fit into a box desk. But a modern office requires modern means, so the products that are worn are selected:

  • on the head;
  • on hand;
  • on the neck.

Lightweight, comfortable and conforms to human anatomy.

Popular ones are ostrich pillows, produced for the head and arm. In the first case, the head is completely immersed in a large soft ball (hence, apparently, the name), and there are holes on the sides for hands on which you can rest your head. This ostrich has ventilation holes, which blocks out light and muffles sounds, which ensures comfortable sleep. From the outside it looks like a spacesuit helmet.

The second type of pillow is called Ostrich mini (mini-ostrich) and is put on the arm in a place convenient for sleeping. Essentially, a voluminous sleeve with soft filling. The hand is placed on the table, the head is placed on the mini-ostrich. You can make such a device yourself.

You can put a tie pillow around your neck. An ordinary-looking accessory is quickly filled with air if necessary, and the result is a substrate that can withstand a weight of up to 11 kg. The advantage of this item is that it can be quickly removed.

Travel pillows are also used for the office, in which you can lean back in a chair and take a cozy nap. However, you need to choose models that are not too voluminous, since most of these products are stationary and are made so as to fix large plot human body- not only the neck, but also the shoulders. Some models are fixed on the chest.

Cost and sales locations

A huge assortment is offered in online stores, where the price ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles, depending on the model, material, design and filling.

The best filler is “memory” foam.

IN retail trade the same products will cost more, but here you see the product in person and can verify its quality and compliance with the described characteristics on the spot.

Office pillows can be bought at a home goods store, for travel, or even at a joke store that sells unusual things with original design. For example, an office pillow in the form mobile phone can cost up to 1500 rubles. If this is a standard model in a home goods store, then the most popular Ostrich and Ostrich-mini can be purchased for 730 and 970 rubles, respectively.

You can help make up for the lack of sleep at work, but it will only be healthy when it is comfortable. A pillow for sleeping at work will ensure quality sleep and allow you to quickly recuperate.

Healthy and sound sleep gives a good mood and increases productivity. Therefore, it is very useful to get some sleep at work. True, not every leader will react calmly to this. To avoid angering your boss, you can take a nap during your lunch break. Even after watching dreams for a short time, your work efficiency increases significantly.

For sleeping in the office, you can use special small latex or polyurethane pillows. You should choose them depending on the height of your workplace, so as not to damage your spine. Let's look at what models of accessories for leisure at work can be purchased today and what their features are.

Types of office pillows

Inventive manufacturers are showing real miracles of creativity by developing models of pillows designed specifically for use in the workplace. It turned out that headrests, “Tie” and manual options gained the highest popularity.


This accessory is very convenient for those who prefer to sleep while sitting, leaning back in their chair. The headrest is produced by many companies. The range of these pillows is truly huge and varied.

This product supports the vacationer’s head in the correct position and also relieves tension from the neck.

There are very small balls inside it, so it easily takes the shape a person needs.

The size is universal. Note that a pillow in the shape of a headrest makes falling asleep much easier.

"Tie" This model, of course, is not orthopedic. But it is perfect for a short break at work. Represented by the most ordinary men's tie

, which has an inflatable cushion built into it.

Preparation for use consists of quickly inflating it with air (similar to bath pillows). The “tie” can withstand a weight load of up to 11 kg. The convenience of this pillow is that you do not need to remove this accessory from your neck.

If suddenly a manager comes to see a dozing employee, you can regain your proper appearance in a matter of seconds.


For the development of the comfortable Ostrich mini office pillow, we need to thank the international studio Banana Things. This accessory is worn on the palm. If you rest your chin on it, you can sleep comfortably during your lunch break. There are also Alternative option

to use - attach it to your elbow, then place it on your work table, placing your head on top. The hand pillow is very compact, so it can be easily hidden in a desk drawer (you can also put a dream book there - for those who are interested in deciphering dreams).

Anti-stress model "Ostrich"

  • British designers are considered its creators. "Ostrich" makes it possible to sleep literally anywhere:
  • in the office;
  • at the station;
  • in the bus;

in public catering establishments.

Why did the developers give the pillow such a strange name? It’s not a matter of color or shape, but the principle of its operation. When using a pillow, a person resembles an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.

It is noteworthy that this model of sleeping accessory is double-sided. One side of it of blue color, and the second is gray. The material on both sides of the product is very delicate and soft. Therefore, your lunchtime sleep will be comfortable and pleasant. "Ostrich" is stuffed with light synthetic filler. Thanks to it, the head and neck are well supported, and the hearing is protected from surrounding sounds. This means that the pillow will allow you to sleep at work in conditions that are as natural as possible for sleeping.

Let's summarize

Probably every office worker has experienced lack of sleep and stress at least once in their life. The employees of the Google branch in St. Petersburg were luckier than anyone else. They have sofas and hammocks in the office for those who want to relax or take a nap. Those who are not lucky enough to work there can purchase original pillow for sleeping and use it right in your place.

If you don't get enough sleep at home and can't concentrate on work because of this, be sure to get this accessory.