Decorating floor vases with your own hands. Decorating a vase: a highlight in the interior. original ways of decoration

Vases can be a wonderful interior decoration. You can even create some of them yourself. Vases can be decorated and transformed very quickly, even with your own hands. This will allow you to create more and more distinctive features in the interior.

1. Original filling of the vase

An excellent option is to fill a vase with wine corks, with the help of which the vase is immediately transformed.

2. Lemon vase

A simple, but at the same time very bright option for decorating a vase using lemon decor, which will be just a godsend.

3. Small vases made from bottles

A beautiful option to create many mini-vases with your own hands from ordinary bottles.

4. The vase is decorated with beads

It is possible to transform and decorate a vase with the help of beads, which will create a truly beautiful vase for a minimum of time and money.

5. Wooden vase decor

Nice decoration of a vase using branches, which will add lightness and unobtrusiveness to the interior of any room.

6. Stylish and simple vases

Beautiful design of small vases that will decorate any home.

7. Vases are decorated with cord

Using thread or cord, you can create unforgettable vases that will be simply an excellent solution for decoration.

8. Regular bottle design

An excellent option is to decorate an ordinary bottle in the form of a beautiful vase, which you will definitely like.
9. Transformation of bottles

A nice solution to create beautiful vases from ordinary bottles that will become a godsend.

10. Decorating vases with sparkles

An original solution for decorating vases using gold sparkles.

11. Cute glitter vase

A great option to create an original and pretty shiny vase that will decorate any interior.

12. The vase is decorated as a candlestick

One of the fastest and simple options, so this is the creation of a candlestick from a vase.

13. Perfect combination

If you combine several bottles of the same shape, you can get a custom vase with cells like this.

14. Vase made of tree branches

Cute and very interesting option create a vase from tree branches that will transform the interior of any room.

15. Bright painting of a bottle decorated as a vase

An excellent and very interesting option for painting a bottle that became a vase very quickly and easily.

16. Original tied bottles

Decorating bottles is a very interesting and difficult moment that is worth taking note of and making the most of in practice.

17. Vase decor using pencils

An original option is to decorate a vase using ordinary colored pencils, which will be a godsend for any interior.

18. Decorating bottles with thread

It’s a nice idea to decorate ordinary bottles with thread, which will be a simple discovery and will allow you to create original vases.

19. Decorating an ordinary transparent vase

A quick and simple decor for an ordinary vase that will transform your interior in no time.

20. Painting wine bottles

Decorating wine bottles using hand painting, which can be even more attractive than this.

21. Vase decor using wood

An original design of a flower vase using wood, which looks charming and delicate.

22. Custom wire vases

Beautiful and perhaps very original version create a vase out of wire, which looks very interesting.

23. Excellent table decor

One of the best and simplest options for decorating a table is using a cute vase that you will like.

24. Cute DIY vases

You can decorate any of the vases with your own hands in a wide variety of ways that you will definitely like and inspire.

25. Successful vase decor

A nice solution to elevate an ordinary transparent vase using burlap and accessories.

26. New Year's vases

Interesting decor of vases New Year's style, which will simply be the highlight of any interior.

27. Original vase with a transparent bottom

Cute and very interesting example designing a vase with a transparent bottom, which will become a feature of the interior.

Today, it is rare that any interior, like a landscape, can do without expressive and spectacular accessories. One of them can rightfully be called a floor vase. In order for it to look stylish and harmonious in its designated place, it is not at all necessary to buy a finished product. It is quite possible to do it yourself, which is what will be discussed in this article.

Selecting size and shape

Floor vases can be different: tall, medium height and width, large and moderate in size. The parameters of a floor vase depend on a number of factors. One of the key ones is the design of the surrounding space. For example, the dimensions may depend on the footage of a particular room, because the smaller it is, the smaller the vase itself should be. If you do not take this fact into account, the accessory may look too bulky in the interior, thereby disrupting the visual balance.

The height of the product can vary from 40 to 90 cm. It is selected paying attention to the height of the walls and the spaciousness of the room, since an accessory that is too tall can visually make the height of the walls smaller, which is unacceptable. The width is selected based on your own preferences, as well as the mold available for production. In addition, it may depend on the chosen style, which should coincide with the interior design.

The shape of a floor vase can be conventionally round, square, or triangular. Each type has its own nuances, for example, the rounded shape is considered the most harmonious for blending into different stylistic directions of design. It can be made using bottles or even three- and five-liter glass jars. The papier-mâché technique is also suitable for this.

A square floor vase is good for modern interior compositions. The basic form for its manufacture can be an ordinary cardboard box. It is somewhat more difficult to make triangular-shaped options, since it is less common to choose such shapes. Products of this type are often made from available raw materials or various components (for example, newspaper tubes).

Manufacturing methods

You can make a floor vase with your own hands from waste material, improvised means and even ordinary dishes. Craftsmen make such accessories not only from three-liter jars and papier-mâché, but also from plumbing pipes, plaster, twine, and linoleum. To make it stand out against the background of the interior, and also fit harmoniously into it, it is better for a beginner to choose the option of a symmetrical rounded shape to create. It is important to take into account: the product looks better against the general background if its shade does not match the color of the floor covering, furniture and wall cladding.

From a three-liter jar

This kind of work is notable for the fact that without drawing skills, it allows you to get a product with imitation artistic painting. In addition to the jar, to make a vase you will need napkins for decoupage, acrylic paints, brushes, twine and special glue, as well as the necessary decorating accessories (selected at will). The method of making such a floor vase consists of several successive steps:

  • the surface of the can is degreased and coated with white acrylic paint;
  • after it dries, twine (or tape) is wound around the neck;
  • prepare decorative elements (cut out from napkins);
  • they are glued on, straightened with a brush, creating a pattern, ornament or other composition;
  • After they dry, transparent acrylic varnish is applied on top.

The decor in gold and bronze looks beautiful, and to create a vase like this, it is enough to use a contour gel and draw a simple design with it. If you cover the top of such a product with dark paint and spray gold in places with a sponge, such a vase will look expensive.

Out of a beautifully shaped box

Such vases look quite unusual in the interior; they are very impressive, but are suitable mainly for modern style, as well as landscape compositions. To make it you need a box (mold), plaster (cement), a container for forming the internal space and cling film to make it easier to remove the vase from the base:

  • gypsum is mixed with water until smooth, achieving the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • it is poured into the box in a small layer;
  • a smaller container is placed inside, placing it in the center;
  • add the mixture to the desired level;
  • when the composition is completely dry, the vase is removed from the mold;
  • processed with fine sandpaper and decorated.

If you want to add a design to such a product, you can do this using spray paint and lace braid. The braid is tightly attached to the base, and paint is sprayed on top of it. If you want more chic, you can add a little silver or gold by applying it with a sponge.

From a plumbing pipe

For such a product, sometimes not only the usual improvised materials are used, but even nylon stockings and knitted fabrics. The design of the future vase depends on the type of product itself, its material and shape. Options with kinks are more suitable for decorating landscapes and cottages. Products with a straight cylindrical shape are relevant for city apartments.

The best materials suitable for the job are plastic and metal plumbing pipes. They can be pasted over with various decors (including even cereals), or they can be given a relief pattern. For example, you can make a plastic trio from pipes of different heights by cutting their tops at an angle. The bottom of such vases is made of cardboard, although if desired and appropriate skills can be welded to metal.

You can put a nylon stocking on each pipe, forming folds. The surface is impregnated with glue and waited until it is completely dry. After the base has been created, they begin to decorate the vases, covering each of them with special paint in cans.

The color is chosen based on the color scheme of the specific room in which the accessory will be installed. All you have to do is add a little gilding or even glitter - and the unique decor is ready.

From a paper pipe from linoleum

This product can be used for dry branches. It’s easy to create: you just need the pipe itself (you can buy it at hardware store), twine or rope thread, some cardboard, a hot glue gun and a saw for cutting the pipe. The manufacturing method is as follows:

  • cut off from the pipe required quantity, having previously decided on the height of the vase;
  • take thick cardboard and, placing a pipe on it, trace it, and then cut out the bottom;
  • Having glued the bottom to the future vase, they decorate it using rope thread or twine;
  • thread is wrapped around the vase from bottom to top, gluing it to the base using hot glue (you can also use other adhesives);
  • Having tightly wrapped the product to the very top, cut the thread;
  • For stability, place a little paper or small stones inside.

Made from thick cardboard and cardboard tube

To create a Greek vase you will need old newspapers, a cardboard tube and several large boxes that you can get from the store. You will have to cut out the base of the vase from them, so it is advisable to take boxes of approximately the same size (there is no point in gluing them). This option for making a floor vase is more labor-intensive, but the appearance of the finished product will delight not only the owners of the house: such a product will be a rather bright and memorable accent of the interior. Such a masterpiece is created using the following technology:

  • correlate the height of the pipe, the desired height and the size of the existing boxes (everything should be the same);
  • cut out a vase template, trace the blanks along it, cut it out and fold it in half;
  • when there are enough of them, they paste over a cardboard tube (you get the appearance of an accordion);
  • then they tear the newspapers into pieces, soak them in PVA glue and create the base of the vase, pasting it from bottom to top in several layers, trying to ensure that the shape is even;
  • after the newspaper, you can stick on several layers of toilet paper;
  • when it dries, the surface is covered with dark paint;
  • an ornament is drawn using contour gel or special contour paint;
  • You can cover the vase with another thin layer of paint, and then mark the relief pattern with bronze or gold paint.

To make a vase look expensive, you need to make it as carefully as possible, paying attention to the neck and bottom. When coating, it is important to paint them too; the lines of the design must be even, and when decorating, identical.

Decorating the finished product

Decorating a finished accessory will require knowledge of basic stylistic skills, without which it is difficult to make it appropriate in a particular interior. Today fashion trends are aimed at combining conciseness and functionality. The decor should be minimal; it is important that, despite its apparent simplicity, the product looks status, impressive and professional, as if it had been purchased in an expensive store. Therefore, you need to approach the issue of decoration especially carefully.

Depending on the type of material used and the technique for making a floor vase, you can use the following to decorate it:

  • mosaics, including homemade ones made from multi-colored tiles and mirrors;
  • flat buttons of different sizes and shapes;
  • coins;
  • coarse salt;
  • cereals, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • dry branches of different lengths and curvature;
  • cuttings of branches;
  • twine;
  • tree bark;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • stationery erasers;
  • bracelets made of beads on a rubber thread;

  • decorative fabric;
  • burlap;
  • kraft paper;
  • textiles with relief texture;
  • rope thread;
  • acrylic paints, including spray paints;
  • contour and stained glass paints;
  • shells different shapes and size;
  • napkins for decoupage;
  • acrylic glue;
  • newspapers and magazines;
  • cardboard and white paper;
  • bamboo rods and wheat ears;
  • self-adhesive decor.

IN in capable hands stylist, even an ordinary glass jar or bottle can become a work of art. Moreover, as a rule, it does not take much time to decorate it. Some people simply put a deep container inside the jar, but that’s all. inner space fills with small candies or even a variety of cereals, alternating them in layers. More interesting solution– place a fabric knitted with openwork or strands (or even a cut sleeve from a knitted sweater) onto a glass container. Thanks to such “clothing”, the product can bring a certain amount of home comfort to the interior.

How wonderful it is to receive a bouquet of flowers as a gift or simply pick them in a field and bring them home to fill the atmosphere with a fabulous aroma! Be that as it may, you will definitely need a vase.

Decorating your home is common to all women. They lovingly arrange their life, decorating cozy home cute trinkets, including a variety of figurines and vases. Of course, it’s easier to buy ready-made products, but if you want something exclusive and unusual, read our article. In it we will tell you how to make a vase with your own hands.

How to make a paper vase with your own hands

You can make a vase completely out of paper at home using papier-mâché or origami techniques. But for this you need to have certain skills, and this is not suitable for everyone. And be sure to keep in mind that only decorative flowers can be placed in a vase made of cardboard or paper, because water will render the product unusable.

To make a paper vase, you can use any transparent container such as an old jar or used bottle. To give them beautiful view The surface should be covered with corrugated paper of the selected color or wrapped in colored cardboard and decorated with matching ribbons.

DIY paper vase: video

Tip: to ensure that the paper sticks well to the glass, use PVA glue diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

How to make a cardboard vase with your own hands

For work we stock up:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paper clips;
  • tape;
  • coffee beans, nut shells, pistachios (for decoration).

We take any large box, lay it out on the floor or on the table and draw a diagram on it (Fig. 1). Then we cut out the shape and fold the vase out of cardboard, securing the corners with tape. Carefully glue each fold so that the vase does not fall apart. If necessary, cover the outside of the product with paper, wrapping it inside and securing it with paper clips.

It's time for decoration. Of course, it is difficult to calculate how much decorative elements You will need it to decorate a homemade vase, but in the process of work you will figure it out and, if necessary, buy the missing amount of parts. So, smear each piece with glue and, starting from the bottom of the vase, begin to carefully paste it over. At the same time, try to leave as little empty space between elements as possible. The result should be a vase, as in the picture shown.

Do not forget to process the upper part of the product from the inside in a similar way. That's it, the vase is ready to decorate your home!

DIY cardboard vase: video

To make a vase with your own hands you will need: 1. Corrugated cardboard; 2. Mass of papier-mâché; 3. Masking tape; 4. Hot glue; 5. Acrylic paints and varnish.

If you have a few hours of free time and a desire to create something beautiful with your own hands, read how to make a simple origami paper vase with your own hands.

In fact, you don’t need anything other than double-sided colored paper and strictly following the instructions! In addition, origami is a great way to develop fine motor skills, imagination and logic.

A simple paper vase is useful for storing office supplies, and you can also put a vessel with water and flowers in it.

So, let's get to work. We take a square of colored paper and bend it diagonally, then unfold it and do the same with the opposite diagonal (see Figures 1-3). Then you need to fold the sheet into a diamond shape and smooth the lines with your fingers, along which we will then bend the part (see Fig. 4-6).

Now we bend the left and right corners, turn the part over and repeat the steps with the remaining corners. After this, we unbend the central corner, lowering it to the middle, and bend the left corner. Then you need to turn the workpiece and repeat the manipulations: bend the corners to the center and along the intended lines. The lowest corner is unfolded and unbent: this is necessary for the stability of the vase.

The procedure can be viewed in more detail on the provided step by step diagram with images. Experts say that it is unlikely that you will be able to make a beautiful vase using origami the first time, because the work is painstaking and requires some skills, so it is better to try on unnecessary pieces of paper.

If desired, decorate the vase by applying touches of glue to the surface and filling them with colored semolina, sparkles, rhinestones or beads.

In the next collection of pictures you can see how to make a vase from modules - parts from which a decorative product is then assembled. To make the vase bright, use modules of different colors.

This work is considered more complex and requires experience and thoughtfulness: one wrong step and everything will go down the drain.

Vase made from origami modules: video

Modules are made of 1/32 rectangles

Video: how to make 1/32 origami modules. Master class for beginners.

Now we will tell you how to make such an unusual and stylish vase for storing small items. Please note that the product is not intended for food!

Take a plastic bottle of any color, hold it over the fire to bend it: this must be done while the plastic is hot. After cooling, take a soldering iron and drill in a chaotic manner a large number of holes of the same diameter. That's it, our vase is ready!

You can take an ordinary plastic bottle and sew a case on it from felt or an old sweater. This decor is perfect for decorating a country house interior.

A plastic bottle or box of chips can also be transformed beyond recognition by covering the surface with stones or shells.

The most basic way to decorate a plastic bottle is to wrap it in printed tissue paper or colored tape, and then decorate it with a matching bow.

You can also wrap the bottle with colored threads or rope.

DIY vase from a plastic bottle: video

Vases made from natural materials

IN modern world There is such a lack of environmental cleanliness that you want to be closer to nature even in urban conditions. Eco-design is very relevant today, so if you are choosing a vase for your garden, feel free to follow our advice.

Pumpkin crafts are a great way to show your imagination and bring the family together over shared needlework. To work, you need to stock up on a sharp knife, a spoon and pumpkins of different sizes.

Take the pumpkin and cut off the top, and through the hole, clean it of the insides and let it dry. Instead of throwing away the pulp, you can use it to make face masks. Let's start with making the simplest versions of environmentally friendly vases.

The edges of the vase can be made “lace” by carefully cutting them with a thin knife.

If you're familiar with , put your skills to use by making a unique pumpkin vase that you can place lit candles inside!

How to make a vase from maple leaves with your own hands

And kids will surely like such a vase, because it’s fun to make and it’s also interesting to use! Gather a pile of maple leaves, clean any debris, and trim the stems. In the meantime it is necessary to inflate balloon and spread it with glue to the middle. Glue the leaves overlapping each other using PVA glue and a brush. Let the product dry. When the leaves are dry, pierce the ball and carefully remove it.

Good luck in your creativity!

Often, after repairs, pieces of materials and coatings remain, for example, remains of linoleum and pipes. They can be used to create a unique decor for the decoration of the room. For example, a flower vase can be made using unusual materials. Pipe, linoleum, cardboard boxes, profile or plastic remains are used. With their help, it is easy to create a unique craft and decorate your home, using simple, improvised means. An unusual designer vase can be made in a short time without any financial investment.

Vase for which a pipe is used: master class

How to make vases from pipes? The master class will tell you how to make a floor vase with your own hands from a pipe. Floor vase will be more durable if not thin plastic pipes are used, but a thick pipe, which is usually used for installing sewer systems.

You can decorate such a product with your own hands by using old nylon stockings or a cut-off part of tights. If the pipe is half a meter long, it needs to be cut into several identical pieces. The ends of these parts are cut along an oblique line (photo) and inserted into each other. After that, take the stocking, soak it well in PVA glue, and squeeze it out. Next, you need to put the stocking on the pipe. Let the floor vase dry.

The bottom can be made using cardboard or plastic materials, as well as linoleum, a piece of plastic or cardboard is cut out and glued with superglue to the base of the product. The initial design is ready (photo).

The further stage of decoration will require imagination and creativity. A DIY pipe vase can be painted in a variety of colors and shades. A DIY floor vase, decorated with rhinestones, large and small beads, and seed beads, looks very attractive (video).

Vase made from linoleum pipe: master class

How to make a vase using linoleum? In order to make such a craft, you will need a piece of unnecessary linoleum. The linoleum is rolled up and secured with tape. The bottom can also be made using linoleum or cardboard pieces. Select to size, cut, glue or fix with any in a convenient way.

After which the floor vase is covered on top with a piece of stocking, pieces of wallpaper cut to size or corrugated paper. Next it is decorated to your taste and discretion. A DIY floor vase, based on linoleum, can be decorated with sea or river shells and beads different sizes, sequins, beads. All you need is the embodiment of your imagination. The result will be an unusual floor vase made from linoleum pipes, and it is not at all difficult to make.

Vase made of metal pipe: master class

How to make a unique vase from metal pieces? If there are any profile metal pieces left, they need to be cut off exactly along the edge. This pipe will become the basis for a durable product. Take toilet paper or paper towels and cover the entire diameter of the pipe; no empty spaces should be visible. You can create small folds in parallel. Next, dark paint is required; the pipe is painted with it. The paint is applied in two layers, the second layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

Instead of black paint, you can use dark blue, deep turquoise, blue, or purple. But in this case, you will need to make more layers to complete the coloring. Each layer will saturate the previous one. It is important that metal pipe was not visible behind layers of paint.

Next, the floor vase is decorated with beads, seed beads, and beautiful buttons. The bottom of the vase can be made in an interesting way– take polyurethane foam and profile pieces or a solid piece of metal base. The floor vase is placed on a stand, and the gap between the bottom and the product is sealed with foam. When the foam dries well, you can decorate the product. Spray paint is often used for this - this way the PVC craft will be beautiful and unusual and will decorate any room. In addition, PVC allows the product to be durable. Due to the fact that the bottom is fixed with polyurethane foam, you don’t have to worry about damaging it while carrying it.

How to create a beautiful vase from a cardboard tube

If you have a thick cardboard tube, you can also make a beautiful product out of it that will become the highlight of the room. You will need the following materials and tools: glue (any kind, but it’s better to use PVA), masking tape (it is used to connect cardboard pieces together, and also to hide the joints of pipe pieces). Any type of fabric can be used for decoration. In addition, you will need paint - bronze or gold (and in general this is optional, depending on the previously invented option).

You will also need materials to further decorate the vase. A cardboard tube can be decorated with small or large beads, different sizes and colors of beads, beautiful buttons, and sequins. The cardboard tube is cut into three equal parts (the work is performed in the same way plastic pipe). Then, using wire or gluing with glue, the pieces are connected. After that, the cardboard base is impregnated with glue and wrapped with masking tape on top. Then you need to wait for the finished product to dry completely. This will take a day.

After 24 hours, you can begin decorating the dried product. The top of the pipe can be covered with a pre-selected fabric. Measure a piece of fabric to fit the size of the pipe, saturate the fabric with glue, and then wrap the vase, creating light folds. Next, you need to wait again until the vase is completely dry. After which you can begin painting with gold or bronze paint. In addition to the usual acrylic paints, you can use spray paint. When the bronze layer of paint has dried, a layer of gold paint is applied on top.

Thanks to these techniques, the product will shimmer and sparkle beautifully. At the end, you can add a couple of beads, buttons, and other decorative details.

This is a 2 part post on how to make a large floor vase. First about the blank, later it will become a vase.

The tools you will need are scissors; it is better to take more, because cardboard is more difficult to cut than paper. Pen or pencil glue gun. The material is corrugated cardboard. Newspapers. Cardboard tube. You can use plastic, buy it at the construction market sewer pipes. They come in different diameters. You can buy cardboard at the construction market; linoleum and polyethylene are rolled on it. Can be found in printing shops. PVA glue is also used.

First, we apply the pipe to the cardboard and draw the outline of the future vase. It all depends on your imagination. Then cut out the first blank. Use it as a template. Draw the next one.
One vase requires approximately 17 to 20 such blanks. They are glued along the entire length with a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Most often there is no need to glue.

If the vase is tall, the piece needs to be cut in half. This will make it easier to glue. IN in this case height 66 cm. If it is smaller, you can glue it directly in whole pieces. If it is even larger, cut into 3 parts. It will be more convenient this way.

How to glue blanks?

Warm up the glue gun thoroughly. Place a few drops every 8-10 cm. We stick the cardboard on top and hold it there for a few seconds. It sets quite quickly. This is a big plus.

If something isn't straight, it's okay, it's the inside of the vase. It will be built up with other layers. So we cover the entire vase with blanks in a circle.

Now you need to cover the bottom with cardboard. It's easy to cut. We place the base on the cardboard and trace the outline along the edges. It turns out to be a circle. It's okay if it's uneven. Cut out this circle and glue it on.

Cover the vase with newspapers.

From newspapers we cut strips of 5-6 centimeters wide. We paste it with glue and coat the strips so that the paper is completely covered with PVA. The master does this on glass. We place the strips diagonally in the newspapers. But this is not important. In a chaotic manner.

In order not to waste time and materials, the master lays only one layer. It is better to paste over the top place with short strips. Covered completely with newspapers. Now let’s leave it to dry overnight in a warm place, for example near a radiator. Before work, PVA needs to be diluted with a little water so that it is more liquid, for ease of work.
After drying, we will continue making our vase. Several hours passed. Everything has dried up. The paper stretched and the vase became stronger.

Cover the vase with papier-mâché

The master prepared papier-mâché. It's a doughy mess of toilet paper and glue. We take small pieces and stick around the workpiece. The work is labor-intensive, but you can’t do without this stage. Layer 3-5 mm. Apply it and smooth out the material using tapping movements with your fingers. If there are any unevenness, add a larger layer to cover it up. After the paper dried, ridges appeared. Here you need to apply a thicker layer to get a smooth shape. If the paper tears, the hole can be repaired with papier mache or putty. Sometimes lumps appear due to poor stirring. This should not be allowed. In this simple way we add rigidity to the vase. After drying, papier-mâché becomes as strong as wood. At this stage, perfect evenness is not required. Subsequently, everything will be smoothed out using putty.

Let it dry for 2 days near the radiator. After complete drying, we begin to putty. After 2.5 days the workpiece dried. Happened robust design. Tough and solid like wood. Now you can start puttingty.

Apply putty

For the first leveling layer we use putty. This is gypsum plaster for leveling walls. It can be cheaper or more expensive. And the master used a more elastic and smooth, more expensive one. It also dries faster. Cheap ones dry a little longer, the properties are the same. The base is sand, fine gypsum, and adhesive additives.

Pour 0.5 liters of water. Add putty. Stir with a spatula or mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained, so that it is neither thick nor liquid. It is easy to stir as the mixture is fine grained. Therefore, you do not need to use any devices. Buy a rubber spatula. It's available at the hardware store. Designed for grouting joints on tiles. It is convenient for them to draw out all the curves on the vase. You can also do everything yourself.

The holes formed during gluing must be covered first, because they will dry out before the other layers. When working with your hands, it is better to use gloves, because there is cement in the mixture, it corrodes the skin. The first layer is applied to give the vase a more or less rounded shape.

We put the workpiece to dry. After a few hours, you can apply a second layer. If the putty is expensive, then it will take two to three hours. After the first layer has dried, the vase needs to be sanded. Sand the second and third layers with zero polish. Because the finishing putty is softer. To avoid scratching too much, you need scratch paper.

The vase should be even and smooth.

Prime the vase

Next you need to prime the surface. We use PVC diluted with water to a liquid state. Kiss. And cover the entire surface. Coat thoroughly until it is saturated. This will remove dust from the surface and give strength to the putty. After priming, place in a warm place for one hour to allow the PVA to dry.

The master created a vase with a narrow bottom. Since it is high and unstable, I poured 0.5 sand inside and filled it with plaster. Dries very quickly, literally in 3 minutes. Therefore, you should not be afraid that the cardboard will get wet.

We send the vase to dry. After the primer has dried, we send the vase for a second and third time. The finishing putty is used for finishing works. It is needed to level the surface more smoothly so that there are no flaws, scratches, or dimples.

Watch the master class on video

Channel “Master Sergeich”.

Decorating a floor vase

In the second part we will decorate the products and make flowers from cold porcelain. We will also paint and finish it until it is completely ready.

Second part