English Olympiads. Free Internet Olympiads for schoolchildren in English

For items 1–10 listen to a dialogue between a famous actor and his woman colleague and decide whether the statements1–10 are TRUE according to the text you hear ( A), or FALSE (B), or the information on the statement is NOT STATED in the text (C). You will hear the text twice.

  1. The woman says that her colleague likes the process of film-making.
  2. The man never drinks tea from plastic cups.
  3. The man thinks it’s important to find a place where he could feel at home.
  4. The man has never worked in a theater.
  5. The woman says that many people in the film industry become bored with their
  6. The man says that his new film is coming soon.
  7. The daughter was filmed in summer.
  8. In The daughter the man plays a role of a Comanche.
  9. The man is Irish.
  10. The man thinks The Daughter is a western.


Time: 30 minutes (15 points)

Read the passage below and answer questions 1-15.

Even the tactful Japanese would probably smirk or at the very least expresspuzzlement if someone told them about a ‘traditional Russian tea party’. And yet, it isa well-known fact that Russians are unstoppable in their incessant consumption oftea and in fact cannot live without it. It has become an extremely significant part ofRussian culture. Tea warms you up, wakes you up, and is nice after a big meal. Tea inRussia is not just a beverage - it's a social activity with a long-reaching traditionbehind it. Even coffee that has been slowly but surely making inroads onto Russiantables still has not been able to replace tea. Russians will drink tea on any occasionand with no occasion whatsoever.

For the first time four pounds of tea were brought to Russia in 1638 by theRussian ambassador as a gift from the Mongol Khan for the Russian sovereign ofMoscow Michael Fyodorovich. At first the tsar and the boyars were not particularlyimpressed with the astringent and bitter drink. When all the tea presented by theMongol Khan had been drunk and the Moscow court began to forget its taste, it wasonce again the diplomats who reintroduced tea to Russia. Another Russianambassador Nicholas Spafary brought some tea from China. This time tea wasalready a known substance in Moscow and in 1679 a contract was entered into with China under which the Chinese were to supply Russia with dried tea. After that, caravans carrying tea began regular journeys from the Great Wall of China to thewalls of the Moscow Kremlin.

However, the new beverage took quite some time to grow on Russians, who atfirst viewed it with suspicion as they did with everything that originated abroad. Inaddition, Chinese tea was too expensive while Russian herbal teas, such as cranberry, currant, briar, and sweet lime were always easy to get. And it was only by the early18 th century that tea had been fully accepted in Russian households and become anational drink.

An indispensable component of a Russian tea party is the samovar. Samovars are tea poetry; they come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Many of them are true works of art. A samovar is always placed in the middle of the table. It commonly has curved shapes suggesting warmth and kindness. While water is boiling inside the samovar and smoke is coming off the top of it, its sides reflect the people around the table, adding a surreal feel to the gathering. Samovars are usually heated up using charcoal and sometimes even fir cones. The slightly bitter aroma of the smoke relaxes and soothes those present. In addition to good looks and efficiency, samovars were always valued for their sound. When the water starts boiling a samovar would announce it with its own unique “song” that would add to the cosiness and intimacy of the occasion.

When you’re invited for tea in Russia, you can almost always expect to eat. Guests are offered several types of jam, honey, cakes, pies, chocolates and other sweets. Often you also get sandwiches, light salads, and fresh fruit and vegetables. Everything is served on ornate plates and dishes.

It is almost an insult not to offer tea to someone who came by your house, as it is an insult to refuse it when offered. In some parts of the former Soviet Union, especially in the North Caucasus region and Central Asia, the amount and quality of the food served when drinking tea indicates a level of respect that a host has for a guest, and it's not uncommon for relationships to go sour just because only jam and sugar were served during tea.

There is a story about how in 1802 Prince Shakhovskoy met J.W. Goethe in a hotel in Munich. The famous German poet invited the Prince for tea. Having arrived and seeing that there was nothing but tea on the table, the Prince ordered sandwiches and some pastries without further ado. The two spent a most pleasant evening talking about German and Russian literature. To Shakhovskoy’s surprise, the next day he got a bill for the food he had ordered, which J.W. Goethe refused to pay, since he had only invited the Prince for tea.

There is another tradition that foreigners often fail to understand: Russians drink tea from glasses, which they put in special glass holders. This tradition dates back to the 17 th and 18 th century teahouses and it was only in the early 19th century that it was picked up by the commoners. Expensive glass holders were usually made from silver, the more commonplace glass holders were made primarily from alloys of nickel and silver. The finely decorated holders were used both for esthetic and practical purposes preventing the palms from direct contact with hot tea. Today almost nobody will drink tea from glasses at home and yet it has still survived on trains. It is a special unique kind of pleasure to drink hot tea from a glass in a glass holder sitting in the car of a long distance train and looking out at the landscapes speeding past outside!

Task 1. Questions 1–8

  1. Tea and coffee are equally favored by the Russian people.
  2. Russians indulge in having tea whenever the opportunity affords itself.
  3. The Russians instantly favored the peculiar flavor of the new beverage.
  4. Envoys introduced the new beverage to Russia twice.
  5. Tea drinking gradually evolved into a kind of social ceremony.
  6. The Russian samovar was a symbol of prosperity, well-being, and comfort.
  7. Water in samovars is boiled ahead of time and just warmed up afterwards.
  8. Glass holders were made to help the tea cool quicker.

Task 2. Questions 9 - 15

Choose optionA, B, C which best fits according to the text. Circle the correct letterin boxes 9–15 on your answer sheet.

9. For the Japanese the idea of ​​having tea parties in Russia seems

  • A. perplexing.
  • B. explicable.
  • C. evasive.

10. The word “incessant” in the first paragraph means

  • A. constant.
  • B. temporary.
  • C. irregular.

11. The Russians did not welcome the new drink as

  • A. they were forced to drink it.
  • B. it took long to make it.
  • C. it was totally alien to them.

12. In the North Caucasus region and Central Asia

  • A. sour fruit and vegetables are commonly served during the tea party.
  • B. lavish snacks are served at the tea party if the guest is highly honored.
  • C. traditionally only jam and sugar are served during the tea party.

13. Samovars placed in the middle of the table usually

  • A. warmed the water quicker and more economically.
  • B. helped gather the guests by their special “song”.
  • C. added to the calming atmosphere round the table.

14. The story about Prince Shakhovskoy’s meeting with J.W. Goethe

  • A. demonstrates Russian hospitality and generosity.
  • B. illustrates the different national tea-drinking habits.
  • C. shows a way to build cross-cultural connections over a cup of tea.

15. The tradition of having tea from glasses in glass holders

  • A. is completely forgotten now.
  • B. has survived on railroads.
  • C. has become a family tradition.


Time: 20 minutes (20 points)

Task 1. Questions 1–10


0 development


Impressionism is a very natural stage of art's (0) … . DEVELOP
Russian painters had started their (1) of experiments with light and modified color schemes before they visited France and got acquainted with French impressionism. HEARD
And yet, there is a difference between Russian and French impressionistic (2) in terms of their subject matter, light and color scheme. DEPICT
As far as French artists were concerned, they portrayed life differently in (3) to Russian painters. COMPARE
However, Russian impressionists never attempted to break away from (4) REAL
Strictly speaking, Vasily Polenov can be regarded as a path (5) in this field. BREAK
He was one of the first Russian painters who visited Paris in the 1870s and became (6) fascinated by impressionism. ENORMOUS
He didn’t abandon his own distinct painting style, but he made every effort to (7) his students in Russia with his French findings and encouraged their own artistic explorations. FAMILIAR
Thanks to his (8) support, his like-minded contemporary artist Konstantin Korovin felt confidence to work differently. ENTHUSIASM
The Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and (9) had never had landscape painting classes as this genre was seen as the one for amateurs. ARCHITECT
V. Polenov was the first to introduce such classes and he was (10) besieged by students who wanted to paint nature. VIRTUAL

Task 2. Questions 11–20

For items11–20 , complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.Do not change the word given. Usefrom three to five words.The number of words you should put in the gap is specified in each case . Do NOT use contracted forms. There is an example at the beginning (0 ).

Example: 0.“Let’s go to the cinema on Sunday,” said Ann.

Ann_____ _____ ____ ____ to the cinema on Sunday. (4 words)

0 wanted us to go
  1. Betty was the only one who didn’t enjoy the performance.

Everyone enjoyed the performance ____ ____ ___. (3 words)

  1. The price of the meal includes dessert.

The dessert ___ ___ ___ the price of the meal. ( 3 words)

  1. My sister is too short to be a basketball player.

My sister ____ ___ ___ ___ to be a basketball player. ( 4 words)

  1. I have to clean up the studio before I can leave.

I cannot _____ ____ ____ ____ cleaned up the studio. ( 4 words)

  1. She regrets not having gone to university.

She ___ ___ ___ ___ to university. ( 4 words)

  1. She isn’t repainting the kitchen until Monday.

The kitchen ___ ___ ___ ___ until Monday. ( 4 words)

  1. Everyone left except for Mike.


With ___ ___ ___ ___, everyone left. ( 4 words)

  1. The fridge is completely empty.

There ___ ___ ___ ___ the fridge. ( 4 words)

  1. They've only got half the boys they need to make up a team.

They need ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ they’ve got to make up a team. ( 5 words)

  1. I’m certain she wrote the article herself.

She ___ ___ ___ the article herself. ( 3 words)


Time: 30 minutes (15 points)

Write a short review of your favorite book you have read in English for your school library.

Write the name of the author and the title of the book at the beginning on a separate line ( words are not counted in this line). The title and the author should be real, not imaginary.

Remember to mention in your review:

  • why you like the book;
  • why you have read it in English and not in the Russian translation;
  • why your school library should have this book.

Write 100-140 words


Listening comprehension

For items 1–10 listen to a dialogue between a famous actor and his woman colleague and decide whether the statements 1–10 are TRUE according to the text you hear ( A), or FALSE ( B), or the information on the statement is NOT STATED in the text ( C). You will hear the text twice... You have 20 seconds to look through the statements.

(pause 20 seconds)

Now we begin

She: I’ve never met anybody who enjoys every moment of making a movie as muchas you. You don’t stress out too much, you’re always in a good mood. And you havelittle rituals throughout the day, which you do with a lot of style - almost like you arecelebrating life, not just the work. You have to have your special cup of tea, in nicechina, not Styrofoam.

He: What are you saying, please?

She: It's lovely! You don’t drink it as you’re walking, like the rest of us. Youfind a nice corner to read in.

He: That’s true. You've got to find your camp. We set up homes constantly - a newtrailer, a new set, a new country - so you have to find that space. I suppose there arerituals, but I think that comes from the theater. Before all of this started, I wasworking in the theater. I ended up in Los Angeles for two weeks and stayed alifetime.

She: A lot of people in our business get jaded, but you don’t. Why not?

He: Because, for me at least, it doesn’t get any easier. I have The Daughter comingout, and we’re getting close to showing the world what we did last year in Texas. Thatside of it is out of my control, but this is always an anxious time for me.

She: Tell me about The Daughter.

He: I play Colonel Eli McCullough, a man born out of violence. His parents werepioneers, annihilated by the Comanche. He was kidnapped and brought up by theComanche. So there’s a duality to the man’s psyche, a fractured mind and heart. Wefind him as a man in 1915 in Texas.

She: When you were doing theater in London as a young Irish lad, did you everimagine you’d be playing a Texan?

He: I grew up in an Irish farming town, but cowboys and Indians were the fabric of mylife as a young lad. My grandmother used to have this family come around to the house, Ma Butchey and her two sons. She would sharpen the knives and fix the pots, and hersons would teach me how to make the best bows and arrows and catapults. So it’s alwaysbeen in my heart to play in a western. But this is not really a western; it's a family saga.

You have 20 seconds to check your answers. (pause 20 seconds)

Now listen to the text again. (text repeated)

This is the end of the listening comprehension task.



Item Answer
1 A
2 C
3 A
4 B
5 A
6 A
7 C
8 B
9 A
10 B


Item Answer
1 B
2 A
3 B
4 A
5 A
6 B
7 B
8 B
9 A
10 A
12 B
13 C
14 B
15 B


Item Answer
11 apart from Betty
12 is included in / is included into
13 is not tall enough
14 leave until I have
15 wishes she had gone
16 is not being repainted
17 the exception of Mike
18 is nothing left in
19 twice as many boys as
20 must have written

Scoring for all competitions

Listening 10 1 point. 0 points.

Reading... Maximum points - 15 ... Tasks are checked by keys. Each correct answer is scored in 1 point. For an incorrect answer or no answer, a 0 points.

Use of English... Maximum points - 20 . Assignments 1–20 are checked by keys. Each correct answer is scored in 1 point... For an incorrect answer or no answer, a 0 points... Spelling is taken into account. If there is a spelling mistake in the answer, no point will be awarded.

Writing... Maximum points - 15. The assignment is graded according to the Grading Criteria.

When summarizing the results, the points for all competitions are summed up.

Evaluation criteria for the "Letter" section

The maximum number of points is 15.

Attention! When the score is "0" according to the criterion "Solution of a communicative problem", the overall score is "0".

POINTS for R KZ Solution of a communication problem (maximum 3 points) REGISTRATION(maximum 12 points)
Organization text (maximum 3 points) Vocabulary (maximum 3 points) Grammar (maximum 3 points) Spelling and punctuation (maximum 3 points)
3 Quest completed completely: the author and title of the work are correctly indicated 1 ; content reflects all aspects specified in assignment(3 aspects); the style of speech is chosen correctly (neutral style).

Volume work either corresponds to the given one, or deviates from the given one by no more than 10% in the direction of increase (no more than 154 words 2 ) or by 10% downward (at least 90 words).

3 points The statement is logical; the logical communication means are used correctly; the text is correctly divided into paragraphs. 3 points The work has no errors in terms of lexical design. 3 points The work has no errors in terms of grammatical design. 3 points There are no spelling and / or punctuation errors in the work.
2 Task completed: there is a factual error in indicating the name of the author or the title of the work; AND / OR some aspects specified in the assignment are not fully disclosed 3 (1–2 aspects are not fully disclosed or 1 aspect is not disclosed); AND / OR there are separate violations (1-2) of the style of speech. 2 points The statement is mostly logical (1 logical error is allowed); OR there is 1 error in the use of logical communication means; OR there is 1 violation when dividing the text into paragraphs. 2 points There are 1-2 lexical errors in the work. 2 points There are 1–2 grammatical errors in the work. 2 points The work contains 1-2 spelling and / or punctuation errors.
1 The task was not completed completely: the content does not reflect all the aspects specified in the assignment (3 aspects are not fully disclosed or 2 aspects are not disclosed or 1 aspect is not disclosed and 1-2 aspects are not fully disclosed); AND / OR violations of the style of speech occur quite often (3 - 4 violations). 1 point The statement is not always logical (2-3 logical mistakes are allowed); AND / OR there are 2-3 violations in the use of logical communication means; AND / OR there are 2-3 violations when dividing the text into paragraphs. 1 point There are 3-4 lexical errors in the work. 1 point There are 3-4 grammatical errors in the work 1 point The work contains 3-4 spelling and / or punctuation errors.
0 Quest not completed: the author and title of the work are not indicated or are fictitious; AND / OR the content does not reflect those aspects that are indicated in the assignment (2 aspects are not disclosed and 1 aspect is not fully disclosed or 3 aspects are not disclosed); the style of speech is completely violated (5 or more violations). AND / OR Less than 90 words. 0 points There is no logic in the construction of the statement (there are 4 or more logical errors); AND / OR there are 4 or more errors in the use of logical communication means or logical communication means are not used; AND / OR there is no paragraph articulation of the text. 0 points There are 5 or more lexical errors in the work. 0 points There are 5 or more grammatical errors in the work. 0 points The work contains 5 or more spelling and / or punctuation errors.

1 Spelling errors in the title of the work and the name of the author not taken into account, title and name of the author not taken into account when counting words.

2 If the volume is exceeded by more than 10% of the specified volume (155 words or more), the first 140 words... If the volume is exceeded by less than 10% of the specified value, the points for content are not reduced.

3 An aspect is considered not fully disclosed if the expert has comments on the given arguments. An aspect is considered undisclosed if there is no argumentation.

Evaluation protocol of the competition "Letter"

The maximum number of points that can be obtained for the competition

"Letter" - 15 .

Expert No. _______.

The narrator says that:

1) a square in Brancusi's sculpture is made of oak.

2) Brancusi likes to demonstrate contrasting objects.

3) it's difficult to guess the name of the sculpture.

4) Brancusi's bird is crying.

5) the bird opens its mouth to sing.

6) many Mondrian's paintings are very confusing.

7) Mondrian's painting is like a closed window.

8) there is a wide variety of bright colors in this painting.

9) Mondrian signed the painting with his initials.

10) Mondrian also wrote some music.

Part 2 (30 minutes)

Maximum points - 10

Read the passage below.

The green house effect

(A) Saving the world begins at home. The energy we use to power our daily domestic lives and drive our cars produces almost half of our output of carbon dioxide, the gas which is the main contributor to the problem of global warming. The way in which we use energy is not only polluting but also incredibly wasteful. But there is nothing to stop us greatly reducing our energy consumption and creating a more comfortable world.

(B) Redesigning the home to bring our lifestyles more into balance with what the environment can cope with need not involve expensive or painful changes. Most of the technology to make the changes is already available. When the changes have been made, the home of the future will be a better place to live in. So what will it be like?

(C) We will have switched from ‘fossil fuels’ - coal, gas and oil - to sources of power which are non-polluting such as windmills or using the power of tides. Houses will be heavily insulated and heating systems made much more efficient. In addition, our future homes will use low-energy light bulbs.

(D) With water costs rising enormously, most houses will trap rainwater and store it in a large, well-insulated tank in the cellar. This tank also serves to save energy: heat is recycled from other parts of the house to maintain a high water temperature for washing and central heating.

(E) Recycling waste will be much more common than it is today. Tins, bottles, plastic, and paper will be put into vents in the wall from where they will fall into divided bins for collection. All vegetable matter will go straight on to a compost heap in the garden.

(F) The home will be a cleaner place. Air conditioning will do much more than keep you cool. It will improve air quality by filtering out contaminating dust mites and by controlling moisture and condensation.

(G) Outside the home as well, life will have become more pleasant. The car will no longer be the threat to our health that it is today: it will run on hydrogen or a mixture of battery and safer petrol. It won’t be allowed to clog up our cities: people will use the tram, a clean, fast, and quiet form of city transport which many cities are already reintroducing.

(H) This picture of the future is one which should appeal to all of us. It's one that our grandchildren could take for granted, not believing that people lived any other way, that people went around polluting, destroying, wasting resources, and apparently not caring. But if we want our grandchildren to have a world which is cleaner and safer, we have to start to change our ways. The picture of the future can become a reality but only if we do something about it. And we should do something about it soon.

Below you will find four headings. Each heading describes the contents of one of the paragraphs in the passage. However, since there are eight paragraphs and only four headings, four of the paragraphs will not fit any of the headings below.

You need to choose which heading best describes which paragraph. Write the letter of a paragraph next to the number of the heading 11 -14 on the separate answer sheet.

11. Homes of the future will be more hygienic.

12. We ought to change the way we live.

13. The way we live now damages the world.

14. Future energy needs will be lower and not cause pollution.

Choose option A, B, C or D which best answers the question. Circle the correct letter in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

15. The author's intention in writing the above article was to show ...

A. the sort of future we can expect for our grandchildren.

B. why we should reduce pollution and use energy more efficiently.

C. why we have taken steps to reduce pollution and improve our use of energy.

D. how changes in house design will encourage people to use less polluting energy.

16. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?

A. In the future, houses will be much healthier.

B. In the future, people will produce much less waste.

C. In the future, very few people will own their own car.

D. In the future, the problem of global warming will be better understood.

17. In the passage the author explains ...

A. why using less energy has become more popular.

B. why sources of energy are going to become more scarce.

C. how savings could be made in the way energy is used.

D. how, unless we use less energy, energy costs will rise.

18. In the passage the author DOES NOT explain ...

A. how our cities could be made cleaner.

B. why our use of energy needs to change.

C. why water costs will rise in the future.

D. how the way we live produces global warming.

19. According to the author, one of the differences between our way of life and that of people in the future might be that ...

A. cars will be much cheaper to maintain.

B. fewer people will travel in the cities.

C. cars will have far more safety features.

D. cars will be used less than they are today.

20. The passage describes the homes of the future. Such homes, according to the author, might NOT be built if we ...

A. could not afford the necessary technology.

B. could not find alternative sources of energy.

C. were unable to reduce the amount of waste we produce.

D. failed to agree to make necessary changes in our lives.

Part 3 (15 minutes)

Maximum points - 20

Use of English

Fill in the gaps in the text choosing an appropriate word from the column on the right. Choose one word once only. There are two extra words in the right column which you don’t have to choose. Write the letter which marks the word next to the number of the gap on the answer sheet.

An 11-year-old piano prodigy from Indonesia will appear at the prestigious Newport Jazz Festival after taking the American jazz (21) __________ by storm. Joey Alexander, who releases his debut album My Favorite Things this week, has attracted high (22) __________ from trumpeter and director of Jazz at Lincoln Center Wynton Marsalis, who has said: "There has never been anyone that you can think of who could play like that (23) __________ his age. I loved everything about his playing his rhythm, his confidence, his understanding of the music. " Marsalis said he found out about Bali-born Alexander after a friend suggested he watched a YouTube clip of the then 10-year-old (24) __________ tunes by John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk and Chick Corea. Now, to (25) __________ his debut album, Alexander is set to play at the Montreal and Newport jazz festivals. Newport producer George Wein says he "s always been reluctant to (26) __________ so-called child prodigies, but he made an exception after Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, tennis legend Arthur Ashe" s widow, Alexander over to his Manhattan apartment to ( 27) __________ for him. "The thing that differs him from most young players is the maturity of his harmonic approach," Wein told AP reporter Charles J Gans. "His playing is very contemporary but he also has a (28) __________ of the history of the music." Alexander "s parents were jazz fans and he himself admires the playing (29) __________ Horace Silver, McCoy Tyner, Bill Evans and Brad Mehldau. He also loves the Avengers and SpongeBob Squarepants." For me jazz is a calling. I love jazz because it "s about freedom to express yourself and being spontaneous, full of rhythm and full of improvisation," said the young pianist. "Technique is important, but for me first when I play it" s from the (30) __________ and feeling the groove. I want to develop by practicing and playing, and challenging myself to get better every day, "said Alexander. A) at
B) book
C) for
D) heart
E) of
F) performing
G) play
H) praise
I) promote
J) pushing
K) scene
L) sense
For items 31-40, Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
When you have made the (0) ... to begin exercising, DECIDE
you need more than just enthusiasm - you need to use (31) ... EQUIP
which is high quality, safe and (32) .... The Classic Home RELY
Cycle is a basic model with a (33) ... distance meter and timer. MECHANIC
It has a strong construction and enclosed flywheel for (34) ... SAFE
and both the seat and handlebars are (35) ... to different ADJUST
(36) ... so the user can pedal in the most comfortable position. HIGH
With a rowing machine you can (37) ... the arms and legs as STRONG
well as exercise the back. Brisk rowing is just as (38) ... for EFFECT
burning calories as running at 11 km an hour. The (39) ... REASON
priced Classic Rower has a seat which moves smoothly (40) ... the whole rowing program, and is suitable for all home exercisers. THROUGH

Part 4 (30 minutes)

Maximum points - 10

Comment on the following problem: Modern libraries in the digital age should be different from the libraries of the past.

In your comment use the information from the Internet below.

Modern Libraries

Many people, when asked about libraries, imagine old buildings with heavy bookshelves and dimmed light. Libraries around the world are heading into the future, creating for their patrons a more dynamic, multi-level environment for learning and pleasure.

Enjoy most tremendous examples of how modern libraries are shaping the way we learn and enjoy reading in the digital age.

LiYuan Library, China Built in 2011 in a small village of Huairou on the outskirts of Beijing, this beautiful nature-inspired library was designed by Li Xiaodong. The 175-square-meter building's interior is spatially diverse by using steps and small level changes to create distinct places. The wooden sticks temper the bright light and spread it evenly throughout the space to give a perfect reading ambience. The library has no electricity supply and closes at dusk. Ballyroan Library, Ireland Designed by Box Architecture, the new library in South Dublin opened in early 2013. The new library offers extensive seating and a large study area with many public access computers, as well as printing and photocopying facilities. Free internet is available throughout the building.

Write 100-120 words. Remember to

Make an introduction;

Express your personal opinion on the problem and give reasons for your opinion;

Express your attitude towards the information from the Internet;

Make a conclusion.

Write in your own words.

Similar information.

All-Russian Olympiad in English for schoolchildren.

Municipal stage. 2016-2017 account year

Assignments for grades 7-8

Execution time for all written round competitions - 120 minutes.

The maximum number of points - 73 score

LISTENING - 8 points (1 point for the correct answer), 25 minutes

You will hear eight different situations. For questions 1-8 choose A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. Remember to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

  1. You overhear two friends talking about a TV play.

What did the girl think about the play?

  1. The actors were better than she thought they’d be
  2. The story had an unexpected ending
  3. The costumes were very attractive
  1. You hear two friends talking about a new bicycle. What is the boy's opinion of it?
  1. It is too expensive
  2. It has a strange appearance
  3. It is a little uncomfortable to ride
  1. You hear a teacher talking to a class. What is he telling them about?
  1. A new after-school activity
  2. A homework assignment
  3. A change to their timetable
  1. You hear a girl telling her uncle about a dance event she’s going to take part in?

What is she most excited about?

  1. Meeting new people
  2. Dancing for a large audience
  3. Seeing other dancers perform
  1. You hear a boy talking on his mobile phone. Who is he talking to?
  1. A parent
  2. A friend
  3. A brother or sister
  1. You hear two friends talking about a book they’ve both read.

What do they agree about?

  1. It is very funny in places
  2. It is more for readers who are girls
  3. It has some great drawings
  1. You hear a local radio item about an unusual school.

What is unusual about the school?

  1. The Head is trying to help children break a sporting record
  2. There are more twins than is normal for one year group
  3. A large number of pupils in one class share the same birthday
  1. You hear two friends talking about some new neighbors.

How does the boy feel about them?

  1. Pleased to have different people next door
  2. Happy that the daughter shares his interests.
  3. Glad that they can help his family.

READING - 21 points (1 point for the correct answer), 25 minutes


These young people all want to play tennis during their school holiday. There are descriptions of eight tennis courses. Decide which tennis course would be the most suitable for the following young people.

  1. Sunita needs help to improve her tennis skills, so wants to have individual coaching. She'd like to play tennis outdoors in the mornings and do other activities in the afternoons.
  2. Paul and his brother do not know how to play tennis, so want to spend week learning. They would prefer to be outside in a small group and will need to borrow rackets.
  3. Zoe and her parents enjoy playing tennis together. They'd like to get advice from an expert and want lots of practice. They'd prefer to be near the coast.
  4. Ali is looking for a three-day tennis break in the countryside. He can’t play tennis but he does have all the equipment. He'd like to have fun and meet other teenagers.
  5. Vanessa is a good tennis player and her friends are almost as good. Their tennis course will be for a week during the winter, so they want to be able to play inside.

Tennis Courses.

  1. Weybridge Tennis.
  2. We run two-day, weekend courses all through the summer. Our tennis center is next to one of the most beautiful beaches in the north. You will have the chance to play tennis all day and be taught by very experienced coaches. Unfortunately, this year we are not running any courses for adults.
  1. Gary Dymond's Tennis Center.

We have years of experience teaching beginners tennis and provide all the equipment you’ll need. Because we’re situated in the busy seaside town of Rye there is always something to do when you’re not playing tennis. Our tennis courses are for teenagers only and run throughout the summer, for seven days. Class sizes are kept to a maximum of six.

  1. Match Point.

Join us on our farm where we have six outdoor courts and space for 25 guests. It's the perfect place to enjoy nature and learn a completely new sport. Young people (10 years +) are welcome to stay from two days up to a week. Everyone needs to bring their own rackets, clothes, etc. as only balls are available to buy.

  1. Racket and Ball.

We offer tennis courses for players at all levels in one of the most interesting cities in the country. Tennis sessions run from 9 a.m-12.30 p.m. You can join a group or have one-to-one instruction. After lunch each day we’ll take you to some wonderful places in this amazing city. Our outdoor courts have lights so you can play again in the evenings.

  1. Ace Tennis.

Never played tennis before? Want to find out if you like it before you buy an expensive tennis racket? Why not come to our indoor tennis center for a weekend of fun activities in the mornings and tennis games in the afternoon? Fifty places are available and all equipment is provided.

  1. Lifelong Tennis.

Come to us for year-round tennis courses at our modern tennis school near the town center. Our indoor courts allow us to offer tennis coaching to all levels and age groups whatever the weather. Classes are in groups of 15 and courses run from seven to ten days. Please bring your own rackets and tennis clothes.

  1. Top Tennis.

Our summer courses are for young tennis players who are already very skilled and are thinking of playing professionally. We have a number of experts on our staff who will give advice and coaching throughout the week. This is a serious course for people who want to play from morning to night!

  1. Advantage Tennis Breaks.

Our group courses are for all ages and are designed to help people who can already play strengthen their tennis skills. We have highly-qualified coaches on hand to give you tips and we’ll even video your playing. Our 12 outdoor courts are just five minutes from Fingle beach and classes can be booked between 8.30 a.m -9p.m each day.


Read this e-mail to a pen friend. For questions 6-21 choose the correct words.

Dear Tomo,

You asked me about education in my country. I'm still at(6) school / the school because it’s (7) essential / compulsory here up to the (8) age / year of 16. We go to kindergarten or nursery school first and then we(9) start / join primary school, where we spend seven years, when we’re four or five years of(10) old / age. Now I (11) go / attend a state secondary school which has about 1000(12) pupils / undergraduates ... We have six lessons a day and each subject is(13) taught / learned by a different teacher. We have a lot of homework and projects and, if we(14) lose / miss an important deadline, we have to stay(15) following / after school to finish the work and hand it(16) in / on. We have to wear a uniform until we’re 15 but after that we’re(17) let / allowed to wear our own clothes. When we’re 16 we(18) take / pass some exams. Then we can either(19) leave / depart school or stay on for two more years. During those two years we(20) learn / study just three or four subjects. There are also(21) opportunities / occasions to do vocational courses like hairdressing or mechanics at a college of further education. I haven’t decided what to do yet.

Write back soon.

USE OF ENGLISH - 34 points, 40 minutes

  1. For questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

New York. The Big Apple.

New York, the city 0) in which I live, has 1) .......... inhabitants than any other US city. 2) ………. was originally called “New Amsterdam” but was renamed by the British 3) ………. they conquered the city in 1664. Our city has many landmarks which are 4) ……… .to people all over the world. The Statue of Liberty greeted people 5) ……… .came to the USA a century ago. Wall Street is 6) ………. bankers and financiers do business. Central Park is a peaceful area that’s great 7) ………. relax in. The headquarters of the United Nations is here, too, 8) ………. is why there are so many international diplomats in the city. New York has great theaters, many 9) ……… .which are on Broadway. And when it comes to sport, there are 10) ………. of great facilities. Baseball is the 11) ……… .closely followed sport in the city and we have two big teams. Finally, people 12) ……… .money to spend can go to Fifth Avenue, which is where the top department stores are to be found.

  1. For questions 13-20 replace the underlined words with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.

go out take after set out cut down

run out of come along fall out with smb put smth off

  1. The band are leaving on a European tour next week.
  2. Very soon, the world will have no more fossil fuels.
  3. I would like to have a summer job during my holidays. There aren’t job vacancies at the moment, but the manager promised to let me know if an opportunity becomes available.
  4. We all need to reduce the amount of energy we use.
  5. I'm very like my father, but my brother looks like my uncle.
  6. I can hardly believe my brother is going on a date with somebody.
  7. My friend always invents a few excuses to delay our exam revision.
  8. I am so sad because I have had a disagreement with my friend.
  1. For questions 21- 26 find out which of the names in each line does not belong? Why?


Question: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Anglesey, Liverpool, Sheffield.

Answer: Anglesey is an island, not a city

  1. Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, Times Square.
  2. Ch. Dickens, Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Jane Austen.
  3. Severn, Thames, Trent, Clyde, Snowdon, Tyne.
  4. England, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
  5. Thanksgiving Day, Boxing Day, Bonfire Night, May Day, St. Patrick's Day.
  6. Pennines, Cambrians, Lough Neagh, Grampians.
  7. The Prime Minister, the Queen, the Lord Chancellor, the President.

WRITING -10 points, 30 minutes

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence:Mark shouted to his friends: “Look at it! This is going to be fun! ”

Write your story (120-140 words) on your answer sheet.

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in English

2017-2018 academic year

Assignments for students in grades 9-11


Listen to the conversation and choose the correct variants

1. Jamie… study Math, English and Science at school.

A) can B) must C) likes to D) should not

2. Jamie ... what other subjects to take.

A) knows B) is uncertain C) is sure D) made up his mind

3. Jamie's marks in French are….

A) bad B) excellent C) good D) rather good

4. Jamie can study Spanish if Mrs. Sanchez….

A) doesn’t mind B) is in the staff room C) has lunch D) is against

5. Jamie wants to study… at University.

A) Spanish B) History C) Art D) Business Studies

6. Next year Jamie would like to take….

A) French, History and Art B) Spanish, Business Studies and Art C) Spanish, Business Studies and History D) Spanish, History and Art

7. Jamie’s mother used to be….

A) a dean B) a lecturer C) a teacher D) an artist

8. Jamie is at the top of his school at….

A) History B) French C) Art D) Business Studies

9. Jamie is in a hurry because he wants to….

A) have dinner B) see his friend C) change money D) change his clothes

10. Jamie is talking with….

A) his dad B) Mrs. Sanchez C) Mr. Jones D) French master


Read the text and then answer questions 11-15.

Different Colors can affect us in many different ways; that's according to Verity Allen. In her new series “Color me Healthy”, Verity looks at the ways that colors can influence how hard we work and the choices we make. They can even change our emotions and even influence how healthy we are. "Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colors for the same things?" says Verity. “Our toothpaste is always white or blue or maybe red. It's never green. Why not? For some reason we think that blue and white is clean, while we think of green products as being a bit disgusting. It’s the same for businesses. We respect a company, which writes its name in blue or black, but we don’t respect one that uses pink or orange. People who design new products can use these ideas to influence what we buy. " During this four-part series, Verity studies eight different colors, two colors in each program. She meets people who work in all aspects of the color industry, from people who design food packets, to people who name the colors of lipsticks. Some of the people she meets clearly have very little scientific knowledge to support their ideas, such as the American “Color Doctor” who believes that serious diseases can be cured by the use of colored lights. However, she also interviews real scientists who are studying the effects of green and red lights on mice, with some surprising results. Overall, it’s an interesting show, and anyone who watches it will probably find out something new. But because Verity is goes out of her way to be polite to everyone she meets on the series, it’s up to the viewers to make their own decisions about how much they should believe.

11. What is the writer doing in this text?

  1. giving information about how colors influence us
  2. reporting what happens in a new television series
  3. giving information about a television presenter
  4. giving his opinion of a recent television show

12. Which of the following shows the probable content of the four shows?

  1. Part 1 - Health; Part 2 - Products and Industry; Part 3 - Emotions; Part 4 - Decisions
  2. Part 1 - Blue and Black; Part 2 - Red and Orange; Part 3 - White and Gray; Part 4 - Green and Yellow
  3. Part 1 - Meeting Designers; Part 2 - Meeting People who Name Colors; Part 3 - Meeting Doctors; Part 4 - Meeting Scientists
  4. Part 1 - Cleaning Products; Part 2 - Make-up; Part 3 - Clothes; Part 4 - Food

13. According to Verity, why is a knowledge of color important?

  1. It can help you to choose the best products.
  2. It can give you new ideas.
  3. It can help you to change people’s minds.
  4. It can help you to sell products.

14. Who does the writer respect least?

  1. Verity allen
  2. The people who name lipsticks
  3. The "Color Doctor"
  4. The scientists who work with mice

15. Which of the following would make a good title for the text?

  1. Enjoy it, but don’t believe everything.
  2. Another great show from Verity Allen! Five Stars!
  3. Don’t miss this if you work in Business!
  4. Watch this program! It will make you healthy!

Match the following headings with the sections of the text below, one heading is extra.

This museum tells you about the history of

A. Industry
B. Science
C. Toys
D. Costumes
E. A city
F. Transport
G. Canals

16. Step inside this magical 1850s "Cinema" for an exciting tour of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. As the lights go down a brilliant moving image of the capital appears before you, while the guide tells the story of Edinburgh "s historic past.

17. The National Waterways Museum of Gloucester brings to life the time when Britain "s waterways were dug between towns. Transport by these ways was cheaper than transport by land. Many exhibits give visitors the chance to relive the Age which helped to revolutionize Britain" s water system.

18. Black Country Museum is an open-air museum. Your visit there is always exciting and enjoyable. Guides in national costumes and working demonstrators tell visitors a story of the time when different machines were invented in Britain and factories began to develop very quickly.

19. Travel through time and discover the colorful story of travel. See shiny buses, tube trains and trams of different centuries. As you step into the past you "ll meet people who" ve kept London moving for 200 years. Hold tight as you put yourself in the driving seat and enjoy your journey.

20. This museum is full of wonderful models of trains, buses, ships and cars. See the 1920s model Story Land Park and play the old slot-machines. It also has a nursery of the beginning of the 20th century. The wonderful collection of dolls contains different marionettes from Ancient Roman Gladiator doll to figures of today.

21. This museum illustrates the development of human knowledge through different instruments. The museum has a clockwork model of the solar system from1750 as well as microscopes, telescopes, navigation instruments, electrical machines and tools.


Read the text and decide which answer - A, B, C or D - best fits each space (22 -31).

The montessori method

From the moment we are born, we start learning about the world around us. We learn a great deal of things over a very short period of time, and this forms the foundation of all our future learning.
22) ……. to the age of six, we are extremely sensitive and we develop the important skills that will prepare us for 23) ……. life. Therefore, it is very important to have a good preschool program 24) .. ……. helps us to develop hand-eye co-ordination and problem-solving abilities, as well as exposing us to a 25) ……. variety of stimuli and materials. Maria Montessori developed 26) ……. a program, which helps children to 27) ……. their intelligence and independence.The Montessori Method, as it is 28) ……. , combines practical activities, which stimulate the senses of touch and smell, with mathematical and language development activities. The children are completely 29) ……. to choose which activity to 30) ……. in and when, thus encouraging self-confidence and independence. This 31) ……. to teaching is very popular with many parents of young children, as it involves learning which uses all the senses during those important early years.

  1. A Up
  2. A after
  3. A what
  4. A broad
  5. A so
  6. A expand
  7. A known
  8. A open
  9. A play
  10. A way

B Over

B next

B when

B far

B such

B increase

B called

B free

B do

B system

C Near

C later

C which

C rich

C quite

C develop

C titled

C able

C participate

C approach

D Above

D older

D who

D wide

D many

D improve

D branded

D allowed

D take

D method

Read the text and complete it with the correct forms of the words.

Francisco goya

32 Francisco Goya _________ in Zaragoza, where he was born, and later moved to Madrid. STUDY

33 His early works convey the freedom and charm of popular life, but after his _________ as painter to the court, where he was a great favorite, APPOINT

34 he became ________________ somber. INCREASE

35 His etchings of the disasters of war, witches, and monsters were the reactions of a sensitive man __________ by the events of his time. APPALL

36 He went deaf at 60, after which his work becomes steadily more melancholic. His extraordinary candor in some royal portraits, where he employs exquisite technique to depict a family, has few___________ in commissioned art. PARALLEL

37 He _________permission to depart for France in 1824 and died in Bordeaux at the age of 82. GIVE

38 Few artists __________such a variety of work. COMPOSE


39. Comment on the following statement:

The Internet is the best source of information.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 100 -120 words.

Remember to

Make an introduction

Express your personal opinion and give reasons for your opinion

Make a conclusion

Evaluation criteria

Listening, Reading, Use of English -the maximum number of points is 38. The task is checked by keys. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. For an incorrect answer or no answer, 0 points are given.



10 C


11 B

12 B

13 D

14 C

15 A

16 E

17 G

18 A

19 F

20 C

21 B

Use of English

22 A

23 C

24 C

25 D

26 B

27 C

28 B

29 B

30 C

31 C

32 studied

33 appointment

34 increasingly

35 appalled

36 parallels

37 was given

38 have composed

Scale of assessment criteria "Writing"

Maximum points: 20


(for content)

(maximum 10 points)

CLEARANCE (maximum 10 points)


(maximum 2 points)


(maximum 2 points)


(maximum 2 points)


(maximum 2 points)

Spelling and punctuation

(maximum 2 points)


The communicative task is fully completed taking into account the purpose of the statement and the addressee. The topic is fully disclosed. The participant demonstrates an original approach to the disclosure of the topic.

2 points

The work has no mistakes in terms of composition.

2 points

The participant demonstrates a rich vocabulary necessary for disclosing a topic, an accurate choice of words and an adequate mastery of lexical compatibility. The work has no errors in terms of lexical design.

2 points

The participant demonstrates the competent and appropriate use of the structures necessary for the disclosure of the topic.

The work has no errors in terms of grammatical design.

2 points

The participant demonstrates mastery of the genres of writing. The text is formatted in accordance with the requirements for an official and unofficial letter. The work has no mistakes in terms of styling.

2 points

The participant demonstrates proficiency in spelling and punctuation skills.

The work has no errors in terms of spelling and punctuation.

The communicative task is completed taking into account the purpose of the statement and the addressee. The topic is fully disclosed, however, the work lacks originality in the disclosure of the topic.

1 point

In general, the text has a clear structure corresponding to the given topic. The text is divided into paragraphs. There are connecting elements in the text. Minor violations of the structure, logic or coherence of the text are allowed

1 point

In general, the lexical composition of the text corresponds to the given topic, however, there are inaccuracies in the choice of words and lexical compatibility, which do not impede the understanding of the text. Or: standard, monotonous vocabulary is used.

1 point

The text contains a number of minor grammatical and / or syntactic errors that do not impede the general understanding of the text.

1 point

The participant as a whole demonstrates mastery of the genres of written speech, however, there are minor violations of stylistic unity in the text.

1 point

The text contains spelling and / or punctuation errors that do not impede the general understanding of the text.

The communicative task as a whole is completed, but there are some violations of the integrity of the content. The topic is not fully disclosed: not all the necessary arguments and / or facts are given.

The communicative task is partially completed. The content of the text does not fully correspond to the given topic or the volume of work is less than 50% of the given.

0 points

The text has no clear logical structure. There are serious violations of the coherence of the text and / or numerous errors in the use of logical means of communication.

0 points

The participant demonstrates extremely limited vocabulary. Or: there are numerous mistakes in the use of vocabulary that make it difficult to understand the text.

0 points

The text contains numerous errors that make it difficult to understand.

0 points

The text is not designed in accordance with the requirements of the genre. Or: there are significant violations of stylistic unity in the text.

0 points

The text contains numerous spelling and / or punctuation errors that make it difficult to understand.

Communication task not completed. Text content not answers the given topic.

Center for Talent Development "Mega-Talent" invites you to take part in the All-Russian Olympiad in English. The mission of the MDG "Mega-Talent" is to reveal the ability to cognize and learn. Our educational activities help pupils and students in their learning and personal development.

MDG "Mega-Talent" is:

  • More than 400 successful Olympiads in 47 school subjects.
  • 20,000 students from 12 countries among the participants in the English language Olympiads.
  • 2.5 million rubles of compensations paid for organizational expenses.
  • A community of educators united by a common goal.

Moving towards the teacher

We strive to reduce difficulties and destroy obstacles! That is why in organizing and conducting the Olympiad, we have simplified everything to 5 simple steps.

  1. The teacher gets access to assignments for all classes and conducts an Olympiad.
  2. Students receive well-deserved diplomas, and teachers receive certificates and gratitude.
  3. Compensation for organizational expenses is paid.
  4. The most active teachers receive prizes every month.
  5. At all stages of the Olympiad, the teacher can contact the support service for help.

Remote All-Russian and International Olympiads from the RTC "Mega-Talent" in English

The remote format has many advantages. The teacher can hold the Olympiad on the basis of his educational institution, thereby ensuring maximum comfort for the participants. Such a "home" environment allows pupils and students to fully concentrate on the tasks of the Olympiad.

All tasks are based on the school curriculum, and the Olympiad itself adheres to the high standards of the Federal State Educational Standard. Such an event is a great opportunity to prove yourself for both the teacher and the student.

Each class has its own set of 15 questions. Among them:

  • Test tasks
  • Questions involving analysis of the proposed data
  • Working with illustrative materials
  • Questions on the deletion and matching of data series

The cost of participation in the English Olympiad

The registration fee is set separately for each Olympiad. Up to 30% of the registration fee is returned to the teacher in the form of compensation for organizational costs: printing assignments, diplomas, certificates, etc. More details on how the amount of compensation is calculated can be found at the time of application.

How often are English Olympiads held?

In total, there are three seasons of the All-Russian Olympiads (autumn, winter and spring), three international seasons, which are held in the intervals between the All-Russian ones, as well as the final Olympiad at the end of the year. The teacher can choose a suitable period for him and hold the Olympiad at a convenient time for himself. You can read more about what events are being held right now.on the schedule page of the MDG "Mega-Talent" .

How are results determined?

After the Olympiad, the teacher enters the answers of the participants in his personal account... The system processes this data and determines the winners. Along with this, all award materials become available: diplomas of the winners, certificates of participants, as well as the corresponding certificate for the teacher.

How to organize an Olympiad for your pupils or students?

  1. A registered user of the Mega-Tallant RTC submits an application for participation and confirms it by paying the registration fee.
  2. During the issuance of tasks, the user downloads the tasks of the Olympiad in his personal account.
  3. The tasks are printed out and the Olympiad is held.
  4. The answers of the participants are entered in the user's personal account in the system database.
  5. The system checks the participants' work and publishes the results on the website.
  6. The user gets at his disposal all the award materials.

How to pay registration fee?

We made sure that you have the opportunity to use a convenient payment method.

  • bank card
  • Russian Post receipt
  • electronic payment systems
  • Qiwi wallet

All this can be used to pay the registration fee.

Participation in the Olympiad for residents of the CIS and neighboring countries

Anyone who is fluent in Russian can take part in the international correspondence Olympiads of the RTC "Mega-Talent". Still have questions? Surely the answer is ... If it is not there, please contact our responsive and responsive support team. Not a single appeal will be left without attention.