Orthopedic instep supports for shoes. How to choose orthopedic insoles for transverse and longitudinal flat feet - expert advice Preventive gel, silicone and frame insoles

Many people have heard about arch supports. But it is necessary for those who have pain in their legs and the doctor suggests wearing orthopedic insoles.

A good instep support is a piece product. It is as unique as your foot is unique in this world. We select glasses for each eye individually, we do not buy dentures ready-made at the pharmacy, but make them to order from a prosthetist-dentist, and corrective insoles must be made for each individual foot, according to an individual cast. Insoles can be soft or hard, for the entire foot or just under the heel, to compensate for the shortening of the limb or its “clubfoot”.

Flat feet are a pronation of the foot, so it is necessary to give it the opposite direction. And here the role of this, as we called it, passive support provided by the arch support is very important. The “active life position” of the muscles of the foot and lower leg and the correct biomechanics of each of our steps, as well as our general condition and well-being, depend on how it is carried out.

Orthopedic devices (insoles, arch supports, special shoes), in addition to unloading the arches, perform another important function - they correctly position the foot along the axis.

Where can you order these? The best examples of such products are produced by several leading orthopedic companies in the USA. Oddly enough, real orthotics are a quintessentially American product. The insoles are of high quality and are durable to wear.

Correction of a pronated foot:
normal foot position (o), with flat feet (b) and after correction with an arch support (c)

A serious branch of the medical industry in the United States is engaged in the production of high-tech products for the correction of almost any pathology of the legs. By the way, in the USA there are specialists - orthopedists who specialize only in diseases of the legs - they are called podiatrists (from the Latin podis - “feet”, iatros - “doctor”), and they have more than enough work.

The peculiarity of corrective insoles is not easy to use the latest materials and technology, not only in working on individual casts, not in a reliable quality guarantee, but - most importantly - in the ability to satisfy any request, to help with any foot disease. And - literally to every patient: a child or an old person; diabetic; a patient with bone deformities or ulcers; disabled person with amputated fingers, with paralytic or spastic contractures.

Among the sports products there are special insoles for long jumpers, high jumpers, marathon runners, football players, weightlifters...

Coverage, color, model - in each specific case you can choose whatever you want. You can use leather and cork. Or you can - modern synthetic materials with specified properties, which in their parameters are superior to natural ones, “breathe”, last longer and (which is important) are not saturated with natural odors.

I know these products well and talk about them in such detail because I myself trained in America at one of these orthopedic enterprises. I saw with my own eyes how meticulously each insole is made, how accurately all the doctor’s recommendations indicated on the cast and its description are followed. Believe me, this is a very difficult and painstaking handmade. That is why it gives such an amazing healing effect.

These insoles are not produced anywhere except in the USA. Even in Europe. I constantly attend international exhibitions of medical equipment and none of the companies that produce instep supports can compare with the Americans in the quality of their products.

But where is America, and where are we? What should we do, Russians? We also accept orders for corrective insoles. In Russia they make casts, and from them, in the USA, they make the insoles themselves. What can you do - patients cannot wait for the domestic medical industry to start working efficiently.

In fairness, I must note the very fruitful efforts of one Russian company with which I also cooperate. She established the production of corrective insoles and shoes based on individual casts.

And now I will talk about which corrective insoles are suitable for certain categories of patients.

Rigid instep supports are made of steel, graphite or special plastics. Steel corrective insoles are suitable for obese people whose weight exceeds one hundred kilograms. Rigid insoles hold the arches in the correct position and, by unloading them, thereby help relieve pain from overstraining the ligaments, as well as relieve pain in that very bone at the base of the big toe, which I already mentioned.

Semi-rigid insoles are made from flexible plastics and help relieve tension in the soft tissues of the foot. Your feet feel like wearing soft slippers and don’t feel the impact of your feet on the ground so much. These insoles are made of flexible plastic, and they absorb the vibrations of the foot when walking. One of my patients, who constantly suffered from twisted feet and sprained ankles, ordered just these, and they helped solve a problem that had plagued her for many years.

Types of arch supports:
a - hard; b- semi-rigid; c - soft; g - preventive

Soft insoles will help those who suffer from corns or calluses on the plantar part of the foot. They are especially recommended for patients with diabetes, as they help avoid foot abrasion. These insoles are like a pillow for the foot. They are made on a special sponge or foam base.

Preventive insoles. Their task is to help a normal foot remain in the same excellent condition for as long as possible. The insoles control that there is no weakening of the arches of the feet or their compression. These insoles are made from leather, cork, or foam material. The doctor will advise which one to choose.

My patients often ask: is it necessary to choose shoes one size larger when inserting corrective insoles into shoes?

This is an important question, because in this case you will have to update your entire shoe “wardrobe”. If the foot is not very deformed, then the insoles fit perfectly into shoes of the usual size. Another thing is advanced flat feet, strongly protruding bones at the base of the big toe, and deformed toes. Of course, your shoes may need to be changed here. But be that as it may, from now on you will come to the shoe store, taking corrective insoles with you.

When choosing shoes, insert these insoles into new shoes or boots and try them on along with arch supports. It fits, doesn't feel too tight - the new thing is yours.

If you have been diagnosed with flat feet, the question of what to wear should concern you more than famous shoe fashion houses. Because their business is to offer what is fashionable, and yours is to choose what is useful to you.

What are the criteria for choosing good shoes?

  • Always leather upper. Preferably leather bottom (sole).
  • The heel is low. No "platforms". Wide toe.
  • The sole is flexible.
  • Good leather quality: none unpleasant odor, shedding of the outer layer, cracks. Well-dressed and dyed leather does not stain your hands when you pick it up, or your socks when you put it on. Genuine leather helps prevent allergies, abrasions and, oddly enough, orthopedic diseases. Bad skin does not support the foot well.

In short, the best shoes are soft leather shoes with flexible soles and low heels. Sneakers too (if they're not fake) good company). Make your own conclusion and choice.

Attention! The medical encyclopedia is provided on the site for informational purposes only, and is not a guide for self-medication.

  • Pozvonok.Ru is not responsible for possible consequences from applying the information provided in this section. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor!
  • You can view everything that can be purchased from us via this link in the online store. Please do not call us about purchasing items that are not available in the online store.

Every person spends a lot of time on the move. Most often, the legs get tired from the load. Orthopedic insoles will help cope with this.

Why do you need shoe insoles?

Orthopedic insoles are designed to improve blood circulation in the legs, eliminate pain and discomfort, reducing the load when moving. They are extremely necessary for women who wear high heels. For such shoes, half-insoles, longitudinal and transverse products are provided. They are made of thin material so that they do not take up much space in shoes. Why are insoles needed in such shoes? With heels over 7 cm, the entire load goes to the toes, and heel support is lost. Over time, this creates a feeling of heaviness, calluses and corns appear.

A heel spur is a disease of the plantar fascia, which is characterized by an inflammatory process. The consequence is a bone growth at the site of attachment of the tendon to the heel bone.

Factors that provoke the disease are: longitudinal flat feet, excess weight, diabetes, increased loads, etc.

The main symptom of heel spurs is pain during movement. If a disease is detected, the specialist prescribes drug treatment, massage, warming compresses and a set of therapeutic exercises.

Orthotics are very important in the treatment of heel spurs. Their main task is to support the foot during walking. They are made of leather, felt or leatherette.

There are special heel pads, which are a type of product. They are not made from synthetic materials. There are such heel pads as:

  1. Shock-absorbing: used by people with heel spurs or arthrosis, the product has a round shape, sometimes wedge-shaped. This product reduces the load on the heel and foot as a whole.
  2. Gel with sides: made of medical silicone. The product gives the foot the desired position in the shoe, creating comfort while walking.

Doctors know what types of insoles there are. They recommend using silicone products as preventative measure flat feet. These products are used by people with cracked and dry skin on their feet, suffering from psoriasis and heel spurs. With them, the foot does not slip in the shoe and does not spring back, because the material is elastic. The leg muscles are in a relaxed state, fatigue does not occur, and walking is comfortable.

Orthopedic insoles for adults made of silicone have an antibacterial surface, therefore the likelihood of fungal disease is significantly reduced. Such products absorb moisture well, so they are suitable for those who play sports and often wear sneakers or sneakers. It won't happen with them bad smell from the legs. Custom orthopedic insoles made of silicone are very durable and practical to use. They have a porous structure and are easy to use for open shoes.

Silicone products have the following contraindications:

  • cannot be worn if there are wounds on the legs;
  • use more than 16 hours a day.

Although the manufacturer indicates an unlimited shelf life on the packaging of most products, it is important to remember that it is advisable to use them for no more than 3 months.

It is worth paying attention to the care of the product, then it will last longer. First of all, the products must be washed with water. room temperature using soap. After the procedure, they should be blotted with a soft cloth. They need to be dried naturally; the sun's rays should not fall on the insoles, as this is very harmful.

The stores offer various types of orthopedic insoles, among which gel and frame insoles are popular. Gel insoles are an alternative to silicone products. If you wear shoes with such insoles regularly, swelling in the legs goes away, and the person stops being bothered by pain in the legs and back. Benefits gel insoles are considered:

  • high hygiene;
  • easy care;
  • elasticity of the material;
  • can take any shape of the foot;
  • transparency, so they can be worn in any shoe.

The main secret of such insoles is that they have special places in which the gel is located. It is evenly distributed throughout the product, as a result of which the load on the legs is reduced.

How to wear such products correctly? Before use, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the shoes and dry them completely. Shoes should not have any insoles; gel orthopedic ones cannot be worn with regular ones. In the first couple of weeks, your feet get used to the new product, so you shouldn’t walk in them for more than 2 hours a day. They should be washed by hand in warm water, but not too hot, using soap.

Frame insoles are products with a rigid base, thanks to which the foot has reliable support. They do not lose their shape for a long time, therefore they are indispensable in everyday use. These products are designed for people with high arches. There is a special longitudinal instep support in shoes with such insoles that supports the foot. Many models have a shock-absorbing cushion that absorbs shock. They are designed for walking for long periods of time or standing on your feet for several hours.

Arch support insoles

There are 2 types of insoles designed for use by people with flat feet: longitudinal and transverse. Their main differences are the layout of the vaults. Insoles for people with transverse flat feet are made with a metatarsal pad in the area where the arch of the foot is located. To neutralize the compacted longitudinal arch, the product has 2 wedges that are located under the heel and forefoot. Such products improve blood flow in the legs and reduce stress on the joints.

These products can be made for people with combined flat feet. They are called longitudinal-transverse. It is important to consider that in severe cases of the disease, you need to choose insoles with the most serious design.

Some orthopedic doctors categorically do not recommend wearing mass-produced insoles. They are best used by older people and those with diabetes. You cannot purchase ready-made insoles for children. The best option are custom-made orthopedic insoles.

Their advantages are:

  • supporting the foot in the correct position;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • relieving the load on the spine and joints, thanks to shock-absorbing material;
  • correcting incorrect posture;
  • reducing fatigue and discomfort;
  • improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

In order for the order to be completed correctly, a person must first stand on a platform that is connected to a computer with a special program. The information received is displayed on the screen, from which the specialist determines which places he will visit highest pressure. He makes insoles taking into account the direction and curve of the foot so that the product fits the patient perfectly. The doctor measures a person’s height and weight, learns about his lifestyle and the state of his body as a whole, and inquires about the type of shoes he most often wears. The specialist takes measurements of both feet, since they differ in parameters.

Your doctor will tell you how to wear orthopedic insoles and insoles. You can wear them in any closed shoes. It is strictly forbidden to use other people's products to avoid becoming infected with fungus. For the cold season, products with insulation can be manufactured.

Thanks to modern technologies Custom insoles can be produced within 15 minutes.

Leather as a material for manufacturing

Leather products are intended for people with transverse flat feet. Thanks to the plastic frame, the load is distributed evenly on the foot, reducing fatigue and pain in the legs. These insoles allow your feet to breathe and absorb moisture due to the perforated genuine leather.

Leather insoles should be worn by people with heel spurs, varicose veins and swelling of the legs. They are useful for preventing flat feet and for patients suffering from any spinal disease. Leather products have an unlimited shelf life; they should be worn for no more than 1 year.

Caring for leather insoles is quite simple: you need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth and dry naturally. It is important to remember that sunlight should not fall on the insoles; it is better to store them in a cool and dark place.

When choosing insoles, you need to consider the size and how the foot looks. You should walk around the store in them a little to understand whether you are comfortable with them or whether you need to choose others.

High quality products are made of natural and durable material.

One of the unsuccessful purchase options is a product made of leatherette. Feet quickly sweat in them, and an unpleasant odor appears.

In silicone insoles, you need to pay attention to the fact that they have a material coating.

To determine whether insoles bring a positive effect for foot disease, you need to use them for 5-7 days; if they are chosen correctly, the condition of the feet will improve, and signs of flat feet should decrease.

If swelling appears on the legs while using the product, then you need to replace it with another one. But tight shoes can also be a problem.

They say that by looking into a person's eyes, you can see the reflection of his soul. Orthopedists are confident that by looking at the legs and gait, one can draw many conclusions about the health of the whole body. All the main work of movement falls on the joints of the foot, which is why they are the ones that suffer first. To rid yourself of existing foot problems or prevent their possible occurrence, you should use orthopedic insoles with arch supports. What are they and what are they for? This article will help answer these questions.

What are orthopedic insoles

Insoles with arch support are special shoe inserts that have a texture that ensures the natural position of the foot throughout the entire wear. This may not seem like a big deal, but having the right insoles is one of the keys to treating most foot problems. These types of products do not allow the foot to take an incorrect position, and also guarantee correct distribution of the load. A healthy foot is capable of independently shock-absorbing the body while walking, but some diseases deprive it of this important property for health. If you constantly wear inserts, this problem is solved and no longer poses a danger to the joints, does not overload the ankle, does not distort the gait, and may even disappear over time. That is, if people use shoes with orthopedic insoles, they not only do not feel discomfort, but also receive a therapeutic effect.

The first description of orthopedic insoles, dating back to the beginning of the twentieth century, can be found in the medical literature. They were called “arch support” and were prescribed only in very difficult cases. Such treatment was not cheap, because the inserts could be made to order. Shoe masters or specialists from the prosthetics department could take on such work. Today in the production of arch supports they use soft fabrics which provide wearing comfort.

In order to get sensations that are as close to natural as possible while walking, each customer can choose the desired height of the instep support, the size of the rolling sections, the strap, the heel cavity and wedges. These products can often be made from materials with a porous structure - they will quickly help you feel lightness when moving and improve the condition of your feet.

Arch supports are a special type of orthopedic products that are used in the treatment and prevention of flat feet. Orthopedic instep supports are divided into 2 types: some are used to correct longitudinal arches, and others correct the transverse arch of the feet.

The key difference between arch supports is the arch layout. Transverse insoles have a metatarsal cap in the area of ​​the longitudinal arch. To prevent the compacted longitudinal arches from putting excessive stress on the foot, the instep support has 2 wedges located under the heels and at the base of the toes. The physiologically correct design of the insole improves blood circulation in the lower extremities and facilitates movement. There are insoles for people suffering from combined flat feet. They effectively relieve stress from the heel and longitudinal arch, as well as from the transverse arch.

Main tasks of orthopedic products

The health of the musculoskeletal system as a whole depends on how correctly the foot is formed. Therefore, many parents, without waiting for problems from the very first pair of shoes, pay attention to ensuring that they comply with orthopedic standards. Almost any shoe for an adult or child can help the foot take its natural position. Prevention with orthopedic insoles will reliably protect against pain while walking, flat feet and foot deformities.

The products provide support to the weakest areas prone to disease and ensure even distribution of the load, which allows you to spend a whole working day in a standing position without experiencing discomfort. Therapeutic orthopedic insoles can prevent further development of the emerging pathology, as well as improve the current condition. You can forget about:

  • calluses and corns;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • decreased skin sensitivity;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • tired feet;
  • pain in the joints, spine and knees (if they are caused by foot diseases).

Types of insoles

Based on the intended purpose, two main types of orthopedic products can be distinguished.


If after a visit to the orthopedist no pathologies are identified, but fatigue remains in the legs after a long walk, we recommend purchasing preventive insoles. This product will be a real salvation for people who, due to their occupation, are subject to overload of the leg joints. If you are forced to stand for a long time or constantly move, there is a significant overload of the arch of the foot, which sooner or later will lead to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is better to take care of your health in advance and make life easier with the help of comfortable soft orthopedic inserts.

Preventive insoles are in particular demand among pregnant women, because the load on the spine and feet is considerable, which means they need support. Sellers or hairdressers also often use these products. Athletes, models and people suffering from varicose veins all need insoles that relieve pressure on the foot and ensure good blood flow. Depending on your budget and personal preferences, you can choose options made from leather or foam porous material.


Orthopedic insoles with arch support are indicated for diseases that are associated with changes in the bone skeleton and numbness of the feet due to poor blood circulation. Corrective insoles are also prescribed for heel spurs, arthritis, and osteoarthritis. It is important to remember that in the first days there may be pain in the legs. This is not surprising, because the treatment is associated with placing the deformed feet in a physiological position, which does not go unnoticed. Muscle tissues and bones change their position, the load on them changes, which causes pain. Only a doctor can prescribe insoles, after which the custom production separately for each patient.

For what diseases is the use of insoles indicated?

The use of orthopedic products is indicated in the presence of various diseases. Let's look at some of them.

This disease affects approximately 65% ​​of the population. Many people do not notice the problem until it causes serious consequences, including curvature of the spine, diseases of the hip and ankle joints. The longitudinal and transverse arches of the feet are designed to lighten the load and absorb the body when moving, but when the bones are deformed, they can no longer cope with their functions, the entire load falls on the spine, which significantly aggravates the course of concomitant diseases. How to choose insoles for flat feet? We hasten to warn you that this task can only be done by a doctor, and if you contact him in a timely manner, you can completely get rid of the pathology.


Ostearthritis of the joints, as a consequence of flat feet, is manifested by acute pain and impaired motor ability. This, in turn, often leads to scoliosis and osteochondrosis. For all of the listed pathologies, one of the key points in treatment will be insoles selected by the doctor, which will restore the natural position of the bones of the feet, provide shock absorption, evenly distribute the load, and correct the difference in the length of the lower extremities.

Heel spurs

Orthotics are an important part of the conservative treatment of foot disorders. Their function is the correct distribution of body weight on the foot and its physiologically correct positioning. The products are used for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of diseases in which the physiological shock-absorbing ability of the foot is lost.

How to choose the right orthopedic insoles for an adult for the treatment of diseases or prevention? What should you pay attention to when choosing them? What types of insoles are there? How should they be worn? Which products are better - ready-made or customized? How to choose orthopedic insoles for a child? Below we will answer all the questions.

Types of orthopedic insoles by purpose

There are several types of orthopedic insoles depending on the purpose of wearing.

Prevention models

If there is no disease, but your legs get tired, it is recommended to choose preventive orthopedic products. They are designed to relieve stress during walking and prolonged standing. They are soft in structure and should provide comfort. They are made from leather or foam. This type of product is intended for people who temporarily or permanently experience stress on their legs:

  • it is recommended to choose such orthopedic products during pregnancy;
  • during work associated with excessive overload (hairdressers, salespeople);
  • athletes;
  • with varicose veins;
  • you can choose orthopedic products for flat feet initial stage;
  • amateurs high heels can also choose these orthopedic models.

Comfortable models

  • wide foot;
  • deformation of fingers;
  • flat feet III–IV degree.

Treatment models

Their name itself speaks for itself. It is recommended to choose these orthopedic products for those who already have changes in the bones of the foot and impaired blood supply to the lower extremities. When using them, pain may occur. This is due to the fact that orthopedic therapeutic insoles try to return the deformed foot to its physiological position. Tension of ligaments and muscles is accompanied by pain.

It is recommended to choose therapeutic orthopedic products for the following diseases:

  • plantar fasciitis (heel spur);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • flat feet;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • clubfoot, varus deformity or plano-valgus foot in children.

How to choose therapeutic orthopedic insoles for an adult or a child? - as when choosing any remedy, this should only be done by a doctor, in this case an orthopedist. As a result of constant wear, medicinal products relieve inflammation, eliminate fatigue and pain in the legs. They also prevent diseases of the feet, large joints and spine.

Types of therapeutic orthopedic insoles

By functional purpose medicinal products are divided into several types:

  • corrective;
  • unloading;
  • vault-supporting;
  • arch-forming.

The therapeutic effect of each orthopedic product follows from the name. The purpose of the corrective model is to correct the position of the foot relative to the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, their design contains additional parts - instep supports, pelota and high sides. Therapeutic models are designed to relieve pain, increase leg endurance, and correct the biomechanics of the foot.

Arch support orthotics should be chosen to reduce stress on the foot. They relieve pain and increase leg endurance during exercise.

Arch shaping models should be chosen to smoothly transform the arch of the foot. They are used in children's orthopedic products for existing flat feet.

Unloading insoles should be chosen if you need to redistribute the load from problem areas evenly across the entire foot. This is achieved by special recesses and bulges. They help to avoid contact of the painful area of ​​the sole with the product. Materials of different density and composition relieve the load on the arch of the foot when walking and standing for long periods of time.

How to choose orthopedic insoles according to markings

When buying insoles, you will notice letter and number symbols on them. Each label is intended to be worn for a specific disease. Some products are used when changing the position of the foot - supination, that is, turning the foot inward, or pronation - turning it outward.

Types of orthopedic insoles by design

The therapeutic effect of orthopedic insoles largely depends on the material used by manufacturers.

The following orthopedic models are available:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • combined;
  • half-insoles are produced for lovers of high-heeled shoes;
  • frame;
  • children's models.

People with flat feet often use insoles. The patient can choose the appropriate model after consulting an orthopedic doctor. For longitudinal flat feet, insoles are chosen in which the inserts go along the foot. For transverse flat feet, insoles with pads are used. Patients with combined flat feet need insoles with pads and arch supports.

How to choose and wear orthopedic insoles

Products of different designs are produced for winter and summer shoes. Insulated models can be selected with fur. Manufacturers produce products for sandals or sandals that are thin and barely noticeable to the eye. They are attached to the shoes with an adhesive base.

Who needs orthotics?

  1. Preventive models made of leather, elastic foam or cork will relieve pain in the feet of lovers of high heels.
  2. For people weighing more than 100 kg, who often have foot deformities, rigid insoles made of plastic, metal or graphite are recommended.
  3. Soft models made of material with a porous structure will help get rid of calluses and corns.
  4. If the ankle joint is unstable or the foot often twists, semi-rigid models made of flexible plastic are suitable.
  5. Thermoplastic models that mold to the shape of the foot when exposed to heat are ideal for children.
  6. For heel spurs, rigid orthopedic types of products are selected.
  7. For diabetics, two-layer products are suitable to prevent the formation of calluses.
  8. For flat feet, models are selected for the transverse or longitudinal arch of the foot.
  9. If you have pain in your feet, you should choose soft insoles made of felt or wool.
  10. People in professions that involve standing on their feet for a long time (hairdressers, salespeople) should choose rigid frame insoles.
  11. For sports shoes, select a product without a frame.

People can choose preventive insoles for themselves. They can be worn immediately all the time or during exercise. Silicone insoles should not be used for more than 16 hours a day. They are not used for wounds on the foot.

Important! Before inserting orthopedic insoles into shoes, the factory pads must be removed.

The mode of wearing insoles is determined by an orthopedist. It is not recommended to wear newly purchased therapeutic insoles all the time, because they can chafe. At first they are worn for 10–15 minutes, gradually increasing the time. When the foot adapts, it can be used several hours a day.

What to look for when choosing insoles

When planning to go shopping, you need to take with you the shoes in which the insole will be used. Besides profile choice, you need to pay attention to the following details of the product.

It is preferable to choose models from polymer materials, leather or cork.

How to choose for a heel spur

Insoles for the treatment of plantar fasciitis are used in regular shoes. If there is a heel, it should not be more than 4–5 cm high.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for heel spurs? When purchasing, you need to focus on the following criteria.

  1. The rigid frame of orthopedic insoles forms an instep support inside to support the longitudinal arch. It is designed to relieve stress from the plantar fascia and distribute it evenly throughout the foot.
  2. The insole must have a heel shock absorber. Its function is to relieve the shock load on the heel.
  3. For combined flat feet, the insole should also have a metatarsal pad - a pad under the metatarsal bones. It is needed to support the transverse arch.

On the recommendation of a doctor, the model may have special wedges under the heel if there is supination or pronation of the foot. Rigid orthopedic insoles correctly distribute the load on the foot. Thanks to this, the kinetics of the foot improves and pain decreases. During fitting, you need to pay attention to the fact that the toes of the shoes move freely, and that the insole protrudes beyond the phalanges by 1 cm.

How to choose for longitudinal flat feet

How to choose orthopedic insoles for longitudinal flat feet? Experts believe that best material for the manufacture of this type of product - high-temperature plastic. It compensates well for the sagging of the arch of the foot and keeps the heel in the correct position.

The main requirement in the design of an insole for longitudinal flat feet is the presence of an instep support. It evenly distributes the load on the altered surface of the foot, reduces pain when walking, and improves the biomechanics of the lower limb. This model reduces leg pain when walking or standing for long periods of time. It also delays the formation of heel spurs and the progression of the disease.

How to choose for transverse flatfoot

With transverse deformation, the front part of the foot in the toe area suffers. The main symptom of transverse flatfoot is pain and fatigue in the foot at the end of the day, cramps in the calf muscles. In advanced cases, pain appears in the knee, hip joints and back. Due to improper load distribution, a transversely spread foot is formed. In addition, the thumb moves to the side, and an exophyte is formed in the joint area, called a “bone” by patients.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for transverse flat feet? The product for this pathology must have a metatarsal pad - pelot. It supports the transverse arch, reduces stress, and relieves pain in the front part of the sole. When worn continuously, the kinetics of the foot is corrected and pain in the back and joints is eliminated.

How to choose for mixed flat feet

With this type of flatfoot, both arches of the foot are flattened. Treatment is aimed at correct distribution of the load throughout the foot, correction of kinetics, and reduction of pain.

How to choose orthopedic insoles for combined flat feet? By design, these products must be rigid. To support the longitudinal arch there is an instep support. The metatarsal pad - pelot - helps reduce the load on the transverse arch. The presence of a heel shock absorber relieves impact on the back of the foot. Thus, an insole with three points of support corrects the kinetics of the lower limb and spine and reduces pain when walking.

Custom orthopedic insoles

This type of product is manufactured by prosthetic factories or workshops. How to choose custom orthopedic insoles?

The following data is used during production:

  • orthopedic prescription;
  • plaster cast of the foot;
  • sole prints;
  • computer modelling.

The effectiveness of the model is influenced by manufacturing technology and material:

According to the technology of some manufacturers, insoles are made in 20 minutes in the following sequence.

  1. Examination of the foot using a plantoscope.
  2. Selection of workpieces according to size from the appropriate material.
  3. Heating the workpiece, after which the person places his foot on it. After 30 seconds the material hardens.
  4. Modeling a product that fully matches the human sole.
  5. Testing the product with the necessary correction.

Custom orthopedic insoles, made taking into account the anatomical features of the foot, are considered the most effective.

Therefore, orthopedists recommend choosing them so that the products are beneficial.

Choosing orthopedic insoles for children IN childhood

  • With incorrectly selected shoes or genetic predisposition, changes in the bone structure may develop:
  • flat feet is the most common pathology;
  • clubfoot;


In childhood, when the transverse arch of the foot is still undeveloped, you should choose preventive insoles with a thickened arch support.

Important! For children, insoles are selected according to the existing foot deformation or tendency towards it. And only an orthopedic doctor can determine how to choose children's orthopedic insoles.

For a deformed foot, the product is ordered from an orthopedic salon. They are made using plaster casts or computer modeling. Children with diagnosed flat feet are registered by orthopedists. Such children are prescribed constant wearing of insoles until the age of 23, until the foot is formed. In this case, the condition of the spine is taken into account. When these children become adults, they will not have developed diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthrosis and osteochondrosis. As a result, we highlight the main points of the above. Orthopedic insoles are the basis for the conservative treatment of foot diseases, and also serve as a base. Available in various ready-made models