DIY refrigerator dehumidifier. Tips and effective ways to dry the cellar in the garage. DIY basement dehumidifier. An important nuance of choice

Often, when walking through consumer electronics stores, I noticed such a device as a humidifier and never saw a dehumidifier. Someone will now say that almost any air conditioner has such a function as an air dehumidifier. In everyone, but not in everyone. But not everyone can always afford air conditioning. Moreover, the air dehumidifier that I will tell you about today has a number of advantages, one of which is noiselessness. I needed a dehumidifier for my ground floor apartment. There can be such humidity at home that mold appears on the walls.
So, the dehumidifier that I built consists of almost three parts: two radiators and a Peltier element. I think most avid gamers who love to upgrade their computers to madness are familiar with it. In a nutshell, this device, when current is applied to it, begins to emit cold on one side and heat on the other. On the one hand, we will fight the heat by blowing on the radiator from the cooler. On the other hand, there will be cold - that’s what we need.

Let's get started. Let's prepare the following: a radiator with a cooler, a second smaller radiator, a Peltier element (if anyone is interested, take it -), thermal conductive paste (can be bought at any computer store) and a couple of screws to tie the structure together.
First of all, I drill holes in the radiators - in the second radiator the holes are slightly larger. Next, I take the Peltier element and coat its sides with thermal paste on both sides. Apply a thin layer, otherwise the paste will squeeze out too much. I put the smeared element between the radiators and twist it with self-tapping screws. If you repeat the design, twist it carefully, without fanaticism, otherwise the element will crack.

All! Now we attach our dehumidifier somewhere and place a vessel below to collect the liquid.
The principle of operation of the device is very simple - the side is cooled and moisture in the air condenses on it. I hope you are not a boy of five years old and you studied this at school)
We connect the cooler in parallel with the element and apply a voltage of 12-15 volts. If a small radiator starts to heat up, change the polarity of the element.

For clarity, I connected a thermometer and it shows that the temperature very quickly dropped to 6 degrees. After some time, the radiator began to fog up and condensation began to drip. After 15-20 minutes of operation, the temperature dropped to 4 degrees Celsius.

I would like to note that the size of a large radiator should be chosen from the formula: the larger, the better. But you need to take a small radiator that is not very large, otherwise the temperature on it will be below zero and all the moisture on it will turn into ice and freeze, and this is not good.

Violation of the microclimate in a residential building is very often associated with an increase in humidity levels. Dampness causes the appearance of pathogenic microflora in the apartment, which leads to deterioration in the health of residents, as well as damage to their property and interior. How can you dry the air in your apartment yourself and prevent the risk of over-humidification in the future? You just need to find out the reason for moisture getting into your home, understand the methods of dealing with dampness and the types of equipment and substances used to get rid of excess humidity, and apply all this in practice.

Causes of dampness

Excessive humidity in a living space may appear from time to time or be a constant concern, but in any case it has its own reasons and they must be clarified in order to be eliminated in a timely manner. The appearance of mold and musty smell, and, as a result, disease respiratory tract, expensive repairs, the purchase of new furniture, can become a serious punishment for carelessness in relation to sources of dampness in an apartment or house.

The main causes of excess humidity:

  • insufficient ventilation or its absence in the room (especially in the kitchen and bathroom)
  • groundwater that lies high or rises in the spring (relevant for private houses)
  • poor condition of water taps and sewer pipes
  • drying washed clothes in living rooms
  • a large number of house plants or arranging a greenhouse in an apartment
  • the presence of an open water tank (large fountain or aquarium)
  • swimming pool or sauna in the house (basement, ground floor or lower floor)
  • poor thermal insulation of walls
  • insufficient heating of the apartment ( low temperatures- cause of condensation)

The moisture level is measured using a hygrometer. Knowing the humidity standards for a living space (45-60%), you can take preventive measures even before signs of excess moisture and its negative consequences appear.

Methods for drying a room

Simple methods on how to dry the air in an apartment or private house yourself, without the use of special knowledge, skills, professional equipment and carrying out technically complex work:

  1. Ventilation- if there are in the house plastic windows, the finishing is made from non-breathable materials, but entrance doors are well sealed, then ventilation of the room, especially in winter, will ensure the effective functioning of natural ventilation. Fogging windows are the first sign of the need for ventilation.
  2. Cleaning ventilation ducts— weak draft is a sign of contamination of the ventilation ducts. Ventilation is installed in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen, where the maximum amount of moisture accumulates, which, with weak exhaust, spreads throughout all rooms.
  3. Installation of fans– dehumidification of the air in a living room can be done by increasing natural ventilation by installing fans of a certain power. Stable air circulation will not allow moisture to dissipate throughout the apartment, pulling it out.
  4. Kitchen hoods– the device itself was created to remove vapors and odors from the room where food is prepared, thereby preventing the steam from condensing out.
  5. Oil heater– unlike other heating devices, it does not burn oxygen and copes well with excess moisture in the room (especially if it has a built-in fan).
  6. Household air conditioner— the operating principle of this device allows, by providing constant air circulation and maintaining the desired temperature, to take moisture from the air and remove it in the form of condensate outside the living space.

With all the desire and use of certain methods to dehumidify the air in the room, it may turn out that more effective measures eliminating dampness. In this case, specially designed devices - air dehumidifiers - will help dry the air in the apartment.

Types of dehumidifiers

Air dehumidifiers are climate control systems used in constantly over-humidified rooms to absorb water from the air. Available in three types:

  • household (removal of up to 30 liters of water per day)
  • semi-industrial (up to 300 liters of water per day)
  • industrial (more than 300 liters of water per day).

It is clear that in industry they use bulky, powerful devices, while more compact devices are suitable for residential premises.

Household dehumidifiers come in two types:

Home dehumidifiers have different types of devices:

  1. Evaporative dryers (compressor)- flow humid air in such a dehumidifier it enters the evaporator, where the moisture condenses and flows into the tank. The air itself, having gotten rid of excess water, flows back into the room. The productivity of such a device is ten liters of water per day. Disadvantage: bulky size and waste of energy.
  2. Adsorption dryers— air drying occurs due to a moisture-absorbing substance – adsorbent. This type of dehumidifier is used in small spaces, does not require energy and is safe. As the adsorbent becomes damp, the adsorbent needs to be replaced.
  3. Rotary adsorption– in this type of dryer, the adsorbent is located in a rotating rotor and the air loses moisture more efficiently than in a simple adsorption dryer, being drawn through such a mechanism. The unit makes less noise than an evaporative unit, but is still noisy.
  4. Dryers using Peltier technology– they have a special semiconductor element (Peltier element), which is cooled using electrical energy. Otherwise, the principle of operation is similar to an evaporative device.

If there is a need for a dehumidifier, then before purchasing it, you need to calculate the correspondence between the power of the unit and the volume of the living space to be dried.

How to make a dehumidifier with your own hands

A self-made dehumidifier will effectively help solve problems with excess humidity in the apartment.

Option 1 (simple)

  • Take several empty 0.5 liter containers (glass or plastic jars)
  • Fill them halfway with salt
  • Place jars in damp areas of rooms
  • As the salt becomes damp, replace it with dry salt.

Option 2 (more difficult)
Necessary materials:

  1. two plastic containers with lids (volume two liters),
  2. fan (computer),
  3. cat litter (silica gel),
  4. scissors,
  5. bandage,
  6. insulating tape,
  7. awl,
  8. wire with a block for powering the fan.

Installation steps:

  • Cut the first container in half. In the lower part, on the sides of the bottle, we make holes with a heated awl.
  • Remove the lid from the top of the container and wrap the neck with a bandage in several layers.
  • Pour 250 grams of silica gel into the lower part.
  • We lower the upper part into the lower one, with the neck with the bandage towards the silica gel.
  • The bottom of the second container must be cut off so that it is convenient to install a fan in it. The fan should draw air into the bottle through the neck and blow it out.
  • Place the second container on top of the first and insulate the entire structure. Lead the wire from the fan into the neck of the second container.
  • The homemade dehumidifier is ready.

The fan in the dehumidifier draws humid air from the room and forces it through the desiccant, releasing dry air through the holes below. The device turns out to be low noise, and the wet adsorbent can be dried and reused.

When using any type of room dehumidification, one should not forget about the dangers of too dry air. Do not forget to monitor the hygrometer readings to maintain optimal humidity in your living space.

We don’t even think about a dehumidifier as long as there is a normal level of humidity in our home. But when water starts flowing down the walls and the ceiling becomes covered with mold, you won’t think about anything else but how to quickly get rid of excess moisture.

In such a situation, there are three options:

  • The first is to leave everything as it is and slowly die in an apartment filled with active fungal spores and mold.
  • The second method is to purchase a dehumidifier in a store, paying a few hard-earned rubles for this pleasure.
  • Option three is to make a dehumidifier for your home with your own hands from scrap materials. But you can’t take a bunch of trash, say “dryer”, and it will suddenly happen.

You need to at least know how a dehumidifier works in order to reproduce something like this.

In this article we will look at the operating principle of these devices and try to build a household dehumidifier ourselves, according to step by step instructions which we will provide to you.

What is a typical dehumidifier?

To someone who knows how a refrigerator works, the principle of operation of an air purifier will not seem very confusing.

Freon also circulates inside, and there are four phase states that allow you to first cool the incoming room air and remove moisture from it, and then reheat it and release it into the room.

These are the components on which the basic operation of dehumidifiers is based:

  1. Evaporation.
  2. Compression.
  3. Condensation.
  4. Extension.

To ensure these states, there are four structural elements. The dehumidifier device includes:

  1. Evaporator.
  2. Compressor.
  3. Condenser.
  4. Capillary tube.

Let us remember that in the evaporator freon turns into gas, greatly cooling the coil. Therefore, the air sucked from the room loses its moisture, which is collected in a special vessel. It is appropriate to note that dehumidifiers are divided by displacement (volume of moisture collected), the typical value is 25 liters.

The output stream is heated at the condenser, where the freon turns into liquid and releases the previously taken heat. It remains to add that in a factory dehumidifier you can adjust two parameters of the room microclimate:

  1. Humidity.
  2. Temperature.

In addition, it is possible to change the fan speed, which affects performance. The more wet room, the higher the speed should be. A bathroom dehumidifier should work faster. In addition, some models have an ultraviolet disinfectant.

The purchased device is twice the size of a vacuum cleaner. This is a fairly large device, which can also be relatively noisy. If we take an air dehumidifier, then with an acoustic level of about 46 dB. By comparison, most refrigerators operate between 42 and 52 dB.

There are many various models dehumidifiers, each of which will be different from the others. First of all, we are talking about working volume. This is the amount of water the device can filter from the air. The parameter is measured in liters over a period of 24 hours.

Volumes may vary significantly between devices. That is why, in order to purchase the most effective equipment, it is worth considering the size of the rooms in which it will be installed.

The opposite indicator of volume is price. Yes, the larger the volume, the less often the device will need to be serviced, but its cost will be significantly higher than low-performance dehumidifiers.

Most modern dehumidifiers come with displays from their developers, which greatly facilitate the setup process and allow you to select time, humidity and temperature conditions for air in the building.

Dehumidifiers are divided into portable and stationary. A distinctive feature of the former is mobility, because they can be used in different rooms apartments. As for stationary ones, such a dehumidifier is mounted on the wall and cannot be moved, but it has greater productivity.

We make a condensation dehumidifier from improvised materials

The operation of units of this type is based on the laws of physics: when water vapor hits a cold object, it condenses. This is exactly the principle of a condensation dryer or, as it is also called, a refrigerated type.

The air enters the cold surface of the heat exchanger, condensing on it. Afterwards, the water flows into a special container, from where it is removed, and the air is heated by a second heat exchanger to the previous temperature and goes outside.

It is this principle that we will be guided by in the manufacture of such a homemade air dehumidifier.

The most similar household appliance is the ordinary, familiar and beloved refrigerator. We do not suggest breaking a good product, but it is quite possible to purchase an old device of any year, the main thing is that it is working.

Necessary materials

To make a homemade dehumidifier, we will need some materials:

  • A sheet of plexiglass, sized to fit the freezer
  • Several screws for metal
  • Silicone sealant
  • Two domestic fans for extractor hood
  • Any household heater
  • A piece of rubber hose

Assembling a dehumidifier with your own hands

  • We cut the plexiglass to the size of the freezer and attach one fan to it, which will work to blow in air, and the second will work to blow out. Please note that they need to be positioned: one on top and the other on the bottom.
  • You need to make holes in the plexiglass for air intake and exhaust, and another hole for the drain hose. It’s better to do this in the lower corner of our improvised transparent door.
  • Next, everything is simple: we fix the plexiglass in place of the freezer door with self-tapping screws.
  • We treat all fan mounting slots and around the drain hose with sealant.
  • You can turn it on!

But we still made a dehumidifier, not an air conditioner, so we need to install a heater in front of the improvised dehumidifier, but do it in such a way that the air flow coming out of it hits the heater.

Now everything is fine, and our homemade dehumidifier works no worse than the purchased one. True, ours is more bulky, and it doesn’t look very good, but it will look very good as a dehumidifier in the garage.

Such dehumidifiers are correctly called desiccant absorbers, since the principle of their operation is to pass air through a special substance, with high level absorbency. After which the dried air is heated and discharged outside.

It's simple, but how to make a dehumidifier at home that will work on this principle? First, you need to get silica gel, which has excellent absorbent properties.

There is one more advantage to using it: it is easily “recharged,” that is, it gets rid of the moisture accumulated in it. This means that we can make a simple, reusable drying device.

We manufacture an adsorption device for moisture absorption

Such dehumidifiers are correctly called desiccant absorbers, since the principle of their operation is to pass air through a special substance with a high level of absorption.

After which the dried air is heated and discharged outside. It's simple, but how to make a dehumidifier at home that will work on this principle?

First, you need to get silica gel, which has excellent absorbent properties. There is one more advantage to using it: it is easily “recharged,” that is, it gets rid of the moisture accumulated in it. This means that we can make a simple, reusable drying device.

Before making a dehumidifier you will need the following materials:

  • Two are identical plastic containers. You can use a 2 liter plastic bottle.
  • Stationery knife or scissors
  • Selikogel, about 200 grams. It’s easy to buy it online for a ridiculous price of about $1 per kg.
  • CPU cooling fan with power supply
  • Glue gun

Let's start making a room dehumidifier

  • To do this, cut the plastic bottle in half.
  • In the lower part, near the bottom, make holes with a hot awl. They are needed to release dry air. The holes should not be small; they should allow air to pass freely.
  • Cover the neck of the top of the bottle with a piece of gauze or bandage and secure it. This will be the second container where the silica gel will be poured.
  • Turn the cut bottle upside down and pour silica gel inside.
  • Now insert the container with the adsorbent into the lower half of the bottle.

Half of the dehumidifier is ready.

For the lid of our homemade dehumidifier we will need the bottom of the second bottle.

  • Measure about 10 cm from the bottom and cut off this piece of the container.
  • Now comes the hard part: you need to make a lot of holes in the bottom itself, or better yet one big one for the fan. If this is difficult to do with a knife, then use a drill. The hole should be slightly smaller than the fan.
  • When everything is ready, glue the fan using glue gun to the bottom of the bottle so that it works for injection. For more efficient operation of the desiccant, all cracks between the bottom of the bottle-cap and the fan should be carefully sealed.
  • And the final touch: insert the lid with the fan into the first half of the dehumidifier you made as tightly as possible. To be sure, the joints can be wrapped with tape.
  • Now you can turn it on!

The fan blows air into the device, the air passes through the reagent (silica gel), where it loses excess moisture. After this, through the neck of the bottle and gauze it exits into the second part of the container, where it enters the room through holes in the lower part.

If you are not ready to make a dehumidifier yourself, then on this page you can read what models of adsorption dehumidifiers are available for sale.

Oddly enough, such a desiccant works quite efficiently and quietly. You can put it in the corner of the room so that it doesn’t catch your eye, or you can decorate it so that it looks no worse than store-bought counterparts.

After the silica gel begins to perform its duties poorly, open the device and dry the reagent in the oven for 2-3 hours at low temperature. After this procedure, you can again pour it inside the desiccant and repeat everything again.

Excessive humidity is just as bad as very dry air. It negatively affects a person’s well-being.

In addition, there are other consequences: the environment deteriorates, things deteriorate, as well as elements of supporting structures.

As a result of excess humidity in the room, parquet floors swell and wallpaper warps, doors swell, walls become covered with huge spots of mold, and after a while things begin to become damp and smell unpleasant.

In addition, furniture with paintings may deteriorate, various musical instruments, parts made of wood are affected by harmful microorganisms. The house is filled with mold microspores and acquires an unpleasant odor.

WITH high humidity in the house you can fight it using such a classic method as ventilation, or you can use a modern dehumidifier for the apartment.

Advanced equipment operates on the basis of different physical principles, which help reduce humidity in the room, as well as constantly maintain the conditions of a particular environment at the appropriate level.

Nowadays there is The four main types of household dehumidifiers for the home are:

  • adsorption moisture absorber;
  • compression or evaporation;
  • a device created based on the Peltier principle;
  • rotary adsorption.

The first type operates thanks to the adsorbent, which is contained inside and perfectly absorbs moisture.

Evaporative dryer It works due to the fact that moist air is directed to a cold surface, where it condenses and flows into a special compartment.

Third type is equipment containing a Peltier element. It is based on the cooling effect of several semiconductor structures as a result of the passage of electric current through them.

Rotary adsorption dryer- This is an improved class, the principle of operation of which combines the two previous ones.

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Air dryer or lyophilizer, installed in

  • private houses and city apartments,
  • bathroom or toilet,
  • kitchen,
  • rooms containing a swimming pool or a huge aquarium,
  • greenhouses,
  • storerooms,
  • cellars,
  • rooms intended for drying clothes,
  • sports locker rooms,
  • basements,
  • garages,
  • in the attics.

Working principle of a condensation dryer

Condensation type dryer It works on the principle of condensation of water vapor contained in the air. The operation of this method is carried out by the functioning of the refrigeration circuit, interacting with the condenser and evaporator, located close to each other. He considered the most effective from an economic point of view.

The air in the room is dehumidified as follows:

  • Thanks to the engine, moist air is pumped into the system of the device.
  • Then the evaporator cools it with the help of a refrigerant.
  • The dehumidified and cooled air is passed through a hot condenser and returned to the room.

Condensation dryers have several advantages:

  • mobility,
  • autonomy,
  • compactness,
  • wide range of models.

They are great for:

  • household premises, which are characterized by a small cubic capacity,
  • water parks,
  • rooms with swimming pool.

The efficiency of their work decreases significantly with a sharp drop in temperature environment, and at temperatures below +10°C it is useless to use such devices.

A condensing device reduces the percentage of humidity by 6 - 8%. However, the temperature in the room will drop by more than 3°C.

DIY refrigerator dehumidifier

You can make a condensation dehumidifier for humid air yourself using available materials.

To make the device you will need:

  • an old freezer that is in working order;
  • a small piece of organic glass with dimensions matching the parameters of the camera;
  • products for fastening - self-tapping screws;
  • sealant – silicone glue;
  • two fans;
  • electric heater;
  • hollow rubber tube.

First you need to dismantle the door of the selected freezer.

One fan should be securely attached to the bottom of the piece of plexiglass., so that it definitely blows into the freezer. To do this, you need to make a mounting hole of the appropriate size in the organic glass. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening, and each joint is carefully treated with sealant.

Another fan needs to be attached to the top of the glass. It is designed to exhaust hot and dry air back into the room. It is unfolded so that it blows out the air flow.

Then you need to install a hollow rubber pipe. Its role is to remove condensed moisture from the dehumidifier.

For installation, a small hole must be drilled in the bottom of the device. A hose is inserted into it, after which the edges of the hole are treated with silicone glue. A capacious vessel is placed under the tube to allow the condensate to drain there.

At the last stage, organic glass with fans is mounted in freezer instead of the old door.

For more information on how to make a device from a refrigerator with your own hands, watch the video:

How to get rid of dampness in an apartment: other methods of drying

Today it is known There are three main ways to dry humid air:

  1. Assimilation is that cold air contains relatively less water vapor than warm air. It is considered not very effective for two reasons: moisture may not be absorbed all the time and only in limited quantities, consumption large quantity electrical energy;
  2. Adsorption method developed on the sorption properties of special substances called sorbents. The device contains porous material, but the efficiency of the sorbent decreases significantly as it becomes saturated. Its disadvantage is the energy consumption in huge quantities, as well as a short service life. IN in this case It is better to use silica gel on a fiberglass carrier;
  3. Condensation method based on the condensation of water vapor contained in the air.

Humidity in a room can be measured using several instruments:

  • hygrometer,
  • wet glass
  • thermometer.

Most simple method is the use special device meter - hygrometer. Today there are several varieties of it. Their action is based on different principles. These devices will help you easily determine what humidity should be in the house.

Adsorption type air dryer is a device that removes excess moisture from the air, which is explained by the properties of adsorbents.

To manufacture this equipment, it is necessary to prepare a special rotor, which should be filled with an adsorbent made using a fiberglass carrier. In addition, silica gel and zeolite with activated aluminum oxide can serve as an adsorbent.

Cost and manufacturers of moisture absorber

When choosing a dehumidifier model, you need to pay attention to several main characteristics:

  • Drying power;
  • Operating temperature range;
  • Tank capacity for storing water;
  • Possibility to use continuous drainage;
  • Automatic operating modes;
  • Power consumption.

Nowadays you can buy both cheap and more expensive models. It all depends on the type of moisture absorber, its characteristics, as well as the manufacturer.

The leading manufacturer and developer of systems is the English company Calorex. It produces duct and monoblock devices.

Relatively cheap models are manufactured by a company such as EcoSystems. In addition, other concerns are also involved in production:

  • Ballu,
  • Aucma,
  • Cooper&Hunter,
  • Coughi, DTGroup,
  • Dantherm,
  • Ecor Pro,
  • microwell,
  • MyCond
  • Neoclima by Hidros,
  • Aerial.

A dehumidifier is a very important device that helps maintain the indoor environment at the proper level. Therefore, equipment should be selected carefully, carefully studying the quality characteristics.

The dehumidifier is very useful thing for any home. With its help you can easily remove excess moisture from the air.

Dampness indoors has a detrimental effect on human health and well-being. Also becomes possible education mold, mildew on walls or even furniture. Excessive dampness can cause wallpaper to peel off and deteriorate. wooden elements interior Often an unpleasant musty smell appears in the house, which is impossible to get rid of.

It is easy to make a dehumidifier for working indoors with your own hands using available materials.

Dehumidifier made from plastic bottles

  1. Take two plastic bottles volume 2-3 liters.
  2. Make a hole in the bottom of the first bottle using an awl or hot wire.
  3. Cut it into two halves.
  4. Screw the top onto the lid, making several holes in it.
  5. Place the top half neck down on the bottom half.
  6. Pour absorbent into the part with the lid. Use silica gel. After some time it will be possible to dry it and reuse it. You will need 200-300 g of the substance.
  7. Cut off the bottom of the second bottle.
  8. At a distance of 10 cm from the bottom, attach small fan. It should blow in the direction opposite to the neck of the bottle. Use a computer cooler or any other small fan.
  9. Place the second bottle without a cap into a container with absorbent. Wrap all joints with tape.

Making such a dehumidifier for an apartment is very easy. At minimum costs You will receive a high-quality dehumidifier that can be placed in any room.

This option would be ideal for a children's room or bedroom. Place a nice cover on the bottle to hide the design of the desiccant. In addition to its direct purpose, the device will play the role of decorative element.

DIY dehumidifier from an old refrigerator

  • To assemble a dehumidifier using this method, you will need an old but working refrigerator. Remove all doors from it.
  • Cut a piece of plexiglass to fit the door. The thickness of the glass is at least 3 mm.
  • Step back 30 cm from the edge of the glass and make round hole. It must match the size of the fan ventilation grille.
  • Install the fan into the hole. Attach it using self-tapping screws. Seal the joints silicone sealant. The fan should blow air inside the refrigerator.
  • Make small holes in the top of the plexiglass. The area they occupy should not exceed the area of ​​the hole at the bottom of the plexiglass.
  • Instead of the holes, you can install another fan that will blow air out of the refrigerator.
  • Place a small container inside the refrigerator to collect condensation.
  • Using a hose, connect the pipe above the compressor to the condensate container.
  • Attach the fan sheet to the refrigerator. Do everything using sealant or tape.
  • Turn on the fan and refrigerator.

This device will reduce the humidity in the room by at least 10 percent. The disadvantage of such a dehumidifier is its massiveness.

A device for getting rid of excess moisture in a room

  1. Take Plastic container and make two holes on opposite sides. One hole should be smaller and lower than the other.
  2. On one side, where the hole is larger, attach the fan. It doesn't have to be very powerful.
  3. Attach a piece of cotton wool or gauze to the opposite side.
  4. Pour salt into the container. There should be enough of it to cover the hole with gauze, but not reach the fan.

The dehumidifier is ready. It will not only reduce the humidity in the room, but also disinfect the air.