Parade of planets every 6 years. The parade of planets is a purely astronomical phenomenon. The influence of planetary parades on Earth

When you can watch the parade of planets 2019, what it will be like and how it will affect our planet and its inhabitants, we will try to find out with the help of “exclusive” information provided by NASA specialists.

According to the “simplified” scientific definition, this phenomenon is a kind of “construction” of large space objects in one line and on one side of the star. Depending on the number of space objects involved in the construction, astronomers classify the minor, major and complete parades of planets. In the first case, there may be four planets, in the second - six, in the last - all eight (on average, such an event occurs once every 170 years). There are also so-called dwarf or mini-parades, which are formed from only three celestial bodies. As for the upcoming phenomenon, it belongs to the last of the mentioned categories, which means that in 2019, astronomers will have the opportunity to observe the “troika” of cosmic giants.

Unique formation of planets in 2019: warnings from astrologers

A distinctive feature of the parade of planets next year will be the “retrograde” Mercury. In simple terms, this celestial giant will be in the “reverse” phase of its orbit around the Sun three times. How can this phenomenal cosmic process affect the inhabitants of the Earth?

According to astrologers, this planet of the solar system is responsible for the sphere of finance, business and intellectual activity of man. And since the “retrograde” of Mercury is a negative factor, you should not count on its beneficial influence. That is why, during the parade of planets, astrologers categorically do not advise starting new projects, engaging in commerce and other issues related to financial matters. It is best to devote this time to communication and passive relaxation surrounded by loved ones and friends.

Let us remind you. that the most critical periods in 2019 in the field of business initiatives will be March 5th - March 28th, July 8th - August 1st and October 31st - November 20th.

On what date and at what time can you watch the 2019 planetary parade?

According to preliminary forecasts by NASA experts, the next parade of planets will take place in May 2019. It is almost impossible to determine with extreme accuracy what date and at what time it will be possible to enjoy this unique planetary procession. Scientists need at least two months to complete the necessary astronomical calculations. Thus, it will be possible to find out the exact time frame of the upcoming mini-parade of planets no earlier than March-April 2019.

As for the big parade of planets, the next phenomenon of such a large scale will occur in the spring of 2022. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to track him from Russian territory. A kind of “compensation” for this trouble will be a parade consisting of 5 planets, which Russians will see in June of the same year. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn will appear on the celestial stage. Scientists have also announced the approximate date of a full parade of planets. In their opinion, this event will occur no earlier than 2161.

Which planets will participate in the 2019 parade?

According to a recent survey, the second most popular question asked by users of thematic forums on the Internet is the question of which planets will take part in the upcoming mini-parade of celestial bodies? According to data provided by NASA astronomers, Mars, Venus and Mercury will be visible in the 2019 planetary formation.

What consequences does the parade of planets 2019 entail: predictions of Nostradamus and the opinions of scientists

Despite the fact that the mini-parade of planets is a completely “ordinary” astronomical phenomenon, there are people who associate global changes with it for all of humanity. The main argument in favor of this hypothesis is the predictions of the great 16th century clairvoyant Michel Nostradamus. According to the soothsayer, the formation of planets in 2019 will be a harbinger of the beginning of “big upheavals” for the whole world. Nature will deliver a crushing blow to human civilization. Tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes will kill millions of people. The apocalyptic picture of the world will be complemented by volcanic eruptions that will cover the Earth with toxic ash and practically destroy all life.

The opinions of scientists from the optimist camp are more “rosy”. According to them, the parade of planets in 2019 will not entail serious consequences that could become a threat to the existence of our planet. However, some experts do not exclude certain negative aspects associated with the linear construction of celestial bodies. For example, leading scientists in the world have proven that this phenomenon significantly increases the risk of exacerbation of chronic, and in particular, mental illnesses. Taking into account this unpleasant factor, during the parade of planets, many doctors strongly recommend that their patients refrain from excessive physical exertion, stress and conflict situations.

In addition to the listed opinions, there is an unofficial hypothesis that “strong” politicians and gifted public figures are born during the planetary parade. As confirmation of the stated theory, a list of the following names can be given:

  • Bashar al-Assad (current president of Syria);
  • Abdullah ibn Hussein (King of Jordan);
  • Dmitry Medvedev (Prime Minister of the Russian Federation).

Despite the fact that the above hypothesis is not officially supported by science, it has a fairly solid basis and deserves more serious and “deep” research.

Is it possible to watch the 2019 Planetary Parade online: will there be a live broadcast of the event?

On the eve of such a grandiose cosmic procession, millions of people around the world would like to know whether there will be a live broadcast of the 2019 Planetary Parade and where can they watch an online video of this event? According to reports from reliable sources, the broadcast in real time will take place on the resource of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA.TV. The exact time of the “star” broadcast will be announced in April 2019. A video recording of the parade of planets, captured by NASA satellites, can be seen on the specified resource a little later - in June - July 2019.

The parade of planets is one of the most beautiful cosmic phenomena. People have shown interest in this event since ancient times. It is believed that the Mayan calendar ends with the date of the parade, which should lead to the death of all life on Earth. However, this is just an astronomical event that occurs with a certain frequency.

Types of parade

For several millennia, people have been afraid of the parade of planets, believing that it could lead to the end of the world. But this event did not happen.

Astronomers around the world have been observing a beautiful and unusual phenomenon in the night sky for many centuries. Based on all observations, several parades were identified:

  • The big one takes place once every twenty years. Six planets take part in it.
  • Small - only four celestial bodies take part in this phenomenon. This event happens once a year.
  • Full parade. Such a significant phenomenon occurs once every 170 years. During it, all the planets of our system become in one line.
  • Mini parade. This is a phenomenon in which three planets line up in a row. This phenomenon occurs 1-2 times a year.

Also, the parade can be visible and invisible. The first type includes a glider configuration, when the five planets of our solar system, passing through the night sky, approach each other at a very close distance and become visible in a small sector of the sky - 10-400. Usually such parades are visible either in the evening or in the morning.

Among all the parades of planets in ancient times, it was the full one that caused the emergence of various terrible stories about the impending end of the world. Although this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, and there is no information about how the close proximity of planets affects the Earth. Some are convinced that a full parade can cause natural disasters and various catastrophes, but scientists have not yet confirmed this. As practice shows, nothing terrible happens. The celestial bodies line up in a row, there are no catastrophes on a global scale, no apocalypse, but you can see a beautiful phenomenon in the sky.

The best places to watch the parade of planets are in Europe and Russia. In those moments when this event occurs at the end of January - beginning of February, the planets can be seen with the naked eye.

An invisible parade of planets involves lining up visible and invisible objects on one side of the Sun in a small sector. In such variations, Venus and Mercury most often remain invisible.

Celestial bodies

Which planets take part in the parade of planets? Different celestial bodies take part in different types of parades. So, in a small parade, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury line up in one line. The big parade is characterized by the alignment of six planets: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus.

The mini-parade consists of only three planets. Sometimes an extended mini-parade occurs - this is when our Moon and bright stars line up with the three planets.

The most significant phenomenon in our solar system is a full parade. All planets of the solar system take part in it. The last time this phenomenon could be observed was in 1982, at that time it was believed that there were 9 of them.


Not long ago, astronomers observed a mini-parade. Three planets took part in it: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, as well as the Moon and two very bright stars - Antares and Spica. This event happened on May 3, 2018, when will the next planetary parade take place? The same combination of celestial bodies will be visible in about a year.

Scientists predict a parade, which will include Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter, as well as the Moon, in March 2022, but at this time it is unlikely that residents of Russia will be able to see it. But there is no need to be upset; a parade of five planets, when Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter will be visible in the sky, will be clearly visible in June 2022. This combination of celestial objects rarely occurs.

A parade of six celestial bodies took place in 2017.

The last full parade was in 1982, and the next one will not be until 2161. This phenomenon occurs every 170 years. All eight planets of the solar system take part in this event, and with them the former ninth planet - Pluto.

Galactic Parade

It happens that at a certain point (winter solstice point) the Sun and Earth align with the equator of our galaxy. At such a moment, the Sun appears at its center. According to scientists, this rare phenomenon occurs once every 26,000 years.

During the parade of planets at the solstice point, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth and other planets line up in one line, and the Sun is in the center of the Milky Way. On this day, not only the planets of our solar system, but also of other systems line up in one line, forming one line from the center of the galaxy. This phenomenon occurs very rarely. Although many scientists are skeptical about this information, since no one has yet been able to prove the existence of such a parade, much less see it. There are only suggestions of the existence of a galactic parade that have come down to us in Mayan messages.

Full parade

The presented photos of the parade of planets show a fascinating picture: all eight bodies are lined up with the Sun. What would this event look like from those distant planets?

When looking at this event from distant objects, one could see the passage of one planet through another, that through a third, and so on. In other words, if all bodies at one time were located on the same side of the Sun, then from Neptune it would be possible to see how Uranus passed through Saturn, and that, in turn, through Jupiter, behind which Mars, Earth, Mercury and Venus passing across the solar disk. However, this is impossible. In fact, during the parade, Venus and Mercury are not visible, since they are located either in front of the Sun or behind it. Other planets, which are located on the same side as the Earth, are visible all night in the sky, while the rest are hidden by our luminary.


Information about the dates of the parade of planets allows people to see a unique It is unusual and happens at least once a year. But some are lucky, they see a full parade, although this phenomenon occurs extremely rarely. And someday, our descendants will be able to watch the full parade, and maybe they will be able to see it directly from space. We are left with only large and mini-parades, but even these phenomena are very beautiful and unique, they are worth seeing.

For many centuries, people, watching the parade of planets, treated this phenomenon with reverence and trepidation. The Mayans believed that this event would lead to the end of the world. Their prediction did not come true, but why were such conclusions made and isn’t the proximity of the planets to each other actually dangerous?

What is a parade of planets?

The parade of planets of the solar system can be:

  • small - only four celestial bodies take part in it - these are Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus;
  • a big parade takes place once every twenty years: six planets are unlikely to line up - Jupiter and Uranus are added to the previous participants;
  • a full parade occurs once every one hundred and seventy years.

It was precisely the full parade of planets that became the reason for the compilation of all kinds of terrible tales about the end of the world. The phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, there are no facts and data about how this phenomenon affects people and other surrounding bodies in the Universe, so the phenomenon will continue to cause resonance in society for now, and humanity has no choice but believe in “fables” or completely miss this moment.

How often does a parade of planets happen?

In general, the parade of planets is a relatively frequent occurrence. Several times a year, three planets line up in a row. Astrologers connect planets with people. Each person is born under a certain zodiac sign and is ruled by a certain planet. Each of the celestial spheres has its own specific influence on events in life and. Psychics also associate many phenomena with the phenomenon. Both consider this an energy surge. By mastering such power and directing it in the right direction, you can succeed in many things.

When was the last time there was a parade of planets?

The great formation is a very beautiful action. When was the last parade of planets? It occurs almost every two centuries; the last such event was observed by people in 1982. The next time all the planets will line up will be back in 2161. We have a chance to see an equally beautiful formation of six planets, which occurs once every twenty years. This is an important event in the world of science. You can reduce the time it takes to travel to other planets, and you will be able to explore more territories.

When is the next planetary parade?

In what year will there be a parade of planets? Very soon, already in this 2017, we will see the construction of six planets. Astrologers and psychics are looking forward to this event. The following will line up around the Sun:

  • Earth;
  • Mercury;
  • Mars;
  • Jupiter;
  • Saturn;
  • Venus.

Venus and Mars will not be visible, as they will be behind the Earth. Already in August it will be possible to tell the exact time when the parade will take place. It is currently known that this action will take place in November. But Jupiter and Saturn can be observed not only in the predawn, but throughout the night. But Mercury can only be observed at sunset or dawn together with Venus. But this time you won’t be able to see Venus at all.

Parade of planets - impact on humans

From a scientific point of view, a large parade of planets cannot in any way affect humanity. Those who study energy centers and their influence on life, think the opposite - they are confident that such an “event” can, if not fundamentally, then have a significant impact. During the parade in 2017, astrologers expect an increase in the influence of planets on aspects of people's lives.

  1. Mercury. It will help you get started. November will be the most dynamic month of the year. Many people's financial situation will change for the better.
  2. Jupiter- a celestial sphere that can establish inner peace.
  3. Saturn will increase the capabilities of intuition and sharpen the senses of people with psychic abilities, which is why they are so looking forward to this parade.
  4. Venus and Mars will be located behind the Earth, but their influence will also manifest itself. Therefore, November promises to be permeated with sexual energy. Mars is the patron of leadership qualities and aggression.

Parade of planets - interesting facts

The Great Parade of Planets constantly caused a storm of emotions in society. This is due to the fact that in ancient times people considered all unknown and unstudied phenomena to be magical and mysterious. Such phenomena were rarely observed because there was no appropriate equipment. The most interesting thing is that parades cannot always be observed. You can make the appropriate calculations and know when this will happen. It follows that visible constructions occur approximately once every twenty-five years.

Conclusions: does the parade of planets really exist or is it just a fictitious myth? Scientists do not officially use this term. Astrologers use it. With some periodicity, when the time of passage around the Sun coincides, people can see something unusual happening. A parade of planets is when several spheres are simultaneously at a close distance from each other on the same line.

There are major and minor planetary parades. In the first case, in a small sector on one side of the Sun there are 6 of the following planets: Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. In the so-called small parade of planets, the above described occurs with four planets at once (Mars, Venus, Saturn and Mercury).

Astrologers often associate planetary parades with various major political or social events. Indeed, sometimes major historical changes occur during these unique events.

Experts also distinguish between visible and invisible parades. A visible parade of planets is a configuration in which 5 bright planets (Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter) are at close range and become simultaneously visible in one sector of the sky. In order for all these planets to be visible from Earth at the same time, the following condition must be met: Mars, Jupiter and Saturn must have approximately the same longitude, and Mercury and Venus must be located in eastern elongation from the Sun, and in western elongation. Only in this case (relevant for the middle latitudes of the northern part of our planet) does the parade of planets become visible over a sufficiently long period of time.

Latest most significant parades

The last time the parade of planets could be observed was in 2002 and 2011. In the first case, which occurred at the turn of April-May 2002, 4 celestial bodies met at once in the constellation Taurus - Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. The fifth participant in the parade was the planet Jupiter, which stopped nearby - in the constellation Gemini. And in May 2011, 5 planets appeared in the constellation Pisces - Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus. The inhabitants of the Earth were able to observe this unique astronomical phenomenon; the planets were especially visible before sunrise.

When is the next planetary parade?

Visible parades, in which 5 bright planets take part, occur approximately once every 18-20 years. According to a number of experts, the next fairly dense parade will take place in March 2022. In the 30-degree sector, against the background of the rising Moon, 5 large planets will be able to meet at once - Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Saturn. It should also be noted that Neptune and Venus will be at their closest approach - only 44 arcseconds from each other. However, according to scientists, it is unlikely that this parade of planets can be seen from the territory of the Russian Federation.

After the parade of planets took place in December 1989, a number of important historical events immediately followed: the collapse of the CMEA and the termination of the Warsaw Pact, as well as the collapse of the USSR.

Russians will have the opportunity to observe a unique celestial phenomenon in 3 months, when in June of the same 2022, 5 bright planets will simultaneously be in the 115 degree sector. Their placement (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) will be even more rare than the usual parade of 5 planets. Saturn, as scientists report, this time will be slightly away from other planets.

There are several types of planetary parades, each of which has its own characteristics. This astronomical phenomenon, depending on its type, can occur at different intervals.

The term planets is used to refer to an astronomical phenomenon where three or more planets in the solar system line up on the same side of the sun. During the small, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn line up, and this happens annually. The big one happens somewhat less frequently, but still quite often - once every twenty years. At this moment, the six planets of the solar system line up in one line: Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. There is also the Great Parade of the Planets, an astronomical phenomenon in which all the planets in the solar system (except Pluto, which was stripped of this status) line up on one side of the Sun. As a rule, this phenomenon is considered mystical or even catastrophic, i.e. capable of negatively affecting life on Earth, but there is no scientific evidence of this.

Parades of planets can be both visible and invisible. Type 1 astronomical phenomena, as the name suggests, mean that they can be observed from Earth. In this case, it is necessary that the planets be located in the same sector, i.e. so that an observer can see them from Earth at the moment when they are located closest to each other in the sky. Only the brightest planets of the solar system take part in visible parades: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The difficulty lies in the fact that Mercury and Venus are located closer to the Sun than the Earth, and therefore they can only be observed in the morning or evening, depending on the time of year and the location of the observer.

The parade of planets is of particular importance for astronomers: it was thanks to it that scientists were able to study in detail the distant planets of the solar system using spacecraft within a minimum period of time. Since the planets at a certain moment found themselves in a narrow sector, the spacecraft required the least amount of fuel and time to fly around each of them.

Tip 3: When the Sun, Venus and Earth line up

From time to time, a certain number of planets in the solar system line up in a row. Astronomers call this phenomenon a parade of planets; it is a fairly rare event, and therefore attracts the attention of both scientists and amateur astronomers.

Parades big and small. During the small parade, four planets line up in one line, and during the large parade, six. The small one can be observed at least once a year; the large one has to wait about twenty years. Mini-parades with the participation of three planets occur even more often; these can be observed approximately twice a year.

In 2012, the mini-parade took place on June 5-6, when the Sun, Venus and Earth lined up in one line. This event was interesting because Venus was exactly between the Earth and the Sun, so it could be visually observed against the background of the solar disk - of course, through special telescopes with dark filters. In Russia, the passage of Venus across the disk of the Sun could be seen in the European part of the country.

Even though Venus cannot block the Sun, its passage between the Earth and the Sun is called an eclipse. Not every parade of planets, as a result of which the Sun, Venus and Earth find themselves in conjunction (on the same line), leads to an eclipse - for this it is necessary that Venus pass exactly between the Sun and Earth, which happens very rarely. The next time this phenomenon can be observed only in 2117.

Is it possible to independently calculate when this or that planetary parade will occur? Of course, for this you need to use any suitable computer program that allows you to view the movement of the planets in dynamics. For example, download the free ZET program, with its help you can view the position of the planets on any date you are interested in. It is worth noting that this is the program that many astrologers use to carry out calculations.

After downloading the program, install it. Launch it and enter your location information in the window that appears. After this, a diagram of the current location of the planets will appear in front of you. Please note that the diagram is presented in the geocentric version accepted by astrologers - that is, the Earth is placed in the center of the diagram. You can enable the heliocentric option, to do this, open the program menu: “Settings” - “Card settings...”, select Z (Zodiac) in the window that opens and check the “Heliocentric” option. Now you can see the real position of the planets and the Sun.

To view the position of the planets on a specific date, click the “Dynamics” icon in the upper right part of the program window. A small window will open in which you can set any date you need accurate to the second.


  • Astroprocessor ZET

Tip 4: What is the transit of Venus across the solar disk

On June 6, 2012, residents of most regions of the Earth witnessed a unique, rare astronomical phenomenon - the passage of Venus across the disk of the Sun. The next time the transit can be observed is more than 100 years later - in 2117.

, Maya and many others. It happens four times every 243 years: twice with a break of 8 years and after 121.5 years, twice in June (with the same break). In 1639, the Englishman Jeremy Horrocks first observed the passage of Venus across the Sun for scientific purposes. And 250 years ago, in 1761, the great scientist Lomonosov, watching the transit right from the window of his house, discovered the atmosphere of Venus.

You can observe this fascinating phenomenon only by taking precautions, otherwise you can seriously damage the retina of your eyes. You need to look at the bright Sun through a special glass (or at least a smoked ordinary one), a telescope, or binoculars. But the best way is through a telescope. A dark filter should be placed on the optics. In the most extreme case, even the protective glass of electric welders or the floppy disk of a broken floppy disk will do.

In Russia, the transit of Venus was fully visible to residents of Siberia and the Far East. The most curious thing was the entry of the planet onto the solar disk (the so-called “drop effect”), which occurred at dawn. Muscovites were prevented from seeing the phenomenon by weather conditions - high clouds. The phenomenon was completely invisible in most of Africa, South America and the entire Atlantic Ocean.

Video on the topic


  • Transit of Venus across the Sun in 2012
  • Transit of Venus: photo report

Astrologers usually predict the formation of luminaries quite accurately. In 2017, the Planetary Parade is expected in the fall, but it is impossible to say exactly what date and time it will happen. This is not a one-time phenomenon; the planets are “preparing” for a grandiose celestial event. Let's understand the intricacies of the process.

  • Autumn 2017
  • We are waiting for the Big Parade
  • Impact on people

Details of what is happening

A phenomenon with such a solemn name implies the following: some planets of the solar system, each moving along its own trajectory, move in one direction from the Sun in a line and in a very small sector. That is, they line up almost like military personnel at a parade.

Interesting! Humanity has already observed parades in space. For example, in March 1982 there was a Great Parade, nine planets took part in it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which was then also considered a planet. But such a grandiose action of the heavenly bodies happens very, very rarely. Scientists astrologers establish a period of approximately 150-160 years. Much more often in our sky you can observe the Small Parade, when not all the planets of our system are in formation.

The frequency of this phenomenon is 10-20 years. In 2002, at the border of April and May, only four participants met: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. Not far from them, probably not having time for the ceremonial formation, Jupiter settled down. And in May 2011, Jupiter was already in formation along with Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus. A mini-parade of planets with just three planets is even more common. It is quite possible to see such rehearsal parades every year.

Autumn 2017

Just a couple of months ago, astrologers, predicting this grandiose phenomenon, called November the month. The construction date has already been determined with great accuracy. On October 5, Mars and Venus were already in formation one after the other. Mercury is expected to join them on October 18. The list also includes the Moon (according to astrological concepts, it is also a planet).

To the delight of all those who care, this formation will be clearly visible to the naked eye. Such a wondrous action will continue for a whole month and it is better to observe such a chain early at dawn. So what, there will be no more participants? Most likely yes. And yet, it's a parade. It is called "Small".

We are waiting for the Big Parade

The previous parade of five planets was recorded in 2011. Mars, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Jupiter saluted the Universe. Since such a bright and amazing phenomenon occurs, according to astrologers, with a frequency of 10-20 years, astrologers predict the next similar meeting in the sky for the spring of 2022.

The composition of the participants is expected to be different: Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Mars and Saturn. But most likely this parade will not be visible from Russian territory. But in three months, in the summer of 2022, when Neptune leaves the ceremonial formation and is replaced by Mercury, Russians will have the opportunity to observe such a bright event.

Impact on people

Everything that happens in space matters for us, earthlings, for scientists exploring space, astrologers, and for all living things on earth. Just the fact that we have the opportunity to touch the most mysterious secret of the Universe carries with it a feeling of limitless, powerful energy. Astrologers suggest that this phenomenon even attracts good luck in different areas of our lives.

In addition, the parade, specifically 2017, is:

Possibility of increasing well-being;
sharpening of intuition;
new discoveries and inventions;
increasing feminine energy; extraordinary attractiveness of ladies.

Even separately, each planet will distribute its energy to a person:

1. Mercury. Its influence helps to overcome difficulties on the path to material well-being. Encourages new discoveries. Gives you curiosity, a desire not to stagnate, but to open new horizons.

2. Jupiter. Increases self-esteem, helps in realizing hidden opportunities. Helps the inner spiritual world to flourish. Points in the right direction in love affairs. It greatly affects our mood.

3. Saturn. Helps you make an unexpected but correct decision based on your own intuition. It sharpens the sixth sense, brings out hidden possibilities, enhances the desire to learn the unknown.

And even despite the fact that Venus and Mars will be a little out of order, their influence on people will be noticeable:

1. Venus. This is the planet of love. Her sphere is the attractiveness of women.

2. Mars. Activates the male desire to achieve the desired success.

Astrologers say that throughout November we will be under the influence of a grandiose and amazing Parade of Planets.