Frequency of current repairs of LED lamps. Maintenance of lighting electrical installations. Purpose of the document, technology classification

Proper organization of the operation of the lighting installation and conscientious daily care of it ensure that it remains operational and complies with current rules and regulations. When developing a lighting installation project, it is necessary to resolve issues related to the maintenance of lamps and access to elements of the electrical network.

When the height of the lamp suspension is more than 4.5 m(maximum height for servicing from a stepladder) a number of methods can be used to access the elements of the lighting installation. For example, service from overhead installation, repair and technological cranes or crane beams equipped with special fenced platforms.

If there are a significant number of lamps and their placement in rows, it is advisable to install special lighting bridges, which are located above the cranes and allow work on servicing electrical equipment to be carried out regardless of the operating mode of the cranes and at any time of the day.

When placing lamps in groups and for servicing single lamps, provision may be made for the installation of fenced lighting platforms or the installation of special brackets with back arches.

Power supply diagram for the lighting installation from two diode transformer substations: 1 - transformer substation, 2 - power load, 3 - working lighting, 4 - emergency lighting.

If there is a technical floor, it is possible to organize servicing of lamps from it, and in some cases it is possible to lower the lamps down to service them from the floor. Maintenance of lamps using mobile telescopic towers and retractable ladders of various designs is also widely used.

However. No matter how well a lighting installation is designed and installed, it can quickly become unusable if there is no regular maintenance and its operation is carried out at a low technical level.

Regardless of the type of light sources used, for any lighting installation there are general requirements for operating personnel and for the organization of operation. These requirements can be formulated as follows.

The basic rule of operation comes down to regular monitoring, timely repairs and elimination of detected problems in the operation of all elements of the lighting installation.

Since in most cases it is possible to detect malfunctions of individual elements of the installation only by the lighting mode of the lamps, it is necessary to systematically keep an operation log in which it is necessary to note data on the operating mode of the lighting installation (burning time of lamps, changing lamps, cleaning time of lamps, data on network insulation measurements , replacement of failed lamp elements and their repair, etc.).

The operation of the lamps is strongly influenced by the voltage in the supply network and its deviation from the nominal value, therefore it is necessary to monitor the maintenance of a constant voltage in the network, identify and eliminate the causes of sudden voltage fluctuations. The actual service life of the lamps very often depends on precise control of the supply voltage conditions.

During the operation of a lighting installation, a decrease in the initial level of illumination at workplaces occurs, due to a gradual decrease in the luminous flux of lamps due to their aging, as well as as a result of contamination of lamps, walls and ceilings of the room.

Dust and soot, settling on the reflective surfaces of lamps, covering the diffusers and lamp bulbs with a thin layer, cause additional absorption of the luminous flux created by the light source, and thereby reduce the efficiency of the lamp. Gradual contamination of walls and ceilings reduces their reflectance, while their absorption of light flux increases, which also leads to a decrease in illumination of workplaces.

In this regard, the good condition of the lighting installation is determined by timely and thorough cleaning of lighting electrical equipment elements from all types of contaminants, regular painting of walls and ceilings of premises and carrying out routine preventive inspections and routine repairs of electrical equipment.

Operational personnel are responsible for timely cleaning of natural light openings and carrying out measures to save energy consumption for lighting purposes. Very often there are cases of misunderstanding of the last requirement, as a result of which some of the lamps are turned off or the power of the lamps installed in them is reduced to save money. Such actions lead to deterioration of lighting conditions, lead to a decrease in labor productivity, and an increase in injuries and are therefore unacceptable.

Checking light levels in workplaces can be done using a light measuring device called a lux meter. The most convenient is a portable lux meter of the Yu-16 type. This device consists of a light detector, a selenium photocell, and a galvanometer with a pointer. The scale of the device is graduated in units of illumination - lux. When measuring illumination, it is necessary to monitor the voltage of the supply network.

If the voltage deviates from the nominal voltage by more than ±5%, measurements cannot be made, as this leads to large errors. It should also be kept in mind that the lux meter is calibrated to measure illumination from incandescent lamps. When measuring illumination from fluorescent lamps of the LD type, it is necessary to enter a correction factor of 0.9, and in the case of lamps of the LB type, a correction factor of 1.1.

Light measurements must be taken at least once a month at certain points located in different areas of the workshop. Pre and In general, measurements are made in those areas where precise work is performed that involves high visual strain. The results of illumination measurements are recorded in the operating log of the lighting installation.

When developing a lighting project, a safety factor is usually introduced into the calculations, taking into account the decrease in illumination during operation of the installation (aging of lamps, contamination of lamps and room surfaces, etc.). This coefficient is different for fluorescent lamps, and also depends on the nature of the room environment (for incandescent lamps it is taken from 1.3 to 1.7, for fluorescent lamps from 1.5 to 2.0).

When monitoring illumination at the beginning of operation of an installation or during its operation after replacing lamps with new ones and cleaning fixtures, the results of illumination measurements should be 1.3-2.0 times higher than the normalized value (depending on the accepted safety factor for a given installation).

To organize the correct operation of the lighting installation, operating personnel must have the necessary technical documentation of the installation. After completion of installation and commissioning work installation organization hands over the completed lighting installation to operating personnel. At the same time, as-built drawings are drawn up that reflect the actual implementation of the lighting installation. These drawings must contain data on the backbone and group network of each room, types of installed lamps and lamp power, illumination of individual rooms, data on types of group and distribution boards, currents of fuse links and rated currents of circuit breakers, etc.

When transferring the installation into operation, protocols must be drawn up to measure the insulation resistance of cables and wires, acts for hidden work, measurements of the actual illumination of rooms and individual workplaces, etc.

During the operation of the lighting installation, with all changes made to the existing installation, appropriate adjustments must be made in the as-built drawings. It is necessary to strictly ensure that the technical documentation is maintained in exemplary order at all times and reflects the actual state of the installation.

The correct rational form of organizing the operation of the lighting installation is of great importance. Several such basic forms may be recommended, the choice of which should be decided specifically at each enterprise, depending on local conditions.

The most common form of operating a lighting installation is servicing the lamps at the installation site by operating personnel. With this form of operation, calculations show that for every 50-120 kW installed power of light sources, it is necessary to have one fitter of the 3rd category. lower limit power refers to installations with gas-discharge lamps, and the upper one - to installations with incandescent lamps when servicing lamps from stepladders or ladders.

At large enterprises, it is rational to organize specialized teams to service lighting installations with the creation of lighting workshops at large workshops. Such workshops can be created separately or as part of electrical repair shops. The workshop should have a stock of cleaned and tested lamps.

Lamps that require cleaning and maintenance, as well as those that are out of order, are removed by staff from the installation site and sent to the workshop, and in their place others are immediately installed from the available stock. With such a maintenance system, significant cost savings can be obtained, since instead of processing each lamp manually at the installation site, it is possible in the workshop to have specialized productive equipment for cleaning lamps, stands for testing them, etc. All this reduces the unit cost of servicing each lamp .

Diagram of the lighting system of the projection installation: 1 - elliptical reflector, 2 - UV radiation source, 3 - protective glass, 4 - fly-eye honeycomb condenser, 5 - selectively reflecting mirror, 6 - bandpass filter, 7 - condenser lens.

It is also possible to organize specialized lighting workshops to service a number of enterprises. In such workshops, high industrialization of lamp processing can be achieved and thus the cost of this work can be reduced. Lighting workshops can serve enterprises on a contractual basis, and in some cases such a system for organizing operation may turn out to be more economically profitable compared, for example, with a system for cleaning lamps at the site of their installation.

With the growing volume of lighting installations, when several thousand lamps are installed in workshops and when the use of gas-discharge light sources begins to become increasingly important, the cost of operating lighting installations becomes extremely important. One of the main items of these expenses is the cost of replacing burnt out lamps. With a large number of installed lamps, the problem of replacing them arises.

There are three ways to replace lamps: individual, group and combined. In the first case, each burnt-out lamp is replaced with a new one. With group replacement, it is assumed that all lamps used in one room or part of it are installed at the same time and, after burning for a certain time, are replaced with new ones. The third method is a combination of the first and second.

It is known that incandescent lamps have an average lifespan of 1,000 h, and, according to the standard, the luminous flux of each lamp after 750 h combustion should be at least 85% of its original value. Since the luminous flux of incandescent lamps decreases by a small amount during the combustion process, there is no point in stopping the use of the lamps before they burn out.

If we take into account the safety factors adopted when designing lighting installations, a possible decrease in the luminous flux of incandescent lamps due to their aging when 15-20% of all installed lamps burn out this room lamps, they need to be replaced with new ones. Thus, in installations with incandescent lamps, it is possible to use a combined method of replacing lamps.

A completely different picture emerges in installations with fluorescent lamps. According to the standard for these lamps, their average service life should be 5,000 h, and the luminous flux after this burning time can be on the order of 60% of its average nominal value. Some lamps fail before they burn out up to 5,000 hours, while another part of the lamps can burn for a longer time, but at the same time significantly loses luminous flux. With a greater loss of luminous flux, further operation of such lamps becomes economically unprofitable. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the effective service life of the lamp, when its use is still economically profitable, and the full service life before it burns out.

The effective lamp life will be less than the actual lamp life possible. If you operate an installation with fluorescent lamps and replace the lamps only after they fail, this can lead to a sharp decrease in illumination below the standard level, which is unacceptable. Therefore, replacement of lamps should be carried out after the effective service life of the lamps has expired, although in practice they may still burn. It should be emphasized that for installations with fluorescent and other gas-discharge lamps, the indicators of the need to replace the lamps are not their burnout, but their effective service life.

Thus, if in the case of incandescent lamps with a system of individual or combined replacement of lamps, the need to replace them is determined by the fact that the lamps burn out, then in installations with gas-discharge lamps this problem is more difficult to solve. In this case, it is possible to keep an individual record of the burning time of each lamp, but in practice this is difficult to do. In this regard, the idea of ​​group replacement of lamps arose, when all lamps installed in a room or part of it are simultaneously replaced.

The advantages of this method of replacing lamps can be considered a sharp reduction in the cost of maintaining the installation and a reduction in the time required for its implementation, an increase in the average level of illumination in the workplace and a reduction in unproductive energy consumption due to a decrease in the efficiency of lamps as they age. Lamp replacement can be done at any time of the day, without interfering with the technological operating mode of the enterprise, and it can be combined with the time of cleaning the lamps.

The disadvantage of this method of replacing lamps is the greater consumption of lamps. However, after removing the lamps, they should be checked for the amount of luminous flux, and those lamps that still have a sufficiently large luminous flux can be placed for further use in auxiliary rooms. This slightly reduces the increased consumption of lamps.

The benefits of using a group method of replacing lamps in each specific case is determined by an economic calculation that takes into account the accepted safety factors, the cost of individual and group replacement of lamps, the dependence of the reduction in the luminous flux of lamps on the burning time and a number of other factors. The effective service life of lamps is also determined on the basis of technical and economic calculations, and for domestic fluorescent lamps it lies in the range of 3,500-5,000 h.

Maintenance of lighting electrical installations includes constant supervision, periodic inspection and timely repair of elements of lighting devices. The timing of inspections, inspections and repairs is established in accordance with the PTE depending on the operating conditions of lighting electrical installations. The serviceability of the emergency lighting system is checked at least once every 3 months; condition of electrical wiring, fuse links and working and emergency lighting equipment - at least once a year. Testing and measuring the insulation resistance of wires and cables is carried out at least once every 3 years; measuring loads and voltage at individual points of the power grid - once a year; testing the insulation of transformers with a secondary voltage of 12-42 V - once a year, and portable transformers - once a month.

During the inspection of lighting networks, the condition of openly laid cables and wires, cable terminations, the integrity of grounding conductors, the quality of connections and wire branches, and the absence of heating in the connections are checked. When inspecting group and main panels, check the compliance of the fuse links with the operating currents of the circuits, the serviceability of the switches, circuit breakers, plug sockets and their contact parts.

When inspecting lamps, pay attention to the condition of the fittings and its parts, the strength of the glass cover, the serviceability and heating of the socket, the correspondence of the lamp power to the type of lamp, the strength of the lamp fastening, the integrity of the grounding conductor, the serviceability of the starter and throttle devices for gas-discharge lamps, the condition of the cable suspensions and strength their fastenings.

All defects identified during the inspection should be corrected immediately. For large volume necessary work defects are recorded in the inspection log and eliminated during routine repairs. The frequency of cleaning lamps depends on many factors, primarily on the environment of the illuminated room. So, in industrial premises where there is dust, smoke and soot in an amount of more than 10 mg/m3, lamps are cleaned 2 times a month; for pollution from 5 to 10 mg/m 3 - once a month; for pollution of no more than 5 mg/m3, as well as in rooms with a normal air environment - once every 3 months.

Repair of electrical installations

Repair of hand-held devices. Repair of circuit breakers and switches is carried out in the following sequence. Clean the knives from soot and melts using a steel brush and sanding with abrasive sandpaper. If the knives are damaged, straighten them by straightening (a hammer with a copper head on a straightening board). The bending of the knives after repair is checked with a feeler gauge. The bend should not exceed 0.2 mm along the entire length of the knife. Check the integrity of the springs that tighten the moving contacts and the springs of the knife locking mechanism. Replace damaged and weakened springs with new ones.

Contacts with traces of melting should be filed with a file or cleaned with a wire brush. Replace severely damaged contacts with new ones.

Circuit breaker repair begin by removing the arc extinguishing chambers, being careful not to damage the arc extinguishing device grid plates inside the chambers. Copper-coated steel plates are carefully cleaned of carbon deposits with a wooden stick or a soft steel brush, washed with a rag soaked in solvent, and wiped with clean rags. Cracks and breakages of arc chambers and deion gratings are glued with BF-2 glue, and cracks with outside arc extinguishing chambers are sealed with thin electrical cardboard (during gluing, care must be taken to ensure that glue smudges do not remain on the inner surface insulating material arc chutes). Faulty deion gratings are replaced with new ones. During repairs, the arcing contacts of machines are washed and filed with a file, trying to remove the smallest amount of copper; if they are severely damaged (more than 30% of the contact size), replace them with new ones. Adjustment of the operation of the contact system of the machine is carried out by simultaneously touching the main, and then intermediate and arc-extinguishing contacts.

The contact system is adjusted so that at the moment the arc extinguishing contacts touch, the gap between the movable and stationary intermediate contacts is at least 5 mm, and at the moment the intermediate contacts touch, the gap between the movable and stationary main contacts is at least 2.5 mm. The dip of the main contacts must be at least 2 mm in the on position of the machine. In the switched off position of the machine, the opening of the arc extinguishing contacts must be at least 65 mm.

This normative document “Methodological instructions on the subject and analysis in power systems of technical mills with voltage of 0.38-20 kV with overhead power lines” is intended for the personnel of energy supply companies techniques for the operation of separate electrical circuits with a voltage of 0.38-20 kV overhead power lines. He laid out the main provisions and made recommendations for the design of the technical installation of distributed electrical circuits with a voltage of 0.38-20 kV with overhead power lines.

Training on labor protection, fire safety and technical operation

Regulatory document "Training and testing the knowledge of employees of electric power industry enterprises on labor protection issues, fire safety And technical operation" establishes the types and procedure for training and testing the knowledge of workers at enterprises, institutions and organizations of the electric power industry.

Testing of disconnectors, separators and short circuiters

In accordance with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules, fully assembled and adjusted disconnectors, separators and short circuiters of all voltage classes are tested to the following extent...

Elimination of accidents and regime violations at energy enterprises and energy associations

GKD 34.20.563-96. The instructions are intended for engineering, technical, operational and administrative personnel of national and regional dispatch centers, state energy companies and power supply enterprises. The instruction sets general provisions on the division of functions in the elimination of violations of regimes between various levels of operational personnel, and also provides basic provisions for the elimination of technological violations, common to all energy enterprises and energy associations.

Reception, storage and operation of transformer oils

GKD 34.43.101-97 - methodical inserts that are expanded on naphtha transformer oils of all brands, which are used for electrical purposes at the enterprises of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, and are generally harmful to personnel of these enterprises.

Norm viprobuvannya elektroobladnannya

GKD 34.20.302-2002 - standards, regulations and frequency of testing electrical equipment, which are expanding mainly and additional electrical equipment, which are being prepared or take part from the damaged, transformed, transmitted and distributed electrical energy.

Standards for emergency supply of electrical installations, design and materials for electrical wiring

GKD 34.10.384-98 - establishes emergency reserve standards for electrical installations, building structures and materials for electrical lines with voltages from 0.38 to 150 kV, which comply with the provisions of GOST 721 and GOST 21128, in addition to special purpose measures.

Questions and answers on the rules for safe operation of electrical installations

Questions and answer options for exams.

Rules of protection are underway

The rules are expanded to include government entities that organize or design work at height, including climbing robots. The rules establish a uniform procedure for organizing and designing work at height to ensure safety nikiv.

Rules for the safe operation of consumer electrical installations

The requirements of the Rules apply to workers servicing existing electrical installations of consumers with voltages up to 220 kV and are mandatory for all consumers and electricity producers. The Rules set out the basic safety requirements for the operation of electrical installations.

Labor safety rules when working at height

(translation from Ukrainian). The rules apply to business entities that organize or perform work at height, including steeplejack work. The rules establish the only procedure for organizing and performing work at height in order to ensure the safety of workers.

Rules for organizing technical maintenance and repair of power plants and repairs

Rules for organizing technical maintenance and repair of equipment, maintenance and repair of power plants and measures. The system of technical maintenance and repair of electrical lines is transferred to a complex of robots, which is carried out at a specified frequency and consistency, ensuring proper electrical equipment, its reliable and economical and operation with optimal labor and material costs.

When there is insufficient lighting in production workshops, vision deteriorates, labor productivity drops, and the quality of the products decreases. Therefore for industrial enterprises Minimum illumination standards provided for by SNiP and PUE have been developed and are mandatory. The illumination values ​​​​according to these standards depend on the nature of production and the higher the greater the accuracy required when performing technological processes and production operations. When designing and lighting calculations, illumination is assumed to be slightly greater than required by standards. This reserve is determined by the fact that during operation the level of initial (design) illumination inevitably decreases over time. This occurs due to a gradual decrease in the luminous flux of lamps, contamination of fittings and some other reasons. However, the illumination reserve taken during design and calculations is sufficient for normal operation of electric lighting installations: regular cleaning of lamps, light guides, timely change of lamps, etc. If the operation is unsatisfactory, the accepted supply of illumination cannot compensate for the decreasing level of illumination, and it becomes insufficient. It should be borne in mind that the illumination of the room is greatly influenced by the color of the walls and ceilings and their condition. Painting in light colors and regularly cleaning from dirt helps to ensure the required lighting standards. The frequency of inspections of lighting electrical installations depends on the nature of the premises, condition environment and is established by the chief power engineer of the enterprise. Approximately for dusty rooms with an aggressive environment, the required frequency of inspection of working lighting can be taken once every two months, and in rooms with a normal environment - once every four months. For emergency lighting installations, inspection times are reduced by half. Inspections of lighting installations During inspections of lighting electrical installations, the condition of electrical wiring, panels, lighting fixtures, machines, switches, plug sockets and other elements of the installation is checked. The reliability of the contacts in the installation is also checked: loose contacts must be tightened, and burnt contacts must be cleaned or replaced with new ones. Replacing lamps in luminaires B production workshops In industrial enterprises, there are two ways to change lamps: individual and group. With the individual method, lamps are replaced as they fail; in the group method, they are replaced in groups (after they have served the required number of hours). The second method is more economically profitable, since it can be combined with cleaning the lamps, but is associated with a large consumption of lamps.. Excessive lamp power leads to unacceptable overheating of lamps and sockets and worsens the condition of wire insulation. Lamps and fittings are cleaned of dust and soot in workshops with a small emission of pollutants (mechanical and tool shops, machine rooms, tanneries, etc.) twice a month; with large emissions of pollutants (forges and foundries, spinning factories, cement factories, mills, etc.) four times a month. Clean all elements of lamps - reflectors, lenses, lamps and outer surfaces of fittings. Windows for natural light are cleaned as they become dirty. Working and emergency lighting in production workshops is turned on and off according to a schedule only when natural light is insufficient to carry out work.; high-pressure mercury arc (DRL type); xenon (DKsT type) high pressure air-cooled and ultra-high pressure water-cooled; high and low pressure sodium lamps. The first two types of lamps are most widespread. Gas discharge lamps have the following main features. The luminous efficiency (efficiency) of incandescent lamps is in the range of 1.6-3%, and their luminous efficiency does not exceed 20 lm/W of power consumption for high-power lamps and is reduced to 7 lm/W for lamps with a power of up to 60 W. The luminous efficiency of fluorescent lamps and DRL lamps reaches 7%, and the luminous efficiency exceeds 40 lm/W. However, such lamps are included in electrical network. One of the features of using fluorescent lighting is that it is more difficult to find a fault compared to using incandescent lamps. This is explained by the fact that the most common circuit for switching on fluorescent lamps contains a starter and a choke (ballast resistance) and becomes much more complex than the switching circuit for an incandescent lamp. Another feature of fluorescent lighting is that for normal ignition and operation of a fluorescent lamp, the network voltage should not be less than 95% of the nominal one. Therefore, when operating fluorescent lamps, it is necessary to control the network voltage. Normal operation of a fluorescent lamp is ensured at a temperature of 18-25 °C; at a lower temperature, the fluorescent lamp may not light up. During operation, fluorescent lamps are inspected more often than incandescent lamps. It is recommended to inspect fluorescent lamps daily, and clean them from dust and check their serviceability at least once a month. The starter is a neon lamp with two (less often one) bimetallic electrodes. When voltage is applied to the fluorescent lamp, a discharge is formed in the starter, which contributes to the short circuit of the initially open electrodes of the starter. At the same time, a large current flows in the circuit, which heats up the gas gap in the bulb of the fluorescent lamp, as well as the bimetallic electrodes of the starter themselves.
At the moment when the starter electrodes open, a voltage surge occurs, which is provided by the throttle. Under the influence of increased voltage, the gas gap in the lamp breaks through and it lights up. The inductor is connected in series with the lamp, so the 220 V supply voltage is divided into 110 V for the lamp and the inductor, respectively. The starter is connected to the lamp in parallel; therefore, when the lamp is operating, lamp voltage is supplied to it. This voltage value is not enough to re-close the starter electrodes, that is, it participates in the circuit only when the fluorescent lamp is turned on. The choke, in addition to generating an increased voltage pulse, limits the current when the lamp is turned on (when the starter contacts are closed), and also ensures stable burning of the discharge in the lamp during its operation. Reasons why a fluorescent lamp may not work. A fluorescent lamp, unlike conventional base lamps, has a large number of contact connections. Therefore, one of the reasons for the inoperability of the lamp may be the lack of contact in one or another part of the lamp. for integrity. To do this, remove it from the socket and insert it into a known working fluorescent lamp. If the lamp does not light, it should be replaced. But you should take into account the fact that it could burn out due to a malfunction of the choke, so before installing a new lamp in a non-working lamp, you need to make sure that the choke of the lamp is working.
The next reason for the lamp to not work is a faulty starter. A starter malfunction can be manifested either by complete inoperability of the lamp or by its characteristic flickering.