Peach or apricot oil for face. Proper use of peach oil for the face. Composition and beneficial properties of apricot oil

Despite the many similarities, the differences between peaches and apricots are significant. If you understand them, then it will be impossible to confuse these fruits in the future.

Despite many similarities, the difference between peach and apricot is significant

Origin of species and their distribution

Apricot is fruit tree, belonging to the genus Plum. It has been known since time immemorial, first appearing in the Ararat Valley area about 3 thousand years ago, brought there from China. Scientific name: Prunus armeniaca.

Peach belongs to the Almond subgenus. Its homeland is unknown, but its most likely origin is China. The plant was brought to Europe from Persia, which explains its name.

Both crops are heat-loving, which is why they are comfortable in southern regions that do not have harsh winters. Successful cultivation apricot production is possible in much colder areas, especially now that breeders have developed many winter-hardy varieties.

Fruit qualities

Characteristics of apricot fruit:

  • yellowish-orange coloration, marked by a one-sided blush;
  • round or slightly elongated shape, which is convex regardless of the variety;
  • average weight of 30-40 g;
  • velvety skin, the pubescence of which occurs, but is not particularly pronounced;
  • rich sweet taste made possible by the content large quantity sugars;
  • dryish pulp.

Features of peach fruit:

  • various color options: from yellow to dark pink;
  • many shapes, among which you can find both convex and flat, which is determined by the specifics of a particular variety (for example, the latter option is typical for fig peach);
  • average weight ranging between 80 and 110 g;
  • strong pubescence of the skin (the only exception is nectarines, which are a type of peach with a perfectly smooth surface, like a plum);
  • moderate sweetness, sometimes complemented by a barely noticeable bitterness;
  • very juicy pulp.

On average, a peach is about 2.5 times larger than an apricot, its color is more varied and it has several shapes.

The peach is approximately 2.5 times larger than the apricot and has big amount colors

Its flesh is juicier, and the skin almost always has a large number of hairs. Apricot fruits are characterized by increased sweetness, much less often characterized by the presence of a bitter aftertaste.

Differences between apricot and peach fruits include different compositions of vitamins and microelements:

  1. Vitamin A. In terms of its content, apricot is approximately 2.6 times ahead of peach. The more intense the color, the more of this vitamin there is.
  2. Vitamin C. Apricots have more vitamin C than peaches, 1.5 times - 10 mg versus 6.6 mg per 100 g of fruit.
  3. Vitamin E. The difference is that peach contains 1.5 mg per 100 g, and apricot 1.1 mg.
  4. Magnesium, primarily necessary for the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Peaches contain about twice as much as apricots.
  5. Zinc is primarily needed to maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. There is 25% more of this element in peaches.
  6. Apricots contain 1.6 times more potassium than peaches.
  7. The amount of zinc in both fruits is practically the same.

The amount of zinc in both peach and apricot is almost the same.

Other differences and features

  1. Peaches help speed up fat burning. By consuming them, you can quickly feel full, although the energy value of the fruit is low.
  2. Despite its apparent tenderness, the peach is a very hardy tree, which compares favorably with most apricot varieties, and the only serious ailment to which it is not highly resistant is curling.
  3. The most noticeable drawback of peach is the ability to cause allergies, while apricots have this to a lesser extent.
  4. Apricot fruits are characterized by a high fiber content.
  5. Apricot oil is one of the the best means for massage and cleansing of the skin.

Apricot oil, like any other natural product, has a lot of truly unique qualities, thanks to which it becomes irreplaceable and effective means in the care of facial skin of any type. The popularity of this aromatic oil is enormous; it is widely used in the cosmetics industry in the care of hair, eyelashes and nails, as it has a strengthening effect on them, stimulating their growth processes.

Composition and benefits of apricot kernel oil for the skin.
Apricot oil is an exclusively natural and environmentally friendly product; it is isolated from the kernels of ordinary apricot kernels using the cold pressing technique. Similar method obtaining makes it possible finished product preserve almost all useful and valuable substances and vitamins in the output. It is the composition of apricot kernel oil that makes it possible to use for absolutely any skin of the face and body.

Externally, apricot oil has the appearance of a yellowish liquid with a pleasant and subtle nutty or apricot smell. The composition of the oil is closely similar to the composition of peach and almond oil, and is rich in various polyunsaturated and other types of fatty acids (palmitic, linoleic, etc.), which are so necessary for the health and normal functioning of skin cells. In addition, apricot oil contains many different vitamins (in particular groups B, C, A, F) and useful elements, which in this combination provide the skin with good hydration, increase its level of firmness and elasticity, help accelerate regenerative processes in cells, which prevents premature aging and prevents skin aging. It should also be said that apricot oil can regulate the production of sebum, thereby preventing the expansion of pores and the development of painful acne. From this we can say that apricot oil is perfect for skin that is deficient in vitamins, moisturizing and nutritional components. Using facial oil will help significantly improve appearance and skin quality, solve many cosmetic problems.

Due to its effective moisturizing, softening and nourishing effect, apricot kernel oil is an excellent care product for dry and flaky skin, and also serves as an excellent preventative against the occurrence of such problems. The restorative properties of the oil, when used systematically, accelerate the process of self-cleansing of the skin from dead particles during peeling, and also stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers by special cells. Apricot oil also has anti-aging properties; its use smooths out wrinkles, gives tone and increases skin elasticity, significantly improving complexion.

It should also be noted the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities of apricot oil, which effectively eliminate any inflammatory processes on the skin, which is especially pleasing to those with problematic and sensitive skin.

Application of apricot oil for facial skin.
The wide spectrum of action and beneficial qualities of apricot kernel oil make it possible to use it for the skin as independent means, as well as in combination with other oils plant nature(for example, almond, flaxseed, olive, jojoba, wheat germ, avocado, etc., in the same percentage). In addition, it is an excellent base for dissolving various essential oils and creating homemade creams and masks. Due to its light structure, apricot oil is absorbed very quickly, does not clog pores and does not leave a shine on the face.

It can be used by those with absolutely any skin, regardless of age; it is especially useful for dry, aging, rough, flabby and dehydrated skin. But the effect of the oil on sensitive, problematic and mixed (combination) skin, which is prone to acne, will be no less beneficial. I note that apricot kernel oil is one of the few that is absolutely harmless to the delicate and sensitive skin of children. Apricot oil is an excellent product for caring for the delicate eyelid area, nourishes and moisturizes this area, smoothing out wrinkles (especially those called “crow’s feet”).

The use of apricot oil for the skin can be absolutely any. You can lubricate your face with it, replacing night cream, and use it as a care product for the area around the eyes instead of special creams and gels. For this purpose, a small amount of oil is driven in with the fingertips (from above - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, from below - from the outer to the inner). For peeling, redness and inflammation, apply oil directly to the affected areas of the skin. You can also enrich nourishing creams with apricot oil. It is better if you prepare such creams at home, because in “store-bought” formulations it is unknown what is present, and all this “chemical component” is unknown how it will affect the skin in combination with oil.

Apricot oil, slightly heated, will be an excellent cleanser (a kind of tonic) and will suit absolutely any skin (except for extremely oily skin).

Apricot oil recipes for facial skin.
Face masks with injection or prepared on the basis of apricot oil have a very good effect. The simplest option for using them for any skin is to slightly heat a little oil and apply to a previously cleansed face, leave for twenty to thirty minutes. There is no need to wash off the oil at the end of the procedure, just blot off the excess with a cosmetic napkin. The oil can also be combined with any other vegetable and cosmetic in equal proportions.

For problem skin, inflammation and acne, this procedure is suitable: dilute two drops of essential oil in a tablespoon of apricot oil (you can use a mixture of vegetable oils, but the total amount is one tablespoon). Tea tree, lemon or lavender oils are perfect for this purpose. Soak the composition previously soaked in warm water swab and lubricate the skin with it.

And here is a recipe for a universal nourishing mask, which is ideal for dry, rough skin, as well as the décolleté area: a tablespoon of apricot oil can be mixed with the essential component (six drops) and heated in a water bath to a temperature of thirty-seven degrees. Make a piece of gauze in advance: fold it in several layers and leave holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Moisten such a napkin in oil composition and apply it to your face. It is better to apply the mask while lying down; during such a mask it is necessary to create a calm atmosphere. Place cling film on top of the gauze, or you can use parchment paper. You can also wrap your face in a towel, this will additionally create a thermal effect. Keep this mask-compress for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For combination skin, it is ideal to use as a mask a composition of apricot and peach oils, taken in equal proportions, with the addition of a couple of drops of any essential oil, you can combine them (mint, neroli, lemon, ylang-ylang). Apply as usual to cleansed skin, after half an hour, rinse with warm water and apply nourishing cream. The mask restores fat metabolism in the skin, returns freshness to the face, makes the skin uniform and increases elasticity.

To smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, as well as to prevent them, it is effective to apply daily to the eyelid area a mixture of a tablespoon of apricot oil and two drops of rose oil (you can replace neroli, limetta, sandalwood). After twenty minutes, remove the remaining composition with a napkin, gently blotting the skin.

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is recommended to make the following mask or apply the composition in the form of an application: combine a tablespoon of our kernel oil with almond oil. Apply for half an hour, then “drive” the remaining composition into the skin with massage movements. Or soak a gauze napkin with slits for the eyes, mouth and nose in the composition and apply to the skin for half an hour. Carry out the procedure once every three days.

And if you combine a tablespoon of apricot oil with two drops of patchouli or chamomile (or a mixture of them, one drop at a time), then the result is an excellent remedy against various spots on the skin, as well as relieving fatigue from tired skin.

In order to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to apply a mixture of a tablespoon of apricot oil and two drops of cajuput oil to problem areas (can be replaced with tea tree, lavender or lemon oil).

Applications of apricot oil for the body.
This most valuable gift of nature is also great for body care. It is amazingly suitable for massage purposes and can also be added to massage formulations. It is recommended to apply to steamed body skin with massaging movements, leaving until completely absorbed. The product can also be combined with essential oils: for 50 ml of base - 2 drops of any essential component (neroli, chamomile or lavender), or a drop of lavender and bergamot, or two drops of patchouli, or a drop of orange and lavender oils.

Massage with apricot oil helps eliminate inflammation and rashes from the skin, including in children.

Use it effectively in the fight against cellulite. Combine a tablespoon of apricot and avocado oil, or use the former in pure form, add two drops each of orange, juniper, lemon and orange oils, or the same amount of tangerine, pine, juniper and grapefruit oils. Massage problem areas of the body with the composition after taking a bath.

A mixture of apricot and peach oils, taken one tablespoon at a time, will perfectly moisturize and soften the body. You can enrich the mixture with ylang-ylang, sandalwood, and lavender oils (take two drops each). Use daily after water procedures.

Today there is huge selection vegetable oils: from affordable ones, which housewives use every day, to exotic ones, which are added to holiday dishes and snacks. Apricot and peach oils belong to the second category. They have been used in cooking since time immemorial. These fatty, saturated oils are very healthy and nutritious. They are valued in cooking and cosmetology for their softening, moisturizing and cleansing properties.

Use in cooking

Apricot and peach oils are produced from the seeds of the respective fruits by pressing and filtration. As a rule, cold-pressed oil is consumed. It stores everything beneficial features. When purchasing apricot oil for culinary use, you need to make sure that it is intended for human consumption, as some companies may add stabilizers to cosmetic oils. Only refined and deodorized oil is used for food. Its taste is mild and almost odorless.

Apricot or peach oil is used primarily as a salad dressing, alone or mixed with other oils. The subtle flavors of these oils do not distract from the main flavor of the dish, and their rich, buttery texture envelops each bite and enhances its flavor.

The price of these oils is quite high, so they are used in small quantity when preparing holiday dishes. If you mix apricot or peach oil with spices, you get an original dressing for potato or meat salad. These oils will be a good base for the lungs. The egg yolk should be mixed with a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar until they are completely dissolved. Then add a spoonful of mustard and a spoonful of apricot oil and mix everything thoroughly.

Beneficial features

Apricot and peach oils contain 20% proteins, 57% polyunsaturated fatty acids, 20% sugars, 1.6% organic acids, vitamins C, D, E, group B, pectin, enzymes, minerals: potassium, calcium, iron , magnesium, iodine and zinc.

Consumption of apricot oil helps prevent various diseases: hypovitaminosis, kidney disease, gastritis, constipation, diseases gastrointestinal tract, cough, hiccups, illness nervous system, stress, thyroid disease, diabetes, allergies. For people with kidney and cardiovascular diseases, apricot oil is useful as a product with a high potassium content, which helps remove excess water from the body.

Interesting Facts

Apricot oil has long been famous for its miraculous effects on the skin. It has high biological activity, slows down the aging process and is used to care for dry, wrinkled skin and prevent wrinkles. The oil is well absorbed and absorbed by the skin, penetrating deeply and nourishing the skin. It is indispensable in case of lack of nutrients, adverse effects environment, has a pronounced positive effect on burns or cracks in the skin, and is used as a beach oil.

Calorie content and nutritional value of apricot oil

Calorie content of apricot oil - 899.1 kcal.

Nutritional value of apricot oil: proteins - 0 g, fats - 99.9 g, carbohydrates - 0 g

Oils of this group have a composition similar to human skin fats. They are quickly absorbed and are perceived very easily by the body.

Almond oil is the most famous base oil. This oil is very versatile: it penetrates the skin very easily and is suitable for almost any skin (with rare exceptions) and any age. Revitalizes sensitive, dry, flaky skin. Also, with regular use, it gives a beautiful and healthy color to the skin.

Almond Oil (Sweet Almond Oil, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis) very good for hair: it nourishes the roots and stimulates hair growth, gives elasticity and shine. Since this oil is very soft and gentle, it is excellent for caring for baby's skin with irritation, heat rash and seborrheic dermatitis.

Due to the high content of oleic acid, the oil is easily absorbed and distributed over the skin. But when used in its pure form it can be comedogenic (clog pores). Therefore, when using almond oil in facial mixtures, it is advisable to dilute it with a “lighter” oil (for example, grape seed oil).

Since the oil contains a high content of vitamin E, it has a significant shelf life.

The oil is obtained by cold pressing almond seeds.

Appearance of oil
* yellowish liquid;
* pleasant taste;
* long shelf life.

Chemical composition:
* fatty acid
* palmitic acid
* palmitoleic acid
* linolenic acid
* linoleic acid (2-28%)
* oleic acid
* heptadecanoic acid
* stearic acid
* arachidic acid
* eicosadienic acid
* erucic acid
* enzyme emulsin
* vitamin B2,
* proteins

* sensitive and irritation-prone skin;
* tired, flabby, aging skin;
* stretch marks, decreased elasticity of body skin;
* used in the treatment of sunburn, painful dermatitis and eczema
* stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes;
* dull complexion;
* sprain;
* ear pain;
* hardening of the mammary gland;
* cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis;
* chronic constipation, colitis;
* colds, pneumonia, bronchitis.


Apricot kernel oil has beneficial effects on the skin softening, moisturizing effect. It is non-toxic and spreads well over the skin. It can be used in its pure form or mixed with other oils depending on the problem and the desired result. Due to its properties and gentle effect on the skin, apricot oil is traditionally used in baby skin care.

* light liquid;
* light nutty aroma.

Chemical composition:
* oleic acid
* linoleic acid
* pantothenic acid
* mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids
* tocopherol
* potassium and magnesium salts
* vitamins A, B, C
* active form of vitamin F
* minerals

* dry, thin, dehydrated, sensitive skin (suitable for all skin types), recommended for skin care in autumn;
* reduced tone and elasticity, tired, flabby skin;

* dull, unhealthy complexion;
*promotes exfoliation of keratinized scales of the surface layer of the skin;
* prickly heat and seborrheic dermatitis in newborns;
* prevention of skin aging (promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers);
* cuts, abrasions.

Peach oil is a traditional base oil for massage blends because it absorbs slowly into the skin. The oil is obtained from peach seeds. The composition of the oil is similar to that of almond oil, so peach oil can be called its analogue.

Peach oil is suitable for skin care of any type. This oil moisturizes and softens the skin, giving it a beautiful and healthy color. In its pure form, oil is rarely used for skin care (only for massage and cleansing of the facial skin); it is usually added in mixtures with other base oils. Peach oil is an ideal product for baby skin care. It is also often included in dermatological formulations.

Peach seed oil is used for various diseases of the skin, nasopharyngeal mucosa, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, and burns. The oil has tonic properties and therefore has a positive effect on blood vessels. Peach oil contains micropotassium, which is necessary for heart function. This element also increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, helps with anemia, and increases the body's resistance.

* light yellow color;
* weak characteristic odor;
* soft taste.

Chemical composition:
* palmitic acid
* palmitoleic acid
* stearic acid
* oleic acid
* linoleic acid
* linolenic acid
* arachidic acid
* other fatty acids (40%)

* tired and flabby skin;
* small wrinkles;
* care for problem areas of the body that tend to decrease elasticity;

* eczema, dermatitis;
* conjunctivitis;
* ear pain;
* acute and chronic inflammation of the middle ear;
* laxative, choleretic.

Avocado oil is well absorbed and distributed over the skin. Due to the high content minerals and vitamins, the use of oil gives a remarkable effect: a sufficient amount of nutrients enters the skin, she is hydrated and looks beautiful and healthy. Avocado oil contains high concentrations of fatty acids. This is reflected on the skin in the most positive way: local skin immunity is restored. The oil owes its high biological activity to unsaponifiable fats, and its antioxidant properties to fat-soluble vitamins. This is one of the best eye care products. Avocado oil is suitable for caring not only for skin, but also for hair.

The oil can be used either in its pure form or in a mixture with other vegetable oils and with the addition of essential oils.

* thick;
* greenish-yellow color;
* soft, piquant smell;
* pleasant taste, reminiscent of nut butter;
* can be stored for a long time.

Chemical composition:
* palmitic (Palmitic) 15.8%
* palmitoleic (Palmitoliec) 6.1%
* stearic (Stearic) 0.5%
* oleic (Oleic) 64.3%
* linoleic (Linoleic) 12.2%
* linolenic (Linolenic) 0.8%
* vitamins A, B, D, E, K, PP
* lecithin
* chlorophyll
* histidine
* phytosterols
* salts of phosphoric acid
* squalene
* microelements

* daily skin care for eyelids, neck and whole body;
* dry, flaky and aging skin;
* restoration of skin protective functions;
* stimulates metabolic processes in the skin;
* protection from ultraviolet radiation;

* nourishing masks for hair and skin;
* enriching the skin with oxygen and stimulating blood circulation;
* rash, eczema, household and sunburn, irritated skin (externally, directly to damaged areas).

High-quality olive oil is not only a valuable culinary ingredient, but also a wonderful cosmetic product. Even in ancient times, it was noted that constant consumption of olive oil prevents the aging of the body. Thanks to the content of vitamin E and antioxidants, it really prevents cell aging, which is especially important for women who want to prolong their youth and preserve their beauty for a long time.

In addition to ingestion, olive oil will bring many benefits when used externally. . It is great for dry and sensitive skin, softening it and preventing cells from losing moisture. The oil also has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes wrinkles and prevents their appearance. And, what is also very important, according to the latest research by Japanese scientists, Treating your skin with olive oil after sunbathing significantly reduces the risk of skin cancer. Olive oil has anti-cancer properties due to its high content of natural antioxidants. And, in light of the latest warnings from doctors against sunbathing, when ozone layer The Earth has become significantly thinner and ultraviolet radiation poses a danger to our skin and health, it is difficult to overestimate the significance of this discovery.

Apricot and peach kernel oil is a treasure trove useful substances and sources of vital vitamins. They contain quite a lot of vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Apricots and peaches are a gift from nature for our health and beauty.

In the East, the love for apricots and peaches is especially noticeable. There are a huge number of different recipes for preparing dishes with these fruits, from drinks and sorbets to meat dishes. Not only the juicy pulp is used, but also seeds and dried fruits. Oil was extracted from the seeds and used both as food and as cosmetics. Even in ancient times, people understood the value of these fruits and oils and their beneficial effects on the skin, hair and complexion. Not in vain singing feminine beauty mentioned peach and apricot.

When combined with essential oils, apricot kernel oil is one of the most common additives in skin care products. Apricot oil is well absorbed into the skin and does not leave a greasy feeling. Moreover, it is suitable for all skin types. Apricot kernel oil does not clog pores, improves complexion, eliminates dryness and flaking, maintains the natural water balance of the skin, perfectly tightens and rejuvenates.

Apricot oil contains oleic and linoleic acids, and these fatty acids are responsible for the high content of vitamins A and E, as they are active antioxidants. Apricot oil can be used to soothe irritated skin. Apricot kernel oil can be added to creams, massage oils, scrubs, peelings, lotions, and balms, and even to liquid soap or gel. In shops healthy eating you can buy edible apricot kernel oil for fresh salad, baking or used as bio - active supplement to food.

High-quality apricot kernel oil is produced by cold pressing, so it retains its beneficial properties and has a rich aroma and color. Peach kernel oil, like apricot oil, is rich in its healing properties. All of the above also applies to peach oil and guarantees improved skin condition and overall health. I would especially like to note that peach oil promotes healthy blood circulation, relieves fatigue, and alleviates symptoms associated with women's problems, such as uterine fibroids, heavy bleeding, bloating, and irregular menstrual cycles. Apricot and peach oils have a positive effect on health if taken as food additives and improve the condition of the skin of the face and body if used in cosmetology.