How to choose quality plastic windows. How to choose plastic windows: expert advice. What are the requirements for a plastic profile?

If you are ready to regret your choice for 20 years, you shouldn’t read the advice. So:

Have you noticed that double-glazed windows take up from 70 to 90% of the window structure? This is the main gate for the leakage of such expensive heat. Therefore, decent, i.e. a warm double-glazed window is: 32 mm (the wider the better)...

How to choose plastic windows?

3 glasses, i.e. 2 air chambers, spacer frames, PVC glass with energy saving.

If you live in Africa in winter, you can choose a double-glazed window with a width of 24 mm, 2 glasses, 1 air chamber. Cheaper! But it’s worth installing energy-saving glass in case the heating is turned off in winter.

What to look for? First things first, to the manufacturer. Let us delicately remain silent about China and Russia.

All European plastics are produced in Russia and Ukraine, according to European recipes, using imported automatic and semi-automatic equipment. They are all white, maybe with a slight blue, and do not turn yellow. All are environmentally friendly, the notorious lead harms nature only during production and disposal; in windows it is absolutely harmless. The amount of lead in your windows is hundreds of times less than in your crystal.

We liked the manufacturer, look at the profile width. 70 mm is optimal for our climate. The main difference between a 70 mm profile and a 60 mm profile is the width of the installation seam. There is more warm foam with a wider profile.

Select the number of air chambers in the profile. Any manager in the sales office will show you where they are. Here you can save money, with the same width, the number of cameras does not significantly affect the advantages of the window. Only if you have your own house, you heat it, or you have apartment heating, it is better to take 5 chambers.

Whoever does not listen to this advice and chooses a 58 mm profile, 3 cameras, at least look at the thickness of the front walls. It happens from 2.5 mm to 3 mm. For heavy window structures, 2.5 mm is not suitable, the welding seam is less strong, and the walls themselves will not withstand the load.

And there is also a glazing bead. I saw a man admiring a round bead: “I like this one!” They say that someone falls in love with glazing bead.

I’m not talking about colored profiles, laminated or tinted in bulk, because this has nothing to do with practicality; on the contrary, colored plastics are weaker against frost than white ones.

It's simple here. The fittings have already been chosen for you, as an addition to the plastic, by the manufacturers of window blocks, whoever chooses which one. Good accessories:


All of them are made in Germany. Automated lines produce lots and lots of fittings for windows; Russia is an excellent market for Germany. Fittings of the same name cannot be produced in China.

Ask for installation according to GOST. These are: PSUL tape (vapor-permeable self-expanding) foam, waterproofing tape. Otherwise, over time, the foam will collapse and blow out from all the seams in cold weather.

Excess foam cannot be cut off; after installation, a protective film is formed only once. Make sure you hire good installers; they won’t produce excess foam.

Assembly seams are the most weakness in window construction.

do not end up in garage production. There, they will assemble a double-glazed window for you very inexpensively using tape instead of sealant, at the very least weld a profile, and, at best, in 2-5 years you will definitely feel the difference with your neighbor’s normal window. Conscientious recommendations and instincts can help.

P.S. This article was written as part of a competition . Are you participating?

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This article is about how to choose the right new windows for your apartment. It just so happens that the customer usually completely shifts the function of choosing windows to the seller. My task is to tell you what you should pay attention to when buying, and what factors are not of any importance. Let's get started.

Our goal is to purchase a warm, practical and durable window.

The points

  1. What window parameters should we choose?

There are several of them:

  • Frame material Currently, they are made from metal-plastic (PVC with metal liners that increase the rigidity of the profile), wood (glued together from lamellas and treated with protective compounds) and aluminum;
  • Position and number of opening and blind doors;
  • Manufacturer of frames and (in the case of metal and metal-plastic products) profile structure;
  • Manufacturer and design of window fittings;
  • Number of double glazing chambers;

In this case, the chamber is the air gap between the glasses in a sealed double-glazed window. The number of chambers is one less than the number of glazing threads: a double-glazed unit with two glasses is called single-chamber, with three – two-chamber, and so on.

  • In case of special requirements for a double-glazed window, its functionality. It can be energy saving, sun protection and noise protection.


  1. Which frames are better - plastic, wood or aluminum??

If you're on a limited budget, use plastic ones. Why? Here are the arguments in their favor:

  • Service life less than 50 years;
  • No special care requirements. The surface of the PVC profile can be safely washed using any cleaning agents, including weak solutions of acids and alkalis. Only abrasive agents are undesirable: their frequent use will make the glossy surface of the profile rough and cause it to get dirty faster;
  • The range of permissible operating temperatures is from -60 to +60 degrees, which allows them to be used in any region of our wide and vast country;

Plastic windows perform their functions in any climatic zone of the country - from Crimea to Yakutia.

  • Possibility of painting in any color (including the entire volume of plastic) or pasting with decorative film (including textured one, which very reliably imitates wood).

Why are competing solutions bad against this background?

Disadvantages of wooden frames:

  • The price of a window is high (at least one and a half times more expensive than when using PVC), even when using cheap softwood. The use of noble breeds increases it at least twice more;

  • For washing window frames You can only use soapy water or special detergents;
  • The surface of the frames must be periodically (at least once a year) treated with a protective emulsion, compensating for the evaporation of the protective impregnation.

Choosing an aluminum profile means an unjustified increase in heat loss: aluminum is a metal with high thermal conductivity. Each frame will become a bridge of cold, facilitating heat leakage, and in extreme cold it will also be covered with frost (which, at the first thaw, will turn into water dripping onto the floor).

Warm aluminum profiles exist, but they are the same combination of metal and plastic, only at a higher price than PVC frames.


  1. How to choose a window design - position of blind and opening sashes ?

I would formulate my experience with plastic windows different designs in the following way:

  • The blind sash at the top of the window is very inconvenient even with its considerable height: it is difficult to wash with outside. Much more practical is an opening sash that spans the entire height of the window opening. An exception is if the window is so high that the lock handle located in its middle will be at a height inaccessible to the owner;

  • It is extremely undesirable to increase the width of the opening sash beyond 70 - 75 centimeters. It will begin to sag under its own weight;
  • A window more than 1.5 - 1.6 meters wide should be made three-leaf. In this case, the opening sash should be located in the middle, between two blind ones. An alternative solution is two opening sashes along the edges of the opening.

This configuration of the shutters will again help to wash the glass from the outside without the risk of falling out of the window.


  1. Which plastic windows are best to choose based on profile type??

The main advice when choosing windows for cold regions is to look at the width of the profile. It can be equal to 60, 70 and 90 mm.

The greater the width, the less heat will be lost through the frames.

60 mm profiles are the most affordable; but in the 70 mm category only high-quality products from renowned manufacturers are offered.

  1. What is affected by the number of air chambers inside the profile??

On the thermal conductivity of frames and sashes. More chambers mean less heat loss. The mechanism for reducing losses is quite obvious: inter-chamber partitions limit air convection inside the frame, which transfers thermal energy between the outer walls of the profile.

  1. Who produces the highest quality plastic profiles for windows?

The Germans are the companies Rehau, Veka and KBE. All these manufacturers have their own profile production factories in Russia, so they can offer competitive prices for their products.


Perhaps this statement looks seditious, but with the same width and number of air chambers, products from different manufacturers (including profiles of famous German companies and inexpensive products from Russian and Chinese brands) differ little from each other in terms of performance characteristics.

The fact is that all products entering the domestic Russian market undergo mandatory certification. It eliminates the profile's non-compliance with environmental requirements or low ultraviolet resistance.

German profiles have only one important difference from competing products - greater rigidity with respect to bending loads due to the greater thickness of the metal embedded part. However, rigidity is important mainly for large window areas and significant wind loads, and even then to a rather limited extent.

Let me give you an example of the glazing of your own. Two panoramic windows with an area of ​​13 square meters each is assembled on an inexpensive Hauteck profile made in China. The glazing withstands the strongest winter winds characteristic of coastal areas without any incidents.



  1. What do you need to know when choosing accessories? Whose products are worth taking a closer look at? ?

Here, on the contrary, the manufacturer is very important: during the operation of windows, the fittings experience significant loads, therefore, the duration of trouble-free operation of the window as a whole depends on the thoughtfulness of its design and the quality of the metal.

Here are four manufacturers that have built an impeccable reputation in this market sector:

  • Siegenia-Aubi;

  • Roto;
  • Maco;
  • Winkhaus.

As a rule, window sellers themselves offer to include fittings from one of the manufacturers I have listed in the window package. This is understandable: why do they need unnecessary problems with dissatisfied clients?


  1. How to choose accessories based on functionality ?

Here is the set of functions that I consider a reasonable minimum:

  • Blocker of erroneous actions. It does not allow you to turn the handle of the open sash, completely freeing its upper edge from the hinge;
  • Transom mode (tilting the sash towards you). The tilted sash will allow you to ventilate the room in windy and rainy weather without flooding the window sill with rainwater;

  • Micro-ventilation mode - fixing the tilted sash in intermediate positions. Installing sealed plastic windows instead of wooden ones for an apartment means a violation of the well-thought-out system of ventilation of rooms through the windows: the ventilation ducts continue to work, but the influx completely stops.

As a result, an increase in humidity leads to the appearance of condensation on glass, frames and slopes, and after it - black spots of fungus. Micro-ventilation provides a constant dosed flow of fresh air without the risk of cold drafts: the cold flow mixes with the ascending air heating device under the window with warm air;

If the windows are already installed, micro-ventilation can be provided by installing a window clamp on the frame and sash. This product costs 100 - 200 rubles; You can screw it to the window in 5 - 10 minutes.

  • With a significant width of the sash, a microlift is very useful - a simple device that lifts its edge when closing;

  • The sash must be secured not only with a central lock, but also with pressure rollers at the top and bottom. Otherwise, the top and bottom of the sash will inevitably move away from the frame, leaving gaps in the seal for cold air from the street;
  • In cold regions, another instruction for choosing accessories is important: its pressure rollers must have “summer-winter” modes. Turning the oval roller changes the pressure of the sash: in winter it is pressed more strongly, which compensates for the decrease in the linear dimensions of the profile during cooling, in summer it is pressed less, which eliminates deformation of the seal.

Turning the eccentric roller allows you to adjust the sash pressure.

Double-glazed window

Number of cameras

  1. Which plastic windows to choose based on the type of glass unit - single-chamber, two-chamber or three-chamber ?

It all depends on the climate zone.

In warm regions (Crimea, Kaliningrad, Volgograd and Krasnodar regions), single-chamber double-glazed windows are most in demand.

In areas with a temperate and moderately cold climate (the center of the country, the near Trans-Urals and most of the Far East), windows with double-glazed windows predominate in the assortment of sellers.

In the Far North (primarily in Yakutia and Chukotka), three-chamber (4 strands) glazing predominates.

Energy saving

  1. What is it - energy-saving double-glazed window?

One of the glasses in its composition has a metal coating (a multilayer coating based on silver and titanium oxides just a few molecules thick), which has limited transparency in the infrared spectrum. At the same time, glass transmits up to 90% of visible light.

What does this give?

In winter, when the temperature in the apartment is higher than outside, the coating reflects infrared rays towards the heated room, reducing heat loss. In summer, energy-saving glass filters sunlight, eliminating the thermal part of the spectrum, and reduces the heating of rooms on the sunny side.

An inert gas, rather than air, is often used to fill an energy-saving double-glazed window (most often, inexpensive argon plays this role). Due to its lower thermal conductivity and higher viscosity compared to air, it further reduces heat loss due to convection.

It is useful for a potential buyer to know several interesting facts, one way or another related to energy-saving double-glazed windows.

  • The market offers two types of energy-saving glasses: hard-coated k-glass is produced by applying a metal layer to a hot substrate, and i-glass with a soft layer is produced by emission of metal molecules in a vacuum onto a cold surface. I-glass is characterized by greater translucency and lower permeability to infrared radiation, but its coating is very unstable in relation to mechanical stress;

Left - opened door balcony, on the right - energy-saving double-glazed windows. As is easy to see, it hardly obscures the field of view.

This problem can be solved extremely simply: even at the stage of assembling the double-glazed window, i-glass is mounted by spraying inside.

  • Sputtered k-glass is strong enough to be used in single-strand glazing;
  • A single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window is a quarter warmer compared to a double-chamber package with simple glasses and 40% warmer compared to a conventional single-chamber. At the same time, the cost of a single-chamber energy-saving and a two-chamber conventional package is approximately equal, and the weight of the first of them is one and a half times less, which reduces the load on the profile and increases the service life of the fittings;
  • A double-chamber double-glazed window, including two i-glasses, is approximately equivalent in terms of thermal insulation quality brickwork 70 centimeters. At the same time, the second i-glass in the package increases its thermal insulation qualities by only 2-3%;

  • Argon in an energy-saving package increases its thermal efficiency by 8 - 12%, and in a regular package - by only 4;
  • Over the course of a year, due to the molecular diffusion of argon through the sealant, up to 3% of its total volume is lost;
  • It is impossible to determine the presence of argon in the chambers of a double-glazed window by eye: you will have to completely rely on the honesty of the seller. But I-glass is easy to recognize by looking at the reflection of a match or lighter in the glass: the metal coating shifts the reflected image to the red part of the spectrum;
  • Due to its lower permeability to infrared rays, i-glass heats up five to seven degrees more than usual. Therefore, to reduce heat loss in winter, a double-glazed window must be installed with this glass inward, and to reduce heating of the room in the summer months, it must be installed outward.

In my attic (let me remind you - with a total window area of ​​26 m2 with a room area of ​​60 m2) single-chamber packages with one i-glass are installed. Climatic zone - Crimea, Sevastopol. The average January temperature is +3, the minimum winter temperature I observed is -20C.

Two facts indicate the effectiveness of energy-saving glazing functions:

  • Floor covering opposite open balcony door, brightly lit by the sun, heats up several degrees more than the adjacent area of ​​the floor, illuminated through the glazing;
  • At -20 outside, to maintain a comfortable +20 in the attic, 4.1 kilowatts of thermal power (28.47 watts per cubic meter) is enough, which is noticeably less than the calculated value for the heating systems of modern houses with insulated facades.

The photo clearly shows the thermal power of the inverter air conditioner - the only source of heat in the attic.

Light protection

  1. How does a light-protective glass unit work?

Partial permeability in the visible part of the spectrum is ensured by a method already familiar to us - by spraying a metal coating a few nanometers thick. Glass can have translucency in the range from 30 to 70% and have an arbitrary color - blue, green, gray, brown, and so on.

The main function of light protection is to reduce the insolation of the room on the south side of the house. However, in addition, the owner also receives protection from immodest glances from the street: the spraying has a metallic sheen and, thanks to the mirror effect, does not allow the interior of the room to be seen from the outside until street lighting brighter than the inner one.

Light-protective and energy-saving glass can be combined into one double-glazed unit. This solution is popular in the south of the country.

Noise protection

  1. How to choose the right plastic windows facing a busy street ?

The main problem for you will be noise from the street. The solution is a two- or three-chamber noise-insulating double-glazed window. Noise protection is provided by two factors:

  • Different glass thicknesses (typically 4 and 6 mm);
  • Different widths of spacer frames that form air chambers between the glasses.

You can also combine any type of glass into a noise-protective double-glazed window - ordinary, light-protective and energy-saving.

After assembly, finalize with a file

  1. What to do if you have already installed windows that do not suit you with their functionality?

Here is a list of typical problems with inexpensive windows that are installed by builders or offered by dealers in the lowest price category:

  • Lack of tightness due to lack of pressure rollers. It is treated by replacing the set of accessories. The replacement itself costs up to 1000 rubles per window. The cost of fittings is quite predictably determined by its manufacturer and functionality;

  • Lack of tightness due to deformation of the seal. Eliminated by replacing the seal on the frame and the opening sash. The seal is welded to the profile only in the corners and is usually easily removed from the groove with your own hands, and to install new insulation you can use a blunt steel spatula;

  • The absence of a micro-ventilation system is compensated for by the installation of the window clamp or supply valve that I have already mentioned;

There is an easier way to organize ventilation: just cut a couple of pieces of insulation, 3-5 centimeters each, on the frame and sash. It is cut out on the frame from below, and on the sash from above: then all the dust from the street will not be transferred by the supply air into the living room, but will settle between the frames.

  • It’s easy to turn a double-glazed window into an energy-saving or sun-protective one by gluing a film with the appropriate functionality onto the glass. The glass is washed clean and moistened generously with water with the addition of liquid soap or baby shampoo. Then the film with the liner removed, cut to the size of the glass, is pressed against it and smoothed from the center to the periphery with a rubber spatula or plastic card.

A glass unit with a film glued on will look neater if you remove it from the frame before applying the sticker. To dismantle it, it is enough to remove the glazing beads along the perimeter of the glass, prying them off with a knife or steel spatula. When installing, the glazing beads are pressed into the frame and achieved with a rubber hammer.

The domestic window market today offers a huge number of models made of plastic profiles, for the production of which various components are used. All these products are designed to solve a wide range of problems and must be used strictly for their intended purpose. After all, their aesthetics, service life, ease of use, as well as the ability of these structures to retain heat, block out street noise, and reflect excess thermal energy from the sun depend on the equipment of windows. Our article provides basic information about all the main components and recommendations from experienced experts who will help you choose the right plastic windows from PVC profiles.

Advantages of plastic windows

One of the main advantages of modern plastic windows is that each customer can choose a product to suit their individual needs. Thanks to this, customers spend their money rationally and successfully solve the problem of creating comfortable conditions for work and living. At the same time, windows made of PVC profiles have advantages common to all types of products.


Plastic products with minimal care can last at least half a century. To do this, it is enough to carry out maintenance and not use abrasive and aggressive agents to clean window elements.


Provided that the installation is carried out correctly, products from profile systems with double-glazed windows are completely sealed structures. They do not allow air or water to pass through. All condensate formed inside the frames and sashes is drained outside by gravity through special drainage channels.


Plastic windows are easy to operate, their opening mechanisms are practically trouble-free in operation - there is virtually nothing in them to break. Active shutters open silently, do not creak during movement and do not jam. In the vast majority of cases, unbalance of opening mechanisms can be quickly eliminated by adjusting and lubricating them.

Sound and heat insulation

Even economy-category models retain heat well and block out street noise. As the class of products increases, these properties improve.

Color fastness and practicality

Plastic windows do not fade in the sun and do not change their original color. Their interior or exterior surfaces are easy to clean because the plastic does not absorb dirt.

Form stability

Polyvinyl chloride forms strong connecting seams, does not swell when exposed to moisture, does not melt under the sun, and does not crack in the cold. Reinforced profiles do not deform due to temperature changes and withstand external mechanical influences well.

Main technical characteristics of plastic windows

In Russia, regulatory requirements for plastic windows are listed in industry standards. All of them are most fully reflected in GOST 23166-99. It is this document that contains information about the main operational characteristics of window structures:
  1. Energy efficiency– is determined by the heat transfer resistance coefficient, which shows how much energy is lost through 1 m² of window when the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors is 1 °C. The higher this coefficient, the warmer the windows made of PVC profiles. According to GOST, its minimum permissible value is 0.35 m² °C/W, and the maximum is 0.8 m² °C/W.

  2. Tightness– includes water and breathability. In the first case, the standards determine at what pressure difference water will not leak through the elements of window structures. Current standards define a range from 150 to 600 Pa - the maximum value is considered the best. The second indicator informs how much air can penetrate through 1 m² of window at a pressure difference of 100 Pa. The air tightness of windows according to GOST varies in the range of 3-50 m³. In this case, the smaller value should be considered optimal.

  3. Light transmittance- measured by a taumeter, which shows the percentage of visible spectrum waves passing through windows. This parameter determines the light transmission coefficient, the minimum value of which cannot be less than 30% (k>0.3). At the same time, for ordinary windows, a light transmission coefficient of 50% (k>0.5) is considered suitable.

  4. Sound absorption level– shows how much windows can reduce street noise. The minimum permissible sound insulation is 25-27 dB, and the optimal one is from 34 dB.

  5. Resistance– informs buyers what pressure per unit area window structures can withstand. According to GOST, this parameter should be 200-1000 Pa or more.
This regulatory document also provides a detailed classification of products according to their modular dimensions. According to current standards, the area of ​​one door or window block made of PVC profiles cannot exceed 6 m², and each active sash should not be more than 2.5 m².
If a window seller can present not only a certificate of compliance with GOSTs, but also RAL quality standards, then this is a significant plus. These standards were developed in Germany; to comply with them, manufacturers have to comply with even more stringent requirements.

What to look for when choosing windows

Plastic windows are a complex design; its operational and aesthetic characteristics depend on many factors. To order a model that is suitable for specific operating conditions, you need to find out about everything that affects appearance and window functionality.

Double-glazed windows

Several of the most important characteristics of windows simultaneously depend on these structural elements - energy efficiency, burglary resistance, sound insulation, appearance and light transmittance. Double-glazed windows have from 1 to 3 internal chambers into which argon or krypton can be pumped. The use of inert gas helps to further increase the level of noise absorption and thermal insulation of windows.
Types of double-glazed windows Individual characteristics Recommendations for use
Single- or double-chamber standard modification
For the production of these models, budget float glass 4 mm thick with good light transmittance is used.
It is advisable to use single-chamber products for operation in regions with temperate and warm climates, as well as in unheated country houses. Two-chamber models recommended not only to increase energy efficiency, but also to improve the sound-absorbing ability of windows
In the manufacture of such models, heat-strengthened or tempered glass of different thicknesses, as well as triplex, are used.
Necessary in children's rooms, recommended in living rooms, as well as in all windows on the top and first floors
Energy saving with one or two chambers
Such models are made using special glasses that are capable of transmitting rays of the visible spectrum and blocking heat waves
Promising models that help save a lot on heating costs and are suitable for use in all climatic zones of the Russian Federation
For the manufacture of these double-glazed windows, innovative glass with a combined coating is used, which works on both sides of the window - it retains heat inside the rooms and does not let in solar energy from the street side
Recommended for use with large glass areas and in rooms with windows facing the sunny side
Stained glass
WITH inside double-glazed windows are coated with invisible heating elements that do not affect the light transmittance of the windows and emit heat when electricity is supplied
Allows you to simultaneously decorate windows and reduce the amount of incoming light
They are made using electrochromic glass with a layer of crystals applied on it, which can darken the window. Requires voltage supply Needed for equipping roof windows, flat roof hatches, winter gardens, greenhouses, as well as other structures with a large glazing area
Fire protection
Manufactured using triplex and a special transparent gel pumped into the internal chambers
Used primarily in internal office and retail premises when completing interior partitions and entrance doors
For production, glass with a crystalline coating is used, which can change the translucency of windows when voltage is applied.
Recommended for complete set office partitions, as well as windows on lower floors, in hotels and bedrooms

Each additional chamber and triplex increases the weight of the glass unit by an average of 40%. This increases the load on the fittings, so it is better, if possible, to give preference to lightweight models with similar characteristics. For example, instead of 2-chamber conventional double-glazed windows, use models with energy-efficient glass and pumped in inert gas.


Automatic opening systems are designed to facilitate the operation of windows. They are indispensable for people with disabilities, as they allow them to control the processes of opening and closing the valves without outside help. Window automation is needed in facilities with too high openings and increased wind or snow loads. It is also advisable to equip all windows integrated into the roof with such systems. Today on sale are models of drives for different window designs, which can be controlled using a switch, remote control or multifunctional central unit.


The fittings are responsible for everything related to opening windows. Thanks to the wide selection of mechanisms, today it is possible to find systems for all occasions.
Type of opening system
In what cases is it used?
Universal type of mechanism for completing all standard windows with tilt-and-turn sashes
Parallel-sliding or sliding
When equipped entrance groups in wide openings, glazing loggias or balconies, as well as completing windows with multifunctional window sills
For doors, balcony blocks, economy class windows
Combined (“Accordion” or “Book”)
Can be used in openings that are not wide enough instead of sliding or parallel-sliding mechanisms to equip glazing systems for terraces, verandas, entrance lobbies, balconies, loggias
Lifting or folding
It is mainly used when equipping high windows with lifting or folding sashes (transoms), which are located in the lower or upper part of the opening
Designed for windows with a vertical or horizontal axis of central opening
When equipping structures with upward (slider) sashes - English or Canadian windows

Devices for additional ventilation

In the autumn-winter period, it is not advisable to open the doors wide to ventilate the rooms. However, fresh air is necessary all year round, therefore it is recommended to equip windows with additional ventilation devices. You can choose a mortise valve that is integrated into the frame or sash structure, or a device. The second type of ventilation is a mechanism that allows you to barely open the window - a small gap is formed between the frame and the sash to allow fresh air to enter. Both recommended devices make it possible to ventilate rooms in the autumn-winter season without the risk of cooling the rooms.
For some valve models supply ventilation It is possible to equip it with temperature and humidity control sensors. The use of such devices allows you to automatically ventilate rooms.

Window shape

PVC profiles can be cut and welded together at different angles, as well as bent in different planes. Thanks to this, manufacturers produce not only rectangular or square windows, but also arched, oval, round, triangular, and trapezoidal windows. Convex or concave models with blind or active doors are also made to order. Such structures are used for glazing openings of non-standard shape. Mainly in the under-roof space, attic spaces and dormer windows. Also, with the help of non-standard models, interior designers and architects implement original construction projects.

Frame design features

The availability of technologies for fixing vertical, horizontal and inclined lintels inside frames makes it possible to arbitrarily divide light openings into separate segments. Their shape and dimensions are determined individually. By installing internal PVC profiles, windows are equipped with sashes and vents where the customer needs them. This technology not only makes it possible to implement standard solutions, but also allows for the integration of rectangular sashes into triangular frames and vice versa. Thanks to this, buyers themselves shape the internal content of their windows. In addition to fixing straight lintels, it is possible to install bent profiles inside openings. This further expands the capabilities of customers.

Aesthetic characteristics of plastic windows

The appearance of windows is formed by profiles, double-glazed windows, window sills, and slopes. In some cases, roller blinds, shutters, grilles or awnings are added. Since windows are actually a typesetting constructor, today any combinations are possible. There is nothing restricting customers in this regard, as well as in the choice of decors.


The price of windows depends not only on their dimensions, but also on the configuration and complexity of the work. It is recommended to immediately take into account the cost of installation. The most inexpensive designs are fixed windows made of 2-chamber profiles with single-chamber double-glazed windows. Improving the quality and functionality of models is only possible through the use of more expensive and modern components.

Which windows are best to order?

Double-glazed windows and functional fittings are used today not only for the assembly of windows from PVC profiles, but also for the production of structures made of wood or aluminum. That is, all of the listed modifications, provided they are equipped with high-quality components, will have high level thermal insulation, sound absorption, tightness. Products made of wood and aluminum cost approximately 2-2.5 times more.

This difference is relevant for both economy and standard class models. As a result, at the time of ordering best material for the manufacture of plastic, wooden or aluminum windows is selected individually based on the combination of advantages and disadvantages.

Which windows are better - plastic or aluminum?

When comparing these types of products from profile systems, there are no single universal criteria. In some cases it is better to choose aluminum windows, and in others - plastic windows. It is recommended to choose structures made from metal profile systems when glazing large-area openings, partitions in office and shopping centers, as well as constructing entrance lobbies. Sometimes aluminum windows are ordered for cold glazing of balconies and loggias.
Advantages of aluminum windows
Disadvantages of structures made from aluminum profiles
Durability – products can last up to 80 years or longer
Low level of thermal insulation - even insulated products made from profiles with thermal inserts are inferior in this indicator to plastic windows
Rigidity of structures, high dimensional stability of frames and sashes with low weight
Aluminum products for this moment imitate wooden windows worse than windows made of laminated PVC profiles
High level of fire resistance
Aluminum allows not only cold, but also heat to pass through well, so in extreme heat, apartments and houses with such windows can overheat greatly

Which windows are better - plastic or wooden?

Thanks to the use of Euro timber in the manufacture of modern wooden windows, these products retain shape stability and do not crack. That is, manufacturers managed to get rid of the traditional disadvantages of such models. At the same time, as in the case of aluminum products, wooden windows are no better or worse than plastic windows, so the choice depends on individual factors. The determining role in this process is played by the combination of pros and cons of products, as well as the feasibility of use.
Advantages of wooden windows
Disadvantages of wooden windows
They look more expensive and elegant than products made from PVC profiles
Require additional protection from the street side
Provide natural air exchange between indoor spaces and outdoors
Despite modern manufacturing technologies and additional impregnation with protective compounds, over time they can be affected by mold or mildew.
High-quality window frames with proper care can last at least 100 years, and the durability of frames and sashes made of PVC profiles is 50 years
Production time is 2-3 times longer than that of plastic or aluminum structures

What are the requirements for a plastic profile?

In Russia the requirements for plastic products this category is regulated by GOST 30673-99. According to this document, polyvinyl chloride profiles are divided into classes - “A”, “B” and “C”. The most best characteristics products have class “A”, and the least requirements are for PVC profiles of class “C”. GOST 30673-99 additionally shows how well plastic windows can withstand exposure to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.


The plastic used for the manufacture of profile elements must retain its shape at 150 °C for at least 30 minutes - not crack, swell, or delaminate. The minimum temperature at which the plastic can begin to soften should be 75 °C. If polyvinyl chloride meets these requirements, this means that the products can be used on the sunny side and will allow you to quickly leave the room through window openings in the event of a fire.

Important for the profile is the impact strength indicator, which reflects the ability of PVC to resist brittle fracture. The minimum permissible value of this parameter is 15 kJ/m². Frames and sashes with such an impact strength coefficient are able to absorb energy from impacts, due to which they retain an unchanged shape and do not crumble into separate fragments under mechanical stress. To prevent window plastic from being fragile, special modifiers are added to PVC during the production process. In addition, the thickness of the internal and external walls affects the ability of the profiles to maintain their shape and retain heat.

The wall thickness of PVC profiles also affects the reliability and durability of welded joints in window structures. The higher this value, the stronger the seams. The service life of welded joints with an outer wall thickness of 3 mm is approximately 50 years. As a result, for the production of high-quality plastic windows, it is recommended to give preference to “A” class profiles.


Even when 5-chamber “A” class plastic profiles are used for the production of windows, they must be additionally reinforced. This need is dictated by the fact that products made of polyvinyl chloride are deformed in cold or heat - depending on the temperature, the profiles bend in different directions. As a result, gaps form between the active sashes and the frame, and the integrity of the installation seam is gradually compromised. Such processes entail depressurization of windows; this can only be prevented by installing steel liners in the internal chambers.

All high-quality windows today are made only from reinforced profiles. This requirement is contained in GOST 30674-99. According to the regulatory document, the minimum permissible wall thickness of the reinforcing liners is 1.2 mm. Metal profiles must be made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating, the thickness of which, according to GOST 9.303, is 9 microns. Reinforcing liners are attached to the invisible end side of the profiles using metal screws.

Both the sashes and the frames of the window units must be reinforced along the entire perimeter.

Internal chambers and installation depth

According to modern standards, PVC profiles cannot have less than 2 chambers. The number of internal cavities in the components of window blocks affects both the stability of their shape and energy efficiency. Today, windows made from 8-chamber profile systems have already appeared on the market. They are designed for use in regions with harsh climates and in facilities with large glass areas, where it is necessary to reduce heat loss to the minimum possible level. GOST 30673-99 provides a classification of profiles depending on their level of resistance to energy transfer.

The smaller the class, the warmer the windows. Increasing the number of cameras from 3 to 5 increases the cost of the product by an average of 10%. These costs are fully justified, since up to 30% of the total heat loss is lost through the frames. The costs of increasing the energy efficiency of the design of a window or door unit pay off quite quickly - in approximately 2-3 years.

The energy efficiency of PVC profiles is also influenced by the installation depth and the total thickness of the internal and external walls. As a result, some 4-chamber windows may be warmer than 5-chamber windows. Moreover, the installation depth depends on both the number of internal cavities and the profile class. It varies from 58 to 90 mm and determines the stability, energy efficiency and appearance of structures.

According to GOST 30673-99, all profiles are divided into normal and frost-resistant. The first type of product is designed for operation at temperatures not lower than -20 °C, and the second is able to withstand frosts down to -45 °C.

Plastic color

In its normal state, polyvinyl chloride has a grayish color, so when making plastic for various products, coloring agents must be added to it. Currently, two types of paint-painted window profiles are mainly produced:
  • white;
  • brown.
In addition, it is used to decorate window and door blocks. During this process, a plastic film is glued to the plain white or brown surface of the profiles under pressure and at high temperature. It adheres firmly to the base and can be applied on either one or both sides of sashes and frames. Lamination film presented wide range plain, fancy, tree-like decors.

Also, when decorating PVC profiles, co-extrusion and painting methods are used. These technologies make it possible to give the surface of windows different colors. There is much more choice when painting - the entire RAL color range. However, better resistance to external influences and excellent aesthetic characteristics are achieved when a coating (plexiglass) is applied to the profile base using the co-extrusion method. Thanks to the use of this PVC technology and decor are actually sintered at high temperature into a single whole.

Polyvinyl chloride and plexiglass equally expand and contract with temperature changes, so this type of decorative coating is considered one of the most durable.

How to choose plastic windows for balconies and loggias

For balconies and loggias today both cold and warm glazing are used. Since the area of ​​these rooms is limited, it is recommended to equip the doors with a sliding opening system. This will help save space, since the elements of the window structure will move parallel to the frame in close proximity to it. If you still decide to use swing doors on the balcony, it is best to install a system for opening the doors outward. This will leave enough free space inside the room.

To reduce the level of heat loss, you need to use warm glazing even in cases where the balcony or loggia is not combined with the apartment. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to increase the total energy efficiency of internal and external window structures by at least 10-15%. If French glazing to the full height of the opening is chosen for the loggia, the structures should be further insulated. Especially in cases where the loggia is combined with a living room. To do this, it is recommended to use double-glazed windows with electrical heating or energy-efficient coating.

How to choose plastic windows for an apartment

If the apartment is located on the first or last floor, the windows will need to be equipped with elements to increase the level of burglary protection. It is also recommended to limit the view from the street using reflective or stained glass windows. When further furnishing the premises on any of the floors, much depends on which rooms will have windows installed.
Recommendations for window configurations
Living room
Triplex double-glazed windows on the inside of the windows, PVC profiles and window sills selected for the interior design, decorative layout, micro-slit ventilation device, automatic control system for the microclimate in the room
Double-glazed window with shading and high level of sound insulation, supply ventilation valve
A device for micro-ventilation, blockers for opening sashes, triplex on the inside of double-glazed windows with excellent heat and sound insulation, wide window sills, devices for controlling the intensity of solar lighting
Double-glazed window with a high level of sound insulation, a device for adjusting the intensity of natural light
There are no high requirements for the level of noise reduction and energy efficiency of double-glazed windows. It is recommended to install fresh air ventilation devices and install a window

All products with active sashes must be supplied with mosquito nets. If an animal lives in the apartment, you need to install “” models in all rooms. Such designs have a reinforced frame, mesh, and fastening system, so that even an overly active animal is protected from falling out of the window.

How to choose plastic windows for a private home

Choosing windows for a private house is slightly different from a similar procedure for an apartment, although the main criteria in both cases are absolutely the same. The existing difference is due to the characteristics of operation. Depending on the type of object profile structures additional requirements apply.

PVC windows for a cottage

Since at such facilities there is a high risk of entry into the house through windows, additional care must be taken to ensure burglary safety. If in apartments this requirement applies to windows on the first and last floors, then for all cottages it is always relevant. It is also desirable to ensure confidentiality.

Unlike apartments, cottages usually have a window in the bathroom. It must be equipped with fresh air ventilation valves and double-glazed windows with frosted glass, since the mirror coating is effective only during the daytime.

PVC windows for a wooden house

In houses made of timber or rounded logs, you can also install plastic windows if they are made of a laminated profile. However, with this configuration option, it should be taken into account that wooden walls Over time they will change color, but frames and sashes will not. In addition, when measuring and installing windows in houses made of timber and logs, you must remember that the size of openings in such buildings may vary. This process is explained both by possible shrinkage of the foundation and by seasonal moisture content in the wood.

To avoid problems with the operation of windows associated with changes in the geometry of the shapes and sizes of openings, a casing procedure is performed. To do this, additional frames are installed in the openings, which are able to compensate for deformations. They are mounted in the log house in such a way that they are able to move slightly from side to side. This technology allows you to maintain the shape of plastic windows and avoid their breakage.

PVC windows for a summer residence

If the dacha is uninhabited and empty in the autumn-winter period, it is best to order economy-class windows from a 3-chamber profile. Indeed, in such cases, a high level of energy efficiency is not required, so you should not overpay for it. In all other situations, the same criteria apply to windows for cottages as for models for cottages. To ensure safety, it is recommended to install metal shutters on the openings, which are locked from the inside. Window bars look better, but are less effective.

How to choose a window sill and slope system

Window sills today are represented by several types of practical products. It is advisable to buy them together with the windows so that the team can immediately install all the necessary elements during installation. The best combinations with plastic windows are window sills made of PVC, artificial and natural stone, as well as combined models made of plastic and pressed wood. Some characteristics of these products have significant differences. To choose the right window sill for a plastic window, it is recommended to study and compare the basic properties of models made from different materials.
Type of window sill
Plastic (PVC)
Easy to install, able to withstand medium mechanical impact, can imitate texture natural wood
There are restrictions on the width of the canvas, products melt after contact with too hot objects and cigarette ash (average heat resistance limit is 150 ° C), they can turn yellow if not properly cared for
Can withstand temperatures up to 180-200 °C, have a wear-resistant, beautiful surface made of laminated plastics
There are restrictions on the width of the canvas and the shape of the front surface
Fake diamond
Scratches can be easily removed from the surface, has a high level of heat resistance, and it is possible to make a radius-shaped window sill
It is necessary to pre-order products; they can be made on the basis of a frame made of material (MDF) with low moisture resistance
A natural stone
They look solid, have the highest heat resistance, and allow you to give the front end any shape
Problems are possible when inserting ventilation grilles into granite products, low level of strength of marble window sills

It is recommended to select slope systems for the decor of window sills. They are a set of sandwich panels and additional moldings - starting profile, corners, platbands. These stackable plastic structures go well with window blocks from PVC profiles. The use of such systems allows:

  • quickly improve the slopes, hide all the unevenness on the walls;
  • additionally insulate the walls around the frame;
  • give the entire window structure in the opening a single style.

There are not only internal, but also external slope systems. They are made of frost-resistant plastic or painted steel. Such external systems protect assembly seams well, hide defects on the surface of slopes, and do not interfere with the window structure’s “breathing.” Depending on the modification, these products do not lose their aesthetic appeal for 15-40 years.

Design features of plastic windows

The standard design of a plastic window is a frame divided by vertical and horizontal profile partitions (imposts) with blind and active sashes. Such models are used for installation in vertical wall openings; they serve as the basis for more complex models.

Bay windows

A bay window is a multifaceted structure that protrudes forward beyond the general plane of the facade. Openings in such rooms can be glazed with windows made of PVC profiles. For this purpose, separate elements complex system dock with each other using connecting elements(bay window pipes) and form a multifaceted, completely sealed structure. Functionally, such products are no different from conventional models made of plastic profiles. With the exception of sliding and parallel-sliding systems, they can be equipped with any sash opening mechanisms and additional devices. Semicircular bay windows, depending on the glazing area, are either a solid or prefabricated structure. Some of these modifications are suitable for equipping with sliding doors.

Strip glazing

Using strip structures, it is possible to glaze linear openings with an area exceeding 6 m². Separate independent sections are connected using special joining profiles that can compensate for thermal expansion of the plastic. Strip glazing using structures made of PVC profiles is best suited for horizontally elongated openings on loggias, terraces, and verandas. Such multi-sectional systems are equipped with both swing and sliding opening mechanisms.

Anti-aircraft lights

This type of window structure is designed to be integrated into the roof. are equipped with blind and active doors; they can have a flat, convex, dome or pyramidal shape. Their production requires reinforced profiles and double-glazed windows, as well as a system automatic control opening and closing windows. These structures are considered universal, as they are suitable for installation in any roof - metal, tile, concrete. Skylights are mainly integrated into flat roofs, but their installation is also possible on a pitched roof.

Winter gardens and greenhouses

Such products are a complex combination of vertical, horizontal and inclined glazing. The construction of such structures is possible only with the use of reinforced profile systems, since during operation they must withstand high wind and snow loads. For better ventilation Active shutters with a remote control system must be integrated into the roof of winter gardens and greenhouses. Since the total area of ​​such structures is usually quite large, it is recommended to equip them with energy-efficient double-glazed windows to reduce heat loss.

Dormer windows

Although roof windows are not complex structures consisting of several independent elements, they are fundamentally different from conventional models made of PVC profiles. Since such products are designed to be integrated into pitched roofs, they have a reinforced structure and improved waterproofing. The frame of roof windows prevents water from flowing into the interior even when the sashes are open. Experts advise equipping them with heated double-glazed windows to melt snow, and electric drives for remote control doors

How to choose a plastic window manufacturer

It is important not only to choose high-quality and suitable components for the manufacture of windows, but also to decide on the manufacturer. This is not so simple, since there is a possibility of running into scammers or a company with low responsibility. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  1. Preference should be given to those manufacturers who for a long time do not change the addresses of order acceptance points.
  2. The company should have a showroom with all product samples. Moreover, for each type of profile, fittings and all other elements of window structures, the manufacturer is obliged to provide certificates of conformity.
  3. It is better to trust those companies that additionally provide window installation services, provide guarantees and after-sales service.
  4. You cannot deal with those contractors who promise to produce everything in 2-3 days or refuse to enter into an official contract.
  5. A small office without a showroom should alert the buyer - this is how fly-by-night companies collect advance payments for orders within 2-3 weeks and disappear.
Today, services for the manufacture and installation of structures made from PVC profiles are provided by manufacturers and dealers, who can confidently be called responsible contractors. When choosing between them, in most cases it is better to give preference to responsible dealers, although the manufacturers still enjoy great authority. This is explained by the fact that dealers always have a wider range of products, and they also have more well-equipped installation teams and an extensive network of offices. Moreover, their prices are almost always the same as those of manufacturers.

Production time

On average, the full production cycle of plastic windows, taking into account force majeure insurance, is about 2 working weeks. However, in summer and early autumn, manufacturing and installation can sometimes take up to 2 months. This is due to the fact that during the high season, manufacturers have too many orders, so they are forced to shift deadlines. To reduce the waiting time to 5-7 days, it is best to plan the event for the winter. Moreover, during a period of low customer activity, virtually all manufacturers and dealers provide good discounts. Thanks to this, you can save not only time, but also money.

Window installation

Correctly taken measurements, well-selected components, and high-quality manufacturing of structures do not guarantee good performance of windows if their installation was carried out incorrectly. Carrying out installation work must be carried out taking into account the requirements set out in GOST 30971-2012. Compliance with this technology guarantees that the windows will fully comply with the characteristics declared by the manufacturers.

Life time

When studying this issue, one must take into account the fact that different elements window design is designed for different time operation. For example, the service life of frames and sashes made of high-quality PVC profiles today is 40-50 years, and double-glazed windows remain airtight for 20 years. The durability of the fittings is the same as that of double-glazed windows - about 20 years or 20 thousand full operating cycles (opening/closing).

It is also worth paying attention not only to the durability declared by the manufacturer, but also to the warranty. If they do not exceed 3-4 years, then the windows are probably of poor quality. Responsible manufacturers today provide a guarantee of 5-10 years - the time until the first replacement of seal circuits, as they are confident in the durability of their products. To ensure your windows last as long as possible, it is recommended to have them serviced every 6-12 months.

Cost of plastic windows

The minimum price for a window with a single-chamber double-glazed window and tilt-and-turn fittings, excluding installation costs, is about 2,100 rubles per 1 m². However, such basic models are no longer popular because they are outdated. Today there is an increase in demand for energy-efficient windows of a new generation made of multi-chamber profiles (from 5 chambers) with heat-saving double-glazed windows. Their minimum price is about 3800-4000 rubles 1 m².

What to consider when ordering plastic windows

When directly ordering plastic windows, the buyer receives a lot of information in the process of communicating with a consultant or measurer. Some of the information is secondary, and it prevents some clients from concentrating on the main thing. Here are the main points to consider first when placing an order:
  1. For the European part of Russia, the optimal configuration option is a 5-chamber “A” class profile and energy-efficient double-glazed windows with heat-saving (selective) coating.

  2. If the windows face a noisy side of the street with heavy traffic, it is necessary to take care of additional soundproofing of the structures. To do this, it is better to choose 2-chamber double-glazed windows with different glass thicknesses. This design absorbs noise most effectively.

  3. Products for a children's room must be equipped with shockproof glass and blockers for accidental opening of the doors. In other cases, you can optionally use the recommendations from the table published in our article.

  4. When windows are in an area of ​​prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, it is better not to use a dark profile for their manufacture. It more actively accumulates thermal energy and becomes deformed due to overheating.

  5. Although standards allow a minimum thickness of steel liners of 1.2 mm, metal profiles with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm or more are recommended for reinforcing structures.

  6. To ensure security, it is advisable to equip windows on the first and last floors not only with triplex on the outside, but also with reinforced anti-burglary fittings.

  7. The best way to protect yourself from excess sunlight will be double-glazed windows with multifunctional glass, which prevent the interior from overheating in the summer and retain heat in the winter.

  8. If the window sill is planned to be used as a multifunctional surface (table, shelf, stand), it is best to equip the window with sliding sashes. In surfaces that are large and protrude far beyond the radiator, you need to install special ventilation grilles to circulate warm air.

  9. A universal option for opening the sashes is a tilt-and-turn one with a micro-slot ventilation device.

  10. Large windows with high or heavy sashes, as well as attic models and skylights, are recommended to be immediately equipped with automatic opening systems.

These 10 practical advice will help you order windows that will be convenient and will not cause problems during operation. Such products will be able to keep warm in winter, protect from heat in summer, protect from noise and ensure safety.

When searching for the optimal option for completing plastic windows for residential or commercial premises, many customers are interested in the opinions of friends and colleagues. In most cases, it's a waste of time. Only experienced experts have the necessary information, which in any situation is guaranteed to allow you to select high-quality windows from PVC profiles. Window seller with 17 years of experience Litvinov Oleg Nikolaevich:“In order for the consultant to be able to select the most suitable windows, the buyer needs to formulate his requirements as clearly as possible. At the same time, the customer does not need to be embarrassed to name the budget he is counting on. Indeed, in this case, a specialist can quickly find the best option. If the offered price does not suit you a little, you should not save - it is better to wait 1-2 months to save the missing amount. After all, a simplified configuration option chosen for the sake of economy will not be able to fully solve the assigned tasks. PVC windows PVC profile Window installation Window production

Fittings Double-glazed window Plastic windows have long ceased to be a luxury: you can find them in offices and shops, as well as in mansions and private homes. And if previously few could install them, now, thanks to the competitive price, the advantages of windows from became available to a wide range of people. Convenient and inexpensive, modern plastic windows are easy to repair, unlike their outdated wooden counterparts, which is why they are being ordered more and more often. But in order to install high-quality products, you need to have a good understanding of them - and this article will objectively tell you how to choose the right plastic windows and what characteristics to look at first.

What to look for when choosing windows

Experts judge the quality of PVC windows by their profile, namely by what materials were used to create the window frames and sashes. Decent examples have a complex design and are made of polyvinyl chloride and metal, usually steel or aluminum. The sectional design of the profile consists of several chambers - longitudinal cavities with sealed walls between each other. The strength and warmth in the room will depend on the number of cameras in the windows you choose.

As is the case with any products, the production of plastic windows abroad and in Russia is carried out according to standards, in our country this is GOST 30673-99, the European standard is called EN 12608 SR. It is worth saying that in terms of their key factors - the thickness of the internal partitions and the thickness of the external contour - domestic and foreign standards are similar. Therefore, made exactly according to the standard, Russian windows made from PVC profiles will not be inferior in quality to “foreigners”.

According to the two main listed characteristics, all profiles are divided into three classes, designated by Latin letters. Let's look at the classification in more detail.

    The thickness of the internal walls in profile A windows starts from 2.5 mm, the external walls, in turn, from 2.8 mm. And this profile is optimal for installation in residential buildings.

    In the B-class profile, the internal walls of the chambers are made from 2 mm, external ones - from 2.5 mm. Due to their smaller thickness, the structure is not so resistant to loads; such windows can be installed in both unheated and heated rooms.

    The object profile or class C profile is distinguished by non-standardized wall thickness, but at the same time they are thinner than in the two previously described profiles. The design is intended for unheated rooms and is therefore monolithic: the doors are made without an opening/closing mechanism.

To enhance the strength characteristics, internal strips of metal are included in the construction of windows, which is why such windows are rightly called metal-plastic. As for the second structural element, polyvinyl chloride, it is valued by window manufacturers for its unique characteristics:

    Environmental friendliness of the material


    Low cost

    Conducts heat poorly, which eliminates its loss

    Also blocks sound waves, providing owners with peace of mind

    Excellent weather resistance

    High adhesion rate when applying varnishes and paints

    Possibility to make a structure of any shape

Determining how high the quality of the PVC profile is

If lamination of decorative film is not installed on the external parts of the window, then the condition of the plastic can tell a lot about the windows. For example, smoothness and solidity are features of a high-quality material. And vice versa: spotting and the presence of grains indicate a fake with a short service life; do not purchase windows with such plastic defects.

Fortunately, most window manufacturing companies now offer their own products, so the number of outright low-quality ones among them is small. Another thing is “one day companies” that have recently entered the market, have no reviews but are attracted by the low cost of windows. Such options should not be considered; in general, before ordering, be sure to inquire about the manufacturer.

Large manufacturers primarily use high-quality equipment, since smaller companies will not be able to afford the cost of such machines. It is important that the windows include profiles from the same manufacturer, and that they are securely fastened together using mechanical hardware or a welding machine.

How do air chambers affect the quality of PVC windows?

To plastic window had excellent thermal insulation and sufficient robust construction, it provides for division into several internal cavities. The outer row of chambers in high-quality windows is equipped with small holes: this allows liquid condensation, which forms due to the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors, to be removed from the window. Therefore, such windows last much longer, without negatively affecting the thermal insulation of the openings.

First of all, thermal conductivity is affected by the number of chambers in the window. If you plan to glaze loggias, balconies or Technical buildings, then there must be at least three internal cavities. If installed in educational institutions, hospitals, shopping centers and residential premises, there must be at least five cameras. It’s not worth chasing a large number of them; for example, windows with seven chambers have increased weight, and because of this they begin to conduct more heat. Partition materials have greater thermal conductivity compared to air, so their excess leads to heat loss.

Separately, we note a new type of windows in which the chambers are filled with a special heat insulator in fiberglass or foam form, rather than with ordinary air. In such windows it is possible to achieve excellent thermal insulation even with a small number of chambers, but along with the thermal insulation qualities of such products, the price increases sharply, so they are affordable to few.

The width of the profile is also worth considering if you want to choose really high-quality and warm plastic windows. Otherwise, this parameter is called installation depth, and its standard value is from 50 to 80 mm. Let us add that with a frame width of about 60 mm, the number of cameras in it is limited to three, but if the figure reaches 70 mm, then we may have windows with 4-5 cameras. Accordingly, with wide frames, it becomes possible to install more durable fittings and high-quality sound and heat insulation. Therefore, the installation depth is directly proportional to the quality of the windows.

Quality of double-glazed windows

The extent to which your window will transmit light and save heat will largely depend on the characteristics of the double-glazed windows, so this element is not the last one to choose. And the deeper the glass unit is planted, the better. For example, with a frame depth of 50 to 70 mm, the distance from the outer surface of the glass to the outer frame cut is at least 18 mm, which is optimal. When choosing windows, this turns out to be even more important than the number of cameras, since if the depth of the package is less than 15 mm, the glass will fog up and freeze too quickly.

Key points when choosing double-glazed windows

When performed with high quality, this window component perfectly protects against noise, lets a sufficient amount of light into the room, and also retains heat in it. Therefore, in many respects, the overall quality of a window is determined precisely by the quality factor of the double-glazed windows. What should you focus on?


According to this indicator, double-glazed windows are currently produced in several standard thicknesses: 24 mm, 26 mm and 32 mm. However, the seating positions differ from one manufacturer to another, and therefore the seating depth of the glass unit also differs - this must be taken into account when purchasing. The size restrictions available for windows dictate the maximum glazing area, so for single-chamber packages it should not exceed 3 square meters. m. with a glass thickness of 4 mm. If the glass reaches a thickness of 5 mm, then the area indicator increases to 4.2 square meters. m.

Glass type

In double-glazed windows the most different types glass, and in each case this affects the characteristics of the window. Therefore, the differences between glass different types it is necessary to understand in particular detail.

There is the following classification of glass types in double-glazed windows:

    With a matte effect


    With applied tint


    Spray coated

    Impact resistant


Most often, each type is based on high quality float glass, reaching from 3 to 6 mm in thickness. Although there are double-glazed windows with glass 8, 10 and even 12 mm thick, such products are produced on an individual order basis - for example, when it is required to make transparent walls from glass or the double-glazed window will be installed as an insert in front door. Typically, a thickness of 4-5 mm is sufficient for windows - with this indicator, the standard light transmittance is 90%, and also provides acceptable heat conservation, strength and noise blocking.

What will a visual inspection of double-glazed windows indicate?

There are several signs that external inspection double-glazed windows will indicate the level of quality of the product. First of all, look for the markings indicated by the window manufacturer in their data sheet. As a rule, the marking contains the company logo, the date of manufacture of the glass unit, and information about the components used. If there are no markings, you should be suspicious of the glass unit in front of you.

Other obvious factors are that you should avoid windows with cracked glass units, or if there are chips and other defects in the plane or at the ends. If, when studying the perimeter of the chambers, a liquid sealant substance has noticeably leaked, then the sample in question was clearly made at home, in violation of production standards. The condition of the outer layer of sealant will also indicate low quality: if in excellent double-glazed windows it is perfectly aligned and smooth, then in counterfeit products cracks and inhomogeneities are noticeable.

No less important is the geometric accuracy of the shape; to determine the quality of the product, diagonals are measured. If, on a window side of 1.3 m, the diagonals differ from each other by more than 3 mm, then the dimensions of the product are not met accurately enough. In the case of a window side up to 2.3 m, the deviation from the norm will be a difference of more than 4 mm. To find out how much the thickness of a glass unit meets the standards, a caliper is used, and deviations of a millimeter or more are not allowed.

Continuing to study the geometric perfection of a double-glazed window, prepare a square - when measuring displacements of the glass plane, a deviation of more than a millimeter is a defect, regardless of the thickness of the product. To visually understand whether there is steam and moisture inside the glass unit, look through it at the light.

All specified deviations indicate that the product does not meet the standards. By paying attention to these factors, you can be guaranteed to choose the ideal double-glazed window without consulting specialists.

The characteristics of plastic windows are also largely influenced by how thick the internal partitions and external walls of the profiles are made. For example, if the thickness of the outer walls is less than 2.5 mm and the thickness of the partitions is less than 2 mm, the window is not recommended for installation in residential premises, schools, offices and hospitals, since proper protection from cold air will not be provided. Such windows are suitable only for warehouse complexes or garages and workshops. Also, excessively thin walls limit the size of window structures - it will not be possible to attach durable fittings to them, which means large windows will be too fragile.

However, it is impossible to check the thickness of the internal partitions by eye, so the main condition for choosing quality windows– contact reliable companies. And remember that in addition to thermal insulation, sufficient wall thickness in the profile ensures the stability of the window geometry, its strength and resistance to mechanical stress, so you should beware of unfamiliar brands - in this case, there is a high risk of getting a fake product.

Also responsible for the strength of the profile is a metal reinforcing element, which is installed in the middle chamber of the window, the largest of all. A metal insert is necessary, since even PVC modified with chemical additives still remains a fragile material. And only a reinforcing liner will make the future window sufficiently resistant to impacts and other loads. Also, it is to the metal that all window fittings, which is very abundant in modern products.

The insert is made in the form of the letter P or has a square shape and is cut from a sheet of metal with a thickness of one and a half to two mm. Also, in order to reliably resist the negative effects of corrosion, the reinforcing element is made exclusively from steel coated with a protective zinc layer.

Be sure to check the presence of a reinforcing profile when purchasing, since without it, the windows will be guaranteed to deform in hot weather, just as in cold weather. And although it is unlikely that the double-glazed window will collapse because of this, problems during closing and deterioration of tightness are guaranteed.

The impact of low temperatures on plastic windows

A particularly important parameter when choosing PVC windows is their frost resistance, because the temperature in your premises will depend on it when low temperatures set in. The degree of resistance to temperature changes is marked with a special index, and in Russian climatic conditions windows marked “M” are required. It means “frost-resistant,” which means the windows will retain their properties even in frosts down to minus twenty degrees.

Note that cold resistance, among other characteristics, is indicated in the technical data sheet of the window, and you can easily check this. The document states that the profile is of the frost-resistant or normal type, then these windows can be purchased without fear, since they provide for the use of the window at low temperatures.

Choosing a suitable plastic window seal

In order for double-glazed windows to reliably retain heat and at the same time not allow extraneous sounds to pass through, they must be sufficiently airtight. This most important quality of PVC windows directly depends on the quality of the sealant used. Sealing agents should be laid around the entire perimeter of the window sashes. If this condition is not violated, then cold air and humidity will not be able to penetrate into the room through the window, and you will not be disturbed by street noise.

What qualities does a high-quality seal have:

    High strength characteristics

    Sufficient elasticity

    Long lasting color fastness

    Resistant to high and low temperatures

    No irritating “chemical” odors

If, during the operation of the window, the sealing material has worn out and lost its characteristics due to chemicals, temperatures or mechanical influences, then it can be completely replaced on your own. The main thing will be right choice material, because it is on sale a large number of different options to seal the window. They differ not only in price, but also in some key characteristics. The most popular sealing materials among consumers are silicone, thermoplastic, rubber, and thermopolymer.

We extend the service life of the seal

And yet, in order to avoid premature wear of the sealing elements, it is necessary to properly care for them. First of all, they require regular cleaning from accumulated contaminants and lubrication - silicone oil or, in its absence, ordinary glycerin, may be suitable for this.

Please note that sealing materials do not tolerate cleaning agents and solvents, both synthetic and organic. Instead, it is better to wash off the dirt with a cloth soaked in a solution of warm water and neutral household cleaning products, and after drying, be sure to apply a lubricant. Such simple care for seals can extend the service life of PVC windows by several years, which means you will spend less on repairing or replacing them.

Decorative qualities of plastic windows

Interest in windows with a plain white profile is rapidly declining, and products with “wood” decor are becoming increasingly popular. To give a certain color, the profile can be processed with polymers, for example, an acrylic coating is applied, or lamination is performed. In windows of a higher price category, special overlay strips made of metal or wood are responsible for the color; they are attached to the profile with special fasteners from the outside and inside of the window.

However, if you are interested in imitation of noble wood, you should be prepared for a slight increase in price. In addition to cost, decorated windows also differ in other qualities. For example, a profile with a dark color will heat up somewhat faster, which means that such a product must have a reinforcing metal liner, regardless of whether the window is small or large in size.

In addition to the color characteristics, the decorative side also affects the geometry of the window, so the standard shape is increasingly inferior to windows with rounded corners or even more complex products.

So, when choosing plastic windows, you can easily choose products that are acceptable in quality and price - just follow the tips presented in this article. Pay special attention to the quality of double-glazed windows and carry out mandatory maintenance in a timely manner. installed windows- then you will save yourself from unnecessary costs, and your home will be quite light, quiet, warm, and therefore comfortable for many years.