Plush soft owl message description appearance. Plush: description of the material, properties, advantages and disadvantages, tips for use. Description and appearance of the owl

Bird scops owl originally from small long-eared owls, its appearance resembles an eagle owl, but for its noble appearance it was nicknamed “the little duke.” The affectionate and slightly funny name was received for the sad, half-asleep song “spitting...”.

Features of Scops Owl

The little owl is a rare species. Its dimensions are on average up to 20 cm, and its weight barely reaches 100 grams. But a wingspan of up to 50 cm turns the baby into a noticeable bird. Scops Owl increases its dimensions when you need to scare the enemy. Description In the fight for chicks, it is conveyed by fluffy feathers, sharp claws on its paws, ready to dig even into a person.

In the daytime, its modest streamy color of gray-brown streaks makes it almost invisible without movement. Hiding near the trunk, frozen with its eyes closed, the bird becomes like a tree branch swaying in the wind. The atypical square head and beak hidden in feathers further disguise the presence of an owl.

In evening time owl scops owl changes noticeably. Large expressive yellow-orange eyes, fluffy feathers, horns on the head during periods of fear, interest or excitement. These ears have nothing to do with real hearing organs.

The screams can be drawn-out and due to the similarity with the sound “tyyuyu-tyyuyu”, the second nickname of the scops owl sometimes comes to life - tyukalka. You can hear a voice more often early in the morning, after sunrise, when the scops owl bird actively awakens all living things around.

Scops Owl Habitat

Scops owl lives in many forests of Europe, southern places of Siberia, lives in Asia Minor, the Middle East and North. In the area you can see Scops Owl along the river valleys of the Far East.

For her, not only deciduous forest areas are attractive, but also parks, gardens, and agricultural plantings close to human habitation. The unpretentious bird can be found in oak forests, bird cherry thickets and birch groves. Human-grown aspen plantings are no strangers.

The armyworm is migratory. In spring, its appearance in our country can be noticed with the beginning of warming and the active appearance of greenery. Settle in scops owl ready to return to her former nests, she always returns to familiar places.

If it does not find a free place, it takes the nest of a woodpecker or magpie in the hollow of an old tree, nesting in a crevice between the stones. Small near a person scops owl may turn out to be a lodger in an old attic or an abandoned birdhouse, adapting to changing living conditions.

The main factor of residence is the large number of insects. Early autumn, in September, scops owl leaves the place and flies to Africa for the winter. Only Mediterranean birds lead a sedentary life in olive groves.

Character of the scops owl

The cute-looking moth can become a desperate defender of the nest and egg laying if it senses the approach of a stranger. Spreading its wings like a butterfly and closing its nest, scops owl stands on the edge on one paw, and hides the other under the wing to strike the enemy. The owl's claws are sharp, and its gaze is merciless in moments of danger.

The moth often has to fight with city crows if it nests near the city limits. They can peck a bird to death if they attack in a flock. Often a person intervenes in such fights if he sees crows being chased.

With a person scops owl ready to make friends, can become completely tame. But once the bird gets used to organized feeding, it will no longer be able to hunt and survive in natural conditions on its own.

Lifestyle of Scops Owl

During the day, cutworms sleep, hiding on the branches. A straight, motionless pose camouflages them well among branches and greenery. Activity occurs at night, when it is time to hunt. Everyone has a favorite observation post. The moth can only look straight ahead; it has no lateral vision, but its head can rotate 270°. This is how nature endowed the bird with the ability to look out for prey.

The bird looks out for prey from above, but does not attack immediately, but, as if playing chase, gives the opportunity to identify itself and rush away. That’s when the exciting time of catching on the fly comes.

The victims include insects, bugs, butterflies, as well as frogs or lizards. In the early morning, the intermittent cries of owls can be heard: “spit... tyuyuyu..... tyuyuyu...". If the time comes to feed the chicks, then the Scops Owl has no time to sleep during the day, it has to get food.

Scops owl nutrition

Scops owl feeding mainly various insects: cicadas, dragonflies, butterflies, locusts. She feeds less often on vertebrates, but lizards, mice, frogs and small birds diversify her menu.

Running victims scops owl catches on the ground, and catches all winged ones in flight. The cutworm can dig up earthworms with its sharp claws. Her diet answers the question, Scops Owl is a bird of prey or not. Like any predator, even small ones, it needs animal food.

During the meal, the cutworm closes its eyes so as not to accidentally harm its prey. She has sensitive bristles next to her beak that help her navigate without looking.

She plucks birds and rips off the heads of insects before consuming them. If the prey is large, the owl tears it into pieces. Chicks scops owl She feeds her the same food she eats.

In captivity, feeding a bird is not difficult. The owl eats frozen meat, plant foods, cereals, fruits and vegetables. He prefers softer foods and loves cottage cheese and carrots. But you should not overfeed the bird with human food, so as not to poison it with random additives.

Reproduction and lifespan of scops owl

The pair life of Scops Owls begins in April. The male attracts the female with a crying song and waits for her response. The resulting pairs of nests do not build in the usual sense. Eggs can be laid directly in a secluded place on the ground or in a hollow tree. Usually their number is from 2 to 5 pieces.

During incubation, the male feeds the owl from beak to beak with the prey brought up to 15 times a night, and spends the rest of the time, free from hunting, next to the female, protecting her peace. Incubation time is about 20 days. The chicks are born blind, but covered in fluff. They begin to see by 6-8 days.

At first, the chicks are fed with small pieces of the prey brought. Only by 11-12 days do they begin to cope with food on their own. By day 20, parents encourage the chicks to leave the nest to fly on their own.

But the time of guardianship is not over yet; older Scops Owls show care and teach them how to search for food. For example, the chicks are shown illuminated places near lanterns and lamps where insects accumulate.

Only in the fall, before the winter departure, do families break up. Sexual maturity of young Scops Owls occurs at 10 months. Ornithologists believe that pairs of scops owls are constant, and they tend to occupy the same nests from year to year.

The life of Scops Owls in nature is about 6 years, but in captivity it increases to 12. Birds come to humans during a period of starvation, after being chased by crows or by chance, settling in the attic of an old house.

It is not customary to engage in special catching of owls for keeping in captivity. Human attention deprives the bird of the hunting skill, and they become dependent forever. But the Scops Owl is not a toy; it requires care and participation in bird life.

A free enclosure, a nesting house and communication with humans can make a forest dweller a true devoted friend, capable of distinguishing friends from strangers and showing responsiveness and good nature.

Owls are large birds of prey that are distributed almost throughout the globe. There are more than 420 species owls These birds are easy to distinguish by their characteristic appearance.


The main distinguishing feature of owls is big round eyes, which are located not on the sides of the head, like in other birds, but in front. The owl cannot move or rotate them; they are motionless and always directed forward. But The head of these birds is very mobile- the owl can easily twist it in different directions. On the sides of the head there are often tufts of feathers that resemble ears.

The beak is small, sharp, curved down. The paws are short with sharp hooked claws. The wings are large and the tail is short. The feather cover of owls is thick and soft. The color of the feathers is dull, most often brownish or grayish in color with variegated spots. This coloring allows the birds to remain invisible in natural conditions.

Most owls are quite large birds. The largest is the eagle owl. It can reach a height of 70 cm, and a wingspan of 180 cm. But there are also small owls. For example, the body length of a pygmy owl is no more than 20 cm, and its wingspan is 45 cm. Usually females are larger than males.


Owls are found not only in Russia. They live in all parts of our planet except Antarctica and several islands. These nocturnal birds have adapted well to a wide variety of habitats. They can be found in forests, mountains, deserts and tundra.

Almost all owls are sedentary birds; in the fall they do not fly to other regions. Only a few species are migratory, among them the well-known long-eared owl.


These birds are night hunters. Usually they feed on insects and small rodents- They see well in the dark, they have very sensitive hearing, and their flight is almost silent. Thanks to these qualities, their hunting is almost always successful.

Owls use several hunting methods:

  1. They fly quietly through the night forest, sometimes they scream, scaring small animals, and when they hear a rustle, they quickly grab their prey.
  2. They sit quietly on a tree and listen, and when they hear a squeak or rustle, they quickly fly off the branch and grab their prey.
  3. Fish owls catch fish with their paws directly from the water and hold them with sharp claws.

Only some owls go hunting during the day, for example, polar, hawk and pygmy owls.


Once a year these birds hatch their chicks. They lay their eggs in a hollow tree, a crevice in a tree, or some old bird's nest. The female incubates the eggs herself for a month. The chicks hatch with hair, but are blind and deaf. Both parents feed the chicks. When the chicks mature, their down changes to feathers and they fly away from the parent's nest.

Owls are very unusual birds, here are some interesting facts to report about them:

  • They do not distinguish colors and see everything in black and white.
  • They see well not only at night, but also during the day.
  • They never gather in flocks.
  • They have very good hearing, they hear four times better than a cat.
  • About 10 thousand years ago, a giant owl lived in Cuba. Her height reached 120 cm. She could not fly, since her wings were very small, but she could walk very quickly. The giant owl hunted small animals, catching up with them with fast steps.
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Before deciding how an owl, an eagle owl and an owl differ, let’s find out what each of them is, study their external characteristics, habits, lifestyle and behavioral characteristics.

They are all unusual nocturnal birds. In addition, they are predators and look completely different from their other feathered relatives.

So, let's find out how an owl differs from an eagle owl and an owl.

Owl: description of external characteristics

The most distinctive feature that makes an owl stand out is its large muzzle and head with large round eyes. The owl's beak is curved, short, with nostrils located at the very base.

The owl's plumage is thick and soft, its wings are round and large, and its tail is rectangular. In addition, the wings of those birds that hunt in the forest are short, while those that prefer more open areas (and fly more often) have long wings. But they are still large compared to their body weight, which allows birds to fly, easily gliding, silently and without much effort.

Typically, owls have a “protective” plumage color, which allows them to blend in with the shades of their environment and remain unnoticed when resting during the day.

The feathers of owls living in forests are usually brownish in color. And owls living in deserts are lighter in color (reddish).

Females differ from males in their larger sizes, but the color of their feathers is almost the same. Only the polar owl has males with snow-white plumage, while females have feathers with noticeable brownish specks.

Let's look at the difference between an owl and an eagle owl below.

Owls from the genus of owls

Owls are relatively small owls with a larger build. They have no feathered ears. The bird has a clearly defined facial disc of black color with a white frame.

The short tail gives a visual misleading impression of the wings - they appear longer than they actually are. The legs are feathered differently in different forms of owls: in the southern ones, their toes are covered with bristles, in the northern ones, feathering is present right up to the claws.

Under the beak they have a black spot, reminiscent of a beard, framed by white, horizontally elongated spots. The ridges between the eyes are light gray, eyebrow-shaped (crescent-shaped), located from the beak towards the inside of the facial disc. The pupils are black, the iris is yellow. The eyes are small, the beak is yellow.

Among them, occasionally (eastern populations) there are completely black birds, in which bright yellow eyes are clearly visible on the facial disc.

Females here are larger than males and are indistinguishable in color.

The owl differs from the eagle owl in a brighter and more saturated gray color, a bright, clearly defined facial disc with many concentric circles, with a “beard”, the absence of “ears”, medium-sized yellow eyes, and a darker color.

Beautiful bird eagle owl. How does an eagle owl differ from an owl in appearance?

The eagle owl is an unusually attractive bird. This is a larger owl, with a wingspan of which their length reaches from 150 to 170 centimeters, and the length of each wing is up to 50 centimeters. Its weight is about 2 kg.

Adult birds have a rusty yellow color, densely mottled with brownish blackish shades.

Its eyes are reddish-yellow, its beak is dark, one might say black. On the sides of his head there are tufts of feathers that form something like ears (nothing in common with real ears). Both females and males have the same coloration.

What is the difference between an owl and an eagle owl: photo

The common eagle owl is a species of bird of prey from the order Owls. Owl and eagle owl are different species.

Each of the birds of the owl order has its own characteristics.

What is the difference between an owl and an eagle owl? Firstly, owls are more numerous than eagle owls.

1. The owl is much smaller than the eagle owl, and it does not have feathered ears like the first one (except for the long-eared owl species).

2. Most owls have a frame of short, hard feathers on the front of their heads, which is absent in the eagle owl.

3. Owls fly very silently and glide easily, and the wings of an eagle owl produce audible whistling sounds during flight.

4. An owl, as a rule, hunts smaller animals, and an owl’s prey can be a large hare or even a young roe deer.


The eagle owl is the most widespread species of owl.

How does an owl differ from an eagle owl in terms of habitat?

The eagle owl is a bird that can adapt to the most diverse and unpredictable living conditions. It can be found in the Ussuri region in dense forests, and in the polar forests on the Mezen, and in Altai in the mountain taiga, and in the Ukrainian steppes, and in the deserts of Mongolia.

It can also live in the Tien Shan mountains, the eastern Pamirs and Tibet (even at an altitude of up to 4,000 m above sea level). The eagle owl takes root well in any place and tolerates any weather conditions.

Owls also live in territories almost all over the world, from the very equator to the harsh cold northern territories. You can find them everywhere: on the shores of the seas, in the mountains, in deserts, in the steppes. Most of this species of birds lives in forests (and wooded areas).

Not many of them (for example, the short-eared owl) prefer larger open areas. And some of the owls, unlike eagle owls, willingly settle in populated areas under the roofs and in the attics of houses. You can also see them in park areas of cities. This is another point in how an owl differs from an eagle owl.

It is important to note about eagle owls that people sometimes use them as a bird of prey, but there is one drawback to this - this bird is difficult to train. The Eagle Owl is a rarity. Moreover, there are often extremely dangerous attacks by birds on their owners if they are not kept and raised properly.

In the Altai Territory, in the city of Biysk, there lives a craftswoman Olesya Averina, who sews plush toys and is a specialist in sewing owls.

The master about his work: “From early childhood I was drawn to draw, glue, sculpt, etc. Apparently, that’s why my mother took me to the Children’s Art School, for which I am very grateful to her to this day. After receiving secondary education I entered the BPSU in the art and graphic department and successfully completed my studies in 2002.
In 2009, I tried to make my first designer doll, aaand... I couldn’t be stopped)) Then I also became interested in Teddy bears and their friends. Having fully mastered the technology of their manufacture, I decided to create MY OWN! toy, according to your sketches and inspiration. This is how I got my first little owlet! And then the second... and so on.
I adore all my toys, I make them with great love and inspiration. And now, I am the happiest person, because I live and breathe creativity!”

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Owl named Fly

We have this owl with a funny name - Mukha)) Very unique, a little funny, but very interesting and cute)) Big-eyed, curious and so touching.)) They love it when they ask her for advice or just when she tell their secrets!

Sewn from French plush and faux fur. Densely filled with synthetic padding, metal granules in the tummy. Glass German eyes (my painting), beak and paws - plastic. The legs are very tightly attached with cotter pins, and additionally, have a wire frame that goes into the claws. Tinted with artistic oil.
The owl stands very confidently on its legs, without support. The head, wings and legs rotate and easily change position. Very stable and pleasantly heavy. I have a passport.

Sewn from German plush and faux fur. Densely filled with padding poly, metal granules in the tummy. Glass German eyes, beak and paws - plastic. The legs are very tightly attached with cotter pins, and additionally, have a wire frame that goes into the claws. Tinted with artistic oil.
The owl stands very confidently on its legs (even when tilted forward), without support. The head, wings and legs rotate and easily change position. Very stable and pleasantly heavy. I have a passport.

Owl family. Made to order.

Fenya lived in my head for a long time and sometimes appeared in my dreams. I have long dreamed of making it. And finally, he appeared!
The owlet is very soft, heavy and cute))
It's nice to pet him and whisper about your dreams.

Long eared owl

Borka's owlet

Owl with Pansy

polar owl

I am wise, very wise,
Ax, I'm terribly wise,
I am the wisest polar owl,
And my mother is wise,
Oh, wise, wise one,
She's a terribly wise snowy owl.

I'm flying,
I'll jump somersaults
And I run hock,
Knowing the way by the stars,
And life is so amazing
She thunders loudly
It rings loudly
Bim-bangs a little!

They say I'm being crazy.
They say I'm a fashionista.
Yes, I walk around dressed up.
That's how life works.

Why should I be beautiful?
I really, really want to.
Fashionable dresses to wear,
Fooling with beads.

Hats, handbags, bows.
I have everything!
Well, tell me, my friend, you tell me
-Aren't I adorable?!

Little Raven Carlos.

Charming little boy))). A little hooligan, mischievous, but very charming. He looks at this world with such love with his eyes. And his smile will make anyone smile.
Karlusha really wants to fall into kind and caring hands. He promises not to misbehave and to obey))
The baby crow is sewn according to the author's pattern. He stands very confidently on his legs (claws are made of plastic, have a wire frame that turns into legs), changing poses. Wings on 2 cotter pins. Pleasantly heavy. It looks very cool in the interior and immediately attracts attention. It is very soft and pleasant to the touch.

A very plump, but strong little guy)), with a very sweet smile and a childish look. Nice...

Misha and Tisha

Horse "Lilac Fog"

Horse "New Year"

Horse "Juicy Berry"


Monkey Mosya.

She is soft and all so mobile.
Almost everything moves on her! Even the thumbs on the palms of the legs and arms. Mosi's legs bend at the knees and arms at the elbows. She twists and shakes her head in all directions)) A., and, of course, wags her tail)) In general, a miracle - a child!

Fat Laurie

Finally, the sun has come out in Altai! And the weather inspired me to create something sunny and warm))) So, the Little Fox and the Owl appeared. This is how they turned out, look...
These are bosom friends. Cheerful, red-haired, a little funny, well, very charming. They play all day long, fool around and are not sad about anything)) This couple cannot help but bring a smile, they will give you a great mood every day. Ready to move to a good home, but only together!!! They won't survive the separation. For this they promise to bring you a little happiness and childhood)))

Puppy Tuzik is sewn from Japanese viscose, very soft to the touch. Pleasantly heavy and squeezable. He doesn’t know how to stand at all, and he loves to sit, preferably with support... But he knows how to wag his tail, and look into your eyes with devotion and affection!

Meet...)) this is the cat Rozka. She is a very nimble and mischievous girl)), but so sweet, soft and gentle. You don’t want to let go of it, it’s pleasantly heavy. Oh, his tail never stops wagging. She loves all sorts of beautiful things.., apparently she will grow up to be a real fashionista)) Well, how can you not love one?

Cheshire Cat

The cat who smiles. The English expression “green like a Cheshire cat” (to grin sardonically like a Cheshire cat) has received different interpretations. One is that in Cheshire they sold cheeses that looked like the head of a smiling cat. The second is that Cheshire is a palatine county (earldon), which even cats laughed at. Another thing is that during the reign of Richard III in Cheshire there lived a forester, Caterling, who, when he caught poachers, grinned fiercely.
In the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll, the Cheshire Cat can gradually disappear until all that remains is a smile.

Plush is a soft, warm fabric covered with a pile of silk, wool or fibers. The material is widely used in sewing women's clothing, making curtains and stage costumes. It is from this material that a teddy bear and other soft toys are made. Pleasant to the touch plush fabric gives a feeling of comfort and carefreeness, involuntarily bringing you back to childhood.

Description of material

The plush surface can be solid or patterned.

Plush fabric is made using a pile weave method, which is formed by three systems of threads. Two root systems, warp and weft, due to plain or twill weaving, have high strength and well retain the pile formed by the third, pile thread. Silk, wool and cotton fibers are used to make pile.

The pile on the surface of plush products can be long or short. Its height ranges from 3 to 16 mm. Fabrics with the longest pile are classified as .

The plush surface can be solid or patterned, in the form of narrow and wide stripes, small and large pile patterns. Despite the significant weight and thickness of the fabric, it drapes perfectly and does not form bald spots or creases.

Types of fabric

Plush fabric has many varieties, which differ in the type of fibers present in the material, the method of pile formation and finishing.

Material composition

Traditionally, the manufacturer produces the base of plush fabric and pile from cotton threads. In addition, there is wool plush, when a cotton base is covered with silk or wool fibers. Recently, synthetic fibers are often used to make this fabric, which, in combination with a knitted base, make the fabric softer and more stretchable.

Method of lint formation

The most popular product made from this type of material is a teddy bear.

Plush can be looped or cut. Fabric produced using the loop method resembles terry cloth in appearance. It is made using a special knitting machine. Additional fibers are knitted into the ground, which are pulled onto the front side of the fabric and form a pile of loops. The fabric can be either cross-knitted or warp knitted.

Split plush is made using a double-circuit knitting machine, on which the warp is knitted and the loops are pulled out at the same time. As a result of cutting the loops with a special circular knife, a material with a thick, vertically directed pile is obtained.

There is a double-sided plush fabric, which is distinguished by the presence of fibers on both sides of the fabric, front and back. Moreover, both looped and cut plush can have this feature.


According to the finishing method, smooth, embossed, patterned and textured fabrics are distinguished. Most often, the plush surface has fibers of the same length, tightly adjacent to each other.

To create an embossed surface, the fibers are placed in a given direction using a press. Patterned fabric, decorated with various ornaments and designs, is obtained by changing the length of the pile.

Textured finishing includes all existing types: patterns, ornaments, and areas with piles of different heights and thicknesses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plush fabric has many undeniable advantages due to the composition and structure of the material.

  • High strength.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Good thermal insulation properties.
  • Variety of applications.

Along with the advantages, it is necessary to note the disadvantages of plush material.

  • The products are heavy.
  • The material is difficult to sew and care for.
  • The canvas quickly becomes dirty as the pile becomes clogged with dust.

Fabric with silk pile gets dirty much less than cotton material, but has a higher cost.


Plush furniture finishes are still found today.

Despite all the shortcomings and considerable cost, plush fabric was in demand for many years and indicated the wealth and aristocracy of its owner. It cannot be said that today this type of textile is at the peak of popularity, although decorative and furniture fabrics are still made from it for decorating public spaces and concert halls. Many needlewomen use exclusively this traditional material to make toys.

Plush products require special care, otherwise the item may lose its attractive appearance forever.

It is better not to wash things made from this material, but to use dry cleaning services. If, after all, the item is washed, you should not twist it, it is better to let the water drain naturally and then lay it out on a horizontal surface to dry.

Dust and dry dirt can be cleaned with a soft clothes brush.

To sew from plush you need to have special skills. The parts should be cut in one layer and the canvas should be positioned in a certain way. The short pile should be directed upward, and the long pile, on the contrary, downward. In addition, you should leave fairly large seam allowances, as the pile frays a lot. It is better to sew plush toys by hand.

How to sew a baby seal from plush, watch the video: