Why do hungry stomach pains occur? Why does my stomach hurt when I'm hungry? Treatment of hunger pains

Gastralgia in medicine is usually called pain in the stomach, which has a cramping character (it grabs and releases). Most often, this pain is felt in the left side and sometimes begins simply with a feeling of discomfort.

Pain irradiation may also be observed, that is, pain sensations may spread beyond the diseased organ or area, when pain may be felt completely different from where the diseased (affected) organ is located. For example, stomach diseases can make themselves felt by pain in the left hypochondrium (under the ribs, which are located on the left side of the chest).

However, pain itself is only one of the clinical manifestations, on the basis of which it is impossible to establish a diagnosis. As a rule, pain is accompanied by other symptoms that are characteristic of various disorders of the digestive process (work gastrointestinal tract).

We should not forget that gastralgia (stomach pain) can occur for completely different reasons, which are not always associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach pain can be caused by stressful situations and certain neurological diseases.

And since stomach pain can have completely different etiologies (different causes), it should be considered only in conjunction with other symptoms that appear almost simultaneously.

This may be the presence or absence of belching; different intensity of pain; time of pain occurrence (time of day and time relative to food intake); the presence of nausea and/or vomiting; the appearance of diarrhea; the appearance of bloating and other symptoms, any of which can be very important in establishing correct diagnosis and prescribing the necessary adequate treatment.

The strength and nature of spasms is determined by the location, the lesion, and the intensity of the inflammatory process. For example, if the disease has become chronic, the pain will be periodic and weak. At the initial stage, colic occurs only after a snack and goes away on its own after a bowel movement or after a couple of hours.

If hunger pain in the stomach after eating occurs due to stress, then the patient may also experience sleep disturbances and insomnia. During wakefulness, the nature of the attacks can be pulsating, aching or pulling. Periodically, spasms come in waves, the cause of which is a disruption in the functioning of the smooth muscles of the peritoneum.

A nagging pain on an empty stomach (several hours after a snack) may be a consequence of fibrous tissue proliferation, pyloric stenosis. Acute and burning attacks occur against the background of increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, activation of gastritis or ulcers.

This term in medicine is usually called cramping pain in the stomach. As a rule, it is felt in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium, but at first it can only cause slight discomfort to the person.

Since gastralgia has a different etymology, which is not always related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis. With its help, the attending physician will be able to determine what is causing the pain.

Characteristics of hunger pains:

  • cramping - spasms;
  • aching;
  • "sucking";
  • strong;
  • radiating to the right or left hypochondrium;
  • encircling.

It is considered normal if painful (or rather unpleasant) sensations arise in the stomach after 6 hours of fasting, but not earlier.

Quite often, patients note that hunger pain subsides after vomiting. This is explained by the fact that after such an unpleasant phenomenon, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, which irritates sensitive nerve endings.

The concept of “hunger pains”

When the functioning of the stomach is disrupted, when the acidity inside the body increases, stomach pain occurs. Most often accompanied by symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain recurs at night, during the day, before or after meals, regularly and noticeably.
  • Patients describe the pain as sharp and burning.
  • Discomfort goes away from a glass of milk, water, or food.

Pain in the stomach is the main point indicating damage to the duodenum and the appearance of a stomach ulcer. Doctors call these symptoms gastralgia.

Causes of stomach pain during fasting:

  1. The appearance of the microorganism Helicobacter pylori in the intestines.
  2. Irritation of nerve processes as acidity increases.
  3. Increasing the percentage of hydrochloric acid. This happens at night and during the day.
  4. For problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Disruption of the body.
  6. Irritation of receptors occupying the ulcerative area.
  7. A sign of hunger pain is hormonal imbalance. Two vital hormones are responsible for the feeling of satiety and hunger in our body: leptin and melatonin. When there are violations, one of them begins to be produced in large quantities causing nausea, vomiting, bad smell from mouth.
  8. Changes in the level of acidic environment and disruption of the stomach.

Symptoms appear during starvation diets, due to the consumption of drinks with a small amount of alkali. Gastritis and ulcers can be triggered by heredity or infections. Exacerbation is associated with an unbalanced diet, stress or depression. Depends on bad habits: alcohol addiction, smoking, addiction to medications used.

Hunger pains that appear 3-4 hours after eating indicate diseases such as ulcers and erosion. Discomfort occurs in the right and left hypochondrium. Pain on the left side – gastritis develops. The following signs will help you specifically identify:

  • Pain occurs after eating if you have eaten a heavy, fatty, spicy dish, or taken alcoholic drinks on an empty stomach. This indicates inflammation of the pancreas. Serious and dangerous diseases begin without pronounced pain.
  • In diseases associated with the work of the heart, unpleasant sensations arise with right side from eating, physical activity.

Pain on the right side indicates the presence of ailments associated with the biliary tract. The spleen or other organ is susceptible to diseases.

To determine the symptoms of hunger pain, a person needs to distinguish between a simple feeling of hunger and a sore stomach, the painful appearance of serious pathologies. The pain occurs from hunger and goes away immediately after a meal, even if you eat food in small quantities. The discomfort is felt intensely and does not allow normal living, but sometimes goes away for a short period of time if you change the position to a more comfortable one. If you don’t eat and you experience pain, this indicates situations associated with peptic ulcers.

Why does my stomach hurt: main reasons

Before talking about how the treatment is carried out, it is necessary to clarify the reasons for such discomfort. These include:

  • Violation of peristalsis of the stomach walls, which is accompanied by pain.
  • Today, doctors often explain hunger pains as a psychosomatic illness. Against the background of stress and nervous breakdowns, pain due to gastritis and ulcers may increase.
  • This problem occurs with increased stomach acidity associated with gastritis or gastroduodenitis.
  • One of the most common causes is a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Muscle contraction and spasms that are concentrated around the ulcer formation are a fairly common problem.
  • Similar painful sensations in the stomach occur when chronic pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas).
  • In some cases, hunger pain in the stomach indicates a person is infected with worms. Helminthic infestation is easily confused with diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract ailments. However, in addition to pain, there are a number of other nonspecific signs that indicate that helminths have colonized intestinal tract. A person suffers from regular diarrhea or constipation, nausea and bloating. As a rule, the pain is localized in the right hypochondrium and the navel area.

Many people naively believe that worms do not cause significant harm to their owner. However, too bright pain indicates colonies of helminths infesting the internal organs. This phenomenon causes constipation and intestinal problems. With prolonged massive infection, serious intoxication of the body, increased body temperature, and weakness are possible. Joint pain also indicates a serious problem.

Manifestation of pain at night and during the day

A person feels unpleasant symptoms 5-6 hours after eating, this is normal. But if the pain does not disappear after a meal, this raises suspicion. Discomfort can occur on an empty stomach in the morning and at night. Pulsating, continuous unpleasant sensations that you can only get rid of by eating. If you experience any discomfort after fasting, you should immediately go to a specialist. The pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, changes in stool, bad breath and a constant unpleasant taste.

If the symptom appears in the morning, this indicates damage to the duodenum. To get rid of pain, doctors advise taking a glass of cool water or 2-2.5% milk. Induce vomiting, this will remove excess hydrochloric acid from the stomach, which irritates the mucous membrane.

How is diagnostics carried out?

To prescribe a course of treatment, the patient must undergo a series of examinations. For hunger pain in the stomach, the following are recommended:

  • ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fibrogastroendoscopy;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • sometimes MRI of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • capsule endoscopy (in some cases may not be effective enough).

As you can see, most often hunger pains occur against the background of the development of diseases such as ulcers and gastritis. In most cases they are caused by the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Therefore, it is imperative to undergo a test for the presence of H. pylori during diagnosis to determine the extent of the problem. Unlike other diseases, Helicobacter pylori infection can only be treated with antibiotics. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but it should not exceed 14 days. After drug therapy, you will need to take the test again.

Folk remedies to cure hunger pains

You should get rid of it quickly because neglected symptoms develop into serious diseases. The main goal is to prevent the causes of the disease, improve the condition of the stomach and mucous membranes. Buy medications at the pharmacy; below is the list and purpose of the drug:

  1. You need to start with normalizing the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Use Metukal or analogues.
  2. The patient is prescribed a painkiller - Analgin, Nise.
  3. To reduce the amount of acid released into the stomach, it is better to use special medications. Pantoprazole and Omeprazole are considered the best and highest quality drugs.
  4. Antispasmodics help get rid of spasms.
  5. Professionals suggest using antibacterial drugs to prevent the development of Helicobacter pylori.
  1. Preparation of medicinal infusion with calamus root. For a portion calculated for daily dose, use 10 grams of dry calamus root. First, grind, then add a glass of cold boiled water. Stir. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes. Cool and drink 50 ml 30 minutes before meals. After taking the mixture, be sure to eat!
  2. Recipe folk medicine using flaxseeds. Preparation of a medicinal infusion involves using a teaspoon of seeds poured with boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. Stir, strain the broth and drink 50 ml of liquid three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Be sure to eat after taking the medicine!
  3. A decoction prepared from pharmaceutical chamomile. To prepare the drink, take 10 g of chamomile, chop and pour into a glass cold water. Place the mixture on the fire and cook for 15 minutes until done. Extract, strain and take 100 ml four times a day.
  4. Folk medicinal mixture using St. John's wort. Take St. John's wort root, wash and peel. Chop and drink 500 ml of cold water. Infuse for three days. For use: dilute 30 drops of infusion in 50 ml of boiled water, take three times a day after meals.
  5. Recipe for making a cinnamon-based decoction. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon in warm water, add one teaspoon of honey for taste. Dissolve 30 drops of the prepared decoction in 50 ml of water and take three times a day, after meals. Of course, you need to eat after taking the medicine!
  6. A new recipe for folk medicine using plantain. The plant is used fresh. Healers suggest chewing the leaves when the first symptoms of hunger pain appear. Squeeze the juice from the plant and drink when cramps occur.

To feel the results of traditional medicine, choose a recipe and use it for two months. Don't forget about your diet. Traditional medicine plus special medical medications prescribed by a doctor will give one hundred percent results. The main cause of hunger pain is an ulcer.

What does ignoring the problem lead to?

If you contact a specialist at the first alarm bells (discomfort or mild hunger pain in the stomach), you can prevent serious health problems. In most cases, doctors diagnose gastritis or an ulcer.

The latter disease poses a great danger, since if left untreated, the stomach wall may perforate and the contents may leak into the abdominal cavity. Inflammation of the peritoneal layers, which in medical circles is called peritonitis, leads to a systemic inflammatory process.

In advanced cases, ulcerative formation can lead to a serious condition for the patient and even death.

Menu (Power Mode)

Doctors prescribe a course of treatment, which includes a special, strict diet. This helps you get better faster. Eating according to a regimen and observing restrictions prevents the development of serious diseases.

Nutritional Requirements:

Doctors advise starting treatment on time, eating right, and be sure to maintain constant monitoring.

The menu for hunger pain is formed from a list of permitted products based on Treatment Table No. 1 and its varieties, which can be changed taking into account the form and stage of the disease and the patient’s well-being. It is important to follow the recommended principles heat treatment products and diet option (with pureed/unprocessed) dishes.

Breathing exercises for ulcers

In addition to using medicinal drugs and dieting, doctors recommend performing a complex of therapeutic breathing exercises. Exercises have been developed specifically for patients with hunger pain. Proper physical training helps regulate the patient’s condition and even promotes recovery. Use during exacerbation.

  • 1 exercise. Take the starting position - lying on your back. Place your right hand on your chest, your left hand on your stomach. Take a slow breath (about 4 seconds long). Exhale air in small portions through your nose (6 sec). Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.
  • Exercise 2. Starting position on your back. Hands along the body. Move your right leg to the side, inhale, return to the starting position, exhale. Perform 3-4 times.
  • Exercise 3. Lying on your left side, lift your right leg up. Inhale, return to the opposite position, exhale. Repeat the exercise on the other side. Repeat 5-6 times.
  • Exercise 4 Starting position – lying on your back. Relax your whole body and lie down for 40 seconds.
  • Exercise 5 Standing, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, legs spaced shoulder-width apart. Jerk to the sides, straightening your arms with your palms up. Breathe arbitrarily. Repeat 2-3 times.

Diet during treatment

The therapeutic diet for hunger pain includes year-round available and inexpensive products. The average cost calculation is 1400-1600 rubles per week.

In addition to the treatment prescribed by specialists, it is necessary to follow a diet. A balanced diet will help restore the affected mucous membrane and reduce the load on the digestive tract.

It is necessary to remove fast food and semi-finished products (so-called junk food), all kinds of dubious bars and dough products from the patient’s diet. Coffee is not the best option for hunger pain in the stomach, the causes of which we discussed earlier. Therefore, it is recommended to replace this drink with weak herbal infusions.

People with this problem need to include in their diet:

  • durum wheat pasta and nutritious side dishes based on cereals;
  • vegetable and chicken broths (pork is not recommended for making soup base);
  • nuts (no more than 30 g per day);
  • dried fruits and non-acidic fruits (but not on an empty stomach, since the acids contained in fruits can provoke another attack of pain);
  • jelly and natural non-acidic freshly squeezed juices (if well tolerated);
  • water without gas;
  • dairy products;
  • People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are greatly benefited by eating greens (dill and parsley stimulate peristalsis and relieve intestinal colic).

Hunger pain in the abdomen most often indicates the presence of a gastric ulcer, so it is recommended to reduce the amount of salt consumed to a minimum - no more than 1-2 tsp. per day.

“I eat and my stomach hurts!” Many people face the problem of stomach pain after eating. The reasons for this are different, it could be overeating or eating poor quality food. But why does my stomach hurt in the morning on an empty stomach? Morning pain may indicate diseases such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Types of pain in the stomach

Before answering the question of why the stomach hurts on an empty stomach, you should find out what kind of pain there is. Doctors divide pain into two groups. The first group includes visceral, which is manifested by spasms, colic, which do not have a specific location. The appearance of visceral pain is caused by irritation of nerve endings that are located on organs inside the body.

The second group is somatic pain. It has a specific area of ​​localization and is characterized by sharp, long-lasting painful sensations. Somatic pain occurs as a result of irritation abdominal cavity and spinal nerve. Visceral pain is not pronounced and appears after eating at night or overeating. The reasons for the appearance may be nervous disorders and fatigue. Somatic indicates diseases of the internal organs and in most cases is a symptom of kidney or gastrointestinal diseases.

Causes of stomach pain in the morning

Stomach pain may occur every morning during the first thirteen weeks of pregnancy.

Stomach pain occurs in the morning for the following reasons:

  • Eating at night or overeating before bed can provoke pain in the internal organ of the digestive tract before breakfast. Excessive consumption of food overloads the digestive system and causes pain in the stomach.
  • Your stomach may hurt every morning during the first thirteen weeks of pregnancy. Pain causes increased uterine tone, which can lead to miscarriage or complications. Pain may appear after night even in the third trimester of pregnancy. However, if the pain is moderate, then this is considered normal and does not pose a threat to the fetus.
  • Pain on an empty stomach in the stomach area can occur as a result of overwork, lack of sleep, stress and weakening of the body. Such short-term pain goes away on its own and does not require treatment.
  • The stomach may hurt in the morning if there are ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, appendicitis and gastritis.
  • A viral infection may cause stomach pain in the morning. Intestinal upset appears as a result of taking medicines or poisoning.


Nausea and stomach pain are symptoms that people often experience after waking up.

Nausea and upset stomach—people often experience these symptoms after waking up. They subside immediately after breakfast and may appear again after a pause between meals of six to eight hours. Pain in the digestive tract differs in intensity, nature and duration. Intense acute pain is observed in patients with gastric ulcers. The patient’s well-being worsens and the usual way of life is disrupted. The pain is so severe that until it subsides, the patient is unable to perform his duties.

The nature of the pain can be aching, pulsating, baking, tugging, burning and shooting. It is extremely difficult to diagnose the disease only by the nature of the pain, so the doctor needs to prescribe additional examinations to the patient. Stomach pain in the morning often occurs in smokers who smoke a cigarette before breakfast. Cigarette smoke irritates the organ mucosa and thereby provokes pain. Until you eat, you will feel nauseous and upset your stomach.

Associated symptoms

Painful discomfort in the abdomen is often accompanied by other symptoms and, in extremely rare cases, the stomach may bother itself. In addition to pain in the digestive tract, a person may experience nausea, heartburn, and a bitter taste in the mouth. In addition, stool disturbances are observed, gas formation in the intestines increases and appetite decreases.

When visiting a doctor, it is important to describe all the symptoms, then this will help identify the true cause of the disease. It should be noted that your stomach hurts, both in the morning and after breakfast and other meals or water. An accurate description of the symptoms and general condition will allow the doctor to refer the patient for the necessary diagnostic tests, which will result in a diagnosis.

Features of hunger pains

Abdominal pain in the morning after waking up - bitterness in the mouth.

The main features of painful sensations in the stomach in the morning after waking up are bitterness in the mouth and the duration of the pain until a piece of food is eaten. Often after breakfast, stomach pain decreases, nausea stops, and the patient’s condition improves. Such symptoms directly indicate ulcerative damage to the digestive tract.

Pain from a stomach ulcer can occur both during the day and at night, and does not depend on the time of day. The amount of food eaten can contribute to the development of abdominal pain; for example, if the intervals between meals exceed eight hours, the stomach pain may recur. A light snack or even a glass of water can temporarily relieve abdominal discomfort; this will improve the condition and reduce pain. But you should not overuse snacks, because they are not able to eliminate the root cause of pain and cure the stomach, so the patient should consult a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.

When should you immediately contact a specialist?

Why does my stomach hurt every morning? How could this not be alarming? In such cases, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor and postpone all attempts at self-treatment. However, if the patient has the following symptoms, then contacting a specialist should be done without delay:

  • gagging;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • flatulence;
  • severe swelling of the limbs.

Actions for regular visceral pain

If the painful sensations are visceral in nature, you should adhere to the basic rules that will prevent the disease. The first thing you should do is stop eating large quantities of food at night, before going to bed. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of spicy, salty and fatty foods to zero, and not drink coffee or strong tea for breakfast. When the stomach hurts, the abuse of alcohol-containing drinks can aggravate the situation, so alcoholic drinks should be excluded from the patient’s diet.

Drinking high-fat milk at night can provoke pain in the stomach. To prevent morning abdominal pain, you should stop smoking and fresh baked goods. It is important to avoid stressful situations and ensure a proper daily routine that includes adequate rest and sleep.


Before prescribing treatment, the doctor is interested in the time of onset of symptoms, their intensity and type. It is important for a specialist to know under what circumstances stomach pain subsides (after eating or while lying down) and what factors provoke pain. Once the doctor has a complete picture of the patient’s condition, he can prescribe individual treatment.

Therapeutic methods are based on taking medications and following a therapeutic diet. First of all, the patient is prescribed fasting, which will allow the digestive system to rest. When the patient's condition improves, they begin to gradually introduce foods that are not capable of overloading the intestines. Therapeutic diet excludes fatty, fried and smoked foods. Steamed or baked in the oven.

It is important that the dishes have a puree-like consistency, because coarse food particles can damage the affected mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Eating food should be frequent and in small portions.

Among the medications, the patient can be prescribed the following medications that help normalize the motility of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • "Metoclopramide";
  • "Pantoprazole";
  • "Omez" and other similar drugs.

To achieve maximum effectiveness from treatment, the causes that may cause stomach pain should be eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize smoking, avoid stressful situations and eat only high-quality products with a suitable expiration date.

Folk remedies

You can relieve pain in the stomach with the help of traditional medicine, which offers the following recipes:

  • Before breakfast, drink 100 ml of cabbage juice on an empty stomach. If you experience regular pain, you should drink cabbage juice not only before breakfast, but also before lunch and dinner, half an hour before.
  • After waking up, half an hour before breakfast, you need to drink 250 ml of water with two small spoons of bee product dissolved in it.
  • Potato decoction can relieve acute abdominal pain. Why take a kilogram of unpeeled potatoes and boil them in five liters of liquid. When the consistency of the potatoes resembles mush, the broth is turned off and taken chilled for 2-3 days before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You can relieve the painful syndrome in the stomach that occurs early in the morning with water or milk. To do this, it will be enough to drink 200 ml of one or another liquid. You can reduce the intensity of pain by inducing vomiting, which will remove the increased acidity of digestive juice, which irritates the nerve roots.

Heartburn is a sensation familiar to, perhaps, every person. The cause of this uncomfortable condition is the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus, where it causes burns of the mucous membrane. Heartburn may appear at the very different time days - both at night and during the day. But the most unpleasant feeling is in the morning, when you wake up with an unbearable burning sensation in your throat. Such an awakening can easily ruin your mood for the rest of the day.


If this problem occurs quite rarely and is not accompanied by other pronounced symptoms, then most likely it is not associated with any pathology. The reason here often lies in an excessively heavy dinner, excessively spicy food, etc. If the burning sensation in the morning is repeated regularly, it is quite possible that the cause of this may be some kind of gastrointestinal tract disease.

Disruption of daily routine

Some of the most common causes of heartburn are irregular meals or a strict diet. Long breaks in food, as well as prolonged fasting, do much more harm to the body than good. And it is the gastrointestinal tract that suffers most from this. The human body, like any other living creature, relies in its work on various reflexes. One of these reflexes is the preparation of internal organs for food intake. At a certain time, most often in the morning, immediately after sleep, the digestive organs begin their physiological activity:

  • the stomach increases the secretion of digestive juice;
  • the gallbladder increases the production of bile necessary for the breakdown of fats;
  • salivary glands increase saliva production.

If saliva does not have a pronounced aggressive effect on the walls of the mucous membrane, then hydrochloric acid and bile entering the stomach through the ducts are sufficient active substances. In the absence of food to dilute their concentration, they begin to affect the gastric mucosa, causing gastritis and ulcers. In addition, when there is an excess of gastric juice, it weakens the gastric sphincter (a muscle valve that prevents stomach contents from entering the esophagus). As a result, hydrochloric acid is thrown into the esophagus, causing internal burns and excruciating burning pain.

Most often this happens on an empty stomach in the morning, in the periods before meals. After breakfast, these unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, either disappear completely or become noticeably weaker. Therefore, nutritionists advise approaching all kinds of diets with the utmost caution. It is best if therapeutic fasting occurs under the supervision of a specialist.

  • quick relief for heartburn
  • Can tea cause heartburn?
  • At what acidity of the stomach does heartburn occur?

For a person prone to heartburn, a morning diet is completely unacceptable. Every morning should begin with a high-calorie and nutritious breakfast, taken at approximately the same time.

An empty stomach, “accustomed” to processing portions of incoming food at a certain time, continues to secrete digestive enzymes during the period of dietary fasting. These enzymes, i.e. gastric juice, begin to “digest” their own body in the absence of food:

  • corrode the layer of mucus on the inner surface of the stomach, esophagus and intestines;
  • after the mucus dissolves, the acid begins to act directly on the mucous membrane, causing inflammation;
  • acid penetrates through the mucous membrane into the muscle tissue of the stomach, intestines or esophagus, leading to their ulceration.

Proper nutrition

To prevent such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn, it is also necessary to limit yourself in eating foods that are harmful to the stomach. So, if you have problems in the morning in the form of a burning sensation in the esophagus, both before and after eating, you should limit yourself to taking a number of foods before bed:

  • fatty and fried foods;
  • strong rich broths;
  • smoked meats;
  • sour foods: a number of vegetables, fruits, pickles, marinades;
  • spicy food - both meat and vegetable, as well as hot sauces and gravy.

In addition, heartburn can be a consequence of frequent feasts with libations, especially occurring in the evening and at night. After drinking strong alcohol and wine, the level of hydrochloric acid concentration in gastric juice can increase several times, which leads to unpleasant sensations after sleep. The habit of “indulging” in strong coffee after waking up, or sweets on an empty stomach can have approximately the same effect on the stomach.


Also, heartburn that torments a person in the morning can be a direct consequence of an addiction to smoking. A burning sensation in the esophagus after sleep accompanies 90% of heavy smokers, especially those who like to smoke on an empty stomach. Why is it not recommended to smoke on an empty stomach? Once in the stomach, nicotine provokes the production of a digestive enzyme - gastromucoprotein, which immediately begins its work. That is, to digest food. This is partly due to the need of smokers to light up after a hearty meal - the body, as it were, adapts to the bad habit, trying to use it for its own benefit.

If the release of this enzyme occurs on an empty stomach, then its neutralization with food is impossible. In addition to the stomach, it penetrates the esophagus and intestines, inevitably causing heartburn, gastritis and peptic ulcers. This is why doctors recommend that smokers smoke exclusively after meals.


The causes of heartburn may also lie in the area of ​​pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, if you regularly experience a burning sensation in the morning, you should consult a doctor. Many patients, suffering from chronic heartburn, prefer to cope with it with improvised means, such as soda, ash, etc. However, this cannot be done! If you often experience spontaneous heartburn in the morning, this should serve as a pretty serious warning.

A variety of diseases can cause an imbalance in the concentration of gastric juice - stomach and duodenal ulcers, problems with the pancreas and gallbladder. And the most dangerous disease that provokes regular heartburn is cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if a regular, unmotivated burning sensation appears in the area of ​​the sternum and esophagus, you must immediately contact medical institution to undergo a comprehensive examination.

In addition, heartburn can be a consequence of an adverse reaction of the body to taking certain medications. Most often this happens when taking a variety of medications orally, which can indirectly affect the concentration of acid in the gastric juice. The following groups of medications can most often cause burning attacks in the stomach and esophagus:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hormonal;
  • to improve cardiovascular activity;
  • antihypertensives (most often diltiazem and amlodipine);

In this case, consult your doctor about replacing these drugs with others that are similar in their effects, but do not have the same side effects.


Pregnant women often experience a burning sensation in the esophagus in the morning. Research shows that almost 80% of expectant mothers suffer from morning heartburn in the last trimester. There are several reasons why this happens. On the one hand, it is a growing fetus that puts pressure on internal organs, including the stomach.

On the other hand, the gastrointestinal tract is also affected by the changes in hormonal levels that occur in a woman’s body during this period. In the third trimester, the production of the hormone progesterone sharply increases, which relaxes not only the cervix, but also the esophageal sphincter. Therefore, very often women in the last stage of pregnancy, waking up in the morning, experience this unpleasant burning sensation caused by stomach acid entering the esophagus.

Treatment of heartburn

On the modern medical market there is a fairly large number of medications designed to combat heartburn. All of them are divided into two main categories:

  1. Antacids are designed to lower the acidity level of gastric juice, neutralizing it.
  2. Antisecretory drugs – limiting the production of gastric juice.

The principle of operation, as well as recommendations for use, are completely different. Therefore, it is best to use them independently if heartburn is clearly caused by some external reasons: overeating at night, excessive consumption of spicy or fatty foods, etc. When this phenomenon becomes chronic, it is best to consult a gastroenterologist. After undergoing a comprehensive examination, he will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment for you.( 0 votes, article rating: 0 from 5 )

Hunger pain in the stomach - what is it, an independent disease or just one of the symptoms of serious stomach problems?

The appearance of pain after a long break between meals does not always indicate the need to eat something. More often it is a sign of some illness associated with pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is not possible to independently determine which disease is indicated by periodically occurring pain in the stomach area. This is explained by a wide range of pathologies accompanied by similar symptoms.

It is necessary to understand the reasons so as not to trigger the mechanism of irreversible processes, leaving minor manifestations of discomfort unattended.

Briefly about the problem

Hunger pain and a real desire to eat - completely different concepts, they should not be mixed. The feeling of hunger disappears without a trace after eating, and the pain resumes and does not always depend on the time of consumption and the amount of food.

It should be remembered that you should not “seize” the manifestation of an uncomfortable feeling and reassure yourself that it will go away on its own. Pictures of illness blurred by snacking can mask the symptoms of serious stomach diseases for some time, but cannot get rid of them.

Whatever such manifestations signal, they should not be ignored. Repeated recurrence of a symptom is the basis for a thorough examination in order to establish a diagnosis and eliminate the provoking cause.

Possible causes of pain

The first thing that pain in the stomach area may indicate is gastritis, peptic ulcers or intestinal problems.

Among the reasons that provoke the localization of pain in the epigastric region (under the stomach), the following stand out:

  • impaired gastric motility;
  • excess production of hydrochloric acid;
  • irritated state of sensitive receptors caused by increased acidity;
  • , appearing against the background of the development of gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • the pathogenic effect on the gastric mucosa of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can survive in the acidic environment of the stomach and provoke the development of peptic ulcers;
  • abuse of fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • violation of the diet, accompanied by rare snacks and causing dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stressful situation, anxiety.

In addition to the listed causes of pain, discomfort can be caused by uncontrolled use of medications that negatively affect the state of the digestive system, as well as addiction to smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Forms of manifestation

The variety of causes leads to the fact that pain appears in different forms and not at the same time.

There may be acute pain that occurs at night. Or a nagging pain that appears in the morning. Paroxysmal or constant pain also occurs, accompanied by pulsation, burning, and tingling in the abdominal area.

The feeling of hunger, accompanied by painful sensations, most often occurs at the same time of day. It is observed both on an empty stomach and after eating.

It is not possible to diagnose the pathology based on the nature of the pain, duration and intensity of attacks, since the pain threshold for each patient is individual.

Pain in the morning

Impaired gastric motility and excessive production of juice are the main causes of hunger pain in the morning.

They more often occur with stomach or duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, and intestinal obstruction. The typical time for their appearance is from 3 to 5 o’clock.

This pain can be eliminated by drinking warm milk or a glass of boiled water. Relief sometimes occurs after emptying the stomach as a result of vomiting.

All three options for eliminating a painful attack work by reducing the acidity of the stomach, which is a provocateur of irritation of the mucous membrane.

Throbbing daytime pain

Increased nervous excitability and impaired gastric motility caused by cancer provoke pain during the daytime. They appear 2-3 hours after eating and are a consequence of impaired evacuation of stomach contents.

Burning pain in the pit of the stomach during the daytime is a sign of increased secretion of gastric juice due to gastritis, peptic ulcers and Helicobacter pylori infection.

Night pain

At this time, painful sensations indicate diseases of the duodenum and are provoked by increased exposure to hydrochloric acid.

Why do I still have pain at night?

  • strict diets or fasting;
  • increased appetite;
  • psychological stress;
  • anorexia.

These factors are based on the manifestation of a peptic ulcer.

Clinical picture

Normal hunger is easily eliminated by taking small quantity food. Atypical pain, in addition to the feeling as if an empty stomach requires filling, is accompanied by the presence of other symptoms. They indicate the presence of a more serious reason that requires identification.

Among the alarming symptoms, in addition to pain, you should pay attention to the following:

  • stool disorders - diarrhea or constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • sour belching, heartburn attacks;
  • mild but constant nausea, less often vomiting;
  • lack of sleep at night;
  • sucking sensation in the pit of the stomach;
  • pain in the hypochondrium - right or left.

The presence of these manifestations is an indicator of a disorder in the digestive system, affecting the condition of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Such symptoms are grounds for immediate consultation with a doctor.

Diagnostic methods

In order to make an adequate diagnosis, in addition to talking with the patient, a thorough examination is used using:

  • fiberscopies;
  • x-ray;
  • gastropanels.

These methods are used as needed, in aggregate or selectively. Timely identification of the causes of the disease eliminates the possibility of its severe manifestations and undesirable consequences.

Other diagnostic criteria

In addition to laboratory and instrumental studies, it is important to identify the time interval between the onset of pain and eating food. A period of 6–7 hours with mild pain discomfort is considered normal.

Pain criteria for the manifestation of pain syndrome in various diseases:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer – an hour or an hour and a half after a meal;
  • pathological processes associated with intestinal function or bile ducts– 3-5 hours;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum – 2-4 hours;
  • antral ulcer – at night;
  • erosive gastroduodenitis - during the day.

The pain is accompanied by loss of appetite (increase or complete absence), nausea, and heartburn.


Drug therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms and causes of the pathological condition is carried out in stages.

First, acute manifestations of the disease are eliminated in order to alleviate the patient’s condition. Then, based on the examination results, a course of treatment for the identified disease is prescribed.

To prevent further development of pathology, the following methods are used:

  1. Normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, Metoclopramide and Cerucal are prescribed.
  2. Elimination of painful attacks. Ketonal, Analgin and its analogues are used.
  3. The use of drugs that help reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid. As a result, stomach acidity is normalized. The most effective drugs are Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole, and Omeprazole.
  4. Antispasmodics that eliminate muscle spasms characteristic of hunger pains.
  5. Antibacterial drugs that have a detrimental effect on Helicobacter, recognized as the main provocateur of the development of ulcers.
  6. Vitamin complexes as a means of strengthening the immune system.

Therefore, you should not experiment and independently take various medications sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

How to quickly relieve pain

In a situation where an empty stomach manifests itself with sharp pain, you can block the sensations by eating a small piece of bread and taking any painkiller.

To eliminate the possibility of such manifestations, decoctions of chamomile, calamus roots, or flaxseed are recommended.

It should be noted that traditional medicine recipes are used exclusively as a supplement to the main treatment.

Decoctions provide a good auxiliary effect:

  • from St. John's wort or calendula flowers;
  • honeysuckle;
  • plantain leaves;

All decoctions are prepared simply. 1-2 tbsp. pour a spoonful of raw materials into a glass of boiling water, infuse for 15-20 minutes, filter. You should drink in small sips half an hour before meals. This portion is enough for three doses.


An integral part of the treatment course is the need to follow dietary rules, which include:

  1. Frequent and fractional meals by the hour.
  2. Refusal of fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods.
  3. Eating only fresh, warm food.
  4. Inability to use diets that promote weight loss.

At the same time, nutrition should be balanced and complete.

When to see a doctor

The presence of hunger pain in the stomach, discomfort at any time of the day or night, unexplained painful manifestations is the basis for an urgent visit to a gastroenterologist or therapist.

Self-medication and waiting for a miraculous effect from drugs and remedies recommended by friends and acquaintances can alleviate the condition for a short time, but will not eradicate the cause of the disease.

Only a thorough diagnostic examination and timely treatment by a specialist will help cope with the disease and eliminate the possibility of its negative impact on the body.

Hunger pain in the stomach occurs in people due to increased acidity inside the stomach itself. The secreted acid acts as an irritant on the mucous membrane, resulting in burning, pain and other symptoms.

To start the right treatment, you need to know everything possible reasons occurrence of abdominal pain. Next, we will tell you what nature the pain may have, and also give possible ways how to get rid of them.

Hungry abdominal pain occurs under 3 main conditions:

  1. About 6 hours pass after eating.
  2. When a feeling of hunger appears, pain begins.
  3. Get rid of discomfort You can simply eat or drink water.

Pain syndrome can appear at different times, often in the morning or at night. The main cause of hunger pain in the stomach is prolonged fasting, when there is no food in the stomach. In this case, the walls of the digestive tract begin to deform and suffer. The duodenum and some parts of the stomach are often affected. Due to these problems, people develop ulcers. Pain in the form of hunger cramps in the abdomen often appears when an ulcer develops. The problem occurs some time after eating. Painful sensations will be characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the pit of the stomach.
  2. Appears at night or in the morning, when quite a long time has passed after eating.
  3. The pain syndrome is intense, so people often begin to bend over so that the hunger pains are not so severe.
  4. Abdominal pain is described as burning or shooting.
  5. The syndrome goes away if you drink a little milk, water or eat something.

The less food consumed, the shorter the duration of pain. The basis of pain on an empty stomach lies in the following principles:

  1. Hunger pains appear in the presence of the pathogenic microorganism Helicobacter pylori.
  2. Increase in the amount of hydrochloric acid production by 2-3 times. The increase occurs not only during the day, but also at night.
  3. The nerve endings in the stomach are irritated when there is a large amount of acid.
  4. Hunger pain occurs when the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

All causes of hunger pain will arise due to fasting or drinks that contain little alkali.

Localization of hunger pains

Hunger pain in the stomach, which appears long after a meal, can be not only “in the pit of the stomach.” Often patients experience discomfort in the hypochondrium on the right or left side. talk about the development of erosion or ulcers and other pathologies that are presented in the list:

  1. Malignant tumors may not be accompanied by pain, but with inflammation of the pancreas, pain begins. The development of pain occurs immediately after eating, especially if the dishes were spicy or fatty, and alcoholic beverages were used.
  2. In case of heart disease, pain on the left under the rib will not be after or before meals, but after exercise.
  3. Often the cause of pain on the left under the rib is a sore spine or ribs, as well as muscles.

The occurrence of pain under the right rib indicates diseases of the biliary tract. The person may have an inflamed spleen or other organs. If you have pain on the right side, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, since this manifestation of discomfort is rare.

The main symptoms of hunger pain

Any pain in the stomach can be divided into different types manifestations:

  • By strength.
  • The nature.
  • By duration.

People need to differentiate. As a rule, the syndrome will appear immediately when you feel hungry, and goes away immediately after eating, even in minimal quantities. Similar symptoms will appear with peptic ulcers. The pain in the stomach will be intense, and the patient will not be able to work normally. The syndrome disappears when the body position is changed to a more comfortable one, but the relief will be for a short period.

They may appear on an empty stomach in the morning or in the middle of the night, and they can also be constant, without interruption, or pulsating. Simple Characteristics discomfort will not allow a correct diagnosis, since a thorough examination is necessary. As a rule, stomach pain does not indicate one problem, but several pathologies at once, which are complemented by a number of symptoms. These include vomiting, nausea, changes in stool, persistent heartburn, bad breath and bad taste in the mouth.

How to get rid of hungry stomach pains

You need to get rid of hunger pain quickly as soon as symptoms appear. The following techniques are used in therapeutic practice:

In addition to medication treatment, the patient will need to adhere to pain relief and a quick recovery, which will not allow the disease to worsen. The main rules to follow:

  • You need to eat fractionally, often and in small portions.
  • Remove fatty, spicy and other harmful foods from your diet that irritate the mucous membranes.
  • For night pain, completely change your diet and do not eat before bed; the last dose should be 3 hours before bedtime.
  • If the disease is severe, then the dishes should be mushy.
  • The amount of salt should be kept to a minimum.

Hunger pain can appear for various reasons, but the main one is. Therefore, there is no need to delay diagnosis and a full examination by a doctor. The sooner the problem is identified, the faster and easier the therapy will be.

Folk remedies for hunger pain in the stomach

Rich different recipes, including they will help with hunger pains. To use them, you can choose the appropriate product and use it always. The list of recipes is given in the table:

Active agent: Recipe:
Calamus root: Need 10 gr. Grind the dry root and add a glass of water to it. Place the mixture on the fire, boil and cook for 15 minutes. Drink 50 ml 30 minutes before the start of the meal. Take 4 times a day. After using the product, you must eat.
Pharmaceutical chamomile: 10 grams of chamomile is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. After cooling, you need to strain the broth and drink 100 ml 4 times a day after meals.
Flaxseeds: 1 tsp seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. After shaking the product, you need to strain it and drink 50 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.
Cinnamon: IN warm water diluted with ¼ tsp. cinnamon, you can add a little honey to taste. It is better to drink the product on an empty stomach to neutralize large amounts of acid in the stomach.
St. John's wort: 4 tbsp. herbs are poured with 500 ml of water and left for a couple of days to infuse. You need to drink 30 drops of the product, after dissolving them in 50 ml of water. Reception is carried out three times a day after meals.
The plant is used fresh. The leaves should be chewed when hunger pain appears, or the juice should be squeezed out and drunk during cramps.

For effective therapy folk remedies, you will need to use one of the recipes for 1-2 months, as well as adhere to a diet. Great to apply traditional methods for prevention or as an aid to treatment with medications.

The occurrence of stomach pain during a prolonged absence of food in the body indicates that there are problems in your gastrointestinal tract. You should not endure pain in any form – even if it is short-term and weak. You need to understand that the body signals with pain that there is a problem and it needs to be eliminated.

Expert opinion

Tsareva Nadezhda

General practitioner, hepatologist, site expert

You shouldn’t experiment with health on your own, taking medications on the advice of friends. Only a professional gastroenterologist can help you get rid of the disease and stomach pain.

Causes of pain on an empty stomach

Hunger pain in the stomach can occur for various reasons. The main ones are:

  1. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - to varying degrees;
  2. Hormonal imbalances;
  3. Stress and increased fatigue;
  4. Alcohol and smoking abuse;
  5. Excessive use of medications;
  6. Poor nutrition;
  7. Injuries;
  8. Sedentary lifestyle and metabolic disorders;
  9. Chronic diseases of other organs and systems.

Pain on an empty stomach indicates that negative processes are occurring in it associated with one or more factors:

  • Increased release of hydrochloric acid;
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach or pancreas;
  • Infection with bacteria such as Helicobacter;
  • Reaction to other diseases, in particular bile ducts.

In order to be treated correctly, it is necessary to establish the true cause of hunger pain. The effect of recovery depends only on this.

Symptoms and possible complications

The main symptom is pain in the stomach when there is no food in it. Pain can manifest itself in different ways and be:

  • Sharp;
  • Blunt;
  • Burning;
  • Sluggish;
  • Constant;
  • Short-term;
  • Periodic.

Based on its character, a preliminary diagnosis is made. After all, with different diseases, the medical history is different, and pain manifests itself in different ways.

With many diseases of the stomach, pain can occur not only in the area where the organ is located, but also radiate to other parts of the body, for example, to the left or right hypochondrium, lower abdomen, lower back.

Advanced types of diseases of the digestive system take much longer to treat, and chronic forms can accompany a person throughout his life. Then he is forced to take medications and follow a strict diet for the rest of his life. To prevent such a scenario for the development of the disease, you need to consult a doctor at the first signals from the body. Then the treatment will be short-term and effective.

Table of the main types of stomach diseases, symptoms and possible complications

Name of the disease Symptoms Possible complications
Acute poisoning Fever, weakness, nausea, diarrhea, increased flatulence, dull pain in the stomach Dehydration. intoxication of the body
Bloating, rumbling in the stomach, hiccups, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation, stomach pain, nausea, increased sweating, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, darkened vision Stomach ulcer, bacterial intoxication, chemical poisoning of the body

Vomiting blood and the appearance of blood in stool, bleeding

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or diarrhea, dry mouth, chills, hunger pain of varying degrees and nature in the stomach, aching pain after eating, periodic rumbling in the stomach

Penetration – transfer of inflammation to nearby organs and tissues


Stomach ulcer Severe sharp pain on an empty stomach, vomiting, chills, sudden decrease in blood pressure, weakness, darkening of the eyes and loss of consciousness, fever Peritonitis - spillage of purulent mass into the abdominal cavity
Duodenal ulcer Abdominal pain leading to vomiting (after which temporary relief), constipation or diarrhea, belching with a sour taste, increased gas formation and bloating, stool with pieces of undigested food, black stool, stool with mucus or blood, constant restlessness, sleep disturbance , white plaque in the mouth, lower back pain Peritonitis - spillage of purulent mass into the abdominal cavity

Malignization - the transition of pathology into a malignant process, the occurrence of intestinal cancer

Any disease begins with symptoms such as heartburn, hiccups, and flatulence. It is these primary symptoms that you should pay attention to and immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, irreversible processes begin that can lead to blood poisoning and even cancer.

Diagnostic methods

At the first examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease, asks you questions about your health and the time when the first signs appeared. Then he conducts a general examination, including measuring temperature and pressure, and also palpating the abdomen. For example, with an ulcer, any touch of the abdominal region is accompanied by a sharp, dagger-like pain. Abdominal bloating is also a presumptive diagnosis. The doctor can also make a preliminary diagnosis based on abdominal tension. So, with an ulcer, the stomach is very hard, and with pancreatitis, even in the last stages it is more loose and not so tense.

Even a person's behavior can help a doctor determine a diagnosis. So, with peptic ulcers, a person lies motionless, afraid to move, which can increase the pain. And, for example, with pancreatitis, he behaves restlessly, constantly moving and moving around.

But for the diagnosis to be accurate, it is necessary to conduct a series of clinical and laboratory studies in order to identify the causes of pain on an empty stomach:

  1. Blood test - general, biochemical, water;
  2. Stool analysis;
  3. Analysis of gastric juice;
  4. Biopsy of stomach tissue.
  5. A set of instrumental clinical diagnostics will also be carried out:
  6. Gastroscopy – examination using a probe;
  7. X-ray examination;
  8. Laparoscopy - two punctures of the abdominal part and insertion of a camera;
  9. Endoscopy – using an endoscope with a video camera, etc.

Expert opinion

Shoshorin Yuri

General practitioner, site expert

Taking gastric juice is an unpleasant but necessary diagnostic procedure; it determines the acidity in the stomach. An ultrasound will help determine the degree of deformation of the walls of the intestines or stomach. If the stage of the disease is high, then the doctor can take biomaterial from the walls of the stomach for determination.

Blood tests will help determine a number of important diagnostic factors:

  • Levels of particles in the blood such as amylase, lipases, C-protein;
  • Reveal diabetes by insulin and glucose levels;
  • The risk of blood clots and blockage of small blood vessels;
  • Detect an increase in white blood cells and red blood cells, which indicates infection and inflammation, as well as activation of Helicobacter bacteria.

Gastroscopy helps to see all changes in the condition of the intestines; ultrasound will clearly show whether there are wounds, erosions and ulcers in the organ.

MRI or CT will help in detecting pathological lesions using computed tomography.

To make an accurate diagnosis, doctors carry out differential diagnosis using methods that exclude other diseases and identify the underlying disease and side pathologies, which can manifest themselves in the form of stomach upsets and hunger pains.

Expert opinion

Shoshorin Yuri

General practitioner, site expert

If detected dangerous complications and the patient's life is threatened, an urgent operation is performed. If there are no such indications, then diagnostic procedures continue - to accurately determine the pathology, its type, type, form, stage.

Treatment Options for Hunger Pains

After diagnosis, the doctor determines an individual treatment program for each patient, which will depend on the pathogenesis, etiology of the disease, and physiology.

  1. The classic scheme consists of a complex application:
  2. Diets;
  3. Medicines;
  4. Traditional medicine methods;
  5. Balancing the psychological state.

If the disease is in the acute phase, then dietary table No. 1 or 1a will be prescribed, including the most gentle diet: vegetable broths, decoctions, liquid porridges. After which table 1b can be assigned, which includes black bread and crackers. Table 5, with positive dynamics of recovery, will include a large number of foods prepared by boiling, stewing, steaming, and baking.

Drug therapy may consist of one or more drugs, depending on the severity of the disease. The main traditional regimens include taking medications:

  • Ranitidine + denol + erythromycin;
  • Omeprazole + erythromycin;
  • Omeprazole + amoxicillin + metronidazole + denol + erythromycin.

It is also possible to use traditional medicine methods, including the use of infusions medicinal herbs, propolis solution, etc.

Drugs for treatment

Drug treatment is intended not only to relieve symptoms, but also to cure the disease from the inside, that is, to normalize the condition of the mucous membrane of the diseased organ. If the pain is acute and unbearable, pain relief is prescribed, which can include the following medications.

Table of medications for the treatment of hungry stomach pain and their price

Drug name Price in rubles
Antispasmodic No-shpa

from 50
Bismuth preparation that forms a protective film on the stomach and relieves pain De-nol

from 150
Antacids Almagel, Maalox,

from 200
Analgesics Ibuprofen, Analgin, Acelizin

from 120
Ganglioblocker and gastroprotective drugs - help reduce the secretory and motor function of the organ Dimecolin, Venter tablets

from 270

In addition to relieving pain and spasms, you must:

  • Destroy Helicobacter bacteria - this is facilitated by bismuth-based medications;
  • Reduce the amount of gastric juice produced - inhibitors, blockers, anticholinergics;
  • Prokinetics will help improve motor skills;
  • Reduce the damaging effect of hydrochloric acid on mucous membranes - gastroprotectors;
  • Relieve inflammation and destroy pathogens - antibiotics.

Expert opinion

Shoshorin Yuri

General practitioner, site expert

The duration of medication use and dosage are determined by the doctor strictly individually. Usually - 2-3 times a day of different dosages (25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg).

Antibiotic dosage table for various stomach pathologies

Drug name Dosage Price in rubles
Oxacillin 0.5 - 4 times a day from 200