The subject of management is understood as Object and subject of control. E. A. Utkin interprets management as

Control objects are those basic elements of the control and regulation system in which, with the help of technical automation means, a given or prescribed functioning algorithm must be implemented. The control object can be a machine, a set of machines or a structure that is designed to perform a technological process, the purpose of which is to obtain a certain product or energy. The control object may also include external environment, if it has a significant impact on the state of the object. The peculiarity of the control object is that the transformation, transfer or accumulation of energy or matter occurs in it.

Energy or matter supplied from outside changes the state of the object, which is primarily characterized by a change in its parameters.

To change the energy or substance supplied to an object, the latter must have a regulatory body.

a) the transformation, transfer or accumulation of energy or matter occurs in it;

b) if it has a regulatory body for changing the flow of energy or matter;

c) the influx of energy or matter changes the state of the object, which is characterized by a change in one or more parameters that determine the functioning algorithm and make up the control chain.

The influence on the control object can be carried out both on the side of the input of energy or matter, and on its output from the object. Typically, the impact on the control object is defined as controlling or disturbing.

The parameters of a control object usually characterize the quality of control and are called control variables or output values ​​of the control object.

The control object is characterized by certain properties that affect the performance of the object and the quality of the processes occurring in the chain.

The main properties of the control object include self-leveling, delay and accumulating capacity.

Self-leveling is understood as the ability of an object to independently come to a new state of equilibrium when the control or disturbing influence changes. Not all control objects have the self-leveling property. Control objects that are described by integral or integrating links do not have self-alignment. Such objects are called astatic, and those with self-leveling are called static.

Objects without self-leveling are very difficult to control. Self-alignment can be positive or negative. In the first case, equilibrium is restored without the participation of a regulator. In the case of negative self-leveling, restoration of equilibrium is carried out only with the participation of the regulator. This is explained by the fact that the disturbance that has arisen in the object tends to accumulate. When self-leveling is negative, the object is called an unstable static object, and when self-leveling is positive, it is called a stable static object.

Self-leveling is quantitatively described by the self-leveling coefficient, which is equal to the ratio of the derivative of the increment of external influence to the derivative of the controlled value

– disturbance increment;

– increment of the controlled value.

The higher the coefficient ρ , the easier the process is automatic control, because the deviation of the controlled value is smaller, and therefore the control process proceeds faster and with better quality.

A negative self-leveling object and a non-self-leveling object cannot operate without adjusters.

Most control objects are, to one degree or another, characterized by inertia, which causes a time lag between a change in the control action and a corresponding change in the controlled quantity. Such delay in control objects can be transitional and transport.

Transient delay appears due to the resistance to the transition of matter from one container to another or energy from one state to another, and is always observed in those objects where there are capacitances, inductances, rotating masses, etc. It is defined as the time interval from the moment of disturbance before the controlled value begins to change as a result of overcoming the existing resistances. Transition resistance negatively affects the control process.

Transport delay is inherent in those objects that have transport channels (pipelines, power lines, etc.) between the control body and the output of the object. The passage of such a channel requires time equal to the ratio of the length of the channel to the speed of movement of the substance or energy.

Different control objects have different delays:

1) single-capacitive objects have only a transient delay

2) two-capacitive and multi-capacitive objects are characterized by transport and transition delay

3) non-capacity objects, lag is not inherent at all

The total delay of an object is determined by the sum of all types of delays in it.

The influence of any type of delay on the control process in an object without self-leveling is dangerous.

Any technological process in a particular control object is associated with the influx, consumption, accumulation and transformation of some material environment or energy. Many objects during operation can store a working environment within themselves, which characterizes the accumulating ability of the object in question. The storage capacity quite seriously affects the regulating properties of the object. This ability itself is assessed by the capacity of the object, which is understood as the material, substance or energy stored by the object. The smaller the capacity of an object, the more sensitive it is to disturbing influences.

The capacity of an object can be quantitatively assessed using the capacity coefficient, which is understood as the amount of energy or matter that must be supplied to or removed from the control object in order to accept the controlled value per unit of measurement.

y– controlled quantity;

WITH– capacity of the object.

The capacitance value characterizes the reserve of the controlled quantity or medium inside the object.

The change in the controlled parameter over time, presented graphically, is called the acceleration curve. Acceleration curves for objects with different properties

There are two concepts in management: the object of management and the subject of management. Each organization is represented by the union of two subsystems. One of them is leading, and the other is controlled. But in both cases they represent relationships between people.

Object and Subject

Management is a system of interaction of interrelated elements. It is represented by a set quality characteristics, one of which is the unpredictability of all processes occurring in the system. Thus, management and management are evolving. At the same time, everything that happens must be amenable to analysis, which makes it possible to organize and explain events.

The subject of management is the body or person by whom it is carried out. It is aimed at subordinate structures or individuals. They represent In this case, the same part of the organization in relation to different structures and bodies can perform opposite functions. That is, to represent an object of control and a subject of control at the same time.

Black box position

In the theory of management consideration essential is assigned to such a concept as a “black box”. It is considered in the direction of “Organization Theory”. For certain boundaries and frameworks are characterized by the combination of factors, resources, influences and other influencing characteristics. As a result, a result appears, the important elements of which are the control object and the control subject. It is represented by quantitative characteristics that are subject to measurement and comparison.

That is, the black box is the knowledge, experience, and practical skills that are required to obtain a result. The system must be aimed at achieving a specific goal. Available resources and external influence should lead to results. Management is based on this.

Certain processes occur in the black box that are of interest and subject to study. This allows you to control the actions that take place. And thanks to a complete understanding of the object and the subject, it is possible to build a fairly interconnected structure. That is, there is a system that combines such concepts as the object of management, the subject of management. Within its framework, interaction occurs.

Example of a city supermarket

Such a system is very clearly visible in the example of an ordinary supermarket. In it, the director and administration form the management apparatus. Its impact is aimed at store departments. They are a managed system.

Each department is headed by its head. He manages the salespeople working in a designated section. At the same time, the director of the department store is a subordinate person in relation to higher authorities. But the Ministry of Commerce acts as a management entity. This example clearly shows that the basis and “management” are the complementary object and subject of management. That is, leader and follower are relative concepts.

Also, the subjects of management are represented by the judiciary and legislative authorities. The state influences subordinate structures using court decisions and laws.

Classification of objects influenced by the state

The influence of the subject of management on the object of management often manifests itself as influence at the state level. There are several types of classification for subordinate structures:

  1. According to the level of problems to be solved. They may concern questions about the economy of the republic, a separate field of activity, as well as a region or organization.
  2. Depending on the types regulated activity. Related to this are investment, income, markets, personal consumption and a large number of other factors.
  3. Depending on the recipient of the impact. They can be represented by private national companies, educational institutions, foundations and research centers.

This is how a control system is formed. Object and subject are complementary categories. They are capable of transforming into opposites in relation to various structures.

Setting up a control problem also requires defining the control object. A control object is something or someone in relation to which or whom goal setting and control action are directed on the part of the subject of control. What is the object of management in the case of managing the future? In fact, there are many objects, they are hierarchically organized and connected by various relationships. In relation to these objects, you can set various goals, which also form a certain hierarchy and relationships.

The hierarchy of objects in the problem of managing the future is formed by groups of people consisting of subgroups, which also consist of subgroups, etc. But since individuals can be members of several groups at once and periodically change their group membership, the hierarchy reflects only the scale of the group, and not relationship of subordination or nesting between groups. All the objects considered in our case are social groups: the population of the Earth, the population of Russia, the population of the city, various social groups within the country, classified according to one or another characteristic.

From DOTU it is known that when large number individuals, the distribution of one or another individual characteristic is described by the law of normal distribution (Gaussian curve). It is clear that in any society there are a few percent of active scoundrels, there are a few percent of active and moral patriots-idealists - but these are extremes, and the majority of individuals fall in the interval between them. It is for this part of the population that there is an irreconcilable information war, a war of meanings.

A necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of an object in terms of predictability is the presence in the subject of an adequate Life model of the OU (structure and dynamic properties). The management stability property is subjective. That is, what is predictable for one subject may be a complete surprise for another. Hence, It is not permissible to start control without an op-amp model. But how to model society? Do open sociological models describe aspects of Life sufficient for management? How adequate are open models? We see it as reasonable to rethink existing models of society, supplement them to a sufficient degree of adequacy, and also improvement of models in the management process.

History and trends suggest that there are two ways for Russian civilization: either to become a world superpower, or to disappear altogether. Therefore, an absolutely necessary step towards guaranteeing the security of the multinational Russian civilization is the transformation of the disunited population of Russia and the countries of the former USSR into a conceptually autocratic people with a single vector of global goals and basic values.

We come to the conclusion that the goal of management (more on this below) comes down to the process of transforming objects of management into subjects acting in line with a single plan. Then the process of managing society looks like this: each subject management at a lower level of the hierarchy affects objects management of a comparable level of hierarchy in order to form subject of management more high level hierarchy, acting in line with his concept. This is self-organization and “civil society.”

So that the described process does not look like an abstraction, we will give an example. An individual who has realized himself as a subject of management and has decided on the concept and goals, purposefully immerses himself in the information field (through the Internet, participation in events and self-education) of the chosen conceptual power, through which he finds contacts with people of more or less similar worldviews. At the same time, he influences his social circle without structure - friends, parents, children, colleagues - in short, he simply communicates, unobtrusively conveys certain information, listens to the opinions of others. Sooner or later, someone from his social circle will also connect to the necessary information field and after a while, perhaps, realize that he is a subject of control. After which he will begin to act in a similar way and will interact with other people. This is how disparate groups are first formed to realize their small projects. If projects become more complex, groups will have to cooperate and exchange experiences. The more ambitious the project, the more groups should participate in it, the more intense the information exchange should be. This, in turn, strengthens the information field, drawing in new individuals. Such a chain reaction will slowly but surely cover the entire active part of society.

Organizational activities- this is the creation or improvement of an organization’s management mechanism in accordance with the goals and objectives of organizational systems, which are a set of structures and methods of functioning of its elements. In relation to the social system, organizational activity means:

bringing people together into groups;

integration of the activities of members of the organization’s team (people work together, together);

integration of the goals of all team members (people work to achieve a common goal).

Depending on the functional responsibilities assigned to them, team members can be either subjects, so and objects organizational activities. The concepts of “subject” and “object” are relative, not absolute. They characterize the role of team members in the development and adoption of management decisions.

Subject management is a control subsystem in a control system or a separate element of it. The subject is the source of control influence or the decision maker (DM). Decision maker is a collective concept. This can be not only one person, but also a group, a team of an organization. For example, the Academic Council of a higher educational institution is also a decision-maker, in in this case its role is played by the collective subject of organizational activity.

Control object- this is a controlled subsystem, something that is controlled by the subject. In other words, it is the receiver and executor of control action, presented in the form of a set of functions or tasks. The object can be either a person or a machine. The state of the control object depends on the control actions on the part of the control subject.

Note that one and the same person can be both a subject (in relation to direct performers or material objects) and an object (in relation to superior officials). The organizational activities of subjects and objects of organization management are regulated by regulations on departments and services, as well as job descriptions.

Management function "organization" included in all specific functions management. This very labor-intensive function can be divided, according to E.A. Smirnov, on a number of management subfunctions that ensure the organization general functions control (Fig. 16.1).

Rice. 16.1. Interrelation of management functions and subfunctions

Social organization as an object of the social system includes the labor collective. The subjects of organizational activity are team members who actively influence the activities of the organization. Participation in the work of the organization involves the analysis of ongoing events and phenomena, creative understanding of the work cycle and influencing it in order to increase the efficiency of the organization and obtain the greatest economic effect.

The administrative and managerial apparatus acts as a generalized subject of management of a business organization. His participation in organizational activities is most obvious. It consists of employees who formulate goals, develop plans, make and approve management decisions, organize their implementation with subsequent control.

The subjects of organizational activities include the rector of the institute, the president of the company, general director, commercial director, technical director, deputy directors for economic issues, on personnel, on marketing, on quality, on capital construction, heads of functional departments, managers, etc.

The object of organizational activity, within the framework of job responsibilities, carries out procedures for preparing, agreeing and executing decisions, as well as all operations related to these procedures. The object of organizational activity receives a task, comprehends it, carries out information work, carries out an assignment or order, delivers the completed work to the customer or uses it in his organization, etc.

The same employee can be both a subject and an object of organizational activity at the same time. For example, a senior salesman is a subject in relation to ordinary sellers who carry out his instructions, but at the same time he acts as an object in relation to the store director. Note that the subject of organizational activity can simultaneously be its own object, since it can perform work given to itself. Moreover, ordinary employees can at the same time be a collective subject of organizational activities, for example, in the form of a shareholders' meeting.

The subjects of organizational activity at the country level in the Russian Federation are: the President, the Chairman of the Government, members of the Federation Council and deputies State Duma, federal ministers, etc. Depending on the object of organizational influence, the subjects may be leaders of public associations, informal leaders, organizational committees, unions, etc.

Active participation in the work of the organization involves analysis, creative understanding of ongoing processes and influencing its work. With the transition to a market economy, there has been a significant expansion of the functions that need to be performed by any business organization. Now the organization must determine its own goal based on a needs analysis social development, choose an action strategy that ensures survival in conditions of intense competition, form your structure and relationships in the team, manage resources and the results of your work.

A manager, as a subject of organizational activity, must be able to analyze the situation and present his business from the most advantageous side. At the same time, he must know how to cope with the risks that are inevitable when conducting any business.

Delving into the meaning of the definition of management as a process of influencing a group of people, one can ask the questions: who influences? What is a team? What are people? Who controls whom and what? In order to identify the concepts of subject and object of control. At enterprises, firms, institutions, teams, i.e., in organizations, there is a clear division of management relations: some manage, lead, while others execute and submit to management.

In management science there are concepts of subject and object of management.- this is a manager, collegial body or committee that exercises managerial influence. A manager can be either a formal or informal leader of a team. In turn, the subject of management can also be an object of the board, for senior managers.

Control object- this is an individual or group that can be united into any structural unit and which is subject to managerial influence.

14At present, the idea of ​​participative management is increasingly spreading, i.e., such management of the affairs of an organization when all members of the organization, including ordinary people, participate in the development and adoption of the most important decisions. In this case, control objects become its subjects.

Thus, the central figure in the management process is a person who can act both as a subject and as an object. The great merit of many management researchers has been the study of man and his personal qualities. In turn, many entrepreneurs and managers (managers) used in their activities the discoveries and achievements of psychology in the study of personality.

Human identity has always been and remains one of the most intriguing mysteries. Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev wrote: “The origins of man can only partially be understood and rationalized. The secret of personality, its uniqueness, is not fully understood by anyone. The human personality is more mysterious than the world. She is the whole world. Man is a microcosm and contains everything.”

In the scientific literature on managerial psychology, the concepts “person”, “personality”, “individuality” are often used.

The essence of these concepts is as follows.

Man is a concept that indicates, from a material point of view, that a creature belongs to the human race as the highest stage of development of living nature. Man is a unique unity of biological and social. As a biological being (“individual”, “biological system”), he is subject to biological and physiological laws. As a social being, he is part of society and a product of social development.

Personality is the most important social characteristic of a person, his main property in which his social essence is manifested. I. The goal is those final milestones towards which the activities of the team or department are aimed at achieving through the implementation of specific tasks and functions. In the course of achieving goals in the process of production management, influence is achieved on teams of departments and individual workers through the implementation of the management function.

The main functions of organization management are:








Organization as a management function finds its manifestation through organizational structures, organizational processes (functioning, development), organizational laws, and organizational culture.

Management organization- is a set of techniques, methods, rational combination of methods and links management system and its relationship with the control of objects and other control systems in time and space.

In this sense, management organization ensures the creation of the most favorable conditions for achieving goals (decision specific tasks, established during the period of time at minimum costs production resources).

Normalization function should be considered as a process of developing scientifically based calculation values ​​that establish the quantity and quality of assessment of developed elements used in the production and management process.

This function influences the behavior of the object with clear and strict standards, disciplines the development and implementation of production tasks, ensuring a uniform and rhythmic progress of production and its high efficiency. Calendar and planning standards (production cycles, batch sizes) calculated using this function serve as the basis for planning, determine the duration and order of movement of plans in the production process.Function planning

activities of the organization occupies a central place among all functions, since it is designed to strictly regulate the behavior of the object in the process of implementing the goals and objectives set for it. The planning function involves defining specific tasks for each department for various planning periods and developing production programs. The activities of the organization are carried out in order to ensure the coordinated and well-coordinated work of the production and functional divisions of the enterprise and workshops participating in the process of fulfilling planned tasks. This function is implemented in the form of influence on a team of people, individual workers involved in the production process, from line managers and functional services.

Motivation function influences the team in the form of incentives for effective work of social influence, collective and individual incentive measures.

Control function manifests itself in the form of influencing a team of people through identifying, summarizing, accounting, analyzing the results of production activities of each workshop and bringing them to managers, departments and management services in order to prepare management decisions. This function is implemented based on operational, statistical, accounting, identifying deviations from established performance indicators and analyzing the causes of deviations.

Regulation function activities of the organization is directly combined with the functions of control and coordination. As a result of the influence of the external and internal environment on the production process, a deviation occurs from the specified parameters of the production process, identified during control and operational accounting, which ultimately requires regulation of the production process.