Fertilizing strawberries in spring in Belarus. Fertilizer for strawberries - how to increase yield in simple ways? Features of feeding strawberries in various conditions

Growing strawberries is one of the most favorite activities of most professional and amateur gardeners. Many people like this juicy, tasty berry, and jam from it is a good help in winter period time. But not only planting a plant is justified by the fact that it is a tasty berry. It contains substances beneficial to the body. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and folic acid. Doctors recommend it for those who suffer from anemia.

But in order to achieve stable and good yields, the plant requires good care and fertilizing plays a significant role here; spring fertilizer is especially important for strawberries.

Why is it necessary to fertilize in spring?

After winter, when the soil is free of snow and has dried out a little, it is necessary to carry out work to clean the area where strawberries are grown.

  1. Clear last year's rotted leaves. This work is done on each bush. Although some gardeners leave the old foliage so that there is a gap between the ground and the ripe berries in the future.
  2. They clear the bed of dead plants and, first of all, of sick ones.
  3. If for some reason the mustache was not trimmed in the fall, it is trimmed in the spring. This must be done as early as possible.
  4. At the last stage of preparation, the soil around the bushes is loosened so that air access to the roots is as free as possible.

First feeding of strawberries in early spring starts already in April. It is very important not to be late here, but there is no need to rush. You also need to remember that you need to apply exactly as much as necessary, since a lack of fertilizer, as well as its excess, will have a detrimental effect on how the strawberry plantation will develop. The beds of this delicious berry are fertilized in the spring to increase the yield, as well as to ensure that the berries ripen large, tasty and juicy.

This is interesting! In terms of vitamin C content, strawberries are second only to currants, but folic acid there is more in it than in raspberries.

Mature plants

Care and feeding of strawberries in spring also depends on its age. If these are already bushes that bear fruit for the second or third year, then they need to be fertilized and cared for somewhat differently than for young trees.

Adult plants are fed three times:

  • after the appearance of the first 2 - 3 leaves;
  • at the moment when the strawberries are just blooming;
  • when fruits begin to form.

During all these periods, strawberries are fed in strictly defined doses and periods, which can be distributed as follows:

  • mid or late April, depending on the region in which the area for strawberries is allocated, the time to apply the first fertilizing;
  • May, June are the flowering period, but everything also depends on the region and the variety of strawberry.

It is the adult plant that needs such active feeding, since during the time that it bore fruit in previous years, the soil on which the berry grows is greatly depleted and strawberries require feeding in the spring.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Nutrition of young plants

After planting young plants, it is necessary to take care of their careful care. This is the key to future good harvests. No matter how much attention is paid to strawberries in their early years, so will the yields. And in general, you need to take care of it by adhering to the following criteria:

  • good watering is necessary;
  • regular loosening, as the soil becomes compacted after watering;
  • ensure timely trimming of mustaches;
  • How to fertilize strawberries in the spring becomes clear based on the fact that as soon as the snow melts and the soil dries out a little, it is necessary to feed the bushes with mineral fertilizers.

But in general, caring for strawberries in the spring requires a balanced approach, since the introduction of nutrients to young plants is not as necessary as in the case of adult plants. They completely absorb the nutrients that are in the soil. Therefore, they require constant feeding, but young shoots can still make do with what is contained in the soil.

How to fertilize

How to fertilize strawberries in the spring will be determined by the experience of the gardener and what kind of nutrient is needed at each specific period of time. Fertilizers are applied, both mineral and organic.

The latter can be represented by the following types of feeding:

It is important to know! You cannot use fresh manure, but only rotted manure, otherwise the seeds that remain in it may germinate.

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers

When fertilizing strawberries in the spring, you cannot do without inorganic compounds. And they come in two types: those that are quickly absorbed into the soil (phosphorus, for example) and those that require a longer time to be absorbed into the soil (iron or copper). What mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil to provide nutrients to strawberries:

The application of mineral fertilizers is essential for the plant to develop normally. If there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, the fruits will ripen too small. With a lack of potassium, strawberries lose their taste.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of whether mineral or organic fertilizers are better, since both types of fertilizers are needed to grow a healthy, fruitful plant. Although it is obvious that organic fertilizers are less harmful to human health than inorganic ones.

Submission rules

In early spring, strawberries are fed with various fertilizers and done as follows:

Taking care of this plant is not easy and feeding plays a very important role. important role in its development. And most importantly, without it it is impossible to obtain good harvests. And not just good ones, but ones where the berries are large and sweet.

Folk remedies

It’s completely clear how to feed strawberries in the spring, since fertilizers play the main role in this matter. But to all of the above you can also add what is called folk recipes, which are as useful as traditional fertilizers.

  1. Strawberries grow on acidic soils, therefore, the use of fermented milk products as fertilizers is quite acceptable. Milk contains calcium, amino acids, sulfur, phosphorus and much more, which has a beneficial effect on plant development. Old kefir or any other fermented milk product is added to humus or manure.
  2. In May, there is nothing better than fertilizing the soil - with bread. After all, it contains a lot of useful substances: minerals, amino acids, proteins. To use bread as fertilizer, it is soaked in water for 10 days, then this mixture is diluted with the same water and the bushes are watered with this solution.
  3. There is no need to rush to throw away weeds that were destroyed during weeding. They also make excellent top dressing. To do this, you need to pour the collected mass of weeds for a week, and then water the strawberry bushes with the resulting solution.
  4. A universal remedy is ash, but only pure ash, obtained from burning wood, grass, straw, without any impurities in the form of polyethylene or something similar. In the spring, ash is sprinkled on the space between the bushes, or a special solution is made that is used to water the strawberries.

The application of these fertilizers, prepared according to folk recipes, will help to obtain a bountiful harvest. A large fruits They have a wonderful taste and will be a wonderful addition to any table. If you eat at least every day Not a large number of strawberries, this will strengthen the immune system and help the body successfully fight various viral diseases.

The best fertilizer for strawberries in spring

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;

The rules for growing strawberries involve periodic feeding. They are necessary for the growth and development of plants, obtaining a large and high-quality harvest, and protection from diseases and pests. Feeding must be done in stages. The choice of fertilizers is very large.

When do strawberries need fertilizing?

It is imperative to feed strawberries in the spring season. Otherwise, you may end up with a crop that is too small or of poor quality.

The crop can do without fertilizing in the first year of planting, provided that a sufficient amount of fertilizer was applied during planting. From the second year the plant must be fed.

The next year after planting, organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for strawberries. In the third year of planting, it is better to limit yourself to minerals only. In the fourth year, you can add organic matter again.

The crop may require additional feeding if there is a lack of any substances. This can be revealed by appearance plants:

  • Calcium deficiency is manifested by darkened leaf tips that turn brown. In this case, you can lose the harvest.
  • Without enough potassium, the leaves begin to turn pale and dry out at the edges. Due to uneven development leaf blades become wrinkled.
  • A lack of nitrogen is expressed in weak flowering, small pale green leaves, and delayed fruiting.
  • Phosphorus deficiency manifests itself slow growth leaves and acquiring a reddish-green color.
  • A crop shows a lack of magnesium by replacing the green color with red or purple.
  • With a lack of manganese, leaves dry out and drop.

Calcium (Ca) deficiency: leaf tip burn and deformation

Insufficient potassium (K): leaves turn pale, edges dry out

Strawberry leaves with nitrogen (N) deficiency become light green (no bright green veins). Healthy strawberries have rich green leaves.

Phosphorus (P) deficiency: dark green leaves with a bluish or red tint

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency: leaves turn pale, areas between veins become lighter and dry out

Manganese (Mn) deficiency: yellowing between the veins, leaves with a mosaic of green and yellow dots

Varieties of strawberry dressings

The main feedings are root and foliar:

  • Fertilizer should be applied by root method after rains or watering. After adding the nutrient solution, the soil must be watered again.
  • The foliar feeding option usually involves spraying. It is better for them to choose cloudy weather. On sunny days, spraying is best done in the evening or early morning. Foliar feeding should be used in case of high level soil acidity, problems with the root system, signs of deficiency of any element in different parts of the plant. Applying fertilizers this way means a lower concentration.

Based on their composition, fertilizers are divided into

  • Organic. This variety is of animal or plant origin. This group includes compost, manure (including bird droppings) and ash.
  • Mineral. They can be made on the basis of nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus.
  • Complex compositions. They imply a combination of various micro- and macroelements.

How can you feed strawberries in the spring?

Various means are used as fertilizers for strawberries. These are mainly organic matter and mineral fertilizers. You can also use folk recipes and remedies from the pharmacy - they are no less effective.

Mineral fertilizers

In early spring, you can use nitroammophoska for feeding. You need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. products in a 10-liter bucket of water. This volume is enough for 20 bushes.

In the second half of April, urea can also be used as a top dressing. This remedy is appropriate if the air temperature is not lower than 16 degrees. To prepare a solution for feeding, you need to dilute 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. urea. Distribute the resulting volume into 20 bushes.

During flowering, the plant needs potassium. For this feeding, add potassium nitrate to the water (1 tsp per 10 l) and water the plants (1 l per 2 bushes). A similar solution can be used for spraying. To feed during flowering, you can add nitrophosphate (2 tbsp) to potassium.

When planting strawberries or a week before, superphosphates should be added. You need 30 g of product per square meter, potassium sulfate or potassium magnesium is also added to it (the volume is 2 times less than superphosphates).

When using mineral fertilizers, you must adhere to the dosages specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, you may be left without a harvest, since it will not be suitable for food.

Organic fertilizers

Such supplements are attractive due to their natural origin. The following options work well for strawberries:

  • Green tea. To prepare such a remedy, you need to fill a bucket with nettles and pour it over it for several days. warm water. Root feeding is carried out after diluting the composition in 10 parts of water. For spraying, the infusion is filtered and diluted with 20 parts of water. One bush requires no more than 1 liter of solution.
  • Chicken droppings. Such organic matter must be soaked in 20 parts of water and left for several days. Half a liter of fertilizer is applied to each bush.
  • Mullein. The feeding solution is prepared according to the same principle as the chicken manure solution. It can be used for feeding in early spring, as well as at the beginning of flowering.
  • Compost. This fertilizer has an attractive soft effect. You need to lay a layer of about 5 cm around the bush, leaving a little free space near its base.
  • Ash. For strawberries, the best source of such fertilizer is wheat and rye straw, birch, and coniferous trees. It is enough to place a handful of ash under each bush in early spring and repeat the procedure after pruning at the end of the season. Spring feeding is also carried out with infusion of ash. If yellow spots appear on the leaves or they begin to rot, then the ash is used for dusting. 2 tbsp is enough. l. funds for one bush.

Top dressing green tea from nettle

Chicken manure fertilizer

Feeding with mullein solution

Fertilizing with compost

Feeding with ash

Do not allow an excess of organic matter. The plant should receive most of it at the beginning of the growing season.

You should not use fresh horse or cow manure for strawberries. Such fertilizer must be stale.

Complex formulations

Strawberries are often fertilized with a mixture of organic matter and minerals. For the first feeding, it is good to use ammonium sulfate and mullein. For one bucket (10 l) you will need 1 tbsp. l. granules and half a liter of organic matter. This volume needs to be distributed among 10 bushes.

To fertilize strawberries, you can use other complex fertilizers from the store. These include Rastvorin, Hera, Kemira, Ryazanochka, NutriFight.

The advantage of complex fertilizers is their balanced composition and versatility. One product is usually suitable for several crops. It should be used in accordance with the instructions.

Watch the video with a recipe for the complex composition of an effective fertilizer for strawberries:

Pharmacy products

To feed strawberries, you can use some medicinal formulations. Most of them can be found in any person’s home:

  • Iodine. This product is a good fertilizer and disease prevention. It is better to use it before flowering in the form of spraying. To prepare the solution, just add 4 drops of iodine to a bucket of water. The treatment should be repeated two more times with an interval of 1.5 weeks.
  • Boric acid. This product is effective as a spray at the beginning of flowering. To prepare the solution, dilute 5 g of the product in a bucket of water (10 l). To boric acid for this amount of water you can add 30 drops of iodine and a glass of ash. Apply no more than 1 liter of solution to each bush.
  • Boric acid and potassium permanganate. This mixture stimulates the formation of ovaries. It is enough to add 2 g of each product to a bucket of water; in addition, you can use a glass of pre-sifted ash. The solution is used for spraying.
  • Ammonia (10%) . This product is useful for strawberry growth, increasing yield, and preventing pests. For the first feeding, add 40 ml of ammonia and a liter of soap solution to a bucket of water (10 l). Water the soil with this solution, being careful not to get it on the plant itself. Feeding should be repeated at the flowering stage. You can feed the plant again after harvesting. To do this, instead of a soap solution, add 5 drops of iodine.

Folk remedies

Over several centuries of growing strawberries, people have discovered many ways to feed them. The following options are especially effective:

  • Infusion on bread crusts (rye). It is enough to soak the bread in water and dilute the resulting infusion in 10 parts of water after a week.
  • Spoiled milk. This product can be used effectively if the soil is slightly acidic. You need to dilute the product in 2 parts of water and pour the soil in a circle, moving 10 cm away from the bush. This fertilizing can be done three times a season - in early spring, after harvesting, in September. The sour product has a positive effect on yield, activates crop growth, and provides protection against certain diseases and pests.
  • Yeast. A live product must be used. Dissolve 200 g of yeast in half a liter of water and leave for 20 minutes. Pour the resulting mixture into a 10-liter bucket of water. This solution should be poured generously over the strawberries.

Stages of feeding strawberries

It is worth feeding strawberries according to a certain pattern. Additionally, the crop needs to be fertilized if there are signs of a lack of any substance.

In standard situations, fertilizing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The first time fertilizer is applied in mid-spring, when the snow melts and the leaves have not yet blossomed. It is better to combine fertilizing with pruning bushes. This allows you to avoid damaging the plant again.
  2. The next fertilizing is necessary for the crop at the flowering stage. Applying the right fertilizer will make the berries sweeter and they will last longer.
  3. Feeding can be done at the stage of ovary growth. This will have a positive effect on the volume of the harvest and the size of the berries. Fertilizer should be applied foliar.
  4. Another important spring feeding is carried out during the formation of fruits.
  5. The plant needs feeding when fruiting has completed. At this stage, the application of fertilizers activates the formation of new roots and the formation of flower buds.
  6. The last feeding is carried out in the fall to prepare the crop for wintering.

Common Mistakes

Many gardeners, due to inexperience, make mistakes when feeding strawberries. Typically they are as follows:

  • Adding a large amount of organic matter. In this case, the green mass grows and rotting in the soil may begin. Excess organic matter prevents the formation of berries.
  • If you use bird droppings or mullein in large quantities, you can cause leaf burn. As a result, the plants may finally die.
  • Incorrect calculation of fertilizer concentration. If you use an insufficient amount of the product, the fertilizing will be ineffective. An excess of fertilizer can negatively affect the plant and make the berries inedible.
  • Ignoring the need for spring spraying. This stage is important to protect the plant from diseases and pests. If you miss it, you can lose most of the harvest or be left without it altogether.

When working with various fertilizers, you should take care personal protection. Some products may cause an undesirable reaction if they come into contact with the skin. Fertilizers should be kept out of the reach of children, as there is a high risk of poisoning if the composition gets inside.

It is imperative to feed strawberries in the spring. The application of fertilizers is important for the normal development of the crop, its productivity, protection from diseases and pests. Feeding should be carried out according to a certain scheme. A deficiency or excess of any substance can be detrimental to the plant.

Publications: 149

Spring is a time of renewal, hope and work. Active activities of gardeners associated with strawberries begin, as a rule, in April.

After the soil has dried, you can go to the beds to carry out a spring update.

One of important events For gardeners, it is best to fertilize strawberries in the spring, when the year's harvest begins.

Where to begin

Spring for strawberries begins in April.

Considered a cultivated plant, it has the habits of a wild plant: it is cautious, waits for warmth, and is in no hurry to throw out fresh leaves until the sun establishes itself in the sky in spring.

Note: there is no need to wait until the strawberries wake up; it is important to complete three types of work in order to count on good harvest, better before she wakes up.

Need to do:

  • cleaning;
  • processing;
  • fertilizing

After which the strawberries simply must actively bloom and bear fruit. And the gardener should expect an excellent harvest and, of course, regularly weed the beds if there is no covering material or mulch.

Lazy gardener advice: do not bare the earth, watch nature, the best mistress of the earth: you will not find a bare piece of earth, it does not allow overheating and drying out of the soil. Buy covering material, the waste is small, and the berries will be clean, the weeds will not break through, and the soil will be protected.


If mulch was laid in the winter, it must be removed in the spring.

It was used during winter as a warm blanket to be thrown off when it became warm.

Mulch should also be removed because it prevents the rhizome from warming up while the upper shoots are enjoying the sunlight.

Note: Old mulch accumulates a large number of different pests, insects, weevils, pests. You need to remove the mulch before they wake up and the air temperature does not exceed 8° - 10°.

It is best to burn mulch along with rotten leaves, thereby reducing the countless army of insect pests.


Strawberry pests

Spring treatment, begun with the destruction of mulch, should be continued by spraying with chemicals to combat:

  • gray and black rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • leaf spotting;
  • snails, wireworms, and other pests that slow down plant growth and reduce productivity.

Early spring application of Bordeaux mixture is used quite widely. This is a fungicide for the lazy. It is carried out at the end of March before the first shoots appear immediately after the snow has melted.

Responsible summer residents use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sulfamide, and sulfur. If there were a lot of pests on garden strawberries last year, you can use sulfuric acid; it will leave only the roots of the plant alive, but this is a radical method that requires deep knowledge and preparation.

It should be noted: Working with chemistry is difficult and troublesome. It is best to carry out the treatment once a year with Bordeaux, comprehensively spraying the entire garden from start to finish.

After winter, we actively rely on vitamins; winter depletes not only humans.

A long period of cold leaves its mark on plants that need to be fed with nutrients.

In the spring, fertilizers filled with minerals necessary for growth and productivity are applied. The main thing is to observe the measure and fulfill the dosage requirements.

Spring feeding is needed for the plant to become strong, healthy, and resistant to pests and diseases.

The first feeding is carried out using:

  • manure;
  • humus;
  • chicken droppings;
  • fermented milk products;
  • nitrogen fertilizers;
  • potash fertilizers.

These are affordable and effective means, easy to use, not dangerous to humans and the environment.


Manure is an organic fertilizer, rich in minerals, which increases the yield of berries and is safe for the soil.

Summer residents prefer to use dry manure, believing that raw manure contains many weeds. Yes, this is true, although strawberries like to be fertilized with both dried and raw manure.

A little more than a garden scoop is placed under the bush so as not to “burn” the tender young shoots.

This fertilizer should be applied as early as possible. Spring rains will make an infusion of manure better than the most experienced botanist, useful substances which will nourish the earth.


Humus is the most useful fertilizer for all occasions.

This is the same manure, but rotted, concentrated in itself all the nutrients and minerals, a set of which can meet any needs of green pets.

Do you know that: a manure machine costs 2500-3000 rubles. It needs to be unloaded into a specially prepared place, the so-called manure pit, and there is no need to dig a hole. Cover what you brought with soil and leave it for two years. Then, for many years to come, have the best fertilizer possible on hand, and not just for strawberries!

Chicken droppings

Today, summer residents have the opportunity to purchase bio-fertilizer, beautifully designed, convenient for use, which is called chicken manure.

This is an organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen.

Worth considering: the mixture is very active, it should be diluted 1:20 so as not to harm the strawberries.

The same applies to chicken droppings taken from a chicken coop. Extremely effective fertilizer specifically for strawberries. Villagers throw it away at some distance from the estate to dry. This is how this fertilizer is obtained.

It is also bred this way: a scoop of droppings or a handful into a bucket, although such a measurement cannot be called aesthetic. This solution should be poured around the bush, not under the root.

Dairy products

Lots of fertilizers attract buyers beautiful view wrappers, interesting names, in an unusual way applications.

Fermented milk products prepare the soil well; strawberry bushes love this environment.

Under the influence of fermented milk whey, the soil becomes slightly acidic, amino acids, vitamins, micro and macroelements are added to it.

This type of fertilizing can exist as an independent fertilizer, but it is better to apply it along with humus, manure, and ash.

Interesting fact: There is nothing better than organic fertilizers for your own strawberries grown in your own garden for your household!

Nitrogen fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are not available to everyone. In addition, feeding strawberries with nitrogen is more than beneficial!

The benefit of nitrogen is that it makes berries:

  • bright;
  • juicy;
  • large,
  • completely forms their presentation;
  • improves taste.

Advice from a hardworking gardener: Read the instructions carefully. Only correct application nitrogen fertilizers guarantee success. Excess of the substance affects the taste and aroma. Strawberries become unsweetened and lose their flavor.

One tablespoon of ammonium nitrate is diluted in a bucket (10 liters), and no more than half a liter is poured onto the bush.


Potassium deficiency is visible on strawberry leaves if they turn brown.

A normal potassium content promotes the ripening of strawberries and helps them stay fresh and tasty for a long time. Retains sweet taste.

You can fertilize:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • wood ash;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • potassium chloride.

Feeding with ash

What is wood ash? This fertilizer contains potassium, phosphorus, lime, a whole complex of microelements that are extremely useful for early feeding of plants.

The procedure is simple and naive: pour a handful of ash between the rows, not under a bush, and that’s it! Fertilizing is done before mulching and before rain, the water of which will deliver a set of useful substances to the address.

Gardeners offer: collect ash from fires in a separate container. Ash can be stored indefinitely and is needed for almost all garden crops, cabbage, beets and many others.


A procedure beneficial for the plant. Foliar feeding is carried out at the very beginning of flowering by spraying in order to saturate the young leaves with vitamins and microelements.

This procedure is also carried out in the fall, immediately after transplanting the strawberries. Any planting of seedlings in the ground should be accompanied by this procedure - this helps young plants gain strength.

Make this solution: in a bucket hot water add 2 g of boric acid and potassium permanganate, add a tablespoon of iodine and a glass of ash.

Let it sit for a day, shake, and spray on the leaves.

Feeding by age Opportunities for good care

a lot of.

It is not necessary to use the entire arsenal of means, choose one, check the effectiveness on your berry beds.

In addition, feeding should be done according to age. It is important to know:

healthy young plants that you planted with your own hands last year do not require feeding.

Two or three year old strawberries need to be fertilized; they have already depleted the soil well and require fertilizing, which should be done at the very beginning, with the appearance of the first leaves, and then, before flowering.

For a better harvest, you can add fertilizer during the development of the berries, but only organic fertilizers are applicable here. Watch the video in which an experienced gardener talks about spring care

for strawberries and first feeding: A lot is known about the benefits and taste of strawberries. It contains a lot of vitamin C, folic acid, and fructose. In order to get a good harvest of this delicious berry from your, you need to take care of fertilizing. The land on which garden strawberry bushes grow becomes depleted over time. This happens within two years if you do not add additional fertilizer to the strawberries.

Types of fertilizers for strawberries

Differences in feeding new bushes and those transplanted a year or two ago are due to the need for nutrients: some more, others less. When replanting new plants, it is necessary to ensure the growth of the root system and safe wintering. In the old bushes autumn period the formation of buds and inflorescences begins, so they need a different composition of fertilizers, which will be aimed at the development of future fruits.

Fertilizer for strawberries can be either mineral mixtures in which the composition of substances is balanced - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, or organic solutions prepared at home.


During the period of growth of green mass - leaves and shoots, strawberries or wild strawberries need nitrogen. It stimulates rapid growth and allows you to bear fruit abundantly in the future. Urea for strawberries is the safest substance, but dosages cannot be exceeded, as sugar will leave the fruit.

This is how we sprinkle urea on the strawberries. The main thing is not to overdo it

Complex mineral fertilizers are the basis of plant life. Flowering and fruiting species require more nutrients.

Before and during flowering, the berry bush consumes a large amount of potassium. Its taste depends on its presence in the soil. The source of potassium can be mineral supplements - potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium. Fertilizers for strawberries with sulfur are more preferable, since they also protect the bushes from diseases and pests

Video: Feeding strawberries during flowering. Author's recipe from Ekaterina Snytko, an experienced gardener

In the autumn, after harvesting, plants need to regain their strength before wintering. Potassium mixtures are added before wintering along with organic matter.

Organic matter also contains potassium, so the amount of supplementation needed must be calculated. It's better to save a little than to oversaturate the soil and damage the roots.

Phosphorus affects the growth of the root system, so you can’t do without superphosphates and ammophosphate. Superphosphate for strawberries - autumn feeding. It is not washed out of the soil during the winter months.

Many summer residents prefer ammophos for growing strawberries, since it contains nitrogen and phosphorus. At the same time, phosphorus is in an easy to absorb form and quickly dissolves in water. It can be used for root and foliar feeding urgently - at the first signs of lack of nutrition in plants. Ammonium phosphate is especially effective in combination with nitrogen nutrition, as it simultaneously stimulates the growth of green mass and roots. Ammophoska is harmless for strawberries and humans, but dosages must be observed.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for strawberries acidify the soil, making it suitable for this plant.

As a result, these are the berries that grow:

When feeding berries, minerals must be used strictly according to instructions so as not to cause poisoning when consumed.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to apply a complex of microelements once during the fruiting season. The main microelements are iodine, boron, copper. It is best to apply these elements foliarly, because the solutions protect the leaves from diseases and are absorbed faster. Strawberries love milk additives, so summer residents sometimes use diluted milk. It’s not difficult to decide what to feed strawberries with – milk, whey or kefir. What is there can be used. The berry prefers slightly acidic soils, and dairy products maintain a pH level that is favorable for plant growth.


The best fertilizer for feeding strawberries is considered organic - manure or chicken droppings. There are some rules for using mullein and manure so as not to damage the plants' root system.

  1. In spring, fresh manure cannot be used, as it has not passed heat treatment and may contain weed seeds, insect larvae, and bacteria.
  2. Chicken manure is a very strong additive that can burn plant roots, so it must be diluted many times.
  3. Fresh manure can be applied to the soil in the fall. Over the winter it will be decomposed by soil bacteria and will be available to the root system. At the same time, manure performs the function of heating plants.
  4. A fresh solution of organic matter should not get into the sockets or onto the leaves. This is especially true for chicken droppings.

Wood ash is used as a fertilizer for strawberries by almost all amateur gardeners. This fertilizer is a source of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, which is used in the fall to restore soil fertility, and in the spring for irrigation in the form of a solution. Fertilizing strawberries with ash also enriches the soil with microelements, but it must be applied in large quantitiesup to 500 g per square meter.

Do-it-yourself feeding

At home, you can prepare fertilizing with your own hands - an infusion of herbs, compost, mulch.

For green fertilizer, you can use mowed grass. Nettle is the most useful, as it contains many vitamins and minerals. The grass is filled with water in a large barrel and infused for up to 10 days. Next, water the strawberries or spray the leaves. Plant remains serve as additional feeding.

Although it doesn’t look very attractive, it is an excellent fertilizer for strawberries.

Hay or straw, as well as tree bark, are suitable for making mulch. This layer protects the bushes from freezing in winter, from overheating in summer and from the growth of weeds. Bark mulch has other beneficial qualities:

  • creates conditions for the reproduction of earthworms, which loosen the soil;
  • serves as an additional power source;
  • bark phytoncides protect the soil from pests and fungal infections;
  • Maintains slightly acidic soil pH.

And strawberries give an excellent harvest when mulched

Mulching is carried out in the spring in May or in the fall in September. Before this, fertilizing is applied, and the plants are watered.

The bark must be heated in the oven before use to remove the fungus.

At home, you can prepare the best fertilizer for strawberries - based on baker's yeast, which contains proteins, potassium, nitrogen, and microelements - iron, copper, iodine, calcium, zinc.

Yeast is useful for young, newly transplanted bushes, as it stimulates root growth and accelerates survival. Fertilizing strawberries with natural fertilizers increases yield and improves the taste of the berries.

To prepare a yeast solution, you need to take 1 liter of water and dissolve 50 g of yeast. Next, dilute the concentrate in 5 liters of water. Apply 0.5 liters under the bushes. Yeast can also be added to green fertilizer.

Foliar additives for strawberries

Foliar feeding of berry bushes is best done in the morning or evening, when Sun rays the leaves do not burn and the solution can be completely absorbed.

Microelements are introduced by spraying: manganese, iodine, calcium, copper, boron. Microelements protect berry bushes from diseases and fungal infections. Use ready-made formulations or homemade solutions.

Foliar feeding is carried out in the intervals between the application of basic mineral or organic substances.

Signs of nutritional deficiency

With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves are small and yellowish. The bushes grow poorly and tendrils do not form. It is important to add nitrogen at the stage of green mass growth - in the spring. During the fruiting period, nitrogen supplements are not applied, as this reduces the number of berries and their quality.

Potassium deficiency primarily affects fruiting. Plants are more often affected by rot and insect pests. The leaves around the edges dry out and turn yellow.

Phosphorus deficiency is more common on acidified soils. Small leaves violet shade– the main sign of phosphorus deficiency. You should first apply chalk or lime, and then phosphate fertilizers. In this sequence, nutrients will be better absorbed by strawberries.

It is difficult for a non-professional to determine a deficiency of microelements in plants, because it is in many ways similar to a deficiency of basic nutrients. Therefore, for prevention, it is best to use complex microfertilizer additives in the form of spraying.

Nutrient Application Calendar

The main period for fertilizing berry plants is autumn. If the question arises of what fertilizer to feed strawberries after fruiting, then if there is manure or droppings, of course, organic. The soil after strawberries is quickly depleted and needs replenishment, and organic matter is an easily accessible form of nutrition.

The strawberry harvest depends not only on favorable weather conditions and care, but also on a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil. Autumn feeding of strawberries is especially important, because the resistance of the bushes to winter cold depends on it. Spring feeding will help strawberries recover faster after wintering and gain growth rates. In summer, the bushes are fed to increase yield. Let's consider the types of organic and mineral fertilizers for garden strawberries, the rules for their use and dosage.

Principles of caring for strawberries

Care garden strawberries It is not inherently complicated, but it requires certain knowledge. In order for berry bushes to please the eye with an abundance of harvest, they need to be constantly monitored. Caring for strawberry bushes is as follows:

  • tillage;
  • timely watering;
  • fertilization;
  • pest and disease control.

Why fertilize the soil if the berries can grow on their own? Beginning gardeners should know that plants take up nutrients from the soil, which decrease over time. If you collected 10 buckets of berries from a plot, then in three or four years, or even earlier, you will collect half as much. Soil resources are not infinite, so they need to be replenished.

Regular feeding of strawberries increases the yield by up to 30%.

How many times should you apply fertilizer to the soil? Experienced gardeners feed strawberries three times a season - in autumn, summer and spring.

What type of fertilizer is used for strawberries? Gardeners use organic and mineral substrates. Each of them has a special effect on plants and soil. Organic matter, in addition to saturating the fertile layer with nutrition, well structures the soil. Minerals enrich it with important microelements. Therefore, in gardening, organic fertilizers are alternated with mineral fertilizers or they are combined.

Organic fertilizers

These include natural substances produced by living organisms. The most commonly used materials are pet manure, bird droppings, ash and compost.


This is a very valuable organic fertilizer, often used in the garden. Usually used, from which slurry is prepared. Mullein contains a lot of humus, which enriches the fertile soil layer with essential nutrients. This fertilizer contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.

To prepare the slurry, a bucket of manure is mixed with four buckets of water. The mixture is left to ferment in a warm place for several days. Fermentation is necessary to free the solution from uric acid, which burns the root system.

Plants should not be watered with organic fertilizers during fruiting, so as not to become infected with helminthiasis.

The rotted solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:8 before watering. The working solution should resemble the consistency of thick sour cream. You can mix ash into it - in the volume of one faceted glass.

Fresh manure

Fresh organic matter can also be used to feed strawberries, you just need to scatter it between the rows. This is done after harvesting in the fall. Over the winter, the manure will completely rot and turn into nutritious fertilizer. Manure can serve as mulch.

Chicken droppings

This fertilizer has a high concentration of biological substances, so it is not used fresh. An infusion or extract is made from the droppings. The liquid is watered between the rows, not the strawberry roots.

To make a liquid for irrigation, you need to mix the settled water with the droppings in equal volumes. The mass is thoroughly mixed with a wooden stick, and the container is covered with a lid or boards. The container is placed in a dark place to reduce fermentation processes. If this is not done, the solution will become very concentrated.

After 7-10 days, the liquid can be used for irrigation, after diluting it with water. The proportions of the working fluid are 10 or 50 liters of water per liter of fermented solution. Be careful not to let drops of the solution fall on the strawberry leaves - this will cause burns. Water around the bushes (10-15 cm) or between the rows. Before applying fertilizer, you should water the soil well so as not to harm the strawberry root system.

Green manure

To saturate the fertile layer with useful substances, cut stems and leaves are also used. They are laid out between the rows and left for the winter. Instead of lupine, you can use ordinary grass, however, lupine is a green manure, which greatly increases the efficiency of soil fertilization. To prevent the stems from being blown away by the wind, they are sprinkled with sand or earth on top.

A water infusion of nettle fertilizes the soil well. It can be used in spring (when forming a bush) and in autumn (after harvesting). The infusion is prepared as follows: cut nettles are placed in a bucket and filled with water. warm temperature. After a few days, the infusion can be used to irrigate the beds.


Use wood ash from fallen leaves or plant tops. Wood ash is one of the most useful organic fertilizers for seedlings, as it contains many microelements. Fertilizer is scattered between rows or in holes, and an aqueous solution is also used to irrigate leaves and soil. Ash is often mixed with other types of organic fertilizers, which increases the efficiency of use.

How to properly apply ash for fertilizer? Small grooves are made into which dry substance or aqueous solution is poured. Then the grooves are covered with earth. Root feeding Strawberry ash treatment is carried out twice a year: during the flowering period and after picking the berries. If you scatter dry ash between the rows, the material consumption is 65 grams per meter. Foliar feeding is carried out during fruit set - the bushes are sprayed aqueous solution. To do this, take half a glass of ash in a bucket of water. One liter of infusion is enough to treat 1 m2 of beds.

Mineral fertilizers

Gardeners widely use phosphorus and potassium agrochemicals in powder or granules. The granules can simply be scattered in the holes or between the rows; the powders are diluted in water following the instructions.

Dilution proportions:

  • superphosphate: 10 g per bucket of water;
  • potassium salt: 20 grams per bucket of water.

Do not let the solution come into contact with the leaves to avoid burns.

Potassium salt can be mixed with. To do this, add 20 grams of potassium salt and a couple of tablespoons of nitrophoska to a bucket of water. The solution consumption is one liter per strawberry bush.

On the third day after applying mineral fertilizer, you need to mulch the bushes. Scatter sawdust, pine needles, fallen leaves or peat on the ground.

Autumn fertilizing gives good results when feeding in autumn. It is used in early September after harvest. Consumption of the drug per square meter is 50 g. Make sure that the solution does not get into the rosette of the bush. This may cause burns.

A mixture of organics and minerals

Experienced gardeners share another secret on how to feed strawberries. This is a mixture of organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

Mixture No. 1

  • wood ash - glass;
  • superphosphate - a couple of tablespoons;
  • diluted mullein - liter per bucket of water.

Mixture No. 2

  • nitroammofoska - a couple of tablespoons;
  • wood ash - faceted glass;
  • potassium sulfate - 30 gr.

This composition should be mixed well in a bucket of water. Up to half a liter of working solution is consumed per strawberry bush.

If you do not want to make the fertilizer yourself, you can purchase ready-to-use solutions.

Feeding in autumn

Fertilizing bushes in the fall can be combined with pruning leaves. Gardeners do not advise fertilizing later than September, as this can weaken the immunity of strawberries and the necessary winter hardiness.

In the fall, fertilizing is done from bird droppings, mullein, slurry, rotted manure, and nettle infusion. Manure is spread between the rows. This substrate takes a long time to decompose, so it has an effect for several years - it nourishes the earth with useful substances.

At the end of October, strawberries are fertilized for the winter using potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as wood ash. It should be taken into account that in the ash coniferous trees contains more phosphates, and deciduous ash contains more potassium.

In the spaces between the rows you can lay out mown grass (remove the seeds) or lupins, sprinkled with sand or soil on top. Over the winter, the green fertilizer will rot and release nutrients to the soil.

Remember that autumn fertilizing should not be applied too late: the release of nitrogen will reduce winter hardiness and your bushes will freeze.

What mineral preparations can be used in the fall? For this purpose, gardeners use potassium salt, superphosphate and nitrophoska. If you are planning to transplant bushes, you can put about 40 grams of nitrophoska in the holes. To avoid burning the roots, the fertilizer is sprinkled with earth. It is important that the roots do not come into contact with the substrate.

Also in the fall you can use mixed fertilizers - organic matter and minerals. It should be borne in mind: liquid solutions cannot be used later than September.

Spring feeding

The first fertilizing is applied immediately after the snow melts. During this period, strawberries especially need nitrogen, which stimulates vegetation. However, before applying fertilizer, the beds need to be prepared: cut off yellowed leaves and loosen the soil.

Note! You only need to add nutrients to two-year-old bushes; there is no need to feed one-year-old strawberries.

What solution can be used for the first feeding? Gardeners use ammonium sulfate together with mullein infusion. Instead of ammonium sulfate, you can use nitroammophoska. If you prefer organic, you can treat strawberries with mullein infusion or.

As soon as new leaves appear, you need to prepare a working solution for irrigation. There is no need to wait for the leaves to straighten out - they should simply appear on the bushes.

To form green mass and set fruit, yeast starter is used.

During wild flowering, strawberries can be fed with wood ash mixed with iodine, boric acid and manganese. The bushes are irrigated with the solution. Also during the flowering period you can use agrochemicals: nitroammophos, nitrophoska, diammophos, etc.

In May, the bushes can be fed with an infusion of cut grass. To do this, the grass is kept in water for about a week, after being crushed. Where can I get the herb for infusion? You can use the one that was weeded in the beds.

Consider the characteristics of your climate when caring for strawberries in spring. In the southern regions, work in the garden begins in mid-April, and in the northern regions - in mid-May.

For foliar feeding, you can use solutions of nitrogen or organic substances. Irrigation should be carried out after sunset in calm weather. Remember that for watering it is better to use settled or rainwater. Chlorine in water can harm plants.

Yeast starter

How to make yeast starter for strawberries? Both fresh and dry yeast are suitable for this purpose. You can also soak crackers or old dried bread. Sometimes grass clippings or fallen leaves are added to the starter.

To prepare the starter, you will need 100 grams of fresh yeast per bucket of water. To prevent yeast from extracting nitrogen and potassium from the soil, add ash (a glass) and a working solution of chicken manure (0.5 l) to the mixture. When the substance has fermented (a couple of hours), dilute it with water and water the bushes.

A solution is made from dry yeast like this. Add a couple of tablespoons of dry mass, 500 grams of wood ash, 3-4 tablespoons to a bucket of warm water granulated sugar. The mixture should stand for a day. Then the concentrate is diluted with water in a volume of 1:10.

This is how you make sourdough from dry bread. Dried (but without mold) crusts of bread, a packet of dry yeast, a glass of sour milk and ash are placed in a bucket. Pour warm water over the ingredients and wrap them in something warm, such as a blanket. The bucket is placed in a warm place for fermentation, stirring the contents regularly. In a week the starter will be ready.

Summer feeding of strawberries

In mid-July, the bushes can be fed with yeast starter, a solution of nitroammophoska with ash and urea (). Ash can also be used in dry form, scattered around the bushes in the grooves. After a couple of weeks, the procedure can be repeated. If the summer turns out to be dry, fertilizing should be accompanied by irrigation of the land.

Do not forget to constantly monitor the removal of weeds, withered leaves and pests. Damaged parts of bushes should be immediately removed and burned.

How to determine that strawberries need feeding, and also determine an overdose of minerals in the soil? If the berries are small and dried spots appear on the leaves, the strawberries do not have enough nutrients. If spots appear on the leaves white, and they look wilted - you have exceeded the dosage of mineral components.

Bottom line

Juicy and fragrant strawberries in the garden beds will delight the eye if you take good care of them. Plants actively draw nutrients from the fertile layer, forming leaves and fruits. Therefore, the application of fertilizers is an indispensable condition for harvesting a rich harvest. Fertilizing strawberries in spring, summer and autumn - required condition crop care.

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