Detailed instructions for planting seeds in peat tablets. Peat tablets for seedlings: how to use Composition of peat tablets for seedlings

What are the benefits of popular peat tablets for seedlings? How to use them correctly? All the subtleties of using peat tablets for growing healthy seedlings are in this review. And step-by-step instruction on the use of new products, reviews from practical plant growers, and a unique video.

Peat tablets. Composition and characteristics

What can you do for the sake of seedlings! You need to soak the seeds, fry the soil in a frying pan, and purchase a special home greenhouse. And still there is no guarantee that the green babies will sprout on time and will not get sick with the “black leg”. How to spend much less effort and get the same or better results? Let's get acquainted with the new market product in the field of growing seedlings.

Advice. When using peat cylinders, you should not forget to take care of the seedlings. They need to be ventilated, moistened in time, and monitor the temperature in the room. If there is not enough light, you can turn on additional fluorescent or LED lamps.

Peat tablets are crushed and pressed high-moor peat, wrapped in a special mesh (sometimes without a mesh). Growth stimulants and special fertilizers for seedlings are added to the tableted substrate. Tablets are produced in Norway, Denmark, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions. The cost of one tablet is on average from 3 to 10 rubles. depending on size. The size ranges from 2.5 to 7 cm in diameter. During use, the tablets do not increase in diameter; they become 5-7 times larger in height.

Pros and cons of using tableted peat

Gardeners who have used the new product respond positively to the tablets. They note the high germination rate of seedlings and the ease of use of the substrate. So why did peat tablets appeal to plant growers?

  1. Quick to use. From unpacking the tablet to the moment of landing, a maximum of 30 minutes passes.
  2. Clean and simple. There is no need to mess with the soil, disinfect it and fertilize it.
  3. Rich mineral composition. There is no need to add growth stimulants and fertilizers. This means that there is no possibility of damaging the seedlings with incorrectly diluted fertilizer.
  4. High seed germination. Reducing the likelihood of various diseases. The fungus that causes blackleg does not grow in peat.
  5. Seedlings in a peat tablet actively “breathe” oxygen.
  6. No need for picking. Plants are replanted without being removed from the peat “house”. In this case, the roots are not damaged.
  7. Any root system can grow through a thin natural mesh, which provides peat soil with a stable shape.
  8. Tablets are well suited for cuttings.

What are the disadvantages of peat substrate?

  1. If you need to grow a lot of seeds, peat tablets will be expensive.
  2. It is necessary to closely monitor the moisture content of peat soil. It dries out very quickly.
  3. You cannot do without special trays, pots or cups when growing.

IN peat tablets You can grow any seedlings of vegetables and flowers, there are no restrictions. But the tablets are most suitable:

  • for plants with delicate, vulnerable shoots. For example, eustoma, lobelia, petunia;
  • for crops that do not tolerate pickling. Perennial poppies, gypsophila, eschscholzia;
  • for expensive granulated seeds, whose germination is very important.

Correct use of peat tablets

The use of peat is quite simple, but requires compliance with several rules. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly plant seedlings in peat tablets.

  1. Release the tablets from the packaging.
  2. Place in a tray and fill with warm water.
  3. After 30 minutes, the tablets will have expanded to their maximum size and excess water can be drained off.
  4. A seed or cutting must be placed in a small recess located on one side of the cylinder. The seeds can be soaked or sown dry.
  5. When planting small seeds in pellets, they need to be wetted so that the shell becomes soft. Then lightly disperse with a toothpick to ensure maximum germination.

Advice. To work with very small seeds, it is better to use a toothpick. If you need to cover the seed with soil, it is better to take a little regular or peat soil. Or, lightly pressing the seed with a toothpick, deepen it into the tablet.

Caring for seedlings in peat tablets

Immediately after sowing, the tablets should be placed in deep transparent boxes, drawers or cups and placed on the windowsill. An east or west window is recommended, because... on a windowsill facing north, it will be dark for the seedlings. And on a south window they may suffer from overheating.

Attention! When choosing cookware to house your cylinders, you need to avoid two common mistakes.

The first is the shallow depth of the container. In this case, the top of the tablets will suffer from lack of moisture. The second mistake is that the cells are too spacious. The water will spread out in them, and again the upper part of the cylinder will quickly dry out. The containers should be at least 10 cm deep and slightly larger in diameter than the width of the peat tablets.

Immediately after planting, the box must be closed with a transparent lid or film, which will ensure that the seedlings optimal microclimate. Plants need to be ventilated every day from the moment condensation forms. After the cotyledon leaves appear, remove the lid immediately.

Water is poured into the container for seedlings, and the top is moistened with a spray bottle. To avoid water stagnation, the box or box must have drainage holes.

How to replant peat tablets with grown seedlings

When the tender greenery is already enjoying the gentle sun, and the roots are growing beyond the peat cylinder, it is time to replant the seedlings. Transplantation occurs quickly and is non-traumatic for the plants. The seedlings are not plucked, but are transferred together with a tablet penetrated by roots.

Advice. Don't miss the best time to transplant into a larger container. If you are late, the roots of neighboring peat cylinders may become tangled.

It is known that the mesh on the peat tablet dissolves upon contact with the soil. But some vegetable growers prefer to remove the mesh at the bottom of the cylinder, right under the root.

The peat tablet needs to be deepened into the soil, like a regular seedling. Tomatoes - under cotyledon leaves, and nightshade crops are left at the same level.

Feedback from practitioners about peat tablets

Gardeners, having understood the effectiveness of the product, use it constantly. Reviews about peat tablets are only positive. Summer residents not only write comments with positive ratings, but also talk about their own experience of use and post master classes on various websites.

Experienced farmers believe that the use of peat tablets accelerates the growth of strong, independent seedlings and brings the long-awaited harvest of a tasty or beautiful harvest closer.

Peat tablets for seedlings - video

Peat tablets for seedlings - photo

Every spring, any gardener is faced with the task of preparing sowing containers for seedlings. In this article I would like to draw your attention to the features of use, advantages and disadvantages of peat tablets for seedlings.

They have been on sale for several years now, but not every summer resident knows how to use them to produce strong and healthy seedlings. I will try to fill in all the necessary gaps and talk about my experience with peat tablets.

Peat tablets for seedlings - let's get to know each other better

The tablets come in different diameters, which allows you to drive out seedlings of any size. It is best to grow cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons, peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants in them.

In addition to peat humus substrate, peat tablets for seedlings contain growth stimulants, mineral fertilizers, antibacterial components. Plants feel great in them - they grow quickly, form a powerful root system and rarely get sick.

Instructions for use

Transferring seedlings from a peat tablet into a larger container

Before use peat tablets are soaked for 15-30 minutes in water with the addition of any development stimulator your choice (but you can do without it). The synthetic mesh protects the tablet from disintegration and does not need to be removed. A small hole is formed in the center, into which the sprouted or dry seeds should be placed.

Next, the tablets are placed in cells or on a tray. A plastic cake box or salad tray, which you can purchase at places that sell disposable tableware, is also suitable for this purpose. So, about 25 small tablets fit into a container measuring 20 x 30.

The container with the tablets is placed on the windowsill, covered with a transparent lid and about half a centimeter of water is poured into the bottom, which is quickly absorbed. As soon as the shoots appear, the lid is removed.

Further care consists of maintaining the optimal humidity of the tablets - regularly add water with a micro dose added to the bottom of the container.

If the roots of the plants have grown through the tablets, this means that it is time to plant them in open ground, or prepare for transshipment.

Transshipment of seedlings is done as follows:

  1. Soil is poured into the bottom of a plastic cup of a suitable size - optimally half a liter - so that after backfilling, the stem of the seedling is slightly buried in the soil mixture.
  2. A tablet is placed in the center.
  3. Next, the prepared soil is poured between the walls of the cup and the tablet to its top level.
  4. The transplanted plants are watered with a tablespoon of settled or. As it develops, you should pour the soil into the cup and do not forget to water it moderately.

Pros and cons of peat tablets for seedlings

So, after considering the technology of growing seedlings in peat tablets, its pros and cons become obvious.


  • there is no need to bother with preparing the land for seedlings;
  • seedlings receive balanced nutrition thanks to the enriched substrate tablets - if desired, you can even do without fertilizing;
  • when transshipment and planting in open ground, the roots of plants are not damaged, which avoids delays in development;
  • The seedling tray is compact and holds many tablets, which saves space on the windowsill.


  • you need to closely monitor the moisture content of the tablets, since peat tends to dry out quickly;
  • peat tablets for seedlings are an expensive pleasure for the average summer resident, given their disposability.

To be honest, I have not tried this method yet, since it is too expensive for me. Besides, in the spring it gives me pleasure to tinker with seedling soil. Although, according to reports from friends, plants in peat tablets grow stronger and tolerate replanting more easily.

If peat tablets for seedlings are not sold in your city, you can order them online here. Try next spring to plant some of the seedlings in them, and some to grow using the traditional method. Then you can form your own opinion about their effectiveness.

Where else can you plant seedlings? It will also help you make your choice.

Growing seedlings is a labor-intensive process, but gardeners are happy to devote time and effort to it. To get strong healthy plants, use soil mixtures based on peat. Relatively recently appeared tablets from pressed peat are excellent helpers in gardening endeavors. The article tells how to plant seeds in peat tablets and how to choose them correctly.

Instructions for using peat tablets for seedlings

Using tablets (sometimes called washers) for seedlings is convenient for several reasons.

Features of peat tablets

The main feature of peat washers is that a small lump contains a complete set useful substances, necessary for tiny sprouts to fully develop. This is convenient for the gardener, since there is no need to mix the soil, disinfect it, or add additives - nutrients and protective substances. They allow air to pass through well, are sterile, and overwatering of seedlings is excluded, because... excess water quickly drains into the pan.

Advantages for seedlings

The practice of using peat washers has shown that almost all seeds germinate in them, ultimately forming healthy seedlings. The main advantages of peat tablets:

  1. Seedlings do not need fertilizing or treating the substrate against diseases.
  2. Ideal for growing seedlings of plants with a fragile root system, for which picking is undesirable: melons, cucumbers, sweet peppers.
  3. They simplify the germination of very small or difficult-to-germinate seeds.
  4. Watering seedlings through a tray makes it easier to care for seedlings with fragile stems that are prone to blackleg disease.
  5. They facilitate planting and germination of expensive exotic seeds that require special germination conditions.
  6. Unlimited shelf life when stored in a dry place.

The use of tablets is complicated only by their high price, which is not profitable for large planting volumes. Resourceful summer residents make briquettes with their own hands. There are a considerable number of videos posted online showing how summer residents use simple devices to prepare peat tablets for future crops.

Commercially available tablets vary in size and substrate characteristics. The diameter of peat tablets from 20 to 90 mm provides:

  • sowing small seeds - 20-36 mm;
  • sowing medium-sized seeds - 40-50mm;
  • sowing large seeds - from 60 mm and above.

In addition to peat, the tablets usually contain:

  • humus, which creates a nutrient medium;
  • antibacterial additives that prevent the development of diseases;
  • minerals.

The tablets have different acidity - from 5.2 to 6.4, i.e. you can choose the optimal environment for each type of plant.

On a note! Instructions about the composition of peat briquettes and the pH value are given on the packaging. They are often sold in bulk, but if the seller is unable to accurately describe their parameters, it is better to make a purchase at another retail outlet.

Instructions for planting seeds

In addition to the technological advantages of peat briquettes, summer residents value them for their ease of use. The method of planting seeds in washers is elementary:

  • Prepare a mini-greenhouse or select a container with a transparent lid. An excellent option would be disposable packaging of cakes and salads, previously thoroughly washed and treated with potassium permanganate. Sizes are selected to fit required quantity tablets. The height with the lid should be equal to 8 times the thickness of the peat tablet plus a margin for seedling growth.
  • The tablets are removed from their original packaging and placed in a mini-greenhouse. The seed recesses (they are clearly visible) point upward. The mesh or organic paper that covers the tablets is not removed; without the mesh, they will fall apart before they have time to swell.

  • The distance between the washers is minimal; having swollen, they will support each other “in shape” and will not fall or roll over.
  • If the greenhouse is not completely filled with washers, clean sand is poured onto the bottom to maintain stability.
  • To swell, warm water is gradually poured into the bottom of the mini-greenhouse, adding more as it is absorbed. The usual swelling time is about 30 minutes. Excess is removed with a sponge.
  • The seeds are placed in the holes. The number of seeds per tablet depends on their size, quantity and degree of value.
  • The mini-greenhouse is closed and placed on a warm, well-lit windowsill, unless otherwise provided by germination agricultural technology.

When sowing seeds of some crops, their natural characteristics are taken into account.

How to sow petunia

Peat washers greatly simplify the cultivation of high-quality petunia seedlings, creating the most favorable environment for seed development, increasing germination and simplifying the care of seedlings. Place one grain at a time into the recess of the prepared tablet; there is no need to press or cover it with a substrate. The coated petunia seeds are immediately sprinkled with water, and after a few minutes the shell is smeared with a toothpick. Lobelia seeds are sown in peat tablets in the same way. It is permissible to place several seeds in one puck.

Sowing strawberries in peat tablets

Growing strawberries from seeds gives gardeners a lot of trouble. Using peat tablets greatly simplifies the matter. The hatched seeds, prepared using conventional technology, are placed on the prepared tablet, 1 pc.

Advice! The recommended diameter of tablets for sowing strawberries is 24-36 mm.

Features of growing cucumber seedlings in peat tablets

Cucumber seedlings are easy to grow using peat tablets with a neutral reaction, the size is at least 40 mm. Cucumber seeds are placed in swollen tablets. Whether or not to prepare seeds before planting is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Use a match or toothpick to deepen the seeds to the limits indicated on the package. If there is no information about the planting depth, use standard figures - 1.5-2 cm. There is no need to fill the seeds.

Sowing peppers, eggplants and tomatoes

Suitable tablet diameter is 30-40 mm. Prepare the seeds in the same way as for regular sowing of seedlings, lay them out on prepared tablets, using a match to deepen them to the required depth. Experienced summer residents sow 2 pieces each to be on the safe side. In this case, the strongest of the two shoots is left, the weakest is removed.

Important! Excess seedlings are not pulled out, so as not to damage the roots of neighbors, but are simply cut off at the root.

The sown seeds fall asleep a small amount substrate - flush with the surface of the tablet.

Interesting! Small seeds of tomatoes and eggplants germinate well and produce strong seedlings even when they are laid out in dry tablets and then moistened. As the substrate swells, it covers the seed.

Rules for transplanting seedlings to a permanent place

The procedure for planting seedlings grown using peat tablets is simple and time-consuming.

  1. The grown seedlings are hardened off.
  2. The beds are prepared for planting according to the rules of agricultural technology for each crop.
  3. Tablets with seedlings are placed in planting holes without removing the shell.

Microorganisms living in the soil will process the mesh or paper, providing additional nutrition to the plants. At the same time, the rules provided for planting seedlings of each crop are observed.

Rules for watering peat tablets

The degree of moisture content of peat tablets is strictly monitored: a dry substrate destroys the still weak root system of seedlings in a short time. Watering “tablet” seedlings is a delicate process. Top watering is undesirable as it can lead to diseases. Water strictly by adding water to the tray (container) where the tablets are placed. Particular difficulties arise when they stand in dense rows. Experts recommend using a syringe for watering: its thin spout easily penetrates to the bottom. It is also convenient to remove the remaining water after watering.

On a note! At high humidity In mini-greenhouses, mold may appear on the barrels of tablets. It can be easily removed with a cotton swab soaked in a disinfectant solution.

Cleanliness when working with seedlings, high speed of planting a large number of seeds, no need to pick seedlings, excellent seedling health - these are additional bonuses of using peat tablets. In addition, an individual approach to each sprout is possible - it is easy to place a slowly developing seedling in special conditions. Peat tablets - perfect solution, saving energy and time.

Many appreciated their contribution both to the preservation of seedlings and their better development, as well as to simplifying the process of breeding seedlings, making it more efficient. The idea is incredibly simple, like everything ingenious, but it did not mature immediately, but through the stage of producing peat cups from cardboard, which turned out to be not so effective. A completely different matter, a new proposal and cuttings of any crops with a delicate root system of seedlings, peat tablets for seedlings, we are going to talk about how to use them in this material.

What is new?

Thanks to modern technologies Many dreams of gardeners and vegetable gardeners come true, and this is how this miracle appeared - a peat tablet. Hard pressing of high-moor peat in certain sizes made it possible to create containers for seedlings that are as convenient as possible for transportation. In addition, the process of sowing seeds and monitoring their development has become much simpler, cleaner and more compact.

Round peat containers in their non-activated form actually have a tablet shape various sizes, covered with non-woven material - a mesh, which over time, after planting, decomposes. Each manufacturer produces such peat containers for planting seeds in a certain range of sizes; to summarize, it turns out that the diameter of peat tablets ranges from 24 mm to 90 mm, and the height from 8 mm to 30 mm.

In this new product, the manufacturers, together with the scientists-developers, have provided for almost all aspects of the process down to the smallest detail, for example, in the upper part of the peat tablets there is a recess for seeds. Agree that such an apparent trifle incredibly simplifies the process of planting seeds, making it so clean and neat that you can carry it out practically without gloves, without touching the peat at all.

Manufacturers initially add some microelements, growth stimulants, as well as substances that prevent the proliferation of bacteria to the porous dried peat substrate. All information can be read on the packaging of peat tablets for seedlings, as well as how to use them and what their price is.

When purchasing, you should not save and buy the cheapest ones possible, otherwise you may well end up with a fake that is of poor quality and destructive to the seedlings. The price of such peat tablets for seedlings cannot cost less than 5 rubles. per piece, but there are also more expensive ones; when choosing, you should focus on a well-known and positively proven manufacturer.

Foreign manufacturers of such tablets also produce similar analogues made from coconut fiber, which in all respects are completely identical to peat ones. Based on the tests carried out, as well as analyzing the reviews of gardeners and gardeners who used peat tablets on their plots, we can safely suggest purchasing such new products from domestic manufacturers Ecotorf and Ecosad, as they are of the highest quality and reliable. Ecosad also produces peat tablets with the addition of vermicompost, a substrate obtained as a result of the activity of earthworms, which significantly increases the nutritional value of the environment.

From foreign manufacturers, the most popular are Norwegian "Giffy-7", with a diameter of 24 - 50 mm, and Danish, with the addition of lime for disinfection and improvement of soil PH.

How to use peat tablets

Having purchased peat tablets, do not rush to activate them; first prepare everything you need to make the process as convenient and comfortable as possible, since even the manufacturers have taken care of this.

You will need one or more transparent containers, preferably with lids; these can be either special containers with heated bottoms, propagators, or simply improvised means found on your farm, for example, disposable plastic containers various sizes.

Small holes should be made in the bottoms and lids of such containers for a very specific purpose; at the bottom they are designed to drain excess moisture, and at the top for better air exchange inside a container in which a warm and humid microclimate must be maintained. We activate peat tablets for seedlings directly in the containers, as shown in the video how to use them.

In turn, all prepared containers should be placed on a tray and placed in a warm and bright place, but direct contact with young and tender seedlings should be avoided. sun rays. Why should the tray be placed on the windows on the east side, or on the west side, but not on the north, where they may well be uncomfortable and cold, and not on the south.

In addition to containers, you should prepare the seeds that you plan to plant in peat tablets, tweezers or a sharpened match, i.e. any improvised means with which you will plant small seeds.

Now that everything is prepared, we place the peat tablets in containers at some distance from each other, this is necessary so that when they grow through the mesh, which is quite normal, they cannot intertwine. Otherwise, when planting in the ground, you will have to separate them, tearing off the tender roots, nullifying all efforts and the very effect of using peat tablets.

Having laid out the peat tablets correctly, pour them one by one warm water, at a rate of approximately 150 ml per tablet. After we have done all this, we just have to wait for the peat tablets to increase in volume, this happens right before our eyes. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact time required to complete the process due to the number of factors involved. However, the approximate time period ranges from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, and the increase in volume occurs five to seven times.

How to plant seeds

Before planting seeds in peat tablets, they should not be soaked; wet peat, with its high water-retaining properties, is an ideal environment for seed germination.
Initially, you had to decide on the diameter of the peat tablet; for very small seeds you should not choose a size that is too large, the root system may not fill the entire container and fungi and others may form in the voids.

So, if the seeds are not too small, for example cucumbers or tomatoes, then we lay them out manually, lowering them into the preserved holes, when the peat tablet for seedlings swells, how to use it is shown in the photo.

When planting very small seeds, for example some flowers, you should use prepared improvised devices, with the help of which the planted seeds are lightly covered with a small amount of peat collected on the sides of the hole. The thickness of the peat layer covering the seeds should not exceed 1–2 cm.

When planting seeds - pills, the shell can be lightly washed off with a drop of water and a match or toothpick.

Thanks to the use of peat tablets, the most possible favorable conditions for germination are created for the seeds, which is what happens in reality, the indicators reach 100%, and with conventional agricultural technology, such results can only be achieved theoretically.

Seedling care

What is attractive about the method of planting seeds in peat tablets is that every stage of the entire process is simplified as much as possible, from planting itself, care to replanting in the ground.

All care, with proper provision of heat and light, comes down to regular watering; peat does not tolerate a lack of moisture, which can negatively affect the root system, as well as regular ventilation.

When watering, you should simply pour warm water into the pan, and spray the hatched sprouts from a humidifier.

For regular ventilation, which should be carried out at least once a day, you should simply remove the lid from the common container for an hour to an hour and a half.

Care measures include the possibility of regularly moving seedlings in a common container provided by peat tablets, as well as grouping them by degree of development. Such movements are necessary to provide all seedlings with the same conditions for development.

Another advantage of using peat tablets is that it simplifies the process of growing seedlings by an entire complex, labor-intensive and important stage, namely picking. Due to this, the root system is not injured and tender seedlings do not experience stress that inhibits their development.

Also, with the use of peat tablets for seedlings, how to use which we have already described, such an acute problem as “black leg” in seedlings goes into oblivion, and rotting of roots is also impossible, since the porous structure of peat allows the root system to “breathe” freely .

Landing in the ground

This most important stage is also greatly simplified thanks to the use of peat tablets.

Having prepared the soil in advance, removing weeds and loosening it, we make holes according to the seedling planting pattern, which is typical for each individual crop.
Planting of seedlings should be done after seventeen hours, watering the prepared holes with warm water.

We plant actively developing peat tablets, one in each hole, without removing the mesh, which allows the substrate to retain its shape and not damage the thin and delicate roots.

We sprinkle the peat tablet with soil, lightly compact it and water it. Another advantage when using peat tablets is that there is no need to feed young seedlings; the nutrients in the peat substrate will last them for a long time. As a result of the “loss” of another important stage in the process, the risk that tender roots may be burned during feeding also disappears, common reason their death.

Thus, the advantages of using peat tablets are reduced to an impressive list:
- ease of transportation when purchased a large number of peat tablets;
- simplicity of the process of planting seeds;
- simplification of seedling care;
- eliminating the possibility of root rotting due to their good aeration;
- preservation of the root system when transplanting into the ground, which increases the chances of survival and obtaining a good harvest;
- no need for picking;
- exclusion of fertilizing in the early stages of plant development.

Peat tablets are an excellent material that allows you to grow a strong and strong plant from a small, weak seed with 100% survival rate thanks to a well-formed powerful root system. Moreover, no one disturbs the root system of plants when planting in open ground, since the plant is planted together with a tablet, which over time freely dissolves in the soil.

Growing in peat tablets

Any crop can be grown in peat tablets. It is especially recommended for growing crops that do not tolerate transplantation well, or especially expensive seeds, when the percentage of failure in germination needs to be reduced to zero. Obviously, if you purchased seeds of an expensive variety, you need to get germination as fully as possible. It is precisely in this case that the use of peat tablets allows you to avoid mistakes in growing. Planted one seed at a time and grow it quietly.

Peat tablets are convenient to use when growing and picking seedlings, rooting cuttings and germinating flower bulbs. What works best in a peat substrate is:

  • cultivation,
  • receiving ,
  • growing seedlings;
  • cultivation (as well as),
  • rooting cuttings during propagation;
  • growing seedlings;
  • sprouting bulbs;
  • growing seedlings;
  • reproduction .

Peat pots are a suitable planting option. The tablet does not contain pathogens, since the peat used to make the tablets is thermally treated. Therefore, when growing seedlings in tablets, the possibility of developing root rot and blackleg is minimized. This is especially important for tomatoes, asters, cabbage, and petunias. And cucumbers and cabbage grown in tablets take root quickly and without problems.

Additional information about the timing, rules for growing and caring for tomato seedlings:

  • Moreover, cucumbers begin to bear fruit 10-14 days earlier than those grown simply in pots.
  • After all, when planting a seedling from a pot, the root system is still injured, especially the root tips, which are extremely important for the nutrition and water supply of plants.

Therefore, peat cups are considered ideal for growing any crops.

How to use peat tablets for planting seedlings

Peat tablets can also be used when planting seedlings in a permanent place, if you grew them in the usual way. Moreover, the addition of crushed tablets during planting significantly increases the yield. In this case, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering.

Add to the planting hole:

  • 2 tablets for a grape seedling when planting or transplanting;
  • 4 tablets for a fruit seedling when planting or transplanting;
  • 1 – 4 tablets for cassette or other method of growing seedlings in soil mixture;
  • 1 – 2 tablets when planting potatoes in each cell.

As a result of using the tablet, water and air mode in the root zone of plants, the root system becomes powerful and resistant to stress, and the activity of soil flora increases. As a result, plant immunity is strengthened and environmentally friendly yield increases.

Valeria Stakhneva, agronomist at the Blooming Garden garden center

DIY peat tablets (video)

The ingredients you will need are high-moor peat and coconut substrate. A peat mixture is prepared, compressed using a pipe and a sleeve, then wrapped in cling film. The resulting peat cups can be used for growing seedlings without picking or with transshipment without damaging the root system of the seedlings. You can make briquettes from a mixture of high-moor peat and coconut substrate at home. Peat pots are convenient to use for growing seedlings without picking or transferring without damaging the roots. From the specified quantity, 50 peat pots are obtained.

To make peat tablets you will need:

  • one package of high-moor peat (it is porous and absorbs moisture well);
  • one briquette of coconut substrate (in briquettes);
  • polypropylene pipe 50x150 mm;
  • wooden sleeve (pusher, rolling pin) with a diameter of approx. 42 mm;
  • cling film;
  • container with water (5-liter bucket);
  • container for mixing peat mixture (large basin),
  • pan 15 cm high;
  • plastic container (box, fruit basket);
  • hammer.

The diameter of the sleeve should be slightly smaller than the internal diameter of the pipe: it should pass freely, but not dangle. A 30 mm self-tapping screw and 3 5 mm washers are screwed into the sleeve. This screw will make holes for the seeds. It is best to work with peat tablets on the floor, having previously covered the surface with oilcloth or film.

Photo: Ingredients for peat tablets at home

How to make peat tablets with your own hands

  • Soak the coconut briquette in water. After the coconut substrate has soaked, mix it with peat. Remove sticks and twigs so that the mixture is homogeneous.
  • Pour the peat mixture into the pan to the edges, without compacting it. Lower the pipe into the mixture, twisting until it stops. We insert the sleeve into the pipe and press (using a hammer) the tablet, twisting the sleeve between blows. We take out the pipe and use the sleeve to push the tablet out of the pipe.
  • Cut the cling film 16-17 cm wide and roll the finished tablet into the film. We close the bottom edge, leaving the top open. The height of the film should be higher than the peat briquette, because then, as the glass swells, it increases in height (does not change in width).
  • Place the finished tablet vertically in the box.
  • Add the mixture to the pan so that the level remains constant. We repeat all the steps.