Pillows for sleeping while sitting – a review of original solutions. Reading pillow in bed - what is an accessory? Criteria for choosing an office pillow

Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects general condition health. Some suffer from insomnia due to complications of chronic diseases, others - due to DC voltage and inability to relieve stress. Wrong mode taught by students, especially those who are forced to combine work with study. And although managers are unlikely to appreciate a pillow for sleeping in the office, many employees will definitely like it. What models can be found on sale? What are their features and advantages?

What does chronic lack of sleep lead to?

Everyone has heard that you need to sleep at least 8 hours. During this time, the body has time to rest and recover. But not everyone knows that chronic lack of sleep is a cause for the development of serious diseases:

  • obesity – when sleep patterns are disturbed, metabolism is disrupted and the production of stress hormones is activated, which cause a constant feeling of hunger;
  • premature aging - at about 2 am the hormone melatonin is produced most actively, it is this hormone that prolongs youth; In addition, due to lack of sleep, dark circles and bags under the eyes appear;
  • decreased immunity - for those who sleep less than 7 hours, the body's protective functions weaken, which leads to frequent colds, fatigue, and general lethargy;
  • cancer – lack of melanin can cause an increase in the number of cancer cells;
  • diabetes – poor sleep disrupts the breakdown of glucose, which leads to the development of second degree diabetes;
  • hypertension – those who get up before 8 o’clock have an increased chance of high blood pressure;
  • vision – sleep problems can result in the development of glaucoma, ischemic neuropathy or papilledema.

And this is far from full list problems that people who have disrupted sleep patterns may face.

However, the inability to get enough sleep at home arises not only because of health problems, but also for many other reasons: a sick child, cheerful neighbors, an exciting TV series. Anyone looking for a little relief from daytime sleepiness will love a desk nap pillow.

Types of pillows for sleeping in the office

Manufacturers do not forget about those who cannot get enough sleep at home normal conditions, and offer to use a pillow for sleeping at the workplace. These are the models we managed to find on the net.

Ostrich pillow

According to the manufacturer, An ostrich pillow will help you sleep comfortably anywhere: at your desk, in the airport lounge, on a bench in the park. The pillow is a soft helmet from a spacesuit.

The “cocoon” is put on the head and has slots for the hands. It helps you gain privacy and reduce noise.. There is no need to plug your ears with earplugs.

The pillow has a soft filling, so you can “lie down” in it on a hard table, for example, in the office or in the library when preparing coursework. In addition, you will find yourself in absolute darkness, which is also nice for those who want to get a good night's sleep.

Special ventilation holes in the design help you breathe calmly.

Tie pillow

This accessory can hardly be called orthopedic, but it can easily replace a pillow for sleeping in the office. An ordinary-looking tie has a built-in inflatable pillow, which at the right moment is quickly inflated and placed on the table. It inflates in a similar way to inflatable neck models or bath pillows.

The sleeping place is ready, and you don’t have to worry about a bruised face. Wherein no need to take off the tie, and if the bosses unexpectedly come with an audit, you can quickly take on the appearance of a disciplined worker (if your colleagues, of course, wake you up).

The American manufacturer offers more than 60 different color scheme ties, so choosing the perfect one for a business suit will not be difficult.

The inflatable pillow can support heads weighing up to 11 kg. You can use it not only at the workplace, but also during a long return from work on the subway or commuter train.

"Manual" pillow"

Studio "Banana Things" developed Ostrich mini pillow for sleeping at the workplace. You can put it on your palm and, resting your chin, take a nap. Another option is to put it on your elbow, place it on the table, and place your head on top. Pillow It has compact size, so it fits easily in a desk drawer. Ideal for napping during your lunch break.

By the way, you can make something similar yourself. You need to sew something similar to an armlet and put a soft filler (foam rubber, padding polyester or other material) into this case. It is much more comfortable to sleep at the table on such a hand.

We wish you a good night's sleep the right conditions! A wide range of Ormatek pillows will help you with this. But, if sleep still finds you at work, use useful devices so as not to suffer after waking up from a stiff neck.

Do you like to sleep at a convenient moment? Do you prefer to spend your lunch break on a pleasant, useful rest? Do you travel often? A modern and functional ostrich pillow is perfect for you!

With this product you will be able to quickly get a good night's sleep and get a boost of energy for the whole day. The pillow attracts with its original shape, allowing you to completely isolate yourself from the outside world and literally immerse yourself in peace and quiet. The famous thing was called “ostrich”, since a person wearing this pillow on his head resembles the same ostrich who plunged his head into the sand, abstracting himself from reality. This is how it’s very comfortable to relax!

Dip your head into the best pillow for sleeping: the ostrich will give you comfort!

The functional Ostrich Pillow provides maximum comfort and Better conditions for a restful sleep. With it you can quickly enjoy wonderful dreams, even when the environment is noisy, bright lights are annoying, vanity and polyphony reign.

A number of advantages of the pillow make it indispensable for all lovers of healthy sleep:

  • The ostrich pillow fits your head: just put on the product to stop seeing and hearing everything that surrounds you.
  • There is a hole for the nose and mouth, small aesthetically designed slits on the top of the pillow. A person breathes calmly, can say something if necessary, there is no harmful greenhouse effect. Provides unique ventilation optimal microclimate and guarantees healthy sleep.
  • With such a pillow on your head, you can sleep in any position, not only lying, but even sitting. The tight collar fits the neck perfectly and prevents tension in the neck and spine.
  • You can hide your hands in the slot on the top and sleep in the most comfortable position.
  • The pillow looks aesthetically pleasing, will attract everyone's attention, and cause delight with its practicality and stylish design.
  • Color: gray, blue
  • Size: 42 x 33 x 15 cm
  • Material: soft fabric, holofiber
  • Manufacture: China

An excellent choice is to buy an ostrich pillow for yourself or purchase it as a gift. This unusual, useful and versatile item will be useful to everyone!

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A working person may experience lack of sleep, and if it becomes chronic, it will lead to health problems. But you can relax and get some sleep outside the home. For a short rest, a pillow for comfortable sleep at the workplace is suitable. Find out what this accessory can be and what benefits it will bring.

Sleep is necessary to restore the body and should last at least eight hours a day. But not everyone has the opportunity to rest for so long: many do not get enough sleep and are forced to spend a lot of time at work. Chronic lack of sleep threatens health and leads to problems. Consequences of sleep deficiency:

  • Decreased immunity. Lack of sleep is a serious burden that exhausts the body, weakens defenses and leads to frequent colds and poor health.
  • Mental disorders. Nervous system rest is needed, and if it is not enough, problems arise various problems: neuroses, depression, neurasthenia, increased nervous excitability.
  • Decreased concentration, memory deterioration, problems with logical thinking, decreased brain activity.
  • Premature aging. With a lack of sleep, the body is exhausted, all systems and organs work for wear. During rest, cell regeneration occurs, and with prolonged wakefulness, the tissues do not have time to recover. Hormones responsible for preserving youth, such as melatonin, are also not produced.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. The body tries to compensate for the effects of lack of sleep by increasing levels blood pressure which leads to the development of hypertension.
  • Increased risk of developing cancer. Due to a decrease in the amount of the hormone melatonin, it increases Negative influence free radicals that provoke degeneration and mutation of healthy cells.
  • If you have to sit at a computer for a long time, the eye muscles become very tense and vision deteriorates. Lack of sleep aggravates the situation, but if the eyes are closed for at least half an hour, they relax and recover from stress.
  • Metabolic disorders. An imbalance between rest and wakefulness disrupts metabolism, and as it slows down, body weight increases. Some hormones are produced only during sleep, and a decrease in their levels leads to disruptions. Lack of sleep negatively affects the breakdown of glucose, which over time provokes the development of diabetes mellitus. Also, lack of sleep causes the synthesis of stress hormones, causing a feeling of hunger.

Sleep deficiency negatively affects all areas of life. Lack of sleep interferes with career growth, reduces productivity and causes common mistakes V labor activity. Lack of rest leads to problems in the family and personal relationships. Constant lack of sleep significantly reduces the quality of life and causes the body to experience stress.

Types of pillows

A pillow designed for sleeping outside the home allows you to rest comfortably at your workplace without being distracted from the process or embarrassing your colleagues. It helps create a comfortable place to rest your head on a soft surface, minimizing discomfort and neck strain. All such accessories perform the same functions, but the configuration and design differ. The varieties are discussed below.

Ostrich pillow

The Ostrich Pillow was developed by specialists from the Kawamura-Ganjavian company. It is a hybrid of bedding and a voluminous hat. The accessory is made of breathable, pleasant materials and has an elastic soft filler that provides comfort while resting.

The pillow looks like a cap or helmet from a spacesuit, put on the head and having holes for the face (or its individual parts - mouth and nose) and hands. The accessory is comfortable for sleeping while sitting at the table: the head is completely covered, the ears are protected from extraneous sounds, and the hands are inside. This creates a small personal space and a calm, secluded atmosphere, even when working in a room where other people are. The sleeping person's face is hidden from prying eyes and bright daylight, he cannot hear conversations and can breathe freely thanks to the holes.

An ostrich pillow can be used for sleeping at a desk in the office, for relaxing when flying on an airplane or traveling on a train, or while staying in the waiting room. The accessory has a cool design and attracts attention, but if the owner is ready for surprised looks and jokes, then he will be able to relax and get a good night's sleep. You can buy the device for 60-75 dollars.

"Manual" pillow

A “manual” pillow is suitable for sleeping on a table. The accessory is filled with soft elastic material and has slots. You can place your palm in the small hole to rest your chin and rest peacefully. The entire arm is passed through two large slits; as a result, the pillow ends up in the elbow area and turns into a comfortable place to sleep if you place the part inside under your head.

The accessory is small in size and fits on a shelf or in a desk drawer. It is suitable for relaxing during lunch break or at other times. A device called “Ostrich Pillow Mini” was developed in the “Banana Things” studio for office and other workers who are forced to spend a lot of time at the workplace and suffer from chronic lack of sleep. Cost – 20-30 dollars.

Tie pillow

A tie pillow is an accessory for men that not only complements a business look, but also allows you to get a good night's sleep in the office. The fabric cover, identical in appearance to a classic tie, has an inflatable part that is filled with air through a valve and increases in size, providing a soft surface for the head.

Having inflated the accessory, you can take a nap in a sitting position, resting your head on a table, shoulder or the back of a chair in public transport. When deflated, the pillow is no different from a tie, so it will go unnoticed. The device can withstand loads of up to 11 kilograms. Manufacturer ( American company) offers sixty color variations, so choosing a tie to match your business suit will be easy. The price is approximately $20.


Another variety is a device in the form of a chair. The pillow is used for reading while sitting in bed, but is also suitable for sleeping in an office chair. It can have a chair design with a back and headrest, but there are models in the form of soft triangular supports for the back and bolsters for the head.

Typically, the device is placed on the bed for comfortable placement while reading or watching TV, which reduces the load on the spine, minimizes curvature and prevents overstrain of the neck muscles. The pillow will also fit into an office chair and is suitable for relaxing at work.

The benefits of short naps in the workplace

Pillow for sleeping at work – useful device. Firstly, it will allow you to relax and relieve tension. Secondly, a twenty-minute nap will increase performance by 30%, and scientists have proven this. With a little sleep, you will continue to work more productively and actively. Thirdly, rest will help you put your thoughts in order and make the right decision. Fourthly, you will protect yourself from stress and overwork.

A pillow for sleeping at work is a way to quickly restore strength and avoid the consequences of chronic lack of sleep. All people who spend a lot of time at work and experience sleep deprivation should purchase this device.

Healthy sleep is the key to a good mood and productive work. Especially if you sleep during the working day. On World Sleep Day, we have prepared for you the TOP 10 products that are essential for sound and comfortable sleep at work.

Eye stickers called “Watching Eye” - perfect option for those who like to sleep at work. They will give you the opportunity to take a nap at your desk without arousing the suspicion of others. Just stick the “waking eye” on your closed eyelid, and sleep peacefully - everyone around you will think that you continue to actively work. Some options look a little creepy, but you can choose stickers that are most similar to your eyes.

Price: 50 rubles
Where can I buy: Darimax.ru

A sleep mask will save you from bright office lights. It is made of soft and pleasant to the touch material that does not transmit either natural or artificial light. The front side of the mask imitates a sticker and informs everyone about the benefits of eight hours of sleep at work. With such an item, you are reliably protected from the encroachments of colleagues on the sacred - daytime sleep.

Price: 490 rubles
Where can I buy: Mrgeek.ru

Knitted pillow with polystyrene foam filling - must have for office sleepers. Small sizes pillows will allow you to hide it in a desk drawer at the right time, and a cool inscription will remind you that there are things in life that are more important than work. Small polystyrene granules inside allow you to use the accessory not only for sleep, but also for relieving stress. All you have to do is knead the pillow in your hands for a couple of minutes, and the anger is gone.

400 rubles
Where can I buy: Pum-pu.ru

Another creative option for a pillow for the office is in the shape of a smartphone. This gadget is convenient to use for office sleep. If your boss catches you at an inopportune moment, you can always pretend that you are talking on the “phone” with a client. The pillow has a vibration mode that will make your daytime rest even more comfortable.

Price: 1450 rubles
Where can I buy: E-xpedition.ru

If you know exactly how long your boss will be away from the office, a dynamite alarm clock will help you wake up at the right time. The alarm clock looks like a stick of dynamite: a corresponding design, a dial and four colored wires. Having heard the bell, or rather the squeak of the alarm clock at the appointed time, you need to quickly disconnect one of the four wires - otherwise the dynamite will work. There is only 5 seconds for everything. The model runs on a lithium battery, charged from a computer via USB. The thing will also be useful for those who regularly wake up from work.

Price: 1490 rubles
Where can I buy: Mrgeek.ru

A warm blanket made of soft polyester will add comfort to office everyday life. Unlike ordinary blankets, it has sleeves, so it does not restrict movement when working at the computer. If you decide to sleep at work, a blanket will perfectly serve as a blanket. Finally, it will protect against cold air-conditioned air and warm you up in the off-season, when the heating is not yet turned on in the office.

Price: 1999 rubles
Where can I buy: Mediamarkt.ru

"Happy hours

Did your boss catch you sleeping at work? Even false eyes and a pillow-phone didn't help? Another option to justify yourself is a watch with missing numbers. With such wall clock You can always say that the working day has already ended, which means that sleeping at the table is not forbidden.

Price: 616 rubles
Where can I buy: Pum-pu.ru

It is better to fall asleep at work to the soothing sound of the surf, and not to the phone calls and conversations of colleagues. Unusual headphones will help create the perfect background for sleep. Made in the shape of bananas, they not only isolate you from external noise, but also demonstrate to others your sense of humor and originality.

Price: 999 rubles
Where can I buy: Presentario.ru

If you have vivid dreams at work, you can’t do without a special notepad for writing. It’s not a good idea to write them down in a diary, is it? A notebook from the Eksmo publishing house, made in the form of a book - stylish and practical accessory, which will be a wonderful decoration for your desktop.

Price: 242 rubles
Where can I buy: Bookvoed.ru

Why do you dream about a naked boss? Burnt down office? Million salary? The images will be deciphered by a large universal dream book, which contains 120 thousand interpretations of dreams. According to the publishers, the book contains the most complete interpretations adapted to modern realities. They will allow the reader to decipher the meanings of dreams himself and turn this activity into an exciting game.

Price: 366 rubles
Where can I buy: Ozon.ru

Alena Yarkova, who also loves to sleep

With the help of short restorative sleep, you can increase your productivity and performance by 30%. And therefore, a pillow for comfortable sleep in the workplace can become an indispensable device. It will give you the opportunity to sit in the office, and at the same time relax as comfortably as in your own bed. Below are the most common and original views products.

This pillow for sleeping while sitting is really popular. Many companies are engaged in the production of headrests, offering unusual design solutions. This is an excellent choice for both adults and children. The products are able to support the head in a healthy position, relieving tension from the cervical spine.

Today on sale you can find headrest pillows for sleeping at work, made in the shape of funny animals: elephants, cats, giraffes and others. Single-color and multi-colored models in the shape of a semicircle are also relevant.

Sleeping headrests really make falling asleep easier. They are filled with many tiny beads and are easy to take needed by a person form. Universal size.


It is worth taking a closer look at these models. The development belongs to British designers. It allows you to fall asleep wherever you need to: on the train, at your workplace, in a cafe. The name of the pillow was given not by its shape or color, but by its operating principle. The product is made in the shape of a huge bag. The design has three holes: for the head and for the hands. By sticking your head in such a bag, you will hide like an ostrich in the sand.

Despite its large dimensions, the product is quite compact and lightweight. It won't take up much space when folded. The giant headdress is capable of covering the head completely - from the crown to the shoulders. In addition to the above holes, there are small holes for the mouth and nose.

One of the features of the ostrich pillow is its double-sided design. On one side it is blue, on the other it is gray. The product is made of very soft and delicate material on both sides. And therefore you will not feel any discomfort while resting.

The development is really convenient and thoughtful. The design is such that the corresponding compartments take the shape of the neck and head, allowing you to rest in comfort. You don't have to worry about a stiff neck or headache after sleep. Even the seams are made in such a way that the pillow seems to be a single whole.

Easy synthetic material, which the “ostrich” is filled with not only provides the neck and head with the necessary support. But it also protects hearing from extraneous sounds. Your sleep will be sound and restful.

Under the back

Such pillows have more traditional look, in comparison with "ostriches". They can be used at home, in the office or inside the car. They support the spine in a healthy position and are an excellent preventive measure against postural disorders.

The shape of the product is standard rectangular. The special feature is the presence of fixing straps. They suggest attaching the pillow to a child's highchair, work seat or car seat. Children's models can be made in the shape of various animals.

Toys and anti-stress

Despite the fact that these products are for children, adults will also like them. Transformable pillows are made in the shape of various animals. But once you turn them inside out, you will have a comfortable sleeping accessory in your hands.

Anti-stress models or so-called mnushki should be included in this category. Just like in headrest products, there is a special filler inside them (tiny balls). They are able to relieve fatigue and tension from the body. If you knead them in your hands and hug them, you can also get rid of nervous tension and stress.


The original Glo Pillow will appeal to those who want to relax at work. But he is afraid to oversleep, for example, an important meeting. Wind it up for the desired time, and 40 minutes before the sound signal goes off, the bedding will begin to glow with slowly increasing intensity.

The product has an effect rising sun, thanks to which you will wake up softly. And not abruptly and immediately, as with a regular alarm clock. It is known that painless awakening takes just 40 minutes.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.