Gender by month of conception and age. Conception calendar by mother's age and month of conception. Methods for determining the gender of a baby at home

Thanks to modern diagnostic equipment, parents can find out the sex of their unborn child before birth. The most accurate method is ultrasound diagnostics, performed no earlier than 20-26 weeks. To help couples who want to predict or find out their gender early pregnancy, come people's councils. Execute independent calculations A Chinese table or horoscope, birth charts for girls and boys, and other techniques will help.

Is it possible to calculate the gender of a child with 100% probability?

For some parents, the desire to find out the gender of the child in advance is not a whim, but an opportunity to conduct early diagnosis of hereditary diseases. It is possible to calculate the sex of a child using a special table for determining the baby’s gender in a matter of minutes. This will help you get ready for sexual intercourse on the day when the conception table indicates the desired gender of the baby.

The Chinese table for determining the sex of a child was developed more than 700 years ago. Even emperors used it when they needed to guess who would be born into a family. However, Chinese sages believed that the sex of the baby depends solely on the mother. Scientists have proven the opposite - it is the sperm of a man that are the carriers of the X and Y chromosomes, and the gender of the child depends on them.

You can also consider Japanese conception tables, from which the sex of the baby can be easily calculated based on the age of the parents. Can the date of birth of the father and mother influence the fact that after many years it is the sperm with the X or Y chromosome that will be the most resilient and dexterous?

The IVF procedure combined with ICSI (preimplantation genotyping) allows you to 100% predict the gender of a child. The accuracy of birth tables is comparable to a coin tossed up (50 to 50).

Methods for determining the gender of a baby at home

Unscientific and pseudo-scientific methods used at home are popular among couples when planning conception. According to statistical surveys, ancient chinese calendar allows you to calculate gender with 75% accuracy, the Japanese system is 56% accurate. To make the prognosis more likely, it is recommended to use other methods in parallel, combine them, evaluate the results and then plan conception.

Calculation according to the Chinese table

There are 2 options for determining the gender of a child in Chinese:

  • Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child. Allows you to calculate the dependence of the child’s gender on the lunar month of conception and the age of the mother. The probability of having a boy or girl is indicated as a percentage.
  • Chinese gender determination calendar. It is based on the dependence of the baby’s gender on the age of the mother and the lunar month when conception took place. The probability of having a boy and a girl are marked with “-” and “+” signs.
Mother's ageTime of conception
21 years oldMDDDDDDDDDDD
23 years oldMMDMMDMDMMMD
41 years oldMDMDMDMMDMDM
44 years oldMMDMMMDMDMDD

To renew the blood of the future mother and father

The Karagodin method is based on the opinion that blood renewal in the female body occurs every 3 years, and in the male body - 4. The baby inherits the gender of the parent whose blood is younger at the time of conception. If a woman has a negative Rh factor, the rule works the other way around. The gender of the baby will be the same as that of the parent with “older” blood. For calculations, special online calculators are used. If one of the parents had a history of blood loss, blood renewal is counted from the date of this event.

By date of last menstruation

The theory of the Polish doctor Frantisek Benedo will allow women with a regular cycle to plan the sex of the child. If you want to conceive a boy, conception should occur 13-14 days after the start of your period. When conception occurs at the beginning or end of the cycle (on days 8-10, days 15-16), there is a high probability of having a girl.

The opinion is based on the fact that sperm carrying the X chromosome (female) are more resilient, but slower. They reach the fallopian tubes 1-2 days after intercourse. Carriers of the Y chromosome are less tenacious, but reach their goal faster. On the day of ovulation, they have a greater chance of meeting an egg.

Another popular calculation option, which takes into account the last date of menstruation:

  • the woman’s full age is added to the month of conception, for example, January (1);
  • 1 is added to this amount;
  • if the number is odd, a boy will be born, and vice versa.

Japanese fertility chart

Includes 2 tables. Using the first, the control value should be determined by the month of birth of the expectant mother and father. In the second table, using the resulting figure, you can see the gender of the child.

Table 1.

Month of birth
Man's birth month
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctbut IDec
Jan1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Feb10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
Mar7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Apr4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
May1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Jun10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
Jul7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Aug4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
Sep1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Oct10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
but I7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Dec4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12

Table 2.

1 2 3 4 5 6 boygirl7 8 9 10 11 12
MarAprMayJunJulAugXxxx Jan
AprMayJunJulAugSepXxx JanFeb
MayJunJulAugSepOctxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX JanFebMar
JunJulAugSepOctbut IXX JanFebMarApr
JulAugSepOctbut IDecXX JanFebMarAprMay
AugSepOctbut IDec XXJanFebMarAprMayJun
SepOctbut IDec xxxxxXFebMarAprMayJunJul
Octbut IDec XxxxxxxxxxxxxxMarAprMayJunJulAug
but IDec xxxxXAprMayJunJulAugSep
Dec xxxXMayJunJulAugSepOct
XXJunJulAugSepOctbut I
XXJulAugSepOctbut IDec
XxxAugSepOctbut IDec
XXSepOctbut IDec
xxxxxxxxxxxXOctbut IDec
xxxxxbut IDec

Other methods

Other methods are available at home:

  • Conception date. If unprotected sex occurs during ovulation, the likelihood of having a boy is higher. When the partners are a little hasty or late, a girl will be born. To correctly calculate the dates, it is important to check the menstrual calendar that the woman keeps.
  • The numerological table of Pythagoras allows you to calculate the total number of the parents’ first and last names, to which is added the number of the month of pregnancy according to the obstetric calendar. If an even result is obtained, a girl is predicted.
  • Determination of sex based on the blood type of the parents. If the blood groups match, a boy will be born (if the blood is of groups 1, 2) or a girl (if the blood is of groups 3, 4). If there is a mismatch, a boy will be born if groups 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 1 and 4 are combined.
Blood typeFather
Mothers1 2 3 4

Diagnostic methods for determining the sex of a child

For many couples, it does not matter what gender the baby appears in the family. The main thing is that he is healthy and happy. However, if conception has already occurred, many can’t wait to quickly find out who has settled in their mother’s belly. The easiest way is to perform a routine ultrasound at 16-20 weeks. Among the others scientific methods can be used:

  • Chorionic villus biopsy. The procedure is done early (7th week of pregnancy) to identify chromosomal abnormalities. There are strict indications for it, since there is a high risk of embryo loss. At the same time, the baby’s gender can be assessed.
  • Special pharmacy tests TestPol. Developed in 2007, their reliability reaches 90-99%. Application features are described in the instructions. Urine is taken for analysis. If the stripe turns green, you should wait for your son. When she's yellow or orange color- there will be a daughter.
  • DNA test. An expensive but error-free test to determine the sex of the baby using the mother’s blood from the 7th week after conception. An alternative is the less expensive, but reliable and fast TestPol.

Every expectant mother wants to find out the gender of her baby as early as possible. Using medical methods (ultrasound), this can be done no earlier than the second trimester of pregnancy. And then, sometimes mistakes happen. All that remains is to trust the “pseudo-scientific” and folk methods, of which there are a lot now.

Determining the sex of a child is possible using the following methods: by the date of conception, by the renewal of the blood of his parents, by the Chinese calendar, by blood type. Let's look at each of these techniques in a little more detail.

Calculating the sex of a child based on the date of conception

As you know, the sex of a child is determined at the moment of conception, the fusion of sperm and egg. The egg does not have a “sex”; the sperm is the carrier of the sex gene. So, contrary to popular belief, the sex of a child depends entirely on the man, or more precisely on his sperm.

If fertilization occurs with a sperm carrying the X chromosome, the result will be a girl, if it is XY, the result will be a boy. Now about the date of conception. As you know, conception can only occur during the period of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube). This happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle. Spermatozoa, carriers of the XY chromosome, are faster than sperm of the X chromosome, but “live” in the female genital tract much less. Therefore, if you want a boy, try to plan your conception exactly on the day of ovulation.

We determine the gender of a child by “renewing” the blood of the parents

This is a very interesting theory that has existed and shown quite high reliability for many years. Some researchers believe that people's blood is renewed every few years. Moreover, for men this process occurs once every 4 years, and for women - once every 3 years. Blood renewal can also occur in other situations. For example, when donating blood for donor purposes, transfusion and large blood loss, due to surgery, childbirth, etc. Be sure to take these facts into account when calculating.

Let's try to make a calculation.

The man is 35 years old. The woman is 26 years old.

We look at the remainder in the resulting figures. The future father has 6, and the future mother has 5. Calculations show that they will have a daughter.

It is also possible to determine the sex of the unborn child based on the blood type and Rh factor of his parents. Although, these methods are very contradictory and can hardly be trusted. Both methods are presented below.

Table No. 1 gender of the child according to the blood type of the parents:

Table No. 2 gender of the child according to the Rh factor of the parents:

Ancient Chinese table (calendar) for calculating the sex of a child

Using the sign below, you can determine the gender of your unborn child. This Chinese calendar is said to be over 700 years old. And its original is kept at the Institute of Sciences in Beijing.

All that is needed for this is to know the exact month of conception of the child (this is the main problem). Few women know the exact day of ovulation, especially those who have an irregular menstrual cycle. Select your age in the vertical column of the table, and the month of conception in the horizontal row. And at their intersection you will see the expected gender of the child.

18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Folk signs

In addition to all kinds of mathematical techniques, there are also folk beliefs. Many of them are probably known to you.

* If a pregnant woman retains her waist during a long period of time (if you look at her from behind), then a boy will be born.

* Boys usually behave more actively and move more.

* Women expecting the birth of daughters are more likely to experience toxicosis, acne, stretch marks, etc. They say that girls "take away the beauty" from their mothers.

* If a pregnant woman constantly has the urge to eat something sweet (especially if there was no such craving before pregnancy), a daughter will be born. If you crave meat products, a son will be born.

* The younger the woman, the more likely it is that her firstborn will be a son.

* The shorter the period between births for one woman, the greater the likelihood that her second child will be of a different gender.

* Parents over 30 are more likely to have daughters.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is possible to determine the gender of a child with 100% accuracy only using certain medical methods, but it just doesn’t make sense to carry out such tests. It is too expensive, and in some cases it is not even safe for the fetus. It is better to calmly wait for the birth of the child. And it makes no difference what gender he will be, the main thing is that he is healthy! Well, during pregnancy you can try the methods described in this article. Which of them work and which don’t will become clear after childbirth.

What affects the gender of the baby

The sex of the child is greatly influenced by the father's sperm. Male eggs (sperm) carry both X and Y chromosomes. Up to 5 weeks, the embryo remains bisexual with characteristics of both sexes.

Useful publications

· lack of sex in a man,

· alcohol abuse,

· smoking,

Excessive indulgence in fatty and fried foods,

· high body temperature.

Sperm containing X chromosomes (future girls) are more resilient. They are not afraid of rare sex or smoking of one of their parents.


Chinese baby gender chart

In China, such a table was invented in ancient times. Moreover, the Chinese consider it 100% accurate. But according to reviews from mothers who gave birth to babies, this forecast is not always true. Perhaps because in the Celestial Empire it is customary to consider a person’s age from the moment of conception. Therefore, when determining the sex of the baby, add another 9 months to your real age.

It’s easy to use the scheme, for this:

    • First, calculate how old you are by Chinese standards, add 7-9 months to your full years;
    • Then, vertically, find the number corresponding to your full age, and horizontally, find the month of birth;
  • Draw imaginary lines, their intersection will indicate who you will have: D - girl, M - boy.

Child gender table by month of conception

It was in China that they believed that the phase of the moon has an influence on the gender of the unborn child. Therefore, scientists suggested that the table takes into account the lunar phases. Others believe that the scheme was drawn up based on studies of the influence of a woman’s age and date of birth on the sex of the baby. As mentioned above, to determine whether you are having a boy or a girl, you need to know not only the age of the mother, but also the month the baby was conceived.

IMPORTANT: However, it is a pity that assumptions do not always come true. Predictions are 78.9% reliable out of 100% possible.

Useful publications

Video: Gender of the child by date of conception - table

Calculation of gender based on parents' blood type

A table for conceiving the gender of a child based on the combination of parents’ blood groups is popular with 75% of couples. Based on blood type, parents can calculate the chance of conceiving a boy or a girl even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Every person is born with a different blood type. There are 4 such groups. When certain blood types are combined, the possibility of having a boy or girl increases.

Calculation of gender based on the Rh factor of the parents

Using the Rh blood factor table, some parents plan the sex of their unborn child. In 65 percent of cases, the method gives positive results.

Exact table for determining the sex of a child by mother's age

To calculate the gender of the unborn child - boy or girl, you need to select in the appropriate column the age of the mother and the month in which the baby is planned to be conceived. At the intersection of the vertical column - month and the corresponding line of the mother's age, you will see the marking "M" or "D", which, accordingly, will tell you who will be born - a girl or a boy.

For example, if a 19-year-old girl or a 38-year-old woman became pregnant in January, then they are more likely to expect the birth of a boy.

Chinese method: how to calculate the sex of an unborn child

You can calculate the baby’s gender using two Japanese tables. Knowing three numbers allows you to get a reliable result.


· in what month the mother was born (first digit);

· in what month the father was born (second digit);

· the month of conception itself (third digit).

The first table is needed to determine the number from 1 to 12. It can be determined by comparing the birth months of both parents. In the second table, you should find the number (the result from the first table) and compare it with the month of conception. In this line, crosses will mark the chances of the birth of either a boy or a girl. This technique most relevant for those parents who are at the planning stage of conceiving a baby.

Example: A man was born in March, a woman in June. At the intersection in table No. 1 there is number 6. The month of conception is April. In table No. 2 in row 6 opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of having a girl and a boy is equal. That is 50% to 50%.

Table No. 1:

Table No. 2:

Determining sex by blood

In order to predict in advance the birth of a boy or girl, you can use a folk technique based on the theory of parental blood renewal.

The blood renewal theory states that in men and women the blood is regularly renewed, but in women this happens more often. It is necessary to divide the total number of years of the future father by 3, and the age of the future mother must be divided by 4. Compare the numbers obtained as a result of the calculations. If the father's number is lower, the likelihood of a boy being born increases. If the mother's number is lower, the couple may have a girl.

Whatever method of determining gender you use (calendar, tables, menstruation schedule), remember that all results are just a probability that is not one hundred percent. The only method that allows you to confidently determine the sex of the baby is an ultrasound done in the second trimester of pregnancy.
How to determine the gender of the unborn child using the ovulation schedule

The most reliable way to determine the sex of an unborn child was proposed by the Polish doctor F. Benedo; there are similar calculations from French scientists. It is believed that the accuracy of such forecasts is up to 80 percent.

As we already know, it all depends on which of the male chromosomes will connect with the female chromosome - X or Y. In the first case, the code will be XX, that is, a girl will be born. In the second, with set XY, the newborn will be a boy. But still, how can we find out who will be born, what combination of chromosomes will turn out in our particular case?

The different behavior of male sperm helps in the calculations. The one with the X chromosome is larger in size, but it is slow and can remain in the female body for a long time, up to 5 days, waiting for an egg. And the sperm carrying the Y chromosome dies quickly, within a day or two. They are small, weak, although quite nimble.

Who will be born: a girl or a boy, depends on which one manages to merge with the female egg. To give birth to a boy, fertilization must occur a day before ovulation or even earlier. A girl will be conceived if intercourse occurs 3-5 days before ovulation.

All that remains is to calculate the date of ovulation. There are special pharmacy testers for this. Another option: measuring basal temperature. It increases slightly at the time of ovulation, by about half a degree. Finally, you can determine the sex of the child by the last menstrual period or by the menstrual cycle. A boy will appear if fertilization occurs 11–13 days before the next menstruation. Girl - with effective sexual intercourse 14–15 days before menstruation.

And one more little secret: if a woman has an orgasm, the chance of giving birth to a boy is higher. It is believed that deep orgasm promotes the survival of Y sperm.

Determining the sex of a child by blood renewal

§ Based on the opinion that women’s blood is renewed every 3 years, and men’s – every 4. The unborn child will inherit the gender of the parent whose blood was “younger” at the time of fertilization.

§ Calculations can be done either manually or using a special online calculator gender of the child.

§ If there has been significant blood loss (childbirth, blood transfusion, donation, surgery), then blood renewal should be counted from this date.

§ There is an opinion that for Rh-negative women the method works exactly the opposite: whose blood is “older” at the time of conception, the baby will be born of that gender.

Useful publications

Lunar influence on the gender of the child

First of all, it’s worth talking about the “fertile” periods of the night celestial body. According to astrologers, the ability to conceive is directly influenced by the lunar cycle. This same criterion is subsequently reflected in the child’s character.

If conception occurs on the day of the new moon, the child will be weak-willed. Most likely, it will be very difficult for him to defend his own opinion. Such children grow up to be very vulnerable individuals who are not in the best health. As a result, parents will have to protect their child all his life, protecting him from various misfortunes and illnesses.

Babies conceived in the first phase of the celestial body are born open to everything new, kind and unusually sincere. Often these are active children with whom you want to communicate and spend time more often. In the event that a girl becomes pregnant during the second phase of the moon, the born child must have a strong spirit, good health and an unbroken will. According to astrologers, such guys will achieve whatever they want in the future.

In the case when fertilization of the egg occurred during the full moon, the baby will have a complex character: he will be impulsive, touchy, prone to aggression and overly emotional. All their endeavors will be guided by feelings, without using common sense and logic. And the pregnancy itself can be problematic, and complications are possible during childbirth.

Children conceived in the third or fourth lunar phases will grow up to be very demanding. Most often, such people are characterized by isolation, secrecy and problems in establishing contact with the opposite sex. Their interests differ from their peers, as does their development.

It turns out that during pregnancy planning lunar calendar, you should pay special attention to the period of the waxing Moon - the most favorable time for achieving the desired goal. True, there are some exceptions - days of eclipse of the night star. Such a factor can have a negative impact on the character and health of the child.

Many mothers want to know the sex of their unborn baby. Often, women use various calendars and techniques to establish this fact. Let's look at the most common of them and find out how you can calculate the sex of a child by the date of conception.

What determines the sex of a child?

Before talking about methods to stop the gender identity of the unborn baby, it is necessary to understand what determines the gender of the unborn child. To do this, let's turn to the basics of genetics. Thus, a man’s semen contains sex cells, which contain chromosomes X and Y. Eggs contain only X chromosomes.

At conception, the fusion of male and female sex gametes occurs. Taking into account the above-mentioned features, we can conclude that the sex of the unborn baby depends entirely on which sperm fertilizes the egg. If it is a germ cell with an X chromosome, then as a result of fusion with the egg, the embryo will receive the XX set, which corresponds to the female sex. When a sperm with a Y chromosome participates in fertilization, a boy is born. It follows from this that the baby’s gender depends on his father, on which sperm fertilizes the egg.

How to calculate the gender of a child based on the date of conception?

Calculating the sex of a child based on the date of conception is not difficult if the mother remembers exactly the day when she had sex. In such calculations, physiological characteristics are used. So, conception is possible only during the period. It occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. To accurately determine this day, you can measure, undergo an ultrasound examination, or use special tests. Only after this can you plan your pregnancy and calculate the sex of the baby.

To determine the sex of a child by the date of conception in this way, the life expectancy of sperm is taken into account. On average it is 4-5 days. It has been established that male reproductive cells that carry the Y chromosome live less than those that contain the X chromosome. It follows from this that in order to conceive a boy, it is necessary to have sex directly on the day of ovulation. The likelihood of conceiving a girl increases when making love 2-3 days before the egg leaves the follicle.

Chinese conception calendar

In order to correctly use the Chinese child conception calendar and use it to determine the sex of the future baby, you need to know the exact age of the mother at the time of fertilization. In this case, lunar phases are taken into account, not solar cycles. To calculate the exact age of the expectant mother according to the lunar calendar, you need to perform simple mathematical operations. Only after this will it be possible to determine the gender of the unborn child by the date of conception using this method.

It all depends on the month of birth of the mother. If it is between January 1 and February 20 inclusive, then there is no need to change the age. If a woman was born in a different month, then 1 more year is added to the number of full years. After this, they turn to the table in which they find the age of the potential mother and move to the right until they meet the column of the month of planned conception. At their intersection the sex of the future baby will be indicated.

Japanese conception calendar

The Japanese conception calendar is an effective method for determining the gender of the planned baby. This method takes into account both the months of birth of the parents and the time of conception. According to the method, in the male body at a certain time it is produced large quantity germ cells with an X chromosome, in another - more Y. Because of this, the sex of the baby can be determined in advance.

To determine the sex of a child by the date of conception using this method, 2 special tables have been compiled that help determine favorable period to plan a child of the desired gender. In the first, the code number is determined, in the second - the gender itself. To calculate the number from the month of the future father's birthday, draw a line vertically downwards, and from the mother's month - horizontally to the right. Find a number at the intersection. It is inserted into the second table and at the intersection with the month of conception, the gender is determined.

Lunar calendar of conception

You can also determine the sex of the child by the date of conception using. However, astrologers do not recommend planning it during the full moon, new moon or during an eclipse. At this time, it is very difficult to predict the baby’s gender. To determine the gender of the planned child by the date of conception using this method, take into account the zodiac sign that influences the moon at the moment of fertilization:

  • Aries, Libra, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, Cancer - a boy will be born;
  • Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius - there is a high probability of having a girl.

Gender of the child according to Vanga's table

The method became popular thanks to the student and successor of the famous healer Vanga - Lyudmila Kim. According to this method, the gender of the child is determined based on the date of conception and the woman’s age. Comparing these 2 parameters future mom can independently predict the gender of her baby. Using this method to determine the gender of the child by the date of conception, the table is located below, it is simple. At the intersection of the columns of the month of conception and the age of the potential mother, the answer is found.

The gender of the child is the most accurate method

In order to find out the sex of a child by date of conception, there are many ways. However, each of them does not give 100% results, so it is impossible to select the best and most accurate one. Given this fact, women often use several of the methods discussed above at once. At the same time, the results obtained do not always coincide with each other and with reality. But there are also women who managed to predict their gender based on the date of conception.

It just so happens that many men dream that a son will be born first, and women tremblingly await the birth of a little princess. Along with this, some parents do not care at all what gender they will be unborn child, because the birth of a baby is, under any circumstances, a great happiness and, in general, a long-awaited event.

If you belong to the representatives of the first category and want to plan the gender of your future baby, check out the methods below that will allow you to cope with the solution of the problem in question, both with the help of calendars and in other ways.

One of the oldest methods of planning the sex of a child. The dependence of the female body on the phase of the moon was noted back in the days of Ancient Babylon. It is known that it takes approximately 28 days for a satellite to complete a revolution around our planet. And this is exactly the normal length of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

In one revolution, the satellite manages to pass through all existing signs of the zodiac. If on the day of conception the Moon is in the phase of one of the male signs, i.e. Aries, Aquarius, Leo, as well as Sagittarius, Gemini or Libra, the unborn child will most likely be born a boy, in other cases - a girl.

The ancient Chinese method of planning the gender of a child is very interesting, involving the use of the table below. Using such a calendar is extremely simple: find the woman’s age in the vertical column, and the month of conception in the horizontal line. If the intersection of two lines falls on the letter M, most likely a boy will be born, if on D - a girl.

The above Chinese calendar has proven itself well all over the world and is considered one of the most accurate, but you should not rely entirely on it, as well as on any other of the proposed methods. Consider them as interesting guidelines, but not 100% effective and error-free ways to determine the gender of the unborn child.

Determining the sex of a child by the age of the parents and the date of conception

Despite the lack of serious scientific evidence, the method, judging by the numerous positive reviews from happy couples, works.

So, if the child was conceived in an even month (February, April, etc.) and the mother’s age was an even number, with a high degree of probability the family should buy things for the girl.

The likelihood of having a boy increases if:

  • the child was conceived in an odd month, and the woman’s age was even;
  • the child was conceived during an even month, and the mother was an odd number of years;
  • conception occurred during an odd month, and the mother's age was an odd number.

It has been established that the sex of the baby depends entirely on the male sperm, because The egg itself has no sex. So, if a woman's egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, the woman will give birth to a girl. When fertilized with an XY sperm, a male baby will be born.

It is known that best time for conception is the period of ovulation, which falls approximately in the middle of the duration female cycle. XY sperm move faster than sperm with an X chromosome, but the latter have a longer life expectancy. In view of this, if a man and a woman are expecting an heir, conception should be planned for ovulation - this way the likelihood of having a boy increases noticeably.

Another technique with a long history and fairly high reliability. According to the theory underlying this method, human blood is renewed within 4 years in males and within 3 years in females. These processes can be deliberately accelerated, for example, in the case of serious blood loss or during a transfusion - such points must be taken into account in the process of planning the baby’s sex.

In accordance with the method under consideration, if female blood is “renewed” later than male blood, i.e. is more “fresh”, the couple will have a girl, and vice versa.

To better understand the principles of using the technique, check out the following example. The child's parents will be a 34-year-old man and a 25-year-old girl. Dividing 34 by 4 (blood renewal period) we get 8.5. By dividing 25 by 3 we find the number equal to 8.33. A man has a larger number after the decimal point. In accordance with the method under consideration, the baby of this couple will most likely be born a girl.

No less interesting is the method of determining the sex of the unborn child in accordance with the blood groups and Rhesus of his parents. Information regarding these points is given in the following tables.

Table. Determining the sex of a child by blood type

Moms1 2 3 4
1 dmdm
2 mdmd
3 dmmm
4 mdmm

Table. Determining the sex of a child by Rh factor

Moms+ -
- dm
+ md

According to this method, the sex of the child is determined by the diet of his parents. For 2-3 months before conception, parents are asked to adhere to a “diet for boys” or a “diet for girls,” depending on the gender of the child they want to raise.

Thus, families expecting boys are advised to eat more citrus fruits, potatoes, bananas, dates, mushrooms, fresh peaches and exclude various types of dairy products, green beans, and green salad, any nuts, raw cabbage.

If the couple is expecting a girl, the mother is advised to adhere to a diet high in dairy products, nuts, beets, eggplants, cucumbers, onions, carrots and to refrain from citrus fruits, potatoes, various exotic fruits, bananas, plums, and currants.

After conception, you can return to your normal diet. Along with this, such drastic changes in diet can lead to adverse consequences for some women and men. In view of this, before starting any diet, it is recommended to first consult with an appropriate specialist.

Who is the mother pregnant with: folk signs

There are a number of signs and signs according to which the expectant mother can understand who she is carrying under her heart. Decide for yourself whether to believe them. Signs have been collected by generations of women and in many cases are reliable, but in the same number of situations they do not intersect with reality.

So, the birth of a boy can be expected in the following cases:

  • if a woman does not have morning nausea during the first trimester;
  • if the baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats/min;
  • if the stomach is somewhat lowered and protrudes forward, while having a round shape;
  • with significant darkening of the nipple areolas;
  • if you want to eat more sour, salty, dairy and meat;
  • if during pregnancy the hair on your legs began to grow faster, and your legs themselves get colder;
  • when the shape of the nose is sharpened;
  • if headaches occur frequently;
  • if the urine turns bright yellow.