Portfolio "beauty salon interiors" massage and beauty parlor. How to open a massage parlor from scratch step-by-step plan Decorating a massage parlor in oriental style

Since any beauty salon is a kind of guide to the world of beauty, the interior of the room should be aesthetic and pleasant to perceive. Designers have developed a lot interesting projects, which can be seen in the photos of the beauty salon interiors. The arrangement of the premises depends on many factors that must be taken into account.

Basic principles of beauty salon design

When creating an interior, you should follow the rules of spatial planning. So, the reception area should be located at the entrance to the premises. A relaxation area is located nearby, where the client can wait his turn, drink coffee, leaf through fashion magazines, etc. It is advisable to arrange a recreation area soft sofa and a coffee table. Behind the “client’s corner” are the main offices of the salon. By the way, if the beauty studio is miniature, then all the rooms can be combined into one open area. If the space is still divided into offices, do not forget to arrange the corridors leading to them.

Working conditions as the main criterion for choosing finishing materials

When choosing materials for finishing walls and floors, keep in mind that beauty salons receive a lot of visitors every day, so the premises need frequent wet cleaning. It follows that Decoration Materials should be not only moisture resistant, but also easy to care for. Washable wallpaper is ideal for the walls of a beauty studio. Now let's move on to floor materials. You should choose a floor covering that does not have seams or joints, because you often have to sweep during the day, especially in a hairdressing salon. Hair and debris on the floor can be a nuisance, so we recommend avoiding materials such as tiles or glass. It is better to give preference to laminate or polymer coating. For small rooms, it is desirable that the flooring be reflective. You can find out what a particular coating looks like in real life using photos of beauty salons. Of course, the pictures must be of high quality and professionally processed.


Security proper lighting- one of the most important rules, which must be observed when setting up a beauty salon. Remember: light should not distort colors under any circumstances. After all, in a beauty studio they work with nail polish and various cosmetics, the shades of which are selected individually for each client. A mistake can cost the salon's reputation. So, in a beauty studio you should strive to provide daylight, at least in the work area.


Not only the mood and atmosphere, but also the recognition of the beauty salon depends on the color design. The design is based on color, as it leads to physical and psychological peace. As a rule, colors in the interior are distributed approximately like this: main tone - 75%, decor and furniture - 20%, decorative elements 5%. Preference is given to relaxing, neutral and warm shades. If desired, you can do bright accents, they will only add chic and originality to the interior. To choose the optimal design, we recommend looking at photos of the beauty salon premises on the Internet.

Massage can be called not just some actions and sessions, the main purpose of which is health improvement human body, A life philosophy individuals and entire nations. If you think about it, massage appeared a long time ago and on every continent, in every country, it has a lot of varieties and is in constant demand. There are countries in which traditional massage is considered the same “calling card” as, for example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome. Prominent examples of such countries are Thailand and Japan. In general, it is the eastern countries, as well as their philosophy, that carefully pass on traditional massage techniques from generation to generation.

Everyone probably knows that massage can be divided into a lot of subtypes, but the main areas are still considered to be relaxing techniques (relaxation massages) aimed at normalizing work nervous system and strengthening the strength of the body itself (immunostimulation), as well as classical medical techniques. In the latter case, we mean “hospital” types of massage, the main goal of which is to improve the health of the patient’s body.

Massage parlor in Rostov

To be fair, it should be noted that the most “commercial” is still the first type of massage - relaxation techniques, although it is also necessary to attend medical sessions as prescribed by the attending physician. The fact is that the modern rhythm of life “unsettles” almost every person: it makes you nervous, eat poorly, and live within a complex schedule. As a result, a lot of diseases develop, which, if not eliminated in time, can become chronic. Such troubles include drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia that does not go away. headache, mental disorder, absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate and make the right decisions in short periods of time.

Go for a relaxing massage after a hard one working day or weeks is sometimes the most effective way to get yourself in order. Moreover, there are techniques that charge you with energy, which is useful, for example, before holding important negotiations, and those that, on the contrary, relax you and give you the opportunity to get a good night's sleep. Anyone can go to a massage parlor today, although many sessions are recommended only with the permission of a doctor.

Massage room design: photo

It is clear that for a pleasant pastime, every visitor to a massage parlor or private office wants to see an aesthetically designed room. The issue of design is especially acute today, when it is difficult to surprise a sophisticated client with anything.

Let's think about which one is better to choose massage room design.

Photo You may like or dislike numerous already completed projects on the Internet - this is where you should proceed in the design process. So, very often, salon owners order projects from those designers whose work seemed most interesting to them. Although, of course, you can always come to the interior studio and look through the portfolio or order something completely new just for yourself.

Regardless of where your office is located or will be located in the future ( massage room In Rostov or Moscow, Yekaterinburg or St. Petersburg), you should base the process of its registration on what services the master specializes in.

If this is an oriental salon, then it is necessary to “play up” the design in Japanese or Chinese style, and perhaps in the style of outlandish islands with their bright colors and lush vegetation.

Sanitary requirements for massage rooms

If you intend to offer your visitors a classic European massage, then pay attention to classic English or French interiors, modern constructivism. Art Deco (Art Deco) style is perfect for mixing trends.

In the process of creating a project, as well as at the stages of its implementation, one should not forget about the ease of use and functionality of each piece of furniture, because massage rooms rarely have a spacious area - in most cases they are small “intimate” spaces. Make sure you have enough storage space for fabric accessories, massage products and consumables.

Although appearance salon or separate office is very important, do not forget about the rules of this type of activity. Nobody canceled the strict sanitary requirements for massage rooms : massage room treatment , its disinfection, thorough ventilation, etc.

A massage parlor is a profitable and fashionable business with minimal input and quick payback. Therapeutic, health, and cosmetic massage brings a lot of benefits and pleasure. Clients flock to good specialists and do not spare money on their own health. According to experts, you can enter the business with about 500,000 rubles. Of these, for the renovation of the premises, decoration, purchase of equipment and Supplies it will cost about 300,000 rubles. 200,000 rubles will be spent on rent, salaries, and unforeseen expenses.


Before opening a massage parlor, familiarize yourself with massage techniques. You must be aware of what is happening in your establishment, even if you do not intend to carry out the procedures yourself. Choose courses according to training conditions. Students should have modern massage tables, desks, and aromatic oils at their disposal. The optimal number of people in a group is no more than 7 people. Once you receive your certificate, don't stop there. The emergence of new massage techniques should encourage you to improve your skills.

Types of massage:

  • wellness,
  • medicinal (requires licensing),
  • sports,
  • cosmetic.

Legal issues

Before starting work, you will have to register a company or register as a private entrepreneur. It’s up to you to decide whether to choose an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. Experienced entrepreneurs, experienced in the field of business,. The peculiarity of a limited liability company lies precisely in limited liability. In case of failure, payment for the company's debts is made from the company's authorized capital. The disadvantage of an LLC is the difficulty of keeping records (an accountant will be needed). easier. An individual entrepreneur can keep records independently. But he must also independently bear responsibility for the success or failure of his enterprise. An individual entrepreneur is liable for his obligations with personal property.

How to open a massage parlor without a license? It’s very simple if you don’t do therapeutic massage. To carry out the usual procedures, it is enough to have a certificate of completion of the courses in hand. If you don’t have a certificate, but really want to open an office, hire certified massage therapists. In order to provide medical services and practice chiropractic care, you will need to obtain a license.

Massage room at home - advantages and disadvantages

Having received a certificate of completion of the courses, many newly-minted massage therapists want to start receiving services at home. At first glance, it seems that it is very simple: pay for advertising and wait for clients while sitting at home. There are actually two ways here:

  • put a couch in your home and work illegally,
  • transfer housing to non-residential stock and open officially.

In the first case, you face a fine for tax evasion. Tax officials do not sleep; they regularly raid “home workers”: they call advertisements and send fake clients to sessions.

In the second case, your activity will be no different from the usual opening of a massage parlor. Transferring residential premises to non-residential premises is a troublesome and thankless task. You will need to make a separate entrance for visitors and equip the salon in accordance with the requirements of the SES. The only advantage is that you don’t have to buy a building for a salon and pay rent.

Search for premises

Experienced entrepreneurs recommend starting a business by collaborating with beauty salons. Rent a room and pay rent monthly, or enter into an agreement with the salon owner, promising him 15-20% of your revenue. In fact, this is very convenient: clients come to popular salons, see your massage in the list of services and come to you. After you have built up a client base, you can think about how to open a massage parlor at home.

In addition to beauty salons, your potential clients “live” in fitness centers and sports clubs. Renting an office in an existing salon has many advantages. Ask the owner of the premises about his relationship with regulatory authorities. Read the contract carefully. Some landlords operate on an all-inclusive basis and provide premises for rent that have already been endorsed by the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Others rent bare walls, placing all responsibility for the condition of the premises on the tenant.

Do you think that renting a room is too low a start for you? Rent or buy a premises and open a full-fledged massage parlor. It is estimated that the optimal cabin area should be from 70 to 100 square meters. This area is quite enough for 5 workplaces. Let you have four rooms: three rooms of 8 square meters for an individual reception and one room of 12 square meters for a couple reception (some clients like to come for a massage in the company of a significant other or girlfriend).

Equipment and design

A massage parlor is not a medical office. People come there to rest and relax, but they want to relax in impeccable, from a sanitary point of view, conditions. It is mandatory to have a bathroom for clients and staff. The floors and walls of the massage room must be covered ceramic tiles or washable wallpaper. All surfaces: walls, floors, tables, sanitary areas will have to be regularly treated with disinfectant solutions.

Pay attention to the design. Are you planning to do oriental massage? Decorate the room in Asian style: with tatami mats, scented candles and Japanese curtains. Is there classical technique in the program? In this case, traditional European design with modern furniture, fashionable lamps and shiny surfaces is suitable. Experiment, create a special atmosphere in your establishment, make your style recognizable.

Be sure to take care of purchasing special equipment and furniture. Most likely you will need:

  • massage tables (15,000 rubles per piece),
  • couches (4,000 rubles),
  • sofa in the reception area (30,000 rubles),
  • rack for massage oils (10,000 rubles),
  • washing machine (10,000 rubles).

Stock up on clean white towels. The number of towels per day is calculated as follows: the number of potential clients plus 5–10 pieces in reserve. Every morning you should have at least 20 clean towels on your shelf.

The massage is done using massage oils. For a simple procedure, olive oil is suitable. Relaxation techniques are performed using aromatic components. Just add the aromatic mixture to the base oil and get an excellent cosmetic product. Buy oils at wholesale stores: prices are lower there and there is more choice. It is estimated that 100 ml of olive oil is enough for approximately 5 sessions, a bottle essential oil– for 100 sessions.


How to open a massage parlor from scratch and achieve success? Contact the professionals. Clients go to massage parlors not for the beauty of the interior or discounts, but for the sake of professional massage therapists. A good massage therapist takes years to make a name for himself. He has in his phone the numbers of regular clients who follow him from salon to salon. At some point, this massage therapist goes free, and the clients leave after him. Your task is to entice the best professionals by offering them conditions that they cannot refuse.

The second option is to start training your massage therapists from scratch. People learning a new profession, as a rule, are aware of their inexperience and do not demand a large salary. The option is cost-effective, but risky. Some beginners never become professionals. They master a profession at the level of artisans and plunge into routine, not being interested in advanced training.

A massage therapist's salary is calculated on a piece-rate basis. Depending on qualifications, the massage therapist receives 30–50% of the proceeds. Good master serves up to eight clients per day. An inexperienced or middle-aged massage therapist serves up to four people a day. Massage is hard physical work, therefore, after each session the master must rest for half an hour.

In addition to massage therapists, you will need a cleaner, a security guard, an accountant and an administrator. It is highly recommended that you take on at least administrative responsibilities at first. This will help you save money at first. Clients will be pleased if they are greeted by the owner of the salon himself. This will create a favorable image for the establishment.


The cost of a massage session depends on settlement, season, type of procedure. On average, a classic back massage costs about 300 rubles, a full body massage costs about 700 rubles. The cost of a session of anti-cellulite, relaxing, oriental procedure starts from 1000 rubles. Demand for the service varies depending on the season: the peak is in spring, the decline is in summer.

Experts estimate business profitability at 25–30%. With a successful combination of circumstances, the project can pay for itself in 3–4 months, maximum in one year. By raising your massage business, you can expand: open your own beauty salon, spa, or relaxation center with a sauna (hammam) and a swimming pool.

Massage is an ancient practice of rubbing the human body with medicinal purposes. The term has three variations of origin. From Greek “massage” is translated as “knead with hands”, and from French - “to rub”. IN Arabic the word “mass” means stroking, rubbing movements. Chinese healers were the first to practice massage back in 3 thousand BC. e. Even today there are images of people with a “map” of special points, pressure on which has an effect on certain organs in the body. Massage is in many ways similar to another exclusively Chinese treatment method - acupuncture. Masseurs did not just rub the sore spot until it turned red, they used various passes, movements with their fingers, palms and kneaded certain points.

The procedure itself was carried out using special formulations - mixtures of oils and crushed medicinal herbs. Massage was done not only to cure diseases and injuries, but also for cosmetic purposes, to soften the skin and give it a healthy appearance, and to relax the entire body. Modern massage rooms offer about a dozen types of procedures and bonuses in the form of aromatherapy, herbal barrels, and wraps. The wider the range of services, the bigger room for work, which means a larger business. It is worth distinguishing between massage rooms and salons. The former, as a rule, serve only one or two people at a time, while the latter are designed for a large flow of clients. Interior design of a massage room is an important aspect of a successful business, along with a competent advertising campaign, good location and highly qualified staff. Let's consider the basic requirements for premises and the features of their design.

Basic requirements for a massage room

First of all, in the massage room it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for employees and visitors. All requirements are imposed by the competent authorities (sanitary and epidemiological station, fire department). Compliance will also be carefully checked. Moreover, it does not matter where exactly the office or salon is located: in a separate building, in a shopping center or in an apartment in a residential building.

When choosing a room and when decorating the interior, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Square.
  • Ventilation and temperature conditions.
  • Availability of additional premises and their arrangement.
  • Lighting.
  • Finishing.
  • Furniture and its arrangement.

Particular attention should be paid fire safety. In massage rooms, as a rule, they use candles and light special incense sticks that spread a specific aroma. These items are potential sources of fire, so they should be handled with care and placed only on special fire-resistant supports.

Room area

The area of ​​the room is calculated based on the number of massage tables. Each workplace should be zoned and separated from neighboring ones. If several massage therapists will receive visitors in the office, then 8-10 square meters is enough for one specialist. meters. According to official requirements, an employee’s workplace must have an area of ​​at least 8 sq.m. If it occupies a separate room, then the figure increases to 12 sq.m. In addition, it is necessary to allocate space for the reception or reception desk, where registration and payment will be carried out, and for additional areas or premises (rest room, locker room, bathroom).

Availability of additional premises

According to the requirements, a bathroom must be attached to the massage room. This room is equipped not only with a toilet, but also with a shower. Massages are performed only on a clean body, so visitors must be given the opportunity to wash themselves, because perhaps they arrived after work or from the other side of the city in the heat. A full-fledged locker room is usually equipped in large salons. For small organizations, a mobile screen is quite enough. A relaxation (waiting) room for a massage room is more of a luxury than a necessity. Large salons that claim to be “elite” usually provide visitors with a separate room with cozy sofas, a TV, magazines, a cooler and a children’s room. Small offices are limited to a soft corner.

Temperature and ventilation

Must be kept in the massage room comfortable temperature(not lower than 22 degrees). Therefore, it must contain both heating and cooling systems. If the premises are located in a shopping center or residential building, then the problem of winter frosts will be solved central heating. In other cases, special boilers (gas or electric) are installed and a system of pipes and radiators is connected to them. IN summer time A modern model of air conditioner will help you cope with the heat - a split system of the supply type. By the way, it works not only for cooling, but also for heating, which will be a good help in harsh winters. However, its main advantage is the combination of the air conditioner itself with supply ventilation through an air duct. Using the same unit, the room will receive Fresh air. High-quality ventilation is also a mandatory requirement for massage rooms.


The massage room must have natural light. You cannot curtain the windows to create an intimate atmosphere that is designed to promote relaxation. The windows will have to be covered with thin tulle or blinds. As for working artificial lighting, there are several lamps on the ceiling, the light from which falls directly on a massage table. These devices should provide the massage therapist with comfort while working. Decorative ambient lighting is used only to create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere for visitors.

Surface finishing

Surfaces must be finished with moisture-resistant materials that are not afraid of regular contact with aggressive household chemicals. Ideal for walls vinyl wallpapers with protective film or ceramic tiles. For the floor, it is better to choose linoleum, tiles or polymer coating. Laminate or parquet will very quickly become “decorated” with scuffs and become unusable.


Furniture for a massage room can be classified into two types:

  • Highly specialized. Couches, armchairs, tables.
  • Regular. Table, chairs, hanger, portable screen, rack for oils and medicinal compositions, locker for towels and bathrobes.

When choosing furniture for a work space, they rely only on its functionality. For a relaxation room or waiting area, you can use soft, comfortable sofas or armchairs. It is better to abandon modern plastic (with the exception of high-tech interiors) in favor of wood. This material is close to nature and “warmth” is perceived by humans.

If the massage room is located in a sauna or bathhouse, where high humidity is regularly maintained, then the optimal solution would be to purchase furniture with metal frames and plastic covering.

Colors play one of the main roles in the interior of a massage room. They help create the right atmosphere. Visitors will not be able to relax physically if they feel emotional tension. For this reason, cool shades (blue, cyan, violet) are not recommended for use in large quantities. They can become accents in a warm color scheme, slightly diluting its monotony. For the base of the palette, one shade is usually chosen, which is complemented by two similar ones in the spectrum, according to the principle of a similar combination. Brown, carmine, titian, cinnabar, ocher, terracotta, gold, and copper are ideal for a massage room. “Delicious” tones are also used: carrot, pomegranate, wine, mustard, tangerine, raspberry, nut, chocolate, creme brulee, coffee with milk. Color range easily diluted with neutral white or gray. It is recommended to refrain from using black.

Accessories and decor

The massage room is a place of work for employees, and for visitors it is an oasis of peace with a special atmosphere. So that a person can relax and literally feel “at home,” the room must be decorated. You can decorate the walls with paintings, hang panels, paintings, groups of original photographs. The plot is usually centered on landscapes or floral arrangements. They are neutral and easily perceived by anyone. Horizontal surfaces are decorated with vases of flowers, small sculptures, groups of bowls, candles or aroma lamps. Bunches and miniature brooms of fragrant herbs will add a special flavor to the room. But they should be selected wisely. Some smells do not go well with each other, while others can be perceived as an irritant. A pot of ficus or palm tree on the floor would be a stylish addition. Curtains are also an important accessory. A floor-length two-color canvas on grommets with linen inserts will look beautiful and modern. With their help, you can correct the perception of the shape of the room. Vertical stripes on the curtains will visually raise the ceiling, while horizontal stripes will make the window and wall wider.

Cabinet styling

Creating a design project for even the smallest massage room includes choosing a style. Nowadays, laconic and practical trends are very popular. They not only look fashionable, but also allow you to significantly save on decorating the room, which is very important for beginning massage therapists who are opening their own small business. Another advantage of modern trends can be considered the simplicity and ease of their concepts.

East style

Eastern style is “native” for massage treatments, which also appeared in these places. In the center of the “Arab” office there is a dark wood couch with a colorful mattress. The floor and walls are tiled with two types of ceramic tiles: white and with ornate script. The pattern on the tiles forms a complex composition. If the dimensions of the room allow, then the accent wall is decorated with a plasterboard structure that imitates pointed arches typical of Arabic and Indian styles. Furniture is chosen from wood. The windows are covered with curtains of two or three colors. The room is decorated with vases and bowls of round shapes, lamps in metal frames. The Thai style is characterized by the use of fabric for draping the ceiling. The canvas is “collected” in the center and decorated with a massive chandelier. This option is not suitable for offices with low ceilings.

Loft style

The massage room in the loft style looks very modern. The walls are finished with imitation brickwork, which is painted on top in light colors. Wood-look linoleum is also suitable for the floor. Furniture is made of wood, mostly expensive, but practical. The ceiling is decorated with built-in spotlights. Decorative lighting, randomly scattered across the surface, most closely resembles a starry sky. Stylish jewelry presented original lamp in the form of “burning” twigs collected in a vase, a wall mirror in a simple frame, a fluffy white rug in the changing area.

Low costs and high profits are the dream of every beginning businessman. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the work of a massage therapist: work with your hands, earn money. However, newcomers to this field of activity face a lot of difficulties. True, there are many positive aspects.

Pros and cons of the massage business

Why are people experienced in this business skeptical about the prospects of those who are just thinking about it? Firstly, the art of massage should be learned. Or you need to find someone who knows it well, which means paying a lot of money. Secondly, it is also important to be able to sell this service. Thirdly, the problem of positioning a massage room or salon will be relevant: what it will be like, what to include in the services and what equipment to stock up on.

Important: naturally, prospects good earnings Available only in medium and large cities. And one more thing: you should be wary of the services of therapeutic massage, manual therapy, etc.

Of course, these are solvable problems. If you are a cool specialist, have a good premises, and a team of assistants, you can try. Among the advantages of the idea of ​​opening a massage parlor are the following:

  • relatively low current costs of maintaining a business;
  • constant demand;
  • high profitability;
  • demand and, as a rule, low competition in the niche.

How to open a massage parlor from scratch?

Before we discuss how to open a massage parlor from scratch, let's note the following. Although theoretically without honey. education, you can sell such services, you must understand that people with high incomes are not ready to trust their backs to just anyone. But they will be your main target audience. It is also acceptable to rely on people with average incomes, although they also need to be convinced of your professionalism.

Advice: If you are planning to provide a massage service yourself, but do not have experience, first invest in obtaining qualifications. Do massages at home and expand your client base. If you want to use hired specialists, think in advance what requirements you will place on their skills, experience and education. Sometimes you can simply hire a person you know, after sending him to the appropriate courses.

And further. The very first thing you need to do is formulate an idea for yourself. This means answering the following questions for yourself:

  • What type of massage will be offered?
  • Who is expected to be the consumer of the services?
  • Which legal form to choose?

If the answers are ready, we proceed to registration.

Business registration

For this business you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur. Opening an entire LLC is hardly advisable. Among all the possible taxation systems, in our case it is best to choose the “simplified” one. This implies a simplified taxation system, in which you can pay either up to 6% on income, or up to 15% on the item “income minus expenses”. Why does it say “until” and not 6 and 15 respectively? In certain cases in the regions, the rate may be reduced to 1 and 5 percent. Experience shows that it is more profitable to choose a rate of 6% on income.

Search for premises

On initial stage many decide to do without an office at all. Such massage masters simply offer sessions at your home or office. This helps build a customer base. But still, at some point, the need to create an office arises. And then it is useful to know that it is best to open it in already existing sports clubs, bath complexes, medical centers or beauty salons.

The owners already have a sanitary and fire certificate. If we are talking about medical (therapeutic or recreational) institutions, then they obviously have a license. All you have to do is draw up the lease agreement correctly. It is also important that people already know the place well. They will notice something new, and some visitors will become interested in the new service.

In any case, location is very important. Sometimes, for the sake of high traffic, it is worth finding a room near residential areas. Do not forget also about the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station:

  • Location on the 1st floor.
  • There should be a separate room for patients waiting for a session.
  • The total area cannot be less than 12 square meters. m (previously the figure was 20 sq. m). And it is important to calculate it depending on the number of working personnel: so that for one massage therapist there is at least 8 square meters. m.

Some more rules will be discussed below.

Equipment purchase

What should be the equipment for a massage room? It is directly related to its positioning and the direction you came up with first. But there are also universal items:

  • a massage table;
  • an additional folding table in case you need to go to the client’s home;
  • locker for things;
  • screen for visitors;
  • racks;
  • several chairs;
  • sofa;
  • equipment for the room where visitors will be received;
  • washing machine and bathroom.

These are the largest pieces of equipment. However, little things are also important:

  • oils, creams and lotions,
  • disposable slippers,
  • towels,
  • robes.

Specialized massage techniques will require additional equipment.


The minimum number of working personnel is 3-4 people. We need at least 2 massage therapists. An administrator and an accountant are also required. If you work as an administrator yourself at first, you will save money. As for massage therapists, you can immediately set criteria for professionalism for yourself, and then adhere to them when selecting personnel.

Important: If a person suits you and agrees to the proposed conditions, further stimulate and appreciate him. To avoid getting a raise through your own fault, try to show your employees the benefits of working for you.

If you prefer people with medical education, then partly you will immediately solve the issue of image. In addition, such people usually know how to quickly serve people, which will allow them to gain time and earn more. You can do it another way: place advertisements for masseurs on a competitive basis. Compose a questionnaire that contains questions about the qualifications of candidates that are important to you. Choose ones that are easy to check the answers to. To do this you need to master the art, but this is a topic for another discussion.

Massage salon business plan

Requirements for a massage room according to SanPiN

To understand the requirements of SanPiN, you need to get into the shoes of your clients. For quality service, you will need to put the following areas in order:

  1. Square. We discussed the norms of this paragraph above in the section “Choosing a room.” They are assessed before concluding a lease or purchasing a premises, and the remaining points can be influenced.
  2. Ventilation and heating. Need supply and exhaust ventilation, which ensures ventilation of the workplace. During the cold season, the temperature should be maintained at 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. Bathroom with washbasin: except cold water in the tap, it must be hot without fail. Shower cabin - if possible.
  4. Lighting. The point is to keep the office light, natural light taken into account. During hours when it is dark, artificial light should be directed at the person being massaged at an angle.
  5. The walls of the massage salon can be covered with tiles or washable wallpaper. It is recommended to use linoleum for the floor. This will make regular wet cleaning easier.
  6. Availability of a first aid kit in case of need for first aid. It is advisable to put a thermometer and tonometer, bandages, gauze, cotton wool, valerian drops, an alcohol solution of iodine, hydrogen peroxide and 3 percent in it. water solution ammonia.
  7. Specialized furniture. It was discussed above in the “Purchase of Equipment” section. SanPiN allows a certain freedom, but regulates the minimum amount of special equipment that will provide your clients with comfort and safety.

Massage advertisement - text (example)

  • The title attracts attention.
  • The first words stir up interest.
  • A person receives in a compressed form all the information that interests him at first.
  • The result encourages action.

Specific tips will be related to the characteristics of your target audience. If these are people with average and high incomes who want to support high level life, they need a place where all the conditions are created to relax:

  • It is important to evoke pleasant and relaxing associations.
  • The design of a sign or leaflet should be related to the focus of the salon.
  • You can and even need to use humor.
  • Stick to a sophisticated, almost aristocratic style.

Here is an example of quite effective text on a billboard or pillar:

Ideally, the design of a leaflet would look something like this:

Massage room - interior photo

Regarding the interior and possible features design, there are many options, and look at the photo for successful examples.


Let's consider a few more important issues for starting a business.

What is the name of the massage parlor?

It is important that the name is not too hackneyed, original, and ideally unique. Even the approach to choosing a name matters. For example, if even the name of the owner is suitable for a store, then for a massage parlor, as a rule, you need something more impressive.

The key point will not be the ability to “encrypt” the direction of activity or the name of the co-owners, but the ability to evoke the necessary associations:

  • You can directly use the words “massage” or “body”. Such a name will not be catchy, but it will directly indicate the type of activity.
  • Alternatively, include words in Russian or English that mean beauty, health or relaxation.
  • If there are special services, hint at them. So, if a Thai massage is intended, then it is usually impossible to avoid the direct use of the word “Thai” or part of it.
  • If you use names, at least choose something beautiful and sophisticated. It might be possible to use famous name a person who helped others maintain or improve their health.
  • You can use other original ones, but beautiful words, including well-known but slightly modified ones.

Examples of names that are already taken:“ProstoMassazh”, “Beautycle”, “Doctor Body”, “Asia relax”, “Wai Thai”, “Avicenna”, “Laguna”, “Eden”, “Exodus”.

How to find clients for massage?

To find clients, it is useful to work on your own before opening your office. You can look for them among your friends, former colleagues, and so on. It is better to immediately offer discounts to them, as well as to any new clients. This will help you effectively overcome the first stage - familiarization with the service performed by certain specialists. In the future, such people, if they like it, will want to pay the regular price.

Advice: come up with an affiliate program for colleagues from related fields. For example, invite a hairdresser or doctor you know to recommend you in exchange for you recommending him.

Do you need a license to open a massage parlor?

General restorative and cosmetic massage does not require a license. But if you plan to perform manual therapy or provide other therapeutic services, as well as therapeutic massage, you need to take care of receiving it.

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This type of business is good for massage specialists or those who know how to efficiently promote wellness services. It’s better if you manage to occupy a new niche in your city or come up with a significant competitive advantage. The initial investment will not be so large, but you cannot save on equipment and employee salaries. If you win the recognition of your target audience, then in the future you will have to keep the same level and make a profit.

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