Tarot divination rules. Safety precautions. Fortune telling with Tarot cards: rules and mistakes Fortune telling with Tarot cards rules

From this article you will learn:

    What Tarot cards are used for fortune telling?

    What is needed for fortune telling

    How to learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards

    What are the layouts?

    What mistakes do those who are just learning to tell fortunes with Tarot cards make?

Tarot cards have been around since the Renaissance. They were first used in northern Italy in the 15th century for a game reminiscent of today's bridge. It was only in the 18th century that Tarot cards gained recognition in the art of foresight. Their meanings are archetypes, symbols, thanks to which you can understand the events and feelings that fill your life, as well as make an important life decision. Tarot cards never tell you what to do, but they do offer an alternative way of looking at a situation. In today's article we will talk about how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards.

What Tarot cards can you use to tell fortunes?

Very little is known about the origins of Tarot cards. There are various assumptions and legends, some of which say that the designs on Tarot cards were adopted from images found on Egyptian tombs. They are believed to be associated with Kabbalah and the then popular card game on which tarot card fortune telling is based.

Probably, any person knows that the interpretation of Tarot predictions is associated with the images printed on them. Some gurus of the fortune telling world believe that the symbols of the Tarot have astrological, occult and alchemical meanings. Today you can find a variety of options for Tarot cards, the images on which differ in style, and it will not be difficult for you to find one that will suit your taste. One of the most famous Tarot decks is the Tarot of Thoth, authored by the famous Aleister Crowley.

The Marseille Tarot, which is made in the medieval French style, also has its fans. Fortune telling decks were also created to meet modern needs of society, for example, for fans of vampires and elves. Some Tarots are real stories in pictures.

If you want to learn how to read Tarot cards yourself, you first need to purchase a suitable deck. In the modern assortment, making the right choice is not so easy. Experts in the fortune-telling world often advise beginners to purchase decks related to the conventional “classics” - the Waite Tarot, the Tarot of Marseilles, or a deck based on them, the so-called “clone”. Clones differ from the original in that they are made in a slightly different style, or instead of people, animals appear on the cards - cats, pandas, any other creatures. However, if your personal feelings and ideas about beauty tell you a different choice, you should trust your inner voice. You should be satisfied with the purchase, and you should like the images on the cards and be pleasant to look at.

There are four known classical schools, differing in the numbering of the Major Arcana, the sequence of elements, Kabbalistic correspondences and some other points. These are the so-called systems of Papus, White, Crowley, as well as the Tarot of Marseilles. Basically, a beginner does not need to understand these systems. It is important not to get bored at the very beginning of the journey, so two things come to the fore for a beginner - the attractiveness of the deck for you personally and the availability of information for studying on it. The Waite system is the most popular and, from the point of view of the second point, wins greatly, since many books have been written on it. But classical images may seem boring and not very beautiful to a modern person. This is where many rethought and redrawn clones of the Waite Tarot come to the rescue for every taste.

However, if you're drawn to a deck that isn't a Waite system, don't worry. If you like her, you will definitely find a common language with her! For example, today beginners choose the Wild Unknown Tarot, a very beautiful and modern deck, as their first deck, and successfully master it.

Let us note this nuance regarding the Tarot of Marseilles. The point is that it has a plot, i.e. picture, only the Major Arcana have, and the Minor Arcana represent the corresponding number of suit symbols. This can make it more difficult for beginners to remember the meanings of minor cards.

Is it possible to tell fortunes using Tarot cards online?

Many sites offer visitors the opportunity to tell fortunes online, but the credibility of the results is questionable. Esotericists believe that online fortune-telling is useless, since during fortune-telling the consciousness of the operator doing the fortune-telling plays a large role, both in reading the symbols and in their interpretation. If you decide to read Tarot online, then this important component of fortune telling is lost, which means the result is not reliable. This method is good for fun, but beware of scammers who often ask you to send an SMS to gain access to Tarot cards.

Read also: Tarot fortune telling online - to be or not to be?

    To learn how to tell fortunes with Tarot cards, the first thing you need is desire and no prejudices.

    Fortune telling on cards is, in a sense, the same as interpreting dreams by perceiving images and symbols. The cards express a symbol, an image, a message, and how to interpret it in relation to the situation is your choice.

    Many Tarot card experts believe that interpretations from the Internet or books lack specificity or, on the contrary, universality. To study the meanings of the cards in more depth, keep notes, a kind of diary for a tarot reader. Write down your understanding of the situation and compare it with reality some time later.

    Choose your Tarot wisely. There are two approaches here - buy a deck, succumbing to an internal impulse, the impulse “I want!”, or make a choice based on a combination of factors, evaluating all the available information on the deck. Now see which method of action suits you best.

    You need to guess regularly. Even if it seems to you that sometimes the cards answer incomprehensibly and strangely, record all the results in a notebook. With practice, you will be able to better understand their meaning.

    Don't expect to get results quickly as tarot card reading is not that easy. This process requires perseverance comparable to spiritual development. Over time, you will acquire the special intuition of a tarot reader, which will suggest the correct answer, even if it does not follow directly from the interpretations known to you.

    To read the Tarot more effectively, read literature on the Tarot, this will help you not to stop developing as a tarot reader.

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards for beginners

Before you start reading Tarot cards, you must learn all the basic rules. You need to know that each deck consists of 78 cards, which are divided into the Minor and Major Arcana.

The Major and Minor Arcana are very easy to distinguish: 22 Major Arcana do not belong to any suits, the remaining 56 are the Minor Arcana, which correspond to the 4 elements (suits): Water (cups, cubes), Fire (wands, staves), Air (swords) and Earth Elements (pentacles). It should be noted that in some author's decks the distribution of suits may be different, but you will definitely learn about this from the author's annotation.

Historians believe that at the beginning of the birth of Tarot cards, the four suits corresponded to the four classes of the Middle Ages. Swords are the nobility, cups are the clergy, pentacles are the merchants, and wands are the serfs.

If you are a beginner, the first thing to do is stock up on books. The image of each Arcana, Major or Junior, will be formed in your head from a combination of several factors, like a puzzle: from descriptions of meanings from literature, from descriptions of meanings for each specific deck, from practical experience and from the experience of contemplating the card. Create associations with each specific card - the images on the cards will help you with this. This way you can quickly remember the interpretation of the cards.

Spend time meditating on the cards, contemplate the cards from the deck one after another, look at the details, think about the meanings of symbols, colors, and build associations. Just look at it like a painting. You will be surprised what fruits just calm contemplation and independent reflection bring.

Some sources telling how to tell fortunes with the Tarot suggest imagining how this or that card can be interpreted, and then comparing your interpretation with the real one. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is an individual process, so you must decide for yourself what is right for you. It will take you some time until you master the deck of Tarot cards, don’t give up and don’t worry - time will pass, and this will no longer cause you any difficulties.

Learning how to read Tarot does not end there, even if you have already studied the interpretations and variants of card layouts. Tarot fortune telling means constantly studying new card layouts and reading their history in various sources. If you want to learn how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards, then be prepared for the fact that this process requires a lot of time. But you will like it!

Basic rules of fortune telling with Tarot cards

    Have you started to guess? So, it's time to decide on the schedule. You must understand why you sat down to guess and for what.

    There is no need to guess if you are sick, feel unwell or have no strength. The cards will not harm you, but mantic work requires energy.

    Do not ask the same question again, as the cards will not give you a definite answer.

    When you shuffle cards, choose a layout, prepare for it - be focused on the question. At the moment when you choose and lay out a card, think about the position in the layout, and not about the situation as a whole.

    Relax, breathe calmly, concentrate on the ritual before you start telling fortunes.

    Keep in mind that Tarot cards are not a calendar or a clock to show you exact dates and times. Therefore, before fortune telling, determine immediately what time period we are talking about. It is believed that the most reliable fortune telling is for any period of up to a year, sometimes up to three years. You shouldn’t expect an exact and correct answer about “for life.”

How to correctly guess with Tarot cards: step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Create a relaxing atmosphere. The ideal atmosphere is silence, calm, and the absence of distracting objects. Concentrate on the process of fortune telling and generally try to enter into such a relaxed but focused state every time you sit down to read tarot cards.

Step 2. Identify the question, formulate it. What does it consist of? What is the time frame? What is important? You can write down the question.

Step 3. Choose a layout that will give you answers to your question.

Step 4. After shuffling the cards and mixing them well, make a layout. You can lay out the cards right away face up, or first face down and then turn them over. Choose what you like best.

Step. Proceed to the interpretation of the layout.

Learning to tell fortunes on Tarot cards yourself: 5 layout options

How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards for the future (the next week)

In order to start guessing, you need to lay out eight arcana: the significator and one card for each of the seven days of the week. In this arrangement, each Tarot card represents a specific day of the week, and not just the next seven days. The first card symbolizes Monday, the second – Tuesday, etc. This does not depend on what day you decide to guess. The significator indicates the general mood and atmosphere.

If you expect something important to happen on a particular day of the week, you can do a three-card tarot reading to get some insight into the situation. Sometimes a week promises many important life events, for example, getting a new job, meeting your lover for the first time, moving, etc. To do this, you will need only 21 cards - three cards for each of the seven days of the week.

How to tell tarot cards for relationships

Three Tarot cards will give you much more detailed answers than the usual fortune telling about your lover, his betrayal or the choice of your loved one. With the help of Tarot, you can understand other manifestations of human interaction. For example, you can get an answer to how reliable your business partner is, or help you understand the meaning and essence of friendships.

In the center of the layout is the significator. This Tarot card helps determine the relationship between the querent and the object of fortune telling. The meaning of the remaining Tarot cards is interpreted in pairs, for example, the seventh with the second, the sixth with the third, the fifth with the fourth.

How to tell tarot cards for a man

If you want to use Tarot cards to tell a man’s feelings, then know that this is one of the most popular topics for Tarot readings. Changing relationships, their modeling is not the same as the intervention of witches and sorcerers in their development. Tarot cards can reveal a lover's infidelity or see if he is part of some kind of love triangle. Fortune telling about a love affair with a man will tell you about this person’s attitude towards you. You need to guess about your loved one like this:

    The first card symbolizes your attitude towards the object of fortune telling.

    The second tarot card is how you feel about him.

    The third is your actions and actions.

    The fourth card will tell you about the thoughts of your lover.

    The fifth will reveal his feelings.

    The sixth Tarot card speaks of his actions in your direction.

    The seventh card will put everything in its place: it will determine whether there is any connection between you and what it is.

How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards

If you have a problem, then sit down and read Tarot cards: the layout for the situation will help you solve your problem. You will be able to determine the cause of the problem and find possible solutions.

    Ask your question in your mind.

    Take three tarot cards and place them in a row.

    Interpret their meaning: the first indicates your past, which attracted the problem, the second - the impact of the problem on life, and the third - the way to solve it.

How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards

Fortune telling about health means using various options for Tarot card layouts, with the help of which you can find out about your well-being and the well-being of your loved ones. The cards will tell you what the cause of your illness is and how to cope with it.

    The first Tarot card will tell you about your health in general terms.

    The second will tell you what has a positive effect on the body.

    The third card talks about what destroys it.

    The fourth card will tell you what a person does to improve his health.

    The fifth card will show you what you should not do, as it is harmful to your health.

    The sixth card will indicate the end of the life path of the person being told fortunes.

10 common mistakes of those who are just learning to read Tarot cards

  1. Clients confuse a tarot reader with a clairvoyant.

No matter how strange it may sound, this is a problem for many clients, and therefore for many tarot readers. Tarot cards simply cannot give a definite answer to some questions. For example, they cannot say who robbed the apartment and where this person lives, where he hid someone else's property. No matter how much we would like, Tarot cards are silent in response to such questions. But those who have just started guessing do not want to admit that something is beyond their control, considering this an admission of their unprofessionalism, so they risk taking on such a difficult task and often fail. Only over time, drawing conclusions and learning from their mistakes, do they begin to sort out their clients' questions.

Sometimes, when beginners begin to tell fortunes with cards, they themselves naively believe that the Tarot can answer any question.

Some visitors deliberately provoke fortune tellers with their complex and ambiguous questions, arranging a confrontation with the tarot reader. Such people come with the goal of convicting you of charlatanism, so they will not pay attention to your arguments about the difference in clairvoyance and fortune telling with Tarot cards. You need to prepare for this situation in advance. Having watched enough TV shows and read books, these people create stereotypes for themselves that prevent them from understanding the features of fortune telling with Tarot cards. Others don’t believe in fortune telling and just have fun exposing everyone and everything. Trying to explain something to such people is both useless and pointless.

  1. Ask a question from the negative state of the situation.

When answering some questions, the tarot reader must give a clear and specific answer, without describing the details of the situation. They expect you to answer: “Will it happen or not?”, “Yes or no?”, “Will it come true or not?” It seems that these answers are very simple to give, but there are some nuances here. The formulation of such questions should be based on the positive state of the situation.

Let's look at this in more detail. There are layouts that allow you to answer a question in a “yes” or “no” format, although in principle this is not an entirely suitable question format specifically for the Tarot. If we regard the situation as a positive event, then the question will be formulated something like this: “Will I be enrolled in university this year?” The layout will answer “yes” or “no”. But sometimes those who are just starting to read Tarot cards base their question on the negative state of the situation and ask like this: “Will I fail the university entrance test?” This is where they start to get confused. The layout says “Yes,” which means that the exam will end disappointingly, which runs counter to the positive nature of the card. And a negative answer, which seems to suit the questioner, does not fit the interpretation of the Tarot card. To avoid such confusion, you should phrase the question as if you wanted a “yes” answer. Here we are talking only about the way of composing the question, but you don’t really need to feel the desire to get a specific answer!

  1. A strong desire to receive a specific answer.

If you are a beginner and want to tell fortunes using Tarot cards for the present, future and past, then often in response to a question you are interested in you can get exactly the description of the situation as you wanted. Thus, a projection of emotions onto the cards occurs. But the truth does not always coincide with our expectations. This is probably what gave rise to the opinion that you shouldn’t second-guess yourself. Some simply cannot or find it very difficult to solve their own problems. The tarot reader must step back from all everyday problems in order to guess with a clear head.

  1. They guess on double questions.

If a tarot reader charges for his services not per unit of time, but per number of readings, then visitors always try to save money and ask double questions. Of course, it's not always all about money, as some clients simply don't care about wording their questions correctly. For example, the girl’s question is: “What is his attitude towards me and will we get married?” An experienced tarot reader will immediately notice a double question and will guess in two layouts. A beginner who is just starting to read the Tarot may lay out the cards once and end up getting confused as to what question the cards answer, so he will say something that is not very close to the truth.

  1. They tell fortunes when they are in a bad mood or feeling unwell.

Fatigue, depression, and bad mood affect the result of fortune telling with Tarot cards, therefore, being in a bad mood, tarot readers try not to tell fortunes, but to lay out the cards later. Alcohol intoxication is also on this list, as it has a negative impact on both health and consciousness.

Sometimes it happens that a person who is just starting to guess gets an answer that he does not like, since it foreshadows something bad or promises failure to fulfill a desire. In this case, he continues to guess again and again, expecting that the layout of the cards will change and the future will be different. In reality, guessing like this means moving further and further from the truth.

  1. Incorrectly chosen style of presentation of the interpretation of the layout.

Tarot cards do not always give the same answer. This misunderstanding of tarot card interpretation occurs because everyone is different: some clients like to express their thoughts succinctly, so they are unlikely to like an overly detailed answer. The same applies to those who are too eloquent, since in this case they will consider the tarot reader’s short answer a sign of his unprofessionalism.

In addition, ambiguous interpretation of the cards can put the tarot reader in a difficult position, since visitors will again and again ask him to read the fortune again in order to clarify the answer to his question. Often, these discussions confuse the client and do not allow them to grasp the essence of the answer. Thus, all tarot readers are obliged over time to develop their own style of presenting Tarot card answers, which would be universal. Another way to guess is to adapt each time to a specific person and his manner of communication.

  1. Excessive attachment to rituals.

Today on store shelves you can find a huge number of various sources. There are many different rituals and additional attributes that are supposedly designed to help Tarot readers in fortune telling and increase the credibility of predictions. In reality, all they do is give you confidence.

Unfortunately, beginners who are just starting to guess do not want to waste their time and effort, but want to achieve everything at once. It is easier for them to acquire additional, supposedly magical, attributes that will guarantee them confidence in the correctness of their predictions. Guessing every day and gaining experience in this way is not for them.

But what happens if a tarot reader who trusts the attributes suddenly cannot carry out this psychological ritual before a fortune-telling session or forgets somewhere (spoils) a magical object? He will lose confidence in his abilities, which will affect the results of his forecasts.

Remember, if you want to learn how to read tarot cards, all you need to have is a deck of cards and a book to interpret their meanings. You can purchase all these items and many other important attributes in our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia.

Fortune telling may seem like science fiction to you, but thousands of practitioners around the world know that it is a reality and that looking into the future is possible and not difficult.

In "Witch's Happiness" there is a suitable oracle for everyone. For beginners, we have created a selection of decks that are ideal for getting to know the Tarot. And experienced players will be pleased with the abundance of unusual and rare cards.

Tarot cards do not tolerate noise and fuss; there are also invisible rules for fortune telling with Tarot cards.

The fortune telling session should be carried out in a calm environment. If the table is covered with dark, loose fabric, this will have a good effect on fortune telling. A variety of incense can be used in the process. For example, incense helps to quickly ascend to the upper layers of the astral plane and reunite with the Unknown. Rosemary and Sandalwood will protect against negative external influences. Calamus and lavender will improve intuition.

Alcohol and cigarette smoke should be absolutely excluded - the subtle worlds cannot stand these odors.

When performing absolutely any layout, silence is a prerequisite. As an alternative, quiet meditation music can be used. But extraneous sounds such as telephone calls or street noise are unacceptable.

A necessary attribute of fortune telling with Tarot cards are candles. White and red are considered universal, but if you want to get a more reliable result, then you should stick to the rules. Traditional colors of candles: for troubles (quarrels, damage, evil eye, etc.) - black, for love - red, for money - green.

Each layout has a specific task - to answer a specific question that worries the Questioner, or to clarify the current situation. Before asking the cards a question, formulate it clearly. The choice of layout depends directly on it.

An important element of the session is the correct shuffling of the cards before the start of fortune telling. There are a wide variety of ways to shuffle and move cards. To begin with, we recommend placing all 22 Arcana in order, then letting the Questioner shuffle them. Next, he needs to move the cards with his left hand, and only after that is he allowed to continue fortune telling, laying out the cards according to the chosen pattern.

The most proven means of spiritual preparation for a Tarot card reading session is meditation. If you do not master this art, then simply turn on your favorite soothing music and relax to it, try to merge with the Cosmos into a single whole, leaving all everyday problems behind the thin line of the invisible and real worlds.

The next stage of preparation for a fortune-telling session is to tune the person who came to you for advice to the necessary wavelength. The person who is being told fortunes is called the Questioner in the language of esotericism. That is, he asks the Cosmos questions that concern him, and you and the Tarot cards will be the guide between them.

Be sure to listen to your visitor carefully, determine the essence of the question or problem in order to choose the appropriate layout for this case. This does not mean that you have to remember all the layouts; for every life situation you should have at least two. For example, to illuminate the intricacies of love, you will find the Relationships and Romantic relationships layouts useful; to get an accurate answer to questions about work, the Career and Employment layouts are suitable. And in order to see the overall picture of what awaits a person in the future, you can use layouts such as the Path or the Celtic Cross. Therefore, you should try all the layouts, but subsequently use those that are closer to your spirit.

First of all, ask your visitor if he is familiar with the rules of Tarot fortune telling. If the Questioner is not familiar with them and has never heard of them, then he must be prepared for a session of communication with cards.

Three important rules of fortune telling with Tarot cards:

  • A person controls the course of his life himself, can change the situation or leave everything as it is (especially when he is satisfied with the result of the prediction session). The cards do not speak about an unambiguous development of events, they do not impose their opinion and do not program for this or that event.
  • They only describe the likely sequence of events on the segment of life that interests us. True, sometimes circumstances arise that no one can change. In such cases, they say that Fortune itself intervened in a person’s life. Tarot usually warns about the approach of such difficult situations with special cards, for example, the Wheel of Fate card.
  • If you create a general picture of the future for the Questioner, then choose special layouts designed for this. In this case, the person has the right not to tell you in advance what is troubling his soul. In other cases, a person must clearly and clearly formulate the question that interests him. In this case, the dependence is clearly expressed: the more clearly the question is posed, the clearer the answer to it sounds. Once you see how versatile Tarot cards are, you will understand why you need to follow this rule.

The following may happen: the cards will begin to tell something completely different from what the person who came to you would like to know. Undoubtedly, the situation that the Tarot cards showed takes place in the life of the Questioner, but does not interest him now. But if this happens, then a person definitely needs to pay attention to exactly the information that the cards revealed. The unknown knows best what is most important to us.

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards? This is a universal system. Fortune telling requires a deck and a good mood. We'll tell you about the basic rules of fortune telling for beginners, popular decks and layouts.

In the article:

Tarot as a mantic system

Tarot is one of the most popular divination tools. At all times, there have been people who do not believe that pieces of paper with pictures can tell about the future. However, Tarot has established itself not only as a prediction system, but also as a tool for understanding oneself and the world. The classic Tarot deck consists of 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana, for a total of 78 cards . Depending on the school to which the deck belongs, the Major Arcana have a different sequence: Major Arcana or begin with a card"Jester" or end with it, the arcana change places"Force" And"Justice" . The names of the Major Arcana differ, for example, in the Tarot system Crowley 22 lasso"World" called "" The major arcana also differ in appearance, for example, on the school arcana Papus letters are always present Caballa.

Drawings on the Minor Arcana can depict one or another situation that describes the meaning of the card, or can remain symbolic (for example, seven swords will be depicted on the seven of swords). The minor arcana are represented by four suits: cups, wands, swords and pentacles.

The four card suits corresponded to the four classes: swords represented the nobility, cups the clergy (through association with the communion cup), coins the merchants and townspeople, and staves the peasants and servants. The court cards Page, Knight, Queen and King conventionally represent the four ranks of the aristocracy in order of increasing power. Subsequently, the names of the suits began to be called differently: there were roses, acorns, bells and others, until, as a result of the development of engraving and the spread of card printing, figures of hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs were established. Tarot games were very popular in Europe, especially in France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, and Flanders. With the settlers, the cards also reached North America, where at some point the Joker, a descendant of the “Jester” of the Tarot, was born.
Bednenko G. B. “Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Theory and practice".

Traditionally there are three systems:

  1. Rider-White Tarot - the most popular. About ninety percent of modern decks and oracles are based on the principles of this school. Classic deck - deck Rider-White: Clear, colorful cards and drawn plots of the Minor Arcana help you quickly remember the meanings and not get confused when interpreting the reading.
  2. Papus Tarot - appeared earlier Rider-White, differs in the interpretation of some arcana, the order of the cards in the deck and the philosophical explanation of the origin of the cards and their meanings. The Minor Arcana are not drawn in all decks of the system, which makes memorization difficult. On the territory of Russian-speaking countries it is found much less frequently than Rider-White. Classic decks of this system: Tarot of Papus , Kabbalistic Tarot G.O.M., Egyptian Tarot.
  3. Crowley Tarot - reflects the author's philosophy Aleister Crowley and his occult organization "Order of the Golden Dawn". Appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. This is one deck designed by the founder of the system - Thoth Tarot. Both the appearance of the arcana and their divinatory meaning are very different from the schools described above. It is usually recommended to move on to Crowley after mastering one of the two classical Tarot systems. Easy to learn without basic knowledge of Tarot Crowleyans(followers of Crowley's teachings).

Deck: how to choose and get acquainted

Where to start if you decide to learn how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards? First of all, you need a deck, but how to choose one?

Every year a huge number of new Tarot decks are released. How to understand which one is suitable for a particular fortune teller? Beginners are recommended to gain experience on a classic deck of one or another Tarot system. In the first stages, it is better to avoid working with decks of a narrow theme, for example, and “dark” decks ( Tarot Vargo, Shadows, all Gothic decks).

Before purchasing, you need to look at images of the deck you like on the Internet. If possible, you should hold the unpacked box with the deck in your hands before purchasing.

Once the deck has been purchased, you can get to work. You need to understand the cards well and have the right mood for fortune telling.

Beginners are advised to start with deck development . These are exercises during which the deck is studied in detail and familiarization with the cards occurs. The most popular methods for developing a deck - instant layout « » And lasso meditation practice.

“Card of the Day” involves a quick daily spread of one card, which symbolizes the general nature of the day for the fortuneteller. Considering the number of cards in the deck, it will take at least a couple of months to work through.

As for meditation on the lasso, everything is both simpler and more complicated. Most often, the practice is applied to the Major Arcana for a better understanding of their meanings. There are several meditation methods that can be used for any deck system.

To create a special mood before fortune telling, they use candles, aromatic oils, and special ritual tablecloths for readings.

How not to pick up Tarot cards

There is no need to force a person to do a reading if he is not in the mood or the fortune teller is physically unwell. Any altered state of consciousness (alcohol intoxication) does not help a beginner to work with cards correctly.

The fortuneteller is not advised to make a reading on a significant personal question, since self-interest will interfere with a correct and objective interpretation. It is better to turn to a person who is less emotionally involved in the situation. This also applies to fortune telling for another person. From the first days of practice, you need to monitor when the fortuneteller interprets the alignment, and when he speaks querent(to the questioner) own opinion about the situation.

There is no need to be shy at first to use tips during interpretation. Included with any deck a book with the main meaning of each arcana. Later, having gained experience, the fortuneteller will remember the meanings of the cards by heart.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the rule “Do not give your cards into the wrong hands.” Many tarot readers do not allow outsiders to touch the divination instrument, even if the reading requires the querent to choose the cards themselves and lay them out in an upright or inverted position, for example, "Seven Bodies". This also applies to cases when a fortune teller is offered personal cards for a reading. You need to listen to yourself: if your hands reach out to someone else’s Tarot, you need to trust your intuition and work with the deck, and if the fortuneteller is against touching the deck of other people’s hands, you should use layouts where the querent’s touch is optional.

About layouts

There are a great variety, all divided into classic and modern, well-known and original, light (for a small number of cards) and complex, general and for a specific purpose, impersonal and personal (considering an individual person, his personality, character, etc.).

Beginners have a better chance of getting dropped cards and understanding the picture as a whole when performing small layouts of 5–6 cards (classic "Celtic Cross", "Compass", "Gypsy", "Choice of Path" and others). Larger spreads, although giving a more detailed answer, require more cards, and it is easy for a beginner to get confused in the interpretation. It is not recommended to start the practice with, for example, "12 houses" or "Butterflies".

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is considered one of the mysterious and complex varieties. It is assumed that the rituals appeared in the Middle Ages, approximately between the 14th and 16th centuries.

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards? This is a universal system. Fortune telling requires a deck and a good mood. We'll tell you about the basic rules of fortune telling for beginners, popular decks and layouts.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards - where to start for a beginner

There are many versions and legends about the origin of the Tarot deck. The images originated from those found in Egyptian tombs. They are associated with Kabbalah, a card game popular in medieval Europe, on the basis of which a new fortune-telling originated.

The interpretation depends on the images applied. Recognized experts in magical sciences (Papus, Stepanova) believe that their significance has astrological, occult and alchemical implications. There are decks that differ greatly in the style of their images. The most famous ones received their own names, for example, created by Aleister Crowley and the famous Egyptologist artist.

Fans of the Egyptian version choose the Egyptian Tarot. in the style of medieval France has its own audience. They release decks on popular themes, for example, or Elves. Some describe stories in pictures, such as the McElroy and Corsi Tarot.

If a girl decides to learn to tell fortunes on the Tarot, she needs to get a deck. The choice is difficult due to the variety of products. Experts recommend ancient options to beginners. The deck should be liked and evoke positive emotions.

There are four main schools of Tarot, which are considered classical: systems Papus, White, . The names of the Major Arcana differ, for example, in the Tarot system, Marseille Tarot. The difference lies in the numbering of some arcana and their correspondence to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The most popular is the White system, which is easily confused with the Papus system. The Marseille and Crowley systems are memorable decks with a specific color spectrum and execution.

Tarot is interpreted depending on its meanings. It is recommended to use interpretations from the school of the same name. If the pictures correspond to their meanings, it is easier to understand the interpretation.

How to tell Tarot - the basics

Before you start studying the layouts and starting fortune telling, carefully. The deck contains 78 cards, which are divided into the Minor and Major Arcana.

The Major Arcana is easy to distinguish from the Minor Arcana - 22 cards that do not belong to suits. The minor arcana occupy most of the deck - 56 cards, correspond to the four Elements or suits - Water (cups, cups), Fire (wands, staves), Air (swords), Earth (pentacles).

Initially, the suits represented the four medieval classes. Swords are identified with the nobility, cups with the clergy, pentacles with representatives of the merchant class, wands with serfs. As with the division into Elements, the division into classes corresponds to interpretations and coincides with the meanings of the cards.

Fortune telling for beginners is accompanied by a careful study of the images. Meditation helps some, and a number of fortune tellers prefer to study relevant literature and interpretations of the Tarot. They get an idea of ​​each card, and the images that are associated with the interpretation will help you remember the meaning.

It is advised to try to understand the meanings yourself, then look at the interpretation in the sources. It is difficult to say which method is suitable for a particular fortune teller. Tarot requires an individual approach. The process of mastering the deck takes some time, but it will help to correctly interpret the layout.

The process of learning fortune telling does not end when the witch has figured out the interpretations and several layouts. This is a constant study of new layouts, reading the history of cards and other relevant literature. If a girl is going to learn fortune telling, she will have to spend a lot of time. Tarot readers are convinced that secret knowledge is hidden in cards.

Rules for fortune telling using Tarot cards

Tarot readers argue about the Tarot: the majority consider the night, after midnight, to be the appropriate time for fortune telling. They argue whether it is possible for a woman to tell fortunes: experts are inclined to believe that it is not.

The technique of fortune telling with Tarot cards implies that before interpretation, the images lie face down. If the images are seen earlier than expected, the correct interpretation of the meanings is difficult. The question that is asked and on which the consciousness is concentrated is formulated clearly.

Before you start, fortune telling is set up correctly. They concentrate on the issue or situation, but with a neutral mood, so that desires do not affect how the cards fall. It is more difficult to tell fortunes for yourself than for a person, about whose future the fortune teller is less worried. At first, it is better to guess for anyone, but not for yourself.

You can't ask the same question twice. If they ask about the future for a week, repeat the situation when 7 days have passed. There are several reasons: repeated layouts are always vague, they treat the personal deck with confidence.

Beginning tarot readers are interested in what to do if they cannot interpret the meaning of the cards. Cards that are adjacent and answer the same question must be combined. For example, if next to the “house” card there is an image indicating quarrels or leaving, the interpretation is “quarrels in the house” or “leaving home.” If it is not possible to understand the prediction, the matter is left for some time.

Another important point is comfort during predictions and the absence of distractions. They make sure that no one disturbs the fortune teller during the reading. The cards are laid out on a flat, comfortable surface. It is advisable to purchase a black tablecloth for fortune telling.

Tarot fortune telling - layouts for beginners

A simple version of fortune telling with cards - the answer from one image. The question is asked on any topic, the main thing is to be able to correctly interpret the meaning. You should shuffle the deck and pull out one card at random, the meaning of which is the answer to the question.

Among the simple layouts, there is one that allows you to determine the past, present and in a specific situation or relatively

No one can give an exact answer when exactly Tarot cards appeared. The origin of this amazing mantic system is still surrounded by many legends, but despite this, it is invariably effective and very popular.

Today on the open market you can find a wide variety of Tarot decks, various astrological or gypsy decks, as well as Lenormand cards. A beginner can easily get lost in all this diversity, not understanding what to choose and which deck to start learning with.

It is undoubtedly best to start with a classic Tarot deck, which consists of 78 cards. 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. In turn, the Minor Arcana are divided into 4 suits (Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles). Each suit contains ten number cards (from Ace to Ten) and the so-called court cards (King, Queen, Knight and Page).

How to choose and properly prepare a deck of Tarot cards

First, you should purchase your own Tarot deck. In the first few months, one deck will be enough, and you simply don’t need additional ones. When the time comes, you yourself will feel the need to purchase one or more decks. The classic Tarot deck recommended for getting started is the Rider-Waite Tarot. It was created in 1910 by the famous English esotericist and mystic Arthur Edward Waite and artist Pamela Colman-Smith. The Rider-Waite deck differs from many others in that each card of the Minor Arcana depicts a certain plot reflecting the meaning of the Arcana. This makes the life of a novice tarot reader much easier and helps to quickly remember the meaning of each card. Once working with this deck ceases to cause you difficulties, you can move on to mastering other, more complex Tarot decks.

After purchasing Tarot cards, you need to prepare them for work. You will need a new white candle. In order to clear the cards and rid them of any unnecessary information, you should pass the deck over the flame of a lit candle 13 times, counterclockwise. This must be done in the evening, preferably after sunset. After this ritual, you need to lay the cards face down on the windowsill and leave them there all night. It is best if moonlight falls on the cards. In the morning your cards will be completely ready for use. You should treat your Tarot deck with great respect. You need to store it in a special bag or some beautiful box. You can put obsidian, amethyst or moonstone on the cards. These gemstones are most closely associated with the ability to read information and clairvoyance. However, the stones themselves also require some cleaning; the best way is to place them in table salt for a day. After this, the stones should be washed well and the used salt should be thrown away. Now they can be stored with the Tarot, enhancing the already enormous abilities of this magical instrument.

5 important rules of fortune telling with Tarot cards

Rule 1

Initially, you should determine which system you will use to interpret the meanings of the cards. It is extremely important to determine the divination system that suits you most, and not change it with each new scenario. Tarot cards tend to remember certain rules of operation. If these rules change frequently, you simply will not be able to correctly interpret the meaning of the alignment.

Many authors tend to give different interpretations of the same card. Some people use only the upright position of the cards in their work, while others also use the inverted position. In some sources, the Devil in an upright position is good, but in an inverted position it is very bad, and in others it is the other way around. Interpretations of symbols and astrological correspondences of each card may vary. If you simultaneously use books by different authors to decipher the layout, you risk getting seriously confused. In order to avoid such a situation, at least for the first six months you should work with only one interpretation system of your choice.

Rule 2

The second very important point is the way you shuffle, draw and reveal cards. Here you should also develop a certain ritual for yourself and try not to change it from scenario to scenario. Here are some recommendations:

  • Do not give your cards to other people, shuffle them only yourself;
  • When the cards are mixed, ask the person you are telling fortunes for to move some of the cards of the deck towards you with your left hand;
  • You should pull out cards for the layout with your left hand from any part of the deck - wherever you want;
  • Initially, the layout cards are laid out face down and only then are opened one by one;
  • The cards should be turned strictly from right to left, like a page in a book, and in no case from above or below;
  • The layout is always done facing the interpreter; this is especially important if you use inverted cards in your work.

It is quite acceptable if you develop your own rules of fortune telling, but then you need to follow them strictly.

Contrary to rumors, there are no forbidden days for fortune telling. Guess when you really want it. The only guideline for the possibility or impossibility of conducting a session can only be your physical and mental well-being.

Rule 3

Many experienced tarot readers refuse fortune telling:

  • If they are tired or not feeling well:
  • In a bad mood, when you are very upset about something or experience strong emotional arousal;
  • On days of lunar and solar eclipses.

The fortune telling process requires good health, calmness and concentration.

The most important are your own internal feelings; perhaps, over time, you will notice certain patterns that affect your ability to correctly understand the alignment. These may be certain days of the week or phases of the moon, everything is purely individual, and there are no universal rules here.

Rule 4

Before you begin fortune telling, it is very important to clearly formulate your question. Only to a specific question the cards will be able to give a clear and detailed answer.

It is very useful to keep a diary of all the layouts made. Any notebook or notepad will be suitable for this, where you will write down:

  • Time and date of the session;
  • The number of the lunar day and the sign in which the Moon is currently located;
  • Your question;
  • Layout used;
  • Cards drawn in the layout.

At first, you should not choose very large and complex layouts. Try to use those with no more than ten cards. Initially, it is better to work only with the Major Arcana, only gradually connecting the Minor Arcana to them.

Rule 5

It is very important to remember that you cannot often ask the cards the same question. Many beginners constantly make this mistake, trying to get favorable cards to appear. In this case you will not get the correct answer.

If you are concerned about any problem, concentrate, choose a favorable time, ask a specific question, make a layout, write down its interpretation in your diary. Next, you just have to analyze the advice you receive, which, as a rule, is very clear.

You should try to clarify the exciting situation again no earlier than after a lunar month, that is, after 29 days. During this time, some events may occur that will allow you to look at the problem from a different angle, which means that new questions may arise. For example, if you made the first layout for changes in your personal life, carefully considered the advice received from the cards and took actions according to them, after a few months you can use a new layout to see in which direction the situation has changed. It’s not worth tormenting cards with the same question more often, they will start deceiving you.

If you try to follow these simple rules, over time, working with the Tarot will begin to bring you not only pleasure, but also great satisfaction from the opportunity to effectively use this powerful magical tool in your life.