Limits on funding for budgetary institutions. Limits on funding as an element of managing federal budget expenditures. Amount for the period


To amend the maximum amount of funding for expenses



Version 2016.01

List of terms and abbreviations. 2

1 Start the System.. 2

2 Certificate in accordance with Appendix No. 3 (POFR) 2

2.1 Formation of Appendix No. 3 (POFR) 2

2.2 Internal coordination of Appendix No. 3 (POFR) 2

List of terms and abbreviations

2 Starting the System

To start working with the System, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

– launch the Internet browser by double-clicking the left mouse button on its shortcut on the desktop or click on the “Start” button and in the menu that opens, select the item corresponding to the Internet browser you are using;

– enter the address in the address bar of your Internet browser: http://budgetplan. minfin. ru/;

Figure 1. Identification window

– in the identification window, enter your login and password to enter the System and click on the “Login” button (Figure 1).

Figure 2. System main window

After this, the main menu of the System will open (Figure 2).

3 Certificate according to Appendix No. 3 (POFR)

3.1 Formation of Appendix No. 3 (POFR)

The formation of the document Appendix (POFR) is carried out in the register of documents of the main manager of federal budget funds (hereinafter - GRBS).

Figure 3. Go to the subsection “Register of GRBS documents”

To go to the register of GRBS documents, you need to select the “Menu” tab (1) in the main window of the System, in the column that opens, select the section “Budget list and LBO” (2) and open the subsection “Register of GRBS documents” (3) with one click of the left mouse button (Figure 3).

Figure 4. Outbox tab

As a result, the subsection “Register of GRBS Documents” will open, in which you need to go to the “Outgoing” tab (Figure 4).

Figure 5. Item [Appendix (POFR)]

To generate Appendix No. 3 (POFR), you must click on the “Generate document” button and select the item [Appendix (POFR)](Figure 5).

Figure 6. Window “Application (POFR)”

As a result, the “Application (POFR)” window will open (Figure 6).

The “Document number” and “Document date” fields are filled in automatically and are not editable.

The “Type of change” field is filled in automatically and, if necessary, edited by selecting a value from the reference book by clicking on the button.

Important! The “Type of change” field is required.

The “Base” and “Rationale” fields are filled in manually using the keyboard.

The “Document approved” field is filled in automatically after the document is approved.

Figure 7. Editing fields for manually entering change amounts

The field “Approved FIU” for each month in the lower area of ​​the “Appendix (POF)” window is filled in automatically based on the data of the registry “Approved FIU” in the “Budget list and LBO” section (Figure 7).

The “Change Amount” fields are filled in manually using the keyboard.

To fill in amounts by quarter, you must check the “Fill in quarterly” field.

Note. If the “Fill in quarterly” field is checked, the “Amount of change” fields by month in the lower area of ​​the “Appendix (POFR)” window become unavailable for editing.

Important! If in the “Approved FIU” register of the “Budget list and LBO” section the maximum amounts of financing expenses are approved on a monthly basis, then quarterly changes are not available for approval.

The “PFR taking into account changes” field for each month is filled in automatically based on the sum of the values ​​in the fields “Approved FIU” and “Amount of change” for the corresponding month.

Figure 8. “Accompanying document” button

To attach an accompanying document, you must click on the “Accompanying Document” button (Figure 8).

Figure 9. Browse button

As a result, the “Attach a cover letter” window will open, in which you need to click on the “Browse” button (Figure 9).

Figure 10. Open button

In the window that opens, select a file with the appropriate extension and click on the “Open” button (Figure 10).

To complete the procedure for attaching the accompanying document, click on the “Save” button (Figure 11).

Note. To attach multiple documents, you must archive the relevant documents and attach a file with the extension * . zip.

To save the entered data and complete the formation of Appendix No. 3 (POFR), you must successively click on the “Save” and “Close” buttons (Figure 12).

Figure 13. New line

As a result, a new line with the status “Draft” will be added to the GRBS document register (Figure 13).

Figure 14. “Download” value

In order to view the attached accompanying document, in the column “ Covering letter“You must click on the “Download” value (Figure 14).

As a result, the accompanying document will be downloaded to the user's workstation as a file with the appropriate extension.

3.2 Internal coordination of Appendix No. 3 (POFR)

Figure 15. “Approval” button

To send Appendix No. 3 (POFR) for internal approval, you must select the corresponding line with the “Draft” status and click on the “Approval” button (Figure 15).

Important! It is impossible to create an internal approval sheet:

– if there is no current entry for this GRBS in the “Approved FIU” register;

– if the amount of the POFR, taking into account the proposed changes for any month, becomes negative for this GRBS:

– if the amount of the change is filled in for the quarter, and in the “Approved FIU” register the amounts are approved monthly.

Approval of Appendix No. 3 (POFR) takes place according to a standard algorithm for internal approval in the system, which is described in the document “User’s Guide to Working with the Register of Expenditure Obligations in the Information System of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation", presented on the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the section "Information systems of the Ministry of Finance of Russia/Software complex "Budget planning".

Important! Approval of Appendix No. 3 (POFR) is possible only with the use of an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Figure 16. External matching indicator

After successful internal approval, the status of the corresponding Appendix No. 3 (POFR) will change to “Approved”, and the external approval indicator in the “MF” column will be displayed yellow(Figure 16).

In addition to letters of the Federal Treasury No. 07-04-05/03-911 dated December 29, 2015 and No. 07-04-05/03-929 dated December 31, 2015, we inform you that in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Approval Procedure and bringing to the attention of the main managers, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds the maximum amount of payment of monetary obligations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2015 No. 204n (hereinafter - Procedure No. 204n), the maximum amount of payment of monetary obligations (hereinafter - the maximum amount of financing ) expire upon expiration of the period for which they were established.

Currently, the maximum funding volumes have been approved for all main managers of federal budget funds for the first quarter of 2016. During the period of validity of the maximum funding volumes, the balances of the maximum funding volumes reflected in personal accounts main managers, managers, recipients, other recipients are taken into account on an accrual basis.

When the expiration date for the maximum funding volumes arrives, the territorial body of the Federal Treasury, in accordance with paragraph 30 of Procedure No. 204n, no later than the next business day, cancels the indicators of the maximum funding volumes recorded on the personal accounts of the main managers, managers, recipients, and other recipients by generating a Certificate (form code according to OKUD 0504833). The date of cancellation of the indicators of maximum funding volumes approved for the first quarter of 2016 is April 1, 2016.

In addition, we remind you that the territorial body of the Federal Treasury, in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of letter No. 07-04-05/03-911 dated December 29, 2015, exercises daily control to ensure that cash payments recorded in the relevant personal accounts of recipients do not exceed other recipients , the reached maximum funding volumes and in case of exceeding cash expenses, immediately sends the relevant information to the Federal Treasury to the email address of the head of the Department for Ensuring the Execution of the Federal Budget E.A. Semenova [email protected](in a copy to the address of the Deputy Head of the Department for Ensuring the Execution of the Federal Budget O.V. Pavlyukova [email protected]) indicating the reasons for the above excess. At the same time, territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury are instructed to adjust the balance of the maximum funding volumes in accordance with section “3.5.2. Adjusting the balance of the POFR by the amount of cash expenses incurred before receiving the POFR" Methods of work in applied software“Automated system of the Federal Treasury” in the conditions of bringing the POFR to the federal budget. An updated version of the above methodology is attached.

R.E. Artyukhin

Document overview

Maximum amounts of funding were approved for all main managers of federal budget funds for the first quarter of 2016.

When the expiration date for the maximum funding volumes arrives, the territorial body of the Federal Treasury, no later than the next working day, cancels the indicators of the maximum funding volumes recorded on the personal accounts of the main managers, managers, recipients, and other recipients by generating a Certificate (form code according to OKUD 0504833). The date of cancellation of the indicators approved for the first quarter of 2016 is April 1, 2016.

It is also noted that the territorial body of the Federal Treasury exercises daily control over the fact that cash payments recorded in the relevant personal accounts of recipients and other recipients do not exceed the maximum funding volumes.


BA and LBO, which the FO (or FC) brings to the GRBS and GAIF, are allocated for a year. It is inconvenient to work with such a sum. Therefore, for convenience, these amounts can be divided quarterly or monthly. These amounts are adjusted to the maximum amount of funding. They are then distributed among recipients and source administrators.

POF is an optional budget execution tool. POFs are provided only where the decision on their use is made by the Federal District.

POF – the maximum amount of payment of monetary obligations in the corresponding period of the current financial year.

BC, Article 226.1. Financing limits

1. In the case and procedure established by the financial authority, when organizing the execution of the budget for expenses, it may be necessary to approve and communicate to the main managers, administrators and recipients of budget funds the maximum amount of payment of monetary obligations in the corresponding period of the current financial year (the maximum amount of financing).

2. Maximum amounts of financing are established in general in relation to the main manager, manager and recipient of budget funds on a monthly or quarterly basis on an accrual basis from the beginning of the current financial year or for the corresponding quarter based on applications for financing of the main managers, managers and recipients of budget funds.

The financial statements are completed in accordance with the form established by the financial authority, for example.

The tools for organizing budget execution discussed above are approved by the Budget Code. It often happens that achieving quarterly or monthly performance indicators is not enough and it is necessary to update planned indicators for a shorter period, sometimes even daily. To do this, many clients use an additional tool – financing volumes.

Amount of financing of expenses- the scope of rights of the main manager or recipient to pay accepted monetary obligations from budget funds in a certain period. Amounts of funding are allocated for a random period and are communicated first to the main managers, then to the recipients. PF contain the maximum amount that GRBS and PBS have the right to spend in a certain period. Whether this will be an amount according to a certain classification or just a total amount without breaking down by expense items is decided by the FO.

When organizing budget execution in modern conditions Two schemes of work are used to record the volume of financing on personal accounts: active and passive. With an “active” work scheme, funding amounts are allocated to the personal account and the money is blocked in the budget current account. That is, if PFs are allocated to a specific PBS, then money for these PFs is reserved in the budget settlement account; another PBS has no right to take this money.

With a passive operating scheme, the allocation of PF does not block funds in the budget current account. This scheme makes it possible to provide large quantity PBS in cash at the right time.

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1 TREASURY OF RUSSIA Financing limits as an element of managing federal budget expenditures April 2016

2 Regulatory support Article of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation “Limit amounts of financing” 1. In the case and in the manner established by the financial authority (the management body of the state extra-budgetary fund), when organizing the execution of the budget for expenses, approval and communication to the main managers, managers and recipients of budget funds for the maximum volume of payment of monetary obligations in the corresponding period of the current financial year (maximum volumes of financing). 2. Limit amounts of financing are established in general in relation to the main manager, manager and recipient of budget funds on a monthly or quarterly basis on an accrual basis from the beginning of the current financial year or for the corresponding quarter based on applications for financing of the main managers, managers and recipients of budget funds. Slide 2

3 Cash planning for the execution of the federal budget is the basis for deciding on the establishment of maximum volumes of financing expenses FORMATION OF A CASH PLAN Determination of the permissible volume of expenses Determination of the total volume of reduction of expenses ESTABLISHMENT OF POFR Determination of the maximum volumes of financing expenses Approval of POFR in the context of GRBS as a whole, without detailing according to the KBK IMPLEMENTATION OF EXPENSES Expenditure of funds within the framework of approved and distributed GRBS POFR Control to ensure that cash payments do not exceed POFR per l/s part of PBS Slide 3

4 The procedure for establishing maximum funding volumes Formation of the basis for establishing the POFR: Forecasts (GRBS) Information on the state of the TSA (FC) The Russian Ministry of Finance has made a decision to establish the POFR no yes Other options for increasing liquidity are possible (for example, increasing the attraction of sources: securities etc.) In case of insufficient liquidity on the EKS POFR with a simultaneous reduction in expenses In case of sufficient liquidity on the EKS POFR in the amount of stated forecasts Slide 4

5 Methodology for calculating the amount of maximum amounts of financing expenses in the event of a need to reduce the total amount of expenses Forecast GRBS Type of expense: 100 not subject to reduction 200 subject to reduction 300 not subject to reduction 400 subject to reduction 500 subject to reduction 600 subject to reduction 700 subject to reduction 800 subject to reduction TOTAL POFR KBK TOTAL Slide 5

6 Variability of the GRBS bringing the maximum volumes of financing expenses to the subordinate network Ministry of Finance of Russia Determination of the need to distribute POFR throughout the entire subordinate network of the GRBS yes no Distribution of POFR throughout the entire subordinate network of the GRBS Determination by the GRBS of the method for distributing POFR throughout the subordinate network Distribution of POFR throughout the entire network establishing “strict” control Distribution FIU for individual recipients, other recipients establishment of “soft” control Distribution of FIU for individual recipients, other recipients Cash exceeds FIU Cash does not exceed FIU Establishment of “hard” control in the subsequent period Maintaining “soft” control For reference: “Hard” control - distribution of FIU between all RBS, PBS and control of cash payments for each PBS. “Soft” control over the distribution of financial assets between individual RBS, PBS and control of cash payments for individual PBS and in general for GRBS. Slide 6

7 Changing and bringing to the maximum volumes of financing expenses Stage I: Formation of forecasts (taking into account previously approved POFR) Information on the execution of the FB (MOU FC) no later than 4 p. of the day Formation of forecasts for expenses (GRBS) no later than 5 p.m. of the day Formation of the Cash Plan (FC) no later than 8 p.m. of the day Proposals to change the POFR (GRBS) no later than 5 p.m. day Stage II: Change and approval of the POFR Information on the status of the EKS (FC) no later than 8 p.m. of the day Change and approval of the POFR (MoF of the Russian Federation) from 9 to 12 p. day III stage: Finalization of the POFR Placement of the POFR in the Unified IAS of the Ministry of Finance of Russia (MF RF) no later than 13 p. of the day Bringing the POFR to the FC and MOU FC (MoF of the Russian Federation) no later than 13 p.m. days Bringing POFR to GRBS (MOU FC) (from 14 to 16 r. day), RBS, PBS (MOU FC, TOFK) (from 14 r. day to the end of the month) Control for not exceeding POFR (MOU FC, TOFK) Slide 7

8 The procedure for bringing (recalling) the FIU to the subordinate network CU treasury notice RR expenditure schedule MOU FC forms a separate CU GRBS reflection of CU at 01 l/s The bringing is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated n (taking into account some features); forms the RR POFR are reported to the MOU FC for the coming month (quarter); RBS reflection of RR at 01 l/s forms RR RBS reflection of RR at 01 l/s forms RR PBS, IPBS reflection of RR at 03, 10, 14 l/s POFR are taken into account on personal accounts on an accrual basis during the period of validity of POFR; RBS reflection of RR at 01 l/s forms RR PBS, IPBS reflection of RR at 03, 10, 14 l/s PBS, IPBS reflection of RR at 03, 10, 14 l/s Remaining unused POFR are canceled upon expiration of the period of validity of POFR approved by the Ministry finance of the Russian Federation. PBS, IPBS reflection of RR at 03, 10, 14 l/s PBS, IPBS reflection of RR at 03, 10, 14 l/s Slide 8

9 Procedure for generating Forecasts of cash payments for expenses (Appendix 5) taking into account the approved FIU Information on the execution of the federal budget as of Revenue Forecast of cash payments for expenses as of Total Expenses Expenses Total Total 100 Limit volumes of financing FIU control* 2 control* Limit volumes financing POFR Sources of deficit financing 1st control* 2nd control* Total *Taking into account information constituting state secret Slide 9

10 Novation Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from paragraph 27. “The main manager has the right to distribute the Maximum Amounts of Financing, taking into account the possible excess of the distributed amount by no more than 5 percent over the amount of the completed Maximum Amounts of Financing without making a corresponding change to the approved Maximum Amounts Forecast of cash payments for expenses as of Expenditures Total Actual execution of cash expenses as of Expenditures Total financing.” Cash >POFR by 5% Limit volumes of financing of the POFR Slide 10

11 Statistical information (beginning) Indicators I quarter, total billion rubles including: January February March Approved by the Financial Markets Fund 3,145.1 961.5 increase, +/decrease, - 621.9 19.3 240.4 362.2 Approved POFR (as amended) 3,767.7 Indicators for the first quarter, total billion rubles including: January February March Approved by POFR (as amended) 3,767.7 POFR, taking into account the carryover balance x x 1,746.4 Cash payments, total 3 617.5 697.4 Balance of POFR 150.0 372.3 493.8 150.0 GRBS right to additional volume of POFR (5% of the completed POFR) 188.4 x x 188.4 Balance of POFR taking into account the right of GRBS to additional .distribution of POFR 338.4 x x 338.4 Slide 11

12 Statistical information (continued) POFRs increased 39 GRBS; ROSLESKHOZ (053) 54.5 45.5 volume of unused financial resources (of approved ones) - 150.0 billion rubles; MINISTRY OF EAST DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA (350) SPECSTROY OF RUSSIA (279) 50.1 44.7 49.9 55.3 volume of unallocated FIU 42.3 billion rubles; MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIA (139) 43.9 56.1 uneven use of financial resources: balance for January - 372.3 billion rubles; the balance for January-February is 493.8 billion rubles; the balance for January-March is 150.0 billion rubles; MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL PROTECTION (149) ROSMOLODEZH (091) CEC OF RUSSIA (308) MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OF RUSSIA (103) 39.2 36.5 31.9 29.1 60.8 63.5 68.1 70.9 took advantage of the “right 5%" - 2 GRBS. MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION OF RUSSIA (069) FADN OF RUSSIA (380) 14.6 5.5 85.4 94.5 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Completed Incomplete Slide 12

13 Implementation of daily monitoring of the use of POFR Making cash payments within the POFR (MOU FC and TOFK) l/s PBS Monitoring of cash payments in the context of GRBS (MOU FC) GRBS GRBS Informing in case of 80% use of POFR l/s PBS l/s PBS. GRBS GRBS. Ministry of Finance of Russia Informing in case of excess of the cash register over the POFR (with “soft” control)* Current control of balances of the POFR According to the consolidated General Ledger *With “hard” control, the excess of the cash register over the POFR is impossible Slide 13

14 Thank you for your attention!

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