Beautiful photographs of the largest county in England. The largest county in England. What is it like? Which English county has the largest territory?

Author Natalia Kim asked a question in the section Other things about cities and countries

largest county in England and got the best answer

Answer from Andrey[guru]
North Yorkshire is the largest county in England by area. The county appeared after the historical county of Yorkshire split into non-metropolitan North, West, East and South Yorkshire in 1974, and some of the territories were “dispersed” to other counties. The first settlers appeared in Yorkshire after the end of the last ice age, 8000 BC. e - these were gatherers and hunters, and the first evidence of human presence dates back to the Mesolithic era (in the valley of glacial Lake Pickering).
North Yorkshire is a ceremonial and non-metropolitan county located in the Yorkshire and Humber region of northern England. Area – 8,654 square kilometers.

Answer from Oksana™[guru]
Yorkshire, or York (English Yorkshire) is a historical county in northern England, the largest territorial entity of its kind in the region. Area 15,712 sq. km.
The surface of the county is very varied: in the north-west there are the most high mountains in England, in other places there are bare marshes, alternating with the most fertile areas. All rivers except the Tees and Ribble belong to the Ouse and Humbert basin. In the 20th century, the county ranked first in agriculture and cattle breeding. The western part of the county is rich in minerals and factories. Yorkshire is divided into North, West and East Ridings (meaning thirds in Saxon).

Answer from Nik pleskiy[expert]
I knew it, it's Yorkshire and the most famous

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: the largest county in England

The area of ​​Great Britain is replete with various regions and, first of all, counties. It is their territory that is quite densely distributed. All counties, without exception, differ from each other in their picturesque and beautiful landscapes. There are magnificent landscapes here and it seems that time has stopped to enjoy their uniqueness longer. Best time It’s spring to visit each of them. After all, at this time everything is in bloom, the weather is favorable for numerous walks not only during the day, but also in the evenings, when hundreds of small lights are lit. All tourists note the unusual fairy tale and magic that fills the atmosphere of the counties.

However, North Yorkshire is considered the most magnificent of them and the largest county in England. We will stop there.

When you are in North Yorkshire, there is a feeling of extraordinary spaciousness. There are many local attractions, as well as cozy streets, gardens and squares where you can stroll and see something new and interesting. Many excursions to the most popular places are organized for tourists here. So if you find yourself in this place, be sure to take excursion tickets to enjoy the local flavor.

Besides, held here a large number of events you can attend. In general, no one will be bored here, even small children. Walking will be an exciting adventure for them.

Features of North Yorkshire - the largest county

As for the area of ​​the largest county in Great Britain, then it is about 9000 km². The population is more than a million people.

The county also has borders with places such as Yorkshire West, East and South and also Dorham, Lancashire and Cumbray y. The size of this county is truly impressive when compared with others. North Yorkshire is distinguished by its rural flavor and way of life. Small but cozy villages are scattered throughout the territory. Each settlement has its own farm. It must be said that the largest village in the county is a place called York. This is where most tourists go on excursions.

History of North Yorkshire in England

It is known that since 1995, the largest county in England acquired independent status and became a unitary unit. But places like Middlesborough, Redcar and Cleveland, which at one time were part of another region, became part of North Yorkshire in 1975. Accordingly, after this, the territory of the county became significantly wider. Before the town of York there was a place called Ebarakum. He also has interesting story. The fact is that Ebarakum was created by the Romans several centuries ago. And when they left this territory, the place gradually fell into the power of the Angles, then the Vikings

Over the course of many centuries, during numerous wars and battles, the future York turned into ruins, but then it was rebuilt. And to this day, the city remains beautiful and magnificent.

Yorkshire was first settled around 8000 BC., at a time when it was just finishing glacial period. At that time, the local ancient population was engaged in hunting as well as gathering. And not so long ago, scientists studying the area found out that in North Yorkshire, in the lake area, there are the remains of an ancient residential settlement, and it was created around 7000 BC at the height of the Mesolithic period. Then Yorkshire was settled by Celtic tribes. Thus, the history of North Yorkshire is considered the most interesting, amazing and longest when compared with other counties in Great Britain.

Nature and attractions of the largest county


Yorkshire County is the largest county in England, located in its northern part. The area of ​​the county is about 15.7 thousand.

square kilometers, the administrative center is the city of York, the total population of the county is 5 million people.

Yorkshire is very diverse, with marshes and forests interspersed with rich farmland, it is no coincidence that Yorkshire County is a leading area for cattle breeding and farming. In the north-west of the county are the highest mountains in England, and in this part of the county, rich in minerals, are located industrial enterprises district.

Parts of Yorkshire

Yorkshire, in turn, is divided into 3 parts - North, West and East Yorkshire, of which North Yorkshire is the largest part.

On the site of modern York there was once a Roman colony town of Eboracum, but after the Romans abandoned this settlement, it alternately passed from the hands of the Angles to the hands of the Vikings. York was first mentioned in sources dating back to 71 BC. The current population of York is 185 thousand people.

Ruins of houses in Yorkshire

In Yorkshire, scientists have discovered the remains of the most ancient house ever found in Foggy Albion. According to historians, many thousands of years ago the region was inhabited by nomadic tribes, who gradually switched to a sedentary lifestyle and developed agriculture.

The rich historical memory of Yorkshire betrays itself here and there with the ruins of old houses, ancient monasteries and castles. On the coast of Yorkshire there are resorts famous throughout Europe; in the mountainous areas there are a large number of waterfalls, the largest of which is Hadraw Force, its waters fall from a height of 27 meters.

Oleg Skorodumov, Samogo.Net

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Quiz question:

Which of these English counties is the largest in area?

Possible answers: Hampshire Essex Cornwall Staffordshire

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Map of Yorkshire with cities

Yorkshire on the UK map

In front of you detailed map Yorkshire with names of cities and settlements in Russian. Move the map while holding it with the left mouse button. You can move around the map by clicking on one of the four arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale on the right side of the map or turning the mouse wheel.

What country is Yorkshire in?

Yorkshire is located in Great Britain. This is wonderful a nice place, with its own history and traditions. Yorkshire coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

The “man” figurine above the scale will help you take a virtual walk through the cities of Yorkshire. By clicking and holding the left mouse button, drag it to any place on the map and you will go for a walk, while inscriptions with the approximate address of the area will appear in the upper left corner. Select the direction of movement by clicking on the arrows in the center of the screen.

The “Satellite” option at the top left allows you to see a relief image of the surface. Map mode gives you detailed information about Yorkshire's roads and main attractions.

There are many different areas within the UK. First of all, these are counties. It is their territory that is characterized by a rather dense location. Counties, without exception, are distinguished from each other by their picturesque landscapes and their special beauty. These places are famous for their magnificent landscapes and it seems that even time has stopped to fully enjoy their uniqueness. Spring is the best time to visit each of them - at this time everything is in bloom here, and thanks to the beautiful weather you can take numerous walks during the day and in the evenings, at which time hundreds of small lights are lit around. All tourists celebrate the unusual fairy tale and magic that fills the atmosphere of the counties. All of them are beautiful in their own way, but it is still possible to single out the most magnificent of them and the largest counties in England. A similar example is North Yorkshire. When you are on its territory, you get the feeling that there is extraordinary space around. The area is famous for its many local attractions, cozy streets, squares and public gardens, which are intended for walking and observing something new and interesting. Tourists can take advantage of a variety of sightseeing tours to popular destinations here to enjoy elements of the local flavor. There are also a large number of events organized here to diversify the rest of all guests, even those who come with children. The walk will be an exciting adventure for them. The peculiarity of the largest county, called North Yorkshire, located in the UK, is the presence of a population of one million people on its area of ​​​​about 9000 km². This county borders West, East and South Yorkshire, as well as Dorham, Lancashire and Cumbray. The size of this county is truly impressive when compared with other territories. What sets North Yorkshire apart is its village character and way of life. Small cozy villages are scattered across its area. Each settlement has its own farm. It is worth saying that the largest village in the county is represented by a place called York. It is to this place that the vast majority of tourists come on excursions. 1995 was the year the largest county in England acquired independent status. It became a unitary unit. Middlesborough, Redcar, Cleveland - these are the names of towns that were part of another region at the same time, and in 1975 year they became part of North Yorkshire. Accordingly, the county's territory expanded significantly. Before the town began to bear the name York, it was called Ebarakum. By the way, he has an interesting story. Ebarakum was created by the Romans several centuries ago. But when they abandoned this territory, the place gradually fell under the rule of the Angles, and then the Vikings. Over many centuries, in the process of numerous battles and wars, the future York turned into ruins, although it was subsequently rebuilt. Today it is a magnificent and beautiful city. Yorkshire was first settled 8000 BC, just as the Ice Age ended. The local ancient population in those days was engaged in hunting and gathering. Scientists studying this area have recently discovered that in the area of ​​North Yorkshire in the lake area, there are the ruins of an ancient residential settlement that was created BC in 7000 during the Mesolithic period. Yorkshire was subsequently settled by Celtic tribes. Consequently, the history of North Yorkshire is very interesting, surprising and long, considering how other counties in Great Britain were created. North Yorkshire has its own natural treasures. Its terrain is replete with mountain ranges and cliffs. There are also excellent waterfalls, including the largest of them - Hadrow Force. The height of the water fall is 28 meters. Such a spectacle can safely be called truly extraordinary, which is a must see for everyone who wants to visit this county. The shore is equipped big amount resorts Tourists come here on vacation to have great fun and improve their health. The most famous sights are represented by the Cathedral, which is located in York. Inside this building, you can enjoy the spectacle of beautiful decoration in the Gothic style. The cathedral windows were made using stained glass and mosaic techniques. With the onset of any celebrations, the building itself is illuminated with multi-colored lights. According to legend, the king of Nordumbria was baptized at this place, and subsequently he began to be called a saint. This place is famous for the presence of a special astronomical clock that was installed a century ago. North Yorkshire is a beautiful place worth visiting. The territory of England is crowded with numerous counties.

The territory of England is overcrowded with many counties, which are arranged as densely as possible. So when you find yourself in The county of North Yorkshire is the largest in England - you feel an unimaginable space.

North Yorkshire covers an area of ​​almost nine thousand square kilometers and is home to more than a million people. The county borders South, East and West Yorkshire, as well as Lancashire, Durham and Cumbria.

Impressive size isn't the only thing that sets the county apart. It stands out for its special rustic and bourgeois comfort. Most residential communities are small villages, with the largest settlement being the city of York.

Since 1996, this city has become independent and acquired the status of a unitary unit. And the towns of Redcar, Middlesbrough and Cleveland, which were part of another county, joined the county of Yorkshire in 1974, and its territory expanded even more.

The predecessor of York was a city called Eboracum, which was founded in ancient times by the Romans. And when the Romans left this territory, the city was periodically conquered by either the Angles or the Vikings, destroying buildings in the process. But it still remains a beautiful place.

The first settlements in Yorkshire appeared eight thousand years BC, when the last ice age ended. Their main occupation was hunting and gathering. Relatively recently, archaeologists discovered in the county in the lake valley the remains of the most ancient dwelling, presumably it was built in 7000 BC. e. during the Mesolithic era. Later the area was settled by Celtic tribes. Comparing Yorkshire with all English counties, we can conclude that its history is the longest.

England's largest county boasts a rich natural landscape thanks to its incredible size. For example, the highest mountains in England are located there. Another attraction are several waterfalls. One of which ranks first in size among all waterfalls located in England. Its name is Hadraw Force, and the water there falls from a height of 27 meters. If you look at the coast, you can see a countless number of resorts, where every year visitors not only relax, but also improve their health in cozy comfort.

Answering the question what kind of county it is, we can say that it is very beautiful and attractive to many tourists who come to see it every year. No one will remain indifferent to the cultural heritage of this beautiful place.

York Minster, for example, has rich Gothic decoration. On holidays it is illuminated with beautiful lights. According to legend, one of the kings of Northumbria was baptized in this place, who was later canonized as a saint. Here you can also look at the astronomical clock, which was installed back in the 20th century. But if you go inside, you immediately notice the window, made using the stained glass technique in the Middle Ages. By the way, this is the largest sample.

Don't deny yourself the pleasure and visit this place.