Presentation on the topic of Kazakh people. Presentation. Getting to know Kazakh culture. The main cultural values ​​of the Kazakhs

Lesson 18 5th grade Date

Subject: Material culture of the Kazakh people .


    Consider the concept " material culture" Find out how the development of the material culture of the Kazakh people took place. To study the features of national clothing, to introduce students to the achievements of the Kazakh people in the development of crafts.

    Develop skills in analyzing educational material, the ability to independently study individual issues of a topic using Internet resources, and carry out research activities.

    To cultivate respect for the Kazakh national culture, rich in traditions.

Lesson type: combined

Method: Verbal (heuristic, partial search), Visual

Equipment: ID, presentation on the topic.

FOPD: Individual, collective

During the classes:

1. Decree on the topic: (teacher’s word)

Culture is achievements in the material and spiritual life of people.

Spiritual culture – achievements in art, music, development of CNT and literature, diversity of traditions.

Material culture – achievements in production, economic development, as well as successes in the development of architecture.

Material and spiritual cultures mutually influence each other. (write in notebook)

2. Conversation:

Which direction of cultural development belongs to:

    The art of eloquence or oratory?


    Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings?

    Epic works?

    Creativity of kuishi?

    Song art?






    National clothes?

    Artisan products?

3. Tell us:

    On the development of the musical art of the Kazakh steppe and Kazakh national musical instruments.

    On the traditions of oral transmission of history.

    What do we classify as examples of the oral history of the Kazakh people?

    About the religious beliefs of the Kazakh people.

    How have religious beliefs changed over time?

4. Presentation new topic based on presentation

Spiritual culture reflected the changes taking place in the life of the people, including the achievements of material culture . (write in notebook)

The main home of the Kazakhs is yurt.

(Conversation based on student knowledge, listening to student messages)

    What is the convenience of a yurt?

    What were the sizes of yurts?

Based on their decoration, the yurts were called: ak orda, khan orda, karasha uy, lashyk, abylaisha, urankay, zholym uy .(write in notebook)

    What parts does a yurt consist of?

    What does the wish “May your shanyrak be strong” indicate?

    Why was the threshold of the yurt - bosaga - especially revered?

    What is tuyrlyk, uzik, tundik? What are they needed for?

Cloth varied according to the age of the person. The youth wore richly ornamented clothing in red or green flowers. Adults and older people wore more modest clothing, with few patterns, black or blue.

For celebrations, festive clothes were made from expensive material with beautiful ornaments.

Since ancient times, the Kazakhs have made various types of bones from gold, silver, precious stonesJewelry.

Syrta (earrings), blezik (bracelets), zhuzik, sakina (rings, rings), sholpy (pendants), alka (necklace).

At the birth of a child, special saddles were made, which were given at the age when the child could saddle a horse. This meant the boy's coming of age.

Products that came out of the hands of masters were highly valued and in great demand.

National cuisine. First of all, the guest was served kumys, shubat or ayran, then tea with milk or cream, baursaks, raisins, irimshik, kurt. This was followed by appetizers made from horse meat or lamb - kazy, shuzhuk, zhal, zhaya, sur-et, karta, kabyrga. There were always flatbreads made from wheat flour on any table.

Main national dish The Kazakh name is beshbarmak (five fingers). Beshbarmak is prepared from lamb, horse meat or beef. The aromatic meat is eaten with thinly rolled and boiled pieces of dough. An excellent addition to the dish is a rich, aromatic meat broth - sorpa, which is usually served in bowls. At the end of the meal, kumys is served, followed again by tea.

5. Fastening:

What new have you learned about the material culture of the Kazakh people?

What are the achievements of the material culture of the Kazakh people?

Why are craftsmen's products highly valued, especially nowadays?

Homework: 44 (45), prepare reports on the material culture of the Kazakh people.

Lesson 36 IR 8th grade. Date___21.01.15___________

Topic: Material culture and traditional economy of the Kazakhs in the first half of the 19th century


    deepen and systematize knowledge about traditional culture and the economy of the Kazakh people in the first half of the 19th century, having made a correspondence excursion to Kazakhstan of the 19th century;

    Objectives: to know the types of Kazakh dwellings, their economic activities, individual customs;

    be able to figuratively describe the economy, life and culture of the Kazakh people;

    to cultivate interest and respect for the Kazakh national culture, the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people.

Lesson type: travel lesson (learning a new topic)

FOPD: Individual, group work

Methods and techniques: partially exploratory, research, visual, practical.

Equipment: map of Kazakhstan, ID, presentation on the topic, exhibition of books on the topic.

During the classes:

    Positive attitude to class.

    Introduction to the topic.

The culture of any nation is connected with the living conditions of people. What are the features of the Kazakh culture of the first half of the 19th century? Today we are conducting a lesson-trip to the 19th century.

What is the topic our lesson? - Material culture and traditional economy of the Kazakhs in the first half of the 19th century.

What goal should we strive for? – to deepen and systematize knowledge about the traditional culture and economy of the Kazakh people in the first half of the 19th century by making a correspondence trip to Kazakhstan during the period under review.

We will make stops along our route.

    Study the topic (using presentation)

As is known, even with the seeming similarity of the cultures of several nations, each of them individually has certain features and differences.

Thus, the culture of nomads of different nationalities only at first glance seems to be of the same type; in fact, the place of residence, the culture of neighboring peoples and other important external factors have a huge influence on the formation of a people’s culture, including material.

Stop one . Kazakh village.

I see the Ark of the Flood standing there
And now a dove will flutter out of it,
to look at the ground in the vicinity of the flight:
Has the Flood and darkness dried up there?
Will circle above the ground and see through the haze
Native steppe, village and Kazygurt mountain.
There is a girl walking with tulips in her arms.
And the young poet sings to her dombra.

/Esengali Raushanov/

Slide - Aul is a small settlement, the number of households is approximately 5-20, the average size of one family was 5-7 people. The village was ruled by an elder, biy or respected aksakal. As a rule, the aul was named after a famous ruler or locality (tract). In the steppe, when migrating, they tried to locate the aul closer to bushes or forests as sources of fuel. When choosing settlement sites, the presence of water sources – rivers – was taken into account. Ozer.

??? – Why did the Kazakhs live in auls?

What is the number of farms and residents of the village?

Who ran the village?

What served as the basis (criterion) for determining the location of the village?

How can you imagine what role the aul played in the life of Kazakh society?

Work in groups, creating clusters

1. Dwellings of Kazakhs.

2. Cattle breeding.

3. Agriculture.

4. Crafts

Cluster protection.


    the main type of economy of the Kazakhs (nomadic cattle breeding)

    traditional center of agriculture (Southern Kazakhstan and Semirechye)

    non-irrigated farming is called differently (rain-fed)

    was considered the patron saint of Kazakh farmers? (Dikhan Baba)

    Type of economy in which the products of labor are produced to satisfy the needs of the producers themselves? (natural economy)

    felt carpet with a colored pattern (tekemet)

    ancient jewelers in Kazakhstan were called (zergers)

    What is "belagash"? (the frame of the saddle or "back")

    The Sakas called carts covered with felt and felt (houses on wheels, kuime)

    name all the main parts of the wooden frame of a yurt (kerege, uyki, shanyrak)

    As you know, the wedding headdress of the Kazakhs is “saukele”, and what is the name of the veil that covers the bride’s face and, after the wedding, goes back in the form of a scarf? (zhelek)

    kumis and shubat were made from the milk of mares and camels, as the dishes where these drinks were poured were called (tegene)

Game “Believe it or not”

The teacher reads out the phrases and the students raise their hands if they agree. If you don't agree, don't raise your hands.

The Kazakh population in the 19th century lived in villages (+).

Apart from yurts they had no other dwellings (-).

The outbuilding where meat and other products were stored was called shoshola (+).

Kazakhs in the 19th century were engaged only in cattle breeding (-).

To grow dark means to wander (-).

Birds of prey and greyhounds (+) were used for hunting.

    Homework – read paragraph 25, prepare a presentation on your topic, individually – a presentation on the topic “National clothing”, “National cuisine”

– option 1. In what centuries did the Kazakhs officially accept the Islamic religion? And IV-V centuries. B XIX-XX centuries From the XVI-XVII centuries. 2. A significant role in the spread of Sufism - a branch of the Islamic religion - belongs to A Aiteke biy B Khoja Ahmed Yasawi S Zhangir khan 3. What was the name of the soft shoes of men made of goat skin? A ichigi B saptama C shokayma 4. The Kazakhs prepared A kurt B shubat C kumys from mare’s milk 5. A zhent B soup C kozhe was considered one of the Kazakhs’ exquisite delicacies

1 – option 1. How many types of dwellings did the Kazakhs have in the Middle Ages? A. two types B. three types C. four types 2. A. kusbegi B. akyns C. Kuishi enjoyed special respect and authority among the Kazakh people 3. the horses of the customary ones A burned the brand B cut off the mane C cut off the tails 4. Kazakh culture people spread more intensively A in the north of Kazakhstan B in the south of Kazakhstan C in central Kazakhstan 5. The centers of crafts and trade in Kazakhstan were the cities of A Karaganda, Balasagun, Saraichik B Sarai-berk, Omby, Kokshetau C Sygnak, Sauran, Turkestan

Slide 1

Culture of the Kazakh people Prepared by: Eleusizov Azat group: VTiPOiT 122K International University information technology© Microsoft Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the United States and/or other countries. The information contained in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the views of Microsoft Corporation at the time this presentation was written. Because Microsoft is sensitive to changing market conditions, Microsoft does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided subsequent to this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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Contents: 1. The main cultural values ​​of the Kazakhs 2. Kiiz uy - Kazakh yurt. 3. Steppe zergers (jewelers) 4. National clothes of the Kazakhs 5. National cuisine 6. National games 7. “SALT” and “ZHORA-ZHOSYN” Conclusion click to...

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The main cultural values ​​of the Kazakhs are Respect for elders. - Peacefulness and tolerance - Openness to communication - Hospitality and the desire to live in harmony with the world around us © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the United States and/or other countries. The information contained in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the views of Microsoft Corporation at the time this presentation was written. Because Microsoft is sensitive to changing market conditions, Microsoft does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided subsequent to this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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Kiiz uy - Kazakh yurt. This wonderful invention of our nomadic ancestors is: a comfortable and practical house, ideally adapted to the lifestyle of nature and climate. © Microsoft Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the United States and/or other countries. The information contained in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the views of Microsoft Corporation at the time this presentation was written. Because Microsoft is sensitive to changing market conditions, Microsoft does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided subsequent to this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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Steppe zergers (jewelers) Prefer to work with noble white silver. You will certainly like Kazakh earrings in the form of bells, crescents, with many pendants, original bracelets, and traditional sets of three rings.

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Women's costume National clothing of the Kazakhs Men's costume © Microsoft Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the United States and/or other countries. The information contained in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the views of Microsoft Corporation at the time this presentation was written. Because Microsoft is sensitive to changing market conditions, Microsoft does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided subsequent to this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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National cuisine The following dishes are considered national: beshbarmak, baursak, kazy and milk drinks: ayran, kumis, shubat.

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Music and musical instruments. - two-string dombra - bowed instrument kobyz. Kazakhs highly value the art of eloquence and revere their akyns - improvisational poets who perform at public competitions (aitys) to the accompaniment of national musical instruments click to... © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the United States and/or other countries. The information contained in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the views of Microsoft Corporation at the time this presentation was written. Because Microsoft is sensitive to changing market conditions, Microsoft does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided subsequent to this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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National games are an indispensable attribute of the holiday. - Kazaksha kures - baiga - kokpar - kyz-kuu - alty bakan

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Kazaksha kures Kazaksha kures (wrestling in Kazakh) is a type of wrestling among the Kazakh people. Kazaksha kures is one of the ancient sports of the Kazakhs. Kazaksha kures competitions are held on holidays and celebrations.

Many nomadic peoples have settled in our region. Almost everyone remembers their ancestral traditions and stories. And we want to tell you about the friendly and dear Nation - the Kazakh, the most indigenous. Many nomadic peoples have settled in our region. Almost everyone remembers their ancestral traditions and stories. And we want to tell you about the friendly and dear Nation - the Kazakh, the most indigenous.

Like many nomadic pastoral peoples, the Kazakhs have preserved the memory of their tribal structure. Almost everyone remembers their family names, and the older generation also remembers tamgas (“tanba”), coats of arms-marks for livestock and property. Among the Lower Volga Kazakhs, the Tyulengit clan was further developed in the past by the guards and guards of the Sultan, who willingly accepted brave foreigners from prisoners there. Like many nomadic pastoral peoples, the Kazakhs have preserved the memory of their tribal structure. Almost everyone remembers their family names, and the older generation also remembers tamgas (“tanba”), coats of arms-marks for livestock and property. Among the Lower Volga Kazakhs, the Tyulengit clan was further developed in the past by the guards and guards of the Sultan, who willingly accepted brave foreigners from prisoners there.

Currently, the best traditions of the Kazakh people are being restored and developed, both in the general ethnic and in the regional - Astrakhan, Lower Volga versions. This is done by the regional society of Kazakh national culture“Zholdastyk.” These issues are covered in the regional newspaper in the Kazakh language “Ak Arna” (“Pure Spring”). Days of Kazakh culture are held in the region, dedicated to the memory of the outstanding figure of folk art, our countrywoman Dina Nurpeisova and her teacher, the great Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev, who was buried in Altynzhar.

In December 1993, the administration of the Astrakhan region was awarded the first Peace and Harmony Prize, established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This undoubtedly serves as recognition of the good relations between nationalities in the region and the positive cooperation of the entire multinational population of the region.

The women's national costume consists of a white cotton or colored silk dress, a velvet vest with embroidery, and a high cap with a silk scarf. Elderly women wear a kind of hood made of white fabric - kimeshek. Brides wear a tall headdress richly decorated with feathers - saukele

Traditional Kazakh housing - yurt - very comfortable, quick to build and beautiful architectural structure. This is due to the fact that the lifestyle of the Kazakhs was determined by the main occupation - cattle breeding. In the summer they wandered with their herds in search of pastures, and with the onset of cold weather they settled in winter huts. The Kazakhs live in a yurt; in winter, they live in a not particularly large hut with a flat roof.

National characteristics and traditions are firmly preserved in the Kazakh national cuisine. It has long been based on livestock products - meat and milk. Later, with the development of agriculture, Kazakhs began to use flour products.. National characteristics and traditions are firmly preserved in the Kazakh national cuisine. It has long been based on livestock products - meat and milk. Later, with the development of agriculture, Kazakhs began to consume flour products..

The material and spiritual life of the Kazakhs is reflected by the historical tradition - "salt" and the customs of the people - "zhora-zhosyn". There is a lot of historical value in social, legal and household terminology preserved in historical legends.

The ritual of placing a baby in a besiktoy cradle takes place on the third day after birth. According to legend, a baby cannot be placed in a cradle before this time; spirits can replace it with a freak. The ritual is accompanied by the magical song “besik zhyry”, which scares away evil forces. Important role in the ritual, “kindik sheshe” is assigned to an elderly woman who cut the umbilical cord during childbirth.

In the village, the bride and groom were greeted with a traditional chant called “bet ashar” (unveiling the bride’s face). “Bet Ashar” had its own canonical text in two parts: in the first part, the bride usually introduced herself to the groom’s parents and fellow villagers, the second part consisted of edifications and instructions to the bride who had just crossed the threshold of her family hearth. The song gave advice to the bride on how to behave in her married life. In addition to the bride price, the groom prepares various ritual gifts: the mother - sut aky (for mother's milk), the father - toy mal (wedding expenses), the bride's brothers - tartu (saddles, belts, etc.), the bride's close relatives - kede . The poor were often helped in such cases by relatives and friends

The bride's parents also did not remain in debt. When conspiring, they had to contribute the so-called “kargy bau” - a pledge of loyalty to the conspiracy, “kit” - gifts to the matchmakers. The dowry (zhasau) of the bride was very expensive for them, sometimes exceeding the cost of the bride price. Parents ordered a wedding headdress (saukele) and a carriage (kuime). Rich parents provided the bride with a summer home (otau type beru) with all its equipment.

There are countless different peoples in our region. There is no need to be a prophet, everyone knows this: We consider it an honor to live together. Respect for any culture helps us with this! There are countless different peoples in our region. There is no need to be a prophet, everyone knows this: We consider it an honor to live together. Respect for any culture helps us with this!