Presentation "Use of ICT in the educational process" presentation for a lesson on the topic. Presentation "using ICT in lessons" in chemistry - project, report Presentation of ICT in lessons in primary school

"Use of ICT in primary school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education"

“Tell me and I will forget. Show me so I can remember. Let me do it myself, and it will be mine forever.” An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal learning activities (ULAs). UUD is understood as “general educational skills”, “ general methods activities", "supra-subject actions", etc. An important element in the formation of universal educational activities students at the level of primary general education, ensuring its effectiveness is the orientation of younger schoolchildren in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to use them competently (ICT competence). (SLIDE 3) In the new millennium, we have entered the so-called “information age”. It also poses a new problem for school education - to prepare students for life in a rapidly changing information society, which places new demands on the education system, including on the competence of the teacher. Now one of its goals is to form high level information culture. And a key role in solving this problem is played by the ability of a modern person to master ICT technologies. The main goal of their implementation is the emergence of new types of educational activities. The use of a personal computer, multimedia programs and devices allows you to change the teaching of school disciplines, optimize the processes of understanding, memorizing and assimilation of educational material by children, thereby increasing the motivation of learning and the effectiveness of the lesson, as well as ensuring the implementation of the ideas of developmental education, improving the forms and methods of organizing teaching and educational activities. process. (SLIDE 4-5) The use of ICT in lessons in primary school allows: . organize simultaneously children with different... new capabilities and abilities; . to intensify the cognitive activity of students; . approach the student individually, using multi-level tasks; . improve the quality of material absorption; . implement a differentiated approach to students with different levels of readiness for learning; . conduct lessons at a high aesthetic level (music, animation); . develop students’ ability to navigate information flows the surrounding world, . master in practical ways working with information. move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of learning activities. Of course, using ICT in every lesson is quite complex and time-consuming, as the role and responsibility of the teacher increases. He always has to be in search of techniques and means of organizing the educational and cognitive activities of students so that the lesson is as informative, productive, and most importantly - unforgettable, therefore (SLIDE 6) a modern teacher must be “ICT” - competent: ? master basic computer user tools; ? multimedia information sources; ? communication tools; ? ICT - means. Information competence is reflected in the teaching and educational process of primary school, since learning at this level is the foundation on which all further human activity will be built. The use of ICT more fully develops students' creative abilities and research skills, teaches children to work with information, develops communication skills, and introduces students to the achievements of the information society. Lessons using ICT can become familiar to primary school students, and for teachers - the norm of work - this, in my opinion, is one of the most important results of innovative work in school. Options for using ICT (SLIDE 7) in the educational process of primary school can be very different (they are presented on the screen): ? use of ICT as a didactic teaching tool (creation teaching aids, development and application of ready-made computer programs in various subjects, etc.); ? introduction of the computer science course as an academic subject for primary schoolchildren; ? conducting a lesson using ICT (using ICT at certain stages of the lesson, using ICT to consolidate and control knowledge, organizing group and individual work, extracurricular work and work with parents). Computer technology can be used in almost any school subject. One thing is important - to find the line that will make the lesson truly developing and educational. The use of information technology allows me to implement my plans, make the lesson modern, which contributes to a significant improvement in the quality of education. In my lessons, I use ICT in the form of presentations, revised and adapted for my class (SLIDES 8-21), as well as those created by me, at any stage of the lesson: to determine the topic and set learning objectives, when working on new material, to consolidate, at the stage of reflection, etc. Presentations help to involve children in discussion, visit museums and exhibitions in absentia, and attend a meeting with writers; using presentations you can organize different types Activities: work in pairs, groups, individual work. Also in the lessons I use interactive multimedia components for textbooks (they are presented on disks): 1. V.G. Goretsky “ABC” 2. M.I. Moreau “Mathematics” 3. A.A. Pleshakov “The World Around us” 4.B .P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky “Russian language” These discs are interesting because the material can be used when working from textbooks by different authors. The tasks allow you to apply them at any stage of the lesson, diversify the forms and types of activities, etc. I would like to use the example of one topic in the Russian language to demonstrate various types of work. For example, vocabulary work: an explanation of the semantic meaning of a word is presented, observation of spelling and orthographic pronunciation, enrichment work vocabulary and so on. At the stage of familiarization with new material, its theoretical explanation is proposed. To consolidate and practice knowledge, tasks are presented in a game form. There are also many different exercises aimed at developing children's speech. Exciting interactive games help develop a child's logic and imagination, memory and attention. There are tasks for practical work, training and testing exercises, which allows you to conduct an individual and complete analysis of the level of knowledge of students, give them an objective assessment, and also identify weak spots in mastering new material. One of the main tasks of education is the development creativity child. It depends on many factors, including how visual and easy to understand the educational material is. A younger schoolchild has better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when he is interested, when tasks are clear, bright, and evoke positive emotions in the children. I believe that the use of presentations, multimedia, and testing programs in lessons helps solve the following (SLIDE 23) didactic tasks: . acquire basic knowledge of the subject; . systematize acquired knowledge; . develop self-control skills; . to form motivation for learning in general and for a certain subject in particular; . provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material. The computer brought together teachers, students, and parents. It's no secret that today many people, having a computer at home, use it as a toy. But adults can become active participants in the educational process, for example, helping the child find interesting material for the lesson, assist in completing projects, prepare presentations on various topics, and final material about the life of the class. Eight of my students participated in All-Russian competition drawings “Man in the world of artistic culture” (SLIDE 24-25). Parents sent their work to a competition in in electronic format, and actively voted for interesting children's drawings. I also use ICT in extracurricular activities, when carrying out cool hours(SLIDE 26-31), holidays and parent-teacher meetings. The future is shaped at school. Our students today must be prepared to integrate successfully into society. And the introduction of ICT into the educational process helps solve this problem. Today, for a teacher, a computer is no longer a luxury - it is a necessity.

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"Presentation "Using Information and Communication Technologies""

The use of ICT in lessons in primary school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education

Litvinova Larisa Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Lyceum No. 101"

  • "Tell me and I will forget. Show me so I can remember. Let me do it myself and it will be mine forever." Ancient wisdom

The use of ICT in primary school lessons allows

* organize simultaneously children with different capabilities and abilities;

* intensify the cognitive activity of students;

* approach the student individually, using multi-level tasks;

* improve the quality of material absorption;

* implement a differentiated approach to students with different levels of readiness for learning;

* conduct lessons at a high aesthetic level (music, animation);

* develop students’ ability to navigate the information flows of the surrounding world,

* master practical ways of working with information,

* move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes active subject of educational activities.

Modern The teacher must be “ICT” - competent:

  • master basic computer user tools;
  • multimedia information sources;
  • communication tools;
  • ICT - means.

Options for using ICT in the educational process of primary school

  • use of ICT as a didactic teaching tool(creation of teaching aids, development and use of ready-made computer programs in various subjects, etc.);
  • introduction of the computer science course as an educational subject for younger schoolchildren;
  • conducting a lesson using ICT(use of ICT at certain stages of the lesson, use of ICT to consolidate and control knowledge, organization of group and individual work, extracurricular work and work with parents).

In my lessons I most often use ICT in the form of presentations.

  • on the surrounding world;
  • In Russian;
  • mathematics;
  • on literary reading;
  • in extracurricular and extracurricular activities

1. Name the first winter month

2. From what month does summer begin?

3. Name the month that follows October

5. What season follows autumn?

6. Name the last month of summer

7. What season will change in summer?

8. What month comes after March? Name the third letter of this word.

What I want to learn in class:

  • when did dinosaurs live?
  • what they looked like;
  • what did they eat;
  • why dinosaurs became extinct;
  • who helps us learn about dinosaurs;

We visited both cold and hot regions of the Earth, met many different animals, but never saw dinosaurs. Why?

Dinosaurs do not live on Earth now; they became extinct long ago.

Paleontological Museum


Do you agree with the names of the animals?

K O ROVA (p, P) ushinka

COSH KA (b,B)odun

S O BAKA (k,K)rikun

P E TUKH (z, z)orka

K O ZOL (t, T)ishka

check yourself

CAT P ears

DOG T Ishka


GOAT B one

COW Z Orka

Group work

Come up with and write

names of animals and give them nicknames:

1 group - from one syllable;

Group 2 – of two syllables;

Group 3 – of three syllables.


It's time to check if we have achieved the lesson objectives.

Today in class:

I found out …

I learned …..

I like it …

I will …

He stood right next to the path: His legs won’t walk out of fear, And the poor fellow mooed, “Moo! I can’t take a step!”

  • He doesn't want to lie down at all. If you throw it, it will jump. Throw it again, rushes at a gallop, Well, of course - this is....

The iron bird circles in the sky, and, at the pilot's signal, lands on the ground.

The giant lifts a heavy load to the clouds. And if it gets stuffy, the shower will pour itself.

A handsome, lively guy carries a box on his back. And in that box a whole field of wheat will fit.

Gray flannelette animal, Long-eared clubfoot. Well, guess who he is. And give him a carrot!

He is slender and handsome, He has a thick mane. It's a pity you can't race on it. You can only swing.

Holiday, holiday at the gates! Who will go to meet him? Me and my faithful friend - Little Red...

This funny animal is made of plush and has paws and ears. Give the beast some honey. And make him a den.

The giant city goes to work in the ocean.

If someone is born with a beard, no one is surprised.

I also use interactive multimedia components for textbooks in my lessons.

  • V. G. Goretsky “ABC”
  • M.I.Moro “Mathematics 1st grade”
  • V. P. Kanakina, V. G. Goretsky “Russian language, 1st grade”
  • A.A. Pleshakov “The world around us”

The use of presentations, multimedia, and testing programs in lessons helps solve the following: didactic tasks:

  • acquire basic knowledge of the subject;
  • systematize acquired knowledge;
  • develop self-control skills;
  • to form motivation for learning in general and for a certain subject in particular;
  • provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material.

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The presentation on the topic “USE OF ICT IN THE CLASSROOM” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Chemistry. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 17 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Teacher of chemistry and life safety Fedorov R.A.

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ICT competence

Russian education on modern stage its development requires significant changes from the teacher in educational and extracurricular activities. ICT competence of a teacher is: - one of the main indicators of professionalism. - key competence for solving modern educational problems - new opportunities for improving the educational process, for obtaining new knowledge for both students and teachers. ICT competence of a modern teacher is knowledge of new information technologies and the ability to use them.

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Requirements for a teacher

The level of a modern teacher should not lag behind the level of a modern student. To do this, the teacher needs: - the ability to use a computer and other digital means; - ability to use the Internet and software; - apply modern educational technologies in practice. A teacher who knows a computer keeps up with the times, and a modern teacher must be able to talk to a student in a language he understands. ICT is the knowledge of information technologies and the ability to use them. It is one of the key competencies of a modern person.

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Competence-based approach

The competency-based approach is one of those approaches that is opposed to the translation of ready-made knowledge, one of those in which an attempt is made to introduce personal meaning into the educational process. The competency-based approach is an approach that focuses on the result of education, and the result is not the sum of acquired information, but a person’s ability to act in various problem situations. (Ivanov D.A., Mitrofanov K.G., Sokolova O.V. Competence-based approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools. Educational and methodological manual. - M.: APK and PRO, 2003.)

Slide 5

What is “competence”

Competence translated from Latin means a range of issues in which a person is knowledgeable, has knowledge and experience. A person competent in a particular area has the appropriate knowledge and abilities to enable him to make informed judgments about that area and to act effectively in it. Competence includes a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), specified in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them. Competence is the possession or possession by a person of the relevant competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity. (A.V. Khutorsky)

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ICT - competence

ICT competence is the ability of a teacher to solve educational, everyday, and professional problems using information and communication technologies.

Slide 7

ICT – teacher competence

In order for a teacher to become competent in the field of ICT, he needs: transformation (transformation) of teaching activities; revision of traditional teaching settings, search and selection of pedagogical technologies, adequate ICT, systematic self-education; exchange of teaching experience; creation and accumulation of developments for lessons using ICT; ensuring the continuity of the process of advanced training in the field of ICT, including with the involvement of distance educational technologies and network services; formation of a new type of thinking (self-organizing, social, type of thinking).

Slide 8

Advantages of ICT technologies

Experience has shown that the use of modern ICT technologies in the classroom: activates the cognitive activity of students; increases students' motivation for the subject being studied; saves time on explaining material; allows you to go beyond school textbooks, supplement and deepen their content; allows you to differentiate and individualize the work of students; makes it possible to increase the accumulation of grades; creates comfort in the classroom

Slide 9

Cognitive activity

Activation of students' cognitive activity when using ICT is achieved due to: high illustrative and information richness in the lesson; differentiation of questions for the same task; selection interesting material; faster pace of student work.

Slide 10

Increasing motivation for the subject

Increased motivation of students for the subject being studied occurs due to: the feasibility of tasks for each student; opportunities to discuss assignments and express your own opinions; introducing a dialogue form of work when performing a task; simultaneous auditory and visual perception of material; involving students’ personal experience when working on assignments.

Slide 11

Saving study time

Saving time on explaining material is achieved by: increasing the level of lesson structuring (from general to specific; from cause to effect; from simple to complex; from known to unknown; from interesting to even more interesting); increasing the pace of work; increasing the illustrative nature of educational material (it’s better to see once than...); intensifying the work of students in the classroom and increasing the level of their personal interest.

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Accumulation of ratings

The increase in the accumulation of grades in the subject occurs due to: - the feasible work of all students in the lesson; - students’ use of ICT in homework; - students completing creative tasks; - independent initiative of students in preparing reports, messages, illustrations, etc.

Slide 13

Comfort in class

Comfort in the classroom increases due to: - taking into account the age characteristics of students; - creating a creative atmosphere; - creating situations of success; - use of collective mental activity in the lesson (problem assignments, brainstorming, collective creative tasks etc.) - using in the lesson to establish a connection between the material being studied and the personal experience of students; - attracting students’ emotional attitude to the content of the lesson; - establishing connections between the lesson and lessons in other subjects.

The teacher must be modern and be able to quickly adapt to changing conditions; be able to work and make decisions in collaboration; be able to think practically; be able to learn; teach all this to your students! All this will be possible with mastery of ICT

Goals of using ICT in the lesson To make the lesson modern (in terms of the use of technical means); bring the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child, since he looks and listens more than reads and speaks; establish relationships of mutual understanding and mutual assistance between teacher and student; help the teacher with: opportunities to present material emotionally and figuratively; organizing the consolidation of knowledge acquired in the lesson; testing knowledge, skills and abilities; giving the student’s assessment a more balanced and objective character; saving time.

Declarative software: electronic textbooks; electronic textbooks; training programs; test programs; test programs; reference and training databases; interactive maps and diagrams; educational presentations and videos. Procedural: computer modeling; computer modeling virtual laboratory workshops; laboratory workshops simulators; game programs.

Electronic textbooks Mathematics Russian language Physics Chemistry History Geography Biology English language

Testing On-line testing Tests for everyone

Teacher's Opportunities... Teacher's Opportunities... Selection of illustrative material; creation of electronic visual aids (tables, charts, diagrams...); visual aids; creation of problem books; creation of individual cards; creation of presentations; presentations, placement of information on the school website; creation of an electronic textbook on the school website...

Student activities Creation of tables, diagrams, drawings, diagrams; diagrams; creation of illustrations; illustrations; solving problems in spreadsheets; performance creative works(fairy tales, crosswords, puzzles, newspapers...); crosswords creation and design of work in a text editor; creating presentations; searching for information on the Internet; publications on the Internet...

Horizontally: 2. Computer storage medium. 4. Problem solving as an information process. 6. The one who receives information. 8. Talking on the phone as an information process. 9. The object on which information is stored. Vertically: 1. The one who transmits information. 2. Magnetic disk. 3. Information process when watching a film. 5. Recording homework as an information process. 7. Information that is stored on the disk.

Search for information Search for information on a topic (on websites, in dictionaries, specialized systems); collection of multimedia materials on a given topic (text, illustrations, animations, video, audio); work in a virtual library; compiling a collection of annotated references on the topic; search for "treasure"; writing and designing messages, reports, abstracts, projects.

Useful resources on the network Digital educational resources Open college NITI-methodology Network association of methodologists Information and communication technologies in education

Using ICT in primary school lessons.

Modern man surrounded by so much information that he is unable to process and use for the development of society without the help of new information technologies. Every year the computer breaks into our lives more and more persistently, and with it information Technology. Based on the fact that“information and communication technologies are a set of methods, devices and production processes used by society to collect, store, process and dissemination of information», The main thing in a teacher’s practical activity is understanding the role of using ICT in educational activities. The success of the reform of Russian education largely depends on the human factor: the teacher and his professionalism. It is the level of qualifications of teaching staff, their willingness to use modern technologies in their professional activities that will be the main thing in the complex process of bringing education to the level of needs modern society. Information technologies provide unique opportunity develop not only for the student, but also for the teacher. The development and expansion of the information space of children and adolescents encourages teachers to study together with students, mastering new previously unexplored spaces. I would like to emphasize that simply using computer technology in the classroom does not automatically entail an increase in the level of professional skill of the teacher and an increase in the quality of education. The determining role is played, first of all, by the personality of the teacher and his motivation. Therefore, in schools it is necessary to create such working conditions in which the teacher would like to constantly apply his existing knowledge in the field of using ICT and replenish it. At the same time, the implementation modern technologies V pedagogical activity should not just be a necessity, but be a conscious process during the continuous education and self-education of the teacher in this area. The directions of modernization of education should be determined not so much by the availability of computer equipment and software in schools, but by the readiness of primary school teachers to change in accordance with the needs and problems of society.

According to the statistics website, 18% of teachers in grades 1-4 have a negative attitude towards the use of computer technology in the classroom, show no interest in computers, and avoid taking courses to improve computer literacy, preferring to resort to the help of their “advanced colleagues.” The teaching experience of this group of teachers exceeds 20 years. More than half of primary school teachers (54%) have a positive attitude towards computers, show interest in new ICTs, and use them in their practice, including both young teachers (up to 5 years of work experience) and experienced teachers. About a third of primary school teachers (28%) have a positive attitude towards IT, are interested in it, but do not use it in their lessons. IN this group Teachers with different experience also included. And among primary school teachers who are proficient in computer technologies, 18% do not use them in the classroom, 27% use them, but rarely, 36% use them 2-3 times a week, and 19% constantly, in almost every lesson.

Primary school teachers' use of ICT

The table shows the data in order of decreasing significance:

From this list it is clear that teachers are more focused on consumption finished product, using a computer for reasons of convenience. They practically do not see its significance for self-education, professional communication, remote exchange of experience and distance learning.

In this regard, I would like to remind you of the names of online pedagogical communities in which, by registering, you can communicate with your colleagues.

Now everyone understands that a computer cannot replace a live teacher. But it will help make his work easier, interest children, and provide a more visual, completely new perception of the material. That's why I chose the topic of self-education“The use of ICT in primary school lessons as a means of improving the quality of learning.” I took courses, studied literature on this topic and began to use ICT in my lessons.

The use of ICT in the educational process allows:

    enhance educational effects;

    improve the quality of material absorption;

    build individual educational trajectories for students;

    implement a differentiated approach to students with different levels of readiness for learning;

    organize simultaneously children with different abilities and capabilities.

The introduction of ICT is carried out in the following areas:

    Creating presentations for lessons;

    Working with Internet resources;

    Use of ready-made training programs;

    1. Creating presentations for lessons.

One of the most successful forms of preparing and presenting educational material for lessons in elementary school is the creation of multimedia presentations.

Moreover, the presentation allows the teacher to independently compose educational material based on the characteristics of a particular class, topic, subject, which allows him to structure a lesson in such a way as to achieve maximum educational effect.

Presentations allow the teacher to:

    present the material clearly;

    intensify the process of explaining new material;

    regulate the volume and speed of information displayed through animation;

With the introduction of control and measuring materials in the form of testing, the need arises to prepare schoolchildren for this type of test. Students may encounter some difficulties due to lack of experience with this form of control. Testing requires schoolchildren not only to know certain educational material, but also to be able to work with it, i.e. understand the specifics of performing test tasks. In this regard, it is necessary to begin work on this form of control in elementary school. This will be a largely effective preparation for this type of exam.

You can create your own tests based on the test template for Ivanov D.’s elementary school, which has the ability to correct mistakes made by the student. The first two tasks of the test require choosing one correct option answer. In all subsequent tasks, students must choose several correct answers from those given. To run the test in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003-2007, you need to click “Show Slides” and click on the “Start Test” button on the title page. After completing all test tasks, students are automatically given a grade. On the “Test Results” sheet, you can click the “Correct” button and complete tasks in which errors were made. In this case, if the student answers incorrectly, the message “Incorrect answer” is displayed. For the test to work correctly, you should lower the security level (service - macro - security - security level: medium or low). Tests can also be created in the program for the interactive whiteboard

    1. Working on an interactive whiteboard.

The use of interactive technologies is becoming commonplace in education. Interactive equipment, such as interactive whiteboards, create sustainable motivation for students to acquire knowledge and help creatively solve learning problems, thereby developing students' imaginative thinking. Using an interactive whiteboard, you can demonstrate presentations, create models, actively involve students in the process of mastering the material, and improve the pace and flow of the lesson. The electronic board helps children overcome fear and embarrassment at the board, and easily involves them in the learning process. There is no one left indifferent in the class. Due to its great visibility, the use of an interactive whiteboard allows you to attract children's attention to the learning process and increases motivation. Everything that is on the computer is demonstrated on the interactive board. On it you can move objects and inscriptions, add comments to texts, drawings and diagrams, highlight key areas and add colors. The teacher had the opportunity to model his lesson together with students in brainstorming mode, demonstrate educational material, make written comments over the image on the screen, write down student ideas and thus create a general outline with the students together with the educational material. At the same time, what is written on the interactive board can be transmitted to students, saved on magnetic media, printed, or sent by e-mail.

It is also possible to access the Internet during lessons, where students can independently obtain new information. While working on interactive whiteboards, students' concentration improves, learning material is absorbed faster, and as a result, the performance of each student improves, which qualitatively improves the level of modern education.

Using an interactive whiteboard, the teacher can not only show and comment on paintings and graphics, but also create his own drawing.

Benefits of working with interactive whiteboards for teachers:

    Allows teachers to explain new material from the center of the class, work in a large audience;

    Encourages improvisation and flexibility, allowing you to draw and write on top of any application;

    Allows you to save and print images on the board, including any notes made during class, without spending a lot of time and effort and simplifying the review of learned material;

    Allows teachers to share and reuse materials with each other;

    Inspires teachers to search for new approaches to teaching and stimulates professional growth.

Benefits for students:

    Makes classes interesting and develops motivation;

    Provides more opportunities to participate in teamwork and develop personal and social skills;

    Students perceive and understand complex issues more easily as a result of clearer, more effective and dynamic presentation of material;

    Allows for a variety of learning styles, teachers can access a variety of resources, adapting to specific needs;

    Students become more creative and confident.

There are some difficulties when working with an interactive whiteboard:

    The presence of purely technical problems. In case of power surges or board failure for an unknown reason, not all teachers will be able to find the right solution to the problem.

    The time required to prepare a lesson is very high.

    The need to temporarily limit work with the interactive whiteboard during the lesson due to the need to comply with sanitary standards.

Despite all the difficulties that a teacher is able to solve, new technologies open up greater opportunities for creativity for the teacher.

The main ways to use interactive whiteboards in elementary school:

· make notes and notes over the images displayed on the screen;

· use of group forms of work;

· Collaborate on documents, spreadsheets or images;

· control a computer without using the computer itself (control via an interactive whiteboard)

· using an interactive whiteboard as a regular one, but with the ability to save the result, print the image on the board on a printer, etc.;

· changing the text in documents displayed on the screen using the virtual keyboard, which is configured in software boards;

· changing any documents or images on the screen, using any notes;

· saving on the computer in a special file all the notes that the teacher makes during the lesson for further demonstration in other lessons;

· the teacher can transfer the notes saved during the lesson to any student who missed the lesson or did not have time to make the appropriate notes in his notebook;

· demonstration of one student’s work to all other students in the class;

· demonstration of paintings, videos, films;

· creating drawings on an interactive whiteboard without using a computer mouse;

· creating drawings, diagrams and maps during the lesson, which can be used in subsequent lessons, which saves time during the lesson.


The variety of colors available on your interactive whiteboard allows you to highlight important areas and draw attention to them.

Screen recordings

The ability to write in electronic ink (using a marker or even just one finger) allows you to add any information, questions and comments to text, diagrams or images on the screen. All notes can be saved, viewed again, or printed.

Audio and video attachments

Watching video clips and listening to audio recordings significantly enhance the presentation of the material. Interactive whiteboards can also capture video images and display them statically for discussion and annotation.

Selecting individual parts of the screen

You can highlight text, a diagram, or a drawing on your interactive whiteboard. This allows the teacher to focus students' attention on the most important objects when explaining the material. Part of the screen can be hidden and shown when needed (tools: “curtain”, “backlight”, “magic pen”). You can not only select a part of the screen, but also enlarge (detail) an image or inscription (tools “magnifying glass”, “magic pen”).

Cut and paste

Objects can be cut and erased from the screen, copied and pasted, actions can be canceled or returned. This gives students more confidence - they know they can always go back a step or change something.


Pages can be flipped back and forth, demonstrating specific topics from the lesson or reviewing what some of the students didn't quite understand. Pages can be viewed in any order, and pictures and text can be dragged from one page to another.

Rotate an object

Allows you to move objects, showing symmetry, angles and reflections. Can be useful when studying geometric material: finding equal figures, comparing the areas of different figures by overlapping. You can also solve puzzles with matches and build Tangram figures.

The small amount of experience already available has shown that working with ID improves the perception of material by students, especially in primary school. Students believe that working with ID is much more interesting than working with regular board or printed handouts. They recognize that an interactive approach helps them actively participate in the lesson.

It is not necessary to use the board during the entire lesson; you can use it at a specific stage of the lesson. A teacher, depending on the subject, topic, type of lesson, and set goals, can turn to the capabilities of an interactive whiteboard only when the effectiveness and expediency of such work is obvious and produces results. We must also not forget about SanPiN.

    Using various training programs

In my lessons I use ready-made software products on CDs.

The main problem a teacher faces when preparing lessons is finding materials. Demonstration materials can be sourced from commercially available multimedia discs. Among the multimedia discs, first of all, the disc “Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius” should be noted. This is a fascinating journey into the world of knowledge. Lively interesting presentation, bright colorful design, ease of use - all this makes DEKM an indispensable assistant in understanding the world with little “whys”. The encyclopedia contains a lot of useful information about the world around us, about existing and disappeared civilizations, great eras and distant ones, outstanding figures of the past and present, about unusual natural phenomena, animals and plants. A variety of illustrated information in a playful form will help awaken a child’s thirst for discovery, explain clearly and introduce serious encyclopedic knowledge, and help master school subjects. “Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius” is more than 10,000 amazing facts and phenomena, a rich treasury of knowledge about everything.

Another excellent disc for elementary school is “Nature and Man. Natural science for elementary school."

Every minute, children have many incredible questions about the world around them. Their curiosity is quite natural and understandable, because every day the children discover something new. They will find answers to many of their questions in this multimedia textbook on natural history; it is intended for students in grades 1-4 and contains material on the main topics of the school natural science course: “Seasons”, “Living and inanimate nature”, “Living organisms” and others. Vivid illustrations, interesting interactive tasks, riddles and crosswords, accessible presentation of material closely related to everyday life, make classes with the disc interesting and effective.

I V . Using Internet resources

The Internet is a new information phenomenon, before which we, teachers, find ourselves like a fairy-tale hero at a crossroads: there are many roads, a wide choice, but we have not yet managed to understand what it is and why we need it. A global computer network for the educational process is a powerful tool that should fit seamlessly into educational subjects.

Working with the Internet develops confidence, allows you to feel part of the big real world, spurs curiosity, develops communication skills, creates an element of competition, and allows you to diversify the types of activities in the lesson.

Often pictures from the Internet become the only source for children to see a portrait of a writer, photographs, Russian folk costumes, masterpieces of Russian art. This becomes a bright visual aid and a source of inspiration in the lessons of fine arts, the surrounding world, literary reading and artistic work. Internet:

    Expands the types of educational activities of students (searching and processing information on the subject from the Internet);

    Provides opportunities for professional creative communication and rapid exchange of information;

    Provides opportunities for professional growth;

    Opens up creative opportunities for the teacher in the selection and use of didactic material;

    Allows you to use modern technical tools in the lesson that are exciting for students.


The results of this experience include:

    Increased positive motivation in lessons using ICT;

    Increasing the level of use of visuals in the classroom;

    Increasing the productivity of the educational process;

    Qualitative change in the relationships between participants in the educational process;

    Increase in the quality of knowledge.


Zakharova N.I. Introduction of information technologies into the educational process. – Magazine “Primary School” No. 1, 2008.

Stadnik M.V. Using media lessons to develop the thinking of junior schoolchildren. – Primary School Teachers Community Library. Educational portal “Network of Creative Teachers”, 2006. (

Materials from the site “Electronic interactive boards SMARTBoard - new technologies in education” (

websites “Electronic interactive whiteboards SMART Board – new technologies in education” (,

community “Interactive board for beginners and not only...” (, operating on the federal pedagogical portal “Network of Creative Teachers” (http://,

SMART Exchange (,

“SMART Lessons SMART” (,

"Club Polymedia - SMART community" (, as well as user support sites for IDs of other manufacturers:

community of teachers-users of the Promethean interactive whiteboard (,

“Electronic boards Panaboard for education” (

    Vinogradova L.P. Use of information technology in primary school. Materials of the scientific and practical conference. - 2000.

    Bezrukikh M.M., Filippova T.A., Makeeva A.G. Talk about proper nutrition/ Toolkit. – M.: OLMA – PRESS, 2006.

    Encyclopedia for children. Man, volume 18. - M.: Avanta, 2001.

    Network of Creative Teachers/ICT in Primary Schools

http:// www. it- n. ru/ communities. aspx? cat_ no=5025& tmpl= com

Compiled by: Gamzaeva Ashura Rabadanovna technology teacher of the MKOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" of the Kizlyar district, Republic of Dagestan.

Report on the issue:

« Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in technology lessons . »

The use of information and communication technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject, allows them to increase the effectiveness of learning, the intellectual level of students, instill self-learning and self-organization skills, and facilitate the solution of practical problems. The teacher has the opportunity to increase visibility in the teaching process. The use of computer technology in lessons allows us to make each lesson unconventional, bright, rich, and easy to remember.

Goals of using information technology in the classroom:

make the lesson modern (in terms of the use of technical means);

bring the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child, since he looks and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained using technical means;

establish relationships of mutual understanding and mutual assistance between teacher and student;

help the teacher to present the material emotionally and figuratively.

Currently, the use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, which ensure the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, more effective use school time.

The use of ICT in technology lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work and student activities, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. Building diagrams and tables in a presentation allows you to save time and design the material more aesthetically. Use of illustrations, drawings, etc. foster interest in the lesson; make the lesson interesting. In technology lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative, information material.

Using a multimedia project, slides and presentations created in Microsoft Power Point are demonstrated. Using this technology allows you to:

Increase the level of visibility during training;

Revive the educational process, introduce elements of entertainment;

Save a lot of time in class.

Schoolchildren enjoy working with the computer and are happy to participate in activities. Stimulation of cognitive interests among schoolchildren is caused by the novelty of visual teaching aids.

The use of computers is effective at all stages of the pedagogical process: at the stages of presentation educational information, assimilation of educational material in the process of interactive interaction with a computer, repetition and consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills, intermediate and final control and self-control of achieved learning results. This approach allows you to individualize the learning process.

Research recent years showed: people absorb 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, and more than 50% of what they simultaneously saw and heard. Therefore, ICT elements are very important and need to be introduced into a traditional lesson.

Competence of a modern teacheris a complex personal resource that provides the opportunity for effective interaction in the educational space and depends on the professional competencies necessary for this.

The use of ICT in technology lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work and student activities, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. Construction of diagrams, instructionskart,tables in a presentation allows you to save time and design the material more aesthetically. Use of illustrations, drawings, etc. foster interest in the lesson; make the lesson interesting. In technology lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative and informational material. ICT is appropriate to use when studying individual topics and sections of the labor training technology program. This is due the following factors:

1. This educational area provides, first of all, for the formation and improvement of practical skills in methods of processing materials, modeling and design. Hence, large quantity time should be devoted to the practical activities of students in the lesson.

2. Insufficient number of multimedia discs in the school media library. The available discs have a narrow thematic focus and are not without a number of advantages. Such as the professionalism of the programmers, beautiful graphics, contain good animation, are multifunctional, etc. But for the most part they do not fit into the outline of this particular lesson of a particular teacher. With their help, it is impossible to achieve all the goals set by the teacher in the lesson.

All work done during the lesson with all the notes and notes made on the board can be saved on the computer for later viewing and analysis, including in the form of a video recording. A teacher working with an interactive whiteboard can increase the level of perception of material through a combination of various forms of information transmission - visual and audio. During the lesson, he can use bright, multi-color diagrams and graphics, animation accompanied by sound, interactive elements that respond to the actions of the teacher or student. If necessary, if there are students in the group with low vision, the teacher can enlarge one or another element shown on the board. Visualization and interactivity are the main advantages of an interactive whiteboard. Interactive whiteboards correspond to the way of perceiving information that distinguishes the new generation of schoolchildren, computers and mobile phones, which has a much higher need for testing and independent work).

Thus, new information technologies, used methodically correctly, increase the cognitive activity of students, which undoubtedly leads to increased learning efficiency.

Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process contributes to:

Developing students' interest in the subject being studied;

Stimulating the activity and independence of students in preparing materials, working with literature, and extracurricular activities;

Formation of teamwork skills when discussing problems;

Ensuring objective control of knowledge and the quality of student learning.

Computers can help you save time and make work more efficient: search for information, solve more problems (and reduce homework), analyze the results, take advantage of the graphical capabilities of the computer, contribute to the development of student interest in the subject being studied, stimulation of cognitive and creative activity and independence of students, the formation of communication skills, ensuring objective control of knowledge, the quality of student learning of the material.

ICT has the following advantages:

allows you to increase the effectiveness of visual clarity;

makes it possible to use clarity both for front-line work and for individual activities;

the possibilities of visual and auditory perception are expanding (not only still images, but also animation and sound);

The Internet allows you to access additional information and, using it, diversify the types of tasks;

working with an electronic textbook allows you to more clearly organize the development, training and control of the material being studied;

makes it possible to develop the creative abilities of students, diversify their creative activities (creating presentations, projects, essays, etc.);

compactness of accumulation and storage of information;


demonstration of hard-to-access material (virtual laboratories, virtual excursions, etc.);

provides the widest opportunities for self-testing at all stages of work;

fast processing of results;

helps to increase cognitive activity and motivation in acquiring knowledge through a variety of forms of work;

independent work of students becomes controlled and manageable;

ICT makes it easy to extend a teacher’s work experience and his model of teaching a particular academic discipline to other teachers.

When presenting new material, the presentation becomes my assistant, because... The presented material is partially shown on the slides, and I can only supplement it, add my comments and explanations to the most difficult moments and images.

The use of multimedia presentation in the educational process allows you to improve the quality of learning and save time spent on methodological activities.

Presentations can be used to explain new material, to review covered material, and to organize ongoing monitoring of knowledge (presentations-surveys). Presentation-surveys contain questions-tasks addressed to students; they may include materials displaying key experiments of the topic covered or demonstrating a studied physical phenomenon. The question for the student is contained in the title of the slide; comments and explanations to the drawings are given by the teacher during the presentation. Such survey presentations can be designed for a frontal oral survey of students or a frontal individual written survey ( test, written test, independent work).


The use of multimedia products is relevant to topics that are usually absent in schools necessary set tables, diagrams, reproductions, illustrations. However, the expected effect can be achieved if certain requirements are met:

recognition - compliance with the information provided;

dynamics - the timing of the demonstration should be optimal. It's important not to overdo the effects;

well-thought-out image video algorithm ;

optimal size - this applies not only to the minimum, but also maximum sizes, which can have a negative impact on the educational process, contribute to faster fatigue among students;

optimal number of presented images on the screen. You should not get carried away by the number of slides, photos, etc., which distract students and prevent them from focusing on the main thing.


It is undeniable that in a modern school a computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical teaching tool. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each student a certain stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of students’ cognitive activity. But information technologies, in combination with correctly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of training and education.


1. Friedman L.N. Visualization and modeling in teaching - M.: Education, 1984.

2.Babansky Yu.K. How to optimize the learning process. -M.: Education, 1998.

3. Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning. -M.: Education, 1982.

4.Pikasisty P.I. Independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren in learning - M.: Education, 1990.