The presentation was made by Yakovleva A. Recently, a large number of different food additives have been used for the manufacture of food products. Presentation: Development of the food industry in Russia Presentation on the food industry

Food industry The food industry is a branch of industry that unites a set of homogeneous food and processing enterprises, processing, as a rule, raw materials of agricultural origin. The food and beverage industry accounts for 6% of world GDP. This industry is increasingly becoming an area of ​​international integration.

Significance of the food industry It is a part of the agro-industrial complex and provides procurement, processing of agricultural raw materials and the sale of the final product The food industry is designed to satisfy the basic needs of the population in the most important food products in a diverse range of products. industry reflects well the standard of living in different countries the world, the degree of development of the agro-industrial complex The products of the industry are an important export commodity

Features of the industry Massive and ubiquitous use Low transportability of agricultural raw materials, which is explained by the deterioration of its quality during long-term transportation and storage The ubiquity of distribution, which sharply distinguishes the food industry from other industries The food industry is organically part of any regional territorial production complex Food products have a quick return on costs for their manufacture

Features of the industry One of the most dynamic and rapidly changing industries in the world. Production is directed directly to the consumer, which makes it most susceptible to the slightest fluctuations in the market. The range of products is constantly updated to meet the changing tastes of consumers. The need for packaging in small containers corresponding to physical properties product Seasonality of production in a number of industries, which is partly smoothed out due to the ability to process several types of raw materials

Location The presence of consumers of food products and a variety of raw materials determine the widespread distribution of enterprises in this industry. Depending on the degree of influence of raw materials and consumer factors, the food industry is divided into three groups: - industries focused on sources of raw materials - sugar, butter, dairy, oil and fat, etc. ; - industries gravitating towards places of consumption finished products, - bakery, brewing, confectionery, pasta, dairy, etc .; - industries that are simultaneously focused on raw materials and on the consumer - meat, flour, tobacco, etc.

Trends Unevenness in the production of industries and consumption of industrial goods in the PRS and RS Some food industry sectors are experiencing a crisis of overproduction, but at the same time new industries appear water, various juices and tonic drinks

Problems An important problem is the elimination of regional disparities between the production of certain agricultural products and the capacities for their processing. The need to decentralize the location of a number of industries, to bring their enterprises as close as possible to raw material bases Creation of warehouses and processing enterprises directly in rural areas Environmental, social and economic problems caused by the production of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products

Food problem Food production has a direct link to one of the global problems humanity - a food problem The current situation in the world is characterized, on the one hand, by the presence of hundreds of millions of hungry people in developing countries, and on the other, by excess food production in developed countries, where only 1/5 of the world's inhabitants live

Composition of the industry The industry includes the food industry (tobacco, tonic drinks, alcoholic, mineral waters and juices, spices and spices). The food industry includes more than 40 specialized branches, sub-branches and individual industries.

Branches of the food industry Canning industry Dairy industry Meat industry Oil and fat industry Pasta industry Confectionery industry Wine industry Brewing and non-alcoholic beverages industry Fish industry Salt industry Sugar industry Tobacco industry Fruit and vegetable industry Butter and cheese industry Bakery industry

Meat industry Production of meat per capita in the world on average is 36 kg, but the differences by country are very large: from 365 kg per year in Denmark to 4.6 kg in India (at the expense of the Muslim population, because Hindus do not eat meat). In the structure of world production of meat of all types of pork, 39.1% takes the first place, poultry meat is in second place - 29.3%, followed by beef 25.0%, mutton 4.8%, other types of meat 1.8%.

Meat industry trends 1. Increased consumption of dietary types of meat (primarily poultry). This was reflected in the structure of meat production in the world (indicators in the world were 15 kg for pork, 9 kg for poultry). 2. Asia becomes the main region for meat production. 3. The share of Eastern Europe is shrinking. 4. Western Europe remains the leading exporter: up to 47% of meat supplies in the world (the largest are the Netherlands, France and Denmark). North America is the second largest in the meat trade (20% of world exports), while Oceania (12%) is the third.

Fish Industry The main trend is growth in Asia and South America: these two regions account for almost 3/4 of the world's seafood. It is noteworthy that states that have access to Pacific Ocean, provide more than 70% of the industry's production. Among the 10 leading countries for the production of fish and seafood in the world, 9 are located in the Pacific Basin. There is not a single Western European country among them, although they actively fish in this remote ocean. The leadership of the PRC in this industry has become unprecedented, giving more than 1/5 of its products in the world.

The butter and cheese industry provides the most valuable food products that provide deep processing of raw milk raw materials that can withstand storage and long-distance transportation. Cheese has become the leading product of the industry, its production and consumption has a thousand-year tradition. The geography of cheese production is characterized by a high share of Western Europe(up 44%) and North America (26%) Per capita production and consumption of cheese varies greatly across countries. With an average world production per capita of 2.6 kg in some countries, it is much higher: in France, 27 kg, and in Greece, Denmark, New Zealand, more than 50 kg. Oil (animal) is also a product of the industry. The main trend is a sharp decline in its consumption in a number of countries, especially in the United States.

Sugar industry The average production rate in the world was 21 kg per capita, but sugar consumption across the countries of the world varies greatly: from a few kilograms (PRC) to kg (Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Cuba). Asia plays the leading role in sugar production, giving more than 1/3 of the world's production. In general, the two regions Asia and South America together provide about 60% of sugar, while India and Brazil took leading positions in the industry.

Food industry in Russia The volume of food production in Russia is constantly growing. At present, the country's food industry is one of the strategic sectors of the economy, which is designed to provide the population of Russia with the foodstuffs necessary in terms of quantity and quality. It has 30 branches with more than 60 sub-branches and types of production and unites more than 25 thousand enterprises of various forms of ownership with a total number of employees of about 1.5 million people. In the sectoral structure industrial production the food industry accounts for about 14% of the total industrial production in Russia. 10% of the revenue side of the Russian budget is formed at the expense of taxes and excise taxes received from the enterprises of the industry.

Development of the industry According to the long-term program of social development, it is planned to invest in the food industry in accordance with the inertial option more than 900 billion rubles, of which 55% will be directed to the technological modernization of the industry. The innovative option involves investments in the amount of 1,150 billion rubles.

Changes in the production of various industries: 1. The production of granulated sugar from sugar beet has been steadily increasing over the past few years. In 2008, the volume of sugar production increased by 7.7% compared to 2007. 2. The volume of production of animal oil in 2008 amounted to 278 thousand tons, 2.2% higher than in 2007. 3. The output of meat and by-products of the 1st category in 2008 increased by 11.6%. 4. The production of flour over the past few years has decreased, in 2008 the volume amounted to 98.06% of the 2007 figures. 5. The volume of cereal production in 2008 also decreased, amounting to 97.04% of the 2007 results.

Imports of basic foodstuffs: In 2008, imports of fresh and frozen meat increased by 14.8% by 2007, fish by 1.2%. Imports of cereals to Russia have dropped significantly over the past two years. The volume of purchases in 2008 to 2007 - 46.1%. At the same time, in relation to 2006, the volume of imports of cereals in 2008 decreased by 3.5 times (wheat by 7.7 times, barley by 1.4 times). Import of vegetable oil in 2008 increased by 17.3% against the previous year. The volume of purchases of imported soybean oil increased in 2008 almost 3 times, palm oil by 19%, while the import of sunflower oil in 2008 decreased by 16%. Coffee imports to Russia have been steadily growing over the past few years. In years. the volume of import purchases of coffee annually increased by an average of 16%. In general, imports of food products and agricultural raw materials to Russia in January-March 2009 decreased, amounting to 81.5% of the indicators for the same period in 2008 ($ 5.97 billion).

Food industry in the Rostov region The food and processing industry ranks first among the processing industries in the Rostov region, its contribution to the total production in the agro-industrial complex of the Rostov region is 35.6%. The largest Russian agricultural holdings, enterprises of almost all branches of the food and processing industry, industry leaders - Aston, Yug Rusi, Baltika, Agrokom, Eurodon, numerous manufacturers of dairy products, canned fruits and vegetables, confectionery, alcoholic beverages, drinking and mineral waters, etc. The products of the Don agro-industrial complex are exported to more than 50 countries of the world.

Food industry in the Rostov region Food and processing industry of the Rostov region produces ecologically clean, natural, tasty products - oils, cereals, milk, cheeses, meat and fish delicacies, canned food, confectionery, alcohol, juices, etc. - more than 2 thousand names of food products, most of which meet European standards. The enterprises are constantly modernizing the existing production base and commissioning new capacities for processing agricultural raw materials. Work is underway to expand the range and improve the quality of products, manufacturers are shaping their consumer image. The region provides itself completely with many types of food products.

"Chemical properties" - Indicators. Chemical equation. Phenomena. The structure of the periodic system. CaCO3, H2SO4, CO2, KOH. Periodic system Mendeleev - graphic display of the periodic law. The period number indicates the number of energy levels in the atom. Classification of bases. Thermal effect. Periodic law DI. Mendeleev.

"Charged Particles" - Isotopes. The use of isotopes. The Wilson chamber makes it possible to register the trajectories of charged particles. Wilson's chamber. The Geiger counter allows registering only the fact of the passage of a particle. Geiger counter. The method of thick-layer photographic emulsions makes it possible to register rare phenomena. Atoms of isotopes of hydrogen.

"Defects of solids" - 3.2.2. Charge transfer to electric field... Thermoelectric phenomena. II. 3.3.4. Transfer of matter in a chemical field. (continuation). The number of vacancy hops is determined by the expression. Semiconductors. Chemical reactions... (15). Ionic current. ,

"Project on chemistry" - Within the framework of the project, students carried out research on the following topics: D. Starodubtsev " Organic chemistry", From the" Higher School ", 1998. 14. Didactic goals of the project. And Mazel "The structure of musical works", from "Music", 1980. 13. Fundamental question. “Chemistry stretches out its hands widely in human affairs” MV Lomonosov.

"Inert gases" - He? Li leads the group of inert gases on the periodic table. Spectral lines of helium. At room temperature, radon is one of the heaviest gases. Neon atom diagram. The visible light of the helium spectrum is usually yellow in color. Xenon fluorides are poisonous. Neon. Xenon atom diagram. Xenon. Argon atom diagram.

"Chemical Equations" - S. Shchipachev. The index shows the number of atoms in a formula unit of a substance. The modern formulation of the law: xA + yB = cAB. K + o2. K2o. 1756 g. Practical work№3 "Analysis of soil and water" 11. Topic of the lesson: The law of conservation of the mass of substances.

There are 25 presentations in total

The objectives of the lesson are: 1. Determine the composition of the agro-industrial complex. 2. Show the links between the links of the agro-industrial complex. 3. To reveal the peculiarities of the location of the food and light industry. 4. Determine the factors of the location of these industries.

5. Determine the range of problems of the 3rd link of the agro-industrial complex. The composition of the agro-industrial complex and the problems of the food and light industries are considered in detail.



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Agro-industrial complex. Light and food industry.

The purpose of the lesson To determine the composition of the agro-industrial complex. Show the links between the links of the agro-industrial complex; Reveal the features of the location of the food and light industry; Determine the factors for the location of these industries; Determine the range of problems of the 3rd link of the agro-industrial complex.

Definition of the agro-industrial complex Agro-industrial complex - a set of interrelated sectors of the economy involved in the production, processing of agricultural products and bringing it to the consumer. The main task of the agro-industrial complex is to provide people with food.

Composition of the agro-industrial complex 1 link. Provides the agro-industrial complex with machines and equipment, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. The first link provides such important processes as the mechanization and automation of the agro-industrial complex. (agricultural engineering, chemical industry). Link 2. Agriculture... It is distinguished from other sectors of the economy: 1.strong dependence on natural conditions, which are very diverse in Russia. 2. Seasonality of production of most of agricultural products due to the natural characteristics of Russia. 3. the use of living organisms that grow and develop according to certain biological laws. Link 3: Food and light industry (processing of raw materials).

Indicators of agro-industrial complex development in some countries of the world (per capita) Russia Germany USA Japan France Agricultural land, ha 1.5 0.2 2.0 0.04 0.2 Arable land, ha 0.8 0.2 0.7 0, 03 0.3 Cereals and legumes, kg 469 516 1272 111 1116 Sugar beets, kg 109 323 90 30 526 Potatoes, kg 262 166 85 27 111 Meat, kg 36 75 127 25 113 Milk, kg 242 351 263 66 474 Fish catch and seafood production, kg 28 3 19 47 9

The first group - industries that focus on raw materials. Butter Groats Sugar Tea Fish Canning Placement at the sources of raw materials The weight of finished products is less than the weight of the raw materials. Many types of raw materials are not subject to long-term transportation and storage (sugar beets, fruits, milk).

The second group of industries Bakery Pasta Confectionery Breweries Placement at the consumer These industries use processed raw materials.

The third group of industries Numerous enterprises of the meat-processing, dairy and flour-grinding industries, located both in the production areas and in the consumption areas.

meat dairy flour-milling raw materials orientation consumer orientation The third group of industries Numerous enterprises of the meat-processing, dairy and flour-grinding industries, located both in the production areas and in the consumption areas.

Light industry unites a group of industries that provide the population with fabrics, clothing, footwear and other consumer goods. Features of the light industry: the products of the industry affect the standard of living of people; labor-intensive industry, which employs mainly women (75% of workers); the size of the enterprises is small and does not require a lot of energy and water;

Problems of the food and light industry Poor-quality raw materials for light industry, since the technology of primary processing of raw materials is outdated. Outdated equipment. Lack of competitiveness of Russian light industry enterprises with cheap imported products from Asian countries. Lack of raw materials for the sugar industry (since the yield of sugar beets is low). The dilapidation and loss of the Russian fishing fleet, a consequence of a decrease in fish catch. Low purchasing power of the population due to the economic crisis. Ways to solve these problems: Investments are required to purchase new equipment.

Assignment to the house § 6. Prepare a message about one of the professions of the light or food industry.

an amount sufficient to provide the country's population in accordance with scientifically grounded physiological nutritional standards, taking into account supplies under international agreements. 2. Achievement of the capacity of enterprises of processing industries to a size that ensures the processing of all grown agricultural raw materials at the optimal time with the availability of appropriate storage tanks, including refrigeration ones. 3. A dynamic increase in the production of consumer products in food industries in small packaging in accordance with the requirements of the market. 4. The ever-increasing coverage of the food industry for the production of culinary products and semi-finished products as the most cost-effective than their production in a public catering network or in household... 5. Inevitable structural shifts in the food industry itself, due to the requirements of the market, competitiveness and modern scientific and technological progress. 6. Fulfillment of international supply obligations, taking into account the advantages of the country's participation in the international division of labor.

"Features of Canada" - Banks: Monday-Friday 10.00-18.00, Saturday - day off. CLOTHING Good clothing is part of the successful businessman's image. Everyone is proud of their company. No smoking during negotiations and at the table. Always ask permission before smoking. They strive to emphasize cordiality everywhere. Almost all Canadians are foreigners themselves.

"Canada" - Niagara Falls. Ottawa is located on the banks of the Ottawa River and on the Rideau Canal. Flora. Ottawa. Average January and July temperatures differ for each region. There are many nesting migratory birds and game birds. Canada. Climate. To the south of the tundra there is a wide strip of forests. Population - 34 million people.

Jasper National Park - Pine trees (yellow, Weymouth and twisted) are often found here. The climate is mild temperate, the average annual rainfall is 332 mm, the humidity level is 82%. Jasper. National park Jasper. Weymouth pine. Canadian lynx, wolverine, beaver, ground squirrel, arboreal porcupine, muskrat, squirrel, as well as about 200 bird species.

"Development of Canada" - 3. International perspective on the problem: an overview. 1. Regional development - plans, programs, schedules. The evolution of the distribution of tax revenues and equalization funds. Canada: Changing Models of the 1950s and 60s 4. 7. Canadian lessons. 5. Canada: 1970s and 1980s

"Canada in the World" - Religion. Great Britain received the rights to the territory of Canada. Oil derrick. Fishing. On the border with the United States, Niagara Falls, 51 meters high, is one of the most beautiful in the world. The majority of the population lives in cities, mostly small ones. Canada ranks third in terms of timber reserves, after Russia and Brazil.