Cooking pike dishes. Pike dishes: recipes with photos. Stewed pike with vegetables

The queen of rivers and lakes, pike, is not appreciated by everyone. And this is not surprising, because few people know that its meat contains many useful vitamins and amino acids.

It is no less interesting in preparation. It is used to make cutlets, fish soup, stuffed, baked, fried, made into aspic, cooked as a stew, smoked and dried. You can continue ad infinitum.

Today we will look at the 10 most popular recipes for cooking pike.

Recipe No. 1. Pike fried in a frying pan.

We only need fish, salt, flour or bread crumbs and vegetable oil.

We prepare pike carcasses as usual: wash, clean, gut, sprinkle with lemon juice. Then cut into portions and add salt.

Roll in breading and place in a hot frying pan. Fry until golden brown. Serve with potatoes and vegetable salad.

Recipe No. 2 Pike baked in the oven.

If in the first version our fish turned out to be a little dry (this is a feature of pike meat - it is dense and completely fat-free), then in the oven it can be cooked in the most different ways, and it will be tender and juicy.

One option is to bake it in foil with potatoes and vegetables.

We prepare the fish, trim the fins, remove the eyes and gills. Rub with salt, pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Sauté the onions and carrots until transparent and place them on foil, put the fish carcass on top, stuff the belly with vegetables, place potato slices around them, and wrap the foil tightly. All. Now onto the baking sheet and into the oven. Bake until done.

You can read about this cooking recipe.

Recipe No. 3 Pike stewed in pieces in sour cream.

What could be tastier than pike with sour cream? Especially if it is prepared with soul.

For cooking, you will need to first process the pieces of fish fillet.

We will salt and pepper them and fry them a little over high heat, put them in a cauldron, sprinkle with lemon juice, cover with onion half rings and grated cheese, pour sour cream on top and let them simmer over low heat until ready. The fish will be tender and flavorful!

More detailed description preparations

Recipe No. 4 Pike pie with potatoes.

Everyone loves fish pies. But how to cook them tasty?

You can prepare minced fish (boil, pick out the bones, twist, mix with chopped and fried onions and carrots, add spices and salt, mix well, add potatoes fried in vegetable oil) or use deboned fillet, onion half rings and potato cubes , as well as a bouquet of spices and salt.

Each housewife prepares the dough in her own way. Some people do well with yeast, while others make do with the simplest yeast-free one.

Pike pie recipe.

Recipe No. 5 Pike pie with rice.

The pie is prepared similarly to recipe No. 4, but it is worth noting that here it is very good to use fresh green onions for the filling. Boil the rice until almost done, lightly fry in a mixture of vegetable and butter, mix with a large amount of chopped green onions.

The resulting mixture is laid out on ready-made and rolled out dough (we use yeast dough), and fish fillet is placed on top.

Now you can roll everything up into a roll, or cover it with a second layer of dough, pinch the edges nicely, and make cuts on top to allow steam to escape. And put it in the oven.

More detailed description of the recipe.

Recipe No. 6 Pike cutlets in a slow cooker.

Progress does not stand still, which is why microwave ovens, steamers and multicookers have long been included in our lives.

In the latest miracle of technology, pike cutlets turn out to be extremely juicy, tender and aromatic.

The process itself is not much different from cooking cutlets in a frying pan. Unless we put the finished balls in the multicooker bowl.

Prepare the minced meat, season it with spices and finely chopped green onions, fry on both sides until golden brown. Then they can be stewed with some sauce.

Recipe .

Recipe No. 7 Fried pike caviar.

The simplest and most delicious dish is fried pike caviar in a frying pan. To prepare it you only need salt and vegetable oil. As an option, we can use batter, where we will dip the egg with caviar, and then fry it in vegetable oil.

If you want to get a crispy crust, then simply roll the caviar egg in flour and fry on both sides.

Recipe No. 8 Pike soup on the fire.

Don't expect that all you need to cook fish soup over a fire is fish and salt.

In our recipe it also includes potatoes, onions, carrots, bay leaves and birch firebrands.

A head dipped into your ear for just a couple of seconds will give it an unforgettable aroma.

Recipe for cooking fish soup over a fire.

Recipe No. 9 Pike ear soup.

This type of fish soup is one of the most economical. You have stewed or fried a few pike, but you still have the heads, it’s a pity to throw them away. Let's make a poor man's fish soup out of them.

Let's remove the gills. Put them in cold water, let them boil, skim off the foam and boil for about 20 minutes. Then take them out of the resulting broth, put finely chopped onions, potatoes into cubes, carrots into slices or flowers into the pan.

When the potatoes are cooked, add a bay leaf and a couple of allspice peas. Let's not forget about black pepper. Let's take everything off the fire. Let's pour into plates. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and dill.

Pike heads can be disassembled, and if there is any meat there, put it on plates.

The recipe for this budget-friendly and simple dish.

Recipe No. 10 Salting pike for smoking and drying.

When the catch is rich, the fish is dried and smoked for a good snack. But first you need to salt the fish. To do this, they gut it and make cuts on it.

Rub with coarse salt and leave:

  • large fish - at night;
  • 0

Friends say that in order to catch a pike, you need to study its behavior at different times of the year. But, we just go to the market, because there is something waiting for us ahead great recipe- fried pike... mmm... with a crispy, delicious crust.

You can fry pike with onions, in sour cream (see also) or with mayonnaise. Pike cooked in batter is very good, but you can fry it without flour if you stick to more proper nutrition, there is also an option for cooking in the oven.

Pike dishes are a truly royal treat. I love the first course of pike. And you? If you haven’t tried it yet, be sure to look at the recipe and prepare our delicious, aromatic one (here you will find recommendations on how to properly clean pike) or these juicy, delicious ones.

Pike meat is lean and lean. This fish is classified as a dietary food. Not only fish meat has nutritional value, but also the milt and caviar of this river inhabitant.

Pike fried in a frying pan with onions

This method of cooking fish is the most common and, in my opinion, the simplest.


Pike, salt, pepper, flour, onions (by weight it should be half that of pike meat). vegetable oil and a small piece of butter.


  1. First, let's deal with the fish: clean it from scales, gut it, cut off the tail, fins and head, which can be used to prepare fish soup.
  2. Wash the fish carcass, dry it with a paper towel and cut it into portions of 4-5 cm. Salt and pepper the portions, leave for 10-15 minutes so that the fish is soaked.
  3. Pour flour into a separate plate, you can add a little more salt. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Roll each portioned piece evenly in flour and place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry, as soon as the fish is browned, turn it over to the other side.
  5. Peel and chop the juicy onion.
  6. If you like caramel-colored onions, then immediately after turning the fish over, add the onions to the frying pan. We slightly move the fish to one side, freeing up space for the bow.
  7. If you like translucent onions, then add the onion slices 5 minutes after turning the fish over. Stir the onion constantly during cooking so that it does not burn. At the end of cooking, 3-4 minutes before the end of the process, I add a small piece of butter to the pan; butter makes the fish more juicy and tasty.
  8. Remove the frying pan with the finished fried pike from the heat, place it on plates, and you can serve it with a side dish or simply sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Recipe in batter

It is best to cook fish in batter from fish fillets, but you can cook it from portioned pieces, as in the first recipe with onions in a frying pan.

Juicy and tender fried pike in batter is served with any side dish, vegetables or herbs.

Batter composition:

  • lemon 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
  • flour 3 tbsp.
  • fish seasoning and salt
  • water as needed


  1. Mix lemon juice with vegetable oil, add salt and fish seasoning. Rub the marinade into portions and leave to marinate for 30 minutes in a cool place.
  2. While you can prepare the batter. Mix the egg with flour, add salt and water until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Place pieces of fish dipped in batter into a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry until golden brown.
  4. Blot pieces of finished pike fried in batter on a paper towel and serve.

Pike in sour cream (recipe without flour)

This dish is a real delicacy. The result is tasty and tender pike meat with the creamy taste of sour cream. Be sure to try it.


  • pike 1.5-2kg
  • sour cream 200 -250g.
  • white onion (can be onion) 2 pcs.
  • fish seasoning and salt
  • vegetable oil
  • fresh herbs


  1. Rub the fish, divided into portions, with salt mixed with fish seasoning.
  2. Cut the white onion into half rings.
  3. Place pieces of fish in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, turn the heat to medium, and fry until golden brown. Turn the fish over and place the prepared onion on top.
  4. After 5 minutes of cooking, add sour cream diluted with milk or water. Simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Serve pike fried in a frying pan in sour cream with fresh herbs. Delicious. Bon appetit!

Pike in the oven

That's for sure for real royal recipe. Everyone who tried this recipe was absolutely delighted. Pike fillet cooked in the oven with onions and carrots mmm. Extraordinary yummy.


  • pike fillet 500g.
  • lemon ½ pcs.
  • fat sour cream 150g.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • carrots 1-2 pcs.
  • onions 2 heads
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • coriander 1 tsp.
  • seasoning for fish 1 tsp.

How to fry pike in the oven

  1. We divide the pike into fillets, wash the fillets under running water and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Put sour cream in a separate bowl, add salt, spices, garlic, passed through a press, mix everything, we get a marinade for fish.
  3. Salt the fillet pieces, pepper on all sides, pour in the juice of half a lemon and coat with marinade. Leave to marinate in a cool place for 2 hours.
  4. Now you can do the vegetables. Cut the onion into rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables one by one in a frying pan with vegetable oil until soft. Salt and pepper.
  5. Roll marinated pieces of pike in flour, place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry on each side for just a couple of minutes.
  6. Now we put our fish in a baking dish, place a layer of onions on top, then a layer of carrots, pour in the rest of the marinade and send it to cook in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

As I wrote above, not only pike meat is used in cooking, but also caviar. Pike caviar is a fish delicacy and dietary product, like pike meat. Caviar contains lecithin and others useful material, strengthening the immune system. If you have fresh pike caviar, try frying it in a frying pan. The recipe is suitable for those who do not like to spend a lot of time cooking.


  • pike caviar 450-550 gr.
  • salt and pepper to personal taste
  • vegetable oil for frying 4-5 tbsp.


  1. Carefully remove the eggs from the belly of the pike. We take care not to damage gallbladder.
  2. If there are yellow spots from spilled bile, then carefully cut out these pieces, as they will not be edible due to the strong bitter taste. Wash the iru well, dry it, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  3. Fry in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil. If desired, the caviar can be rolled in flour before frying, but you can skip this cooking step.
  4. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for another 2-3 minutes.

Place the fried pike caviar on a plate and serve.

I hope now it won’t be difficult for you to fry pike, choose the recipe you like and get down to business. Bon appetit.

Pike is a tasty and inexpensive fish. You can buy it in the store chilled or frozen. It is used to make first and second courses and snacks. It has good taste even when smoked.

Pike appetizers

For any festive table You can make heh from fish. For this you will need a pike. Onions, carrots, vinegar, pepper and other seasonings. He involves the use of pickled products that have not passed heat treatment. Clean the fish from entrails and bones, cut off the head and tail, cut into pieces 1 cm wide.

Salt the pieces, pour vinegar with garlic. Stir the mixture and leave in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. The marinating period can be increased if you are not sure about the quality.

For cooking light snack You can mix pike with steamed vegetables and season everything with lemon juice.

Cut the carrots into strips, add to the fish, stir. Heh needs to be refrigerated for another 1.5 hours. The dish is considered ready when the fish turns white. The final touch is to fry the onion rings and add it to the fish. To ensure that this ingredient is well soaked, place the appetizer in the refrigerator for another 60 minutes.

Simple fish salad

To prepare a regular fish salad you will need fish fillet, tomatoes, hard-boiled egg, processed cheese, mustard, cream. Step by step recipe:

Place lettuce leaves, sliced ​​tomatoes and onions on a plate.

  • Cut the processed cheese and eggs into cubes, combine these two ingredients, and place on a plate.
  • Boil the fillet in a double boiler, divide it into pieces with your hands, and add to the salad.
  • Mix olive oil with lemon juice, mustard and cream, shake in a shaker.
  • Pour the resulting sauce over the salad.


If you follow the technology, the roll will turn out juicy and tender. It can be served both hot and cold. First you need to clean the fish, separate the fillet from the ridge and bones. Grind it using a blender or food processor.

Transfer to a bowl, add a raw egg, bread soaked in milk, stir until smooth. Chop onions and mushrooms. Fry these two components in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.

Spread the foil on the table, spread the minced meat in an even layer 1 cm high. Place the mushrooms on top. Carefully form a roll and wrap in foil. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees. After 30 minutes, take out the baking sheet, open the foil, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese. Place in the oven for a few more minutes.

Stuffed pike

Stuffed pike

It is easy to prepare at home. Classic recipe assumes the presence of the following components: rice (2 tablespoons ready-made), white bread (100 g), milk (200 ml), onion (150 g), egg (1 pc.), greens.

First, boil the rice with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Peel and rinse the onion, chop finely and add salt. Clean the pike from scales so as not to damage the skin, remove the gills from the head. Make cuts near the fins. Carefully remove the skin so that it is separated from the insides. Remove the giblets.

Place the bones in a saucepan and cook the broth. It should boil for 40 minutes. During the cooking process, you need to remove the foam. Pour milk over the bread and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Peel the onion and grate it. Fry in vegetable oil until a transparent color appears.

Grind the fish fillet through a meat grinder. Combine the minced meat with the loaf, vegetables, and boiled rice. Separate the yolks from the whites and place in the minced meat. Add salt and spices. Beat the egg whites and gradually add them to the filling.

The resulting composition needs to be filled with the skin of the carcass. If an incision was made along the abdomen, it should be sutured. Place carrots and beets on a baking sheet, place the carcass on top, pour in broth. Cover with foil and place in a well-heated oven for 20 minutes. When the time is up, you need to remove the foil and bake the pike for another 20 minutes until golden brown.

You can stuff fish without rice. Some recipes suggest using mushrooms and potatoes instead.

Pike main courses

Pike shish kebab

Fish lovers will love the shish kebab. To prepare it you need fish, butter, seasonings. Rinse the pike, remove the head and fins. Remove the skin, cut into two parts, remove the bones. Cut into pieces, add salt and pepper. Stir and leave with spices for 20 minutes.

It remains to be placed on skewers, with melted butter poured on top. Bake the fish on the grill until done. Lemon slices and herbs are usually used to decorate the dish.


Pike cutlets

Even children love this dish. To prepare you will need:

  • fish fillet;
  • onion hand;
  • smoked sausage;
  • White bread;
  • salt and pepper.

Breadcrumbs and vegetable oil are useful directly for forming cutlets. First you need to make minced meat from the fillet by twisting the meat through a meat grinder. Cut the smoked sausage, grind it, add to the minced meat. Dilute the mixture with finely chopped onion, fried in vegetable oil. Add bread that has been soaked in cream beforehand. Twist the resulting minced meat again through a meat grinder. Add salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Dip the shaped cutlets into breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil until done (5 minutes on each side). Potatoes, rice, and buckwheat porridge are used as a side dish.

Pike in sour cream

pike in sour cream

In addition to the main ingredient and sour cream, you will need nutmeg, lemon, salt, and pepper. Carefully cut the fish, remove the insides, and rinse. Rub the carcass on all sides with salt and leave in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Grease generously with butter.

Place foil in a baking dish and place the pike on it. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees for 10 minutes. Take out the pike, pour sour cream on it. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce the oven temperature to 180 degrees. Bake the fish for 30 minutes. All that remains is to place it on a beautiful dish, sprinkle with nutmeg, and pour over lemon juice.

Fish soup recipes

Fish soup with pike

To prepare fish soup, you should use fresh or live fish. Frozen pike will not make a soup with a rich taste. Some recipes suggest using additional catfish, perch or sterlet.

Traditional fish soup is prepared with pike, onions, potatoes, and carrots. You can add 50 ml of vodka, 15 g of butter. Take 3 liters of water and bring to a boil. Add diced potatoes. Lower the bulbs entirely. Chop the carrots and parsley and add to the broth.

While the vegetables are cooking, carve the pike and cut into pieces. 10 minutes after adding the vegetables, place the fish in the water. Cook for 15 minutes, add vodka. The last ingredient will remove the muddy taste. At the end of cooking, add butter, season with sour cream or herbs.

Tsar's ear

This recipe is not as quick to prepare as the previous one. The difference is the use more ingredients. First you need to cook chicken broth. Remove the bird and place the cleaned and chopped small fish. Cook for 15 minutes.

Remove the fish and pass the broth through several layers of gauze. Add pike and zander. Cook over low heat. Add the whites from two beaten eggs. Add 150 g of millet, add potatoes, cook until half cooked.

Fry onions, carrots, add to the soup. The soup is served in deep bowls. First, vegetables are placed in them, then broth is poured on top, and herbs are sprinkled on top. Ukha goes well with wheat pies.

Pike baked goods


Open pike pie is in no way inferior to the classic ones. You can sprinkle the fish on top with cheese and your favorite seasonings.

This dish can be found on cafe menus in different parts of the country. Regardless of which recipe is used, the fish must be carefully separated from the bones and soaked in milk for an hour. This will allow the smell of mud to completely disappear. The most “honorable” is considered to be the jellied pie. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of sour cream into a bowl, add eggs, and beat. Gradually pour a glass of flour, salt, add a pinch of soda, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Pour half of the dough into the greased pan. Distribute the raw fish pieces evenly. Pour in the remaining dough. Sprinkle with cheese for a crispy crust. Bake in the oven until ready.

If you don't have time to prepare the dough, you can use puff pastry from the shop. In this case, you should divide a kilogram of dough into two parts and roll them out. Place the first half on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Place the filling, add a few pieces of butter on top, and add salt. Cover the top with the remaining layer of dough. Connect the edges and make several punctures. The pie will be ready in 30 minutes.

You can add fried onions or mushrooms to any pie. Both components go well with fish. This dish can become the main dish at a feast.


pike pies

To prepare them, you don’t have to use minced meat, preferring whole pieces of fish. Clean the carcass from scales, remove the gills, cut off the head and fins. To clean the pike from its entrails, its belly should be cut. Cut into fillets. Next steps:

  • Cut the carcass into 4 pieces;
  • Salt each part and add a sprig of dill;
  • Roll out the puff pastry, cut into squares;
  • Place a circle on the dough onions, a piece of fish with spices;
  • Pinch the edges and place on a baking sheet.

These pies need to be cooked for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. They need to be allowed to cool slightly before serving.

Pickled pike

Pickled pike

Rinse the fillet and dry with paper towels. Slice 1 cm thick. Place the prepared fish in a container, sprinkle with salt, and leave indoors for 3 hours.

Rinse off the salt, place the pike back in the container, add apple cider vinegar, and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Cut the onion into half rings, hot pepper into rings. When the time is up, place the fish in a colander and let the vinegar drain.

Place the pieces in a jar, alternating with onions and peppers. Pour in oil, cover with a lid, and put in the refrigerator. You can eat pickled pike after 2-3 days. It will be an excellent addition to boiled potatoes.

If the gall bladder bursts during the preparation process, the fish should be immersed in cold water with the addition of salt and vinegar. It should be left in the brine for 30 minutes.

Among the most popular freshwater fish in Russian cuisine, pike occupies a special place, and rightfully so. Delicious lean pike meat, when properly cooked, turns out surprisingly tender and delicate. A small snag lurks here, precisely because of the extremely low fat content in pike meat, due to the active lifestyle of this predatory fish, pike requires somewhat more intricate and complicated ways culinary processing than most other popular types river fish. It is skillful preparation that allows you to completely reveal the whole gamut of flavors and emphasize the special aroma of pike meat, adding juiciness and tenderness to the finished dish. This apparent complexity often frightens housewives who are not yet fully accustomed to the kitchen, and they completely exclude tasty and healthy dishes from pike from your home menu. And it’s completely in vain, because you just need to ask our advice, and “Culinary Eden” will be happy to advise and tell you in detail how to cook pike.

But pike is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy! Pike dishes are often used in dietary and even medical nutrition. Tender dietary pike meat contains no more than one percent fat, which makes it indispensable in diets aimed at weight loss. The remaining 99% of the composition of pike meat is represented by easily digestible proteins, fatty acids and microelements. Pike is very rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP; pike meat contains a whole set of valuable minerals, such as iron, zinc, manganese, iodine, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum. All this together suggests that pike dishes have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems of our body. Pike dishes are also recommended for those who want to strengthen their immunity and improve the body’s resistance to many diseases. Special acids and enzymes contained in pike meat excellently promote the breakdown of fats and proteins, which has an extremely beneficial effect on digestion. And yet, first of all, we love pike for its valuable taste and the rich variety of dishes that can be prepared from it.

What not to cook from pike! Here you can find fish soups and fish soup, aspic and rolls, tender cutlets and delicious zrazy. Pike is boiled and steamed, fried and stewed, pickled and baked. And there are so many recipes for stuffed pike! Add here the excellent compatibility of pike meat with many vegetables and cereals, mushrooms and herbs, and don’t forget about spices and spices that enrich pike dishes with the finest shades of exquisite aroma, and you can easily see that the variety of possible pike dishes is limited only by your own imagination and culinary skills.
Today “Culinary Eden” has collected and prepared for you a selection of the most important tips and cooking secrets, coupled with the most interesting recipes that will definitely help even the most inexperienced housewives, and will easily tell you how to cook pike.

1. Of course, the most delicious and aromatic dishes are made from the freshest, just caught fish. But, unfortunately, not every one of us can boast of a rich catch, and not everyone has the opportunity to catch fish. Fortunately, today it is not the slightest difficulty to purchase fresh or frozen pike in a store or market. When choosing fresh pike, pay close attention to its appearance and smell. A good fresh pike will delight you with clean, transparent or black eyes, a dense, elastic carcass, smooth, tight-fitting scales, reddish or pink gills, an elastic, moist tail and a pleasant, fresh fishy smell with a slight hint of river mud. If the pike offered to you has cloudy eyes, if the pike carcass seems too soft and flabby, and when you press on it, the indentation from your finger remains for a long time, if the gills of the pike have turned gray, and the tail has dried out and bent, if even the smell of the fish has become unpleasant, with shades of mustiness and ammonia, refuse to purchase immediately. You won't get a tasty dish from stale pike.

2. If you are going to cook a whole pike carcass, for example, bake it in the oven or prepare stuffed pike, you will need to thoroughly clean the fish from small scales. It's not that difficult to do. First of all, rinse the pike thoroughly under running water warm water, trying to completely get rid of mucus. Dry the well-washed fish slightly with a paper towel or napkins, and then rub generously with coarse salt. This will allow you to hold the fish firmly in your hand without fear of it slipping out at any moment. Squeeze the pike prepared in this way tightly with your left hand. Arm your right hand with a sharpened knife. Scrape off the scales with sharp movements of the knife, making sure that the knife is under at a slight angle to the fish, which will allow you to avoid scattering scales throughout the kitchen. Rinse the scaled fish thoroughly again under running water. Now you can begin further cutting. Using kitchen scissors or pruning shears, trim the tail fin; Using a sharp knife, cut out the dorsal and anal fins. Spread the abdomen from the line of the gills to the anus and carefully remove the contents of the abdomen. Along the caudal ridge from the inside of the abdomen you will notice a thin film: carefully tear it off and completely remove the mass you find underneath. Depending on the recipe, chop off or leave the pike head in place. Finally, rinse the pike thoroughly again, inside and out.

3. To prepare cutlets, zraz, jellied and many other dishes, you will need to fillet the pike. Rinse and dry the fish thoroughly. Using a sharp knife, cut out the pelvic fins, open the belly and remove all the entrails. Rinse the pike from the inside. Using a sharp carving knife, separate the pike into two pieces by running the knife along the ridge line from the gill to the tail. You should end up with one piece of fillet with the skin on, and the backbone and head will remain on the other half of the fillet. Turn the pike bones side down and, using a sharp knife, cut off the second piece of fillet. Save the remaining ridge with the head and the rest of the meat to prepare fish broth. Place the fillet pieces skin side down and remove the bones by cutting off the belly edge with a sharp knife. Press the fillet firmly onto the board, holding the tail edge, and then, using a very sharp fillet knife, cut the fillet from the skin in a quick, gentle motion from the tail up. Lightly rinse the finished fillet with cool water and begin preparing the dish of your choice.

4. A very tasty pike aspic will decorate both your daily menu and your holiday table. Clean one pike, weighing about 800 grams, from scales, cut out the fins, cut off the head and tail. Remove the gills from the head. Place the head, fins and tail in a deep pan, add the previously saved heads and ridges of any other river fish (pike perch, bream, etc.), fill everything with two liters cold water, bring to a boil and skim off the foam. Add one peeled carrot, one onion, a small parsley root and a piece of celery root. Cook everything together over low heat for two hours. Remove from heat, strain the broth through cheesecloth, discard the heads, bones and vegetables, and return the broth to the pan. Add two bay leaves and salt to taste. Bring the broth to a boil and add pike, cut crosswise into four to five pieces. Cook for 20 minutes, remove from heat and cool slightly. Remove the pike pieces from the broth and separate the meat from the bones. Place pike fillets in aspic molds, garnish with boiled eggs, slices of boiled carrots and parsley. Pour the broth, strained one more time, and place in a cool place for 10 - 12 hours until completely solidified.

5. It’s very easy to prepare an exquisite, tender appetizer of pike with white wine. Cut into small pieces 400 gr. pike fillet, place in a blender bowl, add 200 ml. heavy cream, one egg, salt and white pepper to taste. Grind everything together until smooth. Grease small baking dishes with oil and fill with fish mixture. Bake in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Heat 150 ml in a small saucepan. dry white wine, add 150 ml. cream, 2 tbsp. spoons of softened butter and a pinch of salt. Warm, without boiling, over low heat, stirring constantly, for five minutes and remove from heat. Turn the finished appetizer out of the molds onto plates and pour over the sauce. Serve warm.

6. Pike produces a magnificent, amber, incredibly tasty and aromatic fish soup, which is very, very simple to prepare. Thoroughly gut and clean one pike, weighing up to a kilogram. Remove the gills from the head. Place the pike in a deep saucepan and fill with two and a half liters of cold water. Add the onion and parsley root, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, and simmer, covered, over low heat for one and a half hours. Remove the fish soup from the heat, remove the pike and disassemble into portions, discard the vegetables, strain the broth and return to the pan. Mix two chicken whites with a small amount ice water and stir into the broth. Bring the broth to a boil, add salt to taste and cook over medium heat for another 15 minutes. Remove from heat and strain again. Place the pike pieces on plates, pour in the clarified broth, garnish with fresh dill, and serve immediately.

7. It is best to fry pike in a thick breading, which will allow you to fully preserve the juiciness of the pike meat. For frying, it is best to take young pike fillets weighing no more than 500 - 600 grams. Cut the pike fillet into large portions, lightly add salt, sprinkle with black pepper and leave for 10 - 15 minutes. In a deep plate, beat two eggs with a fork. Dredge each piece of fish fillet in flour, then dip in beaten eggs and thoroughly bread with ground breadcrumbs. Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan in a one-centimeter layer and heat it over high heat. Reduce heat to medium and fry pike fillets for three to five minutes on each side. Place the finished fillets on plates, place one thin slice of lemon and one teaspoon of grated horseradish on top of each fillet. Garnish with boiled potatoes and serve.

8. A delicious dish of pike baked with cheese and mustard is spicy and at the same time very tender. Mix one liter of milk with 3 tbsp. spoons of spicy mustard. Cut one kilogram of pike fillet into portions, place in a deep bowl, pour in milk and mustard and leave for one hour. Meanwhile, grate 200 gr on a fine grater. your loved one hard cheese, mix it with 1 ½ cups of full-fat sour cream and 3 tbsp. spoons of sweet mustard. Remove the fish from the milk, rub with salt and pepper, and then stir into the cheese mixture. Cut the foil into 30-centimeter pieces, wrap four pieces of pike in each sheet of foil, leaving a small hole in the top of the foil for steam to escape. Bake in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 20 minutes.

9. Pike cutlets are tender, juicy and incredibly appetizing. Cut one kilogram of pike fillet into small pieces, one large onion cut into six pieces, peel two cloves of garlic, soak three slices of white bread in ½ cup of cream and squeeze lightly. Through a meat grinder with a medium grid, scroll through all the listed ingredients, add one egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped parsley, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix the minced meat thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 30 minutes. Form small cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll in flour and fry in a mixture of vegetable and butter over medium heat for five minutes on each side. Serve with roasted potatoes and fresh vegetables.

10. Magnificent stuffed fish, a world-famous dish Jewish cuisine, a fish fish, can decorate any holiday table. Preparing this dish requires a fair amount of patience, but the result easily justifies all the pain. Thoroughly clean one pike weighing about a kilogram of scales, rinse under running water and dry with paper towels. Using a sharp knife, make a circular cut in the skin, slightly away from the gill line. Carefully remove the skin from the pike with a stocking to the tail, helping yourself with a sharp knife if necessary. Before reaching a couple of centimeters to the tail, cut the ridge. Set the skin aside. Cut off the head and remove the gills. Carefully remove meat from bones. Soak two slices of white bread in boiled water and squeeze lightly. Pass fish, bread and one onion through a meat grinder. To the resulting minced meat, add ½ teaspoon of ground paprika, a pinch of black pepper and salt to taste. Mix the minced meat thoroughly and stuff the pike skin with it. Cut one carrot into slices, one onion into rings. Place the vegetables on the steamer rack, add a few black peppercorns, two bay leaves and a few sprigs of parsley on top. Place the stuffed pike on top and place the pike head in the center. Cook in a steamer for 30 minutes at a high simmer. Cool the finished fish, cut into portions and serve on a platter decorated with fresh vegetables, herbs and lemon slices.

And the “Culinary Eden” website on its pages is always happy to offer you even more interesting ideas and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook pike.

Pike meat stimulates the taste buds and increases appetite. It has a pronounced taste and a very rich aroma. It’s nice to make all kinds of dishes from this fish, because literally everything becomes a delicacy. The article contains a wide variety of recipes for cooking pike, because from it dietary meat you can create anything: a rich broth, cutlets for a family dinner, a holiday dish or a great appetizer.

Pike is a predatory fish, so its meat is a bit dry. When cooking, you don’t have to be afraid to add all kinds of fats to it. They will not spoil the dish, but, on the contrary, will help its taste to reveal itself.

Let's divide the preparation into stages:

  1. We gut the carcass, cut off the fins and completely prepare the fish for baking.
  2. Rub it with suitable seasonings and pour lemon juice over it, let it marinate for 20 minutes.
  3. Line a baking sheet with foil and pour it generously with vegetable oil.
  4. Coat the fish with sour cream on all sides, add a fair amount of salt and wrap it in “metallic” paper.

Place the dough in the oven to cook for 30 minutes at 180ºC. Then open the foil and let the fish sit in the oven for another fifteen minutes to brown.

In batter in a frying pan

Fish in batter is a good appetizer that can be eaten both cold and hot. Fried pike in a frying pan is universal. It looks harmonious on both everyday and holiday tables.

The fish must be cleaned in advance. Remove all large bones and fins and divide into portions.

Let's prepare the batter:

  • dilute a glass of flour with a mug of cool water;
  • add a little salt;
  • Add separately beaten five chicken eggs into the batter.

Then pour it into the pan a large number of oil and heat it to maximum temperature.

Pry up the fish pieces with a fork, dip each one in batter and place in hot oil. Fry them on all sides until golden brown. Place portions on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Rich pike soup

Ukha is a tasty, light, low-calorie first course, which is especially pleasant to pour from a pot on the river bank.

But in the absence of the appropriate environment, we will cook pike in our usual living conditions:

  1. Let's scrape the carcass, gut the insides and cut the fish into portioned pieces.
  2. Remove the eyes and gills from the pike's head.
  3. A medium-sized fish will need one and a half liters of water. Pour in water and set to boil.

Vegetables and spices:

  • four large potatoes;
  • two small carrots;
  • medium sized onion;
  • dried fish seasonings;
  • laurel leaf - three pieces.

Boil vegetables in advance. We cut potatoes into cubes, carrots into rings, and onions as desired, but larger. Add chopped vegetables to boiling water.

Twenty minutes after boiling again, put the pike in the broth, add spices and salt. Cook everything together for another 20 minutes, after which we pour the aromatic fish soup into plates.

Fish cutlets with semolina

Semolina softens the dryish meat of such fish and locks all the juices in it. When adding cereal fish cutlets pike makes it juicier.

Let's look at the recipe step by step:

  1. Remove half a kilogram of fish fillet from the bones and pass it through a meat grinder twice.
  2. Soak 150 g of bread in a cup of milk. After it softens, we send it to the minced meat.
  3. Add a tablespoon of semolina, salt, black pepper and your favorite spices to the fish.
  4. Stir the minced meat until smooth and form flattened cutlets.
  5. Roll the pieces in breadcrumbs.

Fry the cutlets in an open frying pan in oil on both sides until nicely browned.

In foil with potatoes

Potatoes baked with fish are soaked in its juices and turn out much tastier than those cooked separately.

  1. Cut the onion into cubes, mix with an arbitrary amount of pepper and salt.
  2. Clean the fish in advance and stuff its belly with onions.
  3. For baking you will need seven hundred grams of potatoes. It must first be cleaned, cut into discs and mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil. Be sure to add salt.

Place the potatoes on generously oiled foil. On top of it we place the whole carcass, sprinkled with lemon, sprinkled with salt and stuffed with onions. We seal the “cocoon”.

Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 50 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can open the foil and bake the fish for another 15 minutes.

Stuffed pike in the oven

It is convenient to stuff such fish, because pike has a thick skin, and therefore the carcass retains its presentable appearance when baked.

This is a truly royal dish, which, however, is pleasant to enjoy on a weekday.

Cooking in the oven:

  1. Scrape the carcass from scales.
  2. Cut off the pike's head and, using a thin knife, without touching the belly, remove the intestines.
  3. Cutting the skin from head to tail, carefully turn it inside out. Remove the meat along with the ridge.
  4. Remove the fillet from the bones and mince it twice.
  5. For a medium-sized carcass, add a 50-gram piece of lard ground in a meat grinder to the minced meat.
  6. Mix one egg, a piece of white bread soaked in kefir and a little salt into the resulting mixture.
  7. Stuff the skin with the prepared minced meat, place the head on the carcass and place everything together in a greased baking dish.

Stuffed pike will cook in the oven in 45 - 55 minutes.

Fish stewed in sour cream

How easy this dish is to prepare is how unforgettable it tastes. For cooking, besides fish, you only need onions and sour cream.

  1. Cut the carcass into pieces, marinate them with salt and pepper for 20 minutes.
  2. Cut the onion into small pieces and fry in oil until beautifully colored.
  3. Brown the fish in another frying pan with oil.
  4. Mix the pike with onion and pour sour cream into the dish so that it covers all the pieces.
  5. Leave the food on low heat for 20 minutes.

The dish is combined with baked and boiled potatoes.

Festive aspic

Jellied is a painstaking dish to prepare, but its excellent taste will reward all the work. Surprise your holiday guests with a bright, beautiful homemade aspic.

To prepare you will need:

  • kilogram of pike;
  • liter of water for broth;
  • 25 gram pack of fast-acting gelatin;
  • carrots and half an onion;
  • five black peppercorns;
  • six quail eggs;
  • salt at your discretion.

We clean the fish from scales, cut off its head, gut it and cut off the meat from the ridge.

We put the fillet aside, and cook the broth from the trimmings:

  1. Add onions, carrots and peppers to the fish. Fill the food with water and place it on the stove.
  2. After half an hour, strain the broth through cheesecloth twice.
  3. Throw out the onion and cut the carrots into beautiful slices.
  4. Cook the fillet pieces in the broth for 10 minutes.
  5. Place carrots, fish and halves of boiled quail eggs on plates.
  6. We dilute gelatin in the broth and pour the broth into plates.

Leave them on the counter until they cool, then put them in the refrigerator for several hours.

  • In a deep frying pan, fry the vegetables in oil, but not for long, before the carrots and onions release their juice.
  • Pieces of fish are added to them, the dish is salted and peppered.
  • Pour a small amount of water over the fish and vegetables so that it covers the pieces by half.
  • Simmer the ingredients together under the lid over low heat for twenty minutes.
  • First, the marinade is laid out on a plate, and pieces of fish are distributed on top of it.

    The dish is eaten both hot and chilled.

    Heh from pike in Korean

    The moderately spicy appetizer is prepared from our familiar pike and exotic Korean seasonings. Enjoy the unusual taste of a familiar fish fillet.

    1. For a snack, take half of a large carcass. It is cleared of bones, leaving only meat.
    2. The fillet is cut as thin as possible so that it marinates well.
    3. Add to it 40 g of wine vinegar and a pressed clove of garlic.
    4. Place the fish in the refrigerator for a day.
    5. The next morning they grate on a grater large carrots and mix the vegetable with liquid Korean dressing.
    6. Pike fillet is seasoned with carrots. You can also add sautéed onions to the dish.
    7. All together are left to marinate for an hour under normal conditions. Fresh pike caviar will go well with a cool appetizer.