Projective technique: don’t let a person fall. Providing first aid for fainting - what needs to be done and the algorithm of actions. What can cause you to lose consciousness?

The use of projective methods and techniques in the study of suicidal intentions and suicide and adolescents

“One picture is worth a thousand words”

Eastern wisdom

When diagnosing this phenomenon, the psychologist, first of all, is faced with various forms of inadequate psychological defense. Because the psychological protection is formed at an unconscious level, then the study of its mechanisms can be carried out using projective techniques. Thus, even at the dawn of the formation of modern psychological science, involuntary drawings were used to study the psychology of behavior (Torrey D., 1999 and other researchers). Therefore, to study the personality of children and adolescents, we recommend drawing techniques.

Such different “Trees” (1)

The instructions are given in the following form:

Consider this tree. You see a lot of little people on it and next to it. Each of them has a different mood and takes a different position. Take a red marker and circle the person who reminds you of yourself, is similar to you, your mood at school and your position. We will check how attentive you are. Please note that each branch of the tree can be equal to your achievements and successes. Now take a green marker and circle the person you would like to be and in whose place you would like to be.

Modified version

In my practice, I use a slightly modified version of the technique. I offer children the following instructions:

Guys, look carefully at the drawing. In front of you is a forest school. The students in it are forest people. Each of them has a different mood, each is busy with his favorite thing, each occupies his own position. Perhaps the higher up the tree the forest man is, the higher his achievements, the more successful he is at school.

Take a brown pencil (felt-tip pen) and color the trunk and branches of the tree. And when you color, carefully examine each person: where he is located, what he is doing. (Children paint the tree.)

Now take a red pencil (felt-tip pen) and color in the little person who reminds you of yourself, is similar to you, your mood at school and your position.

Now take a green pencil (felt-tip pen) and color in the person you would like to be and in whose place you would like to be.

It happens that some children ask permission to indicate the positions of two people. I believe that in this case their choice should not be limited, but it is necessary to record which person was marked first and which one second, since the relationship between these choices can be quite informative.

Interpretation of results

Interpretation of the results of the projective “Tree” technique is carried out based on what positions a given student chooses, with the position of which person he identifies his real and ideal position, and whether there are differences between them.

Interpretation based on experience practical application methodology and comparison of its results with observations of student behavior, data received from teachers and parents, and from conversations with the child.

For ease of explanation, each figure is assigned its own number.

The choice of position No. 1, 3, 6, 7 characterizes the attitude towards overcoming obstacles.

No. 2, 11, 12, 18, 19 - sociability, friendly support.

No. 4 - stability of the situation (the desire to achieve success without overcoming difficulties).

No. 5 - fatigue, general weakness, low strength, shyness.

No. 9 - motivation to have fun.

No. 13, 21 - detachment, isolation, anxiety.

No. 8 - detachment from educational process, withdrawal into oneself.

No. 10, 15 - comfortable condition, normal adaptation.

No. 14 - crisis state, “falling into the abyss.”

Position No. 20 is often chosen as a prospect by students with high self-esteem and a leadership mindset.

It should be noted that students do not always understand position No. 16 as the position of “a little man who carries little man No. 17,” but tend to see it as a person supported and embraced by another.

Determine if your child is suicidal?

Instructions for performing the test

You see some intricate figure, a part of which is painted black. Finish it as you wish so that you are pleased to look at it.


1. More shaded areas.

At the moment, something is bothering you, you are worried about something important to you, but you are not suicidal.

2. Nothing is painted over.

You have an iron will and strong nerves; you will never even allow yourself to think about suicide.

3. No more than a third of the part is painted over.

You may have suicidal thoughts, but you are an optimist by nature and always see the light at the end of the tunnel.

4. The entire left side is painted over.

You are a mentally vulnerable and overly sensitive person, prone to suicide, and only love for your loved ones stops you, since you do not want to hurt them.

5. The entire right side is painted over.

You have suicidal tendencies, but you often use them to your advantage, namely, you resort to blackmail.

6. We continued painting the given figure.

You subconsciously think about death, but external inclinations do not manifest themselves, they will break out only when the opportunity arises.

Tree (3)

Who do you feel like in life?

The picture shows a tree, or rather one trunk. Draw everything that

you deem necessary so that you get a finished drawing.

Key to the Tree test

As a rule, people think that in this test the tree is themselves, and therefore they diligently draw leaves, twigs and everything in the same spirit. In fact, the meaning of the test is different: it shows whether you are able to serve as a support for your loved ones or whether you yourself need support. Let's take a closer look at each symbol.

If you have focused on the FOLIAGE, without drawing the leaves individually in the dense crown, then this indicates that you are able to take responsibility for your actions and thoughts, but are not yet ready and do not want to be responsible for other people. By nature, you are an individualist and do not like it when someone interferes in your life.

If you have added MANY NEW BRANCHES to the trunk, then we can assume that you have a well-developed paternal-maternal feeling, you are caring and attentive and always think about the interests of your loved ones. You would be unhappy living alone; you need a family. You feel like a member of a large team.

You drew a LOT of LEAVES, carefully drawing each of them - you know how to lead people, you will make a good leader. However, you do not like to take responsibility for other people; you only do it out of necessity.

If you drew SOIL and GRASS as a subtree, then this characterizes you as a reliable, strong and self-confident person. You will never let down those who trust you, you know how to keep secrets and are always aware of all events. You are the master of your life, you have an iron will, strong nerves and a flexible mind.

If you draw a HOLLOW OR BOOKING BOOK on a tree, it means that you feel superfluous in this life. Perhaps this feeling arose due to your timidity and inability to establish contact with people, or at this moment in your life you are disappointed in friends and you are in pain.

Draw an ANIMAL OR BIRD on the branches - you feel different from all other people, you feel your imaginary or real exclusivity and are proud of it. You are full of strength and desire to prove to the whole world that you are a special person, amazing and unlike everyone else.


Your requirements for life

Here is a part of a plant. You need to complete the picture. Which plant you will see in this fragment, whether you want to complement the main picture with a background, decide for yourself.

Key to the Plant Test

If you saw in this drawing and completed the drawing, a TREE, then this indicates that your requirements for life are quite modest. You are hardworking and resilient; for a normal existence you need only the most basic things, without frills.

If you HAVE FOCUSED ON THE TREE ROOTS AND EARTH, then this means that you need friendly understanding and attention from loved ones, mental comfort and family ties material wealth is more important to you.

If you OUTLINED THE CROWN OF THE TREE IN DETAIL, then this means your desire to achieve success with your work. You do not demand gifts from life, you are ready to work tirelessly, but you want your work to be well paid and bring you satisfaction - moral, intellectual, and material.

If you drew a HOUSEPLANT IN A POT, then this suggests that you cannot imagine life without a certain comfort. You need a certain level of material wealth to feel happy. You absolutely cannot tolerate hardships, you are not able to work in difficult conditions. If you are deprived of what you are used to, you will break down, suffer and not even think about fighting the unfavorable factors of life.

If you drew a BOUQUET, it means that you need the care of loved ones, you do not know how and do not like to show independence, you are used to relying on others. You are one of those who have been spoiled since childhood. You will feel thrown overboard if you suddenly lose your usual care and attention.

If you saw a FLOWER BUD in this picture, then this indicates that your requirements for life have not yet been formed, your personality is only developing. You can educate yourself or become a victim of circumstances, it depends on you.

If you drew a PINEAPPLE, it means that you strive for luxury with all your soul and body, you like to dress beautifully, you are a gourmet and an esthete. Even in difficult periods of life, you try to arrange holidays for yourself, oases of luxury amid a difficult and unsettled life. You know how to enjoy life.

Winter ( Are you a cheerful person?)

This picture shows a piece of a winter landscape, or rather, only the outline of the main elements. Complete this picture with all the necessary details, in your opinion, and make it a complete work of art. Important point: You need to draw a person here.

Key to the Winter test

If you placed the main emphasis on SNOW DRIFTS, highlighting each mound with shadows and shading, then this indicates that at this moment in life you do not feel happy. You are probably oppressed by some thoughts, your head is full of black thoughts, and your soul is full of worries.

If, in addition to the snowdrifts, YOU COMPLETELY PAINTED THE SKY, making it cloudy and heavy, then this means that you are a pessimist by nature and your despondency is truly boundless. You are a gloomy person with a difficult character, it is difficult to please you, because you are always unhappy with everything. You don’t know how to enjoy life, you see black even in white.

If you HAVE MADE THE MAIN EMPHASIS ON THE HOUSE, having drawn to it a PIPE WITH SMOKE COMING FROM, AND A GLOWING WINDOW, then this means that you are a cheerful and happy person. Home is yours life value- this is your home, your loved ones and friends. From them you draw vitality and energy, they fill you with the desire to live. You know how to enjoy life and appreciate all its gifts.

If you have highlighted the Christmas tree the brightest, then this indicates that your cheerfulness is your way of establishing contact with the whole world. People around you love you because you are cheerful and easy man, you never shift your problems onto anyone, do not complain about your fate and do not impose your opinion. You like to live the way you live. But when your strength runs out, you realize that you really have no friends and no one to turn to for help. This is the other side of the coin.

Snowflakes in the air mean your desire to get a new impression, change your surroundings, or get away from boring reality at least for a while.

THE PERSON IN THE FIGURE is your vitality in currently life. If you draw a person NEAR THE TREE, then this means that you are full of strength and do not feel tired, you feel good, you feel in the flow of time and events and do not want to change anything. If a person is drawn BETWEEN A HOUSE AND A TREE, then this means that you need some stimulation: perhaps you need to find some kind of life goal or dream, or simply fall in love. Be that as it may, you just need to push yourself, otherwise you will dry up your soul. The person IN THE HOUSE says that you need rest, you are tired mentally and physically.

Don't let the man fall

Your actions in a critical situation

This picture shows a cliff and a person either falling or jumping from it. You must save the person from imminent injury and prevent him from falling. How you do this is up to you. Complete the picture with the necessary details.

Key to the test

Firstly, before you draw anything, you had to determine for yourself: IS THE MAN JUMPING OR FALLING. If your PERSON VOLUNTARILY JUMPS OFF A CLIP, then this speaks of your determination and activity, you prefer action to reflection, you are a practitioner, not a theorist. If it seems to you that a PERSON IS FALLING, then this means that you are indecisive and patient, you are ready to wait until everything settles down by itself. You are not a fan of action.

And now you should dwell in detail on those details of the drawing that you completed as “first aid” for a person and which are designed to prevent him from falling and hurting himself.

If you drew WATER UNDER A PERSON’S FEET (RIVER, LAKE, SEA), then this indicates your tendency to let everything take its course. Often you yourself bring the situation to a critical condition without taking any steps to resolve it. You are inactive in those moments when you need to be active and decisively take the bull by the horns.

If you draw a trampoline OR a stretched blanket UNDER A PERSON'S FEET to soften the fall and catch the person, then this speaks of your forethought. You very rarely find yourself in critical situations because you always carefully calculate everything possible options developments and try to predict everything that might happen. But even if you don’t take something into account, you will still always have ready-made remedy to save the situation. You can be relied upon, you will not let us down.

If you drew a MAN UNDER A CLIPP WITH ARMS OUT, READY TO CATCH A FALLING EMBRACE, this means that you are imprudent and gullible, and in a critical situation you tend to trust just anyone. You are not able to find a way out of the impasse on your own and are looking for someone to help you. But since you are not very good at understanding people, you are often deceived and let down.

If you TURNED A CLIP INTO A SMALL HILL, thereby stopping a person's fall, then this means that you have leadership qualities and are able to lead people along with you. In a Critical Situation, you will not be confused and will do everything necessary to correct what happened.

If you draw WINGS for a MAN, this means that you will always find a witty way out of a difficult situation.

Where does the roe deer run?

State of your soul

A roe deer is drawn here, or rather, only its silhouette. The task is this: complete the drawing with details that could explain where and why the roe deer is running.

Key to the test “Where does the roe deer run”

All the symbols of this test are quite easy to decipher, the picture is very transparent: ROE is your soul, and naturally, everything that you have done with the animal is automatically transferred to you, that is, it speaks about the state of your soul.

If you drew a HUNTER SHOOTING AN ARROW AT A ROE DEER, then this means that the current period of your life is devoid of harmony. You are nervous and worried, your soul is uneasy.

If an ARROW HIT A ROE DEER, then this is very bad sign. Apparently, you are not just experiencing discomfort, but your soul is truly suffering and is in a painful state. Perhaps you have just been betrayed by a friend or abandoned by a loved one, you feel very bad.

If your ROE JUMPS OVER SOME OBSTACLE (RIVER, FENCE, BRUSHES, STONES), then this indicates that you are ready to fight and feel the strength to move forward. You are eager to fight, energy flows out of you. There is a fighting spirit in your soul.

If your ROE DEER RUNS ON FLAT TERRAIN, then this indicates your desire to find peace, you need the understanding and warmth of the fate of loved ones, the first place for you has now come family and friendships with people.

If you drew OTHER ANIMALS NEXT TO THE ROE DEER, then this means that there is chaos and disorder in your soul at the moment, you cannot make some important decision for you. Most likely it is related to interpersonal relationships, your friendships or love affairs. If ANIMALS NEAR THE ROE DEER ARE AGGRESSIVE, then you are thinking about breaking up the relationship, you want to express to people’s faces everything that you think about them.

If ANIMALS ARE PEACEFUL, then you are interested in establishing contact, making acquaintances, declarations of love, etc.

If the ROE IS SOARING HIGH ABOVE THE GROUND, this indicates that your soul is currently in a euphoric state. Maybe you are in love, or full of bright hopes, or have just solved some tiresome problem, or received an interesting business proposal. In general, you’re fine, you’re feeling uplifted and don’t want to think about purely earthly matters. Now you think better about the eternal.

Methodology “House-tree-person”

To perform the “House – Tree – Person” (HTP) test, the child being studied is offered paper, a pencil, and a piece of paper. A standard drawing sheet is folded in half. On the first page in a horizontal position at the top it says “House” in block letters, on the second “Tree”, on the third - “Person”, on the fourth - the child’s name and surname, the date of the study.

For drawing, a simple 2M pencil is usually used, since when using this pencil, changes in pressure are most clearly visible.

Instructions for a child: “Please draw as much as possible better house, tree and man."

All clarifying questions from the child should be answered that he can draw the way he wants. The test itself consists of two parts: the drawing process and the conversation after it. Observing how a child draws provides a wealth of information. Usually all spontaneous utterances are recorded, and any unusual movements are noted. When the child finishes drawing, he is asked a series of questions about his drawing. The interview usually begins with a drawing of the person. For example, they ask who he drew, the age of the person he drew, what he is doing, what his mood is, whether he resembles anyone he knows. Usually a question about drawings develops into a conversation about the child’s life ideas.

To analyze drawings, three aspects of evaluation are used - the details of the drawings, their proportions and perspective. The details of the drawing are believed to represent a person's awareness and interest in everyday life situations. The meaning of details should be interpreted taking into account the integrity of all drawings, as well as in collaboration with the artist, since the symbolic meaning of details is often individual.

The proportions of the drawing reflect the psychological significance, importance and value of things, situations or relationships that are directly or symbolically represented in the drawing of a house, tree and person. Proportions can be considered as the ratio of a whole design to a given space of paper, or as the ratio of one part of a whole design to another.

The perspective reveals a more complex relationship between man and his psychological environment. When assessing perspective, attention is paid to the position of the drawing on the sheet in relation to the viewer (view from above or below), the relative position individual parts drawing, movement of the drawn object.

The table below can be used to assess a child's aggressiveness and other types of behavior disorders.

Symptom complexes test “HOUSE – TREE – PERSON”

Symptom complex

S i m p t o m


1. No windows

2. Door – keyhole

3. A very large tree

4. Tree with leaf edge

5. Reverse profile of tree, person

6. Branches of two dimensions, like fingers

7. Eyes - empty sockets

8. Long, sharp fingers

9. Grin, teeth visible

10. Aggressive position of a person

11. The back wall of the house is depicted from the other side, unusually

12. Doors with a huge lock

13. Windows without glass

14. Lack of windows on the first floor of the house

15. The hair is unshaded, unpainted, and frames the head.

16. Arms crossed on chest

17. Large fingers, similar to nails (spikes)

18. Caricature image

19. Jagged, Uneven Lines

20. Figure of Baba Yaga (to women)

21. Crown - ball

22. Other possible signs


1. Space limitations

2. Bottom perspective (worm's view)

3. Redrawing an object

4. Refusal to draw any object

5. A tree is like two trees

6. Clear discrepancy in the quality of one of the drawings

7. Inconsistency between the drawing and the statement

8. Accentuated waist

9. No pipe on the roof

10. Other possible signs


1. Various buildings

2. Nostrils are too emphasized

3. Teeth are clearly drawn

4. Hands are strong

5. Hand like a boxing glove

This picture shows a cliff and a person either falling or jumping from it.

You must save the person from imminent injury and prevent him from falling. How you do this is up to you. Complete the picture with the necessary details.


Key to the Don't Let a Person Fall Behavior Assessment Test

Test Description

The projective technique “Don’t let a person fall” allows, based on the principles of holistic psychology, to identify the characteristics of the behavior of the person being assessed in stressful, force majeure situations.

The person being assessed completes the drawing, which depicts a cliff and a person either falling or jumping from it. He must save a person from inevitable injury and prevent him from falling. Based on the plot drawn, conclusions are drawn about the possible behavior of a person in a critical situation.

Interpretation of the result

First, before drawing anything, the person being assessed had to determine for himself whether the person was jumping or falling. If, in his opinion, a person voluntarily jumps from a cliff, then this indicates the determination and activity of the person being evaluated, he prefers action to reflection, a practitioner, not a theorist. If it seems to the person being evaluated that the person is falling, then this means that he is indecisive and patient, ready to wait until everything settles down by itself. He is not a fan of action.

Next, dwell in detail on those details of the drawing that were completed as first aid to a person and are designed to prevent him from falling and hurting himself. If the person being assessed draws water under a person’s feet (river, lake, sea), then this indicates a tendency to let everything take its course. Often he himself brings the situation to a critical state, without taking any steps to resolve it. He is inactive in those moments when he needs to be active and decisive and take the bull by the horns.

If the person being assessed draws a trampoline or a stretched blanket under a person’s feet in order to soften the fall and catch the person, then this indicates forethought. He very rarely finds himself in critical situations, because he always carefully calculates all possible scenarios and tries to predict everything that might happen. But even if the person being assessed does not take something into account, he will still always have a ready-made means to save the situation. You can rely on such a person being assessed; he will not let you down.

If the person being assessed draws a person under a cliff with outstretched arms, ready to catch someone falling in his arms, then this means that he is imprudent and gullible, and in a critical situation he is inclined to trust anyone. He is not able to find a way out of the impasse on his own and is looking for a person to help him. But since the person being assessed does not understand people very well, they often deceive and let him down.

If the person being assessed turns the cliff into a small mound, thereby stopping the person’s fall, then this means that he has leadership qualities and is able to lead people. In a critical situation, he will not become confused and will do everything necessary to correct what happened.

If the person being assessed draws wings to a person, this indicates that he will always find a witty way out of a difficult situation.


Understand carefully how to provide first aid in case of fainting - sudden loss consciousness due to impaired blood supply to the brain. Fainting lasts up to several minutes. After some time, a person can come to his senses on his own. Fainting is not considered a disease, but only a symptom of heart failure. The victim must be kept calm and his condition monitored. Read about other help below.

What is fainting

Syncope, or fainting, is a short-term loss of consciousness that appears suddenly and is not of an epileptic nature. Fainting occurs due to a diffuse decrease in metabolism in the brain. Metabolic disorders are caused by a short-term decrease in cerebral circulation. It is necessary to be able to distinguish between epileptic syncope and normal syncope. These two conditions require different methods of treatment, but in both cases the person loses his balance and falls. First aid must be provided immediately.

Fainting and loss of consciousness - what's the difference?

Fainting may be a harbinger of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, in which vascular ruptures, acute thrombosis or embolism occur. In this state, the loss of consciousness is deep and longer lasting than fainting. A transition into a coma is not excluded. Epilepsy with impaired consciousness and atonic seizures are not called fainting. Seizures occur as a result of a disturbance in the excitation of the cerebral cortex (nerve cells), which causes an imbalance of inhibition and excitation.

The differences between these conditions are presented in the table:

Signs of fainting

At the first manifestation of symptoms, it is important to be aware of what to do in case of fainting without harming the victim before the doctor arrives. There are 3 stages of fainting, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms:

  1. presyncope (pre-syncope);
  2. syncope phase;
  3. postsyncope (postsyncope) phase.

Common signs of fainting in a person:

  • dizziness;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • sudden weakness;
  • cold sweat;
  • noise in ears;
  • veil or darkening before the eyes;
  • nausea;
  • rare breathing;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • insufficient blood circulation;
  • rare, shallow breathing.

What can cause you to lose consciousness?

Disorder nervous system puts too much stress on the body, which is difficult for the brain center to tolerate. Shock occurs, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and disruption of brain function. Fainting can occur with other disorders in the human body that are difficult to identify. The district nurse's handbook describes common reasons development of fainting:

  • emotional stress;
  • a feeling of general weakness (poor nutrition, hunger, prolonged anxiety);
  • lack of oxygen in the room where a person stays - the oxygen level decreases due to accumulation large quantity people indoors, air pollution, bad ventilation system;
  • result of heat stroke;
  • long periods of standing;
  • anemia, arrhythmia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • severe cough or flu-like fever;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • blood loss;
  • fatigue, overwork;
  • pregnancy;
  • by-effect from taking medications;
  • fright;
  • adolescence or old age;
  • intoxication (with alcohol abuse, infectious origin);
  • allergic reaction;
  • serious illnesses.

Algorithm of actions

The first thing to do in the absence of consciousness is to lay the person on his back and feel the pulse. Providing first aid begins with assessing the condition of the victim. When free respiratory tract the person is breathing, but his pulse is rare and weak, arterial pressure reduced. What to do in case of fainting that lasts longer than a few minutes requires qualified medical attention.

First aid is provided in the following sequence:

  1. Prevent the person from falling, lay him down on a flat surface and elevate his legs to allow blood flow to the brain. If this is not possible, then sit him down and lower his head below knee level.
  2. Get rid of squeezing parts of clothing.
  3. Wipe the victim's face with cool water or place a wet towel on the forehead to improve cerebral circulation and constrict blood vessels.
  4. Let into the premises Fresh air.
  5. If there is vomiting, you need to turn your head to the side or put the victim in a safe position in which the person will not choke on the vomit.
  6. After regaining consciousness, you need to stay in bed. Drink hot tea, slightly raised.
  7. If a repeated pre-fainting state occurs again, the first point should be repeated.

First aid for fainting in children

If loss of consciousness occurs not in an adult, but in a child, then how to help him? Children develop these conditions for the same reasons as adults. Children's bodies are weaker, so after each attack it is necessary to take the child to a neurologist or pediatrician. Short-term loss of consciousness may seem harmless, but behind them lie more serious diseases of the blood and nervous system. Help for fainting children should be provided in the following order:

  1. The child is placed in bed and his legs are raised. This will improve blood flow to the brain.
  2. Remove or loosen items of clothing that put pressure on the body.
  3. Provide access to fresh air flow (open the window).
  4. Lightly pat your cheeks with a towel soaked in water and spray your face.
  5. Allow ammonia to inhale - at a distance of at least 15 cm.
  6. Drink hot tea with sugar to relieve dizziness.

Duration of fainting

The causes of loss of consciousness determine the duration of fainting. The usual fainting state lasts from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes. Nuances:

  • When a person does not come to his senses for more than 5 minutes, immediately call an ambulance - it could be a stroke or epilepsy.
  • During a stroke, consciousness may not return for several minutes, hours, or even days.
  • After a stroke, a person's body is paralyzed.
  • During an epileptic seizure, a person experiences dangerous skin hyperemia or cyanosis, and not just pale skin.

What to do after fainting

To stabilize the functioning of blood flow in the brain, the victim should lie still for another half hour in a calm state. The condition after fainting should return to normal. To avoid dizziness, let in fresh air. If this is not possible, then gently lift the person. When walking, the patient should be supported, not allowed to undergo physical stress, and sudden movements should be avoided. When such an opportunity arises, it is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor and find out the cause of the illness.

Video: emergency care for fainting

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The test allows, based on the principles of holistic psychology, to identify the characteristics of your behavior in force majeure situations.

Instructions: This picture shows a cliff and a person either falling or jumping from it. You must save the person from imminent injury and prevent him from falling. How you do it is up to you. Complete the picture with the necessary details.

Processing of the method and interpretation of the result.

First, before you draw anything, you should have determined for yourself a person jumps or falls. If your a man voluntarily jumps off a cliff, then this speaks of your determination and activity, you prefer action to reflection, you are a practitioner, not a theorist. If you think that man falls then this means that you are indecisive and patient, you are ready to wait until everything works itself out. You are not a fan of action.

And now you should dwell in detail on those details of the drawing that you completed as “first aid” for a person and which are designed to prevent him from falling and hurting himself.

If you drew water under a person’s feet (river, lake, sea), then this indicates your tendency to let things take their course. Often you yourself bring the situation to a critical state without taking any steps to resolve it. You are inactive in those moments when you need to be active and decisive and take the bull by the horns.

If you drew there is a trampoline or stretched blanket under a person’s feet, to soften the fall and catch the person, this speaks of your forethought. You very rarely get into critical

situations, because you always carefully calculate all possible scenarios and try to predict everything that could happen. But even if you don’t take something into account, you will still always have a ready-made remedy to save the situation. You can be relied upon, you will not let us down.

If you drew under the cliff of a man with outstretched arms, ready to catch someone falling in his arms, then this means that you are imprudent and gullible, in a critical situation you tend to trust just anyone. You are not able to find a way out of the impasse on your own and are looking for a person who would help you. But since you are not very good at understanding people, you are often deceived and let down.

If you turned the cliff into a small hill, thereby stopping the fall of man, this means that you have leadership qualities and are able to lead people with you. In a critical situation, you will not be confused and will do everything you need to correct what happened.

If you drew man has wings, this means that you will always find a witty way out of a difficult situation.


Methodology “Express diagnostics of stress factors in

activities of the leader" (I. D. Ladanov, V. A. Urazaeva) 56

In everyday work there are a considerable number of factors that negatively affect your ability to work. The methodology below asks you to assess the extent to which the identified stressors interfere with your ability to work.

Instructions on the implementation of the methodology: “Before you are 12

statements. Next to each of them, mark a number showing your assessment of the effect of this factor on your work.”

Table 5.1.

Express diagnostics of stress factors in activities head >

Statements (statements)






1. People who work with me don’t know what they can expect from me.

2. You are convinced that you are doing the wrong thing.

3. You feel unable to meet conflicting demands from your superiors.

4. You feel overwhelmed

5. You don't have enough time to do the job well.

6. You feel like your work is having a negative impact on your personal life.

7. You often don't know what you will be asked to do.

8. You feel like you lack the power and authority to get the job done.

9. You feel like you can’t “digest” all the information you need to do your job.

10. You don't know how your boss evaluates you.

11. You are unable to predict the reactions of your superiors.

12. Your views are fundamentally at odds with those of your manager.

Processing of the method and interpretation of the result. The methodology has four blocks: conflict, overload, scope of activity, tension with management. Calculate the sum of points scored by blocks. The number of points can range from 3 to 15 for each individual block. Each block corresponds to the following statement numbers:

    Conflict - No. 1, 2, 3. A result above 12 points indicates increased conflict in the activities of the leader.

    Overload - No. 4, 5, 6. A result above 12 points indicates the presence of psychological overload in the manager.

    Area of ​​activity - No. 7, 8, 9. A result above 12 points indicates that there are problems in the area of ​​the manager’s official activity.

    Tension with management - No. 10, 11, 12. A score above 12 points indicates psychological tension in relations with senior management.

The total score for the entire test can range from 12 to 60 points. A score of 36 or higher indicates the presence of a large number of stressors in your activities.

Projective technique “Don’t let a person fall”

Test"Don't let a man fall" Based on the principles of holistic psychology, it allows you to identify the peculiarities of your behavior in force majeure situations.

Instructions: This picture shows a cliff and a person either falling or jumping from it. You must save the person from imminent injury and prevent him from falling. How you do it is up to you. Complete the picture with the necessary details.

Processing of the method and interpretation of the result.

First, before you draw anything, you should have determined for yourself whether the person is jumping or falling. If your person voluntarily jumps from a cliff, then this speaks of your determination and activity, you prefer action to reflection, you are a practitioner, not a theorist. If it seems to you that a person is falling, then this means that you are indecisive and patient, you are ready to wait until everything settles down by itself. You are not a fan of action.

And now you should dwell in detail on those details of the drawing that you completed as “first aid” for a person and which are designed to prevent him from falling and hurting himself. If you drew water under a person’s feet (river, lake, sea), then this indicates your tendency to let everything take its course. Often you yourself bring the situation to a critical state without taking any steps to resolve it. You are inactive in those moments when you need to be active and decisive and take the bull by the horns.

If you draw a trampoline or a stretched blanket under a person’s feet to soften the fall and catch the person, then this speaks of your forethought. You very rarely find yourself in critical situations because you always carefully calculate all possible scenarios and try to predict everything that might happen. But even if you don’t take something into account, you will still always have a ready-made remedy to save the situation. You can be relied upon, you will not let us down.

If you draw a person under a cliff with outstretched arms, ready to catch someone falling in his arms, then this means that you are imprudent and gullible, and in a critical situation you tend to trust just anyone. You are not able to find a way out of the impasse on your own and are looking for a person who would help you. But since you are not very good at understanding people, you are often deceived and let down.

If you turned a cliff into a small hill, thereby stopping a person’s fall, then this means that you have leadership qualities and are able to lead people along with you. In a critical situation, you will not be confused and will do everything you need to correct what happened. If you draw wings for a person, this means that you will always find a witty way out of a difficult situation.