Projects of combined houses wood-stone. Projects of combined houses from foam blocks and wood. How to build a combined house inexpensively

Saving. As a rule, the first floor is made of bricks, and the second is made of wood. This makes the structure relatively lightweight, thereby eliminating the need for expensive foundations.

Fire safety. Usually on the ground floor there is a kitchen, boiler room, fireplace. In this case, brick walls reduce the risk of fire.

Comfortable microclimate. The combination of stone and brick allows you to keep warm well in the premises and ensures an optimal level of humidity.

Our offer

The Woodhouse company offers construction services combined houses from a bar and blocks. At all stages of cooperation, our engineers and builders provide professional consulting and technical support. Work with clients is carried out on the basis of an agreement, which specifies:

  • deadlines,
  • the total cost of the object,
  • our guarantees and obligations.

Combined house options for every taste

Employees of the WoodHouse company build combined houses with a wooden attic and a brick basement, a garage and offer whole line other solutions. Our clients can:

  • buy a finished project. Typical designs country houses designed by our architects, take into account the needs of most potential customers and are tested in practice. All projects of combined houses presented in our catalog are accompanied by floor plans, as well as lists of works and materials included in the basic configuration;
  • order an individual design. Taking as a basis the wishes of the client regarding materials and architectural solutions, we will build a house that meets the requirements of all regulatory documents.

Today, people who are planning to build a residential building may notice that there are a lot of building options. A brick and timber house is popular among the owners of private plots. It is not surprising, because such buildings have a number of significant advantages, which indicate that such buildings have the right to life.

A variant of the project of a combined house made of brick and timber
House structure with a large attic

Popular as projects of combined houses made of brick and timber, and lining wooden houses brick. Both options are quite worthy to find their place in the territories of private sectors. Before you finally bet on such a structure, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of such structures.
First of all, the choice of such buildings is chosen by people who are tired of banality, and they want something fundamentally new. In fact, combined homes have recently started to appear in private sector areas.

An example of finishing the first floor with decorative bricks

That is why not everyone has heard of such structures, but only a few have seen them in reality. Everything new is attractive and interesting. Therefore, it is worth paying tribute to the architects, as well as thoroughly study all the features of such buildings.

The combined house is most often chosen by people who:

These are just some of the factors that become key when choosing such designs.
People who have chosen the option in the same building are satisfied with the result of their work or work construction company.

What are the advantages of combined brick and timber houses

What kind of materials are chosen for such buildings

It is worth understanding what kind of raw materials are used for the construction of combined houses.
Like any building material, timber has several varieties.

Combined building design and construction

Depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner of a private plot, you can choose the following types of timber:


Such bars fit very tightly to each other. Therefore, this material does not require additional processing and grinding.

Scheme with the size and connection of the profiled bar
Existing options for locks for profiled timber

That is, this option is ideal if you want not to make great efforts for the completed type of building.

Not profiled

The advantage of this material is its relatively low pricing policy. Nevertheless, for the construction of combined houses, such raw materials are used extremely rarely due to the fact that their quality parameters are rather low.


This material is widely used for the construction of combined houses. has a high thermal stability and also provides sound insulation.

Glued laminated timber for building a cottage

Such material is considered the most reliable and durable for building combined houses. To build a house of brick and timber for tens of years, just such a material will help.
Some people prefer to build a house from a bar, lined with brick.

This helps to ensure an aesthetically pleasing appearance of the structure, as well as significantly save on renovation work indoors.

Projects of houses made of brick and timber

Of course the owners land plot can independently decide how the finished structure of the house will look like. Nevertheless, it is much wiser and more economical to purchase a ready-made one. This will help:

All of these factors indicate that the project is profitable and reasonable. Despite the fact that the finished project itself costs some money, if you analyze the benefits, it is cheaper to initially build an ideal building than to correct errors later, which also costs money.

What projects should you pay attention to

All three projects are worthy and often chosen by private sector owners. Such houses look noble and harmonious. It is also very cozy and pleasant to be inside the space.

The durability of bricks and the natural beauty of wood are the main criteria that make a person choose these materials for centuries. And if you combine them, you can generally get a result unexpected in terms of aesthetics.

Which option to give preference: the first floor is brick, the second is wooden - or just, as shown above, use wood for the manufacture of architectural elements?

And in general, what projects of combined houses made of brick and wood can be adopted by those who decided to build a house with their own hands? You will learn about this, and much more from the material presented by us.

How wood and brick combine

Both wood and brick, with equal success, can play the role of both constructive and finishing material - therefore, they are easy to combine. If we talk about a building as such, it can be called a combined one, when at least two wall construction technologies are applied during the construction process.

Note! Since wood is less durable than brick, it is often combined like this: the 1st floor is brick, the 2nd floor is wooden - the house looks very interesting, especially if any architectural style is maintained in its design.

In addition to the fact that such combinations greatly decorate the facade, they also make it possible to really save the construction budget. The use of lighter material on the upper level allows to reduce the load on the foundation.

And then, the second floor can be built not only from heavy beams or logs - there are other alternatives.

Frame walls for the second floor

Frame technology can be considered one of them. Its essence lies in the construction of a wooden frame, which serves as the basis for creating a multi-layer structure of thick insulation, protective roll membranes, inner and outer cladding.

As a result, light and very warm walls are obtained:

  • It should be said that the outside of the wooden frame is sheathed with moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards. These materials are also related to wood, as they are its derivatives. In the process of finishing, they are often painted, performing contrasting decorative joining with wooden or composite slats, which makes it possible to carry out the design "like a half-timbered", which you see in the photo below.

  • If the price is of decisive importance to you, then keep in mind that the construction of the second floor using frame technology gives the maximum savings. You can, of course, use it to build an entire house, but along with the indisputable advantages, there are many disadvantages. The insulation incorporated in the structure has a limited service life - after a couple of decades, the sheathing has to be dismantled in order to replace it.
  • The timber from which the frame is assembled, too, no matter how you handle it, but eventually decays. Therefore, according to the terms of operation, frame houses can not compete with the durability of brick buildings. Add to this the increased fire hazard and attractiveness for insects and rodents - and you will understand that it is better to build the first floor of a house from bricks.

  • The layout in such houses is usually carried out as follows. Downstairs there are common areas: lobby, kitchen and dining room, living room. Guest rooms are also more often located on the ground floor. On the upper level, they plan bedrooms, children's rooms, equip a working area: an office or a workshop. Bathrooms in two-story house usually done both below and above.
  • By the way, in projected low-rise buildings, the frame can be provided not from wood, but from metal, which will allow introducing elements of brickwork not only downstairs, but also on the second floor. In such projects, there is often panoramic glazing, which makes such combinations even more interesting.

  • The concepts of many architectural styles - hi-tech, techno, minimalism - do not involve the use of wood at all. That is why in such houses there is no wooden windows and traditional frame roofs constructed from wooden rafters... Their design is based on all kinds of combinations of materials such as concrete, metal, glass.

If a brick is present, then only as a structural material, the surface of which is revetted or plastered. If wood is used, then only for partial finishing, a variant of which you can see in the example below.

Well, to each his own, and there is no dispute about tastes! Next, you will be offered installation instructions wooden structures, without which it is impossible to build an ordinary private house.

Wooden structures for a brick house

A brick wall is an excellent solid foundation for a second floor of wood. By and large, there is not much difference whether to make a full-fledged second floor, or to build on the attic.

The difference between them lies only in the height of the walls, and the absence of a beam ceiling in the attic.

Connecting brick and wood between floors

Since the entire upper part of the house is made of wood, which means it has a relatively low weight, an armored belt between floors can be omitted. In general, the decision on the arrangement of armored belts on the walls in low-rise construction is made depending on the bearing capacity of the wall material and the type of floor.

Note! The brick itself has the necessary strength to withstand even the weight of reinforced concrete slabs - the main thing is that the thickness of the masonry is correctly calculated for this. Moreover, it is brick, along with concrete, that is often used to arrange armored belts on walls made of foam and gas blocks. So, on this score, you can not worry, even if the walls of the second floor will be erected from a fairly heavy beam or log.


  • If the floor is beamed, then an additional reinforcing row in the form of a steel mesh should be provided along the upper row of brickwork. Under the slab, which creates additional loads, it will be necessary to lay several rows of interconnected reinforcing bars along the walls, as shown in the photo above.
  • But we think that if you decide to build the second floor of wood, you are unlikely to want to complicate the work and mount concrete slabs. In any case, in order to install structural elements wooden walls on brick walls, in the masonry, anchor bolts should be monolithic, allowing mechanical fastening.

Strips of roofing material are strung onto the studs, which will serve as a waterproofing layer between the perimeter of the brickwork and the lower crown of the timber or log wall. If the second floor will be built using frame technology, on brick wall similarly, the beams of the lower strapping will be mounted. To clearly understand this process, the video in this article will allow.

Overlap and floors

Before talking about how to make a wooden floor in brick house, you need to decide on the design of the floors. Floor laying process frame type, which is a wooden floor, is simplified as much as possible on a wooden beam floor.

In this case, the boardwalk is part of a multi-layer floor structure. But first, of course, you need to properly mount it - and we will try to briefly talk about how this is done.

First of all, you need to pay close attention to the quality of the timber, which will bear considerable loads:

  • At first it should be softwood that works best for bending.
  • Secondly, it is better if it is a planed, well-dried timber, the length of which should completely overlap the run - the distance between opposite load-bearing walls.

  • Since the walls of the first floor are built of bricks, the installation of floor beams is carried out in the same way as in all brick houses. Their length depends on the chosen method of fastening: if these are special metal consoles, then it is equal to the length of the run.
  • When the ends of the beams are laid in specially provided nests in the wall, then the necessary margin must also be taken into account: 12-15 cm from each end. The only thing that should not be forgotten is that the wood should not be in direct contact with metal or brickwork anywhere.
  • Therefore, the ends of the beams are wrapped with a protective material, without tightly closing the ends, and shock-absorbing gaskets are installed under them, if necessary. To prevent the appearance of cold bridges, the free space of the recesses into which the ends of the beams will be wound is filled with insulation.

  • As for metal fasteners, it must be stainless, otherwise its corrosion will provoke the process of decay in the thickness of the wood. Design attic floor similar to the interfloor version. Only the fastening of the beams to the wooden wall is done in a slightly different way, and their cross-section may be smaller - in any case, if the attic is uninhabited.
  • Since the space between the beams is then filled with insulation, the spacing of the floor elements is selected based on the width of the material, but usually does not exceed 60 cm.The beams can, of course, have a square section, for example: 150 * 150 mm, but this size is mainly used when they want to use them in the design of the ceiling.
  • The most economical in terms of wood consumption is the option with a section of 50 * 150, or even 50 * 180 mm - that is, in fact, this is a thick board installed on the edge. You can see an approximate assembly diagram of a beam floor in the picture above. Here, the insulation is laid on the boards with which the ceiling of the lower room is hemmed.

  • But there is also another version. Skull bars of a small section are mounted to the sides of the beams, on which wooden boards or plywood are laid. This approach gives more possibilities for decorating the ceiling of the lower room - for example: there you can install a stretch or suspended ceiling.
  • A vapor barrier membrane is mounted on top of the beams, which simultaneously plays the role of a shock-absorbing layer. Then, as a rule, in the transverse direction, a counter-lattice is packed - it will serve as the basis for installing the floor covering. If you do not want to make a boardwalk, but, for example, lay a roll covering: linoleum, carpet, or build in a warm floor system into the "pie", then you first have to mount a subfloor made of plywood or chipboard.

  • A very similar scenario is used to fill the frame walls. If the second floor of your house will be built using this technology, then along the upper perimeter of the walls, as well as from the bottom, the horizontal strapping of the racks will be mounted. By the way, strapping bar here it will play the role of Mauerlat, which serves as the basis rafter system roofs.
  • By the way, regardless of the structure of the walls or floors, it is always built of wood. In addition, few people would think to install plastic joinery in the openings of wooden walls - so, here you cannot do without wood. The technology for installing wooden windows in a brick house does not differ much from the process of installing them on log or frame walls, and instructions on this topic are easy to find.

And also, you can make a balcony and shutters out of wood, decorate a porch beautifully, build a terrace at the entrance, put a capital shed or an elegant pergola.

There are a lot of options for using wood in home design: both outdoor and indoor - and for those who love and know how to work with it, there is a wide field for creativity. It remains only to apply your talents in practice, and then admire the fruits of your labor and enjoy the energy of the tree for many years.

Austrian-style chalets in Russian cottage settlements

The technology for the construction of combined houses consists in laying the walls of the first floor of stone and using wood to assemble the second floor. The general name of the buildings is chalets. The word came from Austria: such buildings were often erected in the mountains.

GOOD WOOD builds combined houses from its own production of laminated veneer lumber and porous ceramic blocks Porotherm. It is safe and durable materials that can be used without additional insulation.

Why combination houses are so popular

Chalets are a hit of cottage villages. Over the past 3-5 years, the popularity of combined projects has been steadily growing: several hundred families have already lived in a typical KD-225, which has become a real bestseller among GOOD WOOD offers.

The advantages of combined houses:

  1. Non-standard appearance. Agree, chalets look very advantageous against the background of completely brick and wooden buildings.
  2. There are ready-made projects and many built objects according to individual drawings. It is easier for the customer to choose suitable house and immediately determine the construction price.
  3. Reliable, stable design. Will suit anyone who doubts the strength of wooden housing construction.
  1. Combining two materials for families who never came to a consensus on what to build a house from. The decision will suit both brick (ceramic blocks) supporters and wood lovers.
  2. Division into residential and common areas. The first (stone) floor is reserved for the living room, kitchen, boiler room, storage rooms. On the second (wooden) bedrooms and children's rooms.

Ready-made projects of combined houses

The catalog contains 3 finished projects: KD-225, KD-202 and new development our partners (architectural bureau "Karlson and K") - cottage K-1. For all typical cottages is given detailed equipment- with materials, a description of construction technology and other details. For KD-225 and KD-202, you can even calculate the monthly heating cost in advance.

In modern times, there are many ideas that are taken into account when it comes to construction. A house made of foam block and wood often becomes the choice of land owners who want to build an unusual, at the same time, budgetary and aesthetically beautiful structure for life or recreation.

House project from foam blocks and wood

There are many advantages to such designs. They will be especially noted by those who have already become the owner of a house made of foam block and wood. Such buildings serve for many years and never cease to amaze with their remarkable and reliability. This shelter can rightfully be called an excellent option, as well as a wonderful place for permanent residence.

Often, a material such as a foam block is chosen for. This material has a lot of factors that favor the choice of this particular raw material for the construction of a residential building structure. The reasons why they are popular:

All these positive aspects of foam concrete blocks indicate that it is not in vain that many rely on this type of building material.

Disadvantages of foam concrete blocks

Along with a huge number of benefits, like all building materials, foam concrete blocks have a number of disadvantages.

Existing types and sizes of foam concrete blocks

These are:

As you can see, there are much fewer disadvantages than advantages, besides, you can handle the material in such a way that you don't even have to remember about the negative sides.

An example of a built house entirely of foam concrete

What are the advantages of houses from a bar

It can often be found on the territory of private plots. Projects of structures from a bar are presented on the modern market in a wide range. It is not surprising that such houses are being erected by people with different levels of financial capabilities. In addition, such material has a number of advantages, due to which the stake is placed on it:

These advantages help the owners of land plots to decide exactly what such structures are worthy, to have their place on the territory of their plots.

Interior and design of a log cottage

Disadvantages of houses.
Along with the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages. Everything should be weighed so as not to be in the red afterwards:

Advantages of combined houses made of foam block and wood

The ideal solution for those who cannot decide on the choice of material for construction is the construction of combined houses from foam blocks and wood. It is fundamentally new idea, which will help eliminate all possible disadvantages of the two materials and use only their advantages. The positive sides that are dominated by the combined houses of foam blocks and wood are:

  • Rational use of both materials;
    Decorating a house made of wood and foam blocks

  • Thanks to the combination, the ground floor is durable and corrosion-free. The second floor, the main material of which is wood, creates a harmonious atmosphere in the space and provides the construction of the house with new trends in architectural ideas;
  • The building, constructed from a combination of two materials, is advantageous in terms of pricing policy. Both types of raw materials are quite acceptable in price, and their correct combination will help to avoid possible drawbacks that each of the materials possesses;

  • have a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The exterior of such structures looks attractive and modern;
  • Also houses made of wood and foam concrete blocks, thanks to new technology, combine durability and environmentally friendly space.
    Variant of the project and construction of a combined two-story cottage

In general, we can say with confidence that combined houses are a worthy solution for those who prefer durability and reliability, and also like to correctly distribute their budget.

It is the combined houses that become the choice of those who give preference to a reasonable expenditure of funds and the organization of a harmonious, thoughtful space.

Features of the construction of combined houses from foam block and wood

Of course, the construction of combined houses has its own characteristics. Due to these features, the choice often falls on this particular type of structure. These are:

  • Construction speed;
  • It is quite easy to build a combined house; even a person who had no previous experience in construction can cope with the task. Of course, if there are no building skills at all, then it is better to seek help from professionals;
    An example of the construction of the second floor with a closed balcony

    The process of building a building from a foam block

  • The construction of a combined house according to a pre-selected project will not be difficult ... The most important thing is to think over all the details at the stage of choosing a structure;
  • When a house is built according to a project, the landlord does not have to purchase materials for the house with a margin. This will help to significantly save the budget and become the owner of a magnificent "fortress" in which rest and life are unusual and filled with harmony;
  • Combined houses should be built in stages. This will allow the structure to accept the required stability and adapt to the environment;
    The process of building a combined house from a bar

  • First of all, of course, it is organized. Due to the lightness of the structure, the "pillow" for the building will be inexpensive. Materials that do not give a high load on the basis of the structure will significantly;
  • The next stage in the construction of combined structures is the laying of foam concrete blocks. This material must be handled with great care. This will help not to incur additional costs for the purchase of additional units of raw materials spoiled during the stacking process;
    The process of laying foam concrete blocks

  • After the foam concrete blocks have been laid, the structure should be left for a short time. Aerated concrete blocks must be resilient and adaptable to the prevailing climatic situation;
  • Then you can start building the second floor. Sometimes in combined houses it is supposed to erect the entire structure from wooden beams, and then finishing the finished structure with foam concrete blocks on top of the tree. In this case, the steps are clear.
    If each of the blocks (foam concrete blocks and wood) is separate, then the construction of the second floor will require additional efforts from the owner of the land plot or from the construction company. Combined houses made of foam blocks and wood should be erected deliberately, carefully fulfilling the requirements of density and adhesion of materials;
  • After the second floor is ready, land owners can move into a residential building.

Design and project of a residential country cottage

These are just some of the features of combined houses. Complete list instructions on the construction of such buildings are best obtained from experienced craftsmen. Video review of the combined house made of wood and foam blocks.