I swallowed chewing gum, what should I do? So what actually happens when you swallow gum? What is hazardous to health in the composition. What happens to the body if you swallow chewing gum? An adult swallowed chewing gum.

The composition of chewing gum is quite simple. It includes:

  • base or chicle;
  • fragrances;
  • sweeteners.

The most dangerous ingested component of all of the above is the base; everything else is digested in the stomach without problems. Chicle consists of resins, elastomers, waxes, emulsifiers and fats. When chewing gum enters the body, its outer shell and sweeteners are first broken down by the action of saliva. The base, under the influence of gastric juice and its enzymes, loses its stickiness and also dissolves.

Is it dangerous if a baby swallows gum? Chewing gum that gets into the stomach will not harm the child’s body. It does not have sharp edges or toxic ingredients and will not scratch the palate or damage the esophagus. Chewing gum is as safe as any ingested non-food item, which the body will get rid of in a few days.

The most dangerous ingested component of all of the above is the base; everything else is digested in the stomach without problems. Chicle consists of resins, elastomers, waxes, emulsifiers and fats. When chewing gum enters the body, its outer shell and sweeteners are first broken down by the action of saliva. The base, under the influence of gastric juice and its enzymes, loses its stickiness and also dissolves.

Digestive disorders

This is the most obvious effect if a child swallows gum. It manifests itself in different ways, because a negative result from the digestive system occurs in several forms. To correctly correlate causes and consequences, let’s pay attention to how this happens.

When swallowed gum causes food poisoning

Food poisoning is only possible if you swallow low-quality chewing gum consisting of poisonous and toxic ingredients. Unfortunately, such chewing gum still exists, all over the world. And it’s not even about underground factories producing counterfeits. Even completely legal manufacturers of chewing gum supply stores with chewing gum containing toxic substances, the harmfulness of which has not yet been “proven.”

Alas, it’s quite difficult for non-specialists to point fingers at bad chewing gum, so just don’t swallow the chewing gum of unknown people brands.

What to do if you swallowed poisonous gum?

The first step is to induce vomiting (if you still don’t) and see if you can’t get rid of the toxic gum this way. If it works, observe the reaction of the “patient’s” body and decide according to the circumstances; if not, go to the hospital. Let them decide how to help the victim.

When swallowing chewing gum causes an allergy attack

Sometimes an allergy occurs from just one chewing gum, but it is much more likely that the body will react inappropriately if a large number of chewing gums are swallowed. Don’t think that this doesn’t happen, because often children and adults don’t understand the dangers of chewing gum. They swallow it on a dare, out of curiosity, out of carelessness - in general, it happens.

What to do if you swallowed gum with an allergen?

If, after an adult or child swallows gum, he shows signs of an allergy, first take an anti-allergy drug and try to “extract” the gum by vomiting. At the same time, find out how much harmful rubber was swallowed in order to understand whether there is anything else left in the body.

If you manage to “drive out” the chewing gum yourself, watch the “swallower” with a bottle (or whatever you have) of an antiallergic drug. If the chewing gum does not come out or there is a lot of it, go to the hospital, since it is quite possible that in this case it will be difficult to cope without professional doctors.


To get diarrhea, you need to chew several packs of chewing gum per day. If you swallow gum, you will need much less.

Since this fact raises doubts among many people who at one time swallowed more than a dozen chewing gums (usually in different time), then allow me to quote data from the English medical journal “The Lancet” (the entire next paragraph).

Each chewing gum contains some kind of sweetener (sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol or maltitol), which is also a laxative. Therefore, getting a large dose of one of them into your body promises you diarrhea, and sometimes flatulence or abdominal pain. It should be noted that other symptoms are possible.

The same publication describes a slightly different case when a boy chewed about ten packs of gum in a day, after which his heart rate doubled - up to 147 beats per minute, trips to the toilet “for minor needs” became more frequent and excessive aggression appeared. And all this because of the tiny dose of caffeine in each piece of chewing gum, which simply “added up.”

Perhaps, when swallowing, it is also possible to achieve such serious “results”, since if a child swallows several such chewing gums, his level of excitement can jump noticeably, his heart speed up, and so on.

So, if swallowed chewing gum causes diarrhea, get rid of the chewing gum and drink more liquid (water, compote).


How long does it take for chewing gum to be digested? If only one portion is swallowed, the digestion process will take about 6-10 hours, maybe a little more. But what happens if you swallow gum the size of a small cupcake?

Would you say this doesn’t happen? Hmm... If you believe the publication in the American magazine "Pediatrics", then this happens. By the way, it is not necessary to swallow the whole lump at once, because you can gradually - piece by piece... Apparently, this is what two 4-year-old children of different sexes did, from whose rectum, after prolonged constipation, heavy lumps of chewing gum were removed.

Better be on your guard. And if anything happens, go straight to the doctor.

What is hazardous to health in the composition?

To make this delicacy, manufacturers use many ingredients.

The elastic base includes:

  • natural or synthetic latexes;
  • resins;
  • paraffin;
  • talc;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • sweeteners;
  • flavoring additives;
  • dyes;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives.

If chewing gum is swallowed frequently, the chemicals can cause significant harm to the child:

  1. The presence of stabilizer E330 and E422 leads to blood diseases.
  2. The presence of the food additive E320, when the substance accumulates in the body, leads to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. E322 disrupts the functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Sweeteners often cause diarrhea and may cause urolithiasis in children.
  5. Saccharin can trigger the growth process malignant tumor.
  6. Menthol and butyl often cause an allergic reaction and inflammation of the skin around the mouth.
  7. Urea E927 causes oral diseases.
  8. Tartrazine E102 causes asthma attacks. Apple-flavored gum is toxic and is not recommended for infants and young children.
  9. E129 or Red Charming AC is a carcinogen.

What happens if you swallow gum several times?

If a baby has a weak immune defense and his endocrine system does not function well, he has an increased risk of getting general intoxication of the body, which can take the form of diarrhea, rash, decreased immunity, and fever.

A healthy baby may not feel anything and calmly survive this event. With constant swallowing of chewed lumps, other consequences may be observed, the symptoms of which will appear after some time.

First aid

What to do if a child swallows and begins to choke due to a piece stuck in the throat? If any foreign object enters the respiratory system and causes suffocation, you need to turn the baby upside down and tap him on the back.

He will reflexively scream, and the lump can return back and fall out of his mouth. All parents need to know this technique, because children often choke on food while eating and chewing. If this does not help, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If a child swallows gum, what should a parent do at this moment if there are no signs of choking and the baby feels fine? In this case, the child needs to be fed bulk food for several days.

😉 Greetings, dear readers and guests of the site! The child swallowed gum. Is this dangerous for his health and what to do if such a nuisance happens.

Chewing gum composition

Oddly enough, but this thing - pastry, only inedible. It consists of an elastic base - synthetic polymers, which is coated with flavoring and aromatic fillers.

Everything tastes good when chewed and sucked nutritional supplements dissolve, only the base remains. It has served its purpose and needs to be thrown away. It is important to remember that gum is chewed after eating and for no more than 7 minutes.

Any parent panics over the fact that their child has swallowed chewing gum. But there is no need to create a tragedy about this. Everyone knows that children younger age They love to put everything attractive in their mouth. And chewing gum, in addition to its tempting shape, has an appetizing smell and taste.

What to do if a child swallows chewing gum

In most cases, adult anxiety is based on fictional stories that the gum may stick to the walls of the intestines or stomach. And its removal is only possible through surgery. But such terrible stories have nothing to do with reality.

Initially, you need to know that the acidic environment of the stomach is so strong that it can easily cope with any type of chewing gum in a few hours. But they still exist unpleasant consequences who can expect little fidgets when swallowing toffees in large quantities.

Poisoning is possible, but not because of the gum, but because of its composition. After all, when making this delicacy, the following ingredients are used: wax, thickeners, gum and others. And when they enter the stomach, they decompose, and toxic substances are released into the body. Try to induce a gag reflex in your child at the first signs of intoxication.

To do this, you need the baby to drink a lot of boiled water. Then use your fingers to make him vomit. The chewing candy should come out with the water you drink. But basically this sweetness is completely released simultaneously through vomit or feces.

Important point

In case of existing intolerance to one of the components, an allergic reaction is possible. If a rash, heartburn, abdominal pain, belching or diarrhea appears, we can talk about the beginning of an allergy in a child. If possible, give your baby an antihistamine or enterosorbent (for example).

Also, the result of consuming such a product is diarrhea. After all, any chewing candy has a sweetener, which in turn has a laxative effect.

If your child has loose stools or bloating, this indicates an upset stomach. Pay close attention to his gas production and the color of his stool. If the unpleasant symptoms do not subside and the stool becomes deep black in color, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another consequence of a child eating gum can be constipation. This occurs when a piece of chewing gum gets stuck in the anus. In this case, try giving your baby a small spoon of natural oil.

When it enters the digestion, the permeability of feces increases and the intestinal congestion gets rid of. But if this does not help, you need to consult a doctor.

This situation is considered more dangerous and may result in intestinal obstruction. Very rarely, but such cases still occur with negative consequences. Therefore, try to pay as much attention to your baby as possible and watch what he eats.

There are times when chewing gum gets into Airways. In the best case, the baby will clear his throat on his own.

If your baby continues to cough, get him help. Tilt your baby's head forward. Then make a few pats on your upper back with the heel of your palm. If the foreign object does not come out, you must call an ambulance.

So what can happen:

  1. Poisoning (product Low quality, toxic substances, dyes).
  2. Allergy attack.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Entry of a foreign object into the respiratory tract.
  5. Constipation lasting 6-10 hours.
  6. Nothing will happen if this gum is free of harmful components.

Chewing gum: benefits and harms


  • cleans teeth;
  • freshens breath;
  • strengthens jaws;
  • restores alkaline balance in the mouth;
  • When chewing, the gums are massaged (prevention of periodontal disease).


  • If you use gum on an empty stomach, the body’s reflex occurs. The digestive system begins to secrete gastric juices in preparation to digest food. Food does not arrive and gastric juice begins to corrode the walls of the stomach. Diseases appear - gastritis or ulcers;
  • some ingredients (for example, sorbitol) have a laxative effect;
  • Experts do not recommend giving chewing gum to children under 6 years of age.


Additional Information to the article in this video: “What to do if a child swallows gum”

Friends, leave in the comments advice from personal experience on what to do if a child swallows gum. Share this information with other people on in social networks. 🙂 Be healthy!

Let's say the chewing gum ends up inside the body. What will happen to the body now? In fact, there are several options: from the banal “nothing” to an attack of diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. Food poisoning is also a possible option, but let's look at all the possible scenarios:


Most often this is what happens. Chewing gum does not cause any harm to the body and leaves it naturally when the time comes.

But this doesn't always happen.


Such a reaction is indeed possible if you swallow not just one piece of gum, but several. The fact is that gum contains various sweeteners. Many of them have a laxative effect on the body. In such a situation, you need to drink as much liquid as possible and wait for the chewing gum to come out naturally.


Let's be honest: To cause constipation, chewing gum would have to be the size of a small apple. It is difficult to swallow one whole, but nothing is impossible for a determined person.

For example, fairly heavy lumps of chewing gum were extracted from two four-year-old children, who, while playing, gradually swallowed one piece of chewing gum. Pieces of gum stuck together inside and caused serious problems in the digestive system. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Allergy attack

And this can happen if you swallow chewing gum that contains a possible allergen. The fact is that the effect of some gum components on the body is difficult to predict. And the reaction can be individual for each person.

Therefore, it is better not to swallow chewing gum at all. And remember: an adult will bear the consequences easier than a child. In children, the body is weak and small, which can aggravate the reaction of the digestive system.

Even the most attentive and caring parents can neglect their child. Babies love to put everything in their mouth, especially if it looks attractive and smells delicious. Chewing gum often gets into the mouth for such reasons. And if an adult has a clear understanding of how to use this product, a child may not yet fully understand or even know these rules. And then the parents are faced with trouble - the chewing gum is swallowed. What to do in such a situation?

Possible consequences

If such a situation arises, then there is no need to panic - most likely, no physiological abnormalities will occur on this basis, and the chewing gum itself will successfully leave the body with other food. It may come out completely or partially digested, or even in its original state - it all depends on the composition of the particular chewing gum. The environment in the stomach, or rather the combination of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, is so strong that most types of chewing gum can be handled without much difficulty in a few hours, and this applies to all age groups.

It certainly won't get stuck halfway.

Doctor's Note: There is a common belief that swallowed gum will remain in the body forever unless it is surgically removed. It is also believed that it can stick to the wall of the stomach or completely glue the lumen of the intestine. Do not panic, as these stories are horror stories and have nothing to do with reality. Yes, such a product contains many chemical components and there is nothing useful in its presence in the digestive system, but it is also so terrible.

  • And although in most cases such an incident ends happily, in some situations some negative reactions from the body are possible:
  • allergic reaction;
  • bowel disorder (diarrhea or constipation);

An allergy can arise as a reaction to the composition of the product - the child may be intolerant to some of its components. This is also often how the body reacts to swallowing gum in large quantities. If there is intolerance, then the symptoms allergic reaction will not keep you waiting (they often present as skin manifestations).

Experts say that every chewing gum contains some kind of sweetener, and one of them is side effects its use has a laxative effect. When it enters the body in large quantities, it provokes stool upset. Also, large amounts of swallowed chewing gum can cause constipation.

Food poisoning is a consequence of ingesting a product containing harmful toxic or poisonous components. Unfortunately, chewing gum that is not made of good quality may well contain dangerous components.

The reaction can be very different, but often a negative effect is achieved when gum is swallowed in large quantities. In the vast majority of cases, nothing dangerous to the child’s condition will happen.

Parents' actions

Having learned about the incident, parents should begin to carefully monitor the child’s condition and well-being. If everything goes well, then after 6 hours the body will get rid of the accidentally swallowed product and there will be no need to go to the hospital. But if signs of a negative reaction are observed, then you should not delay going to the hospital.

If a specialist determines that an allergic response has begun, it will be necessary to take antihistamines until the allergen is completely eliminated from the body. Food poisoning will require absorbent drugs and medications to restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines. In case of diarrhea or constipation, separate measures are taken to eliminate the symptoms.

An option not associated with the digestive system - a child may choke on chewing gum, which mistakenly entered the respiratory tract instead of the esophagus. The usual reaction to such a situation is a strong cough, due to which the foreign object comes out. If the cough does not subside and the gum does not come out, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. You should not try to get the product out on your own, even if it is visible - such actions can push the lump even further and thereby worsen the situation.

Despite the fact that swallowing chewing gum almost never has negative consequences, the chance of such an outcome is still probable, so you need to be especially careful when treating a child with a similar problem. Elimination of a negative reaction is determined by the nature of the difficulties that ingestion led to.

Each of us has heard that chewing gum remains in the intestines for seven years if a person accidentally (well, or on purpose) swallows it. Thinking and swallowing gum? Or maybe your child did it? Don't panic. It, of course, but still leaves the body quite quickly. Everything you need to know about this - pros, cons, pitfalls - is described below.

What is chewing gum made of?

The first chewing gum was made from chicle, a white substance produced by tropical sapodilla trees. Then they tried using paraffin wax to get the toffee texture, but chicle was still the most popular material. The reason, writes verywell, is that it did not break down even with a lot of chewing, which is what was required of the product.

After World War II, scientists figured out how to create a synthetic base for chewing gum. This is how synthetic rubber appeared, which, like chicle, hardly broke when chewed, but it was much easier to add to it.

It is logical that if something does not break down during intensive chewing, it is unlikely to break down in the stomach. So when you swallow chewing gum - be it natural chicle or synthetic - its composition will not change from the beginning of the process to the end.

Something about the digestive process

Typically, food is destroyed when it passes through gastrointestinal tract. The esophagus does not absorb anything because it is simply a tube designed to carry food (or in this case, chewing gum) to the stomach.

The stomach, in turn, does the hard work. It mixes food with acids and breaks it down until it becomes a suspension of juices and solids. This suspension is then drained into the intestines. In the small intestine, solids continue to be broken down, nutrients are absorbed into the walls, and water is largely retained to allow the suspension to move further.

At the end of the small intestine, what is left is transferred to the large intestine. The water is absorbed by the walls of the colon until the suspension reaches the correct consistency so that all residue can be removed. And you know how it ends.

But chewing gum is not at all the same as other foods. It is not destroyed, so it will go through all the stages in the same way that food normally passes through the esophagus. Delivery tube. In this case, our entire digestive system, if you like, is just a tube for delivering chewing gum from point A to point B.

Should I worry?

Depending on how well each individual person is doing, chewing gum can either cause pain and discomfort or go completely unnoticed.

There is not much evidence of the potential dangers of swallowed chewing gum. However, there is some evidence that chronically swallowed gum may affect bowel function.

In an article published in the journal Pediatrics in 1998, scientists report three cases of intestinal obstruction in children caused by chewing gum. The smallest among them was a girl aged 1.5 years. However, this young lady not only swallowed gum, but weighted the structure with four coins folded together. The other two children - both 4.5 years old - simply swallowed chewing gum regularly. In both cases, several pieces of gum became stuck together, creating an obstruction in the intestines.

When does the chewing gum leave the body?

There is a long-standing legend that chewing gum, when swallowed, remains in the body for seven years. But if this were true, doctors would find it in most gastrointestinal tracts during examination. Simply because each of us has done it by accident at least once.

So, while the chewing gum does not collect in the intestines into a huge ball, it passes through the digestive system in an average week. Yes, the aroma, color and sweetness may disappear, but the base of the chewing gum will be exactly the same as when you first took it out of the pack.

What else do you need to know about chewing gum? There is evidence that the act of chewing, accompanied by swallowing large quantity saliva and, more importantly, air, can increase gas formation and. On the other hand, chewing gum after bowel surgery probably speeds up healing (and although the research is mixed, even those who criticize it agree that chewing gum after surgery may not be very helpful, but it is still safe).