We sow cactus seeds and grow new interesting specimens. Growing cacti from seeds at home, planting dates How to grow cacti from seeds

Preparing the seed substrate for growing cactus

The substrate for sowing must be well permeable to air and water, poor in nutrients, able to retain moisture, have a slightly acidic reaction (pH-6) and be sterile. These requirements are satisfied by a mixture of equal parts of sifted leaf soil and coarse washed sand, not containing lime, with a small addition of sifted peat and charcoal powder. More complex compositions do not have noticeable advantages.

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To sterilize, the finished mixture is poured into a pan, moistened well, tightly closed with a lid and placed in the oven, where the temperature is maintained at 200 - 250 ° C. Three liters of the mixture are sterilized for 1-1.5 hours. For smaller quantities of the mixture, the duration of sterilization is reduced.

It is also convenient to carry out sterilization over steam in a pressure cooker. After sterilization, the substrate should remain moist. Sterilization is performed on the eve of sowing. For drainage, use small pebbles, well washed and boiled.

Rules for growing cacti

Everyone knows that cacti are one of the most unpretentious house plants. However, seedlings of these indoor “hedgehogs” need more attention than adult specimens.


The viability of the seeds directly depends on the microclimate created in the greenhouse. The temperature of keeping miniature cacti during the day should be high - within 25-30°C. At night they should not be kept in such a “bath”: a temperature of up to 20°C will be enough. Temperature changes will speed up the germination of cactus seeds.

During the first month, cacti should grow in a moist substrate. Drying it out even for a short period of time can lead to young roots being damaged and never recovering, which means the plants will die.

It is best to water the crops through a tray. Even spraying in this situation is undesirable, because seeds that are not covered with soil will be scattered over the surface of the soil under the pressure of water, and they will mix. Starting from the second month, seedlings can already be accustomed to less frequent watering.

Water for irrigation must be boiled and warm.


Cacti need light at the very early stage of life - during germination. Of course, like many indoor crops, direct sunlight will be harmful to them. Therefore, it is advisable to place the tray on a sunny window, but it must be shaded.


In addition to all these factors, cactus sprouts really need Fresh air. How to ensure his access to the greenhouse? It is enough to make several small holes in the lid or simply move it from time to time for ventilation. The first time this can be done a week after sowing. The lid only needs to be removed for a couple of minutes to remove condensation, but not to overcool the little cacti. At night, the lid should be tightly closed.

Seed preparation

It is imperative that the seeds should be treated and disinfected before planting. This can be done using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds should be soaked in the solution for 9-10 hours, but no more than 12! So, mark the time, or better yet, so as not to forget, set an alarm clock.


Once everything is ready, you can start sowing the seeds. We take our greenhouse and fill it with earth. The layer should be no more than 5cm. Some people prefer to put drainage on the bottom, which in principle will not be superfluous, but it can be done without it. The poured soil now needs to be watered - it must be boiled water at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Water evenly, avoiding overwatering, otherwise you will have to reap when the excess moisture evaporates.

Next, when the soil is wet, it needs to be leveled and shallow holes made for the seeds. The distance between them should be 1.5-2 cm. The holes can be made using a toothpick or a match. Now you can start sowing. We place each seed in the prepared hole, but do not cover it with soil. When finished, close the greenhouse with a lid or cling film and place it on the windowsill.

During the first week, you will see your future cacti begin to sprout. As soon as the first thorns appear, the greenhouse can be opened slightly so that the plants can breathe fresh air.

Preparation and sowing

Succulent plants, and cacti are no exception, differ from ordinary indoor flowers - appearance, climatic and other preferences. The same applies to planting and caring for crops.

What should you pay special attention to when growing cacti from seeds at home?

Suitable substrate

Fertile soil rich in organic matter is not suitable for succulents; they are accustomed to poorer, rockier soils. However, even if cacti grow well in the substrate, it should not be used for germinating seeds. A suitable soil mixture can be purchased at a garden store or you can prepare it yourself from the following components:

  • 1 part each of leaf soil and fine washed sand;
  • 0.5 parts crushed charcoal.

The last component is extremely important, as it absorbs excess moisture, does not allow light to pass through, and prevents the formation of mold and rotting of seeds and sprouts. But most often seedlings die precisely because of the excessive moisture of the substrate.

Seeds are sown in such soil, where the seedlings remain until the first picking. During subsequent dives, the composition of the soil is gradually changed, bringing it closer to the composition of the soil mixture for adult succulents.

How and why to register seedlings?

If a florist is closely involved in growing cacti from seeds, then planting material becomes frequent various types. Experienced cactus growers enter data - the name of the variety or variety, the date of planting - into a notebook, assigning them numbers or a letter, which are transferred to the containers and planted. In the future, there will be no difficulty in identifying specimens.

Sowing container

In order for the seeds to germinate and the seedlings to feel good, you should take care of a suitable tank. You can sow a seed mixture consisting of different types cacti, but caring for such a planting is much more difficult than for individual varieties. In addition, they can germinate with a significant interruption.

Despite a large number of For plant lovers, sowing cactus seeds is challenging. This happens due to improper planting, during which they rot. The rules of cultivation and care will help you acquire new prickly seedlings on the windowsill. This will require a little time, patience and the right materials.

Selecting seeds

Before sowing cacti with seeds, you need to decide on the method of obtaining them. Planting material can be purchased at a flower shop or extracted yourself. The first option is much simpler - you immediately begin planting the selected variety.

To get cactus seeds at home, you need to wait until the end of the flowering period. A box with seeds will remain in place of the inflorescence. The downside of this method is the long waiting time. In addition, it will be possible to grow only those plants from which the planting material was collected.

The appearance of the seeds depends on the variety. They may vary in color, shape and size. Cacti from seeds bloom much later than those grown vegetatively.

Requirements for soil and container

You can prepare the soil for planting yourself. For this you will need leaf soil, river sand, a small amount of and crushed charcoal. All components must be disinfected, the sand must be washed and calcined in the oven for 90 minutes at high temperature.

However, for favorable seed germination, it is better to stock up on ready-made soil for cacti and succulents. It contains all the necessary nutrients and microelements for the seedling. Store soil also needs pre-treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. You can bake it in the oven on a baking sheet for no more than 10 minutes at a temperature of +110° C.

Planting container

Cactus seedlings are grown in greenhouse conditions. A small one will do for this. plastic container with a lid (special container, cake packaging or disposable food container).

Cactus seed sowing technology

Before planting, the seed material must be prepared. To do this, they are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 10 hours, then taken out and dried. After this, you can begin the process.


Stages of sowing cactus seeds:

  1. Place drainage in the prepared mini-greenhouse, pour 5 cm thick soil on top and water thoroughly with boiled warm water. Overflow should not be allowed, otherwise you will have to wait until the soil dries out;
  2. Level the wet soil and make small holes for seeds, 2 cm apart;
  3. Place a seed in each hole, without falling asleep on top;
  4. Close the container with a lid and place it on the windowsill.

Already in the first week you can detect the first shoots of planted plants.

You can open the container only after thorns appear on the seedlings. They really need oxygen.

Seed care rules

To obtain high germination and strong plants at all stages of growth, it is necessary to properly care for them. From the moment of planting until the emergence of sprouts, it is necessary to strictly observe the care requirements.


After planting cacti with seeds and during the period of their active growth, it is important to monitor the soil moisture, preventing it from drying out. If you overdo it with watering, the seeds may rot. Before watering, you should check the condition of the soil by touch: if it is almost dry, then it’s time to moisten it.

Under no circumstances should you pour water from a watering can or bottle. This must be done carefully, using a spray bottle or pipette (water each plant separately). Do not forget that for irrigation it is necessary to prepare warm boiled water.


Regardless of the time of year when the cactus seeds were sown, they need comfortable temperature air. The optimal indicator varies between 23-25° C. It is very useful to sometimes reduce the temperature to 15° C, so at night it is worth removing the container with seedlings to a cooler place.


Young flowers are greatly influenced by lighting, so before planting cacti from seeds, you should choose a good location.

There should be a large amount of natural and ( daylight lamps), while the greenhouse must be protected from exposure to direct rays of the sun.

Rules for caring for seedlings

With the appearance of the first thorns, the lid of the greenhouse can be removed for several hours a day for ventilation. This is an important stage during which it is necessary to handle the plants carefully. You can add watering from a watering can with a narrow spout to regular spraying. You still need to monitor the soil moisture, preventing it from drying out completely.

The temperature requirements remain the same, but now the plants feel good even at +30° C. At night, the mini-greenhouse requires a cooler room.

If the cactus was grown from seeds using fluorescent lamps, they can already be abandoned during this growth period.

Young shoots need moderate feeding and fertilizers. A product for these purposes can be purchased at a flower shop. Its composition is characterized by a high content of potassium, phosphorus and calcium and a minimal amount of nitrogen. The interval between feedings should not be from 10 to 15 days.

Transplanting and caring for a young cactus

At 3 months of age, cactus seedlings are picked. Each plant requires a separate container. While the seedlings are small, a small container, such as a plastic cup, is sufficient. The pot should have a bottom with holes to drain excess liquid. If the bottom has no holes, you need to water it very carefully.

Long roots should be pinched to speed up the growth of the seedling.

The transplant is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour drainage (expanded clay, small broken bricks, fine crushed stone) onto the bottom of the container, and on top a layer of soil (the same as when sowing) to the edges of the pot;
  2. Make a small hole in the center;
  3. Transfer the cactus from the greenhouse to the pot along with a lump of earth;
  4. Gently compact the soil around it, then apply fertilizer and water.

In the first year, the plant does not require special care, except for watering, which should be the same as for adult flowers (after 6 months). The fertilizer application schedule remains the same until the first autumn month, after which it is worth reducing watering and allowing the cactus a rest period.

As a cactus grows for a long time, it needs a larger pot that matches its size. A plant grown from seeds will have to wait at least 5 years for flowering. For further replanting, it is better to purchase ready-made soil for this species. Even though the cactus is in the sand different color looks beautiful and unusual, this is not the most favorable option for further development. Over time, the sand compacts and becomes dense, thereby preventing the development of the root system.

In order for the experiment to be successful in how to germinate a cactus from seeds, you should carefully understand. Carrying out all the steps taking into account the advice experienced gardeners, you can get rare plant varieties at home.

Growing cacti from seeds - video

Among domestic plants there are many exotic species. Some are large in size, while others eat small insects. However, among them there is one undisputed leader - the cactus. This flower strewn with needles is present in almost every apartment. Many people find it quite attractive especially during the flowering period.

It's easy to grow cactus from seeds yourself

The cactus is also loved for its vegetative method of propagation. If desired, it is not difficult to grow a huge plantation at home.

Growing cacti from seeds has some peculiarities, but with a more detailed study on the site, you can figure out all the nuances yourself.

Preliminary work is an important step towards your own agricultural production. You will need to purchase equipment, study the relevant material and be patient. Under ideal conditions, the first cactus blooms 5 years after planting.

Only proven seeds from the most successful plantations are selected. The process of growing a cactus is long, so if the plant has defects, it will be very disappointing. There is no point in saving on seed purchases.

The first cactus will not bloom soon

The seeds themselves must be washed in an appropriate vessel. Especially small species place on a gauze cloth and pour over warm water. An important point age remains. You only need to look after fresh material for growing. Best choice There is a period of up to two years left.

During germination it is worth monitoring temperature regime and humidity according to the requirements of the selected cactus species. They differ from each other, which makes the whole process complex. The water needs of the sprout are taken into account. For adult species, moisture is not so critical, but for germinated seeds it is vital.

Cacti Cheerful family

The soil, poured into a wide pot, is a combination of perlite and coarse sand. The container needs to be filled more than half, but not to the brim. To prevent the cactus from being damaged by fungus, it is worth considering a drainage system to remove excess water. It is advisable to make several holes at the very bottom so that the main amount of water is retained in the soil.

It should be laid in a dense layer on top of the soil. fine brick, coarse sand or basalt. This protective layer will not allow the weed to enter the fertile soil. Cacti require increased protection from fungus and other dangerous plants that will multiply due to them.

The process of growing a cactus

We are building a mini-greenhouse at home. Due to the nature of their growth in the wild, cacti are accustomed to hot conditions.

Approximately the same conditions need to be created inside homemade greenhouse. All breeders consider the optimal temperature to be up to +25 °C. Of the deviations, variations within 10 °C are allowed. In some cases, a temperature of +15 °C can be considered even useful, but not lower.

Important: breeders advise equipping mini-greenhouses with their own heaters and thermostats. Can't be trusted room temperature cactus growth control. Even a minimal draft slows down the growth process due to air cooling, only closed greenhouses with heating elements equipped in them.

Other requirements for a mini-greenhouse:

  • placement of the greenhouse is allowed only on the sunny side of the room
  • direct sunlight is contraindicated
  • When heating the air inside the structure with seeds, room temperature is taken into account
  • excess moisture should evaporate freely from the pallets

The process of sowing seeds

The seeds should be scattered close to each other. If you take an area of ​​2 by 2 cm, you should get up to 20 grains. The cactus is used to growing in families. Thanks to small groups, growth should be more intense than with a solitary planting. After placing the grain on the soil, lightly press it with a finger or other medium-soft object.

Soil is not placed on top of the seeds. The sun's rays during the day should fully illuminate the entire crop area. But in addition to light, you also need water. It cannot be filled with a regular watering can. Breeders take the entire cactus container and place it in a container of water. Only when the top layer is saturated can the moistening process be considered complete (water must flow through the drainage holes at the bottom).

Breeders' advice: 0.5% quinosol will help protect young animals from being affected by the fungus. To prepare the composition, one tablet is dissolved in 2 liters of water. It is not recommended to abuse chemicals.

Watching the growth of a cactus

The cactus itself will emerge from the seed no earlier than two weeks. All this time we water the ground or moisten it with any other in a convenient way. Moisture in the soil constantly supplies everything necessary plant, thereby accelerating its growth.

Don't forget about soil moisture

After four months, the need for a mini-greenhouse disappears. Now the cactus is taken out of the shelter to its usual place in the apartment, but with enough daylight. A window sill is not suitable due to the risk of ultraviolet rays penetrating the plant from direct sunlight. It would be optimal to place the pot on the table near the window.

It will take a few more months for the cactus roots to form. Subsequently, it can be transplanted to any other land.

An already formed adult sprout does not require abundant watering. It is sometimes recommended to add potassium phosphate to irrigation water for prevention.

Growing rare plants from seeds is a real pleasure for a gardener. And growing something as exotic as cacti from seeds is something incredible. And yet, growing them is not particularly difficult if certain conditions are met. And you will be guaranteed a lot of positive emotions from this process!

Preparing seeding equipment for growing cactus

It is better to sow each species separately, or two species together in small boxes (for example, children's cubes), which are then conveniently placed in one common bowl.

You can also sow in one plastic or ceramic bowl with a depth of at least 3 cm, which is divided into cells using vertical partitions. The sowing site of each species is marked with a number or name. Beforehand, the dishes must be thoroughly washed and disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, bleach or formaldehyde. It is advisable to boil ceramic dishes. All preparation is done on the eve of sowing.

Preparing the seed substrate for growing cactus

The substrate for sowing must be well permeable to air and water, poor in nutrients, able to retain moisture, have a slightly acidic reaction (pH-6) and be sterile. These requirements are met by a mixture of equal parts of sifted leaf soil and coarse washed lime-free sand, with a small addition of sifted peat and charcoal powder. More complex compositions do not have noticeable advantages.

To sterilize, the finished mixture is poured into a pan, moistened well, tightly closed with a lid and placed in the oven, where the temperature is maintained at 200 - 250 ° C. Three liters of the mixture are sterilized for 1-1.5 hours. For smaller quantities of the mixture, the duration of sterilization is reduced.

It is also convenient to carry out sterilization over steam in a pressure cooker. After sterilization, the substrate should remain moist. Sterilization is performed on the eve of sowing. For drainage, use small pebbles, well washed and boiled.

Preparing cactus seeds at home

The process of preparing cactus seeds for planting is similar to many vegetable plants. Soaking them in a potassium permanganate solution will help speed up germination, and the rotting process will be minimized.

It is important to remember that the seeds can be planted a day after soaking. Longer soaking in water will lead to the appearance of long sprouts, which, unfortunately, break off easily.

Planting cactus seeds at home

In any planting bowl there should be three layers: the first is drainage, then a layer of prepared soil, which should be compacted to remove the resulting voids, the top layer is looser and finer, for this the soil must be sifted through a strainer.

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Level the surface, plant seeds using a needle or small brush, and additionally moisten. You need to create a shelter from transparent plastic or glass on top, and place the containers in a warm, bright place. To moisturize, use a pipette or spray bottle, do not allow it to dry out. Monitor the temperature, which should be within +25°C.

After 2-3 months, it is already possible to pick seedlings, which promotes better growth thorny plants and reducing diseases.

A few words about picking cacti

Grown cacti, on which the first spines and delicate hairs have already begun to appear, must be replanted, and together with a lump of earth around the root. A thick drainage layer is arranged in a separate pot, and then the container is filled with substrate for cacti. The surface of the earth is very carefully leveled, a small depression is made in it and a young plant is placed there. The roots are sprinkled with a thin layer of fertile soil. The small sprout is placed in a warm, bright room, protected from direct sunlight, and watered moderately (as the soil dries).

Conditions for growing cactus

If no signs of growth are noticed, you need to remember the rule: in doubt, do not water! Too much water is always more dangerous than not enough. This is especially important for winter, when most cacti are kept very dry, of course, when kept cold. Low temperatures many cacti require them to bloom in the next growing season.

This cold but light content is sometimes the greatest difficulty in indoor cacti culture. A cold but dark room is not suitable here. Many cacti, especially those blooming in spring, require maximum illumination during rest periods. Despite the cold winter, sometimes it is not possible to achieve flowering of cacti. The reason is that in these species we are dealing with young plants that have not yet matured to the flowering stage. Certain cacti, such as Melocactus, Cephalocereus, Espostoa, form flowers only in a certain flowering zone, this is called the cephalium. This zone is covered with dense, mostly yellow or brown hairs or setae, which sit like a cap on the top or sometimes on the sides of columnomid cacti (the so-called lateral cephalium).

How to water a cactus at home

Watering during growth and flowering is carried out abundantly, but the water should not stagnate in the pot. Water with warm, settled water, but never on flowers. It's good if you spray it with water every day.
During the period of flowering and budding, fertilizing (root and foliar) is carried out for two weeks; these are ready-made mixtures for forest cacti rich in potassium and moderate nitrogen content, which is harmful to the roots in large quantities.

What kind of lighting should there be?

Lighting. Cacti need light at the very early stage of life - during germination. Of course, like many indoor crops, direct sunlight will be harmful to them. Therefore, it is advisable to place the tray on a sunny window, but it must be shaded.

In addition to all these factors, cactus sprouts really need fresh air. How to ensure his access to the greenhouse? It is enough to make several small holes in the lid or simply move it from time to time for ventilation. The first time this can be done a week after sowing. The lid only needs to be removed for a couple of minutes to remove condensation, but not to overcool the little cacti. At night, the lid should be tightly closed.

Cactus blossom

Flowers can form either at the top or at the base of the cactus stem; this is an important feature for identification. They do not last long on the plant, sometimes only a few hours. Some cacti have a peculiar feature - to bloom at night, because in the conditions of their homeland they are pollinated by moths or bats. Flowers evaporate a lot of moisture, so the plant cannot afford such luxury for a long time.

Thanks to their spines, many cacti are very attractive even when they are not in bloom. They are not too demanding. It is enough to remember the conditions in which cacti live, for example in the mountains, and it will become clear why they need to be raised quite harshly. Many species benefit from significant differences in night and day temperatures; they produce stronger spines and more abundant flowering. When purchasing plants, it is recommended to choose species with especially beautiful spines.

Typically, growing cacti from seeds is practiced in breeding work, since these plants reproduce well vegetatively. But it is quite possible to grow cacti from seeds at home; there is nothing complicated in this agricultural procedure. You can learn how to grow a cactus from seeds from the material provided. It talks about necessary tool and equipment, training planting material and organization of seedling care. A description of the entire process of propagation by seedlings will allow every gardener to repeat this work.

Before growing cacti from seeds at home, you need to prepare everything you need and be patient, since the initial growth and development of these crops will be very slow. Cacti grown from seeds at home can produce their first fruit only after 5-6 years. Otherwise, propagating cacti from seeds is not very difficult.

How to germinate and sow cactus seeds

Before planting a cactus from seeds, you should make sure that this variety or genus does not give rise to genetic mutations. If it retains all varietal characteristics, then the process will be exciting. The only thing is that before sowing cacti with seeds, you must follow a few basic rules. Thus, cactus seeds germinate, in accordance with the growth pattern of these plants in general, slowly; seedlings also develop slowly. In addition, although the seeds need moisture and warmth, on the other hand, cactus seedlings are very susceptible to fungal diseases. Therefore, when sowing seeds, you need to maintain the required humidity and at the same time strive to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. How to germinate cactus seeds is described in detail in this article further down the page.

Sowing cactus seeds on a larger scale or propagating especially difficult, slow-growing cacti, which often have very small seeds, should only be carried out by experienced amateur cactus growers. The information necessary for this can be found in specialized literature. However, try to propagate by seeds suitable species cacti - for example, fast-growing columnar cacti - even novice amateurs can grow with simple tools. The seed plant is an interesting spectacle to watch, and also when grown with my own hands From the seed, the plant always receives a special treatment. Therefore, below are some recommendations for sowing cactus seeds.

What cactus seeds look like (with photo)

Specialty stores offer a wide variety of cactus seeds. Usually, for their first attempt, beginners choose either a mixture of seeds different varieties, either seeds of fast-growing columnar cacti or seeds of species that bloom a few years after planting, such as rebutia. You need to know what the seeds of the type and variety of cacti you are interested in look like, otherwise you will be disappointed in the future.

Of course, you can also sow seeds received from another cactus lover. For sowing, you should use seeds that have been stored for no more than one or two years. To prevent possible damage to seedlings by fungal infections, seeds must be cleaned of possible residues of fruit pulp before sowing.

To do this, pour larger seeds into a tea strainer, and smaller ones into a linen bag and wash them thoroughly in warm water, after which they are scattered on paper and dried.

Look what cactus seeds look like - the photo shows planting material different groups these plants:

Before planting cactus seeds, prepare the soil and dishes

First we prepare the soil and dishes. Cactus seeds can be sown in low, wide or bowls, for example, made of styrofoam. Before planting cactus seeds, wash the dishes hot water. A convex clay shard is placed on the drainage hole, which, if necessary, can be made in the bottom of the bowl with a pencil. Then the container is filled 2/3, which should be especially loose and, if possible, contain more coarse sand or perlite.

Steamed, and therefore well disinfected, soil mixture provides the best protection against fungal diseases, but this is not necessary. A layer of broken brick, crushed basalt (lava) or coarse sand is poured on top of the soil with a layer of 0.5 cm. This material is first sifted to a grain size of 1-2 mm, then washed to remove all small dust particles, dried and then scattered over the surface of the soil in a bowl. As a result, this layer will not provide a breeding ground for randomly germinating pathogens.

Propagation of cacti by seeds in a mini-greenhouse

Propagating cacti by seeds in a mini-greenhouse has many advantages, since favorable conditions are created for the germination of planting material. The seeds of most cacti germinate especially well at temperatures between 20 and 25°C. Reducing the temperature to 15°C at night is often beneficial, but cooler conditions or temperatures above 35°C will slow down or stop seed germination altogether.

The easiest way to maintain the desired temperature is in mini-greenhouses for growing seedlings, which have a special low-power electric heating cable laid along the bottom.

The most convenient are mini-greenhouses with a thermostat that allows you to regulate the temperature, but the need for this arises only when there are strong temperature changes in the room.

Of course, additional heating is not necessary if the mini-greenhouse is located in a heated living room, for example, on a windowsill under a radiator central heating, where the required temperature is constantly maintained. Thanks to the closed lid inside the greenhouse, higher air humidity is also achieved and maintained. Since cactus seeds need light to germinate, the mini-greenhouse must be placed in a bright place, for example, on the windowsill of a window facing north or east.

However, it should not be in the sun, that is, on a sunny south or west window, since intense solar radiation very quickly heats the air inside a small enclosed space to critical values. Although cactus seeds require light for germination, it should be soft and not bright sunlight.

Sowing cacti with seeds

When sowing, cactus seeds must be evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate.

To do this, fold a piece of paper in half, pour the seeds into the resulting groove, after which, by lightly tapping the paper slightly inclined towards the bowl, sprinkle the seeds one at a time onto the soil surface.

Since cacti develop slowly and grow better in a community, the seeds are sown relatively densely. As a guide, you can indicate that approximately 20 cactus seeds are sown on the soil surface in a bowl measuring 2 x 2 cm.

After sowing cacti with seeds, they are lightly pressed into the soil using any object with a smooth surface, for example matchbox. Since cactus seeds need light to germinate, they are not sprinkled with soil on top.

After this, the seeds and substrate must be moistened. Of course, this cannot be done from a watering can, since in this case the seeds will be washed away from the surface of the soil by a stream of water. Therefore, the bowls with the sown seeds are placed in a container filled with settled water and kept there until the substrate is well saturated with moisture to the very top layer. To prevent fungal diseases, you can use a 0.05% solution of quinosol (1 tablet per 2 liters of water). Quinozol is a mild disinfectant. Finally, the seeding bowls or pots are placed in a mini-greenhouse, where, thanks to the transparent plastic cover the required substrate moisture will be maintained.

Germination of cactus seeds after planting

During germination after germination, the substrate should not dry out. Temperature is best monitored using a minimum-maximum thermometer.

The seeds of many cacti germinate within two weeks. It is interesting to observe how small green balls begin to appear on the surface of the soil and two well-defined cotyledons develop, between which a cactus stem later forms.

When most of the seeds have sprouted, the lid of the mini-greenhouse is slightly raised from time to time to reduce air humidity, and with it the risk of fungal infection. After three to four months, the bowls with seedlings can be removed from the greenhouse. Now they need to be placed in a bright and slightly sunny - however, not in the bright sun - place; since in natural conditions cactus seedlings grow in the light shade of adult cacti or under the protection of taller surrounding vegetation.

It is best to let the seedlings develop for several months in the bowl where they sprouted. Now, between next waterings, the soil in the bowl should dry out slightly, however, despite this, the seedlings need to be watered more often than adult cacti, since a relatively looser soil mixture is used for sowing seeds, and the roots of the seedlings are not yet very well developed. Watering should continue to be done from below. To ensure that the seedlings grow healthy and the substrate does not become alkalized, potassium phosphate can be added to the irrigation water (1 g per 2 liters of water).


When the seedlings begin to form a dense cushion (curtain) in the bowl, they need to be planted into fresh soil.

In this case, the substrate in the planting plate or pot must be dry, then it easily disintegrates and allows the seedlings to be removed without damage. Young plants, which by this time have a diameter of about 0.5 cm, are not planted in separate small pots, but are planted in large numbers in larger pots or bowls.

Dishes for planting young plants are filled with relatively dry ordinary soil mixture for cacti. Then make a hole with a pencil or a pointed stick, place the seedling in it and carefully add soil from all sides.

Seedlings are planted from each other at a distance equal to approximately three times the diameter of the young plants.

Afterwards, the seedlings are kept in a warm, shaded place; They are carefully watered not immediately after transplantation, but only a few days later, when any root damage that may have occurred has healed. When the seedlings take root in fresh soil - after about a week - they are again transferred to a light, slightly shaded area from direct sun rays place. Now the plants grow and develop relatively quickly and without any problems.

How to plant cacti with seeds in a closed plastic bag (with video)

Some cactus growers achieve good results using a simple method of sowing cactus seeds. Before planting cacti with seeds, pots or bowls are filled, as described above, with a well-steamed soil mixture and covered with a layer of sterile material such as sand, perlite, crushed basalt or pumice. Then cactus seeds are sown on the surface of the substrate and the crops are thoroughly watered from below, adding any fungicidal drug, for example quinosol.

After three to four months, the bags are opened, the substrate is slightly dried in bowls and the seedlings are picked, as described above. This simple method of sowing cacti is definitely worth trying, first of all, in the case when you have received - for example, from a familiar amateur cactus grower - a lot of seeds of some particularly hardy species.

See how to properly propagate a cactus with seeds - the video demonstrates all the complex technical aspects of sowing, picking and organizing the care of seedlings: