Psychology of parting with a loved one: advice. How to survive a breakup and learn to live a happy life? How can you overcome this problem?

Our expert - psychotherapist Tatyana Nikitina.

Belated epiphany

“Suddenly” no one leaves. In the heat of the moment, after a quarrel, at the peak of emotions, a man grabs his jacket and runs to a friend, a woman packs her bag and goes to her parents. In fact, such couples do not even think about separating - the percentage of reunions after such “family hurricanes” is very high. As you know, “darlings scold - only amuse themselves”: the connections between them not only do not collapse, but also become stronger. The main thing is not to turn this into a system.

The most unfavorable according to forecasts (that is, putting an end to family life or established relationships) leaving is not done rashly, but only soberly, cool head. The decision has been made, all the pros and cons have been weighed, and an “escape” plan has been prepared. All that's left to do is to inform the now former half.

Psychotherapists often hear the same phrase from these same “exes”: “Everything was fine with us, what was he (she) missing?”

These words are repeated by an experienced housewife with extensive experience in family life, and a young spoiled young lady, and a malicious jealous person, and a faithful husband, and a loving father. By the way, Anna Karenina’s husband, who considered himself one of the latter, was sincerely surprised by his wife’s ingratitude and asked himself the same question, not even realizing that his wife considered him a “machine” and she lacked such a little thing as... Love. This textbook example once again proves how far people living nearby can be from each other. What constitutes earthly happiness for one is a whim, debauchery, something unworthy of attention for another.

We have to admit: separation does not happen because of the short-term insanity of one of the partners. There are good reasons for this, which for the time being the other half simply does not know about. Alas, the one who doesn’t listen enough to his partner and doesn’t try to understand him (or he simply doesn’t have time, or maybe isn’t interested) may one day find himself alone.

“I felt that we were not made for each other,” says Galina, a pretty, intelligent woman in her early fifties, “but we have children, a family, and I would never destroy our relationship. And he did it and went to someone else.”

The situation is typical. A woman most often strives to preserve her family, an established life, and a familiar environment. A man is more inclined to experiments and even adventures, he is not averse to conquering new heights... Therefore, if the relationship does not suit both of them in some way, he is the first to break.

Period or comma?

A short standard phrase was spoken. And then - mental pain, shock, confusion, a feeling of guilt... And at the same time - resentment, anger, wounded pride, especially when it turns out that the reason for the divorce was a love relationship with someone on the side. Those who have experienced a breakup at least once in their lives will probably call the moment after a breakup one of the most difficult periods in their lives. Without exaggeration, it can be considered a real mental trauma.

Sometimes in a protracted relationship, when mutual reproaches and misunderstandings accumulate, it seems to both spouses that the best way out of the impasse is divorce, but even in this case, “drawing the line” can be very painful. What can we say about those who consider their relationship with their partner, if not ideal, then at least tolerable.

Many psychologists working with married couples believe that the biggest mistake made in the first moment after marriage is the desire to try with all our might - persuasion, threats, promises - to get him/her back as quickly as possible. This ill-considered, impulsive movement seems correct at first glance, because “the train has not left yet,” something can be changed and corrected. But this tactic only works in the case of a “blackmailing partner”, when the husband/wife is not going to leave anywhere and threatens with divorce if he wants to achieve something significant: the wife demands that she move to a separate apartment from her parents, and the husband demands that his wife quit her job. and the birth of a baby. In the case of a thoughtful and pre-planned departure, neither tears nor persuasion will have any effect, and threats can push to even more decisive actions and will no longer leave the opportunity to establish normal relationships after the divorce.

Advice from a psychologist: what is not allowed and what can be done after he/she leaves?

It is forbidden

Stalking, starting endless inquiries about “why” and “who is to blame,” cutting off the phone, writing messages and flooding the e-mail box with letters, lying in wait on the street. Such activity will not lead to positive results. The one who is being pursued begins to feel like a “hunted game”, so he tries to run away quickly and further. Remember your self-love and pride. Some “left” people sometimes reconsider their actions and return. Only more often they return to those who do not forget about self-esteem.

Sprinkle ashes on your head and isolate yourself within four walls, cherish your loss. It may well happen that what you consider the end will actually turn out to be the beginning of another relationship, much brighter and more significant. Wise people say: “When one door closes, another one is sure to open.”

Stop watching your appearance. , and the hairdresser and beauty salon- Scheduled. And also a solarium, Gym, swimming pool and more.

To take revenge for the insult, call his/her new passion, threaten or try to upset their relationship. Such actions will give your ex-lovers another reason to confirm the correctness of their decision to leave you.

Telling friends, neighbors, colleagues nasty things about your ex. After all, they suited you when they were around.

Start immediately new novel. Until you feel free from your previous love shackles, while your heart still belongs to him (her), you will not have a truly warm and lasting romantic relationship.


Don't pretend to be " snow queen” or “cool macho”, but to live and feel pain, resentment, melancholy. Let there be tears, don’t be afraid or ashamed of them, they help heal emotional wounds.

Get distracted. Work will help, which, as you know, “saves us from three evils - boredom, idleness and poverty.”

Experiment. Many women are advised to radically change their image, for example, turning a strict chestnut haircut into golden curls. Men choose different paths: one “ex-husband” completely changed the situation in the apartment after his wife left.

Create. Have you ever dreamed of mastering the guitar or dancing flamenco, but never had enough time? The moment has come - immediately sign up for courses, find a dance studio. At first it will be difficult, but it is these difficulties that will distract you from your worries. And who knows, perhaps soon you will compose a beautiful lyrical song or express your love and hope in dance.

Find those who need help: take toys to an orphanage, bring groceries to an elderly lonely neighbor, take your mother or grandmother to the theater.

Go on a trip. A change of environment always helps to cope with stress and provides invaluable energy boost. In addition, it is during long journeys that sometimes wonderful experiences arise. romantic relationship, which – who knows? – can develop into something more.

“Forgive and let go,” as the song says. You won’t be able to do this right away, but time heals. There will definitely come a day when you feel like you are letting go of the person who brought you joy and suffering. Simply because he does not belong to you, and you, no matter what, respect his choice and his right to live his own life.

According to which the initiator of the breakup retains only a third of the bitterness and disappointment, while the other two-thirds goes to the “abandoned party.” However, when a relationship is bursting at the seams, we usually have no time for arithmetic: separation, even if it happened by your will, can be either difficult or very difficult - there is no middle ground. However, a clear plan and recommendations from psychologists will help you avoid falling into deep depression and survive the separation from your loved one with minimal emotional loss.

Step 1: Allow yourself to suffer

Yes exactly. Advice to “go to work”, “get distracted” and “forget about this idiot” will not help you now - any relationship needs to be mourned. You wouldn’t demand an instant recovery from a flu patient, would you? So, allow yourself to “cheer” to your heart’s content: lock yourself at home alone with chocolate cake, be sad to Adele’s tear-jerking ballads, cry on a friend’s shoulder. For pain to subside, it must first be accepted and felt. With one an important condition: Set a strict deadline after which Adele's album will be replaced by something more upbeat, and you will move from tears and reflection to action.

Step 2: End the relationship

A difficult farewell has taken place, the i's have been dotted, you have gone to different apartments - and yet you are still connected by many threads that remind you of your previous relationship and permanently drive you into depression. American psychologist Rachel Sussman, in her book on how to survive a breakup with a loved one, advises to ruthlessly get rid of all such “anchors”: delete SMS messages, unsubscribe from updates on social networks and even buy new bed linen. And supporters of the esoteric approach strongly advise, firstly, to burn the “artifacts” (there are real cases when girls burned wedding dresses - they say it helps), and secondly, to return his gifts to the former lover, or at least sell or give them away.

Step 3: Blacklist it

Even if you are forced to communicate with your ex-lover, try to completely stop all contact with him for a while. Including mail and SMS. As the same Rachel Sussman states in her book “The Breakup Bible,” the optimal period would be a month - after this time, you will develop “emotional immunity” and it will be much easier to communicate with your ex-boyfriend.

Step 4: Ask for help

Not necessarily a professional psychologist - although it would be very useful to contact one. Arrange a manicure evening with your friends, order pizza, watch a couple of funny movies, go to karaoke together, or even, like Carrie Bradshaw after her failed wedding, on a trip - taking your friends, of course. Finally, a support group can be found without leaving home, among completely strangers: So, real girl from the USA named Katherine, who canceled her own wedding, created a whole blog about how to survive a breakup and called it SimplySolo. The site became incredibly popular and became not only an outlet for Katherine, but also.

Step 5: Be irresistible

The joke that the worse things go for a girl, the better she should look, as usual, is only part of the joke. It’s still more pleasant to be sad with impeccable hair, fashionable makeup and (of course!) new shoes. And, of course, don’t forget the rule: in any incomprehensible (read: unpleasant) situation, go... to the gym. A good dose of endorphins will definitely not hurt you now.

Step 6: Find Sources of Joy

Bake a cake according to a new recipe, learn how to braid hair, rearrange the furniture in the room - pleasant emotions can be found even in the little things. It will be even better if you have the opportunity to please someone else: babysit a friend’s child, help a friend with a renovation, or finally, carry a bag of groceries for an elderly neighbor. Even small acts of kindness will take your mind off things and lift your spirits.

Step 7. Review plans and goals

When there are two of us, we make joint plans, choose common guidelines and make numerous compromises. Now that the second variable has disappeared from the equation, it’s time to reconsider it. The heroine of the sensational “Eat. Pray. Love”, in search of her true self, she changed three countries - an option, of course, is expensive, but you can start small. Have you long dreamed of visiting Norway, but put this idea off until later, since your lover did not recognize any other vacation other than a beach one? Or were you hesitant to change your profession because your boyfriend convinced you that banking was your calling? Having decided to go beyond the usual boundaries, you will be surprised to discover that parting brings with it not only bitterness, but also freedom - and only you can decide how to use it.

Almost every person experiences a breakup in their life. Breaking up a relationship is considered normal and natural, since it is not always possible to immediately find your person with whom not only strong feelings will arise, but also a desire to be together all your life. Often people fall in love or have feelings for a short time, and then different ways break up. How can someone who did not initiate the breakup survive a breakup?

Breaking up is quite difficult for the reason that a person has strong feelings for his ex-partner. It is much harder to cope with a breakup when there are feelings. Even someone who breaks up can regret their actions if they actually still feel something for the person they broke up with.

Breaking up a relationship is easy for those who do not have feelings for their ex-partner. He feels relief and a sense of freedom after realizing that he no longer has to see and be obligated to his partner.

By the way, feelings are tested. The online magazine site understands that at the moment of separation, the rational recedes into the background, you want to cry and feel sorry for yourself. However, try to take your mind off your tears for just a moment. Realize that breaking up will allow you to:

  1. Check the feelings of your ex-partner, who will definitely return if he really loves you. Otherwise, he will not come to reconcile.
  2. Understand your own feelings for your partner, which are also rarely recognized as they really are.

How to get over a breakup?

Parting. This is one of the most unwanted and unpleasant events in a person’s life. However, everyone periodically encounters this phenomenon. Friends leave someone, relatives leave another, and a third loses their children. But the worst and most painful separation is when your loved one leaves you.

Why does it hurt so much? After all, you wouldn’t say that you experience joy and happiness when someone leaves you? Of course, if you leave someone, you do not experience a heavy and oppressive feeling inside. You may be in in this case sad or a little ashamed. However, you do not become depressed, do not shed tears, do not reproach yourself for mistakes, that is, you do not do what someone who has been abandoned usually does.

So why does breaking up hurt so much? Being in a non-existent reality, refusing to accept what is real is what causes the main pain. When a person stubbornly refuses to adapt, in this case negative emotions, instead of truly disappearing as one gets used to the new reality, turn into an instrument of torture. A person, through an effort of will, refuses to believe in what happened, but nevertheless constantly contacts it and experiences it. He is angry at the facts, feels fear, despair, hopelessness, but does not draw any conclusions. By an effort of will, driving away thoughts that may question his previous beliefs, and ignoring facts that do not fit into the picture of his inner world, a person continues to suffer greatly and for a long time.

That is, until you accept reality with your whole being, you will be angry, despair, irritated. As long as you keep the situation of separation to yourself, going back and forth to the past where you were with your loved one, you will not be able to rebuild, realize reality, accept it and live on, without your soulmate.

This is why a person experiences pain after parting with a loved one, because he does not want to believe that the relationship has come to an end. As long as you hold on to the bond with another person who has left you, you will suffer. Sometimes such suffering drags on not just for months, but for entire years. Don't you feel sorry for the time you spent on someone you can't get back? Do you feel sorry for wasting your health and emotional peace on something that has already passed?

Of course, you will not be able to immediately accept reality and live without worries. You should give yourself some time so that your conscious and subconscious mind gets used to the fact of separation from your loved one. Allow yourself to cry, scream, blame yourself and others. Don't keep all the negativity to yourself. Spilling out your emotions will help you quickly calm down, relax and return to the reality in which you now live. And most importantly, remember that it is the acceptance of what is happening and the current state of affairs that will allow you to quickly get rid of the pain of separation and return to life as quickly as possible, where you can find someone who wants to be with you for many years.

How to survive a breakup with your loved one?

An excellent and common piece of advice for those going through a breakup with loved ones is to bide their time. Over time, any feelings pass or become dull. And if the former partner is not seen or heard, then the process of forgetting will be very fast. What's the secret?

Scientists talk about the appearance of love and affection due to the hormonal surge that occurs when two people meet. This hormonal “boom” occurs in all people who eventually start dating. But it passes, which is why “hormonal love” becomes impermanent. The maximum period of hormonal surge reaches 3 years. But this period may differ for each person. If your partner's feelings have cooled down, it means that his hormones have stopped affecting him. He left because the hormones stopped playing in the blood.

If you are still hormonally attached to a person, then you should wait. Your hormones will also stop playing soon, and love will pass to the one who broke off the relationship. It just turned out that your partner’s “hormonal boom” passed faster than yours.

How do people cope with breakups?

Each person experiences separation from their beloved partner in their own way. Depression and decreased self-esteem become common during the period of experiencing a breakup. This is explained by the fact that a person is being rebuilt. He needs to get used to a lifestyle that is dedicated to himself and does not include his ex-partner.

Scientists say that people have a hard time breaking up not because someone left them, but because they no longer receive the emotions and sensations that they experienced in relationships with their partners. In other words, people do not miss their former partners, but the emotions they received with them.

Each person experiences a breakup differently. There are two main positions:

  1. – when a person feels sorry for himself, cries, feels helpless and unable to do anything, cannot influence circumstances, and is offended by his ex.
  2. – when a person hates, shows anger and aggression towards the one who abandoned him.

Can a loving person break up over a trifle? This question becomes especially worrying when it is not you, but your partner who initiated the breakup, and you are absolutely not ready to leave. A person who says he loves you leaves you, and the reason for your separation is some trifle (minor quarrel, misunderstanding, bad mood, etc.).

If a person loves, then he will endure a lot and go through many difficulties. But if a person does not love, then any little thing will become a reason for separation.

Think for yourself: if something is very important and valuable to you, you are willing to give it up just because you are in a bad mood or have some difficulties. Of course, you are upset because of problems, then, having calmed down, resigned yourself, you return to what you value and love. And when something is not important or valuable to you, how do you behave? You gladly refuse this, both with and without reason. But since breaking off a relationship without a reason does not look very nice and understandable, a person who does not love is just waiting for the slightest mistake on the part of his partner in order to leave him (and at the same time be right in the eyes of others and his own).

Can a loving person break up over a trifle? No, he can not. He may go away for a day or two to calm down, but then return to the one he loves. If there is no love, then any trifle will become a reason for separation.

How do women cope with breakups?

Women often experience painful separation from the men they love. Psychologists often encounter the fact that women have a love addiction to those with whom their relationships have collapsed. love addiction makes women see the reasons for the gap in themselves, engage in self-flagellation, suffer and not notice anything around them.

It is not uncommon for women to turn to psychologists in order to get rid of suffering due to a breakup. Psychologists focus their work on restoring women’s self-esteem and bringing them back to reality.

How do men cope with breakups?

Men experience a breakup just as hard, but they behave differently. Men often start drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs, going for walks, or, conversely, withdrawing into the house. Many people think that quick affairs and sex with other women will help with their worries. However, it is not. Intimacy relieves physical stress, but does not help in solving mental problems. Typically, women who appear in a man's life immediately after a breakup do not stay in his life for long.

Normally, a man experiences a breakup if the decision to end the relationship was mutual or not so unexpected.

Each person will decide for himself how to cope with a breakup. However, the psychologist gives the following advice:

  1. Don’t get hung up on the problem, occupy your head with other things, worries, questions.
  2. Try to restore the relationship if possible.
  3. Distract yourself with various things: work, new hobbies, new acquaintances, etc.

Bottom line

IN love relationships It is not uncommon for partners to break up. It is at this moment, when the relationship is “hanging by a thread,” that partners are wondering: should they leave or bring their loved one back?

Should I leave or stay? Quit or go back? On the one hand, you understand that your union has ceased to please, but on the other hand, you still want to continue what you had. What to do in such a situation?

The wise truth says the following: you need to break up when you understand that you don’t love your partner. If you feel that you do not want to be close to the one with whom you are in a relationship, then you can safely break up. It makes no sense to store something that actually doesn't exist. If at least one of the partners no longer wants to be with their companion, it is better to break up than to torment yourself and your “partner in grief.”

However, if the separation was provoked by some problems, difference of opinions, fatigue or emotional quarrel, then it is better to return everything back. If you broke up stupidly (there is no other way to call an emotional quarrel), then you will suffer because of your action.

In psychology, there is such a thing as “unfinished relationships.” This is when partners only broke up on an external level, but on a psychological and emotional level they still continue to meet. This state of affairs can be observed quite often. Ex-spouses continue to communicate, sometimes make love, the man continues to help his ex in her work, the woman continues to get bored and sometimes meet with her ex - these and many other cases when former partners broke up, but continue to maintain some contacts, indicate that in fact, they continue the relationship. People did not separate on the psychological and emotional levels, which means they committed stupidity when they broke the union on the external plane.

We broke up. Leave or return? To answer this question correctly, answer another: if you break up, will you be free and happy? If you are happy with your single existence, then you really need to break up. However, if you understand that you will be unhappy and bored after breaking up, then it is better to direct your efforts to normalize the relationship. You are not ready to break up, which means you have the opportunity to change everything and make sure that the question of separation no longer arises, since you are happy in your relationship with your loved one.

Reading time: 2 min

How to survive a breakup if separation has become inevitable, and a disturbing question naturally arises: how to move on? Separation is almost familiar to every individual. Psychology considers separation as one of the types of losses. When a person experiences a breakup, they inevitably go through certain stages.

The first is denial. A person cannot believe that they broke up with him and something irreparable happened. He makes plans, cherishes hope and consoles himself that the break in the relationship is not final, and the other half will definitely call, come and everything will be as before.

Second is anger. Awareness of the breakup of a relationship leads to the manifestation of anger. A person is indignant either internally or openly. The ex-partner is accused of inaction and passivity regarding maintaining the relationship.

Third, this is bargaining. A person begins to bargain with himself or with a former partner, thereby trying to renew the relationship. When experiencing a breakup, a person sets some deadlines for himself, thereby determining the time interval during which he can regain his lover. Thus, the human psyche tries to cope with the separation and get used to this state.

All of the above manifestations are considered completely natural, and every person experiences them in a situation of separation.

New life. This stage is marked by independent life. A person has new plans, strength and desire to implement them.

How to survive a breakup? Psychologists say that the process of experiencing a breakup lasts from 3 months to 3 years. The duration of the experience depends on many reasons and factors. In addition, these experiences are marked by such a property as reversibility. This means that at any moment after the start of a new life, memory can helpfully throw a person back into memories. And again despair, sadness, anger will overcome.

How to survive a breakup with your loved one? Separation is unbearable because it makes adjustments to the usual way of life. If the breakup of a relationship is initiated by a beloved partner, then in addition the self-esteem of the abandoned person suffers. The realization that we have been neglected by our loved one unsettles us.

How to survive a breakup and find a way out of this stressful situation? This question worries many abandoned people. The most difficult thing after a breakup is to stop suffering and put an end to past relationships, while starting a happy, new life.

To prevent the breakup from being painful, you don’t need to hold on to your loved one. Psychologists, on the contrary, advise letting go of your ex-partner without regret and building your own separate, independent life.

Having turned the next page of fate, walk boldly through life. Only by freeing yourself from the burden of the past will the desired relief come. When driving away obsessive thoughts, give yourself a mental attitude to prohibit thinking about the past. It is very important and quite difficult to accept the end of a relationship. However, this is the most correct. Drive away despair and melancholy. After analyzing the relationship and drawing conclusions, forget about them.

How to survive a breakup and become happy? If a former loved one no longer wants to maintain communication, it means that strong resentment does not allow him to behave differently. Think about what went wrong in the relationship. Analyze your mistakes so as not to repeat them in the future and start living with positive thoughts.

How to get over a breakup with a man

When you feel completely uneasy, put on the mask of a successful woman, and once you enter this image, experience positive emotions and all possible sensations associated with this state. Through actions, as well as words, you can heal your soul and restore your mental balance. Don't stop praising yourself, even for the smallest little things. Admire yourself in front of the mirror and give yourself compliments. It's quite difficult to love yourself while going through a breakup, but it's very important. Don’t stop loving yourself, because this is necessary in order to improve your personal life in the future.

Next important point is forgiveness of the ex. Realize that the other person also has a right to privacy. Avoid negative memories and discussions with friends about your ex, since the accumulation of reproaches, anger, and hatred destroys a woman’s personality from the inside.

How to quickly get over a breakup? First of all, mentally let go of your ex-partner, do not make plans for revenge, do not cultivate negativity in yourself, do not beg for pity. Let go of the grudge and forgive your partner. Without doing this, a person will not be able to enjoy life, easily enter into new relationships, and improve himself.

Getting over the breakup of a long-term relationship is much more difficult. In this case, psychologists advise looking at this situation from a different angle. Breaking up a long-term relationship can make it possible to fulfill long-held dreams that have been put on hold for a long time. better times related to lack of time. Write down all your opportunities and prospects that have arisen due to the breakup. The advantages of parting will definitely be discovered, you just need to think, and having realized the listed advantages, life will sparkle with new colors.

How to get over a breakup after a long relationship? Some individuals throw themselves into their work. In a difficult period after a breakup, this can serve as a way out of the current situation. Surviving a breakup after a long-term relationship is complicated by the struggle with loneliness, and this despite the person’s presence in society. Communication with people cannot make up for the feelings of a loved one, even if this communication previously brought pleasure. No people can take the place of someone who is no longer with the abandoned person.

How men cope with breakups

Often men experience a feeling of universal emptiness. These emotions manifest themselves acutely when relationships collapse unexpectedly, groundlessly, literally out of nowhere, and if the abandoned man was emotionally dependent on the woman. In this case, men are subjected to enormous stress, and one of the reasons for this reaction is the secretive nature of men. Representatives of the stronger sex keep all emotions within themselves and do not splash them out. If adrenaline in the blood goes off scale, then the reaction will be like this:

  • wounds and grievances will be filled with drinking alcohol;
  • going to the gym and smashing your fists until they bleed;
  • driving a car at high speed, etc.

Psychologists' studies have found that men are more susceptible to what is happening in relationships, and their psyche in this situation is weaker than women's.

Psychologists have noticed that people who are dependent on their partners often have the hardest time experiencing a breakup. Dependence is not a manifestation of love; rather, on the contrary, it develops from dislike for oneself. A dependent person does not love himself and looks for this love in another person. It seems to him that only in a couple he will be protected and happy. However, life proves that this is far from the case and if there is no love inside, then there is no love outside.

An abandoned person must realize that as long as he treats himself without respect and love, then his partners will treat him the same way. Having loved himself, a person will allow himself to be treated the same way and will be able to give love to a loving person, which will certainly meet.

Only over time does a person begin to understand that in his life, separation from his partner was inevitable and this step was not taken in vain. But now, it seems that life has lost its colors, there is no meaning in it, since the joy has gone from the usual moments of life.

A psychologist's advice on how to cope with a breakup includes the following:

Remember that life is short and it goes on, hurry to fill it with new, interesting events;

Parting is a difficult period that almost everyone goes through in life, knowing this, just endure it and it will definitely end;

Stop deliberately hurting yourself;

Do not write letters to your ex, do not pursue him (her) - this prolongs the suffering;

Don't be tempted to write a sad letter;

If you want to heal mentally, move away from your ex(s);

Don’t be alone - go to karaoke with friends, etc.;

Sign up for a sports club or swimming pool;

Master something new, previously unknown to yourself;

Do not refuse acquaintances, dates;

Spend as much time as possible having fun and with interest, enjoy life;

Update your wardrobe, perfume, your image, and get rid of the old one;

Delete your ex-partner's mobile number so that there is no temptation to make unnecessary calls in moments of despair;

You should not avoid places where you visited with your former loved one, but on the contrary, spend fun time with friends in these places, so that you realize that without him (her) life did not stop in place.

These tips, while simple, are actually very effective.

How to survive a breakup - forums give interesting tips women about this problem. You can take the following into account:

Smiling instead of crying when meeting your ex, as well as looking sour, often produces interesting results;

If a breakup is inevitable, then break up with your former lover first;

Head higher, without regret, walk confidently, so that doubt settles in the soul of the former;

You must get rid of the victim mentality, otherwise such relationships will repeat;

It is necessary to understand that recovery is often very painful and for it to begin, you need to hear the truth about your relationship from the outside;

Do not feel sorry for yourself, as this is a disservice;

Draw appropriate conclusions about your life so as not to repeat mistakes in the future.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"