Plump upper lip. How to find out a person's character by the shape of their lips. The upper lip is thin, the lower lip is normal

A person's appearance largely reflects his character. In order to be able to read the inherent personality traits, you should study the results of research in the science of physiognomy. The shape of the lips of men and women tells us what a person is like, what his emotions, experiences and even fate are, whether he is lucky in life. By mastering the knowledge that the study of appearance holds, everyone will increase their understanding of other people's personalities, as well as their own.

What does mouth size mean?

In the field of studying personality traits based on the shape of the mouth, there are common traits between men and women. These are the most common varieties. Lip size is one of them.

Plump lips are considered a sign of sexuality and attractiveness. This shape of the lips (photo below) speaks of their owner’s practicality and easy-going nature.

If this part of the face is excessively plump, it means that the person is overly emotional, striving for luxury and comfort. It is very difficult to argue with the owners of such lips, since they are accustomed to relying only on their own judgments.

The thin shape of the lips, shown in the photo, speaks of the calm and harmony of a person’s inner world, his thoughtfulness and interest in little things.

To others, such facial features seem to be a symbol of restraint and constraint. But in fact, it rather helps a person to provide protection for himself in difficult situations. Proving his trustworthiness can reveal a loving and kind friend.

A large mouth reveals a confident leader who lives life to the fullest and achieves his goals. A small mouth indicates defenselessness, sometimes weakness or indecision.

Upper lip

Upper lip can tell a lot about a person. This part of the face will reveal the emotional type of a person.

The shape of the lips, in which the top is thinner than the bottom, is characteristic of phlegmatic people. This applies to all areas of life. Men with such lips are more likely to be happily married than women.

A large upper lip indicates excessive emotionality, sensuality and love.

The raised top of the mouth is typical for politicians and actors.

The shape of the lips (photo can be seen below), in which the indentation at the top approaches the line of the corners of the mouth, characterizes intellectuals who have great vitality and efficiency. If the contour of the upper lip is smooth, there is no indentation, then the personality traits are absolutely opposite to the previous type. Such people feel superior to others.


If a person’s lower lip is thinner than his upper lip, this indicates his inertia, inability to achieve his goal.

The character of a woman can be easily determined by the shape of her lips by paying attention to the bottom of her mouth. A protruding large lower lip reveals egoists who are unable to show love to members of the opposite sex. For such a person to have a successful marriage, she should gain financial independence from her spouse.

If the lower lip has a large number of wrinkles and cracks, this makes a sociable, pleasant person stand out. Such people are popular with the opposite sex.

The corners of the lips also matter. You can tell a lot about a person by their position.

Corners of the mouth

The shape of the lips should be determined taking into account the position of the corners of the mouth. If they are clearly looking down, this indicates melancholy and unsociability. Such a person finds it difficult to get along with partners, and her career will be successful if she works independently, rather than participating in a team.

But small, full lips belong to romantic people who know how to listen.

However, such a girl is unable to look at the surrounding reality realistically.

Small, wide lips give off a realistic look in their shape. These are girls who plan everything down to the smallest detail. They don't like surprises. Stability and confidence in the future are priorities for such individuals.

Narrow small lips reveal a lover of risk and thrills. She has a strong-willed and strong character, which does not tolerate sycophancy.

Shape of male lips

The shape of the lips and the character of a man are directly dependent. A wide mouth with full lips speaks of a person’s spontaneity and sometimes recklessness. The character of such a man is quite open and sociable.

Bright lip color characterizes a fair, powerful and responsible person.

A small mouth belongs to calm, reserved people.

A man's thick lips indicate a desire for luxury. These are passionate natures with a methodical mindset. Sometimes this can be a sign of weakness. If such a man has thin lips, then he is a shy, modest person, unable to take responsibility in a difficult situation.

Thin lips belong to sociable, quick-witted individuals. Such a man knows his worth and prefers to play the role of leader in relationships.

If the line between a man’s lips is straight, then his personality can be called scrupulous and practical. The curved contour between the lips indicates great vitality. Such people are inventive and able to find a way out of any situation.

By becoming familiar with the main features revealed by the shape of a person’s lips, everyone can gain a deeper understanding of their own character, as well as the people around them. Based on this knowledge, it will be much easier to understand how to behave with this or that person. Having made conclusions about your own character, you can try to cope with its negative aspects, as well as understand what positive traits you should rely on in different situations.

Hi all! Have you heard of such a science as physiognomy? She studies the relationship between a person's appearance and his personality type, temperament and even health.

Our opinion about stranger it takes literally a few seconds, but it is not always correct. Which brings a number of problems and disappointments.

So why not use it in Everyday life and work knowledge accumulated over the years in order to immediately understand what to expect from the people around you?

Therefore, today we will try to learn how to determine character by the shape of the lips. So, are you ready to learn something new about yourself and the people close to you?

Forms and their characteristics

Full, plump

They are a symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Especially for men.

And almost every woman dreams of such a shape. And some even make this dream come true, using the services of plastic surgeons and cosmetologists.

True owners and owners of plump lips love attention, which is why they strive to get it in any way. For example, they lead an active lifestyle and choose bright, sexy clothes that are sure to attract attention.

These are mainly representatives of the demonstrative personality type. They are sociable, capricious, sincere, sometimes naive and very interesting. Because they have a lot of hobbies and can support almost any conversation.

They can be trusted both in work matters and in family matters, especially in relation to children - they are considered almost the best, loving and caring parents among all the others. They are very kind and attentive, often involved in charity work. For example, they feed animals on the street, help in shelters, donate clothes to those in need, etc.

In addition to attention, they love to have fun and usually live a rich life, without limiting themselves in feelings and impressions. Despite all of the above, they are excellent at restraining impulses and do not allow themselves to do too much.


For some reason, those with thin lips are considered insidious, cunning and reserved. Perhaps because they simply do not waste their energy and time, preferring a narrow circle of acquaintances, but a reliable one. They value people for their actions, not their words.

They are quite assertive and thanks to this they almost always achieve their goals. They are reserved, smart and well-read, they know when it’s worth saying something and when it’s better to remain silent. Due to restraint, they seem not to be particularly emotional, but this is not so. They are deep and sensual, they just show it only to their very close and beloved ones.

They are wayward, compromise and sacrifice are not their way of resolving conflicts. They will stand their ground until the last. They can even use strong words, or simply wittyly point out to their opponent his shortcomings.

They are somewhat ascetic, that is, to feel a full life they need very few amenities and so on. They are able to cope with any difficulty, which is why they always readily take on the most difficult tasks.

If the owners of this form have a narrow mouth, then they are discerning and prone to excessive self-criticism. They do not allow themselves to relax and often experience a feeling of total loneliness.

And if the mouth is wide, then this loneliness, on the contrary, is considered as an advantage. They can absolutely calmly go to the cinema, travel or museum without any company and will not feel awkward. As they say, it is very pleasant to spend time with an interesting interlocutor - yourself.

The top one is thin and the bottom one is plump

Fickle, inquisitive and open to the world. Work with a fixed schedule and salary is just hard labor for them. There are so many interesting things in life that there is simply no time to sit in one place. Therefore, office work is akin to prison for them. The longer they stay in the same conditions, the less enthusiasm, cheerfulness and energy they have.

Those in power usually take precedence over their partner in relationships. Dominance is especially common in women. They do not give in and do not take into account other people's opinions.

They love comfort and know how to enjoy life, no matter in what area.

They are considered windy, especially in young years. They often change partners because they quickly lose interest in them and go in search of someone else. At a more mature age, they settle down and begin to value relationships, striving for stability.

They easily establish contacts and win people over. This is facilitated by activity, sociability and a cheerful disposition.

The top one is plump and the bottom one is thin

They are the most flirtatious representatives of humanity, which is why they are almost always the center of attention. They are very emotional, sometimes even excessively, but this is what sets them apart from the rest. They usually have fairly high self-esteem, which attracts and inspires confidence in their professionalism. By the way, if they set a goal for themselves, mountains will be moved, but they will achieve it.

Artistic and with a wonderful sense of humor. Finding themselves in new conditions, they quickly adapt, which allows them to achieve success in any business they take on.

Despite their general flexibility and ability to adapt, they are completely indestructible in terms of changing their point of view. Now, if they decide something, they will not change their opinion, under any pretext or a completely logical justification for the wrongness of the chosen position. But they always analyze their mistakes in order to avoid failures in the future.

But in their personal life they are not very successful. They are easy to seduce, so they often become victims of people who are completely uninclined to relationships.

Dropped corners

They are prone to depression due to their pessimism. They are not self-confident and sometimes even shy. Why do they lack communication and attention?

In relationships, they can show excessive care and control, because they are afraid that they will lose their partner and strive to keep him in this way. But similar method leads to the opposite results. Which confirms their idea that they are unlucky in life and that they cannot trust anyone, since in any case pain and disappointment will follow.

In rare cases, they are distinguished by arrogance, which, in principle, as you can find out, is a form of manifestation of an inferiority complex. Out of shame, a person excessively exaggerates his own merits and sincerely believes in them, condemning others for not meeting him.

Raised corners

They endear themselves to others who believe that they smile at them, make advances and flirt. Therefore, they do not suffer at all from a lack of attention and love. Men, and even women, with this shape are mistaken for beautiful lovers and mistresses.

Such a person always has many fans, from whom he sometimes does not know how to fight off. Because he is sympathetic and kind, and does not want to cause pain or inconvenience to anyone.

Knows how to listen and support without devaluing or criticizing.

Not clearly drawn

They indicate that such a person lacks willpower and strength of character. It is easy to control and manipulate. He looks at the world somewhat naively and carefree, not expecting danger and betrayal.

Clearly drawn

They characterize the personality as romantic, airy and spontaneous, but at the same time intellectually developed and rational.


Most often, they are perceived negatively on a subconscious level, considering their owner to be deceitful and unprincipled. But these are just prejudices; a person with asymmetrical lips is kind, sympathetic and very cheerful, active and curious, capable of “igniting” even a crowd.


Not just plump, but downright convex, they belong to infantile people. They are capricious and irresponsible, they want to have fun without making much effort for it. They are suspicious and need a person who will constantly take care of them, or at least just be nearby.


Upper lip:

  • With a sharp cleavage - a sign of a creative personality with an excellent memory. She is sociable, smart and purposeful.
  • With a rounded cleavage - a sensitive and vulnerable nature. Even the slightest trouble can “knock the rug out from under your feet.”
  • Without a cleavage - persistent and hardworking. No difficulties can frighten her, because she immediately begins to act, and not to think and be afraid.


And finally, to determine how inclined a person is to sensual pleasures... a slightly open mouth will help. If the lips are somewhat compressed, they are treating you critically, but if they are completely relaxed, this can serve as a manifestation of sympathy.

Inspiration and success to you!

The material was prepared by psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Alina Zhuravina



Lips - “heart”. They say that only the most feminine and sensual ladies have this lip shape. Women with heart-shaped lips are flirtatious, charming, but at the same time frivolous and sometimes even treacherous. Men with such feminine lip shapes are usually frivolous and... Those with heart-shaped lips love to be the center of attention and shine. At the same time, very often they are gentle, do not carry stones in their bosoms, and are ready to help those who need it.

Juicy large lips. Such appetizing lips are characteristic of good-natured people. Although they are impressionable natures, they still have excellent self-control. The owners of large, luscious lips, as if pushed forward, are incorrigible optimists and the life of any company.

Small mouth with small lips.Small mouth and softly defined delicate and graceful lips small size the presence in its owner of a remarkable mind. At the same time, the owners of short lips and a small mouth are distinguished, according to physiognomists, by a weak character. They are, as a rule, indecisive, unsure of their abilities, and constantly seek approval for their own actions from others.

Large lips and a large mouth. A large mouth and scarlet shiny lips are characteristic of public natures. They are successful, often quite powerful, prone to and greedy at the same time. Their goals are unclear, vague; their plans are rarely carried through to completion; their lives are spent in search of pleasure.

Thin and narrow lips. Hard thin lips are evidence of emotional coldness, even callousness of their owner. People with thin lips are persistent in achieving their goals, calculating, scrupulous natures, and have a logical mindset. At the same time, they are able to clearly and eloquently argue their point, doing this with great persuasiveness. Very often, a thin mouth with pursed lips is evidence of a person’s acting talents. To be convinced of this, just look at the photos of Clint Eastwood, Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore, as well as many “stars” who shone on the screen before the invention of lip augmentation techniques.

Disproportional lips (larger and plumper upper or lower lip). A forward, fuller upper or lower lip is a sign of vain and frivolous people who, however, due to their own indecision, are prone to compromise. But, being driven into a corner by circumstances or when everything is at stake, owners of disproportionate lips are able to despise all their fears and, risking themselves, bravely rush towards dangers. Or opportunities.

The character of a woman by her lips. Today is a small test. It's not difficult to get through. Everyone knows the shape of someone's lips. We find ours in the photo and then read the explanation of the meaning. Character by lip shape

  1. Wide and full lips. This type is Gambling Whatever the owner of such lips likes, she must have, no matter the man or the new shoes. They are very energetic and relaxed, very often they take the initiative into their own hands. Often they are the first to call or invite you on a date. Such kindnesses of nature are not expected - it is better to take everything yourself and only what is needed right now. The motto of such individuals is “Now or never.” In their lives, something is constantly happening and the word boredom is not even close to this. Life is filled with emotions. Freedom and not depending on anyone is another important character trait, which sometimes plays a bad role. Such women should have personal space. She chooses men who are determined and impetuous, who must be excellent lovers and make important decisions. Mumbles are clearly not her style.

  2. Small and full lips. This type is Romantic Emotions come first for such women. There is no smell of cold calculation here, and sometimes it is necessary to think soberly. Life is like a rollercoaster - ups and downs. There is no such thing as a smooth and calm streak in life. This is a kind of Chip and Dale, who are always in a hurry to help everyone. You can always find sympathy with her and cry into her vest. There is no better listener to problems, he will comfort anyone. Many people like these. But at the same time, she does not like to delve into major problems, because it is complex and tricky, and it is better to simply turn a blind eye to such problems, thereby only deceiving herself. Ideal man for such a woman it is a mixture of a hero from a romance novel with a face like in a glossy magazine. Very often, men consider such mice to be ordinary gray mice and think that such mice will constantly look into their mouths and raise their tails. But this opinion is wrong.

  3. The upper lip is larger than the lower lip. This type - Loves to command Well, this speaks for itself. This is a person who takes on any task and brings it to the end. This one knows exactly what she needs from life and what to take. The first one does not begin to act until she is 100500% sure that she is right. The motto is "All or nothing." These people really don’t like people who quit what they started halfway through. Achieves what he wants thanks to a strong and strong tandem of vanity and high self-esteem. Leadership qualities + charisma do their job. Command is her strong point. A man who is suitable for such a woman must be a match for her. Ambitious and capable of pushing her to take decisive steps upward. But often such unions fail and only those who can find a compromise will be able to stay together.

  4. The lower lip is larger than the upper. This type - Mysterious stranger They are always the center of attention and they like it very much. Standing out from the crowd is the most important rule in life. Not like everyone else. Men often drool and look after you with longing, but women look with envy and cast sidelong glances. Such women are very individual and would rather wear a bag on their head than like everyone else. The most important thing is to feel like an individual and to be different from everyone else. And this is noticeable in her demeanor and clothing style. These people also need a special life partner. She agrees to spend quite a lot of time searching for her chosen one. Such people have a lot of ordinary admirers, but they strive to get someone who is not immediately at her feet.
    Such people do not look for easy ways.

  5. Narrow and wide lips. This type - Realist Such a girl stands firmly and confidently on her own two feet. She has everything planned out for the year ahead. Such new Year gifts buy in the fall so that everything is ready in advance. Impromptu is not their strong point. These people are very practical and even when they fall in love they won’t put on rose-colored glasses. Being thrown into a pool with your head is not realistic and happens once every hundred years. Without knowing the ford, you can’t go into the water. Such women never show their emotions in public and may give the impression that they are cold, withdrawn and arrogant. Such people open their souls to very few people, and then only for winter ventilation. What kind of man would suit a realist? She doesn't need a romantic - that's for sure. A person must be reliable - this is the most important quality.

  6. Narrow and small lips. This type is an adventurer. Such a woman’s optimism is through the roof and any sea seems knee-deep to her. She can't sit in one place for more than three seconds. She even likes to spend her holidays very actively. Conquering Everest or helping elephants from Africa - that's her thing. Adrenaline and adventure are her lifestyle. Life should be painted only in the colors of the rainbow - no gray colors. She often takes on even the most risky things - she is very confident in herself. This is a fighter and a person with great willpower. This often scares men away from her. Henpecked and weaklings do not stay long.

Well, how did you determine your Character by the shape of your lips?

For a long time, girls have been trying to enlarge their lips: with the help of paint, lipstick, gloss, menthol (causes blood flow and slight swelling), and eventually it came to injections. Plump lips - at any cost, men like it so much! Californian plastic surgeons even came up with a formula for ideal lips: the lower one should be 2 times (we're not kidding) more plump than the upper one. This is the standard used by most plastic surgeons in the United States.

, an esthetician from London, together with his colleagues, conducted a large-scale investigation, the result of which was the ideal size and shape of lips, which, according to the vast majority of male respondents, look sexy, but not vulgar.

Participants in the study were asked to choose between two photographs of entire faces, which one looked more attractive and sexy, and separately between photographs of two different forms lips In addition, they were asked to note the advantages and disadvantages of each photograph. The third stage was the formation of an “identikit”: a computer model of the lips that meets all aesthetic requirements.

And here it is, the result: the upper lip should be equal to the lower lip in fullness, and the ratio of the widest part of the lower lip to the width of the lips in the corners of the mouth is exactly 2 to 1.

Dr. Esho's research also showed that the hollow of the upper lip or "Cupid's bow" plays important role in men's perception of such lips as sexy. A soft, not too pronounced hollow makes girls’ lips almost twice as attractive as a deep, pronounced one.

As an example of the ideal correspondence of the calculated proportions, Dr. Esho cites Emily Ratajkowski and Michelle Keegan.

Angelina Jolie and Kylie Jenner were blacklisted - men no longer consider their lips sexy, giving them brief description: “too much.”