Let them say - Dana Borisova interrupted her treatment in a Thai drug clinic (06/21/2017). Dana Borisova will open a rehabilitation center in Thailand Repeat let them talk about Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova decided to interrupt her treatment at a clinic in Thailand for one day in order to appear on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program. The TV presenter decided to personally tell Andrei Malakhov and TV viewers how drug addiction appeared in her life. Dana admitted that her mother was right when she blamed the deceased producer Tim Brik for this misfortune.

“Tima loved me very much. And I loved him very much too. We were like brother and sister, we could chat at night and sleep in the same bed,” Dana shared. - But it was the man who brought me the drug under the guise of a weight loss product. I didn't even know what it was. No, I don't want to make excuses. Tim convinced me that I was fat. That I need to lose weight: to achieve something, you need to be almost 42 kilograms. I lost 7 kilograms with him. We used it together. This was my first co-consumer. Tim died at the age of 26 from this. His heart stopped. And what I experienced when I saw him in the coffin, God forbid anyone should experience it. Yes, he is very good, but he died from it. I don't want to die!

Dana’s loved ones dream of seeing her like this, bright and blooming.

Photo PhotoXPress.ru

Dana also voiced the name of another person - the one who brought her drugs when she became very dependent on them. And again it turned out to be the man her mother was talking about - stylist Ray Samedov. “I didn’t know where to get what he brought me. And this was a man who knew. Until recently, I considered him my close friend, my person who fucking understands me. I guess I understood that drugs were bad. But at the same time I believed: the savior is taking care of me, bringing me “in his beak,” Borisova admitted. She trusted Ray so much that she even gave him her car, asking him to be her personal driver. Dana was wary of driving while under the influence of drugs.

Samedov also appeared on the “Let Them Talk” program and did not agree with Borisova’s accusations against him. In front of everyone, he gave her the car keys and Dana’s documents (including her passport, which for some reason was kept by him). And then he began to scold his former friend: “What drugs are you talking about? When you were feeling bad, I picked up Polina (Dana’s daughter - editor’s note) from school, took you to filming... Do you remember what states I pulled you out of? I did what you asked. Every time I asked you to quit drugs, you became hysterical.” The man got wound up and started screaming. Borisova refused to enter into a dispute, explaining that during and after rehabilitation it is not recommended to communicate with former co-users.

Photo Sergey Dzhevakhashvili

Dana honestly said that she realized: she had been to the very bottom. And at the end of rehabilitation, she cannot be called completely free of addiction: “This disease is chronic. I haven't recovered. You can fall in 20 years. You cannot think that you have recovered, that this is a happy beginning. You need to work on sobriety.”

But this does not mean that Borisova is ready to give up and give up everything. On the contrary, she again had a desire to live. She started singing, dancing, and holding creative evenings. Struggling with character defects - laziness and the desire to put off everything until later.

A month after the start of treatment in Thailand, the TV presenter visited Orthodox church. In the video that was shown on air, Dana shared her thoughts and feelings that surged at that moment: “I went into church. The first thing I thought about was: how calm, how clean, how beautiful. I wish I could stay forever. I just imagine all those humiliations, insults... This is a stigma that will remain with me forever - “drug addict.” Everyone will say it behind their back. I don't want to go back to this nightmare. But my daughter is there. We need to gain strength to return to this life and cope with everything.”

Mother Ekaterina Ivanovna, who could not miss her daughter’s arrival, also appeared in the Let Them Talk studio. She burst into tears, hugging Dana. And then she admitted that she considers her daughter’s angel day to be April 27, when she was taken to Thailand for treatment.

Well, Dana Borisova saved important news about her own future for the end of the broadcast. She said that, together with anti-addiction specialist Nikita Lushnikov, she was opening a center for psychological assistance and rehabilitation for people like her in Thailand. So that people can see her example and understand: they too can cope with severe addiction.

The last two posts on Instagram from Dana Borisova.

I don't know why this story bothers me. Maybe because Dana is good-natured, naive, and stupid.

And I only follow her on Gossipnik.

And I wouldn’t have known about the program today if not for the comments.

It’s a pity, because I understand that it will be very difficult for her to get out, almost impossible. Where are her loved ones? Should the mother have gone to Malakhov? I hope that at least the money she was paid will go towards her daughter’s treatment.

From the press. Days.ru

Dana Borisova's mother came to Andrei Malakhov's show "Let Them Talk." She told the TV presenter about her misfortune and admitted that she could not save her daughter.

It is reported that the blonde’s mother is desperately looking for money for her daughter’s treatment and is ready to mortgage her apartment to get Dana out of this trouble. The TV presenter’s family drama will be shown on the “Let Them Talk” show at 20:00 and on the Channel One website.

On April 25, Express Newspaper published an article in which it cited the story of one of the TV viewers who was present at the filming of the “Let Them Talk” program. According to the woman, Dana Borisova’s mother Ekaterina said that her daughter Dana was allegedly seriously addicted to drugs.

“Since 2010, I have been trying to cure Dana of alcoholism. I’ll send her to one clinic, then to another. My daughter didn’t stay anywhere for more than two weeks. If only I knew then that the problem wasn’t even in the bottle! You know, I’ve been a paramedic for 25 years myself I worked in the ambulance. I saw drug addicts! But always in an emergency situation - after an overdose, for example. And I never saw a drug addict in everyday life, I wouldn’t have known what it looked like otherwise. save,” Borisova’s mother quotes with reference to a woman who was at the filming of the program.

The parent stated that Dana evicted her from the apartment and sent her to Sudak. so that she doesn't bother her. However, Catherine said. that he worries much more not even about his daughter, but about his granddaughter Polina. Allegedly, the girl sees the state her mother is in and cannot understand. what's happening to her.

“The girl sees this whole nightmare, calls me, tells me that her mother is lying in the corridor, that there are some suspicious jars lying around. At some point, Dana took away her granddaughter’s phone so that she could not call me, I had to contact her through her teacher at When Polinochka told me at school in March that she had found a bottle of white powder, her mother’s credit card and a banknote rolled into a tube, I urgently came from Sudak to Moscow. The security guard didn’t want to let me into the house, but he was the one carrying alcohol to Dana. I know!" – said Borisova.

The presenter's mother said that her hairdresser Rey Samedov brought drugs to Dana. “Polina saw this. Since her daughter has no money, she gives Ray her car to pay off the debt,” the parent said. Ekaterina also said that she contacted her daughter’s former common-law husband, Maxim Aksenov.

“I called my granddaughter’s father, Maxim, and scolded him. He took the girl with him, at least for this I am calm. But how can I help my daughter?!” – Ekaterina Borisova asked a rhetorical question. Further, the woman who was already in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program said that Dana Borisova’s friends – Prokhor Chaliapin, Rustam Solntsev and “others” are well aware of the TV presenter’s problem.

“They ask why they didn’t help? And they: what can we do? Even Malakhov admitted that a couple of years ago he didn’t air an interview where they talked about Danina’s problem with drugs - he felt sorry for her, they say, she tried to persuade her, she cried. The girl It’s high time to treat her, but they all feel sorry for her…” – the publication quotes the words of a woman who took part in the filming of the talk show.

Full release

At the end of April, the mother of the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova made sensational confession that her daughter is a drug addict, accusing hairdresser-stylist Ray Samedov of being the one who supplies her daughter with illegal drugs. Ray Samedov himself is shocked by Ekaterina Ivanovna’s statements and denies his involvement in Dana Borisova’s drug addiction. Today the stylist will answer all the accusations, and fans of Dana Borisova will find out where the TV presenter is now and whether she agreed to undergo treatment for drug addiction. What details of the personal life of her daughter, TV presenter Dana Borisova, her mother revealed, see in the episode Danka’s Heart. “Her mother accused me of being a drug dealer and giving Dana drugs. This is a serious accusation! I have a family, two children, and to declare this about me to the whole country?! I'll sue her. She’s probably just out of her mind,” Samedov said before the program aired.

Metropolitan hairdresser Ray Samedov came to the “Let Them Talk” program to respond to Ekaterina Borisova’s public accusations against him: “For me and my loved ones, it was a complete shock! I've known Dana since last summer. This behavior of hers, as you all remember, has been going on for a long time. It is unlikely that I could somehow influence her. Yes, I don’t argue, she showed different symptoms: sometimes she couldn’t walk, and then I carried her in my arms. IN Lately I became a close friend to her. She often called me and invited me to her home. But we only have friendly relations, and as for this video: Dana is a media person and I think that such a video is quite normal for her. I didn’t know anything about drugs, about cocaine. My opinion: Dana’s mother is doing everything to have her daughter declared incompetent, and then she will be able to become Polina’s guardian.”

In the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, Borisova’s friend Lyalya Gainutdinova: “I understand Ray, even though I’m seeing him for the first time. And I want to add that Dana’s mother is the main evil in their family. I have known her for 4 years, she is a very authoritarian person. Dana found herself alone and her mother pushed her into such a life!” Dana Borisova's mother comes into the hall. Ekaterina Ivanovna again flew from Crimea to personally meet with Ray Samedov and ask him uncomfortable questions.

"You're not a human! You are a moral monster! You accuse me of schizophrenia, but I brought a certificate to the program in the last episode! I regret that I didn't break a bottle one day and disfigure your face broken glass! What kind of job did you find for my daughter?! What kind of work is there in Sochi?! And you, Lyalya, as soon as the earth carries you?! You praised me, said what a good mother Dana has! You knew my daughter had a drinking problem, but you continued to take her to restaurants!” — Dana’s mother was seriously angry. In this episode about Dana Borisova you will see the first footage from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, where the TV star is currently undergoing treatment.

After the previous broadcast, Let them talk about Dana Borisova, Andrei Malakhov, Prokhor Shalyapin, Elena Vorobey, Nikita Lushnikov and other close friends of the TV presenter decided to visit her and convince her of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Andrey Malakhov: In fact, we had to come up with a story about the fact that she will soon become the host of the new reality show “Melting Before Our Eyes.” We stood in the corridor for about an hour and persuaded her, until at one in the morning she finally opened the door for us.

2017-05-02 Category

At the end of last month, the mother of a famous TV presenter contacted “Let Them Talk” - Ekaterina Ivanovna, with tears in her eyes, stated in the broadcast studio that her daughter uses drugs, and hairdresser-stylist Ray Samedov constantly supplies Dana with prohibited substances. Where is the TV star now? Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Heart of Danka-2: did Dana Borisova agree to be treated for drug addiction? (Thai voyage by Dana Borisova) 05/02/2017

Stylist Ray Samedov is shocked after watching the last issue. Let them talk about Dana Borisova: the man assures that he is not at all involved in the TV presenter’s drug addiction. “Her mother accused me of being a drug dealer and giving Dana drugs. This is a serious accusation! I have a family, two children, and to declare this about me to the whole country?! I'll sue her. She’s probably just out of her mind,” Samedov said before the program aired. Today in the “Let Them Talk” studio, Ray will answer all the accusations from the TV presenter’s mother, and all of Borisova’s relatives, friends and fans who are worried about her fate will find out where Dana is now. Did she agree to recover from drug addiction?

Let them talk - Dana Borisova's Thai voyage

Capital hairdresser Ray Samedov came to the program “Let Them Talk” (broadcast “Dana Borisova’s Thai Voyage”) to respond to Ekaterina Borisova’s public accusations against her:

“It was a complete shock for me and my loved ones!” I've known Dana since last summer. This behavior of hers, as you all remember, has been going on for a long time. It is unlikely that I could somehow influence her. Yes, I don’t argue, she showed different symptoms: sometimes she couldn’t walk and then I carried her in my arms.

“Lately I have become a close friend to her. She often called me and invited me to her home. But we only have friendly relations, and as for this video: Dana is a media person and I think that such a video is quite normal for her. I didn’t know anything about drugs, about cocaine. My opinion: Dana’s mother is doing everything to have her daughter declared incompetent, and then she will be able to become Polina’s guardian.

In the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, Borisova’s friend Lyalya Gainutdinova:

“I understand Ray, even though I’m seeing him for the first time.” And I want to add that Dana’s mother is the main evil in their family. I have known her for 4 years, she is a very authoritarian person. Dana found herself alone and her mother pushed her to such a life!

Dana Borisova. Continued in “Let Them Talk”

Dana Borisova's mother comes into the hall. Ekaterina Ivanovna again flew from Crimea to personally meet with Ray Samedov and ask him uncomfortable questions.

- You're not a human! You are a moral monster! You accuse me of schizophrenia, but I brought a certificate to the program in the last episode! I regret that I didn’t break a bottle one day and disfigure your face with broken glass! What kind of job did you find for my daughter?! What kind of work is there in Sochi?!

(addresses Lyala Gainutdinova) And you, Lyalya, as soon as the earth carries you?! You praised me, said what a good mother Dana has! You knew my daughter had a drinking problem, but you continued to take her to restaurants!

Program expert, pastor Evgeniy Peresvetov:

“We must admit that, after everything we heard here in the studio, Ray is not to blame for Dana’s drug addiction.

Heart of Danka-2: did Dana Borisova agree to be treated for drug addiction?

After the previous broadcast, Let them talk about Dana Borisova, Elena Vorobey, Nikita Lushnikov and other close friends of the TV presenter decided to visit her and convince her of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.

Andrei Malakhov:

“In fact, we had to come up with a story about the fact that she will soon become the host of the new reality show “Melting Before Our Eyes.” We stood in the corridor for about an hour and persuaded her, until at one in the morning she finally opened the door for us.

In this episode about Dana Borisova, you will see the first footage from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, where the TV star is currently undergoing treatment. Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - The Heart of Danka-2: did Dana Borisova agree to be treated for drug addiction? (Thai voyage by Dana Borisova), broadcast on May 2, 2017 (05/02/2017).

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June 21 in the Let Them Talk program Dana Borisova interrupted her treatment in a Thai drug clinic 06/21/2017 watch online we all prayed for her, we all worried about her, we all rooted for her and today Dana Borisova interrupted her Thai voyage to tell how her life has changed over the past two months and how she celebrated her birthday.

“Let them talk, the last episode of today” - the talk show of Andrei Malakhov - the luminary of the bright and enchanting evening broadcast. The guests of the “Let Them Talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show's participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in passionate debates. The program claims to be informational and analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is the place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and simple people- in politicians. No matter what the conversation is about, everyone has the right to vote.

Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov