Work instructions for an inspection controller in production. Job responsibilities of an inspection controller in production. Where can you get a job as a controller?

A quality control inspector is an employee who ensures product quality control and compliance technological process its production. These employees are involved in various areas of production activity and provide internal supervision over product compliance with established regulations and standards. That is why their specific rights and obligations are determined depending on the chosen sphere of production and the type of product produced. The general rights and responsibilities of this category of workers are enshrined in their standard job descriptions, the content of which is often duplicated in the texts of employment agreements.

What rights does the quality control inspector have?

The quality control inspector has the right to monitor the timely and complete fulfillment of production tasks by the enterprise’s employees. This right also implies the opportunity to report to immediate management about violations identified during verification of compliance with the production process and product quality control. Also, this employee has the right to report to management about distinguished employees and nominate them for promotion. In the process of carrying out his activities, he has the right to give mandatory instructions to his subordinates and other persons whose activities are under his supervision. For the optimal implementation of his own functions, the quality control controller has the right to interact with other services and departments of the company, to request from other departments Required documents and information, send them the information received.

What job responsibilities does a quality control inspector perform?

The main job responsibility of the quality control inspector is to supervise the implementation of the technological process. In this case, this obligation extends to a specific area of ​​production for which the employee is responsible. Control is carried out on the basis of analysis results, readings of instruments used to carry out control and measurement activities. In addition, this employee is obliged to monitor the proper technical condition of equipment directly involved in production activities. For the purpose of analysis, these workers are often required to carry out direct sampling of products or monitor the correct and timely implementation of the specified sampling. Finally, the quality control inspector is required to be directly involved in the acceptance of technical means and equipment after repairs, replacements, cleanings and other similar procedures.

Department technical control(OTK) exists on manufacturing enterprises for timely detection of violations in production technology. The quality control inspector is responsible for identifying defects in the manufacture of products and checking product compliance with standards and GOSTs. Control is carried out visually or using instrumentation.

Vika works in the quality department of a Russian-Japanese car painting company. The working day at production begins at 7:15, Vika must be at work at 8 in the morning (a little early, but at least you can go home at 16:15). At approximately 8:15 there is a daily planning meeting - the entire quality department (20 people) gathers. In 15 minutes, the boss distributes tasks and discusses current problems.

If the beginning of the working day is the same, then the rest of the day goes differently. Time may be spent testing the quality of paint or primer, checking paint colors and discussing future orders with suppliers (for example, coordinating colors), drawing up reports (sometimes this takes many hours), calibrating instruments (usually done monthly ) and other tasks.

Places of work

The position of quality control inspector is required at all manufacturing enterprises. Each product must undergo quality control before going on sale.

History of the profession

The profession of quality control inspector can be said to have appeared thanks to Henry Leland, who made weapons production at the factories of Samuel Colt a role model. The “Master of Precision” introduced the concept of “pass caliber” into use and for the first time in history began to reject outwardly suitable shells due to their non-compliance with the standard. His motto: “Craftsmanship is the credo, accuracy is the law,” is followed by the world’s most successful manufacturers.

Responsibilities of the Quality Control Controller

The job responsibilities of a quality control inspector include:

  • Output control of finished goods.
  • Verification of actual parameters of manufactured products with reference indicators specified in technical documentation, drawings, GOSTs.
  • Preparation of accompanying documentation - certificates, defective statements, quality certificates.
  • Checking the quality of the raw materials used.
  • Identification of technological inconsistencies and causes of defects.
  • Promotion of ideas for modernization of production.

Sometimes the functions of a quality control inspector may also include working with complaints (customer complaints).

Requirements for a quality control inspector

The basic requirements for a quality control inspector are as follows:

  • Secondary technical or higher education.
  • Experience from 1 year.
  • Knowledge of production technology, GOST standards.
  • Ability to read drawings and design documentation.
  • Skills in operating control and measuring instruments.
  • Attention to detail.

Sometimes a specialist may be required to have good vision and excellent coordination of movements, as well as additional education (depending on the specifics of the production).

Resume sample

How to become a quality control inspector

To become a quality control inspector, it is enough to obtain a secondary technical or higher specialized education. Knowledge of production processes is also necessary, because the specialist communicates with technologists, designers, craftsmen, heads of production departments and the sales department. Knowledge of production often comes with experience as either a technologist or a technical control controller.

Quality Control Controller Salary

Wage quality control inspector ranges from 25,000 to 45,000 rubles. As you move up the career ladder, your salary increases significantly. An inspection foreman can receive a salary of up to 65,000 rubles, and the head of a workshop inspection service can receive a salary of up to 85,000. average salary quality control inspector is 30,000 rubles.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term training on the market, usually lasting from a week to a year.

Institute vocational education“IPO” invites you to take distance courses in the “” direction (there are options of 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) to receive a diploma or state-issued certificate. We have trained more than 8,000 graduates from almost 200 cities. You can undergo external training and receive interest-free installments.

V.V. Umnikov

senior control foreman of the technical control department

1. General Provisions

1.1 The senior control master of the technical control department of OJSC "Company" reports directly to the head of the technical control department of OJSC "Company" or the head of the technical control bureau, if this position is provided.

1.2 The senior control foreman is appointed and dismissed by order of the General Director of OJSC "Company" on the recommendation of the Deputy General Director for Quality and Metrology or the Head of the Quality Control Department.

1.3 A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in production of at least 1 year or a secondary technical education and work experience in a specialty in the relevant industry profile for at least 3 years is appointed as a senior inspection master of the quality control department.

1.4 The following are subordinate to the Senior Control Foreman:

— testers of subordinate departments:

1.5 The senior control master in his activities is guided by:

- regulations government agencies RF;

- Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation”;

— Law of the Russian Federation “On Standardization” No. 5154-1 of June 10, 1993;

— Law of the Russian Federation “On Certification of Products and Services” No. 5151-1 of June 10, 1993;

— Law of the Russian Federation “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” No. 4871-1 of April 27, 1993;

— The company’s quality policy;

— documentation of the enterprise’s quality management system;

— methodological, regulatory and technical documents and international standards;

— Regulations on quality control department;

- this job description.

1.6 In case of temporary absence, the duties of the senior control foreman are performed by a specialist appointed by order of the General Director on the recommendation of the head of the quality control department.

2 Job responsibilities

The senior control master is obliged to:

2.1 Organize work at the assigned site to control and improve product quality, completeness of manufactured products and accounting for non-conforming products.

2.2 Monitor the correctness of establishing the type and type of product, its compliance with approved samples (standards), standards, technical specifications and other regulatory and technical documentation.

2.3 Monitor compliance with technological processes at all stages of production, instructions and methods for technical control at workplaces, quality of containers and packaging, technical condition of equipment, storage of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, components, finished products.

2.4 Manage the preparation of technical documentation certifying the quality and completeness of manufactured or supplied products (passports, certificates), product certification.

2.5 Monitor compliance with accuracy testing schedules production equipment and equipment, control condition measuring instruments, their availability at workplaces, timely submission for state inspection.

2.6 Take measures to prevent the production of products that do not meet established requirements, identify the causes and culprits of nonconformities, as well as develop and implement measures aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness of products.

2.7 Participate in the development and implementation of the most advanced product quality management systems, control methods, new and revised current standards, technical specifications and other standards and instructions.

2.8 Monitor compliance by subordinates with labor protection rules, safety regulations, production and labor discipline, and internal labor regulations. Conduct periodic training on labor protection and safety regulations.

2.9 Monitor the delivery of finished products to the warehouse.

2.10 Make proposals to the head of the quality control department on encouraging employees, as well as bringing to disciplinary liability violators of production and labor discipline.

2.11 Promote the improvement of qualifications and professional skills of workers, their training and assignment of ranks, and carry out educational work in the team.

2.12 Participate in production meetings held by the heads of production departments of the enterprise.

2.13 Participate in the preparation and holding of the “Quality Day” in the workshop.

2.14 Timely and accurately execute production orders of the general director of the enterprise, production tasks, instructions and orders of the deputy general director for quality and metrology, head of the quality control department.

2.15 Perform job duties provided for in this job description and employment contract.

2.16 Comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

2.17 Do not engage in activities directly or indirectly detrimental to the interests of the enterprise.

2.18 Know the relevant QMS documentation required for the work and comply with its requirements.

2.19 Constantly improve the results of your activities.

3 Professional requirements

The senior control master must know:

— legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on product quality management;

— technological processes and production modes;

— basic technological and design data of manufactured products;

— technical and economic requirements for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components and finished products;

— current industry and enterprise standards, technical conditions, quality standards, technological instructions;

— systems, means and methods of technical control of production;

— rules for acceptance and storage of finished products, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components;

— sampling methods, procedures for labeling and packaging of products;

— procedure for certification of the quality of industrial products;

— types of production nonconformities, methods for their prevention and elimination;

— rules for testing and acceptance of products;

— the procedure for preparing technical documentation certifying product quality;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of labor legislation;

— rules and regulations of labor protection;

— relevant QMS documentation.

The senior control master has the right:

4.1 Request and receive information necessary for him to perform his official duties from employees of any departments.

4.2 Make decisions on disagreements between quality control department employees and employees of production departments of the enterprise in their assessment of product compliance with the requirements established for it.

4.3 Submit proposals to the Deputy General Director for Quality and Metrology - Head of the Quality Control Department on bringing to justice officials and workers of the enterprise who are guilty of manufacturing products that do not meet the established requirements.

4.4 Give production instructions and orders that are binding for the quality control department employees subordinate to him.

4.5 Make proposals to the Deputy General Director for Quality and Metrology - Head of the Quality Control Department on rewarding and punishing employees subordinate to him in the prescribed manner.

4.6 Demand that shop managers establish the causes of non-conformity of products, punish those responsible for their occurrence, as well as persons who violated the production technology established by the documentation.

4.7 Use benefits established by law Russian Federation and provided for employees in the collective agreement of the enterprise.

4.8 To provide him with the working conditions necessary to perform his official duties.

4.9 Represent the company in third-party organizations on issues of product quality.

4.10 Represent the quality control department in various commissions of the enterprise on issues within its competence.

5 Service relationships

The senior control master of the technical control department interacts with:

5.1 With a central laboratory measuring technology:

— provides: applications for high-precision and arbitration measurements and tests. Measuring instruments for verification, according to the schedule, failed before the next verification. Measuring instruments for rechecking or repair;

— receives: schedules for checking measuring instruments. Information on the withdrawal from circulation of faulty measuring instruments that did not pass inspections within the established time limits.

5.2 With workshops and areas:

— provides: a conclusion on the compliance of products with technical requirements. documentation (specifications, GOSTs, drawings, standards, manufacturing technology);

— receives: accompanying technical documentation (drawings, diagrams, standards and manufacturing technology for products).

5.3 With the quality engineer of the technical control department:

— provides information about the products presented and any discrepancies found. Acts of non-compliance indicating those responsible for the manufacture of non-conforming products. Information about the production culture;

— receives: information about product returns for each day. Information on the results of accounting for losses from non-conforming products in workshops based on acts of non-compliance and on attributing the amounts to those responsible.

The senior control master is responsible in the manner established by the laws of the Russian Federation for:

— failure to fulfill the duties assigned to him, provided for by this job description and the employment agreement (contract);


Quality Control Controller

Safety Inspector The subject of concern for the employees of the technical control service of the enterprise is to improve the quality of all types of products, ensuring that their indicators comply with the level of world achievements.

Quality indicators include dimensional accuracy, operational reliability, ease of use, compliance with GOSTs, and aesthetic requirements. ControllersQuality Control Department(technical control department) is a mass working profession. It ranks 4th in terms of the number of specialists employed in industry.
Main operation at work controller— comparison of product parameters with the indicators specified in GOSTs, drawings, technological documentation. In this case, products are inspected “by eye” or checked using control and measuring instruments, devices: micrometers, calipers, gauges, magnifiers, microscopes, electrical measuring instruments, etc. By means of labor controller There are also lists of “standard images” of the required characteristics of quality products, stored in his memory.
Controller receives a batch of finished products or semi-finished products, checks each of them, affixes a control stamp, draws up accompanying documentation, defective statements. But controller not only identifies defects, but also studies its causes and suggests measures for its prevention. The reasons can be different: unregulated equipment, poor-quality materials, defects in workpieces, unskilledness, negligence, and inattentiveness of workers. To the controller one must be attentive and correct and, at the same time, demanding and principled in communicating with workers.

Job description of product quality and technological process controller, 7th category

Authoritative controller disciplines workers. Inexperience, carelessness controller may cause conflicts and disorganize work on the site. Controller- a quality expert, he must be conscientious and understand the consequences of delivering low-quality products. Job controller is associated with the performance of monotonous actions and may seem monotonous to people who prefer a quick change of impressions and actions, who are mobile. Job controller requires accuracy and thoroughness, so thorough, unhurried people work more successfully here.
Skilled controller knows production technology well, the work process itself, understands drawings, knows how to use control and measuring instruments, has a developed memory, normal vision (not lower than 0.5, without pronounced anomalies), stable visual performance, noise immunity, composure, attentiveness. Exercise stress controller insignificant.
Controllers work in specially equipped workplaces in good lighting. Salary depends on qualifications, time-based bonus.
Speciality controllerQuality Control Department has much in common with the work of a tester of finished products or semi-finished products, a commodity expert.
Profession controllerQuality Control Department can be purchased at the enterprise through individual-team training or at a vocational school. A vocational school graduate receives 2-3 rank. In the future, you can continue your education at a technical school or university corresponding to the production profile, become an inspection foreman, the head of a workshop inspection service, or the head of an enterprise’s technical inspection department.

The technical control department (QCD) exists at production enterprises for the timely detection of violations in production technology. The quality control inspector is responsible for identifying defects in the manufacture of products and checking product compliance with standards and GOSTs.

Job Description for Product Processing Quality Controller

Control is carried out visually or using instrumentation.

Vika works in the quality department of a Russian-Japanese car painting company. The working day at production begins at 7:15, Vika must be at work at 8 in the morning (a little early, but at least you can go home at 16:15). At approximately 8:15 there is a daily planning meeting - the entire quality department (20 people) gathers. In 15 minutes, the boss distributes tasks and discusses current problems.

If the beginning of the working day is the same, then the rest of the day goes differently. Time may be spent testing the quality of paint or primer, checking paint colors and discussing future orders with suppliers (for example, coordinating colors), drawing up reports (sometimes this takes many hours), calibrating instruments (usually done monthly ) and other tasks.

Places of work

The position of quality control inspector is required at all manufacturing enterprises.

Each product must undergo quality control before going on sale.

History of the profession

The profession of quality control inspector can be said to have appeared thanks to Henry Leland, who made weapons production at the factories of Samuel Colt a role model. The “Master of Precision” introduced the concept of “pass caliber” into use and for the first time in history began to reject outwardly suitable shells due to their non-compliance with the standard. His motto: “Craftsmanship is the credo, accuracy is the law,” is followed by the world’s most successful manufacturers.

Responsibilities of the Quality Control Controller

The job responsibilities of a quality control inspector include:

  • Output control of finished goods.
  • Verification of actual parameters of manufactured products with reference indicators specified in technical documentation, drawings, GOSTs.
  • Preparation of accompanying documentation - certificates, defective statements, quality certificates.
  • Checking the quality of the raw materials used.
  • Identification of technological inconsistencies and causes of defects.
  • Promotion of ideas for modernization of production.

Sometimes the functions of a quality control inspector may also include working with complaints (customer complaints).

Requirements for a quality control inspector

The basic requirements for a quality control inspector are as follows:

  • Secondary technical or higher education.
  • Experience from 1 year.
  • Knowledge of production technology, GOST standards.
  • Ability to read drawings and design documentation.
  • Skills in operating control and measuring instruments.
  • Attention to detail.

Sometimes a specialist may be required to have good vision and excellent coordination of movements, as well as additional education (depending on the specifics of the production).

Resume sample

Sample resume for quality control inspector.

How to become a quality control inspector

To become a quality control inspector, it is enough to obtain a secondary technical or higher specialized education. Knowledge of production processes is also necessary, because the specialist communicates with technologists, designers, craftsmen, heads of production departments and the sales department. Knowledge of production often comes with experience as either a technologist or a technical control controller.

Quality Control Controller Salary

The salary of a quality control inspector ranges from 25,000 to 45,000 rubles. As you move up the career ladder, your salary increases significantly. An inspection foreman can receive a salary of up to 65,000 rubles, and the head of a workshop inspection service can receive up to 85,000. The average salary of a quality control inspector is 30,000 rubles.

Job description control foreman of the technical control department [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. The control foreman of the technical control department (bureau) in his activities does not depend on the management of the workshop and is directly subordinate to the head (bureau) of technical control (senior control foreman).

1.2. The inspection master is guided in his work by:

— regulations on the technical control department;

— this job description;

— the charter of the enterprise;

- legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Persons with a higher technical education and work experience in production of at least 1 year or secondary specialized education and work experience in production of at least [value] years are appointed to the position of control foreman.

II. Job responsibilities

2.1. Organize the work of inspectors and control the quality of products and services, the completeness of manufactured products at the assigned production site.

2.2. Ensure control over compliance with technological regimes at all stages of the production process.

2.3. Take measures to prevent production and prevent the release of products that do not meet established requirements, identify the causes and culprits of defects, and organize records of defects.

2.4. Carry out work on the preparation of technical documentation certifying the quality and completeness of the supplied products (passports, certificates, etc.).

2.5. Take part in the delivery of finished products and completed work (services) to customers.

2.6. Check compliance with instructions and techniques for technical control at workplaces.

Profession Quality Control Controller

Carry out quality control of containers and packaging at workplaces, the technical condition of equipment and means of transport, storage of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, and finished products.

2.8. Monitor the implementation of schedules for checking the accuracy of production equipment and fixtures, the technical condition of control and measuring equipment, their availability at workplaces and timely submission for state inspection.

2.9. Study and improve technology for monitoring products, materials, and components.

2.10. Participate in events related to the introduction of new and revision of existing standards, technical specifications, quality indicators and instructions.

2.11. Perform work related to product certification.

2.12. Monitor compliance by workers subordinate to him with labor protection rules, safety regulations, production and labor discipline, and internal labor regulations.

III. Rights

The control master of the technical control department (bureau) has the right to:

3.1. Determine the quality of products manufactured at the production site.

3.2. Require production foremen to stop work if defective or defective products appear, as well as in cases of working on faulty equipment or using poor-quality material, and to stop accepting products if these requirements are not met, immediately reporting this to the senior control foreman or the head of the quality control department (BTK).

Identify those responsible for the marriage, which should be reflected in the primary documents.

3.4. Do not accept products presented by the workshop (site) in the absence of established documentation for the work performed and in the absence of a production foreman’s mark confirming his acceptance of the first part.

3.5. Participate in product quality meetings held by the production foreman.

3.6. Prohibit the use of control and measuring instruments that give incorrect readings until the problems are corrected or replaced with suitable ones.

3.7. Represent subordinate supervisors for incentives or penalties.

IV. Responsibility

The control master is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Job description of the control master of the technical control department [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. The control foreman of the technical control department (bureau) in his activities does not depend on the management of the workshop and is directly subordinate to the head (bureau) of technical control (senior control foreman).

1.2. The inspection master is guided in his work by:

Regulations on the technical control department;

This job description;

Charter of the enterprise;

Legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Persons with a higher technical education and work experience in production of at least 1 year or secondary specialized education and work experience in production of at least [value] years are appointed to the position of control foreman.

II. Job responsibilities

2.1. Organize the work of inspectors and control the quality of products and services, the completeness of manufactured products at the assigned production site.

2.2. Ensure control over compliance with technological regimes at all stages of the production process.

2.3. Take measures to prevent production and prevent the release of products that do not meet established requirements, identify the causes and culprits of defects, and organize records of defects.

2.4. Carry out work on the preparation of technical documentation certifying the quality and completeness of the supplied products (passports, certificates, etc.).

2.5. Take part in the delivery of finished products and completed work (services) to customers.

2.6. Check compliance with instructions and techniques for technical control at workplaces.

2.7. Carry out quality control of containers and packaging at workplaces, the technical condition of equipment and means of transport, storage of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, and finished products.

2.8. Monitor the implementation of schedules for checking the accuracy of production equipment and fixtures, the technical condition of control and measuring equipment, their availability at workplaces and timely submission for state inspection.

2.9. Study and improve technology for monitoring products, materials, and components.

2.10. Participate in events related to the introduction of new and revision of existing standards, technical specifications, quality indicators and instructions.

2.11. Perform work related to product certification.

2.12. Monitor compliance by workers subordinate to him with labor protection rules, safety regulations, production and labor discipline, and internal labor regulations.

III. Rights

The control master of the technical control department (bureau) has the right to:

3.1. Determine the quality of products manufactured at the production site.

3.2. Require production foremen to stop work if defective or defective products appear, as well as in cases of working on faulty equipment or using poor-quality material, and to stop accepting products if these requirements are not met, immediately reporting this to the senior control foreman or the head of the quality control department (BTK).

3.3. Identify those responsible for the marriage, which should be reflected in the primary documents.

3.4. Do not accept products presented by the workshop (site) in the absence of established documentation for the work performed and in the absence of a production foreman’s mark confirming his acceptance of the first part.

3.5. Participate in product quality meetings held by the production foreman.

3.6. Prohibit the use of control and measuring instruments that give incorrect readings until the problems are corrected or replaced with suitable ones.

3.7. Represent subordinate supervisors for incentives or penalties.

IV. Responsibility

The control master is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Currently, not a single production can operate without a quality control inspector - a person who evaluates the quality of manufactured products. Its activities are necessary for the timely detection of violations in the process or production technology. Thus, Quality Control Controller needed to identify defects and check whether products comply with GOSTs and standards.

What are the responsibilities of a quality control inspector?

In production, a representative of this profession must perform the following tasks:

  • check the quality of the raw materials from which the products are made;
  • identify technological inconsistencies and causes of defects in production (undebugged equipment, poor raw materials, poor-quality workpieces, negligence or inattention of workers, etc.);
  • compare the actual parameters of products with the standard indicators recorded in drawings, GOSTs or technical documents;
  • draw up accompanying documentation (certificates, quality certificates, defective statements, etc.);
  • put forward ideas for modernizing production.

In addition, the responsibilities of the quality control inspector may include working with complaints, that is, customer complaints. This also affects the quality of all products produced.

For the activities of a quality control inspector to be effective, he must not only possess the necessary skills and knowledge of GOSTs, but also have some personal qualities. Since the check is carried out visually, the employee must have sharp vision, excellent coordination of movements, be attentive, neat and collected. In addition, the employee must be able to use control and measuring instruments: calipers, microscope, micrometer, magnifying glass, electrical measuring equipment, etc.

Main indicators of product quality

The quality control inspector evaluates the following product parameters:

  1. dimensional accuracy,
  2. reliability during operation;
  3. Ease of use;
  4. compliance with GOSTs and standards;
  5. compliance with aesthetic requirements.

If the company's quality control inspector is not on shift or the volume of products has increased significantly, it is better to trust an outsourcing company. Our specialists have been trained and have extensive experience in quality control.