Work program 8th grade physics Peryshkin






On topic

Lesson topic


Types of control

Practical part


Additional material

8th grade

Thermal phenomena 15 hours

Thermal movement. Thermal equilibrium. Temperature. Relationship between temperature and the speed of chaotic movement of particles.

Know the concepts: Thermal movement. Thermal equilibrium. Temperature. Be able to explain the relationship between temperature and the speed of chaotic movement of particles.

Frontal survey


Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways to change the internal energy of a body.

Know the concepts: Internal energy. Ways to change the internal energy of the body..

Frontal survey

Project “Heat Transfer Around Us” (4 hours)

Know the concepts: Types of heat transfer. Thermal conductivity.

Be able to give examples.

Frontal survey

Convection. Radiation

Know the concepts: Convection. Radiation.

Be able to give examples.

Physical dictation

§5 6

Examples of heat transfer in nature and technology.

Be able to give examples of heat transfer in nature and technology.

Defense of the “Heat Transfer Around Us” project.

§1 add. reading

Know the concepts: Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity of a substance.


Calculation of the amount of heat required to heat a body or released by a body when cooling.

Working with didactic material

Presentation “History of the invention of the calorimeter”

Solving problems on calculating the amount of heat.

Be able to apply concepts and formulas to calculate the amount of heat required to heat a body or released by a body when solving problems.

Test No. 1 “Internal energy. Types of heat transfer"

L.r. No. 1 “Comparison of the amount of heat when mixing water of different temperatures.”

L.r. No. 1 “Comparison of the amount of heat when mixing water of different temperatures.”


Fuel energy . Specific heat of combustion of fuel.

Know the concept: Fuel energy.

Frontal survey

Report “Alternative Fuels”

Law of conservation of energy in thermal processes. Irreversibility of heat transfer processes.

Know the law of conservation of energy in thermal processes. Irreversibility of heat transfer processes.

Frontal survey


Solving problems to calculate the amount of heat released during fuel combustion.

Be able to apply formulas forcalculating the amount of heat released during fuel combustion when solving problems.

Working with didactic material

Chapter 1

Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 2"Measurement specific heat capacity solid body."

L.r. No. 2 “Measurement of the specific heat capacity of a solid.”


Repetition and generalization of the topic “Thermal Phenomena”.

Know the phenomena of vaporization and condensation, formulas for the topic “Thermal Phenomena”.

Frontal survey. Quiz.

Chapter 1

Be able to apply formulas and concepts of the topic “Thermal Phenomena”.

K.r. No. 1 on the topic “Thermal Phenomena”.

K.r. No. 1 on the topic “Thermal Phenomena”.

Chapter 1

Aggregate states of matter 10 hours

Aggregate states of matter. Melting and crystallization.

Know the concept aggregative states of matter, processes of melting and crystallization.

Frontal survey


Specific heat of fusion. Graphs of melting and solidification of crystalline bodies.

Know how to usegraphs of melting and solidification of crystalline bodies when describing processes.

Frontal survey


Solving problems to calculate the amount of heat during melting and solidification of a substance.

Be able to apply formulas

Working with didactic material


Evaporation and condensation. Saturated and unsaturated steam.

Know the concept: evaporation and condensation. Saturated and unsaturated steam.

Frontal survey


Boiling. Dependence of boiling temperature on pressure.

Know the boiling process.

Frontal survey


Air humidity. Absolute and relative air humidity.

Know the concept: air humidity. Absolute and relative air humidity.

Frontal survey.


Report “The influence of microclimate parameters on human well-being.”

Specific heat of vaporization and condensation.

Solving problems on vaporization and condensation.

Be able to apply formulas for calculating problems of vaporization and condensation when solving problems.

Physical dictation


Project “Heat engines and ecology” (3 hours).

Energy conversion in heat engines. Operating principles of heat engines.Steam turbine, engine internal combustion, jet engine. Explanation of the structure and operating principle of the refrigerator.

Know principles of operation of heat engines

Frontal survey


Efficiency of a heat engine. Environmental problems of using thermal machines.

Be able to explain environmental problems of using heat engines.

Defense of the project “Thermal engines and ecology”.


Be able to apply formulas and concepts of the topic “Changes in the aggregate states of matter.”

K.r. No. 2 on the topic “Changes in the aggregate states of matter.”

K.r. No. 2 on the topic “Changes in the aggregate states of matter.”

Chapter II

Electrical phenomena 25 hours

Electrification of bodies. Electric charge. Two types of electric charges. Interaction of charges. Law of conservation of electric charge.

Know the phenomenon of electrification of bodies. Electric charge. Two types of electric charges. Interaction of charges. Law of conservation of electric charge.

Frontal survey


Electroscope. Electric field. Action electric field to electric charges.Conductors, dielectrics and semiconductors. Capacitor. Electric field energy of a capacitor.

Know the concept, electric field. The effect of an electric field on electric charges

Frontal survey


Project “Physics of Natural Phenomena” (long-term project)

(39 hours)

The structure of the atom. Explanation of electrical phenomena.

Know structure of the atom. Explanation of electrical phenomena.

Frontal survey


Presentation “Models of Atoms”

Constant electric current.Sources direct current. Electric circuit and its components.

Know the concepts: constant electric current. DC sources. Electric circuit and its components.

Working with didactic material


Electric charge carriers in metals, semiconductors and electrolytes. Semiconductor devices . Actions of electric current. Direction of current.

Know action of electric current. Direction of current.

Test No. 2 “Electrical phenomena”


Current strength. Units of current. Ammeter. Current measurement.

Know the concept of current. Units of current. Ammeter.

Frontal survey


Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 3 “Assembly” electrical circuit and measurement of current strength in its various sections"

L.r. No. 3 “Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current strength in its various sections”


Electrical voltage Units of voltage. Voltmeter. Voltage measurement.

Know the concept electrical voltage Units of voltage. Voltmeter

Frontal survey


Presentation "Electrical safety"

Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 4 “Voltage measurement in various parts of the electrical circuit”

L.r. No. 4 “Voltage measurement in various parts of the electrical circuit”


Dependence of current on voltage. Electrical resistance of conductors.

Know the dependence of current on voltage. Electrical resistance of conductors.

Frontal survey


Ohm's law for a section of a circuit.

Know Ohm's law for a section of a circuit.

Working with didactic material


Calculation of conductor resistance. Resistivity.

Know the concept resistivity.

Working with didactic material


Solving problems on calculating conductor resistance.

Be able to apply formulas

Physical dictation


Rheostats .

Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 5 “Regulating the current strength with a rheostat.”

L.r. No. 5 “Regulating the current strength with a rheostat.”


Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 6 “Measuring conductor resistance using an ammeter and voltmeter.”

L.r. No. 6 “Measuring conductor resistance using an ammeter and voltmeter.”


Serial and parallel connection of conductors.

Know series and parallel connection of conductors.

Frontal survey


Solving problems on types of conductor connections.

Be able to apply formulas

Working with didactic material

Generalization and repetition of the topic “Current strength. Voltage. Resistance".



Be able to apply formulas and concepts of the topic “Current strength. Voltage. Resistance" when solving problems.

K.r. No. 3 on the topic “Current strength. Voltage. Resistance".

K.r. No. 3 on the topic “Current strength. Voltage. Resistance".


Work and power of electric current. Units of electric current work.

Know the concepts: work and power of electric current. Units of electric current work.

Frontal survey


L.r. No. 7 “Measurement of power and current work in an electric lamp”

Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 7 “Measurement of power and current work in an electric lamp”


Heating of conductors by electric current. Joule-Lenz law.

Know Joule–Lenz law

Test No. 3 " Electricity»


Presentation “Application of the thermal effect of current”

Incandescent lamp. Electric heating devices. Short circuit. Circuit breakers

Know the principle of operation and purpose of incandescent lamps, electric heating devices, fuses.

Frontal survey

Repetition and generalization of the topic “Work, power and thermal effect of electric current.”

Know the concepts and formulas of the topic.

Game “What? Where? When?"


Be able to apply the formulas and concepts of the topic “Work, power and thermal effect of electric current.” when solving problems.

K.r. No. 4 on the topic “Work, power and thermal effect of electric current.”

K.r. No. 4 on the topic “Work, power and thermal effect of electric current.”


Electromagnetic phenomena 5 hours

Oersted's experience. Magnetic field of current. Direct current magnetic field. Magnetic lines.

Know the concepts: Magnetic field of current. Direct current magnetic field. Magnetic lines.

Frontal survey


Magnetic field of a current coil. Electromagnet.

Magnetic field of a current-carrying coil. Electromagnet.

Frontal survey


Presentation “Application of electromagnets in medicine”

L.r. No. 8 “Assembling an electromagnet and testing its action»

Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 8 “Assembling an electromagnet and testing its action”

Interaction permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field.

Interaction of permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field.

Frontal survey


The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor.Electric motor.

Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 9 “Study of the DC electric motor.”

L.r. No. 9 “Study of the DC electric motor.”


Light phenomena 10 hours

Know the concepts: Light. Sources of light. Rectilinear propagation of light.

Frontal survey


Laws of light reflection.

Know the laws of light reflection.

Frontal survey


Flat mirror.

Be able to construct images in the mirror.

Working with didactic material


Report “Optical system of the Hubble Space Telescope”

Light refraction.

Know the laws light refraction.

Frontal survey


Know the concepts: Lenses. Focal length of the lens. Optical power of the lens.

Working with didactic material


Project “Eye and Vision” (3 hours)

Images produced by a lens.

Be able to construct images produced by a lens.

Working with didactic material


Optical instruments. The eye as an optical system.

Know the optical system of the eye.

Protection of the “Eye and Vision” project



Be able to work with instruments, measure and process the data obtained, and formulate conclusions.

L.r. No. 10 “Obtaining an image using a lens.”


Be able to apply knowledge on the topic when performing CR.

K.r. No. 5 on the topic “Light phenomena”.

K.r. No. 5 on the topic “Light phenomena”.

Chapter V

Be able to work with additional literature, conduct research, generalize, draw conclusions, and lead a discussion.

Defense of the project “Physics of Natural Phenomena”


Reserve time.





less than 66%


Evaluation of students' oral responses.

Rating 5 is given if the student shows a correct understanding of the physical essence of the phenomena and patterns, laws and theories under consideration, gives an accurate definition and interpretation of the basic concepts and laws, theories, as well as the correct definition of physical quantities, their units and methods of measurement; correctly executes drawings, diagrams and graphs; builds an answer according to his own plan, accompanies the story with new examples, knows how to apply knowledge in a new situation when performing practical tasks; can establish a connection between the material being studied and previously studied in the physics course, as well as with the material acquired while studying other subjects.

Score 4 is given if the student’s answer satisfies the basic requirements for an answer for a grade of 5, but without using his own plan, new examples, without applying knowledge in a new situation, without using connections with previously studied material learned in the study of other subjects; if the student has made one mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can correct them independently or with a little help from the teacher.

Score 3 is given if the student correctly understands the physical essence of the phenomena and patterns under consideration, but the answer contains certain gaps in mastering the questions of the physics course; does not interfere with the further assimilation of program material, is able to apply the acquired knowledge when solving simple tasks using ready-made formulas, but finds it difficult to solve problems that require transforming some formulas; made no more than one gross and one minor mistake, no more than two or three minor mistakes.

Score 2 is given if the student has not mastered basic knowledge in accordance with the requirements and has made more errors and omissions than necessary for a grade of 3.

Evaluation of written tests.

Rating 5 awarded for work completed completely without errors or omissions.

Score 4 awarded for work completed in full, but if there is no more than one error and one omission, no more than three omissions.

Score 3 awarded for work that is completed 2/3 of the entire work correctly or with no more than one gross error, no more than three minor errors, one minor error and three defects, if there are four to five defects.

Score 2 awarded for work in which the number of errors and omissions exceeded the norm for a grade of 3 or less than 2/3 of the work was completed correctly.

Evaluation of laboratory work.

Rating 5 is given if the student has completed the work in full in compliance with the required sequence of experiments and measurements; assembles independently and rationally necessary equipment; conducts all experiments under conditions and modes that ensure correct results and conclusions are obtained; complies with the requirements of safe work rules; in the report, correctly and accurately completes all entries, tables, figures, drawings, graphs, calculations, and correctly performs error analysis.

Score 4 is given if the student completed the work in accordance with the requirements for a grade of 5, but made two or three shortcomings, no more than one minor error and one shortcoming.

Score 3 is given if the student has not completed the work completely, but the volume of the completed part is such that it allows one to obtain correct results and conclusions if errors were made during the experiment and measurements.

Score 2 is given if the student has not completed the work completely and the amount of work completed does not allow for correct conclusions and calculations to be made; observations were carried out incorrectly.

List of errors.

I. Gross errors.

1. Ignorance of the definitions of basic concepts, laws, rules, theoretical provisions, formulas, generally accepted symbols, designations of physical quantities, units of measurement.

2. Inability to highlight the main thing in an answer.

3. Inability to apply knowledge to solve problems and explain physical phenomena; incorrectly formulated questions, assignments or incorrect explanations of how to solve them, ignorance of techniques for solving problems similar to those previously solved in class; errors showing a misunderstanding of the problem statement or a misinterpretation of the solution.

5. Inability to prepare installation or laboratory equipment for work, carry out experiments, necessary calculations, or use the data obtained for drawing conclusions.

6. Negligent attitude towards laboratory equipment and measuring instruments.

7. Inability to determine the readings of a measuring device.

8. Violation of the requirements of safe labor rules when performing an experiment.

II. Non-blunders.

1. Inaccuracies in formulations, definitions, laws, theories caused by the incompleteness of the answer to the main features of the concept being defined. Errors caused by non-compliance with the conditions of the experiment or measurements.

2. Errors in symbols on circuit diagrams, inaccuracies in drawings, graphs, diagrams.

3. Omission or inaccurate spelling of names of units of physical quantities.

4. Irrational choice of solution.

III. Shortcomings.

  1. Irrational entries in calculations, irrational methods of calculations, transformations and problem solving.
  2. Arithmetic errors in calculations, if these errors do not grossly distort the reality of the result obtained.
  3. Individual errors in the wording of the question or answer.
  4. Careless execution of notes, drawings, diagrams, graphs.
  5. Spelling and punctuation errors.


List of literature for students

Lange V.N. Experimental physical problems for ingenuity / V.N Lange.-M.: Nauka, 1985.

Lukashik V.I. Collection of problems in physics for grades 7-9 of educational institutions / V.I. Lukashik, E.V. Ivanova. – M.: Education, 2011

Lukashik V.I. Collection of school Olympiad problems in physics / V.I. Lukashik E.V. Ivanova.- M.: Education, 2007

Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining physics / Ya.I. Perelman.- M.: Nauka, 1980.- Book 1-4.

Perelman Ya.I. Do you know physics?/ Ya.I. Perelman. - M.: Nauka, 1992.

List of literature for teachers.

Aganov A.V. Physics around us: qualitative problems in physics / A.V. Aganov. - M.: House of Pelagogics, 1998.

Butyrsky G.A. Experimental problems in physics / G.A. Butyrsky, Yu.A. Saurov. - M.: Education, 1998.

Kabardin O.F. Problems in physics / O.F. Kabardin, V.A. Orlov, A.R. Zilberman. - M.: Bustard, 2007.

Kabardin O.F. Collection of experimental tasks and practical work in physics / O.F. Kabardin, V.A. Orlov; edited by Yu.I. Dika, V.A. Orlova. - M.: AST, Astrel, 2005.

Malinin A.N. Collection of questions and problems in physics / A.N. Malinin. - M.: Education, 2002.

Tulchinsky M.E. Entertaining problems - paradoxes and sophisms in physics / M.E. Tulchinsky. - M.: Education, 1971.

Tulchinsky M.E. Qualitative problems in physics / M.E. Tulchinsky. - M.: Education, 1971.

Chernoutsan A.I. Physics: problems with answers and solutions / A.I Chernoutsan. - M.: Higher School, 2003.

Electronic educational resources

1. Educational electronic publication “Physics 7-11 classes workshop” - PHYSIKON, 2004.

2. Physics library of visual aids for grades 7-11 - Bustard, 2004.

3.Open astronomy grades 9-11 – PHYSIKON, 2005.

4.Physical workshop grades 9-11 / V.V. Aleshkin, A.A. Bolshakova, A.N. Salnikov - Alex Prof.

5. Catalog of educational resources on the Internet.

6.Russian general education portal.

7.Unified catalog of educational Internet resources.,

Explanatory note

Place of the subject in education

Physics as a science makes a special contribution to solving the general problems of education and upbringing of the individual, since the system of knowledge about natural phenomena, the properties of space and time, matter and field shapes the worldview of schoolchildren. Studying this course should contribute to the development of students’ thinking, increase their interest in the subject, and prepare them for an in-depth perception of the material at the next stage of education.

Knowledge of physical laws is necessary for studying chemistry, biology, physical geography, technology, and life safety.

Goals and objectives of studying a subject

Main goals

· knowledge acquisition about thermal, electrical, magnetic and light phenomena, electromagnetic waves; quantities characterizing these phenomena; the laws to which they are subject; methods of scientific knowledge of nature and the formation on this basis of ideas about the physical picture of the world;

· mastery of skillsconduct observations of natural phenomena, describe and summarize the results of observations, use simple measuring instruments to study physical phenomena; present the results of observations or measurements using tables, graphs and identify empirical dependencies on this basis; apply the acquired knowledge to explain various natural phenomena and processes, the principles of operation of the most important technical devices, to solve physical problems;

· development cognitive interests, intellectual and creativity, independence in acquiring new knowledge when solving physical problems and performing experimental studies using information technologies;

· upbringing conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology; attitudes towards physics as an element of universal human culture;

· application of acquired knowledge and skillsfor solving practical problems Everyday life, to ensure the safety of their lives, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.

Main tasks studying a physics course in 8th grade are:

- development of thinkingstudents, developing skills independentlyacquire and apply knowledge, observe and explain physical phenomena;

Students' mastery of knowledgeabout the wide possibilities of applying physical laws in practical human activity in order to solve environmental problems.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the educational program

Personal results of studying physics are:

Formation of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

Conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for the wise use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude towards physics as an element of universal human culture;

Independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills;

Willingness to choose a life path in accordance with one’s own interests and capabilities;

Motivation educational activities schoolchildren based on a personality-oriented approach;

Formation of value relationships towards each other, the teacher, authors of discoveries and inventions, and learning outcomes.

Meta-subject results of teaching physicsin basic school are:

Mastery of skills independent acquisition new knowledge, organizing educational activities, setting goals, planning, self-control and evaluation of the results of one’s activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one’s actions;

Understanding the differences between initial facts and hypotheses to explain them, theoretical models and real objects, mastering universal learning activities using examples of hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental testing of put forward hypotheses, development of theoretical models of processes or phenomena;

Formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the assigned tasks, highlight the main content of the text read, find answers to the questions posed in it and present it;

Gaining experience in independent search, analysis and selection of information using various sources and new information technologies to solve cognitive problems;

Development of monologue and dialogical speech, the ability to express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand his point of view, recognize the right of another person to have a different opinion;

Mastering methods of action in non-standard situations, mastering heuristic methods of problem solving;

Formation of skills to work in a group with the fulfillment of various social roles, to present and defend one’s views and beliefs, and to lead a discussion.

General subject results of teaching physicsin basic school are:

Knowledge about the nature of the most important physical phenomena of the surrounding world and understanding of the meaning of physical laws that reveal the connection of the studied phenomena;

Ability to use methods scientific research natural phenomena, make observations, plan and perform experiments, process measurement results, present measurement results using tables, graphs and formulas, detect dependencies between physical quantities, explain the results obtained and draw conclusions, evaluate the error limits of measurement results;

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in physics in practice, solve physical problems to apply the acquired knowledge;

Abilities and skills to apply acquired knowledge to explain the principles of operation of the most important technical devices, solve practical problems of everyday life, ensure the safety of one’s life, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;

Forming a belief in the natural connection and knowability of natural phenomena, in the objectivity of scientific knowledge, in the high value of science in the development of the material and spiritual culture of people;

Development of theoretical thinking based on the formation of skills to establish facts, distinguish causes and effects, build models and put forward hypotheses, find and formulate evidence of put forward hypotheses, derive physical laws from experimental facts and theoretical models;

Communication skills to report the results of your research, participate in discussions, answer questions briefly and accurately, use reference books and other sources of information.

Particular subject results of teaching physicsin basic school, on which the overall results are based are:

Understanding and ability to explain such physical phenomena as the processes of evaporation and melting of matter, cooling of a liquid during evaporation, changes in the internal energy of a body as a result of heat transfer or the work of external forces,

electrification of bodies, heating of conductors by electric current,

reflection and refraction of light

Ability to measure temperature, amount of heat, specific heat capacity of a substance, specific heat of fusion of a substance, air humidity, electric current, electric voltage, electric charge, electrical resistance, focal length of a collecting lens, optical power of the lens;

Mastery of experimental research methods in the process of independent study

current strength in a section of the circuit from electrical voltage, electrical resistance of the conductor from its length, cross-sectional area and material,

angle of reflection from the angle of incidence of light;

Understanding the meaning of basic physical laws and the ability to apply them in practice:

law of conservation of energy, law of conservation of electric charge, Ohm's law for a section of a circuit, Joule-Lenz law;

Understanding the principles of operation of machines, instruments and technical devices that every person constantly encounters in everyday life, and how to ensure safety when using them;

Mastery of various methods of performing calculations to find an unknown quantity in accordance with the conditions of the task based on the use of the laws of physics;

The ability to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life (everyday life, ecology, health care, environmental protection, safety precautions, etc.).

Features of the organization educational process by subject

The work program is compiled on the basis of the author’s program E.M. Gutnik, A.V. Peryshkin from the collection “Programs for general education institutions. Physics. Astronomy. 7 – 11 grades / compiled by V.A. Korovin, V.A. Orlov. - M.: Bustard, 2010.

When implementing the work program, the textbook “Physics 8th grade” by the authors A. V. Peryshkin and E. M. Gutnik is used, which is included in the Federal list of textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

According to the basic curriculum The work program is designed for 70 hours per year, 2 hours per week.

The main form of organization of the educational process is the classroom-lesson system.

Particularly important in teaching physics is the school physics experiment, which includes a demonstration experiment and independent laboratory work by students. These methods correspond to the peculiarities of physical science.

The program provides for the following types of lessons:

I. Lesson on learning new material

II. Lesson on improving knowledge, skills and abilities

III. Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge

IV. Lesson in control

V. Combined lesson

(the type of lesson is indicated in the calendar-thematic planning in the column

"Form of training session")

Training and metodology complex

This educational and methodological complex implements the task of the concentric principle of constructing educational material, which reflects the idea of ​​​​forming a holistic idea of ​​the physical picture of the world

Forms and controls

Main types of knowledge testing - current and final.

The current test is carried out systematically from lesson to lesson, and the final test is carried out at the end of the topic (section) of the 8th grade course.

The main methods of testing the knowledge and skills of students in the 8th grade are oral questioning, written and laboratory work.

Written testing is carried out in the form of physical dictations, tests, tests and independent work.

The computer is an effective means of testing students' knowledge. It makes it easy to take and review electronic tests on a variety of topics.

The number and distribution of control lessons by topic are shown in the table:

(criteria and norms for assessing students’ knowledge, skills and abilities are indicated in the appendix)


Test materials

Introductory test No. 1

Option #1

1. The water evaporated and turned into steam. How did the movement and arrangement of molecules change? Did the molecules themselves change?

2. A greyhound reaches speeds of up to 16 m/s. How far can she travel in 5 minutes?

3. The thickness of the ice on the river is such that it can withstand a pressure of 40 kPa. Can a tractor weighing 5.4 tons pass on ice if it rests on tracks with a total area of ​​1.5 m? 2 ?

Option No. 2

1. Why is the aroma of perfume felt from a distance?

2. At what speed does the whale move if it took him 3 minutes 20 seconds to cover 3 km?

3. At what depth is the water pressure in the sea equal to 2060 kPa? Density of sea water 1030 kg/m3

Test No. 2 “Thermal phenomena”

Option #1

1. A steel part weighing 500 g heated up by 20 degrees during processing. What is the change in internal energy of the part?

2. What mass of gunpowder needs to be burned so that its complete combustion releases 38,000 kJ of energy?

3. Tin and brass balls same mass taken at a temperature of 20 degrees, lowered into hot water. Will the water balls receive the same amount of heat when heated?

4. By how many degrees will the temperature of water weighing 20 kg change if all the energy released during the combustion of 20 g of gasoline is transferred to it?

Option No. 2

1. Determine the mass of a silver spoon if 250 J of energy is required to change its temperature from 20 to 40 degrees.

2. What amount of heat will be released during the complete combustion of peat weighing 200 g?

3. Steel and lead weights weighing 1 kg each were heated in boiling water and then placed on ice. Which weight will melt under? more ice?

4. What mass of kerosene needs to be burned to produce the same amount of energy as its

Is released during complete combustion of coal weighing 500 g?

Test No. 3 “Changes in the aggregate states of matter”

Option 1

1. What amount of heat is required to melt a copper billet weighing 100 g, taken at a temperature of 1075ºC?

2. When water boiled, 690 kJ of energy was expended. Find the mass of water evaporated.

3. The figure shows a graph of changes in water temperature depending on heating time. Which processes correspond to sections of the graph AB, BC and SD?

4. Two cylinders of the same mass: one made of cast iron, the other made of copper, were heated to the same temperature and placed on ice. Which cylinder will melt the most ice? Explain your answer.

Option 2

1. What amount of heat is required to convert 200 g of water taken at a temperature of 50ºC into steam?

2. Determine the mass of a copper bar if 42 kJ of energy is required to melt it.

3. The figure shows a graph of changes in the temperature of aluminum depending on the heating time. Which processes correspond to sections of the graph AB, BC and SD?

4. Copper and lead cubes of the same mass were dipped into boiling water, and then taken out of it and placed on a layer of paraffin. Which cube will melt the most paraffin? Explain your answer.

Test No. 4 “Electrical phenomena”

Option #1

1. The current strength in the coil of an electric boiler is 4 A. Determine the resistance of the coil if the voltage at the boiler terminals is 220 V.

2. Resistors with resistances of 30 Ohms and 50 Ohms are connected in series and connected to the battery. The voltage across the first resistor is 3 V. Find the voltage across the second resistor?

3. What is the resistance of a 40 W lamp operating at 220 V?

4. Determine the voltage at the ends of the conductor, the resistivity of which is 0.4 Ohm*mm 2 /m, if its length is 6 m, cross-sectional area is 0.08 mm 2 , and the current in it is 0.6 A.

5. Draw a diagram of a circuit consisting of series-connected current sources, an incandescent lamp, two resistors and a switch. How to connect a voltmeter to this circuit to measure the voltage on the lamp?

Option No. 2

1. Determine what voltage needs to be applied to a conductor with a resistance of 0.25 Ohms so that the conductor carries a current of 30 A.

2. Electric stove with a resistance of 40 Ohms and an incandescent lamp with a resistance of 400 Ohms are connected in series and included in a circuit with a voltage of 220 V. Determine the current strength in the circuit.

3. The current strength in the spiral of an electric boiler with a power of 600 W is 5 A. Determine the resistance of the spiral.

4. Determine the current strength in a conductor with a length of 125 m and a cross-sectional area of ​​10 mm 2 , if the voltage at the terminals is 80 V, and the resistivity of the material from which the conductor is made is 0.4 Ohm*mm 2/ m.

5. Draw a diagram of an electrical circuit consisting of a current source, a switch, an electric lamp and two resistors connected in parallel. How to turn on an ammeter to measure current in a circuit?

Pedagogical technologies, teaching aids

The following are envisaged:learning technologies:

  1. gaming technology
  2. elements of problem-based learning
  3. level differentiation technologies
  4. health-saving technologies

Required training tools:

teacher's word, textbooks, teaching aids, anthologies, reference books, etc.;

handouts and didactic materials;

technical teaching aids (devices and manuals for them);

physical devices, etc.

Teaching aids are located in the school physical room.

Educational and thematic plan

Final repetition (reserve time)


Thermal phenomena (12 hours)

Thermal movement. Thermometer. The relationship between temperature and the average speed of movement of its molecules. Internal energy. Two ways to change internal energy: heat transfer and work. Types of heat transfer. Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity of a substance. Specific heat of combustion of fuel. Law of conservation of energy in mechanical and thermal processes.


Change in body energy when doing work. Convection in liquid. Heat transfer by radiation. Comparison of specific heat capacities of various substances.

Laboratory works.

No. 1. Study of changes in temperature of cooling water over time.

No. 2. Comparison of heat amounts when mixing water of different temperatures.

No. 3. Measurement of specific heat capacity of a solid.

Change in aggregative states of matter (11 hours)

Aggregate states of matter. Melting and solidification of bodies. Melting temperature. Specific heat of fusion. Evaporation and condensation. Saturated steam. Relative air humidity and its measurement. Psychrometer. Boiling. Dependence of boiling temperature on pressure. Specific heat of vaporization. Explanation of changes in states of aggregation based on molecular kinetic concepts. Energy conversion in heat engines. Internal combustion engine. Steam turbine. Fridge. Heat engine efficiency. Environmental problems of using thermal machines.


The phenomenon of evaporation. Boiling water. Dependence of boiling temperature on pressure. Melting and crystallization of substances. Measuring air humidity with a psychrometer. The structure of a four-stroke internal combustion engine. Steam turbine design.

Laboratory work .

No. 4. Measuring relative air humidity.

Electrical phenomena (27 hours)

Electrification of bodies. Two types of electric charges. Conductors, non-conductors (dielectrics) and semiconductors. Interaction of charged bodies. Electric field. Law of conservation of electric charge. Divisibility of electric charge. Electron. The structure of atoms.

Electricity. Galvanic cells and batteries. Actions of electric current. Direction of electric current. Electrical circuit. Electric current in metals. Electric current carriers in semiconductors, gases and electrolytes. Semiconductor devices. Current strength. Ammeter. Electrical voltage. Voltmeter. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a section of an electrical circuit. Specific electrical resistance. Rheostats. Serial and parallel connections of conductors.

Work and current power. The amount of heat generated by a current-carrying conductor. Incandescent lamp. Electric heating devices. Electric meter. Calculation of electricity consumed by an electrical appliance. Short circuit. Fuses.


Electrification of bodies. Two types of electric charges. The structure and operation of an electroscope. Conductors and insulators. Electrification through influence. Transfer of electric charge from one body to another. DC sources. Drawing up an electrical circuit.

Laboratory works.

No. 5. Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current in its various sections.

No. 6. Measuring voltage in various parts of an electrical circuit.

No. 7. Current regulation by rheostat.

No. 8. Study of the dependence of the current in a conductor on the voltage at its ends at constant resistance. Resistance measurement.

No. 9. Measurement of work and power of electric current in a lamp.

Electromagnetic phenomena (7 hours)

Magnetic field of current. Electromagnets and their application. Permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field. Magnetic storms. The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor. Electric motor. Speaker and microphone.


Oersted's experience. The principle of operation of a microphone and loudspeaker.

Laboratory works.

No. 10. Assembling an electromagnet and testing its action.

No. 11. Study of a DC electric motor (on a model).

Light phenomena (9 hours)

Sources of light. Rectilinear propagation of light in a homogeneous medium. Reflection of light. Law of reflection. Flat mirror. Light refraction. Lens. Focal length and optical power of the lens. Constructing images in lenses. The eye as an optical system. Visual defects. Optical instruments.


Sources of light. Rectilinear propagation of light. Law of light reflection. Image in a plane mirror. Light refraction. Path of rays in converging and diverging lenses. Taking images using lenses. The principle of operation of the projection apparatus. Model of the eye.

Laboratory works.

No. 12. Study of the dependence of the angle of reflection on the angle of incidence of light.

No. 13. Study of the dependence of the angle of refraction on the angle of incidence of light.

No. 14. Measuring the focal length of a converging lens. Receiving images.

Final repetition (reserve time) (4 hours)

The distribution of hours by topic fully corresponds to the author's program.

Requirements for the level of student preparation

The student must know/understand:

  1. The meaning of concepts : physical phenomenon, physical law, interaction, electric field, magnetic field, atom.
  2. The meaning of physical quantities:internal energy, temperature, amount of heat, specific heat, air humidity, electric charge, electric current, electric voltage, electrical resistance, work and power of electric current, focal length of the lens.
  3. The meaning of physical laws:conservation of energy in thermal processes, conservation of electric charge, Ohm for a section of a circuit, Joule - Lenz, rectilinear propagation of light, reflection and refraction of light.

Be able to:

  1. Describe and explain physical phenomena:thermal conductivity, convection, radiation, evaporation, condensation, boiling, melting. Crystallization, electrification, interaction of electric charges, interaction of magnets, the effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor, the thermal effect of current, reflection, refraction of light
  2. Use physical devices and measuring instruments for measuring physical quantities:temperature, air humidity, current, voltage, resistance, work and power of electric current.
  3. Present measurement results using graphs and identify empirical dependencies on this basis:temperature of a cooling body versus time, current strength versus voltage in a section of the circuit, angle of reflection versus angle of incidence, angle of refraction versus angle of incidence.
  4. Express the results of measurements and calculations in SI units
  5. Give examples practical use physical knowledgeabout thermal, electromagnetic phenomena
  6. Search for information independentlynatural science content using various sources and its processing and presentation in different forms(verbal, graphic, schematic….)
  7. Use acquired knowledge and skills in everyday lifeto ensure safety during use Vehicle, electrical appliances, electronic equipment; monitoring the serviceability of electrical wiring.

List of educational and methodological teaching aids

Main literature:

  1. Peryshkin A.V. Physics. 8th grade: Textbook. for general education. establishments. M.: Bustard, 2008
  2. Gutnik E. M. Physics. 8th grade: Thematic and lesson planning for the textbook by A. V. Peryshkin “Physics. 8th grade” / E. M. Gutnik, E. V. Rybakova. Ed. E. M. Gutnik. – M.: Bustard, 2002. – 96 p. ill.
  3. Kabardin O. F., Orlov V. A. Physics. Tests. Grades 7-9: Educational method. allowance. – M.: Bustard, 2000. – 96 p. ill.
  4. Lukashik V.I. Collection of problems in physics: Textbook for students of grades 7-9. avg. school – M.: Education, 2007.
  5. Minkova R. D. Thematic and lesson planning in physics: 8th Grade: To the textbook by A. V. Peryshkin “Physics. 8th grade” / R. D. Minkova, E. N. Panaioti. – M.: Exam, 2003. – 127 p. ill.

additional literature

  1. Didactic task cards by M. A. Ushakova, K. M. Ushakova, didactic materials on physics (A. E. Maron, E. A. Maron)
  2. Tests (N. K. Khannanov, T. A. Khannanova)
  3. Lukashik V. I. Physics Olympiad in grades 6-7 high school: A manual for students.

To implement the educational process it is necessarytechnical means

computer, multimedia projector, projection screen.

Digital Educational Resources

No. 1 Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius “Physics Lessons”

No. 2 “Physics, grades 7-11 Phizikon LLC”

No. 3 Library of visual aids 1C: Education “Physics, grades 7-11”

No. 4 Library of electronic visual aids “Astronomy grades 10-11” Physikon LLC

Demonstration equipment

Thermal phenomena. Changes in aggregate states of matter

1. A set of instruments for demonstrating types of heat transfer

2. Models of crystal lattices

3. Models of internal combustion engines, steam turbines

4. Calorimeter, a set of bodies for calorimetric work.

5. Psychrometer, thermometer, hygrometer

Electrical phenomena. Electromagnetic phenomena

1. A set of devices for demonstrations on electrostatics.

2. Set for studying the laws of direct current

3. A set of instruments for studying magnetic fields

4. Electric bell

5. Collapsible electromagnet

Light phenomena

1. Geometric optics set

Equipment for laboratory work

Laboratory work No. 1

"Study of changes in temperature of cooling water over time."

Equipment : glass of water, clock, thermometer

Laboratory work No. 2

« Comparison of heat amounts when mixing water of different temperatures».

Equipment: calorimeter, measuring cylinder, thermometer, glass

Laboratory work No. 3

"Measurement of the specific heat capacity of a solid."

Equipment : a glass of water, a calorimeter, a thermometer, scales, weights, a metal cylinder on a thread, a vessel with hot water.

Laboratory work No. 4

"Measuring relative air humidity."

Equipment: 2 thermometers, a piece of gauze, a glass of water.

Laboratory work No. 5

« Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current in its various sections.”

Equipment : power supply, low-voltage lamp on a stand, key, ammeter, connecting wires.

Laboratory work No. 6

« Measuring voltage in various parts of an electrical circuit."

Equipment: power supply, resistors, low-voltage lamp on a stand, voltmeter, key, connecting wires.

Laboratory work No. 7

“Regulating the current strength with a rheostat.”

Equipment : power supply, slider rheostat, ammeter, key, connecting wires.

Laboratory work No. 8

“Study of the dependence of the current in a conductor on the voltage at its ends at constant resistance. Resistance measurement."

Equipment: power source, conductor under test, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, key, connecting wires.

Laboratory work No. 9

« Measurement of work and power of electric current in a lamp."

Equipment : power supply, ammeter, voltmeter, key, connecting wires,

low voltage lamp on a stand. Stopwatch.

Laboratory work No. 10

« Assembling an electromagnet and testing its action."

Equipment: power supply, key, connecting wires, slider rheostat, compass, parts for assembling an electromagnet.

Laboratory work No. 11

"Study of a DC electric motor (using a model)."

Equipment: electric motor model, power supply, key, connecting wires.Laboratory work No. 12

“Study of the dependence of the angle of reflection on the angle of incidence of light”

Equipment: geometric optics set

Laboratory work No. 13

« Study of the dependence of the angle of refraction on the angle of incidence of light."

Equipment : geometric optics set

Laboratory work No. 14

« Measuring the focal length of a converging lens. Receiving images."

Equipment: a collecting lens, a screen, a lamp with a cap in which a slot is made, a measuring tape.

This work program is based on
Sample program for basic general physics
education, author's physics course program for 79
classes of general education institutions (Moscow
“Enlightenment” 2004, authors E. M. Gutnik, A. V.

drawing up
were guided by:
 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273
Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation»;
 The basic curriculum of general education
institutions of the Russian Federation, approved
by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1312 of 03/09/2004;
 Federal
standard of general education, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089;

 letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 28
October 2015 No. 081786 “On work programs
educational subjects";
 “Regulations on the procedure for approval and structure
work programs of training courses, subjects,
disciplines (modules) of teaching staff
MBOU "Sinekincherskaya secondary school.
Requirements for the level of training
As a result of studying 8th grade physics, a student
 meaning of concepts: physical phenomenon, physical law,
matter, interaction, electric field, magnetic

field, wave, atom, atomic nucleus ionizing
 the meaning of physical quantities: work,
kinetic energy,
potential energy,
efficiency, internal energy,


heat capacity, air humidity, electric charge,
electric current strength, electric voltage,
electrical resistance, work and power
electric current, lens focal length; law
conservation of energy in thermal processes, conservation
electric charge, Ohm for the electrical section
chain, Joule-Lenz, rectilinear propagation
light, light reflection;
be able to:
 describe and explain physical phenomena: diffusion,
thermal conductivity, convection, radiation, evaporation,

electrification of bodies, interaction of electric charges,
interaction of magnets, the effect of a magnetic field on
current carrying conductor
thermal effect of current,
electromagnetic induction, reflection, refraction
 use physical instruments and measuring instruments
instruments for measuring physical quantities:
distance, time period, mass, temperature,
current, voltage, electrical resistance,
work and power of electric current;
 present measurement results using tables,
graphs and identify empirical
dependencies: temperature of a cooling body on time,
current strength from voltage on the circuit section, reflection angle
from the angle of incidence of light, the angle of refraction from the angle of incidence

 express the results of measurements and calculations in units
International system;
 provide examples of practical use
physical knowledge about mechanical,
electromagnetic and quantum phenomena;
 solve problems using the studied physical
 independently search for information
natural science content using
various sources (educational texts, reference and
popular science publications, computer databases,
Internet resources), its processing and presentation in
in different forms (verbally, using graphs,
mathematical symbols, drawings and block diagrams);
 use acquired knowledge and skills in
practical activities and daily life:

 to ensure safety during use
electrical appliances,
electronic equipment;
 monitoring the serviceability of electrical wiring, plumbing,
plumbing and gas appliances in the apartment;

Quantity of heat. Specific heat.
Radiation. Law of conservation of energy in thermal processes.
Melting and crystallization. Specific heat of fusion.
Melting and solidification schedule.
Energy conversion with changes in aggregate
Evaporation and condensation.
Specific heat
vaporization and condensation.
Work of steam and gas during expansion.
Boiling liquid. Air humidity.
Heat engines.
Fuel energy. Specific heat of combustion.
Aggregate states. Converting energy into heat
Heat engine efficiency.

Laboratory work.
1. Comparison of heat amounts when mixing water
different temperatures.
2.Measurement of the specific heat capacity of a solid.
II. Electrical phenomena. (27 hours)
Electrification of bodies. Electric charge. Interaction
charges. Two types of electric charge. Discreteness
electric charge. Electron.
Law of conservation of electric charge. Electrical
field. Electroscope. The structure of atoms.
Explanation of electrical phenomena.
Conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
The effect of an electric field on electric charges.
Constant electric current. Electrical sources

Carriers of free electric charges in metals,
liquids and gases. Electric circuit and its components
parts. Current strength. Units of current.
Current measurement.
Voltage. Units of voltage. Voltmeter. Measurement
voltage. Dependence of current on voltage.
Resistance. Units of resistance.
Ohm's law for a section of an electrical circuit.


Examples for calculating conductor resistance, current and
Serial and parallel connection of conductors.
Actions of electric current
Joule-Lenz's law. Work of electric current.
Electric current power.

Units of electric current work used in
Electric energy meter. Electric heating
Calculation of electricity consumed by household appliances.
Heating of conductors by electric current.
The amount of heat generated by a current-carrying conductor.
Incandescent lamp. Short circuit.
Circuit breakers.
Laboratory work.
3.Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current in it
various areas.
4.Voltage measurement in various areas
electrical circuit.
5.Regulation of current strength by rheostat.
6.Measuring conductor resistance using
ammeter and voltmeter.

7.Measurement of work and power of electric current.

III. Electromagnetic phenomena (7 hours)
A magnetic field. Direct current magnetic field. Magnetic
Magnetic field of a current-carrying coil. Electromagnets.
Application of electromagnets.
Permanent magnets.
Magnetic field constant
magnets. Earth's magnetic field.
The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor.


electrical measuring instruments.
Laboratory work.
8.Assembling the electromagnet and testing its action.
9. Study of DC electric motor.
IV. Light phenomena. (8 ocloc'k)
Sources of light.

Straight propagation, reflection and refraction
Sveta. Ray. Law of light reflection.
Flat mirror.
Optical power of the lens.
The image produced by a lens.
Measuring the focal length of a converging lens.
Optical instruments.
Eye and vision. Glasses.
Laboratory work.
10. Obtaining an image using a lens.
Thematic planning.
Textbook: Peryshkin A.V. “Physics. 8th grade.”
(2 hours per week, total 70 hours)
Topic 1


Thermal phenomena (26 h)
1/1 Thermal movement. Temperature.
2/2 Internal energy.
3/3 Ways to change internal energy
4/4 Thermal conductivity.
5/5 Convection.
6/6 Radiation.
7/7 Amount of heat
8/8 Specific heat capacity.
Calculation of heat amount
Problem solving
L.R. No. 1 “Comparison of amounts of heat
when mixing water."
L.R. 2. "Measurement of specific heat capacity
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3
§ 4
§ 5
§ 6
§ 7
§ 8
§ 9
§ 9.8
§ 9
§ 9
solid body."
Fuel energy.
Specific heat
§ 10
The law of conservation of energy in mechanical and
thermal processes. Problem solving
Test No. 1 on the topic
§ eleven
"Thermal phenomena".
16/1 Aggregate states of matter. Melting 1
§ 12

and hardening. Melt graph and
Specific heat of fusion.
Problem solving.
Energy absorption at
Specific heat of vaporization and
Air humidity. Determination methods
air humidity.
Work of gas and steam during expansion.
Internal combustion engine.
Steam turbine.
Thermal efficiency
§ 15

Problem solving.
K.R. No. 2 on the topic “Changing aggregate
states of matter"
Electrical phenomena (27 h)
27/1 Electrification of bodies upon contact.
Interaction of charged bodies.
28/2 Electroscope Conductors and non-conductors
§ 27

29/3 Divisibility

§ 28
Electric field
30/4 Structure of atoms.
31/5 Explanation of electrical phenomena.
32/6 Electric

electric current.
33/7 Electric circuit and its components.
34/8 Electric current in metals. Actions
electric cooker Direction of current.
35/9 Current strength. Units of current.
Ammeter. L.R. No. 3 “Measurement of current strength
in different parts of the chain"
§ 31
§ 32
§ 33
§ 34
§ 37
§ 38

Electrical voltage. Voltmeter.
§ 39
Voltage measurement.
L.R. No. 4 “Voltage measurements on
various parts of the electrical circuit"
Dependence of current on voltage.
Ohm's law for a section of a circuit.
Calculation of conductor resistance.
Rheostats. L.R. No. 5. "Power Regulation
current rheostat."
"Definition of Resistance
Series connection of conductors. 1
Parallel connection of conductors.
Problem solving.
§ 43
§ 42
Work of electric current. K.R. No. 3
topic “Electric current. Connections

municipal educational institution« Lipitsa secondary school»




for 8th grade

for the 2018 - 2019 academic year

(a basic level of)

Teacher: Smolyaninova Svetlana Anatolyevna

With. Lipitsa

Explanatory note

The work program for the subject “Physics” is compiled on the basis of the author’s program by A.V. Peryshkina, N.V. Filonovich, E.M., E.M. Gutnik “Program of basic general education. Physics. 7-9 grades", Bustard, 2013.

According to the institution’s curriculum, 2 hours per week, 70 hours per year are allocated for the implementation of this program.

Textbook used: Physics: textbook for 8th grade / Peryshkin A.V. – M.: “Drofa”, 2014.

Planned results of mastering the academic subject

Subject results

Thermal phenomena

The student will learn:

    recognize thermal phenomena and explain, on the basis of existing knowledge, the main properties or conditions for the occurrence of these phenomena: diffusion, change in the volume of bodies during heating (cooling), high compressibility of gases, low compressibility of liquids and solids; thermal equilibrium, evaporation, condensation, melting, crystallization, boiling, air humidity, various ways heat transfer (thermal conductivity, convection, radiation), aggregate states of matter, energy absorption during evaporation of liquid and its release during steam condensation, dependence of boiling point on pressure;

    describe the studied properties of bodies and thermal phenomena using physical quantities: amount of heat, internal energy, temperature, specific heat capacity of a substance, specific heat of fusion, specific heat of vaporization, specific heat of combustion of fuel, efficiency of a heat engine; when describing, correctly interpret the physical meaning of the quantities used, their designations and units of measurement, find formulas connecting a given physical quantity with other quantities, calculate the value of a physical quantity;

    analyze the properties of bodies, thermal phenomena and processes, using the basic principles of the atomic-molecular theory of the structure of matter and the law of conservation of energy;

    distinguish the main features of the studied physical models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids;

    give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge about thermal phenomena;

    solve problems using the law of conservation of energy in thermal processes and formulas relating physical quantities (amount of heat, temperature, specific heat capacity of a substance, specific heat of fusion, specific heat of vaporization, specific heat of combustion of fuel, efficiency of a heat engine): based on an analysis of the conditions The task is to write down a brief condition, identify physical quantities, laws and formulas necessary to solve it, carry out calculations and evaluate the reality of the obtained value of a physical quantity.


    use knowledge of thermal phenomena in everyday life to ensure safety when handling devices and technical devices, to maintain health and comply with environmental standards in environment; give examples of the environmental consequences of the operation of internal combustion engines, thermal and hydroelectric power plants;

    distinguish the limits of applicability of physical laws, understand the universal nature of fundamental physical laws (the law of conservation of energy in thermal processes) and the limitations of the use of particular laws;

    find a physical model adequate to the proposed problem, solve the problem both on the basis of existing knowledge about thermal phenomena using mathematical tools, and using assessment methods.

Electrical phenomena

The student will learn:

    recognize electrical phenomena and explain, on the basis of existing knowledge, the basic properties or conditions for the occurrence of these phenomena: electrification of bodies, interaction of charges, electric current and its effects (thermal, chemical, magnetic).

    draw up diagrams of electrical circuits with serial and parallel connection of elements, distinguishing symbols elements of electrical circuits (current source, switch, resistor, rheostat, light bulb, ammeter, voltmeter).

    describe the studied properties of bodies and electrical phenomena using physical quantities: electric charge, current strength, electrical voltage, electrical resistance, resistivity of a substance, electric field work, current power; when describing, correctly interpret the physical meaning of the quantities used, their designations and units of measurement; find formulas connecting a given physical quantity with other quantities.

    analyze the properties of bodies, electrical phenomena and processes, using physical laws: the law of conservation of electric charge, Ohm’s law for a section of a circuit, the Joule-Lenz law, while distinguishing between the verbal formulation of the law and its mathematical expression.

    give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge about electrical phenomena.

    solve problems using physical laws (Ohm's law for a section of a circuit, Joule-Lenz law) and formulas relating physical quantities (current strength, electrical voltage, electrical resistance, resistivity of a substance, electric field work, current power, formulas for calculating electrical resistance at serial and parallel connection of conductors); Based on the analysis of the problem conditions, write down a brief condition, highlight the physical quantities, laws and formulas necessary to solve it, carry out calculations and evaluate the reality of the obtained value of the physical quantity.

The student will have the opportunity to learn :

    use knowledge about electrical phenomena in everyday life to ensure safety when handling instruments and technical devices, to maintain health and comply with environmental standards; give examples of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms;

    distinguish the limits of applicability of physical laws, understand the universal nature of fundamental laws (the law of conservation of electric charge) and the limitations of the use of particular laws (Ohm’s law for a section of a circuit, the Joule-Lenz law, etc.);

    find a physical model adequate to the proposed problem, solve the problem both on the basis of existing knowledge about electromagnetic phenomena using mathematical tools, and using assessment methods.

Magnetic phenomena

The student will learn:

    recognize magnetic phenomena and explain, on the basis of existing knowledge, the basic properties or conditions for the occurrence of these phenomena: the interaction of magnets, electromagnetic induction, the action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor and on a moving charged particle, the action of an electric field on a charged particle.

    describe the studied properties of bodies and magnetic phenomena using physical quantities: the speed of electromagnetic waves; when describing, correctly interpret the physical meaning of the quantities used, their designations and units of measurement; find formulas connecting a given physical quantity with other quantities.

    analyze the properties of bodies, magnetic phenomena and processes using physical laws; at the same time, distinguish between the verbal formulation of the law and its mathematical expression.

    give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge about magnetic phenomena

    solve problems using physical laws and formulas connecting physical quantities; Based on the analysis of the problem conditions, write down a brief condition, highlight the physical quantities, laws and formulas necessary to solve it, carry out calculations and evaluate the reality of the obtained value of the physical quantity.

The student will have the opportunity to learn :

    use knowledge about magnetic phenomena in everyday life to ensure safety when handling instruments and technical devices, to maintain health and comply with environmental standards; give examples of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms;

    distinguish the limits of applicability of physical laws, understand the universal nature of fundamental laws.

    use techniques for constructing physical models, searching and formulating evidence for put forward hypotheses and theoretical conclusions based on empirically established facts;

find a physical model adequate to the proposed problem, solve the problem both on the basis of existing knowledge about magnetic phenomena using mathematical tools, and using the estimation method.

Light phenomena

The student will learn:

    recognize light phenomena and explain, based on existing knowledge, the basic properties or conditions for the occurrence of these phenomena: rectilinear propagation of light, reflection and refraction of light, dispersion of light.

    use optical circuits to construct images in a plane mirror and a collecting lens.

    describe the studied properties of bodies and light phenomena using physical quantities: focal length and optical power of the lens, speed of electromagnetic waves, wavelength and frequency of light; when describing, correctly interpret the physical meaning of the quantities used, their designations and units of measurement; find formulas connecting a given physical quantity with other quantities.

    analyze the properties of bodies, light phenomena and processes, using physical laws: the law of rectilinear propagation of light, the law of light reflection, the law of light refraction; at the same time, distinguish between the verbal formulation of the law and its mathematical expression.

    give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge about light phenomena.

    solve problems using physical laws (law of rectilinear propagation of light, law of light reflection, law of light refraction) and formulas relating physical quantities (focal length and optical power of a lens, speed of electromagnetic waves, wavelength and frequency of light): based on an analysis of the problem conditions write down a brief condition, highlight the physical quantities, laws and formulas necessary to solve it, carry out calculations and evaluate the reality of the obtained value of the physical quantity.

The student will have the opportunity to learn :

    use knowledge about light phenomena in everyday life to ensure safety when handling instruments and technical devices, to maintain health and comply with environmental standards; give examples of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms;

    distinguish the limits of applicability of physical laws, understand the universal nature of fundamental laws;

    use techniques for constructing physical models, searching and formulating evidence for put forward hypotheses and theoretical conclusions based on empirically established facts;

    find a physical model adequate to the proposed problem, solve the problem both on the basis of existing knowledge about light phenomena using mathematical tools, and using assessment methods.

Personal results

    formation of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities;

    conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude towards physics as an element of universal human culture;

    independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills;

    readiness to choose a life path in accordance with one’s own interests and capabilities;

    motivation of educational activities of schoolchildren based on a personality-oriented approach;

    formation of value relations towards each other, the teacher, authors of discoveries and inventions, learning outcomes.

Meta-subject results:

    mastering the skills of independently acquiring new knowledge, organizing educational activities, setting goals, planning, self-control and evaluation of the results of one’s activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one’s actions;

    understanding the differences between initial facts and hypotheses to explain them, theoretical models and real objects, mastering universal educational activities using examples of hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental testing of put forward hypotheses, developing theoretical models of processes or phenomena;

    formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the assigned tasks, highlight the main content of the text read, find answers to questions posed in it and present it;

    acquiring experience in independent search, analysis and selection of information using various sources and new information technologies to solve cognitive problems;

    development of monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand his point of view, recognize the right of another person to have a different opinion;

    mastering methods of action in non-standard situations, mastering heuristic methods of solving problems;

    developing the skills to work in a group while performing various social roles, to present and defend one’s views and beliefs, and to lead a discussion.

Thermal phenomena

Thermal movement. Thermometer. The relationship between temperature and the average speed of movement of its molecules. Internal energy. Two ways to change internal energy: heat transfer and work. Types of heat transfer. Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity of a substance. Specific heat of combustion of fuel. Evaporation and condensation. Boiling. Air humidity. Psychrometer. Melting and crystallization. Melting temperature. Dependence of boiling temperature on pressure. Explanation of changes in states of aggregation based on molecular kinetic concepts. Energy conversion in heat engines. Internal combustion engine. Steam turbine. Fridge. Heat engine efficiency. Environmental problems of using thermal machines. Law of conservation of energy in mechanical and thermal processes.

Laboratory works

Laboratory work No. 1 “Comparison of the amounts of heat when mixing water of different temperatures”

Laboratory work No. 2 “Measurement of the specific heat capacity of a solid body”

Laboratory work No. 3 “Measuring relative air humidity using a thermometer”

Electrical phenomena

Electrification of bodies. Two types of electric charges. Conductors, non-conductors (dielectrics) and semiconductors. Interaction of charged bodies. Electric field. Law of conservation of electric charge. Divisibility of electric charge. Electron. Electric field. Voltage. Capacitor. Electric field energy.

Electricity. Galvanic cells and batteries. Actions of electric current. Direction of electric current. Electrical circuit. Electric current in metals. Current strength. Ammeter. Voltmeter. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a section of an electrical circuit. Specific electrical resistance. Rheostats. Serial and parallel connections of conductors.

Work and current power. Joule-Lenz law. Incandescent lamp. Electric heating devices. Electric meter. Calculation of electricity consumed by an electrical appliance. Short circuit. Fuses. safety rules when working with electric current sources

Laboratory works

Laboratory work No. 4 “Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current strength in its various sections”

Laboratory work No. 5 “Voltage measurement”

Laboratory work No. 6 “Regulating current strength with a rheostat”

Laboratory work No. 7 “Determination of conductor resistance using an ammeter and voltmeter”

Laboratory work No. 8 “Measurement of power and current work in an electric lamp”

Magnetic phenomena

Permanent magnets. Interaction of magnets. A magnetic field. Magnetic field of current. Electromagnets and their application. Earth's magnetic field. Magnetic storms. The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor. DC motor.

Laboratory works

Laboratory work No. 9 “Assembling an electromagnet and testing its action”

Laboratory work No. 10 “Study of an electric DC motor (on a model)”

Light phenomena

Sources of light. Rectilinear propagation of light in a homogeneous medium. Reflection of light. Law of reflection. Flat mirror. Light refraction. Lens. Focal length and optical power of the lens. Constructing images in lenses. The eye as an optical system. Visual defects. Optical instruments.

Laboratory works

Laboratory work No. 11 “Obtaining an image using a lens”

Thematic planning indicating the number of hours,

allocated for the development of each topic


Topic title

Number of hours allocated

Number of tests

Number of laboratory works

Thermal phenomena

Electrical phenomena

Magnetic phenomena

Light phenomena



Calendar and thematic planning

Titles of sections/topics of lessons

Number of hours





Topic 1. THERMAL PHENOMENA (23 hours)

Introductory training on labor protection. Thermal movement. Internal energy.

Ways to change internal energy.

Types of heat transfer. Thermal conductivity. Convection. Radiation.

Comparison of types of heat transfer. Examples of heat transfer in nature and technology.

Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity of a substance.

Calculation of the amount of heat required to heat a body or released by a body when cooling

Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 1

“Comparison of the amounts of heat when mixing water of different temperatures”

Solving problems on calculating the amount of heat, finding the specific heat capacity of a substance.

Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 2 “Measurement of the specific heat capacity of a solid body”

Fuel energy. The law of conservation and transformation of energy in mechanical and thermal processes.


Repetition on the topic “Thermal Phenomena”

Test No. 1 “Thermal phenomena”

Analysis test work and correction of UUD. Various states of matter.

Melting and solidification of crystalline bodies.

Specific heat of fusion.

Evaporation and condensation.

Relative air humidity and its measurement.

Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 3 “Measuring relative air humidity using a thermometer”

Boiling, specific heat of vaporization

Solving problems for calculating the amount of heat during aggregate transitions.

Work of steam and gas during expansion. Internal combustion engine.

Steam turbine. Heat engine efficiency.

Repetition of the topic “Thermal phenomena”

Test No. 2 “Thermal phenomena”

Analysis of test work and correction of UUD. Generalization on the topic “Thermal phenomena”

Topic 2. ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA (29 hours)

Electrification of bodies. Two types of charges.

Electric field. Divisibility of electric charge.

The structure of the atom.

Explanation of electrification of bodies.

Electricity. Electrical circuits.

Electric current in metals. Actions of electric current.

Current strength. Current measurement. Ammeter.

Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 4 “Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current strength in its various sections”

Electrical voltage.

Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 5 “Voltage measurement”

Electrical resistance of conductors.

Rheostats. Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 6 “Regulating the current strength with a rheostat.”

Ohm's law for a section of a circuit.

Solving problems using Ohm's law.

Calculation of conductor resistance.

Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 7 “Determination of conductor resistance using an ammeter and voltmeter.”

Series connection of conductors.

Parallel connection of conductors

Solving problems on the topic “Parallel and series connections of conductors.”

Work and power of electric current

Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 8 “Measurement of power and current work in an electric lamp.”


Heating of conductors by electric current

Short circuit. Circuit breakers.

Solving problems on the topic “Electrical phenomena”

Test No. 3 “Electrical phenomena. Electricity"

Analysis of test work and correction of UUD. Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Electrical phenomena”

Topic 3. MAGNETIC PHENOMENA (5 hours)

A magnetic field. Direct current magnetic field. Magnetic lines.

Magnetic field of a current-carrying coil. Electromagnets and their application. Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 9 “Assembling an electromagnet and testing its action”

Permanent magnets. Magnetic field of permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field.

The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor. Electrical engine. Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 10 “Study of an electric DC motor (on a model)”

Test No. 4 on the topic “Magnetic phenomena”

Topic 4. LIGHT PHENOMENA (10 hours)

Analysis of test work and correction of UUD. Sources of light. Rectilinear propagation of light

Apparent movement of luminaries

Reflection of light. Laws of reflection.

Flat mirror. Specular and diffuse reflection of light

Light refraction. The law of light refraction.

Lenses. Images produced by lenses

Initial instruction on labor protection in the workplace. Laboratory work No. 11 “Obtaining an image using a lens”

Solving construction problems in lenses.

Test No. 5 “Light phenomena”

Analysis of test work and correction of UUD. Eye and vision. Glasses. Camera.

Topic 4. REVIEW (3 hours)

Repetition of what was covered in the 8th grade physics course.

Final test.

Analysis of the final test. Generalization of the material covered in physics for the 8th grade course.
