Child development at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Preeclampsia and preeclampsia

It is at the 28th week that if the course of pregnancy is unfavorable, the risk of premature birth is likely. What are the consequences, will it be possible to save the child’s life? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, but the level of modern medicine is high enough to help a baby who was born prematurely. The fetus itself can already exist outside the mother's womb, subject to proper care. According to statistics, in most cases, premature birth ends positively for the child; deaths are rarely recorded.

As for the mother’s body, it experiences serious shocks. Premature birth is complicated by the fact that the birth canal is not ready to receive a baby, there are no regular contractions and, as a result, extensive bleeding occurs. Recovery from a premature birth, unlike a full-term birth, will be long and difficult. That is why gynecologists do everything in their power to prevent the early birth of a child.

Possible problems


Along with the growth of the fetus, the body weight of a pregnant woman also increases, which leads to unpleasant painful sensations in various parts of the body. For the most part, the pain goes away quickly. If they bother a woman more and more often and intensify, then she should definitely see a doctor.

  • Lower back pain is caused by a shift in the center of gravity and increased stress on the muscles and ligaments of the back. Sharp and jerky pains that often occur during premature birth are dangerous.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and hypochondrium can be disturbing due to excessive activity of the child. As a rule, the discomfort goes away as soon as the baby takes a comfortable position. However, if the pain intensifies, nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite are observed, then this may be urolithiasis disease
  • Leg pain is caused by swelling.

The 28th obstetric week of pregnancy is a period when the amount of fluid in a woman’s body sharply increases due to an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid and the mother’s increased need for plenty of fluids. If fluid accumulation is not controlled and causes severe discomfort and even pain, this is a problem that can cause complications. The most common include varicose veins in the legs and late toxicosis (preeclampsia).

With gestosis, a pregnant woman suffers from severe swelling and high blood pressure. The expectant mother constantly feels nauseous, suffers from dizziness and ringing in the ears.

Discharge at the 28th obstetric week

At week 28, you should be careful about your discharge. If they have a uniform consistency, a whitish color and a slightly sour smell, this is normal. If the smell has become pungent, streaks of pus or blood have appeared, then this is an alarming sign of infection in the genital tract. The first step is to visit a doctor to diagnose and treat the disease.

Watery discharge may signal the onset of premature labor. If there is a large outpouring of water, it is necessary to urgently call doctors who will hospitalize the pregnant woman.

If fluid is released in small quantities, it is best to immediately inform your gynecologist. The doctor will examine the patient and determine whether preterm birth can be prevented.


On early stages During pregnancy, bleeding that opens is a sign of an unfavorable course of pregnancy, which can lead to miscarriage. In the third trimester, sudden vaginal bleeding is no less dangerous. They say that complications develop in the expectant mother’s body, which may include:

  • placenta previa;
  • premature detachment of the placental sac;
  • uterine fibroids or cervical erosion.

Whatever the reason, if bleeding occurs, you should immediately call a doctor. A pregnant woman needs urgent hospitalization and, in some cases, surgery (caesarean section).

Necessary tests and studies

By this time, the expectant mother already knows about the health status of her child, having undergone a second pregnancy screening at 20-22 weeks and passing a triple test, including an analysis of the hCG hormone, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein. When the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy arrives, a woman needs to go for examination at least twice a month. For each appointment you must undergo a standard set of tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • smear on vaginal microflora.

At the appointment, the gynecologist carefully examines the results obtained in order to prescribe treatment if necessary. In addition, the doctor measures the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, the pressure and weight of the pregnant woman. At 28 weeks, according to indications, sugar and antibody tests are prescribed.

Fetal ultrasound

At week 28, an ultrasound examination is performed if the pregnant woman has complaints about her health and the gynecologist needs help in making a diagnosis. During an unscheduled ultrasound, the diagnostician evaluates the main indicators of fetal development: whether its size corresponds to age standards, the degree of maturity of the placenta, the condition of the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid.

For parents expecting girls and expecting boys, the ultrasound method allows them to dispel doubts about the gender of the baby. Given that the baby's genitals are fully formed, the doctor can tell the mother and father who lives in the tummy. In addition, it determines what position the fetus occupies in the uterus. If he still has not taken the position that is convenient for childbirth - head down, then there is nothing wrong with that: the baby still has time to turn over by the time he is born.

Fruit size: 37-38 cm.
Fetal weight: 1100 gr.

The 28th obstetric week is the 26th week from conception - the embryonic period of pregnancy, as well as the 28th week from the beginning of the last menstruation. You don’t have much time left to wait for the birth of your long-awaited baby.

28 weeks, how many months is that? At 28 obstetric week lasts (28 weeks = 6 months and 16 days). It's the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

What happens to the baby at 28 weeks?

This week the baby's weight reaches 1100 grams, and his length has grown to 37-38 cm. Your baby is the size of a large eggplant.

The brain begins to actively develop. Up to this point it was smooth. After 28 weeks, convolutions begin to form in it. The heart beats at a frequency of 150 beats per minute. The baby's lungs are still weak and underdeveloped. However, at this stage the child is quite capable of surviving with medical help. Of course, babies are cared for at an earlier stage. But it is from the 3rd trimester that the child is legally considered a newborn.

The baby already knows how to hear, he begins to distinguish the voices of his parents. He opens his eyes and reacts emotionally to what he likes or doesn’t like. At week 28, the baby begins to have real sleep, but it is not yet similar to the sleep of an adult. It resembles the REM phase of sleep, during which the baby's facial expression and movement change. eyeballs. NREM sleep will develop by the 30th week of pregnancy.

The fetus sleeps most of the day, waking up occasionally. The formation of centers of perception and reproduction occurs in the cerebral cortex.
At 27-28 weeks, you can determine which hemisphere of the cerebral cortex predominates, so that parents know who they will have: right-handed or left-handed, and are prepared for the fact that the baby’s left hand will become dominant, for example.

By the way, left-handers are usually very talented and versatile people, so there is no need to be upset that the child is not like others and try to retrain him.

Your baby's movements are now felt almost constantly. Sometimes it can be unpleasant due to the force of the shocks. Don't slouch when sitting. This way you will give your baby a little more space and at least slightly weaken the most unpleasant jolts to the ribs.

Feelings of a woman at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Your uterus continues to grow, and at 7 months it is 8 cm above your belly button. The belly has become significantly enlarged; for some women, the belly grows gradually, while for others the change occurs suddenly. Your uterus is growing and the skin on your abdomen is stretching. Because of this, you may often feel itchy. Do not scratch your skin under any circumstances, use special means from stretch marks. They will make the skin more elastic and relieve irritation.

Sometimes pregnant women experience lower back pain that spreads throughout the hip, down to the knee and even the ankle. These symptoms appear as a result of pressure from the growing uterus on the sciatic nerve located nearby in the pelvic cavity. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, women are often bothered by numbness and a crawling sensation on their arms.

The cause of such disorders may be the accumulation of fluid in the body, compression of sensitive nerve endings by swollen tissues. Along with this, expectant mother Limb cramps may occur due to a lack of calcium in the body.

At week 28, a pregnant woman may suffer from weakness and dizziness. Most often they are caused by a lack of hemoglobin. You can increase its level as follows: medicines, and natural foods (it is recommended to eat meat, buckwheat, grapefruit). Hemoglobin is an indicator that is regularly checked by a gynecologist in a blood test. Its deficiency leads to oxygen starvation and slows down the baby's growth.

During this period, a woman may develop fear of motherhood and the upcoming birth. Preparing for motherhood courses will help you cope with your worries. They will tell you in great detail all the moments that are associated with childbirth and the first care of the baby. Such preparation will allow you to easily cope with any difficulties.

During this period, women gain weight by about 7-10 kg or more. Women pregnant with twins may experience more weight gain. From the beginning of the 28th week, a pregnant woman should visit an antenatal clinic at least once every two weeks.

Your heart is now pumping just a huge amount of blood. Because of this, it does not always cope with the work, and you may often lack air; when walking normally, you may suffocate.

Standing work should be avoided throughout pregnancy. Otherwise, the risk to the child will increase and the risk of worsening ailments such as persistent back pain, varicose veins in the legs or varicose veins in the rectum will increase.

Swelling at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The appearance of edema is a sign that it is time to think about weight control, time to adjust your diet, and reduce fluid intake. It should be 1.5 liters per day. Liquids include not only drinks, but also soups, fruits, and milk. Smoked, salty, fried, spicy foods cause thirst.

Therefore, it is necessary to abandon such products. You should pay attention to the amount of urine excreted per day. There should be more of it than the liquid consumed. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development can be disrupted by intense edema and the appearance of dropsy. Late gestosis is a serious complication, so you need to be careful about your health and nutrition.

Discharge at 28 weeks of pregnancy

At 28 weeks normal discharge should have a light milky color, uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir. Abundant cheesy discharge with a sharp sour odor, itching and burning of the external genitalia indicate the development of candidiasis. This disease mainly develops due to decreased immunity during pregnancy, when colds and thrush are common.

Mucous, purulent discharge is a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection. At 28 weeks they often appear bloody issues– this occurs due to placental abruption. This often causes stomach pain. Placental insufficiency occurs in women pregnant with twins. In multiple pregnancies, delivery often occurs at 28 weeks due to overstretching of the uterus. Spotting brown or bright discharge warns that premature labor is beginning. When such discharge appears, urgent medical intervention is required.

The 28th week of pregnancy is a time when a woman needs to pay special attention to ensuring her safety in order to carry the fetus to term. Since week 28 is the fourth

Therefore, the future It will be useful for mom to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • The closer the expected birth date, the more carefully you should control blood pressure. It is very convenient to take measurements at home with an automatic or semi-automatic tonometer. At high blood pressure, and also when signs of uterine hypertonicity appear, doctors often prescribe antispasmodics, for example, Papaverine.
  • The rules of intimate hygiene must be strictly observed. In addition, it is advisable to stop constantly wearing panty liners or choose breathable products. With insufficient care, discharge may become more abundant and acquire bad smell, which may indicate the development of a bacterial infection.
  • The baby's movements should not be too painful, otherwise, you should consult a doctor. You can find out how often a child should move from special sources or from a doctor. It is considered normal if the fetus pushes at least 10 times during active wakefulness, for example, in the morning.
  • A cold at any stage of pregnancy is undesirable, therefore, at any time of the year you should dress according to the weather, avoid visiting too crowded places, and avoid cold food and drinks.
  • raw foods should be washed thoroughly. Nausea and vomiting can be both symptoms of poisoning and signal a complication of pregnancy, so self-medication in in this case unacceptable.

28 weeks is the 3rd trimester.


Pregnancy 28 week fetal development and woman’s sensations

28 weeks of pregnancy what happens to the mother

  1. The tummy has grown significantly, the figure of the expectant mother is becoming more and more rounded, and the navel turns out a little. There is no need to worry, there is no danger, and after the baby is born everything will return to normal.
  2. A period of strict weight control has arrived. At week 28, an increase of 0.5 kg is considered normal.
  3. During this period, no severe pain should occur. May cause some discomfort in the chest, back, or ankles.
  4. A woman should constantly feel the baby moving. Often there are quite strong tremors that cause discomfort in the mother.

The fundus of the uterus has risen above the navel by 3 centimeters. A pregnant woman may sometimes feel short of breath because the uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm.

A woman increasingly feels tired and exhausted, as the body expends a lot of energy to maintain a normal pregnancy.

The volume of blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases by one and a half times by this time in order to provide the rapidly growing child with oxygen, nutrients and create its own blood supply in its body.

The hormonal levels of a pregnant woman are unstable and, as a result, mood swings occur; the woman feels despair, sadness, resentment, it seems to her that she is not loved, is not noticed, that she is not cared for. If your bad mood is caused by physical discomfort, you should consult a doctor about the unpleasant or painful sensations.

28 week of pregnancy fetal development

  1. The future baby has already gained from 1100 to 1300 g and has grown to 36 - 37 cm, the circumference of his head is 24-28 cm. During this period, intensive development of muscle tissue occurs.
  2. The work of the brain does not stop, even during sleep the child performs some movements, he constantly trains the grasping reflex. In this case, either the baby’s right or left hand is more active, i.e. is laid in utero, the child will be right-handed or left-handed.

The body length of the fetus is about 37 centimeters, it weighs more than a kilogram. He has a full set of organs and tissues that have formed and will now only grow and improve. If childbirth takes place at this time, the child has a high chance of surviving and not having health problems, but he will need the help of doctors and stay in a specialized hospital for newborns, since the lungs are not yet developed enough to provide the body with oxygen.

The baby is still moving freely in the uterus, and the pregnant woman feels his pushes, pressure, and rubbing of the arms, legs and head against the walls of the uterus. He starts sucking his thumb. This skill will help him eat for a year after birth.

Hair and nails are actively growing. The lungs secrete a protein-lipid compound that prevents the lungs from sticking together and is necessary for the onset of spontaneous breathing after birth. The heart beats often and so hard that you can hear its beat by putting your ear to the pregnant woman's stomach.

The fetal genitals are fully formed and look the way they will look after birth. In boys, they should descend into the scrotum from abdominal cavity testicles. In girls, anatomical changes no longer occur.

The brain develops quickly and takes on the shape that is characteristic of an adult. In the nervous system, in general, it is no longer quantitative, but qualitative changes that occur. The child is already reacting to stimuli - a gentle or rough voice, touching the stomach. He develops the ability to have a certain mood. According to some sources, a child in the womb has dreams. This suggests that the child has different phases of sleep - fast and slow.

at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Anemia at 28 weeks of pregnancy

A pregnant woman must undergo tests, including a blood test for hemoglobin levels. If the hemoglobin level is reduced, the doctor prescribes iron supplements. You can take medications to increase hemoglobin in the blood only as directed by a doctor. But a pregnant woman can freely eat foods high in iron without fear of harming the unborn child. These products include red meat (beef, beef liver, bird liver), fruits (apples), green and leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage of all types), fresh herbs (parsley, celery), bran, whole grain cereals and baked goods, beans (green beans, green pea), fish and poultry. The common advice to drink a glass of dry wine for pregnant women is completely unsuitable. Alcohol in any form is contraindicated for them. Strongly brewed (“thick”) black tea and coffee should be limited. They increase blood pressure, disrupt sleep, coffee increases muscle tone, among other things. You can drink them instead green tea.

What types of anemia occur during pregnancy?

The following types are diagnosed in pregnant women:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia,
  • Anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 with a malignant variety - Addison-Birner disease,
  • Anemia caused by deficiency.

Factors in the development of anemia

Anemia in a pregnant woman can develop due to the following reasons:

  • Multiple pregnancy
  • The short interval between the birth of a child and the onset of the next pregnancy,
  • Prolonged profuse vomiting
  • State of anemia before pregnancy,
  • Strict monotonous diet,
  • Violation of the absorption processes in the intestines of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid,

Signs and symptoms of anemia in pregnancy

You can suspect anemia in a pregnant woman if the following signs are present.

Mom at 28 weeks pregnant

A few more rules that relate to the healthy development of the Baby and are related to the mother’s diet.

  1. To make your child comfortable, try to eat a little, but more often. The baby needs nutrients constantly, and only a limited amount of food can be absorbed at a time. By the way, newborn babies follow this principle without difficulty, demanding mother's milk every 2-3 hours, and sometimes more often.
    There is one more point. The space for the Baby to move decreases every month, and in the second half of life before birth it becomes very small. And if mom’s stomach or intestines are full, he won’t like it. The movement of a tiny fist, knee or heel, especially in the last trimester, can be quite noticeable for a mother's overloaded stomach or intestines.
  2. If you decide to eat a hearty meal before bed, remember: a “fed” Baby can be active - after all, how much strength has immediately increased! But it is not The best decision, since there is time for healthy sleep he needs more than you. Therefore, it is better to have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  3. The other extreme is diet. A “hungry” baby can also be active, but for a different reason - his anxiety is caused by a lack of nutrients and building materials- proteins. In general, it will be better if you discuss all issues related to dietary restrictions or food choices with your doctor. The main thing is to remember that with chronic malnutrition, the Baby runs the risk of being born with low weight - a consequence of the fact that cell division in his body stopped too early, and the developing organs turned out to be small.
  4. A good solution would be the principle “Eat only fresh food,” that is, cook for one meal. Yes, it takes time - but this is what you will be doing after the baby is born, so it makes sense to practice now. Needless to say, only fresh food contains useful material and there are no processes of rotting and fermentation, which inevitably occur in products undergoing storage. In other words, with fresh food, your Baby gets nutrients without toxins.
  5. Positive emotions while eating are also a good habit. Now it contributes to the fact that digestive juices are better secreted in your body, intestinal motor activity increases, food is better absorbed, and in the end it reaches the Baby large quantity nutrients.

In the future, after childbirth, positive emotions will contribute to milk production and greater sucking activity of the child, which means better weight gain. And remember that mother's milk is the key to a strong immune system child.

28th week of pregnancy: Video "Partner birth"