Pressure regulators and water consumption. Water pressure regulator: for which you need, device and configuration. Video: Principle of operation of the gearbox

The article is talking about the adjustment of the water pressure regulator in the apartment.

The area of \u200b\u200bits application is described. The concept of the device is revealed.

The technical characteristics and principle of operation are presented.

The article has instructions, how to adjust the regulator, as well as photo and video.

Time does not stand still. The technologies with which devices come to us are, including aimed at minimizing expenses, improving ecology and control relating to various household situations.

It will be about the device of a small size that plays almost a dominant role in the fight against hydrowards, adjusting and controlling water pressure to a neutral value.

Adjusting device apply:

  1. In production buildings.
  2. Workshops.
  3. In technological structures.
  4. In homes intended for permanent residence.

Classification of pressure gearboxes

Instruments designed control water pressure Conditionally can be divided:

  • on dynamic;
  • and statistical products.


They provide fluid flow control in systems installed on industrial enterprises. Used in main pipelines.


Most often mounted in places with unstable feed and uneven water consumption. This is a private sector and residential high-rise buildings.

FEATURE. The device is installed at the entrance to the apartment or house.

Pressure adjustment gearboxes divide:
  • on existing regulators;
  • statistical devices.


Work on the principle when there are no pressure, they are closed.

With increasing pressure at the input control and limit maximum level incoming water. The existing regulators call "to themselves."

The second type of regulating device is called "after itself."

When there is no pressure - it is in the open position. In case of increasing the set maximum output pressure - closes.


The regulator controls the pressure on an ongoing basis at the output.

Step-by-step instructions for the purchase and order of adjustment

The first step is the choice of regulating device. To make the right decision on its purchase in the store, you need to know the approximate water consumption in the apartment.

Before purchasing the device, read technical informationlocated in the attached price list.

If, the diameter of the acquired gearbox does not coincide with the indicators water pipe, nothing wrong. You can buy and use adapters. You need to buy and stock up with two valves.

NOTE! If you use in the system of safety valves, the pressure at the output of the instrument is required by 20% less than the indicators of protected devices.

Summing up

Remember how carefully we come to the selection of sanitary equipment during construction and repair, and then scrupulously observe all the requirements of manufacturers when installing. And this is natural, given the prices of plumbing and the complexity of its installation, as well as the desire to get reliable, working without breakdowns Plumbing systems and appliances. That is why it is doubly disappointing when annoying breakdowns and leaks arising from the fault of the communalists. We are talking about banal water pressure jumps in centralized water pipes, which can not only be unreasoning expensive equipment, but also spoil the new design renovation. Prevent the emergence of freelance situations will be able to regulator (reducer) water pressure.

Device and principle of operation

Household water pressure regulator

The purpose of the RDV is to reduce and stabilize fluid pressure in engineering communications of any type. Structurally reducers of water pressure can be divided into two types:

  • with adjustment of pressure on the line of the highway to the device, if navigating the direction of fluid movement (in the language of plumbers the regulator "to itself");
  • devices for stabilizing the pressure of water in branches connected to the output of the device (regulator "after itself").

The RVD of the first type automatically maintains the pressure in the pipeline due to the change in the valve passage. It holds the valve open until the specified pressure value in the pipeline is installed. Such devices are called proportional, since their bypass ability is directly proportional to the deviation of the instant parameters from the specified values. "To ourselves" type gearboxes are used in heating systemsoh, pumping stations etc.

Pressure gearboxes "to ourselves" are intended for embedding in pipelines of heating systems and pumping stations

In everyday life, the "after themselves" gearboxes are most often used to stabilize water pressure. This device also regulates the pressure by changing the inner section of the valve, but works quite differently. When the boundary given pressure value is exceeded, the valve is partially or completely overlaps the fluid flow, and when the pressure is reduced, it opens.

The pressure devices "after themselves" are easy than partially explain their high reliability. No drives are needed for work - the valve is controlled by the energy of the liquid flow. From the head of the pressure pipe on the membrane (piston) of the gearbox valve affects the water pressure, trying to close it. On the other hand, the spring with adjustable rigidity is installed, the purpose of which is the installation of the equilibrium position of the shutter. The reduction process becomes possible due to the change in the valve cross section. Its work is clearly visible in the picture. Gun arrows show the direction of fluid movement. With increasing pressure at the inlet, the working fluid affects the membrane, as a result of which the spring is compressed, and the valve plate moves to the saddle, reducing the flow cross section, and, accordingly, the pressure at the output from the device. Reducing the input pressure will cause the valve opening and increasing the fluid flow. The directions of the balancing forces are shown in the scheme with yellow and pink color.

Principle of operation of the gearbox "After yourself"

The advantages of the RVD are their high reliability and unpretentiousness in the work. With a simple setting, the device can accurately maintain the specified parameters, without requiring neither energy sources or maintenance.

Appointment of a domestic water pressure regulator

Installing the water pressure reducer on entering makes it possible to solve several tasks:

  1. Protection of pipelines and connected equipment from increasing water pressure in the highway above the set value. Very often, the pressure is much higher than the nominal values, and sometimes goes beyond the maximum permissible parameters. Especially from this are the inhabitants of high-rise houses, where to supply water to the upper floors you have to significantly increase the pressure in the system. Since intra-ordinary pipelines and installed equipment are not designed for such a significant excess of the pressure, often leakage and cases of failure of expensive techniques: washing machines- Automatic, dishwashers, water heaters, mixers and thermostats.
  2. Protection of household appliances and pipelines from hydraulic shocks.
  3. Reducing the input pressure to the desired value. Some devices do not work or function incorrectly if the inlet water pressure exceeds the parameters, mounted manufacturer. For example, separate models of flow water heaters have built-in protection, which in this case will not give the instrument to turn on. If the accumulative boiler is installed in your apartment, then its safety valve is set to 6 atm. This means that at the input pressure above this value, the heated water will be constantly discharged, and hence its overrun, plus the unjustified costs of electricity.
  4. Reducing water consumption. The magnitude of the pressure depends on how the volume of the fluid flows from the crane during a certain period of time. Reducing the pressure to a comfortable level, you can save not one cubic meter water. Note that for owners country houses from autonomous system sewage factor economy is also connected with a decrease in amount wastewater. This will make it less likely to use the services of the assessing agents.
  5. When the system is deployed, the rate of fluid expiration (read the speed of flooding) will be reduced.
  6. Lowering noise on waterborne devices. The strong flow of water at the entrance to the taps and the mixers leads to noise and gulu of the latter. If you stabilize the pressure to the desired level at the input to the locking devices, you can completely eliminate or reduce the noise to an acceptable level.

As you can see, the household regulator allows you to eliminate many harmful factors arising from exceeding pressure in the highways.

Increased pressure in plumbing increases the risk of flooding

Criterias of choice

When choosing a regulator, you must pay attention not only to the design of the device and its technical characteristics, but also on the material from which it is made.

Constructive features

Modern RDV, depending on the design, are divided into piston and membrane. Despite the fact that the piston is practically not wearing, the gearboxes of the first type are less reliable. This is due to the sensitivity to the purity of water (the piston can jam from the particles of dirt or sand) and with the possibility of corrosion of the structural elements.

Piston water pressure reducer in section

RDV membrane type unpretentious in service, as the diaphragm divides them workspace on two cameras. One of them is completely sealed from the contact with water. As you probably have already guessed, it is in this half and installed most of the details of the gearbox. In compliance with the rules of operation, the operation of the device does not require intervention, so the only disadvantage can be considered the need to regularly monitor the integrity of the membrane.

The membrane regulator does not require maintenance and more reliable, although it has a vulnerable part in the form of a mobile diaphragm

By selecting a membrane type regulator, you relieve yourself from the need to periodically clean the device.

Technical specifications

Household gearboxes manufactured by industry are designed for different inlet and output pressure. For example, a device that allows connecting to a highway designed for 15 bar can provide output parameters in the range of 1-4 bar. In order not to be confused in terms, often the value of 1 bar is taken equal to 1 atmosphere, even in fact 1 bar \u003d 0.987 atm. The pressure at the outlet of household regulators ranges from 0.5 to 4 atm or from 1 to 6 atm. To determine which device you need, see the requirements for connecting the equipment installed in the house. Most often, the manufacturer indicates them in a technical passport or a special plate installed on the rear panel.

The second important parameter when selecting the working temperature of the RDV is considered. Devices designed for temperature mode 0-40 ºС, can only be used when used in cold water systems. If you need a device for a "hot" plumbing, select the device operating in the range up to 130 ºС.

Material and quality of manufacture

Like other plumbing fittings, pressure regulators should be made from durable metals and alloys - steel, brass, bronze, etc. In addition, alloys including iron should have in ligature with anti-corrosive properties. In practice, trading networks can be found both very decent products that are characterized by high quality manufacturing and frank trash. "Separate grain from the Treven" is easy thanks to two criteria - the price and mass. First, a good thing can not be cheap, and secondly, take in the hands of the compared products and choose the one whose weight is different in the big face. In addition, be sure to pay attention to casting quality. Remember that a good manufacturer will never release the product with sinks or elevations on the walls on the walls.

The water pressure reducer is often equipped with pressure gauges, which greatly simplifies their setup and allows you to monitor the operating parameters during operation. If possible, do not save on this simple indicator. Believe me, subsequently you will regret the wrong choice.

How to install and regulate

Installation of the PCD pressure should be engaged in a plumbing from H Hwell. For those who are not looking for light paths, and try everything to do everything in the house, we will make a brief instruction on the installation of the device. So, what we need:

  • water pressure regulator;
  • shut-off ball valves (one if the valve at the input is already installed);
  • coarse filter;
  • adjustable and gas keys;
  • sealing materials (fum-tape, pacle, thread).

Installing the valves at the input and the output of the gearbox will make it easier to remove the device for maintenance or replacement in the future.

Before the gearbox, it is necessary to install a coarse water filter

Installation of the RDV is no different from the installation of the water meter. Manufacturers recommend installing the product on horizontal pipelines, but in practice, vertical installation is allowed.

  1. Before starting work, break the water (do not forget to warn the neighbors in advance about the absence of water in the event of termination of its filing in the riser).
  2. If necessary, install the input valve to which the mechanical cleaning filter is connected.

    A household pressure reducer of water should be installed before the meter along the movement of the fluid.

  3. Install the device in the position at which the testimony of the pressure gauge will be available, and it is oriented with a regulator or indicator up.
  4. To the RDV, attach a ball crane.

The water flow regulator is designed to ensure the regulatory consumption of water in the apartment of a residential building, a decrease in non-productive expenses and losses of water, as well as to increase the service life of waterborne fittings. So written in the instructions.

Water flow regulator is an alternative pressure reducer. It is not advisable to install the water flow regulator itself. Although there are passport details and promise: "Increasing the service life of waterborne fittings"; But this is only a theoretical conclusion and assume that this device can protect intra-quarterly sanitary devices, it is possible, very conditionally. The water flow regulator reduces the intensity of the flow of water due to a strong reduction in its passage section and the flow of water from the exhaust mixer is not so strong, as without water flow controller; But breaking water, you get the same pressure in your home water supply system as in the building engineering networks. In short, in the closed state shut -ling fittings In the apartment is experiencing overpressure And however is not protected from hydraulic shocks. Reduce "Not productive costs and water loss" is possible without a water flow regulator. If with the arrangement of an intravartic water supply system, you are constrained in funds, then it is better to cut money and establish a pressure reducer in the future; which, indeed, and "will reduce the non-productive costs and water loss," and "will increase the service life of waterborne reinforcement."

Water consumption regulators set construction companies With new construction, saving money on purchasing pressure gearboxes. Water consumption regulators are needed, more, to ensure a more uniform flooring of water distribution; So that the tenants of the upper floors do not feel discomfort from strong water pressure drops, at the time of use by water tenants of the lower floors. In Soviet times, water flow regulators were intended, precisely, for such purposes.

If the water flow regulator is not a completely simple product, then with Soviet construction, the role of water flow regulator, a simple steel washer with a thickness of 1 - 2 mm, with a diameter of 20 mm (slightly less than the diameter of the half-tone pipe), with a five-millimeter hole in the middle. Such washer was installed during the assembly, in the coupling of the coast after the valve on the apartment insert in the riser. Such an idea of \u200b\u200bsolving the problem of a floor pressure drop, of course, is genius and easy to implement: Steel washer - a penny product. If in theory this idea was genius, it was a nightmare for the serving plumbing. There were no filters, so a small hole of the washer was constantly clogged with mechanical partial parts, which led to the cessation of water supply. Holes accounted for constantly clean; It was necessary to disassemble a secular connection and it was not always easy to do, especially after long-term operation of pipes. As a rule, the washers were thrown away at the first cleaning, because, sometimes, just twist the hole, we will bring the connection, check the stream of water, but even without having time to collect tools, you need to clean up again - something again fell and scored a hole; Again, water flows from the extension of the mixer with a thin flowing. Who, after that, is enough for excerpt and peace of mind to leave the puck on the spot?

I am surprised that the manufacturer recommends using water flow regulators only for " cold water water supply ". Perhaps simply, typo, or rather, is not a prime, because for hot water water supply networks such devices would not be completely superfluous; Moreover, the water flow regulator is a brass product, and it is unlikely to have any temperature restrictions in use. Not paying attention to the recommendations, construction companies establish water flow regulators, and cold water, and hot; And correctly do.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, there is no possibility to establish a common one in the apartment in an apartment for all devices, pressure reducer or water flow regulator; But the excessive water pressure in the plumbing network prevents comfortably using water due to the impossibility of obtaining a stable temperature of the jet of water from the mixer. In this case, to adjust the flows of cold and hot water, the local installation of the water flow regulator is produced immediately in front of the water separation instrument. Included with some models of ORAS mixers, water flow regulators are attached, which are inserted into the mixer housing in the connecting nuts. Such a solution allows, albeit partly; But to solve the problem of transmission of water, having less pressure, water with greater pressure and allows comfortable temperature Water for use. In addition to water flow regulators, the recommendation is also attached - in what cases it is necessary to install them.

Eminate companies are included with the insertion leotches with various quantities Holes to reduce water flow. On the picture.

If necessary, the water consumption regulator can be easily made from undergraduate funds at home. For a bath or shower mixer, the water flow regulator can serve as a coin in two rubles with drilled hole And it is not necessary that the hole should be strictly in the middle. We place a coin with a hole in the connecting nuts of the mixer between two thin pads and get an excellent water flow regulator. The diameter of the opening is selected depending on the size of the pressure of cold and hot water. If there is nothing to drill, you can cut the puck of the lid canning cans And break through the hole of the nail. On the picture.

We look at the plumbing equipment with particular care to ensure their loved one's maximum comfort from their use. Therefore, by investing a lot of strength and costs of installation of sanitary systems, we are waiting for high-quality and reliable maintenance, but the banal jumps of water pressure in the pipes can spoil the work of the most advanced devices. Reducer or water pressure regulator in the water supply system will help effectively solve this problem.

This device performs work comparable to the voltage stabilizer function. As this device protects from voltage drops in the electricity network, household appliances and the gearbox stabilizes the pressure and pressure of the liquid in the pipeline. However, regulators with a manometer also perform a number of other important functions.

The main task is to protect against increased pressure liquids in the water supply. Most of the plumbing devices used in domestic purposes are designed to work with a pressure of up to 3 atm. If the pressure is larger, then the water supply system of the apartment is exposed to excessive loads. As a result, the service life of the valves of dishwashers and washing machines is reduced, the reliability of the compounds is reduced and many other troubles appear.

The reducer, adjusting the water pressure, also protects the water supply system from a possible hydroedar, when due to malfunctions on a pumping station or the fault of water workers, there is a sharp jump pressure of the fluid in the pipeline. The consequences of the hydraulic man are very disappointing: from breaking pipes, and not in places of compounds, until there is a breakdown of household appliances using water resources. Often because of such a jump, the electric water heater simply breaks.

For a consumer, an important function is to save water resources. The ability to adjust the pressure allows you to apply ample opportunities to limit and reduce water consumption in the apartment. The usual pressure reduction from 6 to 3 atm is reduced by water consumption by 20-25% for a family of 3-4 people. Each time, opening the water pipe crane with a pressure regulator, the consumer consumes less water than without this device.

And if there are no mechanisms in the apartment that require a certain minimum pressure (for example, flowing water heater or the reverse osmosis system), then the pressure regulating the device can be reduced the pressure up to 1-2 bar. Then savings will be even more - up to 35%, but at the same time the toilet tank will be filling out slightly longer than usual.

Consumers who constantly "jump" water pressure in risers with hot and cold liquid will most appreciate the advantages of such a gearbox. Due to non-permanent pressure in the water supply system, each time you need to stabilize the pressure for a long time to obtain a comfortable temperature. As a result, a lot of water is wasted. The regulator balances the pressure in the pipeline.

Types of design and principle of their action

On the principle of operation, water pressure control devices are represented by several types of devices:

  • piston type - the main plus simplicity of the device. Adjusting the pressure occurs with the help of a small piston of spring-loaded type, which, when decreasing or increasing the diameter of the opening, aligns water pressure throughout the system.

The output level of the output stabilization is stabilized due to the compression or attenuation of the spring device, which is determined by the rotation of the rotational of the screw control element.

The main disadvantage during the operation of these devices is the need for preliminary water purification, due to the fact that the piston gearbox is quickly clogged and stops working. This moment, many manufacturers take into account and complement their products with special filters. Adjustment is performed at a pressure of one to five atmospheres.

  • membrane type - the main difference from such devices is a rather high indicator of reliability and unpretentiousness, in addition to them a wide range of bandwidth. The usual operating rate of the water flow is 0.5 - 3 m3 / h.

The principle of operation of this device lies in the functioning of the spring-loaded membrane, which is located in a separate hermetic chamber. The level of the compressive effect acting on the spring affects a small valve that promotes an increase in either a reduction in the bandwidth of the water pressure reducer in the plumbing. This type of device is quite reliable and effective, and practically does not have strong deficiencies.

  • flow-up - A distinctive feature of this design is the absolute absence of any moving parts, which is well affected by parameters as reliability and durability. Pressure stabilization is achieved due to the loss of water velocity through the inner labyrinth of the device.

At the outlet, the liquid is combined into one stream at a low speed of movement. In everyday life applies in almost any irrigation systems. The disadvantage of this design is the need to install at the output of an additional regulator.

How to install and adjust the device?

Installing the device is almost no different from the installation of a mesh filter or a water meter. The direction of water is indicated by the arrows on the case, the pressure gauge or the place of its installation should be placed on top. The gearbox can be installed in front of the water meter, or select a direct section of the pipe with convenient access and possibility of trouble-free adjustment for this purpose.

  1. Before the start of work, overlap water (do not forget to prevent your neighbors in advance if you overlap the common riser).
  2. If necessary, install the input valve to which the mechanical cleaning filter will be connected.
  3. On the RVD, set the ball crane.
  4. It is extremely recommended to install a mechanical filter before the design, as well as the lock valves "to" and "after" the device.

All joints and connections necessarily seal. In order to avoid the "injury" of the gearbox, its seal is recommended to be carried out with the help of sanitary flax (pakrels). This will help to avoid leaks when installed in the desired position.

Many regulators are made with pre-installed tuning, the pressure is 3 bar. If you wish, you can do more if you use a compensator, or less. To do this, you will need a wide screwdriver or key, it all depends on the specific model. Some more expensive devices allow you to conduct manual setting, no resorting to any tools:

  1. Check out the reliability of the pressure regulator setting, make sure there are water in the system and in the fact that all cranes in the apartment are installed in the closed position.
  2. Find the installation head at the bottom of the gearbox and start slowly configuring.
  3. To increase the pressure, screw them counterclockwise to reduce clockwise. One turn is changing the pressure of about 0.5 bar, it can immediately be seen due to the movement of the arrow.

So it is configured. In order to adjust, after which it in its place to fasten the plug, or adjust "to the eye" by following the jet of the mixer. Now you know how to adjust water pressure in the pipeline.

The installation of a domestic water pressure regulator will allow you to get rid of several problems associated with high fluid pressure in the plumbing. This will increase the life of expensive equipment, will increase comfort and save resources. Simple installation and maintenance of the gearbox allows you to use it. necessary device Without requesting help from third-party specialists.

Installation of sanitary equipment in the house, in the enterprise or in the municipal institution is usually held on all rules of service and operation. Most consumers acquire plumbing from reliable manufacturers, but some factors can output any technique. For example, water pressure drops in the water supply system often cause damage to the instruments. To solve this problem, it is worth installing the water pressure regulator.

What is a water pressure regulator, what is the principle of his work

The regulator, or the water pressure reducer (RDD) is a special adjusting device for plumbing, which maintains water pressure in normal. A sharp changes in pressure can not only spoil expensive technique, but also damage repairs in an apartment or house, which leads to new costs. The gearbox mechanism is able to reduce fluid supply to a normal level and prevent hydraulic stroke.

There are two types of design of the RDV, differing in the direction of regulation:

  1. from ourselves - works in the pipeline installed on the sanitary engineer's discharge;
  2. to myself - it works on the highway towards plumbing devices.

The principle of action of both types is to change the curing of the valve. With a stable pressure, not exceeding the norm, the working valve is opened open. Minor jumps provoke automatic overlap of the valve, which reduces the pressure and reduces the risk of breakdowns of drainage pipes.

  • brass or steel housing (1) with a lid (2) and a plug (3);
  • regulating bolt for setting the mechanism (4);
  • nut for fixing the bolt (5);
  • piston rod (6, 13) with cylinder (8);
  • mechanical springs (7);
  • membrane (9) with a distribution ring (10) or a piston in a mechanical model;
  • the valve consisting of screw (11) and gaskets (12);
  • sealer (14) and damper chamber for the plug (15).

Also gearboxes, depending on the manufacturer and destination, are completed additional elements - air valves, filter, pressure gauge, ball valve.

Hot and cold water regulators are static and dynamic. The first support the configured level of pressure on an ongoing basis, the second are intended for continuous water supply and flow. Reducers are used in domestic and industrial utilities, in pumping stations and in fire services, as well as on water content and reclamation stations.

What are the types of regulators in the water supply system

Modern shops are offered to buy water pressure reduces of any kind and destination. There are several classifications of the types of RDV.

Regulators that differ in the internal device and the principle of work:

  • piston - mechanical devices, in demand due to low price and ease of use;
  • membrane - more powerful and expensive devices running from springs and diaphragms.

Types of control regulators:

  • electronic - equipped with an electrodechik, which scans the pressure to activate the pump;
  • automatic - equipped with a block with springs and nuts, susceptible to pressure drops.

Piston gear It works from springs, piston and valve, which, depending on the pressure, control the operation of the spool. The advantages of such a design are the available cost, ease of installation and a simple reliable mechanism. Of the minuses, it is worth noting high sensitivity to pollution and friction of parts.

Membrane gear Characterized by increased throughputExcellent performance and long service life without breakdowns. The device works from spring-loaded diaphragm, which is located in a special hermetic compartment. Such devices have a high price, but it is justified by powerful technical characteristics.

There are also exist flow regulatorswhich are rarely used, but have good properties. There is no mobile mechanism in them - the inner structure is numerous ducts and compartments. Water, entering such a labyrinth, slows the speed of movement, which reduces its pressure and protects the plumbing from the hydrowarder.

Specifications of popular RDV models

Type of regulator Connection diameter (inch) Pressure adjustment limits (bar) Bandwidth (m³ / hour) Nominal water consumption (m³ /)
With filter and pressure gauge 1/2 2-5 1,40 0,95-1,27
With filter and pressure gauge 1/4 2-5 2,44 1,70-2,27
Flow limiter 1/2 2-4 1,98 0,95-1,27
Membrane 1/2 0,5-7 1,85 0,95-1,27
Membrane 3/4 0,5-7 2,60 1,70-2,27
Piston 1/2 1-4,5 1,60 0,95-1,27
Piston 3/4 1-4,5 2,61 1,70-2,27
Piston 1 1-4,5 3,34 2,65-3,53
Piston 1 ¼ 1-4,5 4,89 4,34-5,79
Piston 1 ½ 1-4,5 7,85 6,78-9,00
Piston 2 1-4,5 10,8 10,6-14,1
Piston with manometer 1/2 0,5-5,5 1,6 0,95-1,27

Installing the RDV Regulator

Installation of the water pressure reducer is recommended to trust specialists and experienced masters. Just so you can get a guarantee reliable durable work Device without unscheduled repair. If there is practical experience in installing plumbing or measuring equipment on pipes, you can install the RDV with your own hands.

The procedure for mounting the gearbox in the apartment:

  1. Disconnect and cross the water throughout the riser. If necessary, notify your neighbors about temporary shutdown.
  2. On the pipe between the ball shut-off crane and the counter, place the input valve.
  3. At the meter, attach a large particle filtering system.
  4. Install the regulation instrument to the horizontally located tube.
  5. Swipe the sealing of all parts of the details, using the sealant.
  6. Adjust the position of the pressure gauge so that the dial is clearly visible.
  7. Connect the installed RDD to the ball crane, check the coherence of the device.

Installation of the RDV in private country house slightly different from the apartment. To prevent the hydraulic impact and breaking the plumbing equipment in the house, you should install the knob immediately at the counter, then install the check valve, filter and crane.

To choose a reliable device for adjusting water pressure, you need to know some parameters that should be considered:

  • Bandwidth. For household use, 0.1-0.15 m³ / hour is recommended, for commercial - 0.2-0.3 m³ / h, for industrial - over 0.3 m³ / hour.
  • Permissible pressure loss. With a small water consumption, it is considered the norm of 1-2.5 bar, with an average of 2-5 bar, with an increased - 4-7 bar.
  • The diameter of the passage section. It is measured in inches and depends on the destination. For residential buildings, the diameter should be ½-¼ inches, for industrial - from ¾ up to 2 inches.
  • Connection method. It happens flange and threaded (coupling) connection of parts that differ in the mounting type and cost.

If the choice got up - to install or no water pressure regulator, the answer is unequivocal - to put. The device fully justifies its value, and consumers note the mass of the advantages of installing the RDV:

  • reliable and durable stability of plumbers to hydraulic loads and pressure forces;
  • long preservation of plumbing equipment in the house, apartment or enterprise;
  • reference savings in view of the reduction of water used;
  • no noise in the pipeline and when the gearbox is operational;
  • stable output pressure, regardless of the level of the input.

Overview of the best gearbox manufacturers

The Russian market presents a huge range of water-adjusting devices from various manufacturing companies. Some of them for many years of sales proved their authority and competence in the manufacture of RDV.

  1. Valtec.. Italian firm with official representation in Russia. Production processes are fully automated, which eliminates the human factor. There is a private laboratory for testing product functional.
  2. Honeywell.. Concern from Germany, which appeared in Russia 45 years ago. World fame received thanks to modern developments in the field of engineering communications, energy resources, refineries and space industry;
  3. ICMA.. The main office and plant of the company are located in Italy, from where it comes to russian cities Products for water supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning. Management pays special attention to raw materials and materials that buyers appreciate.
  4. Aquasfera.. The well-known Russian firm specializes in the manufacture and sale of regulating, shut-off and safety reinforcement, and also supplies valves, fittings, filters and pipes in most cities in Russia.
  5. Watts.. The company from the United States with many branches in Europe, which is focused on the production of devices for monitoring, cleaning, supplying and consuming water resources. The brand products are designed for both residential and industrial sector.

It is also worth noting the leading world brands like Fado, Danfoss, Giacomini, EDD, Altais. Especially in demand by the engineering and communication products of Valtec, which is characterized by stable technical characteristics, long service life and affordable price. You can buy Valtec water pressure regulators from us, the official representative of the brand.